Planescape: The Musical Sequal

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Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Planescape: The Musical Sequal

It's a nice day in Sigil.

That is, what passes for "Nice " in Sigil and what passes for "Day" in Sigil.

The Grand Bazaar is busy. So many hawkers and customers have come to the markets today that they spill into the surrounding streets and alleyways for blocks. In an intersection on Duskgate road, a small throng of people have gathered. A round of laughter issues from the knot of planars. A few more, walking by on business of their own, pause and come over, wanting to see what the others have found so amusing.

Looking over the shoulders of those at the back, they first see the flash of blades. A familiar sight indeed on the streets of Sigil to blooded cutters, but this time they are three gleeming daggers expertly juggled.

"Now this is where it gets hard, because I can only find three daggers. Can someone in the crowd throw one...WAIT on second thought never mind, I didn't like how that Kaasta in the back smiled when I started to make that suggestion."

There are a few chuckles from the crowd, and the three Kaasta in the back smile and hissingly snicker.

"I know I promised to juggle four blades, but I guess the multiverse has proved me wrong again! Rule of threes has won again!"

The Jester is wearing a stitched-together outfit that looks like the remains of half a dozen other pieces of clothing. He wears a five-limbed jester's hat with five silver bells that jingle jangle as he juggles. In one quick motion he sweeps off his hat and places the brim between his teeth.

"Ff coursh! I f'rgot. I haff a nuffer one. In fy HAT!

He begins juggling all three throwing daggers with one hand as he reaches in his hat and pulls out a three-foot rapier. A middle-aged man walking by, dressed like a wizard from some prime world (conical hat and all), smirks at the jester. Now juggling three throwing daggers and sword, he elicits applause from the crowd.

"Fhere it ish, Stitch's prff 'f 'at inner flaners ish not out 'f touch."

For the finale he flips the blades one by one high in the air and catches them in the hat. Last of all he throws the rapier up into the air so that it comes down point first. It too disappears into the hat. Stitch then takes the hat out of his mouth and bows to the crowd with a flourish.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Planescape: The Musical Sequal

"Thank you, hende beings, thank you. Please, hands clapping is a nice sound, but jinx rubbing together makes sweeter music."

He collects a few greens from a couple of patrons, but Sigilans are tight with their jink, especially on the open street.

"For my next trick, I will need the help of someone from the audience. The craftier, the better. In fact more than one would be good. I especially would like someone who can assure the crowd that there is no sorcery invoved in this next trick at all." He sets his hat on the ground and pulls from it a ten-foot wooden ladder. "Heh heh, well, almost none..." He also lifts out (from the knees, not the back) a large wooden coffin. "There we go, that's what I was looking for. Now, who would like to help me out here?

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Planescape: The Musical Sequal

A lithe male with a fiery tint steps confidently from the crowd. He has an agreeable face, his smile a shocking pearl hue. The planetouched creature darts his almond eyes to his right, just in time to see the stupefied face of a halfing who found the genasi's jinkless trousers alarming. "Perhaps you didn't realize, berk: Where I come from, these flashy clothes are rather plain...'As dull as the minds who rob blinds.'" Patting the poor sod on the back, he returns to the anarchic cutter with the spangled hat.

"As our good friend just showed, I have no jink, but I have myself--I volunteer." He turns to the crowd, arms spread to allow his open vest billow, the yellow tracery dancing upon the orange backdrop, a flameless fire. "As you note, I have naught but my clothes, my flesh, and my lucky quartz--perhaps I'll need it, if the coffin leads to the Grey Waste." As he winks a golden eye at Stitch, the cerulean hue of his hair crackles with enthusiasm.

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
Planescape: The Musical Sequal

A tall satyr with hair and mane of dark brown, almost black, approaches the crowd, which he almost tops by the lenght of a head. He is wearing a light leather armor, decorated with stripes in different tones of green. Then he pauses for a moment and watches the performance of the Xaositect and his volunteer, which to him seems just a little to flamboyant to just be some random bystander.
"He might actually be part of the show...", he thinks. With a little smile on his face he decides to watch anyway. He fingers one of the two pairs of pipes hanging around his neck and silently hums a little tune to himself, his grey eyes focused on the two artists in front of him.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Planescape: The Musical Sequal

Stitch opens the coffin and inside is a suit of armor.

"Now, I've entertained you with some foibles, I mean fables... no I mean fibbles, about the planes. The point, gentle beings, well, gentle except for the Kaasta back there, oh and the Abashi, I don't like the look of that tiefling trio either, never mind! My point is that existance is chaos. The multiverse is too big, too complex, and too wild and random to obey whatever rules you try to put on it. This armor will represent order, wheras I shall represent Chaos." He smiles at the crowd and reaches back into his hat. "These chains and will represent the shakles of conformity, and the lock will be laws and codified rules of conduct, to justify oppression."

He hands the chains to the bright Genasi. "My new friend here will be the unwiting citizen, unknowingly applying the chains of conformity unto third parties."

Stitch then puts on the Armor. When he's done the has Qurillin wrap the chains around him. "Of course, in a society so constrained, the Iron Boots of authority must remain unfettered." He then enters the coffin and asks his assitant to close the door.

A few long moments go by...then the box starts to shake. Qurillin, still standing next to the box, and sort of leaning on the ladder, sees everthing that happens, and can honestly say that Stitch, as promised, did not use any magic at all.

The rest of the crowd would have seen the coffin door open again, seemingly pushed by the steel boot of the armor. The armor takes a half step forward, then topples over. It his the ground and the helmet falls off, the armor is empty! The empty coffin follows, slowly tipping, then falling on the pile of armor. A couple of seconds later, it is lifted back up from underneath.

"Of course even a free spirit like me has a hard time escaping the boundries of mortality."

Stich stands and bows to the crowd's applause. A few more greens and a couple of stingers are flicked at Stitch's hat, still sitting open on the cobbles.

(Qurillin sees that the back of the coffin opened a little at the bottom to give the Jester a little more room to move. The armor must have been specially made, because the buckles practically fell off. Stitch then carefully backed out of the coffin, staying low, purposely shaking it to keep attention on the swaying, therefore higher up where it swayed more. Just before he left completely he made the leg kick the lid open. Then, as the coffin tipped forward, the bottom opened up and Stitch quckly crawled back inside.)

