It's probably cheating for me to vote both here and on LJ, isn't it?
Planescape: Metamorphosis - A Planescape Webcomic
Pants of the North!
Probably but if you hadn't said anything I never would've known!
I didn't realize he was so popular among my readers -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works
Chapter 1, Page 27 is up!
Don't forget to vote on the character you want to see a full wallpaper of! If you haven't voted yet, you can send me a PM, just post here, or vote at my deviantART site (must be logged in to vote there). -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works
Page 28 is now up!
And once again, don't forget to vote on the character you want to see a full wallpaper of! If you haven't voted yet, you can send me a PM, just post here, or vote at my deviantART site (must be logged in to vote there). -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works
Chapter 1, Page 29 is up! Cant translation information is in the author's notes section.
And again, don't forget to vote if you haven't! You can either vote at dA or send me a PM.
The next page, I'll have a vote for what kind of picture to draw. For example, combat/action, fan service, life at home, out in Sigil, etc. So start thinking about what sort of scene you'd like to see your preferred character in! -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works
Chapter 1, Page 30!
The new poll is up! As always, you can either vote there or send me a PM here. Remember that the results shown on that poll are not necessarily indicative of the leading option. Also, I reserve the right to move to the next-highest option if the first is too weird. (Lasc fanservice? Really, people?) -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works
A little late posting this here, but it's been up all day:
Chapter 1, Page 32 is up!
Once chapter 1 is finished, I will be taking a break until the end of the semester so I can finish my papers and get chapter 2 fully scripted.
I would like to post some interlude things to keep people from forgetting about me. If any of you are interested in writing a brief story or doing a doodle or guest comic during the interlude period, please let me know! If you'd like to make some kind of trade out of it, too, that is fine with me! It doesn't have to be anything serious if you don't want it to be. It can just be a silly story or goofy picture.
Just PM me if you are interested and we'll discuss details! -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works
Chapter 2 will be launched on December 21. The end of the semester is nearing for me and I need to devote more of my time to finishing papers. Since I’m in graduate school, my papers tend to be long and very thorough. I also need to write a thesis proposal.
Never fear, though. Metamorphosis will not be completely dead. A few people have agreed to draw pictures or write fiction for me and I will be showcasing their work during my hiatus. Posts will go up 1-2 times per week, depending on how many items I have available.
If you’re interested in being showcased, please feel free to contact me. One of my friends wrote a nice, brief story, and another has drawn a picture, so whichever medium suits your idea best is just fine with me! I can be reached either by leaving a comment here or send me a PM!
I'm also interested in hearing some feedback from you Planewalkers now that the first chapter is complete. What do you think of this so far as a Planescape story so far? What do you think in general? Any comments or ideas for the Planescape-"ness" of it? This is my first independent webcomic project and the first Planescape anything I've pushed all the way to completion, so I'm eager to hear what you think and if you have any suggestions for improvement.
Thanks for reading and hope you stick around for the next chapter! -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works
The Guest Month kicks off with a drawing by Isabella, a friend of mine! Take a look!
Again, if you are interested in being shown for a Guest showcase, let me know. I'll post things roughly in order of when I get them and the more I get, the more frequently I'll post.
Also, I'm still looking for some feedback if anyone has any. You guys are one of my big target audiences, so I'd like to know how it's being received!
Chapter 2 will take the first real look at the factions. -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works
Guest Month continues with the second of several guest contributions, a fun short story by NeoTiamat. You can find him on this very site. Please read and let him know what you think! -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works
The Guest Period continues with a Ssilir weather report from Kiwi Valkyrie! -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works
This is a heads-up that Metamorphosis will resume this coming Monday, January 4! I'm still working on the chapter 1 megapicture so stay with me on that.
I've made some changes to the website, including a new banner and a revamped cast page. The cast page has 3.5e character sheets that sort of emulate my concepts for the character. I'll have 4e sheets up soon and will add in other gaming styles as I figure out how to incorporate them.
Please check out the new stuff and tell me what you think! -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works
Okay, I am officially hooked... damn you.
I like your style of artwork, and this is such a great indie project. I am not big on the understanding of Sigil or the slang/jargon that gets used, but I am learning it a lot more by reading!
