Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

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Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

And here I thought 'mummerwine' was a reference to the mummer troupes of medieval england...

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

It kind of was. Looking back over my earliest notes, the Wailer's Guild was originally going to be the Mummer's Guild - a troupe of Dustmen actors who spread their philosphy through parable-like plays (tales like Orpheus and the Underworld, etc). They made extensive use of the wine to deliver "the perfect performance" since being Numb (in the Faction ability sense of the word) is hell for method actors. Laughing out loud

Whenever I get this adventure finished, I'll hopefully turn all these extra rules and stuff into articles. In the meantime, just go with whatever you like and let me know if you come up with a better explanation!

Arytiss's picture
Joined: 2006-08-11
A Fool and his Money...

Yay. Another session summary. I would have posted earlier but I haven't been well.

In the middle of the night I decided to add an extra possible encounter to try and give the party a bit more information on Fingers. They were woken up by a frantic banging on their doors and someone shouting that the beast had struck again. Going downstairs they found the voices, dressed in nightgowns and robes, talking quietly to each other in one corner. Narma was standing by one of the tables which ad been cleared off and was apparantly busy bandaging up the hands of the girl that lay there. The following is a rough transcript of what happened when they saw this:

Rallan to Narma: What happened?
Narma: She was attacked by the beast. We only just found her lying at the end of the alley. It looks like her hands were gnawed off completely.
Rallan: Is there anything I can do?
Narma: I don't think so. I've done the best I can but I don't know wether she'll survive or not.
Rallan: Ok. we go back to bed.

Derek was the only member of the party who actually decided to use this opportunity to see if he could find anything (Ignoring his companions telling him not to bother) and went down to Rattling Alley, where he smelt the incense, now much more strong than it had been before, and found near the scene of the attack a torn piece of moldering cloth that looked as if it had come from a dustman's robe. Upon realising this he went back to bed. In a desperate attempt to try and allow them to find some information I had Narma intercept Derek and arrange a meeting with Gnarlybone the next day.

The next day dawned, or at least, as close as there is to dawn in Sigil, and the Rallan and Celerion went about making some purchases to prepare for their next encounter with the Joculators. They bought lots and lots of weapons. They also got a mage they had met previously to cast a locate object spell to find the items the Joculators had taken off them the previous day. Then they went back to Deadwick to get the results of the "spell" they had paid him to cast. Discovering that Fingers was a ghoul, and that he lived in the middle of the Pyre District in a building called Blighthouse.

Meanwhile Derek and Razor went to their meeting with Gnarlybone who told them that yes, he knew where the Joculators were hiding, he could guide them there, and he could also retrieve the items they lost. Derek offered him 800gp and you could practically see the dollar signs in Gnarlybone's eyes. He took the gold, gave them back the items that he had found that morning in Rattling alley, and arranged to meet at Deadwick's tower later that evening.

The party met back up at the Whispered Word and shared the information they had found with each other. Derek neglected to mention how much he had paid Gnarlybone for his services. So Razor told them instead. They hung around for a while and I mentioned that the girl who had been attacked last night was awake so at various times different members of the party went to see her.

Derek: Don’t worry. We’ll avenge you. (Leaves)
Rallan: Don’t worry. We’ll avenge you. (Leaves)
Razor: Don’t worry. We’ll avenge you. (Leaves)

I look forward to the day they learn how to think on their own and actually talk to NPC’s.

They met up with Gnarlybone and he guided them through the Pyre district, disappearing at one point when they encountered the Gnoll and the Troglodyte (Whom they passed by carefully, with both groups keeping a close eye on each other.)

They arrived at the Blighthouse. They enter the Blighthouse and go downstairs. I point out that they can’t actually do this because the front door is chained shut. They look embarrassed and let me finish my descriptions. While Derek goes around to look for other enterences (finding one round the back), Celerion decides to climb on to the roof of the porch. He carefully makes his way across it to the window of 11 and looks inside, seeing the Dire Weasel yipping at the Darkmantle. Being the elf he is he decides to climb in to play with it just as the roof finally collapses under his weight.

We ended there.

The Jocs are currently not in and are unlikely to be returning while the party are there according to my dice. Fingers is though. He’s currently sitting in the cellar whimpering to himself.

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

Not talking to my lovingly crafted NPCS? Nothing you can do to them at this point could be considered too harsh a punishment!