"One last thing before I go, and you all get back to shopping, shiving, or whatever else you do this peak." Stitch takes out a Harmonica and blows a note on it then starts to sing...

[*sort of to the tune of Mr. Garrison from South Park "Merry F@%k'n Christmas"]

[Staring slow]
Now some people say...
that the world is grey...
they like it to be all in balance.

They don't like it hot
'cause the spire is not
they like peace and silence...

Two rilmani in the crowd smile at the words, but suddenly Stitch dances around in a circle, and its almost like a wave moves out away from him, and everyone in the square starts to dance around maddly in a chaotic caper

Hey there miss rilmani 'mam
Happy flippin cha-os!
I'll climb your spire with an axe and chop ol' Sigil down!
Then I'll put it in my pants and dance and dance and dance and dance.
You really are a boring buch you really bring a frown.

Stitch stops and places his hand on his chest, singing slowly again.

Now some people like,
their order in life.
And some people like books and knowledge.

Some like to hear
themselves talk for a year.
Well, my friends have never been to college.

Everyone was catching their breath from the uncontrollable, and rather sudden and surprising, vigorous dance that all within earshot had just participated in. Then, on cue, Stitch starts dancing again, but this time, everone near to a Factotum of the Fraternaity of Order who had been passing by, sings along as well.

Hey there mister Guvner sir
Have some freakin' ChAos!
Every time you write a law, there's three exceptions TWO!
You can't count up all the multiverse, or all the verse, or all the worst
I think we'll burn your courthouse down, that's just the thing to do.

The song slows again. This time a pair of Soldiers in grey chain mail start to advance through the crowd.

Some people think
they'll just make it sink
the worlds're all fallin' apart anyhow.

They sharpen their blades
till the day it all fades
Well Pentar was a big fat supid moo-cow!

Stitch dances, and everyone in the crowd locks elbows and starts swinging each other around.

Hey there mister Doomguard guy
Eat some flavored cHAOs!
You lived in dust so long you smell of ashes, steel and blood.
Mercinaries lost in waste, and blood war gaffes, and broken gates
What life is that, no color, no laugh, I think you need a hug.

An Aasimar who had been swinging around the Abashi steps back, confused during the slow part.

Some folk like it light,
all rightious and right,
others like it dark and spooky.

They all look at the Hive,
and they just don't jive
they think we're all just kooky.

Hey there mister Sigil-in
Come on down to XaoS!

Hey there tall Celestial
come on down to Axos!

Hey mister Baatazu,
come on down to Saox!

You there missus prime-world gal
Lets go down in CHAOS!

The entire crowd is dancing. Some are doing flips or handstands. Stitch dances all around in the center of the crowd, Like a pied piper he leads a good portion of the bystanders down the alley he had been perfoming in front of. He activates a portal in an archway and ushers those that followed him, still dancing, through one by one. Stitch lifts the coinpurses of several as they dance past him through the portal.

When the song ends, everyone just starts ambling away. Several are smiling. A few look slightly embarassed, but not greatly so. The majority just amble off and go about their business like nothing happened at all. Even so, lots of people on the street are sweating and panting with exertion.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Planescape: The Musical Sequal

The genasi's eyes sharpen at the orderly--er, well-crafted allusion Stitch latches to every piece of his show. Clasping the coffin lid shut, Qurilln steps to the right and leans against the ladder. I shall enjoy this quasi-thuergy, I think...

The wooden structure starts wobbling and shivering with the thud of metal. The blue hair ebbs to a rapid rustle of brighter color at the roots, like anxious fire burning with the prescience of new fuel. A vague movement catches the planetouched's eye--the coffin's back had swung out! Barely visible in the slight exposure was the jester's back, wriggling out of the armor, the straps falling off like whicked moisture. Azure radiance flares toward the tips as Qurilln surpresses a chuckle of intrigue. And so chaos bends--no breaks--the rules to Law and Order fool.

All through Stitch's song burst, Qurilln is the first--being closest--to begin a jig. With the balance and alacrity of his training, he bounds up the ladder with fluid movements and slides down from the length acting heedless of the distance (though a hand or foot is always in contact with the wall). At the last stanza, he tumbles forward through the crowd and locks arms with a musing satyr. Qurilln barely notices the flock migrating through the gate toward whatever the jester envisioned as Chaos (figuring it was Xaos, from the lyrics).

Ah, here is a jig no one sang
On the fair plains of brilliance.
Though Chaos' message rang
And fluidity be rich dalliance,
Order and law stoutly upholds,
A pillar for amorphous molds.

...So, to mix the merry blend,
Let Order and Chaos find
Most lively, lovely neutral end.

OOC: Let me know if any rolls should be done for anything above. Smiling

13 Bonus for Perform(Sing) to do
I rolled 1d20+13, the result is 23.
Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
Planescape: The Musical Sequal

The Satyr seems a little confused about his sudden urge to dance, hop around and sing, but , being a creature of chaos himself, he soon begins to enjoy the whole show, happily locking arms with the genasi who used to be part of the whole act from the beginning. At he end of the song, he needs a moment to catch his breath, then he starts to play a tune on his flutes, slow first, then faster and faster, singing short lines of text between the phrases.

How strange is this incident,
We all started to sing.
But I think that it's brilliant,
What a wonderful thing!

Chaos defeats order!
The performer is king!
Art will always prevail,
And Joy it will bring!

So I join in the song,
and sing all along!
Chaos is the way!
Yes, Chaos, it's the way!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Planescape: The Musical Sequal

[ooc: no rolls needed, but you should roll 'perform' if singing or entertaining NPCs. Unneccessary here as yet.]

Stitch packs his act back into his hat and walks over to the Genasi and the Satyr.

"That was a fine little bit of verse, on both your parts. You are poets, good planars."

He pulls the harmonica back out and looks at it as if considering something. "I have here a strange and wonderous thing that I would like to share with you. We share everything in the Hive, don't you know, even if the other isn't exactly willing to share sometimes. Anyhow, this little item was given to me by a Githzerai friend of mine. We've been having loads of fun with it in the Hive, so I wanted to try it out in Sigil proper. I must say, though, I jumped the opportunity quicker than I planed on using it, but oh well. Life is chaos is it not? It renders many plans moot, and 'tis the best if we simply learn to deal with that reality and improvise."

