Planescape:The Musical!

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Planescape:The Musical!

OOC:Due to various difficultys but not wanting to let this game die, I shall start the game with the 2 players who have sent in character sheets to me, if at any point anyone wishes to join in you can check the thread about the game in the Behind the Scenes board for character creation rules and then PM me your character sheet. Now for the basic background(feel free to elaborate from your character's point of view.)

Today is the start of your fabulous new career in the entertainer's guild, you recently applied for membership in Sigil's entertainer's guild and have been accepted, you are just now heading out to the part of the Civic Festhall(OOC:is that what it's called? I forget. It's the sensate's former faction headquarters) to meet your partners and troupe leader.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Planescape:The Musical!

Davan makes his way past the performers outside the Festhall, stopping here and there to listen to those whose tunes sound intresting.
Finally reaching the doors he stops just long enough to get out of the way of a party of well armed men talking loudly. No sense bumping into people with armor spikes.

OOC: glad this thing is finally getting started!

Fringe Fartale's picture
Joined: 2004-12-16
Planescape:The Musical!

OOC: GAH! I DIDN'T SEE IT START! Hmph! Shouldn't have gotten into that line at the concession stand before the start of the show!


Raziliciel Delacroix, a Prime half-elf man scratched at his slightly unshaven face as he looked about with a slight sense of wonder. This city Sigil was new to him. Luckily he had gotten invited into a troupe and was just now headed on his way to the Civic Festhall to meet up with this new venture.

He turned around as a couple of string instruments (Raz wasn't sure what they were called though) and found himself walking backwards as he continued to appreciate the oddly calming tune being played.

His inattention unfortunately let him forget about where he was going and he felt a plate of metal pressed against his back through his elven poncho.

".....This isn't gonna be good," Raz thought to himself.

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Planescape:The Musical!

As it turned out, the metal plate was a plaque on a door which read:Entertainer's Guild, musicals troupe. If it can be expressed through copious amounts of song and dance, we express it.

Also, by some strange quirk of fate, Davan arrived at the door at the exact same time as Raziliciel.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Planescape:The Musical!

Davan recognized the half-elf. It was the same one that had been seeming to follow him ever since he left the lower ward. At least now that made some sense...
"Afternoon (Morning? Evening? whatever time it is, just throw that in) cutter! And who might you be?" The Kobald said, and smiled.

Fringe Fartale's picture
Joined: 2004-12-16
Planescape:The Musical!

"Cutter?" Raz was puzzled. "Cutter?" Extremely. Note that he is a prime. (Hope he didn't mean a lumberjack.) Raz thought to himself before clearing his throat.

"Name's Raziliciel Delacroix. Call me Raz. What about you?"

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Planescape:The Musical!

OOC: note, Davan does not know that raz is clueless

"Davan Nestorik I am, people call me Davan. Or berk, if their having a bad day..."
Davan wasn't sure, but Raz didn't seem to recongize the word 'cutter.' He watched Raz closely now, waiting to see if there was any confusion from the word berk.
It probably would have just been easier to ask if he was clueless, but if he wasn't, that could start this off on the entirly wrong foot.

Fringe Fartale's picture
Joined: 2004-12-16
Planescape:The Musical!

"Well good to meet ya Davan." Raz replied earnestly. "Though I'm still quite confused about something. It's just a small matter."

OOC: Perfomance (Sing) is +4, rolled 15, check is 19


"You see... when I came to this city. From the start my ears took notice. A certain bit of usage, of a slang to the Common tongue."

The half-elf crosses his arms and taps his chin with an index finger in a pondering gesture. "Now I have traveled far and wide, at least from my side, of my humble little plane de Prime. And I must say now, that... Terms such as cutter basher and deader are still quite a bit okay to my senses, until they take gamble in sentence, with phrases like lan and tumble and dark and bone-box and cross-trade and most verily the one that gets me... Is when people say they want to scraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"

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Planescape:The Musical!

The door opens to reveal a red slaadi wearing a classical ministrel's garb, right down to the feathered hat. He smiles and claps before saying "Bravo, bravo! You're just the kind of people this troupe needs, you'll fit right in here. My name is Finneous Vlat, and I will be you troupe leader. Come on in, I have something I obtained recently that you'll both find very interesting..."

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Planescape:The Musical!