In other news... my playtest has finally begun!

I'm playing straight 3.5 with a few limited other books for the "average/basic D&D feel." I'm running pre-Faction War, set a few months after Something Wild, with the fallout of that scenario (upheaval in the Mercykillers, Harmonium, Guvnors) replacing the weak/underfunded/divided City Guard of the original timeline.

PCs (3rd level):

Brig Map - Utterly Clueless celtic rogue, baffled and horrified by Sigil. Fell through a portal into the darkest reaches of the Hive and was rescued by Silent Brom.

Wyck - Classic bariaur barbarian, Canny Cager, committed Indep. Accepted a gift from Jeremo the Natterer and ended up here.

Sekushi Masousei - Eternally perky gnomish cavalrywoman, Primer who's been around a bit in the Planes. She's as addicted to shiny things as a rook (or a kenku if your reading Flamedrakes online version) and currently at 12 bariour/goat jokes and counting. Had her debt traded to Bald Grum.

Amhotep - Primer cleric of the Egyptian pantheon, booklearned on the planes (he thinks). Cohort of a more powerful adventurer who got scribed in Sigil. Now he has no way of getting home and so is carrying on his patron's mission to "represent the Egyptian Powers in Sigil." (he also brings two eunuchs and a cook on the adventure with him).

The PCs got together in the Whispered Word and were amazed that someone as clueless as Amhotep had managed to make it there alive wearing so much gold jewellery (he'd actually just come from the Mortuary).

They made okay Gather Information rolls (Brig seemed happy to just know where the whores were) and spent the majority of the night making friends with the locals - although Wyck has clicked that something's up with Xero. The group were highly amused by the long list of joculator pranks (not the most diplomatic tactic) but appreciated the seriousness behind the humour.

On hearing about the Beast of Rattling Alley they're now escorting residents up and down it at night ("everyone hold hands with their safety buddy!") They also had a walk around the district, where Wyck pointed out each of the amazing dangers of the Hive (portals, razorvine, ooze puddles, etc...) catching sight of a few major places. Wyck stook his head into the Scold's Bridle to bond with the Ysgardian ogres but fumbled his CHS check and came across as the camp gnomish luvy.

They examined Mother Xero's shop, and Sekushi tried to have her hound follow the scent, but it had dispated - although the dog got a good whiff of incense - amidst the overwhelming general stench of the Hive. Amhotep actually recognised the incense immediately, having just come from Arcadia where he'd seen it used.

Wyck regaled the group with tales of the Lawshredder Massacres, speculating that this might have a similar motive (rituals to promote chaos).

Now its the morning after and Brig has gone for an experimental walk on his own, discovering Jaime Foultongue being harassed by thugs - he's seen them off and is overjoyed to meet finally meet someone who "can speak proper like" (Jaime's brogue is virtually unintelligable to anyone else bar the constant profanities). There we finished.

Notes From The Session

1. Hopefully some art coming
2. One of the other playtesters has offered to do a decent map (and thank god)
3. I'll definately include some notes on using Scent to track the Joculators/Fingers (especially using animals).
4. I'm working up a full timeline of incidents and events for next week.

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

'Armoury99']Not talking to my lovingly crafted NPCS? Nothing you can do to them at this point could be considered too harsh a punishment!

In other news... my playtest has finally begun!

I'm playing straight 3.5 with a few limited other books for the "average/basic D&D feel." I'm running pre-Faction War, set a few months after Something Wild, with the fallout of that scenario (upheaval in the Mercykillers, Harmonium, Guvnors) replacing the weak/underfunded/divided City Guard of the original timeline.

[quote wrote:

PCs (3rd level):

Brig Map - Utterly Clueless celtic rogue, baffled and horrified by Sigil. Fell through a portal into the darkest reaches of the Hive and was rescued by Silent Brom.

Wyck - Classic bariaur barbarian, Canny Cager, committed Indep. Accepted a gift from Jeremo the Natterer and ended up here.

Sekushi Masousei - Eternally perky gnomish cavalrywoman, Primer who's been around a bit in the Planes. She's as addicted to shiny things as a rook (or a kenku if your reading Flamedrakes online version) and currently at 12 bariour/goat jokes and counting. Had her debt traded to Bald Grum.

