Planescape terrain

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BAAL the Goatlord's picture
Joined: 2007-06-25
Planescape terrain


Has anybody here made any building models or terrain for planescape? I'm working on an inn for Sigil, and based on all of the artwork for the city that I can find, most buildings appear to be Tudor style houses with narrower proportions and some sharper angles. So far, the inn I'm working on wouldn't be too out of place in a standard D&D setting, but I'm adding the obligatory spikes and I'll have to paint on some soot.

I'd like to make a few more models so I can throw down roughly a small city street or even a city block.

Has anybody made terrain of their own for PS, or at the very least know of some good sources for inspiration? I would like most of the stuff I throw down on the game mat to look appropriately unique to the setting.


weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Planescape terrain

Artists alley here, 2e source books, google would all be good places to look

Swiftbow's picture
Joined: 2005-08-27
Planescape terrain

This was an inn I drew... though it may not be sharp-cornered enough. I am fond of the Razorvine growing up the cracks, though.


Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Planescape terrain

The key to Sigil's architectural style (something even the artists forget sometimes) is that Sigil doesn't really have a style (besides the spikes). People build their houses in whatever style was popular in whatever part of the multiverse they came from, or they just make something up on the spot (this may be why so many of sigil's buildings are so ramshackle). Plus, many buildings in Sigil are quite old, so they have very different architectural styles than the modern ones, or they would if the modern ones didn't occasionally copy them. There are a few things that tie Sigilian architecture together, however:

* Razorvine: Keeping Razorvine growth in check is a full time job and even most of Sigil's wealthy can't afford to hire enough gardeners to keep every inch of their mansions clear. Expect the stuff to be on just about everything.

* Unnecessary spikes: The Sigilites' way of paying homage to The Lady is to put random spikes on the tops of their houses. Not every building in Sigil has Spikes, but something like half or two thirds of them do. How many spikes and of what kind varies.

* Limited wood: There are no naturally growing hardwood forests in Sigil, so any wood in the city must be hauled from a lumberyard to the closest portal. To make matters worse, the places with the most trees, like the Beastlands and Arborea, are not safe places to be a woodcutter. As such, wood tends to be difficult to get into the city and therefore expensive. Sigil's golden lords will show off by having nice hardwood furnishings, but most people build with brick, stone, and metal.

* Limited space: There isn't a lot of room in Sigil, and all of it is taken, so most builders will try to save money by building really tall, narrow structures on as small a lot as possible. Expect most buildings to be practically touching at least one of their neighbors. They may even share a wall.

* Ramshackle construction: Sigil's rich may be able to afford palatial mansions, but Sigil's poorest can be lucky to find a shack on someone's roof. Even in respectable areas like the Clerk's Ward, expect to find lots of unsafe construction, new additions to old buildings, and tenements and apartments where every story was made a different time with different materials and never renovated.

That's really about it. Just remember, your narrow Tudor with spikes could be right next to an abandoned mini-Zigurrat and across from a tumbledown stone wizard's tower covered in Razorvine, and a home made entirely out of pieces taken from other buildings and cemented in place.

BAAL the Goatlord's picture
Joined: 2007-06-25
Planescape terrain

Thanks for the great tips. I'm nearly finished with Tudor style inn (just needs a little paint and some spikes). I've started work on a European style tower, and plan on building a small stone dome a top a square pedestal. I'm considering some asian and middle eastern buildings as well. Eventually I'll start work on the derelict structures.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Planescape terrain

Post pictures!

BAAL the Goatlord's picture
Joined: 2007-06-25
Planescape terrain

Post pictures!

Do you know where I could post them? I don't have a web page anymore. Can they be posted straight to the forums?


Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Planescape terrain

Unfortunately they can't be posted directly to the forums but there are *tons* of image hosting services out there that you could use and link to.

BAAL the Goatlord's picture
Joined: 2007-06-25
Planescape terrain


Okay, I found a site to host the pictures for the Tudor style Inn. Thanks for all the advice I received. Here's the link to the gallery:

Depending on the campaign, the Inn is either the "Itchy Whistle" (when I'm playing) or the "Sword and Staff" (when I'm DMing).

It's is roughly scaled to 25/28mm miniatures. Constructive criticism is welcome! Thanks

Duster's picture
Joined: 2006-06-14
Planescape terrain

It's well executed, what scale is it?

BAAL the Goatlord's picture
Joined: 2007-06-25
Planescape terrain

I believe that 25/28mm scales roughly to 1/64. There are still some details I'd like to add, but I've moved on to some other modeling projects while I've got the momentum to do so. Eventually I plan to add a chimney and some interior walls. I try to make all of the models modular so I can take them apart for D&D combat.

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