Planescape in Pathfinder: Character Traits for the Planes

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Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Planescape in Pathfinder: Character Traits for the Planes

I am just putting out a quick post to say that I am working up a list of starting traits for various planes when playing Planescape under the Pathfinder rules. The traits are from a free add-on to pathfinder and you can download the pdf here:

The rules are similar enough to 3.5 that you should understand most of what everything means if you don't have pathfinder but do know 3 or 3.5. There is also a free pdf conversion guide included on the linked page above.

Starting off I want to get at least 4 traits for each of: the primary 4 elemental planes, Sigil, and for each of the nine alignments as well as four prime-worlder traits. Eventually I'd like to expand to have some traits specific to most every plane but you have to start somewhere.

Generally, two traits are supposed to equal a feat. Characters start off with two traits picked from two different lists at character creation. Characters would not be required to pick a trait from any particular list.

Please feel free to post your own trait ideas below. I am going to do so, myself, once I've had a time to sleep and get some ideas written up a bit better.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Re: Planescape in Pathfinder: Character Traits for the Planes

What's most important are traits for each of Sigil's Wards, as it's the focus of PS in my opinion.

As for how traits work, I'm most familiar with how they were in the Second Darkness Adventure Path, I haven't looked on how they were in Pathfinder core rules.

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Re: Planescape in Pathfinder: Character Traits for the Planes

The City Of Doors should get more traits but I don't think four for each ward, or even dividing the traits by ward is necessary as traits are meant to reflect where the characters are from before they start adventuring.

Also a character gets two traits (More or less if the gm wishes or with a feat that gives two more, if the GM allows it), but can only have a maximum of one trait from any given trait list.

There are four types of traits: Basic, Campaign, Race & Regional. Only basic traits are covered in the free pdf I linked previously.

With there being four categories of basic Traits: Combat, Faith, Magical, and Social.

For PS purposes I am mostly working on Regional Traits. Which given the nature of the planes perhaps could be divided into Childhood, Nature, and Event. Though I don't really like the names of these categories and this is just a tentative proposal.

Regional Childhood traits would be traits would be traits having to do with a character's upbringing and "childhood" from whatever relevant place or plane.

Nature traits would have to do with a character in-born nature, and could be used to outfit not just aasimar, tieflings, planetouched but humans or other races born on the planes and "touched" by them but not necessarily having spent much time on them personally(their parents might have).

Event traits would come from background events that happened later in life in an area that the character isn't necessarily from but has visited.

Campaign traits are the other type of trait that I am working on. These would include faction traits for characters that have a background with a faction. Remember traits are background and are generally not gained much after cg so they shouldn't be required for much of anything other than to tweak a character.

I would also eventually like to have some racial traits, but as racial traits seems to fairly self-explanitory I'll leave it at that for now.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Planescape in Pathfinder: Character Traits for the Planes

I'm interested in this project but it sounds like you have a lot of ideas already, and I don't want to overlap work too much. I'll wait until you've posted something and see where I might be able to usefull backfill.

One good source of ideas might be the kits from the 2e Planewalker's Handbook, which gave some minor bonuses (in exchange for minor penalties, but for a single trait-level bonus you can probably ignore that in Pathfinder).

I see you're working on regional traits, although campaign traits for Planescape-style campaigning might also be useful.

For your regions, are you using the D&D cosmology or Golarion's? I quite like Golarion's, and there's even the possibility of regional traits for the other planets in Golarion's solar system.

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Re: Planescape in Pathfinder: Character Traits for the Planes

I am using the D&D cosmology and I don't have as many ideas as you might think. I've got ideas I just haven't had time to sit down and work them out.

So please feel free to post your own even if they do overlap. Having two overlapping ideas isn't necessarily bad. One may be better than the other, both may be different enough to be used, or the two may be combined into a better third.

Right now I am in a brainstorming and drafting stage of this project.

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Re: Planescape in Pathfinder: Character Traits for the Planes

Regional Traits
Cager – You have spent most of your life inside the City of Doors and its strange ways and urban lifestyle seem natural to you. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (Planes) and a +2 trait bonus on Knowledge (Local: Sigil) checks, and one of these skills (your choice) is always a class skill for you.

Canter – Sigil is a city of many voices and more tongues. Growing up there your ears are accustomed to untangling the cacophony. You gain a +2 trait bonus on linguistics and linguistics is always a class skill for you. Furthermore, you are able to understand the local cant of Sigil without problem and get a further +2 trait bonus to linguistics to understand such things as scramble speak or dabus' rebuses.

