Planescape Timeline

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Ashen Phoenix's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Planescape Timeline

I've started work on a timeline for planescape, and am wondering if anyone out there is interested in helping out.

To this end, I'd just like people to go through the list of products that I've assbled below, and see if I've missed any, or see if any are in the wrong caregories:

Planescape Campaign Setting, boxed set 1994
The Eternal Boundary 1994
Monstrous Compendium, Planescape Appendix 1994
Planes of Chaos Campaign Expansion, boxed set 1994
Well of the World 1994
In the Abyss 1994
The Deva Spark 1994
Planes of Law Campaign Expansion, boxed set 1995
Fires of Dis 1995
In the Cage: A Guide to Sigil 1995
A Player's Primer to the Outlands Audio CD 1995
The Factol's Manifesto 1995
Monstrous Compendium, Planescape Appendix II 1995
Harbinger House 1995
Planes of Conflict Campaign Expansion, boxed set 1995
Something Wild 1996
The Planewalker's Handbook 1996
Hellbound: The Blood War 1996
On Hallowed Ground 1996
Uncaged: Faces of Sigil 1996
A Guide to the Astral Plane 1996
Doors to the Unknown 1996
The Great Modron March 1997
Faces of Evil: The Fiends 1997
Dead Gods 1997
Faction War (The City of Doors) 1998
Tales from the Infinite Staircase 1998
A Guide to the Ethereal Plane 1998
The Inner Planes, Campaign Expansion 1998
Monstrous Compendium, Planescape Appendix III 1998
Die Vecna Die 2000

Manual of the Planes (1st Edition) 1987
Secrets of the Lamp 1993
Blood Hostages 1996
Abyssal Warriors 1996
Pages of Pain 1996
Planar Powers 1997
A Paladin In Hell 1998
Guide to Hell 1998
Warriors of Heaven 1998
For Duty & Deity 1998
Planescape: Torment paperback 1999
Manual of the Planes 2001
Planar Handbook 2004

Additionally, if anyone has any of the italicised products listed above, and are interested in combing through those for relevant info, please do so, as I don't have access to them otherwise.

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Planescape Timeline

I'd also consider the Planescape: Torment game to be semi-canonical. The only part I'd leave out is Shr'akt'lor being destroyed. It's not clear from the game that the city's destruction was permanent, anyway; it wouldn't take long for a few well-trained anarchs to rebuild it. It might be a good idea to put something in about Shr'akt'lor being severely damaged by a githyanki attack, with the weakness in its defenses being blamed on a heretical Zerthite sect called the Iron Circle.

I have the 1e Manual of the Planes, Secrets of the Lamp, A Paladin in Hell, and the Torment novelization. I'll see what I can do. While I'm at it, some of the genie-related history in the Land of Fate boxed set might be included.

The Book of Artifacts and Vortex of Madness also deserve to be at least semi-canonical. And probably the Black Spine adventure for Dark Sun, since that featured a githyanki rebellion. Queen of the Demonweb Pits and Throne of Bloodstone are definitely semi-canonical; something happened, but Tiamat and Lolth being killed wasn't two of them.

The Lich-Queen's Beloved in Dungeon #100 and the Harrowing in Dungeon #84 are also probably semi-canonical. And Umbra, a Planescape adventure in an earlier Dungeon that I don't have.

Also note that some of your work has been done for you in this thread.

Narfi Ref's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Planescape Timeline

Does anyone have any idea what the in-game time line is like? I'm developing a story for a novel trilogy and I want to make sure that I have events taking place between/parallel to certain events. Such as how long did the Modron March take? How much time passed between the March and the events in Dead Gods? Between Dead Gods and Faction War?

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Planescape Timeline

"Narfi Ref" wrote:
Does anyone have any idea what the in-game time line is like? I'm developing a story for a novel trilogy and I want to make sure that I have events taking place between/parallel to certain events. Such as how long did the Modron March take? How much time passed between the March and the events in Dead Gods? Between Dead Gods and Faction War?

There's no absolute canonical time, since the adventures are meant to be plugged in at the convenience of the individual gaming group. Like faster-than-light spaceships and Superman, these events move at the speed of plot.

In other words, whatever timespan works best for your story.

My guess, however, is a few months between each mega-adventure.

The Modron Procession should have taken years or decades to accomplish, but Tenebrous was rushing things. It probably lasted a year or less.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Planescape Timeline

I'm curious to see what order people have played the modules in and what order they would prefer to play them in. I've not played any of them myself (I don't care about spoilers really) - but it'd be interesting to see what those who have think of it.

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Planescape Timeline

I started my group with the classic introduction in the campaign set For the Price of a Rose, since they were all primes. Then did the mini-adventure with the lost petitioner, tried to start The Eternal Boundary but got derailed, and moved on to Dead Gods, which we are about to finish after two years of RL play. I also ran about 6 of my own "interludes" when we were short on players. These were interesting little mini-adventures to such places as Niflheim, Karasuthra and Hades, and my players say they enjoyed them more than the main campaign. So either I'm bad at running published adventures or I'm amazing at running side quests! Eye-wink

Dead Gods is certainly one of the most original and entertaining adventures I have ever read. It's no dungeon hack, that's for sure. It deals with epic events (no, not Epic Level) that affect Powers and planes alike. It has a great return to the Vault of the Drow in Greyhawk, and several very cool encounters. The walking tower of Tiac-Rami-No comes to mind. It is well illustrated and the characters are evocative. The only problem it has, and it's a serious one, is that too little information is provided to the players. For up to 75% of the adventure the PCs are stumbling around in the dark, and this can be very frustrating, especially if they miss some subtle clue in the beginning.

Eventually I might run The Great Modron March. It won't be too hard to retrofit it after Dead Gods; there isn't that much overlap.

I don't know much about the other adventures. Most of them seem to have received lukewarm reviews, so I was never interested. I prefer to run heavily modified adventures of my own creation.