The Kobald's applause is interupted by the Slaads apperance. He follows the exemplar of chaos through the door.

Fringe Fartale's picture
Joined: 2004-12-16
Planescape:The Musical!

(This is probably gonna be the oddest gang of bards ever. All the better for stories to share later!) Raz kept his thoughts to himself as his spurs clinked with each step that followed the red slaad.

The half-elf kept turning his head as he saw new faces, new sights, and the occasional sound of something interesting.

"So what is this thing that you have obtained that is most interesting? Ah c!#% that rhymed."

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Planescape:The Musical!

"It is called the Dramatizer." Finneous says as he stopped in front of a curtain and pulled it back to reveal a most bizzare looking device. It was a floating sphere that had holograms of thousands upon thousands of different musicals, songs, and plays flowing all over it's surface. Even more noticable are the various small masks floating around it, each seeming to display a different emotion. Finneous smiles and says "This is the heart of the device, but it's range extends much farther thanks to these." Finneous pulls two amulets out of a pocket and hands one to Raziliciel and Davan before continuing "Those amulets will extend the influence of this artifact for a few miles around you, regardless of location. The device itself is ingenious, it subtley manipulates thought patterns into songs, resulting in everyone under it's effects bursting into song quite often for not much reason at all. There's no way to resist it's effect either, even powers are affected by it." Finneous stops his excited little speech abruptly, goes over to a desk, and grabs a few pieces of paper off it. "I suppose I should start you off small, one of the more experienced members of the troupe will acompany you on this job. His name is Drak and he is an assimar. You will find all the details you need in these papers." Finneous nods and hands over the papers to Raziliciel before going back to the desk from which he got the papers, sitting down, and promptly falling asleep.

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Planescape:The Musical!

OOC:the contents of the papers

Nearest Portal:Conveniently, right in the door to this room, just hum a battle song.
Other members of the troupe assigned to this job:Drak Srastil, expert in the field of Nordic/Ysgardian drama.
Random thought:I'm so sleepy...

This small amount of information actually only takes up one piece of paper, the rest are completely blank.

OOC:what did you expect? your leader is is a slaad/slaadi after all

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Planescape:The Musical!

OOC: My god.... I love that artifact!

Davan takes the amulate and looks it over, waiting for the slaad to finish its description about the artifact before putting it on.
"I once heard about a Tan'ari battlesong, but that was only the words 'Get em!', so im not sure if you can hum that..."

Suddenly a thought strikes the Kobald. "Uh, I didn't exactly expect to be leaving Sigil. I kinda need to run back to my place, grap a few things, get the neighbor to feed the fish, that kinda thing. It wont take long..."
Davan looks around shifty eyed, and bolts out the doo, running as fast as his little legs can carry him.
Just a few minuets later, you hear the patter of pawed feet. The Kobald, now atop a husky, it still stuffing papakers into his bag.
"By the way, this is Caps." he says, a little winded. " You ready?"

Fringe Fartale's picture
Joined: 2004-12-16
Planescape:The Musical!

"Am I ready?" Raz asked somewhat incredulously. He still had his rolled up bag, his hat, and plenty of dust and dirt he brought with him from the Prime world he came from. "Yeah, I'm ready. Hadn't exactly put up a home around here yet."

"Now I do know one good battle tune... but it deals with orcs, one-eyed Gruumsh, huge muscles, and generally battle-hardened orcs compensating for a certain something."

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Planescape:The Musical!

"Well, if your going to poke fun at Gruumsh, Sigils the place to do it. the Powers cant do anything here, so they probably can't see here either... hold on."
Davan rummages through his bag, and pulls out a small leather bound book and a pen.
"Okay, ready. I never pass up a chance to learn a new tune."

Fringe Fartale's picture
Joined: 2004-12-16
Planescape:The Musical!

"Alright but next time you fly a tune!" Raz said as he cleared his throat.

OOC: Performance Check, rolled 12, +4 that's a 16.

BIC: Just as Raziliciel began singing, a military marching band comprised of orcs came marching and playing their way down the hall and past the door. Drums, brass, and one half-orc woman who kept twirling a sword about rather dangerously.

"Orcs are stupid mean and green,
they think themselves the perfect fighting machine,
but when they see arrows fly
and orcish heads going goodbye

Orc Chorus
"Always too fast,
Always too sly
to catch butcher and fry!"