Amhotep - Primer cleric of the Egyptian pantheon, booklearned on the planes (he thinks). Cohort of a more powerful adventurer who got scribed in Sigil. Now he has no way of getting home and so is carrying on his patron's mission to "represent the Egyptian Powers in Sigil." (he also brings two eunuchs and a cook on the adventure with him).

The PCs got together in the Whispered Word and were amazed that someone as clueless as Amhotep had managed to make it there alive wearing so much gold jewellery (he'd actually just come from the Mortuary).

They made okay Gather Information rolls (Brig seemed happy to just know where the whores were) and spent the majority of the night making friends with the locals - although Wyck has clicked that something's up with Xero. The group were highly amused by the long list of joculator pranks (not the most diplomatic tactic) but appreciated the seriousness behind the humour.

On hearing about the Beast of Rattling Alley they're now escorting residents up and down it at night ("everyone hold hands with their safety buddy!") They also had a walk around the district, where Wyck pointed out each of the amazing dangers of the Hive (portals, razorvine, ooze puddles, etc...) catching sight of a few major places. Wyck stook his head into the Scold's Bridle to bond with the Ysgardian ogres but fumbled his CHS check and came across as the camp gnomish luvy.

They examined Mother Xero's shop, and Sekushi tried to have her hound follow the scent, but it had dispated - although the dog got a good whiff of incense - amidst the overwhelming general stench of the Hive. Amhotep actually recognised the incense immediately, having just come from Arcadia where he'd seen it used.

Wyck regaled the group with tales of the Lawshredder Massacres, speculating that this might have a similar motive (rituals to promote chaos).

Now its the morning after and Brig has gone for an experimental walk on his own, discovering Jaime Foultongue being harassed by thugs - he's seen them off and is overjoyed to meet finally meet someone who "can speak proper like" (Jaime's brogue is virtually unintelligable to anyone else bar the constant profanities). There we finished.

Notes From The Session

1. Hopefully some art coming
2. One of the other playtesters has offered to do a decent map (and thank god)
3. I'll definately include some notes on using Scent to track the Joculators/Fingers (especially using animals).
4. I'm working up a full timeline of incidents and events for next week.

Arytiss's picture
Joined: 2006-08-11
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

Once again a session has come and gone. Once again my players have proven why I refer to them as clueless.

As you may recall, my last session ended with Celerion deciding to go off on his own to meet Yip. Today's session opened with Celerion advancing on Yip. His intention: Hugs and cuddles. As you might expect, Yip was none too happy about this prospect and decided to make the first move. So after Celerionn faled his first attempt to hug Yip, Yip darted round behind Celerion and decided to latch on to his arm. The next two round were spent with Celerion trying to bash Yip off walls and things before finally deciding to take the weasel out with him and, with a final cry of "Rosebud", leaped out the window. Both succeded on tumble checks to lessen falling damage, Celerion got KO'd by blood loss. Yip then latches on to Razor, and deals him a bit of damage before Derek and Rallan, alerted by Celerion's cry as he leaped from the window, rushed back round from the back door where they had been and decapitated him. Rallan then healed Celerion and together the party headed back to the Whispered Word to lick their wounds. (Derek slipping on a loose cobble and narrowly avoids getting flung into a patch of Razrvine.)

Rallan: So, a week passes without anything happening now right?
Me: No. I dont think so.

Derek and Rallan decided to do one-man patrols of the area while the other two were recouperating in bed. The very next day the Joculators drop the darkmantle on Rallan who decides not to call for help from any passers by, but instead struggles with the darkmantle and eventually loses conciousness. A little while later an urchin comes to Derek with the message that the Joculators have just been seen heading to the Pyre district carrying a large bag between them. Derek realises that Rallan hasn't been seen recently, puts two and two together, and gets four. Cue the rescue mission (as soon as Derek persuades the others to go to a cleric for some lesser restorations.)

The group arrive back at the Blighthouse, (Jocs not there, not coming back, fingers is there) and, after failing to break open the back door, head round to the front and use a grapple crossbow to get a rope up to 12. Rallan, sitting in his cage with little company but the darkmantle in another cage, is rather pleased at ths turn of events and shouts to the party for help. He is soon rescued and the party loot the room (after killing the darkmantle with a ranseur). Rallan, in desperate need of healing, drinks the "healing potion" and realises just how attractive Celerion is. Meanwhile the rest of the party get the other magic items in the room. A quick search of the adjacent rooms reveals Rallan's equipment and the party head out the door to 10. They check the far room first, with Celerion being the only one who enters (diving through the hole in the floor on the end of a ropeto come face to face with everyone's favourite ettercap before shouting "PULL ME UP! PULL ME UP!")