Eyeohn's picture
Joined: 2005-01-13
Planescape Timeline

I know this thread is a little dead but it seems like the right place to post this, I found it on enworld awhile back but I cannot remember the name of the poster.. It seems he got it out of his email box anyways. Here it is as I saved it:

I was digging through some prehistoric files in my email box and found this little gem. I think it needs some expansion, but its a good start to a consistent chronology of events on the planes:

The Begining -- The planes are formed. (H:tBW)
The baernaloths stagger forth from the mists of creation.
The baernaloths spawn the yugoloths. (H:tBW)
The River Styx forms. (H:tBW)
A baernaloth named Apomps crestes the gehreleths from dead yugoloths and is exhiled with the gehreleths into Carcerci. (H:tBW)
The first ultroloth, the General of Gehenna, creates the
Heart of Darkness to expunge the taint of law and chaos from the yugoloths which become the larvae of the lower planes. (H:tBW)
A creature called the Maeldur Et Kavurik is told the true names of all the larvae. (H:tBW)
The larvae migrated to the Abyss and Baator to evolve into the tanar'ri and baatezu. (H:tBW)
The baernaloth dissappear, and the ultroloths become the leaders of the yugoloths. (H:tBW)
The baatezu begin to explore the planes, eventually
discovering the tanar'ri in the Abyss; as the tanar'ri stumble into Baator and find the baatezu. (H:tBW)
The Blood War begins. (H:tBW)
The archanaloths hire themselves out to either side of the Blood War, and betraying both. (H:tBW)
The Lords of the Nine and the Princes of the Abyss (the Abyssal Lords) rise in power. (H:tBW)
The baatezu and tanar'ri discover the upper planes and the celestials. (H:tBW)
The celestials swoop down on the lower planes and the Blood War in a year long campaign. (H:tBW)
A truce is called by the fiends as they rout the celestials back to the upper planes, leaving only 3000 alive. (H:tBW)
A schism forms in the celestial on how to proceed, forming the archons and the aasimon. (H:tBW)
Concurrently yet seperately, the baatezu, tanar'ri, and yugoloths begin recording thier histories. (H:tBW)
The fiends learn about the powers. (H:tBW)
Gods of chaos and law begin to meddle in the Blood War until a power of chaos is slain and the surviving gods decided to take more subtle actions. (H:tBW)
Mask of the Pit happens, as tanar'ri forces attempt to disguise themselves as baatezu and infiltrate the baatezu camp. They fail miserably. (H:tBW)
The Four-Cross. Bel turns stag on the baatezu, joining forces with tanar'ri, then rejoining the baatezu, only turn stag on his kind again for a year and a day, when he leads the tanar'ri into a long planned baatezu ambush, crippling the chaotic fiends for almost a decade. Bel is awarded Avernus, the first layer of Baator.

After millennia, spirits begin appearing from the prime
material plane. On the lower planes, they take the form of larvae, which the baatezu learn to metamorphosize into new members of thier kind. (H:tBW)

The Illithid Empire comprised many prime worlds, the Ethereal and the Astral. The Blood War pauses as the powers of the Outer Planes turn to face the Mindflayer menace. (GttAP)
An enslaved human woman called Gith (named after her prime world of origin) led a revolt against the Illithids and freed her mutated people, shattering the Illithid Empire. (GttAP)
The man Zerthimon spoke out against Gith's campaign of genocide for the Mindflayers, plunging the freed humans into civil war. (GttAP)
With Zerthimon killed in the civil war, his followers
retreated to Limbo in defeat, becoming the githzerai. (GttAP)
Gith led her armies into the Astral plane to become the githyanki, "The Children of Gith". (GttAP)
A wizardress named Vlaakith begins counseling Gith to become allies with Tiamat in Baator. She never returns, but Ephelomon, the red dragon consort of Tiamat, visits the githyanki and claims Gith has placed Vlaakith in command, sealing the pact between the Children of Gith and red dragonkind. (GttAP)

The fiends discover Sigil and the Lady of Pain. (H:tBW)
The first battle over the Field of Nettles. (H:tBW)
The fiends begin corrupting the prime. (H:tBW)
The Dark Eight form on Baator to deal with morale lowered by balor tanar'ri infiltrators. They take over the planning process of the Blood War. Of the original eight, only Baalzephon and Fucas still live. (H:tBW)

The Maw, a massive crevace down the center of the Gray Waste, opens and swallows a yugoloth fortress. It is now called the Ghoresh Chasm. The second baatezu/tanar'ri truce forms and soon disintegrates. (H:tBW)

-???? The Lady of Pain entraps the soul of an immortal mage in the Labrynth Stone and casts it from Sigil into the Lower Planes. (FW)

-9870 The greatest mage in all of Sigil, Shekelor, leaves Sigil and begins a quest for the Labrynth Stone that leads to Agathion, third layer of Pandemonium and ends with his death. (FW, ItC:GtS)

-4020 The Great Modron March Begins (GMM)

-4000...The prime world of Logicus is destroyed and its crystal sphere sealed. (DttU)

-3873 A portal opens up in the Slags of the Hive and The Blood War spills into Sigil for six weeks. (ItC:GtS)

-3731 The Great Modron March Begins (GMM)

-3442 The Great Modron March Begins (GMM)

-3387 A group calling themselves the Champions of Rajaat begin the Cleansing Wars on the prime world of Athas (Priest's Compemplation of the 144th King's Age). (FM)

-3153 The Great Modron March Begins (GMM)

-2872 Fell, a dabus, becomes a priest of Aoskar. (Dttu, U:FoS)
The Lady of Pain destorys the church of Aoskar (Power of Portals, God of Doors, Keeper of Gateways) and his head priest Imendor, resulting the the closing of the portals that will become
known as the Four Doors. (DttU, ItC:GtS)
Chronepsis, Draconic god of death, fate, and judgement,
imprissons his proxy black dragon Argathorn on Thuldanin, in Acheron.

-2864 The Great Modron March Begins (GMM)

-2575 The Great Modron March Begins (GMM)

-2372 The Four Doors open, discovered by the Populace. Warp sense does not seem to work on them. (DttU)
The First Door appears in the second floor room on Gray Dragon Lane inthe Clerk's Ward. (DttU)
The key to the First Door is a gargoyle image and
leads to a hallow cube on Acheron's second layer, Thuldanin. The key to return is a blood-red gem. (DttU)
The Second Door appers in the Lower Ward, inside the
Shattered Temple. (DttU)
Fargullen discovers the key to the Second Door is a holy symbol of Aoskar and passes through to a sealed vault on Agathion, in Pandemonium. (DttU)
The Third Door appears in Market Ward (DttU)
The Third Door is the mouth of a cortelestial, which leads to the sealed crystal sphere of the prime world of Logicus, where no magic works. The gate key is to show no fear. (DttU)
The Fourth Door appears in the Lady's Ward. (DttU)
The Fourth door leads to the 4th level reality realm of the Mercurials, Beldarri, on Mount Celestia. (DttU, RL:tNL)
2 months after opening, the Four Doors close. (DttU)

-2325 The orchish god Gruumish slays the Mulhorand deity Re (-1071 DR). (FR:CS2)

-2286 The Great Modron March Begins (GMM)

-1997 The Great Modron March Begins (GMM)

-1872 The Four Door open (DttU)
Fargullen the dwarf emerged from the Second Door and spreads prophecies about some future age and fed to the Wyrm. (DttU)
2 months after opening, the Four Doors close (DttU)

