Planescape: Torment v3.5

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darth_borehd's picture
Joined: 2007-05-10
Planescape: Torment v3.5

Where can I find 3.5 stats of the characters, equipment, monsters, and spells from Planescape: Torment?

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
Planescape: Torment v3.5

Check out the Planescape the video game chars thread.

3.5 Abishai: Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells

3.5 Dabus: Expedition to the Demonweb Pits

3.5 Githyanki: Monster Manual IV

You may be able to find some other converted creatures here: Planescape Monstrous Compendium v3.x

The equipment you'll have to convert yourself but GameBanshee has a pretty good Equipment Guide.


Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Planescape: Torment v3.5

'420' wrote:
3.5 Githyanki: Monster Manual IV

They're also in the 3.5 Monster Manual.


Pants of the North!

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Planescape: Torment v3.5

I prefer the Psionic versions of the Githzerai, Githyanki, and Illithid from the Expanded Psionics Handbook.

But I think that the original poster is asking for converted characters as well - Nameless One, Morte, Dak'kon, etc.

For those, there are no official conversions. Nameless One can't be converted at all... he just does not follow the rules. Certain other characters, such as Morte and Dak'kon, do not have a race or class that exists in 3.5e.

darth_borehd's picture
Joined: 2007-05-10
Planescape: Torment v3.5

'Iavas' wrote:
I prefer the Psionic versions of the Githzerai, Githyanki, and Illithid from the Expanded Psionics Handbook.
Heh. I like the non-psionic ones. Smiling
But I think that the original poster is asking for converted characters as well - Nameless One, Morte, Dak'kon, etc.

For those, there are no official conversions. Nameless One can't be converted at all... he just does not follow the rules. Certain other characters, such as Morte and Dak'kon, do not have a race or class that exists in 3.5e.

Yes, that is what I am looking for. Since there is no direct conversion, maybe I could just piece them together bit by bit.

Nameless One would probably work closer to the rules in 3.5 than he did in 2nd. He would be a Human Fighter/Wizard/Rogue with a unique special quality that casts True Resurrection on him when he would normally die.

Morte is a problem. I can't think of any undead that match a floating skull. His classes would probably be bard/fighter.

We have a 3.5 Githzerai for Dak'Kon. I guess at the least he would be fighter/wizard but he also seems he would have some kind of prestige class in 3.5 terms. I would like to know if there are stats for Karach blades and The Unbroken Circle of Zerthimon anywhere.

Annah is a Rogue with exotic weapon (punch dagger). Plain and simple.

Fall-From-Grace - Succubus cleric. Easy enough.

Vhailor - No idea on the race. Human ghost maybe? Class could be a knight from PHB II?

Ignus - Human Wizard/??? Some kind of fire mage prestige class?

Nordom - Modron Outcast (as I see they are called now). Class would be fighter with a bunch of crossbow feats. Is there a feat for the multiple arms thing? What about the stats for his "gear spirits"?

Pet Lim-Lim: Stats anywhere?

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Planescape: Torment v3.5

'darth_borehd' wrote:
I would like to know if there are stats for Karach blades

Check the equipment chapter of the PCSC, available on this site.


Pants of the North!

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Planescape: Torment v3.5

'darth_borehd' wrote:
Morte is a problem. I can't think of any undead that match a floating skull. His classes would probably be bard/fighter.

Morte is a petitioner from Baator - he's essentially a soulshell (described in the 3e Manual of the Planes and the Fiendish Codex II) with his entire body ripped off by baatezu torturers and the added ability to fly. He would have the outsider type.

He's not undead; he's not empowered by negative energy and he isn't subject to ordinary clerical turning/rebuking.

It does make sense to define his taunting powers as bardic song (and he was a bard in the 2e Dragon Magazine article that statted him).

Yes, there are stats for lim-lims in one of the links 420 posted above.

Ignus would be a sorcerer (he learns from pain, not from books). I like the Embermage from the Book of Eldritch Might for him. I think Dak'kon works better as a sorcerer, too (the lessons of the Unbroken Circle of Zerthimon seem sufficiently different from book-based magic).

Rhys created a zerth prestige class which is available in the Legacy of Zerthimon subsite.

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
Planescape: Torment v3.5

'ripvanwormer' wrote:
I think Dak'kon works better as a sorcerer, too (the lessons of the Unbroken Circle of Zerthimon seem sufficiently different from book-based magic).
But the Nameless One, as a wizard, can scribe the spells from the Unbroken Circle as if they were scrolls.


Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Planescape: Torment v3.5

Nameless One, probably a human with some template, that hasn't been created yet.

Ignus, he's most likely be a Fire Element Human. Using the Fire Element template in MotP, which should be noted that it has been updated somewhere to be applicable to humanoids.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Planescape: Torment v3.5

'darth_borehd' wrote:
We have a 3.5 Githzerai for Dak'Kon. I guess at the least he would be fighter/wizard but he also seems he would have some kind of prestige class in 3.5 terms. I would like to know if there are stats for Karach blades and The Unbroken Circle of Zerthimon anywhere.
So glad you asked! Zerth Prestige Class, though I haven't edited it since it was posted and there's some kind of error where it skips some of the spaces. Unbroken Circle of Zerthimon, full text. Probably not what you were asking for. Did you mean stats for it as an item?

Tarion'sCousin's picture
Joined: 2006-10-13
Planescape: Torment v3.5

'Rhys' wrote:
Zerth Prestige Class, though I haven't edited it since it was posted and there's some kind of error where it skips some of the spaces.
The text is justified, so it spreads out across the lines to touch both the right border and the left border. Is this what you meant by "skips some of the spaces"? If not, ignore this comment. Puzzled

Thanks for the links and for doing the work. This is great stuff to have for campaign material, although only one of my current Planescape players has ever played Torment (!).


I think Nameless should be his own unique race and class combination, called an "Updatedmyjournalizer." Eye-wink

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