Alright - my thoughts. First and foremost, Qul and K'zink are both HOTTIES. Serious OMG shagerrific illustrated hotties... I can't believe I want to write some slash about D&D characters. Tasty!
Second - is Qul perhaps a Pterafolk or Saurian from Faerun? I have been trying to figure this out the whole time. I think your characters are very realistic and detailed in terms of personality, and it's obvious you really took a while to think about this and get the ideas together. Great job! I can't believe I am actually gonna subscribe to a web comic... I never would have imagined I was gonna like something like this. I am excited to see what kind of twists are involved in the storm god's activities and how Qul will deal with that - or if something else entirely will divert him from his path in an epic and legendary quest that would change his life and his world forever. So much suspense, I won't be able to wait.

Thank you! It's always good to hear these kinds of things!
The latter is part of my plan, to make the Planes more accessible to people unfamiliar with them. I'm glad it's working for you!
LOL >D You have no idea how much this seriously made me grin. I know some people would be squicked by this. However, I find it very high praise that you want to slash my characters >D If you actually want to do it, you have my permission! In fact, if you catch me on AIM sometime, I will show you some of my NSFW endeavors. My screen name there is Rilmani
Qul is actually from a race and a Prime that I created myself. He's a Ssilirian. I'll have more information up about the Ssilirians in due time. I need to figure out how and where I want to put the sodding info in my site. There's a LOT of it and I've had difficulty deciding on a structure. I thought about using a separate wiki or something but I don't know. I'm open to suggestions on that front.

Thank you very much! Really! I appreciate hearing this a lot! Means I am doing something right, huh?
As for the last bit, my comic is called Metamorphosis for a reason I hope that I am able to make this theme clear as the stories unfold. The one big major drawback to webcomicking is once your audience has read it, it's too late to revise -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works
Don't revise or even re-think! We will get it by the time it's done! We have to wait for it and see it through - and have faith in our storyteller, which I do.
When Qul fell out of bed naked, I thought we were going to get some real action... And to be honest even the first scene of him swimming nude is provocative enough for me to get my mind on a naughty kick... But then that isn't really all too difficult to do anyways. The other part that I thought was at least a little suggestive was the posture in which Qul is positioned after his leap from above in front of K'zink - a little more inviting than I think most people would be comfortable experiencing themselves.... I bet he got a good shot of what's under those loin clothes as Qul fell.
NSFW = Not Safe For Web? I don't have aim; only Yahoo, Google, Skype, and Windows Live - all usernames 'xidoraven' (@yahoo, @gmail, & @live .com's). I may just have to write some Qul / K'zink slash..... and maybe even get Drake in on the deal.
Beyond all that, I have never heard of a Bulezau (sp?) demon? where are they featured? At first, I thought it was a baernaloth, until he screamed about it being a demon.... Then I figured I would just go with the flow and ask about it later - like here/now.
It is going great - I don't think you have anything to worry about at all, except for seeing it through to the end. I am excited about this metamorphosis, and the way we will see the characters evolve. It's so not fair - I didn't need another addiction. :P
As for posting content about Ssilirians and their Prime world, to be quite honest after all the experiences and input I have received recently in regard to trying to get my own material published in some format with the companies I am familiar with, the following is my recommendation:
If you plan on ever trying to publish your work through any format which requires a corporate logo to be attached to it anywhere (meaning that you don't self publish, or have a rich relative who owns their own publishing organization who will work with you on the legal terms of usage and distribution), don't post it anywhere public for any length of time. Been there - most of my best work is at least partially posted online in public pages or format, and it is all now nearly impossible to pitch to a corporate publisher, even if you take it all down off the web (it was up there for long enough that someone may have seen it without dishing money for it... lame).
If you never plan on trying to make money off it, publicly post only specific OGL content, or otherwise don't give a sh** if a company will not publish you in the future, my recommendation is a wiki like which is a favorite of mine. I also began working online in RPGs on, which is not specifically marketed to that aspect of creativity, but their wiki and coding is pretty cool, easy to learn and use, and allows a bit of creative liberties with how you style them, etc. It also allows you to post artistic material of your own to their site (I assume like it works here), but they don't have a preset for stats or anything - like D&D Wiki does.