-1708 The Great Modron March Begins (GMM)

-1504 Dregoth, undead dragon sorcerer-king, discovers the planar gate. After a decade of research, he uses the device to travel the Outer Planes of existence for the next 15 centuries (Githany's Slumber of the 170th King's Age). (DS:CbtSS)

-1417 The Great Modron March Begins (GMM)

-1398 The Battle of Mount Deismaar on the prime world of Aebrynis slays that worlds powers, spilling thier blood across the land of Cerilia. Their prime proxies took thier place: Haelyn replaces Anduras, Erik replaces Reynir, Sera replaces Brenna, Avani replaces Basai:a, Kriesha and Belinik replace Azrai, Nesirie preplaces Masela, and Rournil replayces Vorynn (515 Masrtian Reckoning/0 Haelyn's Count/-973 Michaeline Reckoning). (BR:CS, OHG)

-1372 The Four Door open (DttU)
2 months after opening, the Four Doors close (DttU)

-1128 The Great Modron March Begins (GMM)

-800....The Revered Queen, Vlaakith CLVII ascends to the throne of the githyanki in the fortress of Tu'narath. She becomes a lich, and therefore cannot sire heirs. (GttAP)

-875 The Arcane sell the Astromundi Cluster to the tanar'ri, and begin collecting shadowstone to power the Darkgate. (SJ:tAC)

-873 Vartus Timlin, factol of the Expansionists, is Mazed by the Lady of Pain after 12 factols congreate in the Catacombs near the portal to the Dabus' realm. (WoW, ItC:GtS)

-872 The Four Door open (DttU)
An unnamed Abyssal Lord sends a retriever through the Second Door. (DttU)
A mercurial named Lathuraz enters Sigil through the Fourth Door from the 4th level of reality (DttU, RL:tNL)
Zarulaz follows his brother Lathuraz through the Fourth Door to Sigil. (DttU)
2 months after opening, the Four Doors close (DttU)
Lathuraz travels the planes and prime gaining power while Zarulaz remains in Sigil. (DttU)

-855 The Fraternity of Order is organized into a Faction. (FM)

-839 The Great Modron March Begins (GMM)

-770 The Planewalker's Guild is formed in Sigil, established before most of the Factions that survive the Great Upheaval. (TftIS)

-573 The first records of the Revolutionary League are made by Factol Jaretta of the Fraternity of Order. (FM)
A group of bloods from Sigil travel to Pelion to investigate the remains of an ancient temple. (DG)

-550 The Great Modron March Begins (GMM)

-542 Nycaloth-led Army of Darkness assaults Myth Drannor begins. (712 DR). (FR:CS2)

-540 Drannor falls to the Army of Darkness. (710 DR). (FR:CS2)

-500 The Great Upheaval (FM, FW)
The 49 factions are ordered by the Lady to number no more than 15, and must take up positions in governing the city of Sigil.
They are: At, BC, BS, Communals, Dg, Du, Fa, FL, FO, Incanterium, Mk, RL, S2, SO, TO. (PS:CS, FM, DG).
Within 2 weeks, 34 factions disband, merge, or vacate Sigil.
The Sodkillers and Sons of Mercy merge to become the Mercykillers. (FM)
Free League memberships swells ot almost 1 million registered members. (FM)

-474 The Doomguard start a street war while the factions are struggling for direction. (FW)

-470 Memers of the swollen Free League ranks begin to simply die. (FM)

-450 Membership in the Free League dwindles down to 20.000 by a plague that only affected Indeps. (FM)

-373 The Harmonium is founded on the prime world of Ortho. They will eventually come to Sigil and replace the Communals as a true Faction. (FM, PH)

-372 The mercurial Zarulaz hires bloods to defeat his brother Lathuraz by collecting artifacts. Estavan of the PTC is one of them. (DttU)
The Four Door open (DttU)
Lathuraz wounds Zarulaz with the hyper reality blade Sword of Lathuraz, keeping the bloods from opening the Fourth Door. Zarulaz stays behind beyond the Second Door. (DttU)
Lathuraz is defeated by Zarulaz's bloods and trapped behind the Third Door. (DttU)
A Nonaton modron enters the Third Door to Logicus and becomes thier Logicus Prime. (DttU)
Zarulaz's bloods hide the artifacts, the Rod of Mercury
behind the First Door, the Cloak of Trapping behind the Second Door, and the manacles of Lesser Reality behind the Third Door. The Sword of Lathuraz is also hidden behind the Third Door. (DttU)
2 months after opening, the Four Doors close (DttU)

-370 Duke Rowan escapes the Lady of Pain's Mazes to find himself in the past in the Gatehouse. The Bleak Cabal imprison him as a barmy and rename him Gifad. (FW)

-344 Traban, founder of Traban's Forge, is born on the prime world of Krynn. (ItC:GtS)

-271 The Demiplane of Dread appeas in the Ethereal Plane (Year 351). (RL:DoD)
Zapan joins the Dark Eight taking the council's Immortal Relations duties. (H:tBW)

-270 The Planewalker's Guild leaves Sigil and sets up operation on the Infinite Staircase. (TftIS)

-261 The Great Modron March Begins (GMM)

-218 The dwarven blacksmith Traban's grandson, Tarholt, is born on the prime world of Krynn. (ItC:GtS)

-185 Trabanson is born the middle son to the dwarven blacksmith Traban on the prime world of Krynn. (ItC:GtS)

-172 Zaebos takes his place among the Dark Eight in charge of promotion/demotions. (H:tBW)

-171 Orcus curses the city of Moil on the prime world of Ranais to sleep until the sun rises, the rips the city from it world and casts it into the Ethereal to become the City that Waits. (DG, GttEP, GH:RttToH)

-74 A cornugon baatezu named Kas'rarlin met and fell in love with a tanar'ri succubus called Chiryn during a raid in the Abyss. Realizing thier incompatibility, they agreed to send messages via courier once a year. (WoW)

-73 A group of ten unknown merchants fund Chirper's. (ItC:GtS)

-23 The Ragers, a sect from Ysgard, begins building the Great Areana to becoma a faction, but are soon kicked out of Sigil. (PSMCA2)
Folks once known as Xaosophiles, the Discordant Opposition, and the Ochlocrats became the Xaositects, replacing the Incanterium as a true Faction. (FW)

1 Haskar become Factol of the Fraternity of Order, replacing Lariset the Inescapeable. (FW)

7th Year of Factol Haskar's Administration
The clan of Traban immigrates to Sigil from the prime world of Krynn as part of a dwarven exodus after an earthquake. (InC:GtS)

11th Year of Factol Haskar's Administration
Tarholtson is bort to Talholt, grandson of Traban the
blacksmith. (ItC:GtS)

