Planescape: The Malevolence Mandate OOC

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Ornum's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Planescape: The Malevolence Mandate OOC

Here 'tis, the OOC thread for the moved game. All players from the previous forum (you know who you are and which forum I am referring) please sign in here.

Just to get them over here, here are the characters.


As it will be as good a time as any, the next step on my part will be to award the overdue XP. I'll go back and do the figuring, then let you know what it is so that all sheets can be updated. As I said, though. Sign in, please.

NeoTiamat's picture
Joined: 2007-07-20
Planescape: The Malevolence Mandate OOC

NeoTiamat, reporting for duty.

*Looks around*

Well, it certainly is *brighter* then the Pits.

*Settles in*

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Planescape: The Malevolence Mandate OOC

Is that a good thing or a bad thing? BTW - I am doing pretty much constant upgrades, so if you see something direly important or useful that we're missing - let me know. Ditto if something is broken. Smiling

NeoTiamat's picture
Joined: 2007-07-20
Planescape: The Malevolence Mandate OOC

Admin that actually upgrade their site!? And fix broken stuff?!

I like this place already!

I like the brightness. Less eyestrain. Reading Umbrasa at two in the morning can be unpleasant sometimes.

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Planescape: The Malevolence Mandate OOC

I'm around again now. Had a big vacation and am in the process of moving. I should be free to start posting again by Thursday at the latest. Possibly sooner Smiling

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Chrysalis's picture
Joined: 2004-10-27
Planescape: The Malevolence Mandate OOC

Reporting in.

So far I have heard nothing new on my prison front thing. I really do not want to spend anymore time in the United States than ABSOLUTELY necesssary.

I will be updating my website with news as soon as I can get back on to it.


Ornum's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Planescape: The Malevolence Mandate OOC

Alright, with the three of you checking in, here's the status:

1. Next up, XP...I'll get on this as soon as possible. I'm in the intial process of actually buying a home. Which means I've found one I want at a price that's too good to pass up, so I'm walking through the house tomorrow to see if there is anything majorly wrong with the inside of the place. Then, if I still think it's worth it, I'm off to try and get approved for the loan. So basically, if things go well, I might be in the same boat with CoA, which means moving in the not too distant future.

2. After XP is handed out, I'll start the thread. Basically, just a repost of the text from the other forum from the point that the group found the temple. I'll also transfer some of the OOC stuff you all should remember.

3. After THAT, we'll be in business again.

Also, to Chrys: I know (we all know) that you are having...problems that you have to deal with at the moment. I hope you don't think you have to post right away once we get started again. If you feel the need, then by all means, do so. But don't think you have to post. Do so only when you are able and feel comfortable doing so.

Ornum's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Planescape: The Malevolence Mandate OOC

Well, it only took me six days. Experience is as follows (its all rounded up to the nearest 100).

1. Mevar - none...sort of. It's something I've been tossing around. He's two character levels below the rest of the party. Well, he's only one level below Korag. Anyway, instead of experience, he gets to gain a level to help even things out.

2. Tallus and Korag get 2000 each. They're semi-NPC's, so they'll always get less. Since Korag is a level below the rest and Tallus is the party healer, I hope the gap doesn't get too great.

3. Osoron gets 2800. It would have been more, but he came in near the end of chapter 3 (and missed a 600 xp fight), and this experience is for two chapters.

4. Drachmir and Kalma both get 3800, which includes both chapters with RP awards and the two fights.

It actually would have totalled a lot less than that, but I threw some bigger rewards out for simply keeping the game going when I wasn't able to, and for waiting this long for me to get things going. Hopefully, I'll have the actually thread up in the next few days.

NeoTiamat's picture
Joined: 2007-07-20
Planescape: The Malevolence Mandate OOC

Woot! A level for the trap-remover! And good HP roll means he actually has hitpoints (sorta). Anyway, Mevar levelled up, and XP added to Drach's total.

Waiting anxiously for actual thread.

Chrysalis's picture
Joined: 2004-10-27
Planescape: The Malevolence Mandate OOC

I still have to figure out how many exp I have in total. Since I don't see that I have marked down any besides the one increase in level.

Mind helping me out with this?



NeoTiamat's picture
Joined: 2007-07-20
Planescape: The Malevolence Mandate OOC

Near as I can recall, you should be the same level (well, ECL) as Drach. Last level increase was a straight "have a level" situation, which brought the gnoll up to 15000. This brings it to 18800/21000.

Chrysalis's picture
Joined: 2004-10-27
Planescape: The Malevolence Mandate OOC

I had a look at your character after I posted NeoTiamat. The Exp have been updated.


Ornum's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Planescape: The Malevolence Mandate OOC

The game is finally up. I tried to edit out all of the OOC comments, but one or two might have slipped through the cracks. I started with the coming storm in the desert. It's probably a bit hard to read, but then again, it should all be familiar to you, as you've read it before.

As soon as I can, I'll have the OOC stuff posted in this thread (such as information on the orb and the book found in the room you are currently in). Also, at some point, I'll write a summary of the previous chapters and post it in this thead, as well.

Ornum's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Planescape: The Malevolence Mandate OOC

Finally, here is the information concerning the room and its contents.

