Planescape to Mutants and Masterminds

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Planescape to Mutants and Masterminds

Hi, here's where I'll be post my various meanderings on the subject of Mutants and Masterminds style fantasy in general (and Planescape in specific). Note that the majority of this material uses the variant rules found in Warriors and Warlocks, such as not needing the Equipment Feat for mundane gear.

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Joined: 2005-07-08
D&D Wizard, low level PL: 4

D&D Wizard, low level
PL: 4 (45 pp)

Abilities: Str 8 (-1), Dex 13 (+1), Con 14 (+2), Int 15 (+2), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 10 (+0)
Cost: 12 pp

Saves: Toughness +6 (mage armor, +2 w/o), Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +3,
Base Fort: 0, Ref: 0, Will 2
Cost: 2 pp

Combat: Attack +0 (+2 ranged); Grapple -1; Damage by weapon or spell, -1 (unarmed); Defense +2 (+1 flat-footed); Knock-back -3; Initiative +5
Base Attack: +0; Base Defense +2;
Cost: 4 pp

Skills: Concentration 4 (+5), Knowledge (arcane lore) 4 (+6), Knowledge (planar or religion) 4 (+6), Knowledge (one other) 4 (+6), Notice 2 (+3), Sense Motive 2 (+3)
Skills: 5 pp for 20 ranks

Feats:  Attack Focused (ranged) 2, Improved Initiative, Ritualist
Cost: 4 pp

Powers: Force Field 4 (Mage Armor, extras: Continuous +1, flaws: standard action -2, Power Feats: Selective, Drawbacks: power loss [if unable to speak or gesture to cast spells -1 pp]): 3 pp. Magical Mastery 3 (Drawback: Power loss [if unable to speak or gesture to cast spells, -1 pp]): 13 pp, Super-senses 2 (Magical Awareness [acute]): 2 pp
Cost: 18 pp

Sample Magical Mastery configuration (total of 15 pp to spend): blast 1 (magic missile, extras: perception range +1, Power Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, AP: strike 2 [burning hands, extras: Cone +1]): 6 pp, Emotion Control 3 [limited: love only -1, charm person]: 3 pp, Environment Control 3 [light, 1 pp/rank version]: 3 pp, Telekinesis 1 [mage hand, extras: perception range +1]: 3 pp

Equipment: crossbow, staff or knife, spell-book, other reasonable starting gear

Abilities 12 pp + Skills 5 pp + Feats 4 pp + Powers 18 pp + Saves 2 pp + Combat 4 pp – Drawbacks 0 pp = 45 pp

Notes:  A moderately accurate version of a first level D&D mage in M&M terms and using the W&W variant rules. As it states in W&W, the wizard must study her books for 1 hour to reconfigure his spell configurations.  This allows her to simulate having many different spells in her spellbook.  Exactly how many configurations/spells the character has in her spellbook is up to the DM and the player, though one could certainly go with the D&D standard way of determining this.

Magical Mastery is used her primarily as a good framework for modeling the Vancian magic system unique to D&D, allowing for a relatively simple way for a caster to “schedule” the spell combinations for the day in advance.

As shown here, I have included a number of D&D type spells, both offensive (burning hands, magic missile, etc), defensive (mage armor), and utility (mage hand, light, etc.).  Note that in M&M, armor is assumed to add to the Toughness save bonus, rather than Defense. Note that if you wanted to include the forget part of the “fire and forget” model, this may be simulated with the addition of the fades flaw and total fades extra or possibly a Limited/unreliable flaw.  Mage armor is outside of the configurations because of the relative importance of meeting your defensive caps in M&M.

Note that with the standard 15 pp/PL guideline, this package is fairly cheap.  It leaves you with 15 remaining points out of the total 60 power points for a PL 4 to spend on other traits like racial templates, faction templates (both forthcoming), or even a familiar (bought with the standard Sidekick or Minion rules),

Sources: Third Edition PHB and DMG, Warriors and Warlocks

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Joined: 2005-07-08
Planescape Races So hear

Planescape Races

So hear are some of your basic races for Planescape.  Across two and a half editions (three and a half for the tiefling) some of the racial traits from one source have been almost contrary to that of another (Githzerai racial ability scores, I’m looking at you!).  For the most part, I have tried to consult a variety of sources (which I’ll list at the end) for this compilation. 

For the most part, I’ve tried to simplify things, replacing resistances and saving throw bonuses with partial immunities as appropriate.  M&M is really not as granular in dealing with specific effects as D&D is.  The major exception is bonuses vs. mind influencing effects; I replicated this with Mind Shield. 

