Planescape paintings

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empty79's picture
Joined: 2006-08-29
Planescape paintings

Hi all.
I wanted to share with you my painting experiments centered on the Planescape setting.

This is the link to my DeviantArt page:
I will notify here any time a new painting is uploaded.

Any impression is welcome Smiling

empty79's picture
Joined: 2006-08-29
Planescape paintings

My first subject is Sigil viewed from the Outlands.
The oil painting is 330x480 mm large, on standard paper. After this experiment, I will opt for thicker and large paper in the future, about 1000x750 mm.
I "cheated" on the light source in order to convey a more realistic outlook.
The proportions are such that Sigil is far higher than any other natural element in the Plane.

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Planescape paintings


Want to know something that artists always seem to leave out when drawing the Spire?

No matter where you are on the Outlands, the top of it is directly above you, even though the Spire is perfectly straight. This is easily enough proven by a bit of trigonometry- just draw a triangle between you, the part of the Spire that's level with you, and the top of the Spire, so you have a right triangle. The side of the triangle with the Spire is infinitely long, so the angle of inclination is arc tan (infinity/finite number). Since infinity devided by any finite number is infinity, you're dealing with arc tan (infinity), which is equal to 90 degrees.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Planescape paintings

*clicks on link* Holy... WOW! I *like* I really like the rich use of color that you';ve got going here. So often we seen black and white or washed out colors - this really pops. *sets as desktop image*

I've never played with oils much - more of a watercolor girl myself. How hard are they to work with?

empty79's picture
Joined: 2006-08-29
Planescape paintings

Nick012000, I never thought of it like that, probably influenced by all other artists: the Spire is infinite but its visual projection is finite. Otherwise we couldn't see Sigil on top of it. Anyway, if it's just over your head all the time, I expect it to be viewed rigorously sideways and it would certainly lose most of its fashion. Perhaps it's not canon, but as with directional light source (that shouldn't be present in the Outlands, where there's no sun), certain solutions turn out to be better from the artistic viewpoint.

Clueless, I appreciate your comment on my use of color Smiling Oil colors in my opinion have the advantage of allowing to add layers over layers of colors, thus gradually correcting/refining tones. The drawback is that they need a lot of time to dry and so care must be used while handling the painting.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Planescape paintings

Yeah - I've got too many cats in my place (which is to say - just one) - I think I'd have to get known as 'that artist with pawprints all over all her work' if I tried oils.

Jack of tears's picture
Joined: 2005-12-13

I like it, the only critique I might have is the clouds. In the picture it appears as though one of the clouds is actually hovering over the peak of the spire ... which isn't really possible if the spire is infinately tall. (sure Sigil breaks that rule, but its Sigil, it breaks alot of rules) Of course, that could merely be a trick of perception, but something to consider nonetheless.

empty79's picture
Joined: 2006-08-29
Planescape paintings

I agree on the critique, however this is a very complex matter: if nothing can trespass the top of the Spire, then I think we should use a black (or Astral silver?) color for all the sky over the Spire, not certainly a blue tone that implies atmosphere (which clouds are made of). Dunno, perhaps it would have been better not to place any cloud at that height, but it would not suffice.

eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
Planescape paintings

Well, that "infinite height" has always been a thorny subject, Nick. It's hard to imagine how one could ever measure the height of the Spire - climb its side with an absurdly long tape measure? Calculate an angle of inclination and apply trigonometry, on a plane where ground distances can vary depending on what mood the locals are in? Inquire via magical means, despite the fact that the space around the Spire suppresses absolutely all forms of magic?

There are a few ways in which the Spire could be 'infinitely high' and still have a top - and IMHO, nearly all of them are more entertaining than simply assuming the Spire's height is literally, Euclidean-geometry, infinite. Maybe the Spire distorts space. Maybe it distorts time and perception, so that it's a concrete manifestation of Xeno's Paradox. Maybe it imposes geometry on the Outer Planes, compressing all belief into a manageable, mostly-two-dimensional form with 'good' to the 'north', 'law' to the 'west' and so on - so to reach the top of the Spire carries you outside of the structure of the Outer Planes themselves. Maybe the "infinity" of its height is discontinuous, and anyone attempting the impossible journey from bottom to top would leave the boundaries of known existence long before they reached the halfway point.

Or maybe it really is infinitely long, created by a vanished race to serve as a Tipler Cylinder. And if the PCs run around it fast enough, they'll be able to travel in time. Laughing out loud

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Planescape paintings

'eldersphinx' wrote:
Well, that "infinite height" has always been a thorny subject, Nick. It's hard to imagine how one could ever measure the height of the Spire - climb its side with an absurdly long tape measure? Calculate an angle of inclination and apply trigonometry, on a plane where ground distances can vary depending on what mood the locals are in? Inquire via magical means, despite the fact that the space around the Spire suppresses absolutely all forms of magic?

I always assumed that you just looked at it and knew.


Pants of the North!

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Planescape paintings

Personally, I like the odd result the trig gives.

It's perfectly straight, yet its top is always directly above you. It never moves, but the top is always directly above you.

The warping of minds of your players is fun.

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Planescape paintings

I like the trig idea too.

But unfortunately, I think the concept of the spire being infinite is just too wild an idea for most berks who catch a skeg at it. They see it with a top 'over there' because they deep down believe it has to have a top. Maybe Exemplars (more tuned to the infinite) see the spire entirely differently?

So most folks would see the Spire as its normally portrayed... but I could definitely imagine a guvnor seeing the spire's top as always above them - and I think it would make a great encounter to see one explaining his proof to a group of interested cutters/clueless on the Outlands, probably with the aid of giant compasses and slide rules. Maybe anyone who believes him will also see the spire the way he does and he's trying to get enough folks to believe that way, to bring the universe closer to understanding the Axioms... and who knows who might get involved if he starts to succeed?

Suddenly a picture has become a talking point on the fundamental nature of the Planes, and potential the start of a whole campaign... that's why I love PS so much... and your picture!

AkumaDaimyo's picture
Joined: 2006-08-09
Planescape paintings

So basically the Spire is like Halo? Eye-wink If you've played that game you should know exactly how the Spire works and how things are in Sigil.

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
Planescape paintings

Since we're discussing, I think the top of the spire should be visible. Like the walls of Hades realm or anything else that's infinitely large on the planes. It's a fantasy setting in worlds of afterlife, not a science project

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Planescape paintings

No, Sigil is Halo.

The Spire is a mind-warping mountain.

Planescape, Dungeons & Dragons, their logos, Wizards of the Coast, and the Wizards of the Coast logo are ©2008, Wizards of the Coast, a subsidiary of Hasbro Inc. and used with permission.