Planescape:The Musical redux

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Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
Planescape:The Musical redux

I'm back. I vanished from the boards because I realized just how bad my writing ability was rather bad... but I'm back and I've learned quite a few things. The campaign idea of Planescape being done as a musical is too priceless to see die.

So, to lay out the premise: Characters must have levels in bard or bard related prestige classes, you have just been given an invitation to join a musical troupe (this could be pre or post faction war, the players can vote on it) that is based with the Sensates/entertainer's guild (aka pre/post faction war).

Of course, as you will soon discover this is no ordinary musical troupe! A certain artifact the troupe leader has recently managed to obtain will lead to people (including many iconic planescape characters) randomly bursting into song!

Those who hold an interest in joining this game please post here and PM me your character sheet.

As a closing statement I present a special feat that is highly recommended for this campaign


You're so charismatic that the multiverse itself bends to provide you with support.
Prerequisites:Cha 15+
Benefit:In suitably dramatic situation's the character's theme song (chosen by the player upon taking this feat) will begin playing from either nowhere (sort of just playing from the air itself) or something like a passing band of bards (seemingly coincidental). This Theme Song confers the effects of a first level bard's inspire courage effect, this bonus stacks with normal bardic music.

Edit:Oh, and the starting level will be... 7, an odd starting level for an odd campaign!

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
Planescape:The Musical redux

Alternatively if someone would rather try their hand at DMing such a game I would gladly take up the mantle of a player instead. Either works for me!

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Planescape:The Musical redux

I'm interested - I read the thread for planescape the musical -

when do plan on starting, and are there any restrictions on class or race?

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Planescape:The Musical redux

Aye, I would like to join in as well. Just wondering if there's any other restrictions beside lv. 7 and the bardic style.

Great plot line, btw. Smiling

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
Planescape:The Musical redux

As long as you provide the description for all the feats and so forth your character takes outside the core books(player's handbook, DM's guide, monster manual) I'm ok with them. The only real limitations are the bardic levels (for obvious reasons) and the starting level of 7 (high enough to give some wiggle-room for builds or interesting races with a LA but low enough to allow for ample character progression).

Of course any non-WotC (not including, of course, the material on planewalker, that's ok) will need to be checked.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Planescape:The Musical redux

I loved the first planescape: the musical. I'd love to get another one off the ground.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Planescape:The Musical redux

O.K. seeing as how this hasn't advanced forward for a few days, I will offer to DM Planescape: The Musical Sequal

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Planescape:The Musical redux

Yes, the original was amusing and the idea is fun, even if it is a knock-off of a Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode. Smiling

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Planescape:The Musical redux

"His shirt is.....CLEAN!"

Anyway, the concept is just too, too good, cheap knock-off or not, so once again, I will offer to DM the game, since I DO already have some ideas.


Username, do come back as a player

Trias, love to have you....

Benyamin & Krypter, c'mon in....

Anyone else, please do join (shy lurker I'm looking at YOU)

Everyone can PM me characters or email with attachment to: [REDACTED]

Restrictions: we'll keep with lvl 7. Bardic-types, but you may mix bard, expert, rogue, spellslinger, etc. classes if you'd like.

Whatever race you'd like, so long as it fits (and it can fit rather loosely, even, since we are talking Sigil)

My character, Stitch, will become an NPC.

Also, I am no rules lawyer, so slight deviations from official rules of character gen are acceptable, figure another +1 ECL if it gets you what you want, but lvl 7 SHOULD be sufficient.

Everyone gets basic gear and up to 3 magic items. Keep 'em in character, miscellaneous magic is best, some weapon-grade material is acceptable, but the type of performances we'll be doing are not going to be in gladitorial pits.

Example: My own character - Stitch (assume your characters have met him once or twice around the block)

Xaositect Tailor, Bard, Jester, Actor, Entertainer, Obfusticator Extrodinaire!

Planar Human Bard 7

Str 15 (+2)
Dex 16 (+3)
Con 13 (+1)
Int 16 (+3)
Wis 11 (+0)
Cha 17 (+3)

Move 30' (Run x4)
Reflx +8, Fort +3, Will +5, Initiative +3
AC 13, 36 HP
Attack Melee +7 (Rapier +9, d6+3, 18-20 crit),
Attack Ranged +8 (Masterwork Juggling Daggers +9 d4+2, 19-20 crit)
(Masterwork Darts +9, d4+2)

Class Features:
Bardic Music (7x per day), Bardic Knowledge
Simple Weapons & Rapier, Light & Medium Armor, Shield

