Planescape Torment character

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Jadaczka's picture
Joined: 2007-06-26
Planescape Torment character

I'm making a little surveillance for my local Planescape community, and I'd like to ask you for cooperation.
My question is directed to those of you that played Planescape: Torment.
What alignment did you play most often (or once, if you played the game only a single time), and why did you chose this specific one? The more detailed the answer the better, but I'll be very greatful for any:)

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Planescape Torment character

I was of Good alignment, because I never liked screwing people over, especially not in such a roleplay-heavy game. I much preferred the dialogue options where you helped people. It seemed less interesting to choose the "Well, I changed my mind. Now, give me the money or I'll tear your head off." At least, most of the time it was less interesting. Admittedly, I didn't really give Evil much of a shot. Thus, I ended up Neutral Good usually. But I was leaning pretty strongly toward Lawful Good. I think this is because I would already know how to solve all the quests and so I could easily make and keep "Vows."

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Planescape Torment character

I was chaotic good, but I had an alternate version that descended into evil with the vile spellbook.

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
Planescape Torment character

I usually end up neutral good or, if I'm not careful, lawful good.

Funny thing is, I've tried to play through it as evil and I just can bring myself to do it.


Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Planescape Torment character

Good for me as well, since I feel badly screwing nice people over, even if they are video game characters. I tended toward Chaos as a personal choice, but usually stayed NG for the majority of the game anyway.

Sadly, though, I've never finished the game completely. Either my computer breaks down or I get bored and forget where I am when I come back to the game, but I never made it far past the skull collector guy... Lothar or Luther or whatever his name is.

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Planescape Torment character

I ended as Neutral Good, usualy I don´t like playing villains in PC games (but now I play 2 Evil characters in our group, and I can say it is good to be bad sometimes).
Anyways in Torment I start as N, then I go around helping everyone wich turns me into LG, but then I bump into some shady NPC and I lie to them and later I usualy play with Modron Action Figure just to annoy Morte, and presto, that is how I became NG. (I usualy dont overdo chaotic shanenigans). Smiling


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Barking_Wilder's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Planescape Torment character

Anyone need to ask? Always end up either CN or more likely CG because im a nice guy at heart. Never managed to become lawful good. I normally end up some kind of chaotic or neutral good...which sucks because (just to follow the Stereotype) i like becoming a Xaositect Smiling Gives funny dialogue options later on in the game Laughing out loud

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
Planescape Torment character

'Iavas' wrote:
Sadly, though, I've never finished the game completely. Either my computer breaks down or I get bored and forget where I am when I come back to the game, but I never made it far past the skull collector guy... Lothar or Luther or whatever his name is.
A lot of people never reach the actual plane walking part of the game, which basically starts after you meet Ravel. Those Infinity Engine games definitely require a good week or two when you aren't doing anything else that can distract you.


Jadaczka's picture
Joined: 2007-06-26
Planescape Torment character

Hmm... right now I'm about to start a new game in Planescape: Torment. I thought about how to make my game a bit more original. The first time I finished the game with a neutral good character, but that didn't satisfy me. I played according to the thinking most of us does: "I don't want to be evil and see bad endings. I can't do this to my characters". I think that such thinking is pure hypocrisy, to which I also admit. But now I'm gonna play my character as if it were ME, do as I would do. It's hard, I know, but I'm really going to analyze every act and word, as if it were my own.
I'm very curious of the result.

But please continue. With what alignment did you end up, dear comrades?

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Planescape Torment character

'Jadaczka' wrote:
Hmm... right now I'm about to start a new game in Planescape: Torment. I thought about how to make my game a bit more original. The first time I finished the game with a neutral good character, but that didn't satisfy me. I played according to the thinking most of us does: "I don't want to be evil and see bad endings. I can't do this to my characters". I think that such thinking is pure hypocrisy, to which I also admit. But now I'm gonna play my character as if it were ME, do as I would do. It's hard, I know, but I'm really going to analyze every act and word, as if it were my own. I'm very curious of the result.

Good luck with that, and tell us how it turns out. Just keep in mind, situations may arise in which that particular approach fails. For instance, you the player cannot pluck out your own eyeball and put in its place an older pickled one to regain memories, but your little scarred bluish avatar can with little discomfort.

JellyPooga's picture
Joined: 2007-04-02
Planescape Torment character

Hee hee hee...Chaotic Neutral Xaositect all the way baby! Admittedly, to get some of the better quests (and the juicy XP therein), you have to put off joining the Chaosmen until you've joined the Godsmen, Sensates and Dustmen, but what's leaving a faction to one who follows a path of chaos?

From a purely 'powergame' point of view, playing any Evil is a waste of time because you usually end up with combat experience instead of quest experience (the latter of which is vastly greater) and playing Lawful Good is the most 'optimal' option, becasue of the opposite reason to why playing Evil is rubbish (spoiler:and there's the tears of Saleriau Dai and Celestial Fire which are only usable by LG)



CG_Drake's picture
Joined: 2006-08-16
Planescape Torment character

'Jadaczka' wrote:
I'm making a little surveillance for my local Planescape community, and I'd like to ask you for cooperation. My question is directed to those of you that played Planescape: Torment. What alignment did you play most often (or once, if you played the game only a single time), and why did you chose this specific one? The more detailed the answer the better, but I'll be very greatful for any:)

Heh, I ended up Chaotic Neutral, swinging back and forth between Chaotic Good and Chaotic Evil. I had this weird habit of being really nice to the evil creatures and mean to the good ones. I wasn't actually that Chaotic, except that I kept switching between good and evil. What can I say, I like bad guys! Heh, guess that's what comes from being a DM...

-- CG Drake

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Planescape Torment character

I was Neutral Good. I tried so hard to be LG, but I kept slipping up and lying to people. If I'd known how hard it is to be Lawful in that game, I probably would have just never lied at all, but where's the fun in that?

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