Raz, stands with his hat over his heart with a reminising look on his face.

"For long ago,
when the Prime was Primordial
Gruumsh had a little tissy fit,
He stomped and tromped about,
Thinking to get his way,
But in the end he lost a brawl
and was lucky to get away
with his bal-"

Raz stops and turns around to see the orc marching band had stopped playing. And were getting out some mean looking devices of small-scale destruction.


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Planescape:The Musical!

OOC:The portal opens, I assume you jump in immediately

The portal opens up and you both jump through. Luckily for you, none of the orcs manage to get through before the portal closes. On the other side of the portal you are greeted by the sight of a large feast hall, looking behind you, you see that the portal is in the door to an outhouse. About a minute after your arrival a human with a slightly golden tint to his skin wearing classical viking clothes(right down to the horned helmet) walks up to you and says "Hello, welcome to Ysgard. This may seem like a big assignment, playing for a power and all, but it's really quite easy. Just follow my lead and you should be fine. Your main job will be to provide the music, along with assisting in the chorus of the songs. We have a few hours to practice and suggest we do so immediately. Follow me to the building with the instruments we'll be using."

OOC:Practicing will allow you to take 20 on your performance roll, it's up to you whether or not you want to though. You are currently at the building with the instruments.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Planescape:The Musical!

OOC: This might be a good point to mention that Davan is more of a dancing/pipe playing bard than a singing bard. Why? Well, its tough to sing the song right when your voice sounds like a yipping dog...

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Planescape:The Musical!

OOC: Um, are we waiting for something? By the way, It looks like the Dread Pirate is able to join again, and at this point we could use another Bard...

Davan looks around at the building around him, and gives Caps an old bone to keep him occupied. "So, got any idea as to what we will be playing for this Power? Or do we just sort of wing it?"

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Planescape:The Musical!

OOC:was waiting for fringe to post, he appears to have vanished...
You went over the contents of the music and the lyrics itself during your practice, as for what the song actually is, that's a surprise. If your character mentions that he's not the singing type, he'll be assigned to purely musical bits then. As for dread pirate, he can join in as soon as he writes up a character sheet and PMs it to me.

"Hmm, the daily feast will be starting soon, we're better start heading on over. Be sure to grab your assigned instruments." Says Drak as he starts strolling towards a larger building a few yards away.

OOC:you can go ahead and decide what your assigned instrument is, just about anything will work.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Planescape:The Musical!

OOC: Ill just stick with my pipe of sounding, that way, I can make any noise with it even (according to the ghost sound description) singing!

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Planescape:The Musical!

OOC: is there anybody out there?

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Planescape:The Musical!

OOC:You know what? Number of players be damned! I have too many plans for this campaign to watch it sink! I'll continue on regardless and anyone who feels like PMing me a character sheet can join in... It's showtime!

As you make your way into the building wherre you'll be playing the first thing you notice is the large tables with feasts of all sorts on top of them, the second thing you notice is Kord himself, standing there looking well muscled and godly(as he should, people would be dissapointed if he was wimpy after all, I mean, what kind of god of strength would that make?). The third thing you notice are all the warriors feasting at the tables with great enthusiasm.

"Well then! Let's start the show, just do it like we practiced and things'll go great!" Drak says in Davan and Raziliciel's general direction.

All 3 of you walk up to a stage and bow, Davan and Raziliciel provide the music while Drak sings...

I often wonder where I'd go if it were not for here...
Where oh where would I go to find the battle and the beer?
Well I can say one thing that's most certainly true...
It's good to be in Ysgard! I love it here, don't you?

It's good to be in Ysgard! A battle every day!
If I had to stick to a single plane it's surely here I'd stay!
You fight all day, you feast all night, then do it all again!
Ysgard is a great place, and I hope it never ends!

A plane so filled with glory, is surely quite the best!
And if you really question that just put it to the test!
The company you keep here is truly very great,
all the greatest warriors are here to celebrate!

(It is at this point that the dramatizer starts kicking in, you feel your amulets grow slightly warm and everyone in the hall, even Kord, starts singing along to the chorus)

It's good to be in Ysgard! A battle every day!
If I had to stick to a single plane it's surely here I'd stay!
You fight all day, you feast all night, then do it all again!
Ysgard is a great place, and I hope it never ends!