"Now, I don't know if my friend Template made this thing or found it, she never said. It really is one of my most favorite things I've ever held, well, other than my hat. Thing is, it never works for the same berk twice in a row. Whoever made it meant it to be shared."

He holds the harmonica out to the pair, offering it to either.

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
Planescape: The Musical Sequal

"This is most interesting. I assume that it was this object which enabled you to spread the joy of music and chaos amongst all this people? That this priceless instrument made everyone here dance and sing?"
Eldan takes the harmonica and examines it carefully.
"Is any special action required to play it?"

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Planescape: The Musical Sequal

"Special action? Only the skill and desire to spread music. A single note will do, if followed by song. Now come, It is is early and I've made a fair amount of jink already today. Will you two join me for a bite and a sip of wine? And of course, a bit more good cheer and song."

"Oh this is the Cage
but a guilded one indeed!
Sigil takes much away
but she gives back at need.
Her streets are alive,
her buildings tall and fair,
and her taverns all smoke-full
yet cleaner than her air."

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Planescape: The Musical Sequal

Bright-eyed with interest, Qurilln watches the exchange with wonder. To find that a harmonica doted the beauty of notes to all, amazing! I wonder if such a hale trinket has graced the ears of my home...

Other than see how the satyr would ply the instrument, the genasi gladly takes up the offer for a meal. "Ah, much too kind, dear cutter. And, in due course, I twig the generous offer and accept."

Following the tune of Stitch:

Ah, tis a blessed place
To find the majesty not seen
In the home of my shiny race.
Nothing better to drink a stint
Of fluted notes from planes remote,
Hoping in each to find fair Beauty's hint!

7 Bonus for Bardic Knowledg to do
I rolled 1d20+7, the result is 11.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Planescape: The Musical Sequal

[DMing: Bardic Knowledge check on the Hamonica - Qurillin recognizes it as a musical instrument, and has a fair idea how to play it, but that's it.]

"Come then, faire friends. I know a place near the Grand Bazaar that has the finest, most plentiful and varried, and fairly inexpensive to boot, food and drink in the Ward. It is called 'The Laugh', and the proprietor is a ... well ... a most unusual fellow. We'll leave it at that for now, follow me."

Stitch starts juggling three newly-acquired coinpurses as he walks down the street. About a block-and-a-half later he suddenly decides to chuck one of them at the head of some destitute sod, who looks rather grateful for the slight concussion when he sees gold spill out.

Eventually, the trio reaches a large stone tavern with a high tower attached. The placard reads 'The Laugh' and has a picture of Sigil atop the Spire of the Outlands.

Inside is a large tavern room with a huge and well-stocked, if plainly decorated, bar. Waiters and waitresses come and go from the obviously well-aportioned kitchen area, bringing plates of various foods. The heady smell of the place is intoxicating. Steaming trays of meats, curried potatoes and cauliflower, fancy cakes and pastries, noodles and soups, warm breads and cheeses, all pass before the eyes and noses. Interestingly though, fully half of the plates of food that are carried from the kitchen are brought to a single table, at which sits a very large Green Slaad with greyish tiger-stripe markings. The Slaad seems to be wearing a green silk robe, obviously tailored to fit his ample frame, and quite a bit of gold and bronze jewelry. He consumes whole plates of food at a time, yet from his expressions seems to be savoring each dish individually for a few moments before moving on to the next.

No other patron sits anywhere near the Slaad.

Stitch walks up to the bar and pours the contents of one coinpurse out. "Food, and drink."

"Certainly sir, would you like to hear what the chefs recomend today?" the bartender, a young Githzerai woman asks.

"Surprise me." Stitch replies.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Planescape: The Musical Sequal

{A special call out to any lurkers who want to play (username, looking in your direction) a tavern is a wonderful place to meet new PCs}

0 Bonus for Diplomacy (gett to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 7.
Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Planescape: The Musical Sequal

Drinking in the sights around him, Qurilln chuckles at the slaad's voracious intake of food. Other than that, the genasi infers that the beauty of this tavern laid not in the asthetics but in the cuisine. Or so I hope.

He takes a seat in between Stitch and a slouched human, eyeing the stubbled cheeks and blood-shot eyes of the patron. What a pity... Qurilln sighs away the morose thought and turns to his gregarious host. "So, how long have you possessed the interesting harmonica?"

OOC: Makes a Knowledge local about the slaad.

12 Bonus for Know[loc] to do
I rolled 1d20+12, the result is 20.
Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Planescape: The Musical Sequal

Drinking in the sights around him, Qurilln chuckles at the slaad's voracious intake of food. Other than that, the genasi infers that the beauty of this tavern laid not in the asthetics but in the cuisine. Or so I hope.

He takes a seat in between Stitch and a slouched human, eyeing the stubbled cheeks and blood-shot eyes of the patron. What a pity... Qurilln sighs away the morose thought and turns to his gregarious host. "So, how long have you possessed the interesting harmonica?"

OOC: Makes a Knowledge local about the slaad.

12 Bonus for Know[loc] to do
I rolled 1d20+12, the result is 15.
Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Planescape: The Musical Sequal

Drinking in the sights around him, Qurilln chuckles at the slaad's voracious intake of food. Other than that, the genasi infers that the beauty of this tavern laid not in the asthetics but in the cuisine. Or so I hope.

He takes a seat in between Stitch and a slouched human, eyeing the stubbled cheeks and blood-shot eyes of the patron. What a pity... Qurilln sighs away the morose thought and turns to his gregarious host. "So, how long have you possessed the interesting harmonica?"

OOC: Makes a Knowledge local about the slaad.

12 Bonus for Know[loc] to do
I rolled 1d20+12, the result is 20.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Planescape: The Musical Sequal

[DMing: Knowledge about the Slaad; Slaadi are natives of Limbo. They are thought to be the Exemplars of pure chaos. There are two basic types: Blue and Red. When a Red Slaad attacks a victim, it will implant an egg pellet that matures into a Blue Slaad. The opposite is true for a Blue Slaad. However, when either implants an egg into an arcane spellcaster, it matures into a Green Slaad, slightly smaller but more powerful. Some Slaadi may advance to more powerful types, becoming a Grey and perhaps ultimately a Death Slaad, though the process is unknown except to the Slaadi themselves.]