28th Year of Factol Haskar's Administration
The Great Modron March Begins (GMM)
The halfling hero Rangell Farambler dirverts a flank of the Modron Parade from the power Shella Peryroyl's blessed orchards.
The modrons sign an agreement to forever follow the
established roads in Hearths Faith on Mount Celestia. (GMM)

47th Year of Factal Haskar's Administration
Future taxidermist Mhasha Zakk is born. (ItC:GtS)

58th Year of Factol Haskar's Administration
Utadas Tensar, founder of Tensar's Empolyment service, is born. (ItC:GtS)

67th Year of Factol Haskar's Admministration
Jeena Ealy, author of true-life adventure books, is born. (ItC:GtS)

77th Year of Factol Haskar's Administration
The Hall of Speakers pass a tax meant to relieve the
starvation in the Hive. Barely a month passes before protests are filed. The tax is repealed in less than six months. (ItC:GtS)

84th Year of Factol Haskar's Administration
Harys Htchis is born to two tailors. (ItC:GtS, U:FoS)

87th Year of Factol Haskar's Administration
Imel Brustur turns a disaster into financial success in the course of 3 days and 3 hours, and establishes Imel's Happy Tongue. (ItC:GtS)

92nd Year of Factol Haskar's Administraion
F. Moskin Faz establishes the Bronze Bezants, a moneylender. (ItC:GtS)

100th Year of Factol Haskar's Administration
Rit'ha of the Fraternity of Order travels to the
Quasielemental Plane of Steam and sucessfully communicates with the elusive klyndesi. (PSMCA3)

107th Year of Factol Haskar's Administration
Alisohn Nilesia is born to a thief in the cells of the
Prison. Her mother dies in childbirth. (FM)
Jeena Ealy writes her first book on the fashion trends of the Lady's Ward, "Hats, Hoops, and Hairpins". (ItC:GtS)

11th Year of Factol Haskar's Administration
A group of primes from the world of Oerth travel to the Demonweb Pits in the Abyss in order to assassinate Lolth. (GH:Q1)

114th Year of Factol Haskar's Administration
The Grand Conjunction takes place in the Demiplane of Dread (Thier years 735 to 740). (RL:DoD)

115th Year of Factol Haskar's Administration
Alisohn Nilesia applys for membership in the Red Death at age 8. Factol Mallin himself refuses her application. (FM)

118th Year of Factol Haskar's Administration
Alisohn Nilesia becomes the youngest Mercykiller ever, joining the ranks of the Red Death at age 11. (FM)
The Time of Troubles takes place on the prime world of Toril, as her powers walk the lands (1358 DR or 0 PR). (FR:CS2, FR:FD&D)

120th Year of Factol Haskar's Administration
Orcus, tanar'ri lord of the undead, is slain by primes with the help of Kiaransalee, a drow goddess. (H:tBW)
Orcus' Wand is locked away in Agathion, the fourth layer of of Pandemonium. (H:tBW, DttU, DG)

122nd Year of Factol Haskar's Administration
In an effort to establish herself as the next royal
bloodline, Trinth leads the Githyanki of the Astral Plane to discover a way to safely breaches the Gray and invades Athas. She is killed on the Astral, and the portal collapses (Silt's Vengeance of the 190th King's Age, or Free Year 6). (DS:BS)

124th Year of Factol Haskar's Administration
While on Acheron, Duke Rowan Darkwood becomes a Prolonger. (FW)

125th Year of Factol Haskar's Administration
Duke Rowan Darkwood moves to Sigil. (PS:CS, FM)
The tanar'ri enter the Astromundi Cluster through the
Darkgate to collect ownership of Clusterspace. (SJ:tAC)
The same day he joins the Fated, Duke Rowan Darkwood suggest that Factol Emma Oakwright step down and name him the new Factol. She does. (FM)

126th Year of Factol Haskar's Administration
Dregoth, the undead dragon sorcerer-king, returns to the prime world of Athas (the Friend's Agitation of the 190th King's Age, or Free Year 10). (DS:CbtSS)
"The Factol's Manifesto" is published by an unknown editor, and is immediately banned by order of the Harmonium. (FM)
PLANSCAPE Campaign Setting begins
Eternal Boundary
Planescape Monsterous Compendium Appendix
Planes of Chaos
The Doomguard form an alliance with the tanar'ri to build the Ships of Chaos. (PoX)

Well of Worlds
Ar'kle-mens, a red abishai baatezu, sends a group of primes into Sigil with a doomsday device that fails. (WoW)
Vartus Timlin is rescued from the Mazes. (WoW)
Kas'rarlin sends a group of berks to the Abyss to
deliver a love letter to Chiryn. (WoW)
The forces of Gallus, Cra'lingen, and Hebarlzel, pit
fiend baatezu fight those of Riza (a maralith), and Henhar and Miirta (balor tanar'ri) to a stand-still on a prime world. (WoW)
The spirit of Zeracuk, a dwarven sage on portals, is freed from imprissonment by a titan name Crius on Colothys in Carceri. (WoW)
A nic'Epona named Myeral is rescued from a king on a godless prime world of Kellinon. (WoW)
Brachalis hires some berks to travel to Plague-Mort as the gate-town begins to slip into the Abyss. (WoW)
The Warden is spotted on the Beastlands avenging the death of a white hart. (WoW)
A swarm of slaadi are defeated along the River
Oceanus on the layer of Olympus in Arborea. (WoW)
In the Abyss
Deva Spark

127th Year of Factol Haskar's Administration
Planes of Law
Fires of Dis
Kas'rarlin sends the same cutters from the year
before to deliver another love letter to Chiryn. (WoW)
In the Cage: a Guide to Sigil (ItC:GtS)
Factol's Manifesto
Harbinger House
Planescape Monsterous Compendium Appendix II
The gray slaad regains its stature and seeks out the cutter that bested it a year and a day ago. (WoW)
Planes of Conflict

128th Year of Factol Haskar's Administration
Something Wild
Uncaged: Faces of Sigil
Hellbound: The Blood War
The yugoloths decide to use the Maeldur Et Kavurik to strip the fiends of thier teleport ability. (H:tBW)
Kas'rarlin send the same bloods from the previous two years to rescue Chiryn from her masters. (WoW)
Planewalker's Handbook
On Hallowed Ground
A Guide to the Astral