Ambidexterity, Craft Wondeous Item, Run, Leadership

Balance 5 (+8 ), Bluff 7 (+10 ), Climb 5 (+8 ) Concentration 5 (+6 )
Diplomacy 7 (+10 ), Disguise 3 (+6 ), Escape Artist 5 (+8 ), Jump 5 (+7 )
Knowledge: The Planes 3 (+6 ), Listen 7 (+7 ), Perform 7 (+10 ), Pick Pocket/Juggle 5 (+8 )
Craft: Tailor 3 (+6 ), Sense Motive 7 (+7 ), Tumble 5 (+8 ), Use Magic Device 1 (+4 )

Planar Cant, Abyssal, Celestial, Slaadi

lvl 0 - (3/ day, DC 13)
Dancing Lights, Daze, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand, Mend, Prestigitation

lvl 1 - (4/ day, DC 14)
Charm Person, Expeditious Retreat, Sleep, Ventrilloquism

lvl 2 - (4/ day, DC 15)
Blind/Deafen, Enthrall, Hold Person, Toungues

lvl 3 - (1/ day, DC 16)
Confusion, Emotion


Jesters Outfit
Description: Haphazard, Chaotic, Stiched - Together Pattern

Jester's Hat of Holding
Description: Five Peaks; Green, Purple, Blood-Red, Black, and Brown.
Each peak has a bell.

Silver whistle on a chain [Magical, can be played as a picollo no-handed]

Masterwork Rapier +1,
3 Masterwork Throwing Daggers,
3 Masterwork Darts

[In Hat - 5 Separate Areas]
10' Ladder, 50' silk rope (in 5' sections), Manacles & Trick Lock (Amazing Quality), 3 Torches, Flint & Steel
Disguise Kit, Costumes: Wealthy Fop, Barmaid, Devil Mask, Halo, Warrior w/ Chain Shirt & Small Shield
Masterwork Tailor Kit, Costumes (being repaired): Begger, 3 Tabards for Warrior Costume, Evil High Priest
Tanglefoot Bag, 3 sets of Caltrops
Trick Box & Easy-off Full Plate Armor with Trick Chains & Locks Routine


Stitch is a hansome human, little over 6' tall, with a gymnist's build He has green eyes and blonde hair.
He normally dresses in a Jester's outfit that makes him look like a hobo, hive-dwelling, chaosman juggler.


Typical, fun-loxing xaositect? Costumer, and tailor? Street perfomer, jester, juggler? Hive gang leader,
mugger, ne'r-do-well? Musician, performance artist, and socialite (of sorts)? Yes. Maybe. Probably.

What was the Question?

20 Bonus for Diplomacy (gett to do
I rolled 1d20+20, the result is 29.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Planescape:The Musical redux

Thanks, Benyamin.

Still calling out to all and sundry to get in on "Planescape: the Musical Sequal."

I'll be starting the game soonish, but would like a few more hende crooners to join the band.

It will be a musical, but any artistic-themed character will do. In essence, it will be a musical about planar entertainers, musicians, artists, and so on. Bard levels are encouraged, but bards have a lot of skill points, especially with 7 levels, so there's nothing wrong with putting a few in a Craft or Profession.

Here's the thread back to the first PS: The Musical; there is a magic'd item that can charm all intelligent beings to express themselves with song within a 500-yard radius, no save. It will even cause natural and magical beasts to sway and make noises in rhythm. Part of the spell supresses any embarassment (but not memory) of the incident to unwilling participants, and even quells aggression somewhat, especially while the paticipants are singing. (That's not to say that a Pit Fiend that gets caught up in the song won't try to turn it into death metal!) It's activated by the wielder starting to sing herself. Now, here's the doesn't work for the same person successively. In other words, in order to use it again, you have to pass it off to someone else first.

Looking forward to a romping good time.

Just remember "There's no such thing as fun for the whole family."

This gig is rated Planar Gamble - 13

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Planescape:The Musical redux

No prob.

Glad to have made this one--I'm definitely twiggin' the concept. Laughing out loud

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
Planescape:The Musical redux

Oh, I'm still here. Sorry for lack of inactivity, was just waiting for more people to get their character ready.

Edit:Ah, it seems everything's all befuddled now and you've gone and started your own game! Not That there's anything wrong with that or anything.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Planescape:The Musical redux

Well, you can certainly co-direct. All I did was set up a scene.

Besides, you said before that you'd like to act instead of direct, here's your chance.

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
Planescape:The Musical redux

Could I still join or do you already have enough players? I love playing bards and while I haven't played any games on this forum, I played a dozen or so full forum-based campaigns in other forums, so I have some experience. If I were allowed to join, I'd like to reuse a pixie bard-sensate I had in some other game who never had a chance to shine because the DM cancelled that game due to personal problems or something. Or I'll try something new and strange. Anyway, I'll go and write some strange songs about planescape now, wether you let me join or not.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Planescape:The Musical redux

Please do join. We really don't have enough playes at the moment, really, but I figured i'd get it off the ground and start the game a-rollin' and let people join in diring the first stage of the game.

PM me a character, pixie or not, your choice.