Inside the room (circular, 15 ft diameter and 15 ft from the ceiling to the floor), you see that the walls (which are made of stone blocks) and ceiling are painted to look like a desert scene (sky and sand...the ground, however is a simple stone floor with no decoration...more to come on the floor). It looks like you are actually viewing the desert through the belltower you first entered (though the roof, walls, and the bell, itself have all been omitted). But obviously not a current view. To one side, you can see a city that was once beside the temple. The sun is also in the mural, but it is not a painting. It is shedding actual light and heat (the only source of light in the room). A closer look shows that the "sun" is actually a sphere of some sort imbedded in the wall (it's impossible to tell what it is made from because of the brightness of the light). On the floor is a light coating of dust, a few bone fragments (which if touched, turn to dust that is the same as what is already on the floor) and what appears to be a leather-bound tome with no visible markings on the cover.

The "orb" is about 12 feet off of the ground. DC 20 Climb check to reach it. Now, while it generates heat, you'll find that it's not hot to the touch. To better explain the brightness, I'll give it a modern explanation. It's like a lightbulb. Lights up a room nicely, but it's seems a whole lot brighter when you get within a foot and try staring directly into it. So it won't blind you, but if you stare at it too long, you will be seeing spots. Also, for reference, the globe is only 6" in diameter.

As for the book, at this time only Drachmir is looking at it, so its specifics are not known to anyone but him. Neo, you should have that information already, but if you need me to send it to you again, let me know.

NeoTiamat's picture
Joined: 2007-07-20
Planescape: The Malevolence Mandate OOC

I'm quite fine, all is remembered. I also seem to remember CoA making a Spellcraft check or something to try and understand what the orb is.

Ornum's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Planescape: The Malevolence Mandate OOC

Yes, he did. I *think* I got that to him, but I'm not sure as it was a day or two before the forums on that site went haywire.

So, CoA, did you end up with that PM or not?

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Planescape: The Malevolence Mandate OOC

Umm, I think so? But it's not on there now. But the forum also has exploded a bajillion and a half times, so I really have no clue!

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Ornum's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Planescape: The Malevolence Mandate OOC

Right. I'll dig that up for you, then.

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Planescape: The Malevolence Mandate OOC

What do I see on the book? o-o Osy reads all 4 elemental languages

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Ornum's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Planescape: The Malevolence Mandate OOC

Oh, right! Damn it! Since he (and only he) can read both Auran and Ignan, he can sort of make it out. See, the entire text is magically encoded, as well. So, I need a Spellcraft check (DC 23 - using Illusionary Script as the spell basis - even though that's not really an accurate spell, it's an approximation as its the closest I could find). Success allows him to read the whole text in roughly an hour and a half (more like an hour and 40 mintues, but I'm rounding)

Or, you could just use Read Magic (which I can only assume that Osoron has, as I don't see any spells in his spell list - HINT, HINT). The text is roughly 100 pages long, and one casting for Osoron will last for 50 minutes, so he can read half the book in that time OR I'll allow him to skim the whole text with the spell and look for highlights that he thinks might be important (to either him or to everyone), and then read those topics more in depth.

Everyone else can also try and read the text, but it requires a Decipher Script check (DC 30) AND the Spellcraft check (DC 23) OR a Read Magic spell.

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Planescape: The Malevolence Mandate OOC

Rolling for the spellcraft!

Edit: It would appear that I missed by 1 D:

11 Bonus for Skill Mod to do
I rolled 1d20+11, the result is 22.
__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

NeoTiamat's picture
Joined: 2007-07-20
Planescape: The Malevolence Mandate OOC

*Looks around* Where'd everybody go?

Chrysalis's picture
Joined: 2004-10-27
Planescape: The Malevolence Mandate OOC

Still here. I have been wondering why has posting stopped. As far as I can tell what needs to happen is COA has to post his action and I have been waiting for that.

NeoTiamat's picture
Joined: 2007-07-20
Planescape: The Malevolence Mandate OOC

And now we are waiting on Ornum. Grand.

*Looks around for wayward DM*

Chrysalis's picture
Joined: 2004-10-27
Planescape: The Malevolence Mandate OOC

*looks for Ornum*

NeoTiamat's picture
Joined: 2007-07-20
Planescape: The Malevolence Mandate OOC

Nice.... Chrys, your taste in music is as always excellent.

In other news, our DM seems to have gone AWOL. No response to my email. Last time we spoke he cited sickness, housing issues, an incipient marriage, and inability to connect from work, so any of those might be the reason.

Also, RPG Web Profiler has gone on the fritz, leaving me without the character sheets for Mevar and Drach. I am irritated.

Now what?

Chrysalis's picture
Joined: 2004-10-27
Planescape: The Malevolence Mandate OOC


Not sure if I have good musical taste...

Anyways, answering the original question. We could continue the game as best we can.

As far as I can tell we are going in the direction of some oasis (or something), we could continue to game up to there. NeoTiamat has Drachmir and Mevar, Centre of All has his character and the druid, and I have Kalma and the half-orc paladin.

What do you say?

NeoTiamat's picture
Joined: 2007-07-20
Planescape: The Malevolence Mandate OOC

Works for me.

NeoTiamat's picture
Joined: 2007-07-20
Planescape: The Malevolence Mandate OOC

Response from Ornum: He is getting married the weekend of October 6th, and hopefully the honeymoon will be that week. He's working alternating 12-hour shifts again, and hopes to have a new guy trained by the end of October. He says he'll pick the game up as soon as he is able.

Chrysalis's picture
Joined: 2004-10-27
Planescape: The Malevolence Mandate OOC

Now that we are safely in December how are things looking?

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