On the subject of ability scores, if one source contradicted another, I left it out.  If several sources tended to agree, I tried to go with those.  Monster and PC sources for these templates were considered, so some of these templates (like the Bariaur with its Growth) may have abilities beyond the PC considerations. OTOH, I have tried to get as much as possible point wise while staying true to the original source material. If the original write ups gave a progression selection of abilities, I have left those off the base builds.  Instead, I will include them in the notes that follow the specific race. 

In a number of situations, for whatever reason, I list a couple of options for an ability bonus or power.  In that case, choose one of the two (ex, Aasimars have listed +2 Cha or Str, choose one of these, not both!).

One thing I regret about the D&D's approach to outsiders is that it gives everybody and their cousin has Darkvision.  If I were designing it, only a few like the Tiefling would get it.  But it was included in the source material, so I brought it here too.

Aasimar Template, 18 points Abilities:  +2 Cha or Str, +2 Wis Skills: Notice 4 Powers: Immunity 10 (fire and cold damage, flaw: half damage): 5 pp, Environmental Control 4 (light, 1 pp/rank version): 4 pp, Mind-shield 2: 2 pp, Super-senses 2 (darkvision): 2 pp Abilities 4 pp + Skills 1 pp + Powers 13 pp = 18 pp

The heavenly blooded planetouched are largely what you expected.  Wise, charismatic, and having a few special abilities.  Note that the meager spell Light only translates into the 1 pp/rank Environmental Control.  If you want to go with the version that uses the spell daylight, change it to Light Control and add 4 more pp to the template Typical Complications: Honor, Fame, Secret (Upper Planar blood)

Bariaur Template, 23 pp Abilities:  +8 Str, +4 Con (both from Growth), -2 Cha Skills: Notice +4 Powers:  Container 3 (Bariaur Racial Traits, Permanent, Innate; Additional Limbs 2: 2 pp, Growth 4 (permanent), Speed 1): 16 pp, Nullify Magic 1 (all effects at once, extras:  Spell Resistance +1): 2 pp, Strike 4 (PF: Mighty, flaws: Limited- only when charging -1): 3 pp, Super-senses 2 (darkvision): 2 pp Abilities -2 pp + Skills 1 pp + Powers 24 pp = 23 pp

The wild and wooly people of Ysgard, the Barriaur are somewhat like more free-wheeling kindred of the centaur.  They have somewhat of an innate resistance to magic, so their Magic Resistance may increase with their PL, increasing the cost for it accordingly.  They are known for charging and ramming with their powerful horns. Typical Complications: Temper, Addiction

Genasi (Air) Template, 10 points Abilities: +2 Dex, +2 Int. -2 Wis, -2 Cha Powers: Flight 1 (flaws: Levitation): 1 pp, Immunity 12 (air/wind effects [limited: half effect], suffocation): 7 pp Super-senses 2 (darkvision) Abilities 0 pp + Powers 10 pp = 10 pp

The personality of the flighty genasi fits its ties to its elemental shifting winds.  Like all genasi, wind dukes are the products of humans and outsiders with elemental subtypes to them. Typical Complications: Prejudice

Genasi (Earth) Template, 11 points Abilities: +2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Wis, -2 Cha: Powers:  Immunity 10 (earth effects, flaws: half effect); 5 pp, Protection 2: 2 pp, Super-movement 1 (pass without trace, trackless); 2 pp, Super-senses 2 (darkvision): 2 pp Abilities 0 pp + Powers 11 pp = 11 pp

The children of humans and earth elemental outisiders, the earth genasi are plodding and blunt, easy to get rooted down in one position or goal. They have the ability to move across the earth without even leaving a trail. If you’re going for a fighter among the genasi, these guys are your mark. Typical Complications: Prejudice

Genasi (Fire) Template, 11 pp Abilities:  +2 Int, -2 Cha Powers: Immunity 10 (fire effects, flaws; half effect): 5 pp, Light Control 3 (Control flames, flaws: Limited- requires flame source -1, AP: Darkness Conrol 3 [flaws: limited- snuffing out the lights of burning flames only): 4 pp, Super-senses 2 (darkvision); 2 pp Abilities 0 pp Powers 11 pp = 11 pp

Caustic and brightly energetic, fire genasi have a (very) limited contro over normal flames, provide the ability to brighten normal flames or darken the light they provide. Typical Complications: Prejudice

Genasi (Water) Template, 18 points Abilities: +2 Con, -2 Cha Skills: Swim +8 (from Swimming power) Feats: Environment Adaptation (water) Powers: Create Object 2 (create water, extras: Continuous, flaws: Limited: Water only -1, PF: Innate, Subtle): 6 pp, Immunity 10 (water, flaws: half effect -1): 5 pp, Swimming 2: 2 pp, Super-senses 2 (darkvision): 2 pp Abilities 0 pp + Skills 0 + Feats 1 + Powers 17 pp = 18 pp