1 week prior to the reappearance of the Four Doors, Garmundi starts making sense. (DttU)
While Estavan is away from Sigil, Signers break into his office and steal the First Door Ledger. (DttU)
Origax hires Balathzar James to break the code in the First Door Ledger. (DttU)
Balathzar James meets with Lissandra the Gate-Seeker about the First Door. (DttU)
Thugs from Jerkot's Imports attack Balathzar James and steal the First Door Ledger. (DttU)
Balathzar James holes up in the Healing Hovel on
Thistlewind Way. (DttU)
Garmundi visits Fell Tatto Shop in the Market Ward and gains a tattoo of Aoskar's holy symbol. (DttU)
Doors to the Unknown (DttU)
Corranthol calls for Harmonium to have Garmundi
arrested (DttU).
The First Door appears in the offices of Balthazar
James, above Paltry's Pastries. The building is owned by the PTC. (DttU)
Garmundi leaps throught the Second Door as it appears in the Shattered Temple. (DttU)
The Third Door appears in the mouth of a Cortesial as it migrates to Sigil. (DttU)
The Fourth Door appears on the side of the Tower. (DttU)
The Society of the Locked Door ceases it passive ways and becomes violent. (DttU)
2 weeks after opening, the Society of the Locked Door destroy a portal. (DttU)
Orgurr the Green Sladd enters the Third Door. (DttU)
1 month after opening, the Society of the Locked door attempts to kill Lissandra the Gate-Seeper and Fell the Fallen Dabus. (DttU)
The Logicus Prime of the prime world Logicus
prophosizes through the Omenotron of the early Modron March and the return of Orcus. (DttU).
6 weeks after opening, Lathuraz assumes the body of Cuth Banthor, leader of the Society of the Locked Door, killing him. (DttU)
Lathuraz if finally destroyed in they hyper reality
of Beldarri. (DttU)
2 months after opening, the Four Doors close. (DttU)

129th Year of Factol Haskar's Administration
Faces of Evil: The Fiends
Bwimb, Baron of Oooze, is slain by Tenebrous with the Last Word. (DG)
The Tower Sorcerous reappears after centuries back in its original location. Three days later, it dissappears. (C:GC97)
Primus, the One and Prime of the modrons, is slain by Tenebrous with the Last Word. (GMM, DG)
Great Modron March
The Great Modron March begins over 100 years too early. (GMM)
Dead Gods
Five stones come to the attention of the Will of One are impossible to destory among the remains of a ruined temple, believing them to contain the essence of a dead god. (DG)
The Illithid god of secrets Maanzecorian is slain by Tenebrous with the Last Word. (DG)
The power of fate Camaxtli is slain by Tenebrous with the Last Word. (DG)
Nekrotheptis Skorpios, proxy of Set, is slain by
Tenebrous and the power of the Last Word. (DG)
A proxy unknown powers named Everth is slain in
Pelion by Tenebrous and the Last Word. (DG)
The power of wisdom and love Tomeri is slain by
Tenebrous with the power of the Last Wordd. (DG)
The Five Stone are discovered to be carved from the husk of the dead god Badir, son of Nol, from the prime.
Tenebrous is revealed to be the undead remains of Orcus when the Wand of Orcus is destroyed and his last priest is slain in the Astral plane upon his dead husk. (DG)

130th Year of Factol Haskar's Administration
Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix III

A lawful evil force known as the Iron Shadow begins draining the imagination from the planes by claiming the formian city of Klictrik on Arborea, the human city of Bluphoril on the elemental plane of Air, the rilmani city of Sum of All in the Outlands, and the kyton city of Jangling Hilter on Baator. (TftIS)
For Duty and Deity
A group from the prime world of Toril travel to the
Abyss to bargain with Graz'zt for the freedom of Waukeen, goddess of Luck and Fortune, his prisoner since the Time of Troubles (1370 DR).
A githyanki fortress in the Astral named TorNav'roc is wiped out by Psurlon forces. (TftIS)
Tales from the Infinite Staircase
A group of bloods are asked to investigate the spread of the Iron Shadow by the lillendi caretakers of the Infinite Staircase. (TftIS)
The Iron Shadow-infectd formian Queen Hvix'mnac
travels to the Spawning Stone on Limbo and infects it. Her absences plunges the city into chaos, resulting in its flooding. (TftIS)
Jazriul the hound archon begins his investgations on the spread of the Iron Shadow. (TftIS)
Iron Shadow-infected slaadi travel to the dempiplane of Maelost in the Etheral and to the githyanki fortress TorNav'roc in the Astral. (TftIS)
A kyton band travels to Limbo to assassinate the
githzerai Cahm'Fel. (TftIS)
Slaadi travel to the formian city of Klictrik on
Arborea to wreak revenge for thier queen bringing them the Iron Shadwo. (TftIS)
TSR Jam: The Manxome Foe

Guide to the Ethereal Plane
Inner Planes
The Menagerie
Planescape: Torment
0 The wizard Validesu discovers the Sigil spell. (FW)
1 Duke Rowan Darkwood finds the Labrynth Stone on the fourth layer of Pandemonium. (FW)
Factol Rhys of the Transcendent Order abandons
Sigil for a Cipher base in Elysium. (FW)
5 Darkwood peels the Harmonium and Doomguard into thinking the other is planning an attack. (FW)
The Lady of pain sends Factol Erin Montgomery of the Sensates and Factol Pentar of the Doomguard to the Mazes. (FW)
7 Darkwood secretly marries Factol Alisohn Nilesia of the Mercykillers. (FW)
8 The oldest barmy in the Gatehouse, Gifad, demands to see Darkwood, who ignores him. (FW)
9 The Lady of Pain banishes Factol Skal of the
Dustmen, the three leaders of the Free League, and various cell leaders of the Revelutionary League to the Mazes. (FW)
10 The Eschaton sect surfaces and begins prophesizing the doom of Sigil. (FW)
Duke Rowan forces Nilesia through a portal and
sells her to the fiends. The Mercykillers begin to splinter. (FW)
11 The Lady of Pain sends Factol Darius of the Sign of One, Factol Sruce of the Bleak Cabal, Factol Terrance of the Athar, and Factol Ambar of the Believers of the Source to the Mazes.
13 Duke Darkwood records his plans to destroy the Lady into a recorder stone in the Sensoriums of the Civic Festhall as Gifad the barmy tries to escape the Gatehouse. (FW)
16 Factol Sarin of the Harmonium is assassinated by the Revolutionary League. (FW)
Arwyn Swan's Song announces the splinter of the Red Death into the Sons of Mercy, the Sodkillers, and the Mercykillers. (FW)
The Lady of Pain banishes Factol Karan of the
Xaositects to the Mazes (FW)
The Faction War begins. (FW)
The Lady of Pain sends Duke Rowan to the Mazes.(FW)

1 Post Faction War
Warriors of Heaven
Guide to Hell
Vortex of Madness
Zellor, a githyanki knight believing herself to be the re-incarnation of Gith, begins a revolt against the Lich Queen Vlaakith from within the Citadel of Gith Reborn.(VoM)