Then the next room is investigated. When the party read the warning signs on the door you could practically see the dollar signs in their eyes. They pried off the boards and got the door open to reveal the sad looking chicken (Razor: I run, Rallan: I dive aside. Derek: I move away, Celerion: Awww.) The cockatrice makes a break for the exit, and its leash gets caught on a piece of furniture. Celerion pokes it, then goes to tickle under its chin. It pecks him. He becomes rather stony faced. Cockatrice pulls its leash free and heads out and down the stairs (With all the rest of the party diving aside). As it heads down there's a brief clatter and a shout of "Fi-fye-fo-fum" which unerves the party slightly. After checking out the fnal room, they head toward the stairs, where they examine the statue head, realising that that's what had been making the noise. The session ended wit Derek tossing the statue head down the stairs.

Arytiss's picture
Joined: 2006-08-11
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

Celerion's player wasn't there this session so he's still a statue from his encounter with the cockatrice. Hopefully he'll be back to his normal mad self next session (sometime mid-june).

The party once again left the Blighthouse (well, fled might be more appropriate) leaving the statue of Celerion behind having cleverly disguised it by placing a hat on it. Returning to the Grey District disheartened at the loss of their comrade and swearing to send him to the Gatehouse if he ever tried anything like that again. They recovered their strength, bought some healing potions, and once again set off back to the Blighthouse swearing to once and for all end the Joculator menace.

On their arrival at Blighthouse they proceeded to discuss tactics, finally deciding that their best bet was probably to block the front and back doors of the building and climb in through the upstairs windows. This was, in retrospect, not the best of plans as it gave the Joculators a good defendable position. A quick ventriloquism spell later had them investigating a nearby building after downing their potions of protection against chaos. Finding nothing they headed round and got a grappling hook ino Yip's room. Meanwhile Derek, having agreed to signal the other two when they should climb up, sent u[p his own grapplinng hook to the paint room. He narrowly avoided falling when Piehat cut the rope when Derek was near the top, managing to rab onto the ledge just in time. He also felt this might be a prudent time to signal the others to come up. He did so... and Bob dropped Celerion on them. Ouch.

Meanwhile, back on the other side of the building Piehat and Derek were having a bit of a tussle. Having been playing a game of this little piggie with Derek's fingers, piehat found himself rather worried when Derek grabbed on to his wrist and attempted to pull him out the window. Rallan and Razor arrived around to find this struggle happening and tried to work out what to do, eventually deciding to send up another grappling hook (via Piehat's shoulder. True Strike is a useful spell.) Thanks to a wild maic effect I had rules that everyone, both party and Joculator was under the effect of a haste spell for the next three rounds, so when Piehat broke free of Derek and backed off to pull the grappling hook out of his shoulder, Derek was able to jump into the room and back into the corner. This proved rather effective as the very next round he dropped Bob from full HP down to -5. Piehat, nervous about this, decided it might be a good idea to shatter one of Derek's swords... That were family heirlooms... and are the only connection Derek has left with his family.

Derek got annoyed.

Xaldemar had, by this time also joined in the fray, but Rallan had managed to dart up a rope before it got cut and had entered and engaged Xaldemar in combat, greatsword vs. candlestick, while Derek chased Piehat round the room. By the time Bob had reached -8 Xaldemar's worries for his friend overtook his need for chaos and he offered surrender in exchange for Rallan helping his friend.Rallan obliged and while this was happening Razor and sent up another grapple round the other side of the building and entered throuh there. A magic missile dropped Piehat and was quickly followed by a coup de gras from Derek, much to Rallan's shock. Xaldemar was very upset by his friend's death, especially since Derek kept waving the head at him (He really loved that sword). After everyone calmed down a bit, and Rallan forced Derek and Razor to promise not to kill Xaldemar, they used him as a guide around the house.