Water genasi have some ability to move in the water and to conjure it out of thin air. Typical Complications: Prejudice

Githyanki Template, 12 points Abilities: +2 Dex, +2 Con, -2 Wis Powers: Nullify 1 (all effects at once, extras: Power resistance +1): 3 pp Psionics 2 (Stun 1 [array, extras: Alt save {will} +0, perception range +2, flaws: Daze -1], AP: Telekinesis 2): 5 pp, Super-senses 2 (darkvision) Abilities 2 pp + Powers 10 pp = 12 pp

Notes: The evil Gith from the astral plane have the potential for powerful psionic abilities; I’ve just included the bare bones.  If you need, you can add the following powers for more experienced Githyanki: Concealing Amorpha is Blur (4 points).  Dimension Door is Teleport (extras: area [burst], flaws: short range only -1, PF: Selective, 2 pp/rank + 1 pp), Planeshift is super-movement 3 (dimensional movement, 6 points).  The power resistance of a Githyanki can increase with its PL. Typical Complications: Enemy (Mind flayers, Githzerai)

Githzerai Template, 21 pp Abilities: +6 Dex, +2 Int or Wis, -2 Int or Wis Powers: Force Field 4 (Inertial Armor, extras: Continuous +1, flaws: standard action -2, PF: Selective): 3 pp, Nullify Psionics or Magic 1 (extras: power resistance +1): 3 pp, Psionics 2 (array; base power: Stun 1 [psionic daze, extras: Alt save {Will} +1, perception range +2, flaws: daze only -1], AP: Blast 1 [concussion blast, extras: perception +1]): 5 pp, Super-movement 1 (slow-fall): 2 pp, Super-senses 2 (darkvision): 2 pp Abilities 6 pp + Powers 15 pp = 21 pp

Notes:  The chaotic yet monastic paradox that is the Githzeria is a cousin to the Githyanki; they live on Limbo and also have powerful psychic abilities. If you want to add on the Planeshift, it is super-movement 3 (dimensional movement, 6 points).  Like its cousin, the Githzerai’s power resistance can increase with PL.  Note that in 2e they had a penalty to Wis and a bonus to Int, but in 3e with their monkification the opposite occurred.  Chose the modifications that best suit your character. Typical Complications: Enemy (Mind flayers, githyanki), Responsibility (keep your people free)

Rogue Modron, 28 points Abilities:  +2 Con, +2 Int, -2 Wis, -2 Cha Skills: Search 4 Powers: Immunity 28 (acid/cold/fire damage [flaws; half damage], aging, critical hits, mental effects): 21 pp, Protection 4: 4 pp, Super-senses 2 (Darkvision): 2 pp Abilities 0 pp + Skills 1 pp + Powers 27 pp = 28 pp

Notes:  The Rogue Modron (or Modron Outcast, as it is known in 3e) was a bit of a toughie.  Out of all of the PS races with a grab bag of abilities, it’s this one.  I decided to go for a compromise on this one between the varying editions.  As you probably know if you’ve played Planescape, the Rogue Modron is a unit, for whatever reason, has been cut off from the rest of its almost mind hive race of hierarchical semi-constructs. Typical Complications: Enemy (Modron hierarchy), Accident (social misinterpretations), Obsession

Tiefling (standard) Template, 18 points Abilities:  +2 Int, +2 cha Skills: Bluff 2, Stealth 2 Powers:  Darkness Control 3: 6 pp, Immunity 5 (fire damage or cold damage, flaws: half damage only): 3 pp, Super-senses 2 (darkvision): 2 pp SV: Ref +2 Abilities 4 pp + Skills 1 pp + Powers 11 pp + Sv 2 pp = 18 pp

Notes:  The last of the first batch of racial writeups, the tiefling’s distant ancestors included a fiend.  Their fiendish nature exudes a certain cunning and fiendish air of animal magnetism around them.   This is the writeup for a standard tiefling, and of course of all the planetouched races, the tieflings may vary the most.  I may do a conversion of the random ability rolling table sometime in the future. Typical Complications: Temper, Prejudice, Reputation, Hatred


Sources Consulted for these Write ups: Expanded Psionics Handbook, Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (3e), Manual of the Planes (3e), Planescape Campaign Setting (2e), Planescape Monstrous Compendium, Planewalker's Handbook, Planewalker dot com's PS3E CS

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Joined: 2005-07-08
Planescape Faction

Planescape Faction Templates

After receiving some feedback, I have decided to go ahead and make some rough templates for the different factions, sects, and races involved in Planescape before I go on to make much more archetypes. As explained in the Planescape material, a faction is a fairly powerful and influential group of individuals that share a system of similar worldviews and philosophical beliefs. Here is part 1 of the Planescape factions templates.  Note that, much like racial templates, membership in one faction or sect is usually of membership in another faction or sect.  Hence, you can only have one of these templates at a time.  This first batch of write ups covers the factions before Faction War. Part 2 will include the post Faction War writeups as well as the more minor sects.