[497 Post Faction War
The Four Doors open
The Second Door appears in the Lower Ward, inside the Temple of Hades]

YEAR 2000
Planescape 1 Post Faction War
Birthright 2041 Ma, 1527 HC, or 554 MR
Dark Sun Free Year 15, or Mountain's Defiance of the
190th Kings Age
Forgotten Realms 1371 Dale Reckoning, Year of the Unstrung
Harp, or 13 Present Reckoning.
Ravenloft 754
C:GC97 Cutters: Gen Con 97
DG Dead Gods
DttU Doors to the Unkown
FM Factol's Manifesto
GttAP Guide to the Astral Plane
GttEP Guide to the Ethereal Plane
H:tBW Hellbound: The Blood War
ItC:GtS In the Cage: Guide to Sigil
OHG On Hallowed Ground
PH Planewalker's Handook
PoX Planes of Chaos
PSMCA2 Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix 2
PSMCA3 Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix 3
TftIS Tales from the Infite Staircase
WoW Well of Worlds

VoM Vortex of Madness

BR:CS BIRTHRIGHT Campaign Setting
DS:BS DARK SUN: Black Spine
DS:CbtSS DARK SUN: City by the Silt Sea
FR:CS2 FORGOTTEN REALMS: Campaign Setting 2nd Edition
GH:RttToH GREYHAWK: Return to the Tomb of Horrors
GH:Q1 GREYHAWK: Q1 Queen of the Demonweb Pits
RL:DoD RAVNELOFT: Domains of Dread
RL:tNL RAVENLOFT: The Nightmare Lands
SJ:tAC SPELLJAMMER: The Astromundi Cluster

Korimyr the Rat's picture
Joined: 2005-03-01
Planescape Timeline

"Eyeohn" wrote:
------------------ YEAR 2000 Planescape 1 Post Faction War Birthright 2041 Ma, 1527 HC, or 554 MR Dark Sun Free Year 15, or Mountain's Defiance of the 190th Kings Age Forgotten Realms 1371 Dale Reckoning, Year of the Unstrung Harp, or 13 Present Reckoning. Ravenloft 754 ------------------

Way this is set up... are these year equivalencies between settings? And is "YEAR 2000" in reference to real-time?

Is that meant in general "game release" terms? Because it might make a useful comparison point for the Urban Planescape project.

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Planescape Timeline

"Kaelyn" wrote:
"Narfi Ref" wrote:
Does anyone have any idea what the in-game time line is like? I'm developing a story for a novel trilogy and I want to make sure that I have events taking place between/parallel to certain events. Such as how long did the Modron March take? How much time passed between the March and the events in Dead Gods? Between Dead Gods and Faction War?

There's no absolute canonical time, since the adventures are meant to be plugged in at the convenience of the individual gaming group. Like faster-than-light spaceships and Superman, these events move at the speed of plot.

In other words, whatever timespan works best for your story.

My guess, however, is a few months between each mega-adventure.

The Modron Procession should have taken years or decades to accomplish, but Tenebrous was rushing things. It probably lasted a year or less.

Actually I will look here later today hopefully but I think you are wrong about the March itself being rushed. I know the march was started early but other than that I am pretty certain it happens like "normal".

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Planescape Timeline

"bonemage" wrote:
I think you are wrong about the March itself being rushed. I know the march was started early but other than that I am pretty certain it happens like "normal".

The issue is that the modrons are walking the Great Road - that is, using natural portals between the outer planes to visit each and every plane in order. The Planescape boxed set said "Now, if a berk had the years and the compliance of the fiends in his path, he just might be able to walk the whole thing in sixteen lifetimes." Maybe the modrons know quicker routes, but it should still take quite some time. And Tenebrous had reason to rush it - he was dying.

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Planescape Timeline

But agaain he started it early but I don't recall seeing anything in the adventure that suggested the march itself went faster at all. Let me know if you know of a more exact area within the adventure to look where you think it might say it was going faster.

The Bleaker's picture
Joined: 2004-06-28
Planescape Timeline

I think the Harmonium were founded much earlier - I remember "Factol Manifesto" mentioning something about Hardheads fighting the Doomguard just after the Great Upheaval.

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Planescape Timeline

"The Bleaker" wrote:
I think the Harmonium were founded much earlier - I remember "Factol Manifesto" mentioning something about Hardheads fighting the Doomguard just after the Great Upheaval.

The Harmonium was founded 500 years ago, according to the Factol's Manifesto (page 90).

But you're right. The Harmonium was sent in to battle the Sinkers shortly after the Upheaval (page 40).

My guess is that it wasn't actually the Harmonium, but whatever lawful faction, now extinct or merged with the Hardheads, that was acting as Sigil's police at the time. The timeline above suggests this was the Communals, but I'm not so sure. It's possible that the Incanterium was banished before the Great Upheaval, which would have left a free spot for another faction. And how do the Expansionists fit in?

Or, I guess, it could have been the Mercykillers or Guvners.

Arislyt's picture
Joined: 2008-05-16
This timeline is really

This timeline is really great. I haven't, however, found one important thing in it - which Common Year (Oerth's years reconing) is 1. year after Lady's edict?

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
This is great and

This is great and monumental task. Well done Laughing. I would add just one thing (if you dont mind):

-2000 (cca) Lich Skall lays foundations of Dustman faction

(In Factol manifesto is said that Dustmen faction is founded and run by Skall for neary 2000 years).


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Felenthir Enthelion's picture
Joined: 2007-12-18
Good work. very

Good work. very useful!

Only one thing. I think that Orcus death happened one year before 120 th. At least this is what seemed to me reading Toril Chronology.


In another old topic we discussed the relation between Toril_Oerth-PS chronologies. /forum/help-with-planescapetoril-chronology

579 CY – 119 th – 1359 DR Gareth Dragonsbane steals Orcus’ wand and kills the Lich Zangy. He slays one of Tiamat avatars in the outer planes and thus manage to shatter the wand. He brings the only one of the 3 parts that he is able to find after the explosion (the heart of the wand, known as the Tree-Gem) with him to Damara on Abeir-Toril. Bahamut starts to be worshiped again on Toril. The demigoddes Kiaranselee slays the lesser god Orcus, weakened by the loss of his wand, in his realm of Thanathos. She erase his name from every written source existing in the multiverse with powerful magic and hide the other 2 part of the wand (the iron wand and the skull on his top, still united together) in Pandemonium and calls her biggest temple in the Underdark of Toril “the Acropolis of Thanatos”. On Oerth, Zuggtmoy, demon queen of fungi, is freed from the Temple of Elemental Evil and can come back to the Abyss. 