"Hmm? Oh, not long, not long. Novelty becomes quickly tired among the Xaositects, you know."

"They call Xaositects all barmy,
but I think we're just tarmy.
Guvners think we're a danger,
but I've never met a stranger
just friends I haven't met yet
and marks with stuff I must get.

Oh The Hive The Hive The Hive.

Every day is like a parade
give us primes we'll make lemonade.
The Potato King is sire
just skip to side of the mire.
I'll laugh with me arse on yer shiv
when I haven't a green to give.

Oh The Hive The Hive The Hive!"

"Fun things like that don't become boring for me quite as quickly. In fact..." He lowers his voice a bit, "I had planned on going to the Courts, or the Prison, to use it today. Those stuffy old curmudgins could use some song and dance in those halls. Plus, I've got a few friends at the Prison who I fear haven't sung out in joy for far too long. Of couse, to go through with my plan, one of you bloods has to use the Harmonica first. Like I said, it won't work for the same berk twice in a row. Hey, no time like the present, right? I've always suspected ol' Byrtwold over there has a beutiful singing voice, when his gullet isn't full of food." He casts a glace over at the Slaad and gives him a smile. The Slaad notices Stitch smiling in his direction and gives him a friendly nod and wave between consuming a stuffed fowl and a huge bowl of pasta and white sauce. Stitch grabs the bottle of liquor that the bartender had set before him and raises it to Byrtwold before taking a huge swig.

10 Bonus for Perform (sing) to do
I rolled 1d20+10, the result is 15.
Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Planescape: The Musical Sequal

OOC: My comp went barmy, so please ignore the other two posts (I'm not sure how to delete them...didn't see a delete button). Puzzled

Also, I meant as to the slaad with a zealous appetite--his renown/notoriety, etc--forgive the lack of specifics. Mia culpa :oops:

(an excellent write up on the race, btw) Smiling

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Planescape: The Musical Sequal

Qurilln smiles at the fanciful tune. Finally, the Xoasitect's perspective on things...quite intriguing. His hair's flowing vibrancy drops to a rolling glimmer as the genasi listens intently to what Stitch proposed. "Yes, that would be an interesting deed...aye, I'm twiggin' the idea. You wouldn't mind one of us performing at either of the said locations?"

Eyeing past the lithe jester, Qurilln addresses the satyr. "Haven't properly introduced myself--you can call me Qurilln--but I'd be interested in seeing the slaad spout a lymric or lyric, whichever best bounces from the vittle-spittled jaws."

"What a wonderful thing to hear!
Notes doted upon every blood's ear.
Aye, whether untrained or acclaimed,
Let the minstrel souls be openly named!
Let's see these habitual mutes
Sound like well-toned flutes!

13 Bonus for Perform(Sing) to do
I rolled 1d20+13, the result is 32.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Planescape: The Musical Sequal

[DMing: Ah! Now I see. Well a 20 would yield quite a bit of info about this particular Slaad. Instead of me telling you, though, go to "Sites to Skeg" under Planar Portals in the Features section, and look up The Laugh.]

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
Planescape: The Musical Sequal

Eldan nods sagely.
"Aye, a noble cause, to bring joy to those imprisoned. To free the minds of those whose bodies are in chains. My name is Eldan and I would much like to help you achieve this. Because...

No matter what a blood has done,
Imprisoning him is just wrong.
He deserves to be free from opression,
that is at least my impression.
The mind can't be put in chains,
Because of the freedom it gains
Whenever the body's supressed.
And, as I once confessed,
the mind's always free,
to wander, to hear, to see!"

(OOC: Not a really good one, but it needed a song here)

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Planescape: The Musical Sequal

"Well, my dear satyr, you have my harmonica now (don't think I didn't see what pocket its in) shall we adjoun and shake the very walls of the Lady's Ward with rocking misic? Or, would you like me to teach you a Slaad, Slaad song?" The Xaositect Juggler asks.

Stitch takes a shot of whisky by tipping forward into a one-handed handstand on the stool. The execution is not exactly flawless. The stool wobbles a little and he piches off, landing with a resonding crash behind the bar. Without missing a beat he stands back up and grabs another bottle from the shelf next to a slightly stunned bartender. He pours a glass each for both Qurilln and Eldan. [A light elvin wine, should they taste it]

"So, which will it be? G'rosht nubByA k'kKtT (that means "Stop Chewing" in Slaad). Or you can give the Harmonica to Qurilln."

8 Bonus for Tumble to do
I rolled 1d20+8, the result is 11.
Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Planescape: The Musical Sequal

On an impulse, the genasi imitates the jester's handspring, only with one alteration: He attempts to kart-wheel himself with the stool, landing upright and sitting at the edge of the Slaad's table.

7 Bonus for Tumble to do
I rolled 1d20+7, the result is 20.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Planescape: The Musical Sequal

Qurilln successfuly handsprings over to the Slaad's table. The giant green fog of chaos doesn't even blink, just chews a mouthful of pickled radishes a few more times and swollows. He looks at the genasi for a few moments while drinking from a huge jug of water. Then he leans forward and sniffs at Qurilln.

"Hmmm...y0u sMeLL like a SenS@te, MisTer Rainbow. Here, try $ome Byopian Wasabi In Cr@nberry Gravy. I h!re ten of the be$T chefs in SIGIL. I sEe you [=brown]trA

0 Bonus for Perform (juggle to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 3.
10 Bonus for Perform (juggle to do
I rolled 1d20+10, the result is 21.
Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Planescape: The Musical Sequal

Qurilln's blue hair flares with the shivering of his laughing frame. "You honor me with that title. And I return the honor with my name: I am Qurilln Vhrasklati from the Realm of Brilliant Lights. Thank you for the vittles."