A fair portion of the special faction abilities given in previous editions of D&D can only be converted over as powers (such as the Chaosmen’s babble ability or the numerous Guvner powers), whereas others are better represented as feats (Improved Initiative for the Cipher initiative bonus) or skills (a bonus to Notice for the Sensate surprise bonus).

For the most part, I have tried to keep these builds simple and useful to a wide spectrum of characters. You’ll find no ability bonuses here, for example.  This is for a number of reasons. Members within each faction can vary a great deal from one another, and the faction abilities of the faction namer tend to be fairly minor.  Also note that, for the most part, the faction restrictions do not have a direct mechanical consequence in M&M.  Therefore, faction restrictions should form Complications when they come up in play, rather than drawbacks, unless they have a direct mechanical effect.

I have consulted the following sources in compiling these templates: Factol’s Manifesto (2e), Planescape Campaign Setting (2e), Planar Handbook (3e), Third Edition campaign setting

Athar Template, 8 points Skills: a total of 4 ranks in any combination of Bluff, Intimidate, or Sense Motive Powers: Concealment 2 (all mental senses: flaws: Limited to those granted from Divine sources): 2 pp, Immunity 10 (Divine powers, flaws: Limited to mind-influencing and drain effects): 5 pp Skills 1 + Powers 7 = 8 pp Complications: Hatred/prejudice (cannot receive divine services or magical items from priests of specific deities)

The Athar are a group out to prove that the deities are all just cosmic level frauds, not real gods at all.  As such, they have a bone to pick with all faith and religion organized by recognizable, anthropomorphic entities, especially those with established doctrines.  Hence the complication, they will never receive assistance from the clergy of said gods.  The previous Planescape material gave the Athar a grab bag of immunities to several mind influencing, curse, and divination spells. I have simplified as Concealment and Immunity to mental powers and drain effects derived from divine sources.

Believers of the Source (Godsmen) Template, 3 points Skills: Diplomacy 4 Feats: Beginner’s Luck, Jack-of-all-trades Skills 1 + Feats 2 = 3 points Complications: Cannot be raised or resurrected, only reincarnated

The Godsmen believe that in the potential for any being to improve upon itself, to arise to hire stations, to be reincarnated into different forms. If a creature works hard enough, it can even achieve godhood. Because of their open-mindedness, the Believers are well received in most places and receive a bonus to Diplomacy to reflect the bonus to reaction rolls that 2e D&D gave them. Beyond that, the faction benefits didn’t seem to grant many special abilities.  To compensate for this, relative to the other faction templates, I gave the template Beginner’s Luck and Jack-of-all-trades to reflect the faction’s belief in reincarnation and striving to achieve better forms.  

The Godsmens’ Complication is that, in striving to become better people, they may only be raised from the dead by Healing effects that have the Reincarnation power feat.  Optionally, you might give this template a Reincarnate feat that makes every Resurrection Healing effect reincarnate them.  As a complication, it might mean that a Godsman raised from the dead might suffer from an uncontrolled Reincarnation effect, granting a hero point when it puts the poor sod in inconvenient situations (mistaken identity, I’m looking right at you).

Bleaker Template (Bleak Cabal), 10 points Powers: Concealment 10 (all-senses, flaws: Limited: only those that are granted from ESP effects -1, only if a Will save is successful vs. the power): 5 pp, Immunity 10 (Mental effects, flaws: Limited only those that cause confusion or insanity): 5 pp Complications: Madness

The Bleakers believe that life has no ultimate, built in meaning or higher purpose, things are just the way they are.  It is up to each person to live with the fact that ultimately everything is meaningless from a cosmic or existential viewpoint.  The Bleakers deal with the madness of the universe by looking directly into the abyss.  This firsthand experience gives them immunity to effects that cause madness as well a resistance to ESP effects (a Concealment effect in M&M terms if they make a save- which ESP effects do not normally allow).

In the source material, on each day in game, a Bleaker character had a small chance to suffer some kind of mental breakdown.  He might become incredibly depressed and refuse to take most actions, essentially shutting down productive activity.  Or the Bleaker become manic and sure of himself, making rash decisions and jumping from one task to another, even suffering from delusions of grandeur.  This could be represented as a Complication or an Involuntary Transformation drawback (Uncommon [DC 5], Irresistible, subtracting 4 points from the cost of the template above).