Due Persecution – Growing up on the plane of tyrannical order has sharpened your wits to a knife's edge. You gain a +1 trait bonus to Diplomacy and Profession (Lawyer) checks and one of these skills (your choice) is always a class skill for you. This bonus increases to +2 if being used to help someone (including yourself) get away with or frame someone for a crime.

Perfected Processing – Though many subcycles you have developed a fine knowledge of how to properly work within the letter and spirit of the Law. You gain a +1 trait bonus to Diplomacy and Profession (Lawyer) checks and one of these skills (your choice) is always a class skill for you. This bonus increases to +2 if being used to get through bureaucratic paperwork and customs.

>Mount Celestia
Due Process – You have been raised to uphold the law for the greater good and know how to apply it in service of justice. You gain a +1 trait bonus to Diplomacy and Profession (Lawyer) checks and one of these skills (your choice) is always a class skill for you. This bonus increases to +2 if being used to defend an innocent or bring the guilty to justice.

More to come as I finally have time to get these down properly.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Planescape in Pathfinder: Character Traits for the Planes

Here are a few quick ones, then. More later, probably kind of at random.

Pattern Recognition -- Some might think that having lived for so long on a plane where illusions are impossible would make you a sucker for them, but as it turns out some of the plane's own resistance has rubbed off on you. You get a +1 trait bonus on saves to resist illusions, since something tends to seem off about the patterns they impose on the world.

Plays Well With Others -- Time on the plane of community has helped you learn to work smoothly with allies. When you are using the aid another action, your friend gains a +3 bonus rather than +2.

>Gray Waste
Gray Soul -- You spent too long on the Waste and some forgotten part of your hopes and dreams died away. It's hard to play on those themes with you. Any attempt to fascinate you, be it by spell or bardic music or other ability, has a -2 to the DC.

Expatriate -- Planars always wonder why gods spend so much time worrying about the Prime when the Planes are so much more obviously important. You're from the Prime, though, and you know that the masses on the Prime are where the action is. Some of that radiates when you're dealing with the servants of deities. You get +1 to Diplomacy and Bluff checks made against celestials or fiends.

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Re: Planescape in Pathfinder: Character Traits for the Planes

Before I goto bed here's one more.

Blood Contract – You grew accustomed to the ways of the loths and perhaps have a little arcanaloth blood in your veins. Once per day you may sign a contract with your own blood to put all willing signatories (except you) under the effects of a Lesser Geas with a caster level equal to your hit dice and terms as written in the contract. The affected creatures must willingly sign the contract and you need not be a party to the contract other than as a signing witness.

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Re: Planescape in Pathfinder: Character Traits for the Planes

Thanks, all of these are very nice.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Re: Planescape in Pathfinder: Character Traits for the Planes

I think Pattern Recognition could stand to have a slightly higher bonus, since it's extremely conditional - on average, most of the Will saves a character makes will not be against illusions. It could easily be +2, possibly as high as +3, without seeming too powerful.

On the other hand, Blood Contract might be a little strong. It is quite thematic, though, and is mitigated by the fact that everybody must be willing to sign the contract.

As a minor nitpick, I'm not sure that the word always is necessary in "this skill is always a class skill for you". I think the way skill points and class skills work in Pathfinder removes the need for the extra word there.


Pants of the North!

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Re: Planescape in Pathfinder: Character Traits for the Planes

Bob the Efreet wrote:
On the other hand, Blood Contract might be a little strong. It is quite thematic, though, and is mitigated by the fact that everybody must be willing to sign the contract.

As a minor nitpick, I'm not sure that the word always is necessary in "this skill is always a class skill for you". I think the way skill points and class skills work in Pathfinder removes the need for the extra word there.

I thought about making it once per week or longer but the problem of time keeping comes up there. Also with CL=HD and the duration of the spell being one day/level it means that the lesser geas will only be on a signer for a single day at first level, and there is a will save in there as well. I am thinking about adding that the character must sign in their own freshly drawn blood, adding a little more of a wrinkle into it.

As for the wording I copied the wording directly from the official trait pdf but I do agree with you it could be omitted.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Planescape in Pathfinder: Character Traits for the Planes

>>Highly Chaotic Region (Xaos, Bedlam, Limbo, Ysgard, some layers of the Abyss)
Inured -- You've lived a long time in a place where sudden random upheavals are part of the background noise. When you're flat-footed, you're still denied your Dex bonus to AC (for the purposes of any power that references that condition)... but you get a trait bonus of half that.