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Planescape Timeline

What about the stuff from Fiendish Codex II + Asmodeus? I also see nothing about the Obyrith or the Baatorians.

As for "The Beginning", simple logic states that in the beginning there was only the Ethereal (possibility), which then spawned the Astral (belief) and the Elemental Planes (matter and energy).
The first lifeforms and powers of course would have been the Draeden. They would have been around since the armageddon of the previous creation cycle (presuming that the Multiverse functions under a Hindu-type creation cycle/Eternakl Recurrence-type system, which seems the most logical direction that the D&D masterminds, had they thought about it, would have taken. ALso, it's way more interesting than the Abrahamic and Norse model, in which you have primordial pristine perfect creation cycle, the current flawed creation cycle, and then finally you'll have a perfect creation cycle, the end. The Buddhist model falls somewhere in between the two since it states there will be nearly innumerable creation cycles before the Maitreya *essentially the Buddhist Messiah* comes and brings enlightenment to all life, forever breaking the endless cycle of death and rebirth, and all beings achieve Nirvana.)

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Re: Planescape Timeline

Hyena of Ice wrote:
What about the stuff from Fiendish Codex II + Asmodeus? I also see nothing about the Obyrith or the Baatorians.

Check the dates on the thread above; it's from 2005. Fiendish Codex I, which introduced the obyriths, wasn't published until 2006. So nobody involved in the majority of the thread (before Arislyt's post) could have known about them.

However, the entry marked "Blood War begins" should be read as "War between the obyriths and vaati begins." The Battle of Pesh must have taken place in between when the fiends started corrupting the Prime and the formation of the Dark Eight. The formation of the Dark Eight coincides with the Reckoning, the civil war in Baator in which Moloch and Geryon were banished and Levistus and the Hag Countess were granted their dominions. That probably happened some time between 1000-2000 years ago (since Bel's coup over Zariel, which happened after the Reckoning, was over 1000 years ago), so there's a looooong interval between those events.

The Fiendish Codex II myth seems to take place during the Law-Chaos war and before the beginning of the Blood War proper after the Battle of Pesh. I associate Asmodeus's "angels" with the aphanacts mentioned in Dragon #341, who dominated Mechanus, crusading into other planes, until their fall probably some time before Pesh. The ancient Baatorians would have been created from larvae by the baernaloths at the same time as the obyriths (and it was definitely the obyriths and Baatorians, not the tanar'ri and baatezu). The Baatorians weren't involved with the Law-Chaos war. They were brutally conquered by Asmodeus and his minions according to Elder Evils.

The illithid empire was probably well after that (since the gith are descended from humans), so I'd switch some things around. The present-day Lich-Queen Vlaakith is the 157th of her line and has ruled for a thousand years, the longest of any githyanki ruler. Her predecessor (who was also a lich, and therefore probably unusually long-lived) ruled for over 500 years, according to Dragon #355. That's a total of 32,500 years, assuming an average of 200 years for each previous ruler, or less than eighty thousand years assuming 500 years for each previous ruler (very unlikely, I'd say). The average githyanki queen's reign might have been considerably shorter, of course, but Gith's rebellion was probably not earlier than 14,000 years ago (the time when psionics first appeared on Athas, said in the adventure Black Spine to be the result of a githzerai psionic bomb).

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Planescape Timeline

The illithid empire was probably well after that (since the gith are descended from humans), so I'd switch some things around.

I thought the Illithid brought the gith and other slaves with them from the future...

Then of course we have to factor in the Aboleth empires (whose slaves are said to have prayed the first deities into existence. Obviously this takes place looong before the Triassic-analogue era, and in all likelihood takes place during the Carboniferous analogue.)

Also, Kuo-Toa mythology (as well as several other bits of evidence, such as the existence of Ghaunadaur, Tharizdun, and The Patient One.) suggest that there was a Far Realm invasion early on in creation (the Kuo Toa claim that an influence from the Far Realm began the creation cycle). In all likelihood, both stories are true AND false-- the primordial aberrant powers played a role in the creation process (being among the first powers of the multiverse), but did not CAUSE the creaton process. Because of Ghaunadaur's physiology, I would place him in the same epoch as the Aboleth empires (I picture the Aboleth arising as a race during the Cambrian explosion analogue. There's no telling where/when Tharizdun and The Patient One come from, however...) The Great Mother I am uncertain since I am not aware how long the Beholders have been around (though my guess is that she appeared during the Firestorm Peak/Elder Elves incident)
Also, this time, I picture this Farrealm rift as being closed by the powers of the Far Realm to keep stuff from the Multiverse from leaking in-- or seeping out. (BTW, the Violet Dawn books-- namely Denizens of Avandu-- have a couple really interesting new monster races that would really add flavor to the Far Realm, including a neutral good race of energy beings who find Multiverse matter inimical. The entire bestiary has HP Lovecraft written all over it. It's good stuff.)

Archdukechocula's picture
Joined: 2008-02-24
Re: Planescape Timeline

Rip, I hope you put your remarkable grasp of chronology to use in service to humanity in some way, because you never cease to amaze me with your encyclopedic knowledge of this stuff. You better be a history professor or something, otherwise I will be saddened Smiling

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Re: Planescape Timeline

Hyena of Ice wrote:
I thought the Illithid brought the gith and other slaves with them from the future...

Probably not, but it doesn't matter if they did or not for these purposes, because Gith's rebellion was in the past. Regardless of when the slave race Gith belonged to came from, at some point in the past the illithids formed an empire and Gith and her followers shattered it. Upon escaping from the illithids, Gith left as a hostage to Tiamat and Vlaakith became the first queen of the githyanki. We can calculate, extremely roughly, how long it's been since then because we know there's been exactly 157 githyanki queens. None of these queens came with the illithids from the future, since they didn't start their reign until after their race gained its freedom from the mind flayer yoke.

I say "probably not" because even Lords of Madness notes they enslaved the ancestors of the gith after they arrived in the past. The illithids arrived alone on a Prime world (called Pharagos in Dungeon #100) and conquered it, turning its human inhabitants into their slaves.

Dawn of the Overmind notes that it took a thousand years for the illithids to create their artificial world, Penumbra, so they ruled an empire in the past for at least that long even before Gith's rebellion. During that time they altered some of their slaves using their tumerogenesis tanks to make them more psionically potent, so that they could be used as warriors against the voor, an insectoid race that posed a threat to illithid supremacy. After the voor were defeated, a few of these psionically empowered humanoids escaped into the general breeding population, and eventually their descendants became potent enough to rebel.