Doomguard Template. 5 points Skills: 4 skill ranks total in any combination of the following skills: Bluff, Craft, Disable Device, Intimidate, Knowledge (architecture and engineering/technology) Feats: Weapon Specialization (sword) Powers: Super-senses 5 (sifting, Detect Destruction [analytical, acute, accurate]) Drawbacks: Healing resistance (half benefit from Healing and restorative Boost effects, uncommon, moderate): -2 pp Skills 1 + Feats 1 + Powers 5- Drawbacks 2 = 5 points

I have explained the Doomguard previously, so I won’t go into detail about them here.  Through the use of the Sifting ability, a Sinker can dig through the remains of some devastated structure or object and know how it was destroyed and what destroyed it.  Some Sinkers can even relive the scenes of destruction (add on a Limited precognition for 2 more points to the template).

Dustmen Template, 7 points Skills: Knowledge (theology and philosophy) 4 Feats: Undead Empathy Powers: Dead Truce Skills 1 (4 ranks) + Feats 1 + Powers 5 = 7 points Complications: Accident (resurrection failure, the Wasting)
As I have explained before, the Dustmen view life as sort of a living death and their special connection with the undead previously as well.  Their philosophy to escape the pains of every day life is to kill the passions and emotions that cause them,

I have had some difficulty with making the Dead Truce work, but ultimately I went with a variant of pheromones, that works on both mindless and intelligent undead.  It is a bit unwieldy, but I think it is technically legit.  Basically, upon meeting a Dustman, any undead in the area will leave the fellow alone unless he performs any hostile action against the undead. In this case, the Dead Truce is broken and the undead can act freely. Note that this doesn’t protect his companions, who may suffer the undead’s full wrath.  Also note that living creatures and constructs that resemble the undead, like vampires and flesh golems, respectively, are not affected by this power.  Neither are the Positive Energy based Deathless.  Here’s the mechanical breakdown for the power:
Dead Truce: Emotion Control 1 (Extras: Alternate Save (fort) +0, Affects Objects +0, No save +2, reaction +3, Flaws: Limited to calm -1, Limited to Undead -1): 5 pp

Fated (Taker) Template, 4 pp Skills: Appraise 4, Sense Motive 4, Sleight of Hand 4 Feats: Jack-of-all-trades Skills 3 pp + Feats 1 pp = 4 pp Complications: Honor (cannot accept or give charity)

The Fated is a group for the militant survivalist out there.  Self-sufficient and independent, they believe that a person should earn his bread and butter (permissible means can vary), and that encouraging charity encourages weakness.  As such, they do not give or take charity (hence their complication).  For the most part, the Fated in 2e and 3e received more skill slots but had few other abilities.  So I’ve included the Jack-of-all-trades feat along with a few skills the Fated seem to have by nature.  Otherwise, players of Fated characters can spend their points as they choose.

Fraternity of Order (Guvner) Template , 13 points Skills: Knowledge (civics) 4, Knowledge (pick one other) 4 Feats: Benefit (security clearance) Powers: Comprehend 2 (read and understand languages): 4 pp, Shrinking 16 [extras: Affects Others +0, flaws: standard action -2, Limited Objects only -1]: 6 pp Skills 2 pp + Feats 1 pp + Powers 10 pp = 13 pp Complications: Honor (cannot break the laws, but can bend them and find loopholes)

This template came out to be expensive by my terms, but it fits, given that these guys make no small claim.  They believe in upholding and knowing the laws, for in so doing you can master space and time.  As such, these scholarly bloods have a number of esoteric abilities. Planescape gave the most meager Guvner the ability to comprehend languages and shrink items down via the Item spell.  I have had some trouble converting over the Item effect and have just gone with a Shrinking effect.

Free League (Indep) Template, 3 pp Skills: Sense Motive 4 Powers: Mind-shield 2: 2 pp Skills 1 pp + Powers 2 pp = 3 pp Complications: Status (few protected rights/limited represensation in Sigil)

The Free League is the faction for those who don’t want to be in a faction.  As such, their faction abilities and restrictions are meager, consisting of only a slight resistance to mind-influencing effects and persuasion.  In turn, their faction’s lack of influence leaves them with little representation within the legal system

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Joined: 2005-07-08
Quote:Harmonium Template, 8

Harmonium Template, 8 pp Combat: Attack Bonus +1, Defense bonus +1 Skills: Knowledge (Civics) 4 Feats: Benefit (security clearance) Powers: Emotion Control 2 (Limited to Love) : 2 pp Skills 1 pp + Feats 1 pp + Powers 2 + Combat 4 pp = 8 pp Complications: Honor (cannot disobey orders from a superior)

The Harmonium, peace and cooperation above all, what’s more to say?  As all are martially trained, I gave the template some combat bonuses.  They also have their token Charm Person ability here as well.  As believers in conformity and cooperation, members of Harmonium are obliged to follow the orders of their superiors in the faction, even if they seem stupid.