If you just want to post material without stats, a generic wiki like Elftown's would work great (and they provide a lot more protection to your pages than many others), and things with stats work better on sites where they might have preset templates for it (D&D Wiki has one for almost anything these days). I personally prefer to use both - for their own reasons, and to have multiple media venues where it is helpful and interesting. Stuff that doesn't have stats and I want to moderate and/or hide from certain people I can put on ET, and stuff that is more open, free, stat-oriented, and needs less protection from editing or viewing I can put on D&D Wiki.
I am also finding that some sites and forums such as here, ENWorld, and - until recently - even WotC's forums as well, can have very good discussions happening surrounding creative projects, rules debate/help, & balance/style review. I create a lot of material on these sites that I then can put into place in a very controlled and well-articulated system of placement on other relevant venues as well. I have been compiling material over the last year or more that I would like to begin putting together publications or large-scale writing/art projects for gaming ideas, elements, overlooked themes, and concepts which could draw in new crowds or market to specific unmet needs or demographics. My current beef is with how detailed we make our villains, while skimping out and cliche-ing our good guys and angelic critters - and how I can try to mend and help maintain the solutions to that issue.
I personally am anxious to know more about this Ssilirian race and their culture. I noticed that the temple buildings were coming up out of water, and wasn't sure if that was because they were chinampas-style floating / stabilized artificial land, aqueduct-lane cities, or else simply because of two years worth of rain accumulating swallowed up the land below - though I was more sure that it was probably the latter reason. I like that Qul is so carefree, but it would be wonderful to know what is driving him on this strange and exciting quest - he is still a little bit of a mystery, compared to the other main (secondary) characters. I expect to learn even more about him, and maybe his past, his secrets, or his goals and initiatives that are driving him ever forward beyond being tasked by his priests. The funny thing I am always thinking is, "Why him, and why not someone else?" It almost gives the sense that he is somehow DESTINED to undertake this journey and meet these hardships dead-on.... Like I said, I am excited about it. I wish I could help, but I have such little time and I wouldn't want to mess up your current style and work flow. Maybe I will get in on this whole fan-media idea... I may for sure have to take you up on the slash offer... Not sure how that will go over, though.
Best wishes, and a prosperous, thriving new rotation around Sol in the year 2010 CE of the Earth Realm Prime to all!
When Qul fell out of bed naked, I thought we were going to get some real action... And to be honest even the first scene of him swimming nude is provocative enough for me to get my mind on a naughty kick... But then that isn't really all too difficult to do anyways. The other part that I thought was at least a little suggestive was the posture in which Qul is positioned after his leap from above in front of K'zink - a little more inviting than I think most people would be comfortable experiencing themselves.... I bet he got a good shot of what's under those loin clothes as Qul fell.
*snickers* Qul's outfit has been redone considerably

NSFW = Not Safe For Work. I've added you on everything but Skype. I'll do Skype later.
I don't know where bulezau first appeared. They're in one of the Monstrous Compendiums (PSMCII I think). Unfortunately that's one instance where DiTerlizzi's art doesn't do proper justice to the concept. There's another picture of them in the 3e Fiend Folio but picture isn't quite right. Both pictures look anatomically like a bulezau should. However bulezau are raging berserker demons. To me, the DiTerlizzi art makes the bulezau look kind of sleepy and the FF art makes it look more stoic. Lasc is very deliberately not a berserker right now

I will keep being your pusher for as long as I can
Snipped to prevent Wall of Text
Thanks for the info there. I don't know if I plan to make money off of this. I have seriously considered a webcomic based entirely on Ssilir in the future, after Metamorphosis is well on the path I've laid for it. Any money I make off of Ssilir will probably be through that. I don't intend to include much in the way of stats. At most I'll have Ssilirian racial info so people can play them in their games if they want.
Ssilirian architecture is really inspired by the Aztecs and other ancient Meso- and South American cultures. The former is more correct. Ssilirians are amphibious and a lot of their cities are built on the water as much as land.
Something I meant to mention last post and forgot: Qul's head structure was mostly inspired by the real-world basilisk (sometimes called the Jesus Christ Lizard because of its ability to run on water). The Ssilirians are more saurian than reptile, though. They're warm-blooded, among other things.

I am glad to hear you're excited I made a little bit of a gaff (imo) in the first chapter by excluding Qul from so much of it in the middle. He's definitely the star of the show for Chapter 2.