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Re: Planescape in Pathfinder: Character Traits for the Planes

Jem wrote:
>>Highly Chaotic Region (Xaos, Bedlam, Limbo, Ysgard, some layers of the Abyss) Inured -- You've lived a long time in a place where sudden random upheavals are part of the background noise. When you're flat-footed, you're still denied your Dex bonus to AC (for the purposes of any power that references that condition)... but you get a trait bonus of half that.

I'd suggest some changes to wording for this.

Chaos Aspected Planes (Xaos, Bedlam, Limbo, Ysgard, Pandemonium, Abyss)
>Inured To Chaos -- You've lived a long time in a place where sudden random upheavals are part of the background noise. When you're flat-footed, you gain a trait bonus equal to 1/2 dexterity bonus to AC.

Or another version that might work better is for it to give a trait bonus equal to 1/2 total HD instead.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Re: Planescape in Pathfinder: Character Traits for the Planes

Gerzel wrote:
Or another version that might work better is for it to give a trait bonus equal to 1/2 total HD instead.

That would give a strange scenario in which many characters would have higher AC when surprised than when not.


Pants of the North!

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Re: Planescape in Pathfinder: Character Traits for the Planes

Bob the Efreet wrote:
Gerzel wrote:
Or another version that might work better is for it to give a trait bonus equal to 1/2 total HD instead.

That would give a strange scenario in which many characters would have higher AC when surprised than when not.

Considering how often one might be surprised in Limbo that might not be that strange.

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Re: Planescape in Pathfinder: Character Traits for the Planes

Regional Traits List
Cager – Sigil
You have spent most of your life inside the City of Doors and its strange ways and urban lifestyle seem natural to you. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (Planes) and Knowledge (Local: Sigil) checks, and one of these skills (your choice) is always a class skill for you.

Canter – Sigil, Gatetowns
Sigil is a city of many voices and more tongues. Growing up there your ears are accustomed to untangling the cacophony. You gain a +2 trait bonus on linguistics and linguistics is always a class skill for you. Furthermore, you are able to understand the local cant of Sigil without problem and get a further +2 trait bonus to linguistics to understand such things as scramble speak or dabus' rebuses.

Expatriate – Prime
Planars always wonder why gods spend so much time worrying about the Prime when the Planes are so much more obviously important. You're from the Prime, though, and you know that the masses on the Prime are where the action is. Some of that radiates when you're dealing with the servants of deities. You get +1 to Diplomacy and Bluff checks made against celestials or fiends. [contributed by Jem]

Gray Soul – Gray Waste, Hopeless
You spent too long on the Waste and some forgotten part of your hopes and dreams died away. It's hard to play on those themes with you. Any attempt to fascinate you, be it by spell or bardic music or other ability, has a -2 to the DC. [contributed by Jem]

Blood Contract – Gehenna, Gray Waste, Baator, Acheron, & associated gate towns.
You grew accustomed to the ways of devils and loths; perhaps you have a little arcanaloth blood in your veins. Once per day you may sign a contract with your own blood to put all willing signatories (except you) under the effects of a Lesser Geas with a caster level equal to your hit dice and terms as written in the contract. The affected creatures must willingly sign the contract and you need not be a party to the contract other than as a signing witness.

Undue Persecution – Acheron, Baator, Gehenna, & associated gate towns.
Growing up on the plane of tyrannical order has sharpened your wits to a knife's edge. You gain a +1 trait bonus to Diplomacy and Profession (Lawyer) checks and one of these skills (your choice) is always a class skill for you. This bonus increases to +2 if being used to help someone (including yourself) get away with or frame someone for a crime.

Perfected Processing – Mechanus, Automata
Though many subcycles you have developed a fine knowledge of how to properly work within the letter and spirit of the Law. You gain a +1 trait bonus to Diplomacy and Profession (Lawyer) checks and one of these skills (your choice) is always a class skill for you. This bonus increases to +2 if being used to get through bureaucratic paperwork and customs.

Pattern Recognition – Mechanus, Automata
Some might think that having lived for so long on a plane where illusions are impossible would make you a sucker for them, but as it turns out some of the plane's own resistance has rubbed off on you. You get a +1 trait bonus on saves to resist illusions, since something tends to seem off about the patterns they impose on the world. [contributed by Jem]

Plays Well With Others – Arcadia
Time on the plane of community has helped you learn to work smoothly with allies. When you are using the aid another action, your friend gains a +3 bonus rather than +2. [contributed by Jem]

Due Process – Mount Celestia
You have been raised to uphold the law for the greater good and know how to apply it in service of justice. You gain a +1 trait bonus to Diplomacy and Profession (Lawyer) checks and one of these skills (your choice) is always a class skill for you. This bonus increases to +2 if being used to defend an innocent or bring the guilty to justice.