From battlefield to grandiose hall it's really quite the same.
And since you all just ressurect it's really just a game!
But don't think that that devalues all the fun there is to have,
Just cause you ressurect, doesn't mean the battles arn't a blast!

It's good to be in Ysgard! A battle every day!
If I had to stick to a single plane it's surely here I'd stay!
You fight all day, you feast all night, then do it again!
Ysgard is a great place, and I hope it never ends!

OOC:My limited creativity for song writing runs out about here, we can ssume it does perhaps 1 or 2 more verses before ending. Please excuse me if the song sucks, I'm afraid I'm not all that great at coming up with songs and I thought that up on the spot.

The song finally ends and you all bow before getting off the stage and Drak turns to you "Congratulations on your first successful performance, you did gr-" Before Drak can finish his sentence a loud boom eminates from outside the hall and several warriors rush out to see what caused it. "Hmmm, Methinks we ought to check what's going on. Shall we?" Drak says before following the warriors to see what caused the boom.

OOC:I also read about a system of leveling up that I rather like and I plan to use it because I'm rather lazy. This system is simple, you'll gain a level whenever it seems appropriate to the plot and XP won't be bothered with. This means generally I'll have you gain a level after every successful mission(or "gigs" if your prefer to them that).

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Planescape:The Musical!

Davan slips his pipes back into his bag. "Okay, but is there any chance I can copy that song into my notebook later?"
The Kobold scampers off to investigate.

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Planescape:The Musical!

When you get outside the building you see a a small crater, inside this Crater you see a human(male) fighting a large golem. The golem is covered in intricate designs and you can see engraved on it's chest the words Deus Ex Machina. The man is wearing armor of the mail variety and a cloak, his weapon appears to be capable of changing on the fly and morphs from form to form almost continuously as he fights the golem. The man and the golem seem to be pretty evenly matched...

When the man notices people watching him fight he yells "What are you just standing around for? Help me!"

The Golem also speaks "Do not interfere in the elimination of this being, this is none of your concern. Any who interfere with my mission will be obliterated."

Several warriors rush forward to engage the golem in combat and are promptly knocked back a good few yards by a single backhanded blow from the golem.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Planescape:The Musical!

Davan promptly whips out his pipes and begins to play. The sound that comes out doesn't sound anything like what pipes should make. Its a mix of loud, clashing percussion, and a fast paced fiddle. What might be considered appriopriat battle music for Ysguard.

OOC: Davan uses bardic music to Inspire Courage. The man in the crater should gain a +1 to attack and Damage, and any others attack the Golem may or may not gain that too. Unless the golem (which I suspect is an inivetable) realizes what I'm doing, it shouldn't consider the playing of must to be an active hinderance to its mission.

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Planescape:The Musical!

As you begin to play the song the dramatizer amulet once again grows warm and starts to vibrate slightly. The effect this has on your music is incredible, it seems to amplify and focus it. In response to the dramatizer enhanced music the runes on the golem begin to glow brightly and it seems to hesitate for a moment which gives the man fighting it just enough time to deliver a blow powerful enough to knock it backwards. After knocking the golem away the man chants out a spell quickly and vanishes. The golem, runes still shining brightly, shakes it's head for a moment before vanishing in a burst of light.

Drak looks at you and says "well, that certainly was an odd sight! You should go report back to Finneous now, he'll certainly be glad to hear our performance was so well liked."

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Planescape:The Musical!

"Okay!" Davan says cheerfully, and runs off in search of Finneous.

OOC: Sorry, I got lost for a while.

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Planescape:The Musical!

You head back through the portal and see Finneous busily looking through various pieces of paper, you can discern that all these pieces of paper actually have writing on them. Finneous turns his head towards you as you step through the portal and says "Welcome back! How did the show go?"

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Planescape:The Musical!

"Wonderful!" Davan says, laughing. "There were were warriors and a golem and some guy and I didn't even get attacked or anything!"
Davan sighs. "So... that was a paying gig, right?"

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Joined: 2004-05-16
Planescape:The Musical!

Well, I poofed, I ran off! I admit it. It's cause I realized my writing abilitys were actually pretty bad and I got horribly embarrassed. Well folks, I'm back, and I've learned a thing or two. I've had a deep desire to see this thing back on it's feet. I'm going to be seeing about restarting this, the concept is too good to let die!

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