I had great fun playing Xaldemar as an NPC as he showed them around the Blighthouse. For example, when he was going to introduce the party to Mr Click, *knocking gesture*"Knock, knock, knock. Hmm. No answer, maybe I should try knocking." He was suprisingly coherant at times and even logical, pointing out to Derek that Derek did not know if Fingers was a murderer, but that Derek himself had murdered his friend Lord Piehat and thus, if Derek was searching for a murderer, he needed to look no farther than himself. There was also the introductions to Sablune of the Third Great Delve, Lord of the Earth Realm, another NPC I had great fun with, especially describing how he once single-handedly fought off an invasion of Djinni into the Plane of Earth, and how, with great ceremony, he had awarded the Great Khan of the Dao with the Valley of Light in return for a small service.

They were able to take out the bats without too much difficulty thanks to Razor's Burning Hands spells, though he did have to endure Sablune of the Third Great Delve, Lord of the Earth Realm for a couple of rounds as he avoided the bats while he recovered from the nausea. Meanwhile, while Razor was engaginng the bats, Derek and Rallan were talking to Fingers, with Xaldemar tactfully hidden out of sight (Xaldemar: "Fin-gers, we've come to pla-ay") They managed to persuade Fingers that they might be able to get someone who might be able to help him after a few false starts that several times nearly led to Fingers being in tears. (Rallan: "Aren't you lonely down here? We might be able to introduce you to some people who could be your friends." Fingers: "Fingers had friends once. Fingers ate them.") They agreed that they'd come back later and bring him back to the Mortuary to meet with the Dustmen there.

Finally they decided to take out "The boring, annoying people" as Xaldemar called them. The Harmonium officers. Unfortunately they underestimated them, believeing them to be merely zombies. I was worried about this encounter from the start. With their massive AC, the party could barely get a hit on either of the wights, and had I not been lenient about a couple of saves, along with a handy random magic serendipity effect from Xaldemar that caused the Hardheads armour to drop off, it would have most likely ended up as a TPK. Purely becuse the party couldn't lay a finger on the wights and the wights were able to deal out fairly nasty damage thanks to their energy drain attacks and slams. Both Derek and Rallan were unconcious near the end, and had I been feeling less lenient both would likely have died. And had that happened Razor would have almost certainly died as well. I might suggest using spiked breastplate for the armour instead of the full plate in future as 3rd/4th level parties can have serious difficulties hitting AC's of 23. An AC of 20 would maintain a fair amount of difficulty unless the party was really optimised but would be just easier enough that they could still ovvercome it.

We ended there with the party, having gathered up any loose unclaimed magical items they could find around the place, headingn back to the Grey district with Xaldemar and the unconcious Bob in tow. (And the statue of Celerion).

Now they just need to learn what's been causing emotions to flare throughout the district and that should be everything. And since they already have the thurible and a couple of Xaositects they should hopefully be able to put two and two together and get four.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

.... wow. Just.... wow.

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

Man, your guys are so much fun! Laughing out loud

Xaldemar as a guide sounds like it worked particuarly nicely... and thanks for the info on the Undead Hardheads. That probably needs looking at (your suggestion sounds good, bits of armour can have decayed and fallen entirely off to give them the lower AC - I might see what else I can do though).

Now time for an update from me… and you may notice that I’ve added some quotes, as every planescape adventure comes with a few choice phrases scattered in its texts. If you (or other groups) have any, please feel free to throw them at me, and I might well include them.

“Look berk, this is the planes. Maybe on the Prime you can get away with just hitting each other with a grunt like barbarians, but this is Sigil. Each combat should be accompanied by a witty remark or philosophical observance – or if you’re a sensate maybe just a numerical score indicating the experience value of each creature defeated.”

- Wyk explains how to fight “planar style” to the clueless

Depending on your cultural reference point, this last session was either Carry On Adventuring or Abbot & Costello Meet the Chaosites. Bad jokes, terrible puns, and comedy were a strong theme. As you might guess, they’ve met the Joculators.

Despite this the PCs have had some success.

They spent the day making more contacts and investigating other ‘attacks’ by the Joculators, who they rightly pegged as the main source of trouble. Further conversations with Mother Xero convinced them that maybe she was being affected by something, but they were soon distracted. They also tried continually to see Narma the Loud – believing him to be an important contact – but repeatedly failed/forgot to make it across the square to the Wailer’s Guild.