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
Planescape:The Musical redux

Thanks. I'll start working on a character sheet and a theme song. I'll send it to you this evening.

Edit: That would be in about two hours. It's evening over here.

Ok, I've chosen a race and a name, rest should be done quite fast.
Another question: How do you determine attributes here? And could I play a satyr bard? That would technically a level 8 character, but you said that we could talk about it.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Planescape:The Musical redux

A satyr would be fine. For stats I've aways been fond of thr "4d6 , keep best three, repeat 6 times and assign as wished" method. I said before that a little flex in levels is ok, but see if you can do a lvl 6 satyr bard (for total ECL of 7). If your skills seem too low, kick him up to 7, but they do get several racial bonuses (+4 to Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Spot, and Perform). Plus the ability to Charm, Sleep, or Fear at will on any mudane set of pipes (and as a Planar I'll extend that to any self-winded instrument, woodwind, horn, kazoo, whatever.)

Remember, I'm allowing up to three miscellaneous magic items too, and since you have a special racial ability, a set of pan pipes does not have to be one of them.

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
Planescape:The Musical redux

Ok then, I'll just have to roll the stats, write a few sentences about the personality and I'm done.
The Problem with the satyr are it's 5 racial hit dice, so even without the bard level it would be ECL 7. So what I'll do is a satyr bard 1.

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 4d6+0, the result is 11.
I rolled 4d6+0, the result is 12.
I rolled 4d6+0, the result is 10.
I rolled 4d6+0, the result is 8.
I rolled 4d6+0, the result is 14.
I rolled 4d6+0, the result is 18.
Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
Planescape:The Musical redux

Would I have to roll 24 single d6s now?

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
Planescape:The Musical redux

Oh, well.

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d6+0, the result is 6.
I rolled 1d6+0, the result is 3.
I rolled 1d6+0, the result is 1.
I rolled 1d6+0, the result is 5.
I rolled 1d6+0, the result is 2.
I rolled 1d6+0, the result is 4.
Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
Planescape:The Musical redux

6,3,1,5 means 14
5,2,4,3 means 12
2,3,6,6 means 15
2,3,5,3 means 11
3,4,3,6 means 13
2,6,4,2 means 12

Not bad, really balanced. I'll send the character sheet in half an hour.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Planescape:The Musical redux

'Username' wrote:
Oh, I'm still here. Sorry for lack of inactivity, was just waiting for more people to get their character ready.

Edit:Ah, it seems everything's all befuddled now and you've gone and started your own game! Not That there's anything wrong with that or anything.

Sorry that the character generation took so long (mia culpa)

Concerning the conundrum, plenty of options present themselves.

(A) As Azure kindly offered, you two can co-DM.
(B) Both games can simultaneous be played
------a)Independently w/o interaction
------b)Co-operatively, w/ the two tying together (my preference)
(C) Simply merge the games from/to this point (another preference)
(D) Become a player within the Sequel

So, plenty of possibilities for interesting twists and turns, full of excitement and general mirth for all. Smiling

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
Planescape:The Musical redux

Co-DMing sounds interesting, I think that'll resolve things nicely. I'll PM Azure some premises I had in a bit then.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Joining "the Musical"

Hi there!

Azure gave me the green light to join, so I just thought I’d make my introduction here.
This is an awesome campaign idea, and you guys execute it very well! Hope I can keep up with your poetic skills. Laughing out loud

Currently waiting for approval of my character, so as soon as everything is in order, I’ll start posting in the campaign thread.


Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Planescape:The Musical redux

Hey Dunamin!

Aye, welcome to the bardic board! Eye-wink We'd be glad to have ya join in the merry mirth...and prolly could use whatever trick ya have in yer bag of holding at this moment in the game! Laughing out loud

Hope to cya in character soon!


Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Planescape:The Musical redux

Azure, you did get my PM from a few days ago on my character, right?

Not to stress or anything, but I just wanted to check, since I've noticed a few problems with PMs on the Planewalker boards.

Also, Ï'm itching to play Smiling

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Planescape:The Musical redux

Hey guys, thought there might be a bit of confusion here.

As I understand it, reading the fascinate ability, the bard chooses his targets, and I’ve just chosen as many Sodkillers as I can (the captain included, naturally) – sorry, if that didn’t appear clear enough in my post. Of course, it does appear that the harmonica amplifies the ability somehow, but hopefully I can still choose my targets… *hides from the smiting DM hand of Azure*

But, yes, it’s a nice roll, isn’t it Laughing out loud ? I was doing a little victory dance when I saw how it turned out!

In any case, I’m just waiting to see the effect it has, before taking any further action.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Planescape:The Musical redux

LOL! Aye, indeed it was! I was doing the same over those diplomacy checks a few posts ago. Sure pays to specialize your ranks. Eye-wink

Same here. We'll let Azure have his turn before we get these brandies to burn. Laughing out loud

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