The genasi plucks up a spare set of dinnerware and slides a portion of the savory meal into his mouth. Allowing his palate to siphon every ounce of flavor, Qurilln clears his throat with a draught from an extra jug sitting on the table. (incorporate any admixture you desire, Azure. Lets just hope it isn't Styxian wine. lol)

As a compliment, Qurilln returns the gift with a tune:

Only in this spherical loop
Can a blood find every planar soup:
The Baatorian ooze flam,
A 'loth's devious sham;
Some guardinal gruel
Or Aborean toadstool.
Yet, upon this fair day,
I've enjoyed cuisine as only a Slaad could array!

13 Bonus for Perform(Sing) to do
I rolled 1d20+13, the result is 19.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Planescape: The Musical Sequal

The Slaad smiles widely at the Genasi's impromptu verse, actually a rather disturbing sight given the size of his jaws and the sharpness of his teeth. "YOU sh0LD meEt My fRieNd. She's @ very COLORFUL sERpeNt, aNd she likEs to SiNg too. This iNn is rEally jUst MY DINING rooM, my rEAL bu$ine$$ is pOti0ns and spEll CoMponeNts from across The Planes."

[OOC: If either Qurilln or Eldan wants to make the entire tavern , indeed the entire block, break out in song, simply use the Harmonica before singing.]

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Planescape: The Musical Sequal

OOC: Knowledge(Local) to see if Qurilln has any idea what kind of critter this "serpent lady" is.

Tumble check to swivel chair and dex check to nimbly pluck the harmonica from the satyr.

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 6.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 9.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 11.
Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Planescape: The Musical Sequal

OOC: Knowledge(Local) to see if Qurilln has any idea what kind of critter this "serpent lady" is. [14]

Tumble check [10] to swivel chair and dex check to nimbly pluck the harmonica from the satyr.[19]

IC: (depending what you say about those rolls...)

Qurilln shifts his weight to tip the stool on one leg, shifting to make it rotate each leg in the direction of the satyr. As the stool wobbles into position, the genasi slips the harmonica from the planar's hands (or pocket, however you think it Eldan) and gives it a blow from one end to the other, an shrill cascade of semi-musical air.

He then tilts back and sings--at first glancing to the satyr before returning his gaze to the general direction of the Slaad and Stitch--with all his heart [perform(sing)=32]:

Sorry for the peeling, Cutter,
But I seek to spread the thanks for slaadi butter.
May all the merry berks--friend, fiend or kin--
Make revelry in this wondrous inn!

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 2.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 3.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 16.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 19.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Planescape: The Musical Sequal

Super multi-post

10 Bonus for Peforn (sing) to do
I rolled 1d20+10, the result is 30.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Planescape: The Musical Sequal


10 Bonus for Peform (sing) to do
I rolled 1d20+10, the result is 21.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Planescape: The Musical Sequal


10 Bonus for Peform (sing) to do
I rolled 1d20+10, the result is 27.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Planescape: The Musical Sequal


10 Bonus for Peform (sing) to do
I rolled 1d20+10, the result is 23.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Planescape: The Musical Sequal


10 Bonus for Peform (sing) to do
I rolled 1d20+10, the result is 24.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Planescape: The Musical Sequal


10 Bonus for Peform (sing) to do
I rolled 1d20+10, the result is 24.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Planescape: The Musical Sequal

Stitch takes up the song, and as he does so a few patrons sing "..tum, tum, tum, along behind him.

"Let every patron sing out loud,
let voices ring true and proud,
let us give thanks for his shanks and his vin,
making song in this wonderful Inn.

The bartender, watching the scene, starts expressing heself in song as well.

"You jesters are full of whisky and wine,
but to me your little songs to me seem just fine.
Just give the jinks in the jar 'till your dim
when you drink in this fabulous Inn.

The Slaad smiles even wider, and sings.

"I've a taste for the strange and arcane,
and though Ive only just learned your names,
you've made this old toad sing and grin,
so you're welcome in my wonderous Inn.

Now I'll tell you a secret dark but true
I wasn't always the Slaad you see here before you,
my soul's as old as the lady is grim,
from when I first owned this tower nary-Inn.

When at Spawning Stone The Golden Slaad find,
a sorcerer's soul, eyes and heart nary-mind,
then it was Byrtwold in this Slaad skin,
on to Sigil to found this very Inn."

The Chefs apear at the door to the kitchen, along with the waitstaff, who all sing along.

"In Limbo a Slaad makes food with his brain,
but in Sigil he has hunger pains,
but he likes his food rich, refined, and trim,
so he hired us to work in his Inn."

"Byrtwold had investments you see,
and though he might look different to you and to me,
he convinced the Fated that it was really him,
the interest alone more than paid for the Inn."

A few tables of patrons start singing.

"The Laugh has the best food in Ward,
and the libations just can't be ignored,
for the cure of being parched and thin,
people flock to this most wonderful Inn.

Stitch sings another verse while juggling a stool, a bottle, a changepurse, the helmet of a patron, and a large serving spoon.

"A Slaad with the Soul of a Mage,
in Sigil he's all the rave,
all his clients will have tales to spin,
when they come to his merry Inn.

10 Bonus for Peform (sing) to do
I rolled 1d20+10, the result is 13.
Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
Planescape: The Musical Sequal

After the harmonica is grabbed out of his hands, Eldan starts blowing his flutes to the melody, until the others singing, then joining in with a solo of his own, all the while twirling and whirling around in a fast-paced dance:

What a merry tavern this is!
This fun I would hate to miss!
I have to dance and whirl and spin,
Playing my flutes in this wonderful inn!

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Planescape: The Musical Sequal

Noticing that the satyr took no offence, Qurilln smiles broadly at the jovial outpouring that the eldritch instrument had commenced. He tips his stool on its side and tumbles along on top (like log-rolling) around the room, toasting each patron he mees. All the while, he sings in harmony:

One of the Realm of Light
Could not make so right
A landing after flight
To see Beauty's Sight.
And so in merry din,
Singing with jolly kin,
The bard finds glee within
This blessed mage's inn!!!