Mercykiller Template, 8 pp Skills: Intimidate 4, Sense Motive 4 Feats: Benefit 2 (security clearance, pursuit of justice), Vengeful Blow Powers: Mind reading 6 (discern lies, flaws: Limited to detecting lies, Limited to one question per target): 3 pp Skills 2 pp + Feats 3 pp + Powers 3 pp = 8 pp Complications: Honor (must follow the laws unless in pursuit of a criminal), Obsession (punishing lawbreakers)

While the Harmonium are the police of Sigil, the Guvners the Judges, the Mercykillers are the bounty hunters and executioners of Sigil.  As such, their grim philosophy centers around retribution for crimes committed.  Their special Benefits allow them to break laws in the pursuit of criminals, but they must surrender themselves to authority if they break the laws for other reasons.  In addition, they rarely give up pursuit of criminals until justice has been done.

The source material gives the Mercykillers a number of special abilities.  One of this is a Detect/Discern Lies ability, which I have represented as a fairly powerful but Limited Mind Reading ability. Note that by the book, on the Mind Reading, the two Limited flaws might be worth a total -2 modifier.  However, for 6 ranks in Discern Lies I consider a cost of no less than 3 pp a valid cost to pay for it. Their ability to do damage on their targets at a cost to themselves I have translated with a new Vengeful Blow feat that is similar to the inherent array feats from W&W.  It is a strike with the auto-fire extra and the side effect flaw on it for a total of a +0 modifier.  Basically, the Vengeful Blow can do more damage on a very good attack roll.  However, if the blow fails to hit or the target makes his toughness save, then the damage flings back on the attacker.  It has a cost of 1 pp per rank when purchased independently.  It functions as an Alternate Power with equal ranks to the base power.

Revolutionary League (Anarchist) Template, 21 pp Skills: Bluff 4, Stealth 4, Sleight of Hand 4 Powers; Concealment 10 (permanent, Limited to effects that would blow their cover when pretending to be members of other factions): 10 pp, Variable Feats 2 (extras: Continuous +1, Limited to alternate faction identity and related title/status based feats): 8 pp Skills 3 pp + Powers 18 pp = 21 pp
The Anarchists are pretty much as they sound, their shtick is to infiltrate the other factions and tear them apart from within.  Every anarchist has the ability to pose as a member of another faction and not be detected.  I have interpreted this creatively, as both a Concealment effect and a Variable Feat power that is limited to Benefit (alternate identity) and feats related to the status and positions of social power the real faction members would have (security clearance, etc.).

Signer (Sign of One) Template, 3 points Feats: Luck 1 Powers: Super-senses 4 (Visual and auditory senses penetrate illusion) Drawbacks: (Self-absorbed, -4 Diplomacy) 1 pp Feats 1 + Powers 4- Drawbacks 1 = 3 points

Signers, again, are your basic solipsistic, “perception is reality” types.  They’re mostly about imposing their own images of reality upon the world.  Not too much to say here.

Society of Sensation (Sensate) Template, 6 pp Saves: Fort +1 Skills: Notice 4, Sense Motive 4 Powers: Sensory Touch (Healing 2, flaws: empathic -1): 2 pp, Super-senses 2 (darkvision): 2 pp Skills 2 pp + Powers 4 pp + Saves 1 pp = 6 pp Complications: Obsession (new experiences)

Sensates believe that throughout one’s life a person should experience as many new things as possible and to cherish life’s experiences.  As such, they only reject new experiences if there is some obvious danger to them or others.  The Sensates are as a whole a canny and perceptive bunch, with the ability to feel others’ pain, literally, with the sensory touch (an Empathic Healing).  

Transcendent Order (Cipher) Template, 5 points Skills: Sense Motive 4 Feats: Improved Initiative, Quick draw Powers: Mind-shield 2: 2 pp Skills 1 pp + Feats 2 pp + Powers 2 pp = 5 pp Complications: Mind and body as one (won’t reconsider actions once a choice is made)

The Ciphers believe in unity of one’s mind and body as one vessel, one tool.  Success and wisdom does not come from laborious, slow thought, but rather choosing the right action at the right time. Their abilities reflect these goals.  Note that once a Cipher has chosen a plan of action, she’ll have to follow through with it.  In game play, a player affected by this Complication cannot go back against his first announced plan of action.

Xaositect Template, 4 points Skills: Bluff 4 Feats: Distract (Bluff, Scramblespeak) Powers: Babble 2 (Obscure auditory, Flaws: Limited: Speech only -1): 2 pp Skills: 1 pp + Feats 1 pp + Powers 2 pp = 4 pp Complications: Hatred (long-term organization)

The last of the first batch of factions, the Chaosmen are among the most predictably unpredictable folks.  They basically worship chaos and spontaneity, and won’t dedicate themselves to highly organized and long-term plans, operating much more in a short-term and off the cuff manner.  

