So, I came up with a theme for a Planescape game that I was hoping on running in the near future with a group of friends. The Theme is Nothingness. I was actually inspired by this discussion lead by Neil Degrasse Tyson (warning: it is rather long):
I wanted to discuss ideas that could be used in the campaign setting with this theme in mind. A few ideas that I came up initially should help jump start this discussion I hope.
Zero, the Divine Number: Much like the Divine Alphabet, I would imagine that there should be Divine Numbers who assisted in the create of the physics of the universe. Zero would make sense as the number that would want to return the universe to zero sum, or rather nothing.
The Last Word: I know that Tenebrous had The Last Word but I'm not sure what happened to it after the events of Dead Gods (which I have yet to read) perhaps Zero would wish to find the Word?
The Auditors of Reality: Conceptual entities From Discworld. Inspired the concept of Zero. Auditors basically file all of the paperwork to keep reality running. They hate mortals because they make the universe messy and therefore have plotted to wipe them from existence on occasion.
Infinity: I would argue the conceptual opposite to Zero. While Zero is nothing, Infinity is Everything. Infinity could be a Divine Number as well. Where you can have nothing of something you could also potentially have an infinite amount of it as well.
If you have time (and interest) I would recommend checking out the video. It's very interesting and discusses different types of nothingness and the metaphysics of it as well. Anyway I hope to hear some interesting thoughts on this from you guys. Thank you.
I saw a little of the video but my lunch break is only so long (BTW, next time lead with the fact that the discussion is led by Neil deGrasse Tyson)
I guess my first question is are you picturing the force(s) of Nothingness as a principal foe in your campaign or just a force needed for the regulation of existance?
Is Nothingness (and/or its Auditors) launching major plans (ala Orcus or Vecna) to destroy all of existance? Or is it a more passive (in terms of the PCs' lives) like Primus?