Planescape OpenWiki Project!

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rcaston's picture
Joined: 2006-09-13
Planescape OpenWiki Project!

I am looking for volunteers to help migrate all open license planescape material into the mediawiki setup at

This website has been created for the purpose of giving the Planescape community a MediaWiki powered website for centralizing all Planescape related information.

If anyone is interested in learning more about this project; then please email [REDACTED]

Otherwise; you berks can go create a userid and get to contributing content to the wiki!

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
Planescape OpenWiki Project! already has a large wiki-looking database of planescape information Smiling

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Planescape OpenWiki Project!

Come, be assimilated - we promise we won't bite. Eye-wink

... much.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Planescape OpenWiki Project!

Not wiki, enough though. No intra-links. Assimilate and give us intra-links. Laughing out loud

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Planescape OpenWiki Project!

Intra links?

Swiftbow's picture
Joined: 2005-08-27
Planescape OpenWiki Project!

He's got a point... it's a little tricky finding your way around some of the Planewalker info stuff.

I went and signed up for a wiki account, btw Smiling

Oh, and intra links are links inside, say, a page about Baator, that mentions a town there. So there's a link to the page about that town. Which links to other things, etc. I think it would also be known as cross-referencing.


Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Planescape OpenWiki Project!

.... *confused look* Um. The Encyclopedia has that. For example: Baator It doesn't link directly yet b/c I haven't updated the search algorithm to do so yet - instead it goes to effectively a disambiguation page and presents all entries that seemed to fit the request. No one's complained about that set up so it wasn't exactly high on my list of things to fix.

rcaston's picture
Joined: 2006-09-13

MediaWiki is a powerful engine which powers websites such as

The Planescape Open Wiki Project is there for people who wish to contribute to it. I would imagine additional resources and outlets for Planescape content can only enhance the community.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Planescape OpenWiki Project!

I wasn't complaining, Clueless. Just being my usual sarcastic ass with a suggestion hidden in the middle. Eye-wink

Anyway, I really don't think that Planewalker and the Planescape Wiki are competing at all. The Wiki is gathering all 2e info into an encyclopedia like setting, which is very useful. And although Planewalker has some of that, it focuses primarily on Post Faction War material with a killer forum. I say - get together and help each other. It'll only make the picture more complete.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Planescape OpenWiki Project!

It's kind of rude to take the work people did for Planewalker and put it somewhere else without permission, don't you think? The Planewalker encyclopedia does not focus on post-Faction War, and it does indeed have numerous links connecting the various topics. If you help work on it instead of creating a parasitical rip-off project, you can add more.

DaBerk's picture
Joined: 2006-09-18

It sounded like a good idea to me; but the reaction on the thread seems mixed; I took time to go to the site and look it over; it seems honest enough.

at the very least; the webmaster has a sense of humor given the contact info they listed.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Planescape OpenWiki Project!

I don't know; normally I think the more ideas are spread around, the better. Redundancy is good, especially with the short lifespan of many websites. Mainly, I wanted to correct what I saw as Iavras' misunderstandings regarding the nature of the encyclopedia.

At the same time, the wiki does pull traffic away from, which is bad.

If nothing else, though, if people are copying the encyclopedia entries, it means they're reading them (or at least skimming them), which is good.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Planescape OpenWiki Project!

Iavas first of all wants to correct the horrible crime committed against his name Eye-wink and second of all:

I think the two sites would not be mutually exclusive. Personally, I visit numerous sites on the same subject. However, I do not condone jsut copy/pasting articles from Planewalker (which is one of the things that I saw after visiting the Wiki site after making my last comment). That's plagiarism, and although the internet doesn't really give a damn about it, it's bad manners anyway. So, I see it this way - if the wiki site simply wishes to summarize the main points on each of the topics it wishes to cover and adding a references section with annotations of various 2e Open Source content - more power to them. If, however, they just wish to make a slightly different version of Planewalker, then there's no point and it would be simply splitting the visitors, so to speak. Just thought I'd clear up my thoughts.

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