The Xaositects have two special abilities.  The first of them is fairly mundane, scramblespeak, in which they can jumble up their words to hide messages (I represent this by a bonus to Bluff and the Distract feat).  The second special ability is the Babble ability, the power to scramble all the spoken words in the area into meaningless gibberish (a Limited Auditory Obscure).  If you go the Powers as Skills/Feats route, you may decide to turn Babble into a feat.

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Joined: 2005-07-08
Planescape: Sects Sects

Planescape: Sects

Sects are, for the most part, similar to factions but much less popular and powerful, and in some cases, have much narrower focuses.  Here is a smattering of sects from a variety of sources.  Some I felt were too limited in their abilities or made best for plot device powers (Order of the Planes Militant, Mathematicians) or were not detailed enough for me to create a template for them yet (Sons of Mercy, Sodkillers).  The Converts can be simulated, if you wish, by a Variable Power structure (all powers at once, limited to Faction abilities, 7 pp/rank, with perhaps a minor drawback reflection the effects of the faction taints/drawbacks).  Right now I’m tinkering with a mechanic to best represent the Opposition’s special faction ability; I’m thinking about going with a special Nullify effect.

Anarch’s Guild Template, 5 points Skills: Concentration 4, Craft (structural, or another similar craft skill) 8 Powers: Create Object 4 (chaos-shaping, flaws: Limited: on Limbo only -1, Requires check [craft] -1): 2 pp Skills 3 pp + Powers 2 pp = 5 pp

The Anarch’s Guild is a group of primarily githerzai mystics that are able to shape and mold the chaos of Limbo to forms of their choice.  I have translated the “Chaos Shaping” ability into a Create Object with the Limited and Check Required flaws. source: Planes of Chaos

Communal Template, 5 pp Skills: 8 ranks in any combination of Interaction skills Feats: Fascinate (pick one), Interpose, Teamwork Skills 2 pp + Feats 3 pp  = 5 pp Complications: Honor (community before self)

The Communals are a fairly obscure (and dead) sect that advocated that resources and power should all be shared, that nobody should be above another, universally allocating goods to every soul. The only source I could find for a mechanical representation of these folks was a Dragon magazine article, which provided the basis for the feat selections you see here. Source: Dragon Magazine #339 (January 2006, "Dead Factions" article)

Dispossessed Template, 3 pp Feats: Tough 3 Powers: Mind-shield 1: 1 pp Drawbacks: Thuggish (-4 Diplomacy, 1 pp) Feats 3 pp + Powers 1 pp – Drawbacks 1 pp  = 3 pp Complications: Hatred, Temper, Obsession (revenge, prove oneself), Reputation

The Dispossessed (also known as the Exiled) are a group of outcasts and banished refugees that value toughness and standing against the world.  As such, their abilities primarily rely on resistance to the outside world, but their bad attitudes don’t help them win friends much. Source: Planes of Chaos

Guardians Template, 4 pp Skills: Gather Information 8 Feats: Interpose, Well-Informed Skills 2 pp + Feats 2 pp  = 4 pp Complications: Honor, Responsibility

Not too much to say about these folks; their belief in the good of protecting others for its own sake is fairly generic.  They have a fairly good information network, hence the skill and feat that makes this sect slightly memorable. Source: Planes of Conflict

Incantifier Template, 20 pp Abilities: Int +4 Skills: Concentration 4, Knowledge (arcane lore) 8 Powers: Healing 1 (extras: action- reaction [beating a spell with spell resistance] +3, flaws: Personal only -1): 4 pp, Immunity 5 (aging, need for sleep, starvation and thirst, suffocation): 5 pp, Nullify 1 (all magic effects at once, extras: power resistance +1): 3 pp, Protection 1: 1 pp, Abilities 4 pp + Skills 3 pp + Powers 13 pp = 20 pp Complications: Secret (sect membership), Enemies, Addiction (magic drain), Obsession (Magic!)

This sect is a secret society of sorts that survive off of draining the magic of others. They are all experienced wizards that believe magic is everything They have a “spell absorption” that heals their bodies and feeds them when they ingest a targeted spell.  I have translated this into a reaction heal and spell resistance nullify. The body of an Incantifier is magically fortified, giving it resistance to harm and immunity to many “mortal” concerns. Th Incantifier spell resistance and Protection should increase with PL, as might the healing. Note that their level loss upon not eating any magic is more a complication than an actual drawback, since it only comes up a few times per year. Source: PSMCII

Merkhant Template, 6 pp Skills: Sense Motive 4 Feats: Benefit 2 (status 2- Merchant prince) Powers:  Super-senses 6 (Detect Monetary Value [acute, accurate, analytical, ranged], flaws: limited to gems and art objects): 3 pp Skills 1 pp + Feats 2 pp + Powers 3 pp = 6 pp Complications: Obsession (money/greed)