Then of course we have to factor in the Aboleth empires (whose slaves are said to have prayed the first deities into existence. Obviously this takes place looong before the Triassic-analogue era, and in all likelihood takes place during the Carboniferous analogue.)

If the aboleths are actually the very first form of life to exist on worlds (discounting the draedens, who originated in the void), then I'd place them much earlier, like the Archean eon or whatever. But I tend to think the D&D universe is substantially younger than our own (if only because mythogenesis doesn't take as long), it might not have literally been billions of years ago.

The Great Mother I am uncertain since I am not aware how long the Beholders have been around (though my guess is that she appeared during the Firestorm Peak/Elder Elves incident)

While the beholder race might be considerably younger (I'm not aware of a mention of them prior to 3600 or so years ago), I think the Great Mother must have existed in the multiverse for much longer, since she was probably the ancestor of the oculus demons, who lived in the Abyss "well before the time of the tanar'ri" according to Expedition to the Demonweb Pits (and that, in turn, places her long before even elder elf civilization). That source actually said "the most fantastic story suggests the oculus demons were spawned by a gibbering mouther demigoddess and a giant with a hundred eyes - perhaps with a drop of beholder blood somehow added to the mix," but we know (from Monster Mythology) that the Great Mother mated with demons and demodands early on, so that seems the simplest theory. The Great Mother is probably the "gibbering mouther demigoddess" in question, and she probably mated with an obyrith of some kind (I'm tempted to say it was the many-eyed obyrith Cabiri) to produce the first oculus demons.

Gibbering mouthers have probably only been around in the multiverse since the Great Gate of Firestorm Peak, and they're probably related to gibbering orbs, beholders, and the Great Mother somehow, but I wouldn't be surprised if gibbering mouthers were creatures the Great Mother spawned when she existed in the Far Realm eons ago, and beholders were creatures she spawned in the multiverse much later. I'd assume the Great Mother entered the multiverse at around the same time as Ghaunadaur and similar entities, long before the elder elves.

The 4th edition sourcebook Underdark (yeah, I know, but bear with me) tells of a mythical event called the Great Hatching, when the Great Mother emerged in the Underdark from the Far Realm, tearing herself "from an egg that was her first worldly form" at some point before the height of the ancient illithid empire. The pieces of her shell became new eggs, each of which hatched into new beholders. The book suggests the particulars are just a myth the beholders tell and suggests a few alternative origins of the eggs (they might be created by a different god, be entirely natural, or have been accidentally created by the illithids near the end of their imperial period), but the hatching is real. This is a phenomenon that continues to the present day, the Hatchlands still existing somewhere in the Underdark, still occasionally spawning new beholders from fragments of what is believed to be the primal egg.

Monster Mythology's creation story is slightly different, saying the Great Mother birthed the beholders from a cluster of "cosmic eggs" laid across the planes and worlds, from which the Beholder Ancients, the first hive mothers, emerged. Still, this isn't really incompatible with the 4th edition idea of the Hatchlands, and it's possible that these clusters of "cosmic eggs" have resulted in Hatchlands scattered in the underdarks of various worlds and planes.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Planescape Timeline

If the aboleths are actually the very first form of life to exist on worlds (discounting the draedens, who originated in the void), then I'd place them much earlier, like the Archean eon or whatever.

Well, I would assume that they'd have arisen during the Cambrian explosion-analogue. I would not place them in the Archaean period because only bacteria and proto-bacteria existed then. The Aboleth I am assuming are the first forms of SENTIENT life other than the Draeden. The Cambrian explosion is the most likely canidate because a sentient species is most likely to occur (probability wise) during a period of great biological diversity. This means the Aboleth could not have arisen any earlier than the Precambrian.
I placed their Empires much later because the Carboniferous has the most diverse lifeforms and is still an epoch that would be very friendly to the Aboleths (as opposed to the Permian or Triassic, which are very hot and very dry), though other geological peiod canidates include the Devonian, and possibly the Silurian.
Anything before that, and their only slave canidates would have been antediluvian aberrations (e.g. flumph) and sentient trilobite-men.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Re: Planescape Timeline

I think, in retrospect, that you might be basically right. If aboleths created all plants and animals, the question is what they created them from. Aboleths aren't demiurges who create matter from nothing, and they aren't known for the ability to turn living constructs into self-replicating independent biological races. Making them super-alchemists with the ability to transform clay into seaweed is probably a bit much. They probably shaped and uplifted species they already found. I'm uncertain how much they did so: are they responsible for turning fish into amphibians? Did they turn invertebrates into fish?

There is a pleasing simplicity to the idea that the aboleths were created by a Far Realm entity touching the newborn worlds, and aboleths created all other plant and animal life. It answers a lot of questions. It comes down to whether or not you want questions to be answered that simply, with a Lovecraftian horror basically responsible for the player characters and everything they are. Most people probably don't, and treating aboleths instead as an invasive species that played a large role in the early development of many forms of life is probably enough.

Bacteria might not exist in the D&D universe. Disease might be caused by negative energy instead, or by divine curses. Yogurt and cheese might be created by patterns of positive energy affecting the milk, patterns that replicate themselves in ways analogous to bacteria without actually being anything but pure energy. Or they might actually be tiny, mindless energons that infest everything in the world.

My idea in my previous post was basically that the aboleths existed before even single-celled life, and were responsible for everything, but I think I may back away from that a bit.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Planescape Timeline

I think, in retrospect, that you might be basically right. If aboleths created all plants and animals, the question is what they created them from. Aboleths aren't demiurges who create matter from nothing, and they aren't known for the ability to turn living constructs into self-replicating independent biological races. Making them super-alchemists with the ability to transform clay into seaweed is probably a bit much.

Uh, I never claimed that the Aboleth created those creatures. I'm assuming that said creatures are a product of evolution just like the Aboleth.

My idea in my previous post was basically that the aboleths existed before even single-celled life, and were responsible for everything, but I think I may back away from that a bit.

Perhaps the first part of that statement is true. Aboleth would be more akin to living primordial soup than a giant single-celled organism. Nonetheless, I stand by my statement that they'd likely be a result of the Cambrian explosion analogue. The flumph is likely to have arisen in this era as well (we can deduce from the canonical articles on their ecology that they are a natural, antediluvian lifeform). BTW, just an interesting note, but technically, a lot of the Cambrian Explosion lifeforms (such as Dickinsonia) would be classified as Aberrations.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Re: Planescape Timeline

Hyena of Ice wrote:
[i]Uh, I never claimed that the Aboleth created those creatures. I'm assuming that said creatures are a product of evolution just like the Aboleth.

Never claimed you did. I was contradicting myself, not you. Although I don't think aboleths are the product of evolution; I think they sprang into being fully formed when Piscaethces the Blood Queen touched the world.

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