7 Bonus for tumble to do
I rolled 1d20+7, the result is 22.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Planescape: The Musical Sequal

Everyone in the Inn is dancing and singing along to the tune. Stitch is standing on the bar, alternately juggling bottles and drinking from them, occasionally poaring some into the open mouth of a dancer-by. In all a bacchanal scene if there ever was one. Byrtwold the Slaad is himself dancing on a table (which collapsed under his weight the moment he jumped up on it) and casting muticolored illusion spells, making dragons and unicorns dance along with all the patrons (which, this being Sigil, already included a hodgepodge of races). Stitch thows a bottle towards the Slaad, who catches it in his mouth and crunches the glass with a toothy smile.

A rousing good time is had by all and sundry...


Suddenly, the door slams open and half a dozen heavilly armed figures rush in. By the marks on their armor, they are Sodkillers. [DMing: Qurilln has been in Sigil long enough to recognize the uniforms, but Eldan has not]

The patrons all either retreat from the armed brutes or freeze still as a rabbit hiding from a hawk. The biggest and most heavilly armored of the Sodkillers steps forward, and in a baritone voice (and just a little off-key) starts to sing.

Ho now! listen ye all to me
We're tracking a criminal, see?
And much to his chagrin,
we've followed him here to this inn.

He's a bringer of discord from the Hive
and we've orders to take him alive
so unless you want one on the chin
you'll let us drag him in chains from this inn.

The leader's expression is not visible behind his great helm, but the other Sodkillers are obviously somewhat surprised that their captain is singing. Byrtwold lets his partying phantasms fade away and steps forward.

To barge into my house is just rude
I was enjoying some song with my food
now if you value your skin
you'll get the hell out of my inn.

The leader of the Sodkillers turns to the Slaad, seemingly unintimidated.

Don't get in our way, froggy berk
we just want that Xaositect jerk
over there juggling gin
by the bar of this very inn.

No use in resisting us, chumps,
even if this here froggy jumps
there is just no way you can win
we've two more squads surrounding this inn.

The Sladd lets out a loud snort from his nostrils. The cooks and waitstaff jump to instantly. Perhaps the snort was a secret signal, or perhaps just a sign of obvious displeasure that they are familiar with, but they quickly start rounding up patrons and herding them back through the kitchen. The head chef sings:

This way folks, through the back
if you want to survive the attack
hope you were done with your din
'cause its time to go in haste from this inn.

[DMing - If either Qurilln or Eldan wants to flee, they can, but I'm assuming they stay instead of leave with the staff and most of the patrons. A few others stay as well; A short (4') thin humanoid with an all-concieling black cloak and scarf is hiding by the bar, a tiefling woman (one of the waitresses who returns shortly after helping get the patrons out), a pair of gnomes (one male, one female, and obviously intimate from how they were dancing a few moments ago), and a Dire Kobold (5' tall, and much tougher looking than your average kobold) dressed in sorcerer's robes.]

Time seems to freeze as the Sodkillers and the Slaad stare each other down. One can almost see the tension in the air. Stitch jumps behind the bar and pulls out several different sized glasses. He starts playing them with a pair of wooden stirrers and sings a quick tempo

dun dun dadat dadat da dada da dun
bumbum bumbum bumbum
dun dun dadat dadat da dada DA dun

Suddenly, Byrtwold and the Sodkiller Captain leap forward simultaneously....

[DMing - Declare actions and roll initiative]

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Planescape: The Musical Sequal

At the inhospitable entrance, the genasi halts the whirling stool. He listens with a touch of curiosity at how the sodkiller speaks his message, though ire builds in his blood over the charges. At first his blue hair flares into the raging current, then the luster drops as a calm pours from the almond stare. Qurilln looks into the leader's helm and begins his own chant, which has a bit more eldritch in the vocal blend [bardic music: fascinate-will save against DC 26 or stand listening to Qurilln until he stops (up to 3 rnds)].

So you barg into a revelry
That would make many dance with glee
Only to cause senseless agony
Over a supposed felony?
Why not put your steel away
And come enjoy a jovial stay,
Which would better suit the day
You spoke in a poetic bray???

OOC: He would try this at the onset of the conflict if possible. Otherwise, this is what he'll do on his turn.

Basically, he's looking to disarm a bad situation and keep Stitch out of jail. Knowing the reknown of the Sodkillers, this is very idealistic of him--but ideals are something Radiant Genasi's enjoy.

7 Bonus for initiative to do
I rolled 1d20+7, the result is 25.
13 Bonus for Perform(Sing) to do
I rolled 1d20+13, the result is 26.
17 Bonus for diplomacy to do
I rolled 1d20+17, the result is 26.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Planescape: The Musical Sequal

[DM - saves. Eldan should roll the save as well]

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 10.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 2.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 6.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 1.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 5.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 18.
I rolled 1d20+0, the result is 20.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Planescape: The Musical Sequal

All of the Mercykillers stop and listen to the Genasi's song [1 verse = 1 round, if you want to detain them for 3 rounds, you have to come up with 3 verses, 'K?]

The Slaad stops as well, nodding in agreement in time to the song. Stitch doesn't just pause, he plays accompaniment with the glasses and bottles. Everyone else in the inn pauses in facination as well ... well almost everyone. The pair of gnomes listen for a bit, then look around at the rest and nod knowingly. They take a table and set it up in front of the Sodkiller captain. They then set up a chair behind him and actually sit him down.

The other patron who seems unaffected is the short humanoid in the black hood. He gets back up on a stool at the bar. He grabs a bottle and starts to drink.

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Planescape: The Musical Sequal

Noting the momentary pause in the disruption, Qurilln props his stool back up and takes full advantage of the eldritch enrapture...

What you claim as outrage
Is only a play without a stage!
Our jester has given only his very best,
Inciting those who call "joy" a pest.
Such is why I honor the man
By singing--the highest way I can!!

I do hope that you'll recline and dine a bit,
Lugging off iron helm and glaived fit.
Turn your heart to the blessed gourmet
This fine slaad has on display...
Perhaps the sop of distilled ambrosia
Or the quintessencial wine from Aborea,
Even the coarser brandy of Xaos,
May liven up your soul to merry chaos.

Overall, please find the time
To honor this tavern with peace and rhyme...

The genasi uses his azure hair and crimson hue throughout the song. Raising to a crescendo in the second stanza [first in this post]--blue roaring and his luster at its height--and dipping into a quiessent lull at the final refrain, only the roots burning with a stubble of intensity.