This is a group that believes money is everything in the universe.  Their key ability is to inherently know the monetary worth of any gem or work of art. They are a canny bunch of rich and powerful bashers, which I have represented with Sense Motive and the Status feat.  You might give them ranks in Wealth, if you use that option, and perhaps the Appraise skill, if you have the Mastermind’s Manual. Source: PSMCII

Mind’s Eye (Seekers, Visionaries) Template, 7 pp Feats: Beginner’s Luck or Jack-of-all-trades Powers: Enhanced Feat 1 (Fearless, extras: affects others +1, extras: ranged +1): 3 pp, Mind-shield 2: 2 pp, Super-senses 1 (direction sense): 1 pp Feats 1 pp + Powers 6 pp = 7 pp Complications: Reputation/Prejudice (self-absorbed narcissists/nuts)

Here is what you get when you mash up the Godsmen and the Signers.  It is somewhere in between.  The Enhanced Fearless feat represents their remove fear power.  Alternatively, stronger Seekers might tack on the Area extra (possibly with the Progression and/or Selective feat) onto that, or replace the Fearless feat with the Lionheart feat (from Warriors and Warlocks). Source: Faction War

Primal Template, 14 pp  Skills: at least 8 ranks in one or a combination Knowledge skills Powers: Healing 1 [mending, extras: affects objects +0]: 2 pp, Immunity 9 (life support): 9 pp, Protection 2: 2 pp Drawbacks: Bound to the Inner Planes (can never leave, uncommon minor): -1 pp Skills 2 pp + Powers 13 pp – Drawbacks 1 = 14 pp Complications: Secrets

The Primals are another secret society, this one held up in the Inner Planes. In addition to the abilities given in MCIII, I have also given them the powers they might need to survive in the Elemental Planes. Higher-ups in the faction have even more powers. Lorewardens have Create Object (fabricate, permanent, touch range).  Ancient loremasters can possess a wide and dizzying array of abilities, including Animate Objects, full range healing (making the affects object a +1 version instead of a +0), Shape Matter/Transform, and Shapeshifting. Source: PSMCIII

Prolonger Template, 9 pp Feats: Improved Grab Powers:  Drain 1 (Con, PF: Slow fade 6 [1 day]): 7 pp, Immunity 1 (aging) Feats 1 pp + Powers 8 pp = 9 pp Complications: Secret/Prejudice (sect membership, transformation ritual), Addiction (life-draining)

This sect tries to do anything they can to stave off death.  Their “Immunity” to aging actually comes from regular use of their “energy drain” (represented here as a Con drain- which should increase with PL). Without using their energy drain on victims, the Prolongers actually age quicker.  Such aging, however, should be a complication instead of a drawback. Source: PSMCII

Rager Template, 18 pp Combat: +2 At, +2 Def Abilities: +4 to any one physical ability score Feats: Rage 2 Powers: Mind-shield 8 (limited to while raging): 4 pp Abilities 4 pp + Feats 2 pp + Powers 4 pp + Combat 8 = 18 pp Complications: Honor (warrior’s code), Temper

The Ragers are all exclusively warriors, fighting to their last breath.  For the most part, their conversion was fairly straight forward, working on what PSMCII gave the average Rager.  I recommend using the default M&M rules for raging rather than the ones in Warriors and Warlocks. Source: PSMCII

Ring-giver (Bargainers, Beggars) Template, 2 pp Skills: Diplomacy 4 Feats: Connected Skills 1 pp + Feats 1 pp = 2 pp Complications: Honor (what’s mine is yours, what’s yours is mine)

The ring-givers are kind of like the opposite of the Fated.  The Beggars believe that you get virtue and strength from giving things away, not owning anything.  As such, they’re a social bunch who can call on favors from each other and those in their “debt” fairly freely. If you’re using Wealth rules, you might give them reduced levels of wealth, potentially making this template a 0 pp one. Source: Planes of Chaos

Verdant Guild Template, 7 pp Skills: Handle Animal 4, Survival 4 Feats: Animal Empathy Powers: Comprehend 2 (animals, flaws: Limited to animals matching mask type): 2 pp, Super-senses 1 (direction sense): 1 pp Skills 2 pp + Feats 1 pp + Powers 3 pp = 7 pp Complications: Responsibility (the wild), Hatred (cities)

Another fairly bland and generic “protect the wild” sort of group, the one notable thing about these guys is that they choose different animal masks to be in tune with.  This decision defines what animals they can speak to. Source: Planes of Conflict

Sources: Dragon Magazine 339 (January 2006, “Dead Factions” article), Faction War, Planes of Conflict, Planes of Chaos, Planes of Law, Planescape Monstrous Compendium II + III

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