I'll bring more about Qul, his past, his motivations, and so on over the comic. I'll try and bring out some of his motivations soon. As for why him and not someone else, let me say that there are forces at work here that none of the characters are aware of.

By all means, if the mood strikes you I look forward to see what you've written I encourage fan-media of all shapes and sizes!
Thanks! Same to you! -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works
Chapter 2, Page 2 is up!
I am using a new font again, different from Page 1's. Let me know how you like it! I think it's more readable but I want to know what you think. Is it okay or should I make it bigger? -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works
Much better than the previous (is it possible to revise post-production / post-web publication?), and yeah, it needs to be a point or three bigger. It's good but could be more visible; you can always shrink it to that point to fit more discussion or else to emphasize more quietness, but it needs a little bigger standard sizing. I suspect you were trying to stay away from a "traditional" comic strip font, but there are some out there... I would have to go perusing to find one (even a free one, I'm sure), but I don't know of one off the top of my head. I think this one fits pretty well, but the last one was difficult to tell if his quote was, "Nat's wings!" or "Nal's wings!" or even something more different... Not sure. I suspect that is a Ssilirian deity or hero, but I am not sure quite how to spell it, whomever they be.
Keep it up! I have an idea in my head of how I want to do an image of Qul travelling across the planar boundaries to Sigil, but I think I am going to need a tablet first... The idea is too complex for me to get done on this sheisty mouse that is beginning to mess up on me (*growls* at the now-quirky buttons)... I am thinking on playing on light and dark values, using mask layers, creating luminescent energy and planar flux, and portraying him in a semi-angelic fashion as he is flung out through the astral umbra.... But I am thinking it might not take to fruition.... Need a tablet... Must have a tablet. Must take design work up two or more notches with technological advantage.... Must petition Primus to answer my prayers.... Must convert to technosophism and take up the cleric class..... Or else win the lottery.
*begins mumbling prayers to deities of technology and creativity*
Tonight's trivia: ....Can you guess which deity it was? (Hint: it wasn't actually Primus, since he only answers modrons and his vestige only answers binders...)
Chapter 2, Page 3 is up! A new character appears!
I could go back but I don't know if my laziness will allow me. Cosmetic changes like fonts are pretty simple. The first page has a lot of clipped images though and it slows down Illustrator something fierce. I haven't figured out a better way to make the textures work yet.
The quote is intended to be "Nal's Wings!" Nal is the Ssilirian god of birds and athleticism, among other things.
*begins mumbling prayers to deities of technology and creativity*
Good luck getting a tablet! They really make all the difference in the world once you get the hang of them. I look forward to seeing what you come up with.
I think I lose this trivia question -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works
Chapter 2, Page 4 is up! What in the world is Lasc doing?
Anyway, something Planescape-related is thought-provoking enough to do -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works
The correct answer to my tech deity question is Aepos - the god of energy, creation, and construction of harnessed energies (like living constructs made from elemental fused energies in a metal body 'casing'). I will forgive you on this one, since I had only recently posted a little about it and wondered if it had any time to settle into the planescape consciousness yet.
So is this where we get to understand a little more about why this Bulezau demon just randomly decides to join a group of beings who for the most part seem to be compassionate, loyal, and focused on the 'good' things in life? I had been considering that these past few pages...
Also, what size do your panels end up being? That way, I can make a fan-panel that is the same size for potential physical publication (and without resizing or the ever-awful afterthought uneven canvas margins of doom)...
Wow, another Planescape comic! Just about to leave, but I will have to check this out later.
Have you seen mine? (Planescape Survival Guide) We might do a link trade, if you're interested.

So is this where we get to understand a little more about why this Bulezau demon just randomly decides to join a group of beings who for the most part seem to be compassionate, loyal, and focused on the 'good' things in life? I had been considering that these past few pages...
Also, what size do your panels end up being? That way, I can make a fan-panel that is the same size for potential physical publication (and without resizing or the ever-awful afterthought uneven canvas margins of doom)...
You might get to know a bit more about Lasc here -- but it may not be quite what you expect
My pages are always 600px wide. I usually do 800px high but sometimes I have to add a few px to the height because I make my top/bottom margins too small and don't realize until I'm mostly done.