OOC: erp! the diplomacy check should be a 34; I had put 13 instead of 17 as the modifier. This is to coerce the Sodkillers toward a more plascid disposition once the fascination ends.

13 Bonus for diplomacy to do
I rolled 1d20+13, the result is 30.
Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Planescape: The Musical Sequal

[ooc sorry things halted, but I was waiting for Eldan to post, and a supposed new player as well. Rei, PM or just open post if you are still serious about joining. I'm off this week, so expect an In-C post from me soon]

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Planescape: The Musical Sequal

'Azure' wrote:
[ooc sorry things halted, but I was waiting for Eldan to post, and a supposed new player as well. Rei, PM or just open post if you are still serious about joining. I'm off this week, so expect an In-C post from me soon]

OOC: Ah, I understand. I'm in the same straits, so I guess a bit more patience won't hurt.

Can't wait to see where things go.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Planescape: The Musical Sequal

At the end of Qurilln's song, the Sodkillers seem relaxed. Their leader stands up and bows to Qurilln and Byrtwold the Slaad. "Very well, the Chaos-monger does not stand accused of any violent crime, and so we will not bring violence into a third party's private property in Sigil in order to apprehend him. My men will wait outside for him to emerge. I will stay here to make sure he does not sneak away or use magic to escape. In the meantime, you, and he, may continue your...revelry." He turns to Stitch, "Enjoy it Hiver, it may be your last taste of freedom for quite awhile."

As the Sodkillers file out the front door, the leader sets up a chair next to the other exit, the door to the kitchen area.

[DM note: When Qurilln started his own song, a different tune from the one about the Inn, he broke the spell making everyone sing.]

Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Planescape: The Musical Sequal

A smile of radiant pearl flashes on the genasi's face. Though he would love to anneal the charges against his friend, at least he had succeeded in the removal of armed conflict.

Then Qurilln realizes that the eldritch rhyme has left. His fiery hair burns softer. Had to come to an end...but it was beautiful. In a stroke of insight, the genasi hands the harmonica over with a flourish to Stitch. "As this may be your last time to enjoy a good romp, will you play a final song for us?" He winks mischeviously at the jester.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Planescape: The Musical Sequal

Mimo had been enjoying the company of a fey-like woman with glittering butterfly wings at “the Laugh”, having shared many a tale and drink with the tiny lady. He felt at home in the kip of a Slaad, and smiled as the tingling voice of his companion carried tales about her home plane.
“I’m pleasantly surprised that some of these exotic beverages actually match up to the intoxicating berryjuice that we extract back home. Some coures are sated with the vivid experiences of Arvandor, but not I! So to the marvelous City of Doors I found my way, meeting new and grand sights! However, it’s unfortunate that so many features here are so huge and unwieldy.”
“You are right, of course, my dear lady,” he replied. “Surprisingly few so-called “metropolises” at my homeworld give adequate consideration to folks smaller than dwarves, despite the significant presence of my kin and gnomes. Though, I must say it’s a fairly new experience for me to be among folks smaller than myself. A wonder, indeed, that so much beauty can be contained in such a tiny frame.”
She giggled and blushed at the compliment, as the unusual group came through the door and sat at a table nearby. Although the inn was filled with peculiar patrons, the singing voices of the trio caught Mimo’s attention, and as he exchanged pleasantries with the eladrin, his sight was drawn towards the odd harmonica they passed around.

A little while later the sound of the harmonica filled his ears and his heart with joy, and the outbreak of singing seemed strangely natural to him, for some reason. The Mimo and the coure eladrin jumped up and sang along, eventually proceeding to dance.

Such wondrous things have I heard and seen,
In the City of Doors, a marvelous scene!
But never like this, have I felt inspiration,
This mystical tool has caught my attention!

At some point, the jester tumbled by and poured a bit of wine into Mimo’s mouth, and the inn was filled with singing and dancing, when the armed brutes burst in. When things started to get tense, Mimo slipped behind the bar to observe and shortly after the jester came diving over at the other end. As the glowing planetouched began to speak, Mimo recognized the effect, and saw that he was among fellow tale-tellers.


When things start to cool down, Mimo turns toward the jester and makes his introduction to the trio, trying not to attract attention from the captain if possible.
The splendidly dressed halfling bows deeply, lifting his flamboyant wide-brimmed hat and smiling warmly, a variety of broken musical instruments dangling from straps and bands on his body. He lowers his voice so as to be a bit more discreet:
“Mimo Summer, at your service, known to be a great linguist.
The threats on you are simply tasteless, might I offer to assist?”

[OOC: Did Qurilln’s fascination target everybody? Can’t it only affect 1 creature + 1 for every three bard levels above 1st?]

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Planescape: The Musical Sequal

[ooc/DMing: Ummm....yes it effected everyone, because uhh... the harmonica maximizes all bardic abilities. Yea that's the ticket. It increases bardic abilities, and sonic-based spells, yea... but only when the DM wants it to Smiling

The Slaad continues to eye the Sodkiller captain with an undisguised mixture of anger and suspicion. The few patrons that did not flee are crowded around the bar. The atmosphere of mirth that had permiated the inn only a few minutes before is banished, replaced insted by a nervous openness, as those inside the inn naturally find comman ground against the armed brutes, visible just outside every window, and peering in the open doors.

Byrtwold the Slaad sends his employees home, mumbling that his appetite has been ruined. All except one, that is. A young Tiefling woman stays to clean up.

Stitch introduces himself to Mimo, "Stitch. Jester, juggler, comedian, showman, tailor, xaositect, explorer, and at present, petty larcenist. Not that they'll be able to prove anything of course, but then that's why it was the 'Killers who showed up and not the Hardheads. The Hardheads'd give me over to the Guvners for a trial. I suspect I won't be going to the courts today, tho. Nope, straight to the Prison, or to the Wyrm, is doubtless what they've got planned for me." He says all this with a smile while pouring more drinks than there are patrons at the bar, so that everyone has their pick. He then introduces himself to all the others, while going on about how he'll be tortured, hung, or drawn-and-quartered later that antipeak, all in a cheery voice.

