Planescape Introductory Adventure

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Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Planescape Introductory Adventure

As a swift aside:

I really like Jangling Hiter, if anyone has ideas in that direction.


I think that the Recruited for the Blood War thread has distinct possibilities too. As I said over there, I think this idea might work really well as a series of mini-adventures dealing with individual encounters with Retaphis, that the DM can slip in as a recurring sub-plot.


We also shouldn't ignore the Great Hippo's Ilgrave scenario either (he has stats!) and the "starting in the prime" intro too.


Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
Planescape Introductory Adventure


I've bounced your suggestion back and forth, and I ultimately think that Ilgrave and Recruited for the Blood War should be seperate -we already have so much in the campaign/adventures already, and so feel they are already might be borderline too complicated for beginning DM's (though we have already beaten that old horse).

Anyways, Ilgrave might make a possible another intro adventure module (though I think it lacks the appeal that DatD has -no offense Hippo).

Recruited for the Blood War could make another adventure, but one that starts at mid-to high level.

I'd be willing to work on the later module, but think that we should first concentrate on getting our first adventure arc done.

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
Planescape Introductory Adventure

FYI: I'll soon begin working on the next part of the adventure arc -i.e. next part after DatD, as for now going to be referred to as Blood, Sweat, and Tears.

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
Planescape Introductory Adventure

Barg! -Xaos is infecting my posting! anyone know how to delete one of your own posts (as I didn't want to triple post).

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
Planescape Introductory Adventure

Also, just to clean up this last triple post: I'm planning on running the entire adventure arc (starting with DatD and then onwards).

So far, I have 7 PCs (I'm starting it at 2nd because of the large group).

Current roster includes:

CG tiefling duskblade (clueless primer)
CN human psion (clueless primer)
NG human cleric of Lathander (from small village in Elysium, so a planar but basically clueless about Sigil)
CG brass wymling (only 2HD) from Pelion (basically in same boat as the cleric)
N aasimar binder (he's an Athar and from Gehonnom/Torch, and knows off-hand about the Cage)
LN-G kobold sorceror (lifelong member of the Guvners, and a planar through and through)
LN-E human warblade (Harmonium member and life long planar and resident of the Cage)

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