Have you seen mine? (Planescape Survival Guide) We might do a link trade, if you're interested.
Sure! A link trade sounds great! I'll go put you on my page I don't have any buttons or button exchange things (yet). Working on that stuff over the weekend though -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works
I don't have one yet. My goal this weekend is to create banners and buttons for use on things like this and Project Wonderful and so on. So just stay tuned and I'll have one up.
Meanwhile, I've put a link to your comic in the sidebar of my page so it'll show up everywhere on my site -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works
Awesome, thanks Swiftbow
I do have a couple buttons made. I'll post them up soon. When I revamp the Links page I'll put in a banner link to your comic.
Meanwhile Chapter 2, Page 5 is up!
Wherein rag dolls get thrown all over! -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works
Chapter 2, Page 7!
Here we learn a little more about the tiefer known as Drake. And K’zink gets another random visitor. Sodding berk needs to get an unlisted address. -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works
Chapter 2, Page 8!
See who is on the other side of that sodding door! -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works
Weeeee! Archive binge since I haven't been reading since September.
It's coming together really well Center, I like it. I look forwards to the hilarity that will continue to ensue from Lasc and Drake being in close proximity to each other.
I also really like the idea of the masks on the Hardheads. Speaking of which, what do you mean you need help with references or with drawing armor! They are certainly recognizable, and the armor sits on them well. Looks great to me!
I think CoA's doing a great job on it so far, and I have taken a few weeks away from it so that I can do an archive binge too... It's easier reading it page by page when you are not waiting several days in between pages. I am not putting down your method, because it looks like it works... But I am considering keeping this form of reading it since it works best for my recognition of how the content of the story progresses. Good job - keep it up!
For the record, I have not yet started on a fan image of Qul - but I appreciate the size specs... It will help get me started on doing so. What is the best picture of Qul in his outfit that shows a full body profile, or else a large part of his body?
It's coming together really well Center, I like it. I look forwards to the hilarity that will continue to ensue from Lasc and Drake being in close proximity to each other.
Thanks! I'll try to play it up in future scenes.
*chuckles* I scoured the web for clear pictures of the Hardheads and the only ones I could find that really worked were yours and the official picture of Sarin. Most of the Torment pics I could find were too small or indistinct :\ I am not really sure why I added the masks. Guess I thought it would look cool Plus everyone needs a little more face protection when you're law enforcement in a burg like Sigil!
Thanks! I actually know of a few folks who tell me they're reading it this way, so no worries It does explain the slight flux in the number of hits each update day. At the end of the month I'll post my Analytics stats so you guys can all see how things are going.
Here is the original concept drawing for Qul. It is his old costume, though I have an unfinished concept drawing of the new outfit on my computer. I need to finish so I can upload it. Still, hopefully this is what you are looking for:
Here's a smaller one of Qul in his new outfit.
There are a couple other pictures in my gallery and it seems to me I need to spend more time drawing my Metamorphosis characters outside the comic too -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works
So, the mystery woman does have a name.
I know some bashers don't read the author notes so in case you don't, I'll copy and paste here.
I’m also workin’ on a side project with a friend and was curious if you bashers’d like to see some of that as we do it. We’re building information for a whole sodding city and setting for the Inner Planes, but this is the kind of flam that’s better off done in small pieces. Figure if we can both come up with somethin’ every week we might actually make this bleedin’ thing work. So what d’you say? -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works
Who wants another page of Metamorphosis!
Chapter 2, Page 12! -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works
I'm enjoying the story so far. Keep it up!
Chapter 2, Page 13!
Also have one of my three Valentine's day pictures Ianthe dressed as Aphrodite (not safe for work, has boobs) -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works
Just in case you berks think I've been forgetting about you...
Here's guest comic to fill in for me since I was away at a convention this past weekend. Regular Metamorphosis will resume on Thursday. -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works
Chapter 2, Page 15!
Ianthe shares a little bit about was going on at the beginning of the chapter. -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works
This marks the 100th post here! If only that meant the 100th page, too
Chapter 2, Page 21, with more of the Shattered Temple and some Lasc artwork in the author's comments.
I'll draw a forum icon/avatar for whoever guesses who the tour guide is. He is a canon character, just a matter of finding him.
Here's a hint: He's in the book you're not supposed to have. -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works
Thank you! -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works