Other patrons at the bar: {Will edit in any joiners here}

There are a pair of Gnomes, sculptors by trade. An older, but spry married couple still very much in love with each other as well as with stone and chisels. They have travel packs and all their tools with them, having just arrived from Bitopia.

The Dire Kobold proves to be a nervous, figgity chap. A native Sigilan whose clan came to The Cage three generations ago, he is a sorcerer and a scroll-scribe. He came to The Laugh to consult with Byrtwold the Slaad on matters arcane. Though he glances about him quickly, and has a slight nervous tick in his left eye, the fact that he stuck around when the Sodkillers stormed in speaks volumes about his actual bravery.

The small figure in the hood doesn't say much of anything, just drinks whatever is put before him. Closer inspection reveals he is a goblin, but with a strange blue cast to his skin. A not-so-close inspection reveals he is swimmingly drunk. His one attempt at speech is so slurred that nobody is sure what language he used (or tried to).

The Layout:

Two Sodkillers stand at the front door. The bar is in the back, with a wide archway at one end that leads to the kitchen and out the back. About mid-way down the bar is a door that leads down to the wine celler.

The Sodkiller sits as still as a statue at the end of the bar, where it is open to the archway leading to the back. Byrtwold sits at the opposite end of the bar, staring at the warrior. Around him, both at the bar and behind it, the patrons chat. The tiefling girl is coming and going, tidying up.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Planescape: The Musical Sequal

'Azure' wrote:
[ooc/DMing: Ummm....yes it effected everyone, because uhh... the harmonica maximizes all bardic abilities. Yea that's the ticket. It increases bardic abilities, and sonic-based spells, yea... but only when the DM wants it to Smiling
[OOC: Nice one, I should try to get me a couple of those DM thingies, to keep in reserve Laughing out loud ]

Mimo picks a mild drink and toasts with the other patrons, making his introduction with the same gallantry as before. He takes a few moments to engage in conversation about “what a dramatic scene this has become”, and subtly tries to secure their support for Stitch, should more “drama” arise. [3 Diplomacy checks below]
In the process, Mimo tries discreetly to spot if any of the Sodkillers he can see are dwarves, or similarly close in height so that he may use his Hat of Disguise to take their appearance, should the situation arise. If so, he tries to get a good mental image.

Finally he turns back to Stitch and his companions.

“Pleased to meet you all, good sirs, even if the circumstances are somewhat… tragic. It didn’t take long for me to notice that this wonderful instrument you carry is more than it seems, and it would be a disastrous loss if it was confiscated by these ruffians, and our fine jester taken into custody, or worse.”
Leaning in close, he whispers:
“Might I be so bold as to suggest a little distraction to allow our dearest jester a chance to slip towards the wine cellar, for instance? The kitchen back door is surely guarded, but if a healthy bit of chaos ensues, he might be able to emerge from his hiding place and escape… It’s risky, but what is life without a few risks, ey?”

Mimo turns towards Qurilln and smiles.
“I applaud your diplomatic skills, my shining gentleman, the effects of which are familiar to me. I particularly appreciate a good tale or two, and by the Spawning Stone, do I have tales to share! I offer my tongue in swaying all the on-lookers I can, then finishing off with a bit of illusory magic, enough to cover our surroundings and shield Stitch from spying eyes, so that he may hide. If successful, we proceed to take what actions we can to cause even more of a scene. Our dearest host seem only prone in assisting in such matters. Of course, I see that you are all well-traveled poets as well, and thus I would gladly be part of any assisted effort in this endeavor.”

[OOC: Mimo suggests Qurilln, Eldan and any trustworthy patrons, aid each other in a united Perform check to catch the attention of all that they can.]

16 Bonus for Diplomacy to do
I rolled 1d20+16, the result is 24.
I rolled 1d20+16, the result is 27.
I rolled 1d20+16, the result is 36.
Benyamin's picture
Joined: 2007-01-03
Planescape: The Musical Sequal

OOC: How many doors and windows are there??

The radiant genasi eyes the halfing with curiosity before bowing graciously, his orange vest rippling in the flutter of faux fire. "Ah, a mighty thanks for such merry words! Indeed, some swap of verse we shall have to do unrehearsed!"

Qurilln looks about to see where any options lie...

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Planescape: The Musical Sequal

[DMing: 2 exits; the front door, currently being held open by a Sodkiller so the squad blocking the street can see in. Wide archway at the other end of the bar (3 can come and go abreast carrying trays). This leads to the kitchens and, presumably, out the back door, though that exit is not visible. The door to the wine celler halfway down the back of the bar is fairly wide, but only 5' high, and currently closed. How Byrtwold accesses the tower the inn is attached to (and is in fact a new addition to) is not visible from the inn room.

There are 3 windows in the front wall. They have heavy shutters that the Sodkillers have opened up. The windows are about 8 feet above the street, as there were steps up to get into the inn. Nevertheless, there are a couple of Sodkillers tall enough to be looking in.

It is just around peak. You can't see how many Sodkillers are outside, but anyone approaching the building (including a trio of Harmonium at one point) are told that inside is a "faction meeting" (read: private) and sent off. Mimo notices there is indeed exactly one dwarf among the Sodkillers out front. He's wearing a great helm, so Mimo would not be able to mimic his face if asked to remove the helm, but could mimic him as is.]


Stich continues to pour libations faster than anyone (well, except for the blue goblin) can drink, so that soon the entire end of the bar is filled with strange alcoholic mixtures of various colors in a random assortment of glasses. However, the first time Stitch goes halfway down the bar, the Sodkiller captain quickly stands and in a gruff voice warns him not to get too close to any archways. When Stitch returns to the others, the warrior goes over to the front door and retrieves a heavy crossbow from his minions, then returns to his seat with it cocked and loaded.

Byrtwold the Slaad, meanwhile continues to glower at the Sodkiller, mumbing in Slaadi.


[DMing: Mimo understands Slaadi so he knows it is a littany of grumbling and complaints "....Sodkillers barging into my house...can't even eat his head or I'd be the bad guy...should fry him and all the chicken fingers out front with some metior swarms...barge into MY house...ruined my appetite...GIMME that drink...grr...pikers...messing up my business, chasing off my customers...bite all their faces off in a minute if the Guvners wouldn't drag me to court, again..." etc.]

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