Inured To Chaos – Xaos, Bedlam, Limbo, Ysgard, Pandemonium, Abyss , & associated gate towns.
You've lived a long time in a place where sudden random upheavals are part of the background noise. When you're flat-footed, you gain a trait bonus equal to 1/2 dexterity bonus to AC.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Planescape in Pathfinder: Character Traits for the Planes

Want any holes in particular filled? Inner Planes? Other Outers? Something for the Outlands, Astral, Ethereal?

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Re: Planescape in Pathfinder: Character Traits for the Planes

I'll take what I can get. Right now I'm just trying to think up more as no section is "full".

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Re: Planescape in Pathfinder: Character Traits for the Planes

Blood of Fire – Fire Elemental Plane, & Related Quasi-Elemental Planes
Born and bred with the ever raging inferno of the elemental plane of fire. You are able to cast Produce Flame 1/day with your HD as the caster level.

Body of Stone – Earth Elemental Plane, & Related Quasi-Elemental Planes
You descend from the great and infinite seams and layers of stone and earth with the power of Elemental Earth in your blood and bone. You gain a +1 trait bonus to DR.

Faction Trait
Xaotic Thinking – Xaositechts
You try to keep doing things differently...except when you don't and when it is blue but only on tuesdays. When attempting a skill roll you may roll 1d6; on a 6 gain a +2 trait bonus, on a 4 or 5 gain a +1 trait bonus, take a -1 trait penalty on a 2, and a -2 penalty on a 1.

Munin's picture
Joined: 2006-05-22
Re: Planescape in Pathfinder: Character Traits for the Planes

Woo hoo, I've been looking for planar material for a PF campaign I'm planning and these traits look really cool, a good way of adding diversity without adding a ton of races Smiling

Surreal Personae's picture
Joined: 2005-07-08
Re: Planescape in Pathfinder: Character Traits for the Planes

Personally, I think the Factions are also really in need of traits (the add on flavor nature of traits seems to me a better fit for faction benefits than feats do).

Loki De Carabas's picture
Joined: 2004-12-14
Re: Planescape in Pathfinder: Character Traits for the Planes

I'd absolutely love traits for the Factions and the inner planes! I'm kicking off a new campaign soon and would love to integrate them.

Good work so far guys, great stuff. I do think they might be a little strong here and there, remember- a trait is basically supposed to be a "half feat."

A fantastic addition! I'll be pimping this thread on the Planewalker Facebook Page today. Keep up the great work!


DungeonMasterLoki aka George Williams

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Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Planescape in Pathfinder: Character Traits for the Planes

Dive training -- Water, Ooze, Sand, Salt, Dust, any primarily submarine planar layer

You are an air-breather who has practiced and trained in working underwater for long periods. With 2 rounds of preparation, you can hold hold your breath longer: 3 rounds per point of Constitution before beginning to make Constitution checks, which start at DC 5 rather than 10.

Benthic Adaptation -- Prime and planar oceans (not Water or Ooze)

You are inured to the deep. You never suffer from environmental high pressures (usually deep water) and need not make Fortitude saves to avoid pressure damage. You never take nonlethal damage from, or get hypothermia from, cold water; this does not apply to atmospheric cold, or ice.

Lightvision -- Radiance, Lightning, Fire, Positive

Your eyes are long since adapted to brilliant light displays. You are never dazzled. Against effects that may cause blinding from bright light (GM's judgment, but obviously including spells such as glitterdust, sunbeam, color spray, radiant burst, etc., but not blindness or power word blind), save separately for that effect and add 1/2 your HD to your roll.

Loki De Carabas's picture
Joined: 2004-12-14
Re: Planescape in Pathfinder: Character Traits for the Planes

Actually in Pathfinder you do need to denote Class Skills. All class skills get an automatic +3 now. Class and Cross Class Skills are all bought at a 1 for one ratio. Personally I like it a lot!

Also, got some inner planes traits cooked up but they're on a hard drive in my laptop which is being worked on. Should have them ip in a few days.


DungeonMasterLoki aka George Williams

Planewalker Manager - If you have questions get in touch!
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