During various patrols the PCs noticed a zombie endlessly trying to fill a leaky bucket from the Wailer’s Square pump. After ignoring it a couple of times, they finally bothered one of the nearby Dustmen enough to make him take a look - after deciding to check if the zombie was Deadwick’s before dealing with it. they managed to both amuse and aggravate the necromancer to equal degrees.

Turns out the creature was muttering “thirsty” under its breath, which is well out of order for a supposedly mindless creature. It had also wondered back to the pump after being sent home by a passing Dustman earlier. This concerned the dusty shopkeep enough to take it personally back with him to the Mortuary for examination.

Alas an unfortunate result with that morning’s random encounter table meant a portal opening as they passed it, and a huge tentacle lunging through. The Dustmen was immediately “promoted” (to outright dead) by the tentacle, which also tossed the zombie onto a spike high up on a tenement wall – where it stuck fast high out of reach.

The group got a fair battering and the tentacle left as the portal began to close rather than being defeated – but it was still a public display of bravery that did their reputation in the district no harm. Afterwards there were some painful attempts at recovering their now impaled clue (Primer Brig forgot about the razorvine…) then they shiftily dragged the zombie into an alleyway to “investigate” it, to the chagrin and off-colour comments of the Collectors that came to gather it up.

Its worth pointing out at this time that 3 out of 4 players have played Planescape: Torment and so are convinced that all zombies have hidden prizes inside.

“It’s an old urban legend,” Bald Grum explained to Brig.

Finding nothing, they became convinced that the portal had been deliberately used to eliminate a potential clue and spent the rest of the day demolishing the archway and minutely examining every little piece of trash they found in the vicinity just in case.

That night another “safety run” to Rattling Alley saw some locals home without incident. Afterwards they had a couple of interesting encounters: Keen-eyed Brig spotted someone lurking in the shadows along their route, and since he was still there and being shifty on the way back, the decided to confront him. It turned out to be Grimjaw the Githzerai. The party were alternately diplomatic and threatening (although sometimes people forgot which assist roll they were making…) but got only scorn in return. Since Grimjaw had carefully placed himself in a narrow alley thronged with razorvine, they let him retreat without combat.

Take it to the Spire and pike it, sodface.”

- Grimjaw’s answer to PC questions

Feeling tense after the confrontation, the party decided to stop for a drink on the way home. Unfortunately they chose the Scold’s Bridle – because Wyk thought that it sounded like “a right rorty place, good for Ysgardian bashers.”

Unfortunately his previous wave and hello had not gone down well – thanks to a fumble he came across as an effeminate halfling luvvy rather than the bold bariaur barbarian he is. There’s also a bone of contention because the Ogre brothers are giants (traditional enemies of the Norse Gods) and he’s a bariaur (in my mythology they’re descended from Toothgnasher and Toothgrinder, the two magical goats who draw Thor’s chariot –Thor, traditional smiter of giants everywhere).

“That’s his axe? I thought it was a supporting beam!”

- Gnome adventuress Sekushi Masusei sees a giant-sized greataxe for the first time.

Wyk and elder brother Sven’Ole engaged in some traditional Viking wrestling in front of the bar (“first one to pop a head off wins!”). Sekushi saw Ygg reaching for his axe and taunted him into attacking her (unarmed thank goodness), and Brig the Celt saw nothing unusual and headed for the bar… where he still didn’t realise that you have to actually PAY FOR THINGS in Sigil, and so got a drinking horn smashed over his head by Stunt Bosi (because neither of them have a great command of common, high intelligence, or any skill at charades).

Petubastis shook his head sadly at the antics of these barbarians and went back to Whispering Word. The others did not forgive or forget this when they eventually staggered home but by then he had been exploring the benefits of mummerwine and couldn’t appreciate their sentiments (at least he remembered to feed his eunuchs today…)

The brawl stuttered to a halt when Sven’Ole was reduced to exactly 0 hp, and both sides went their separate ways with many bruises. Everyone concerned is now looking forward to them stopping by again tomorrow night (except maybe Ygg, who was beaten up by a gnomish girl - damn her anti-giant bonuses!)

Early the next morning the sound of a signal whistle being urgently blown brought the PCs tumbling from their beds at speed. They discovered an urchin had arrived blowing happily on the emergency whistles the group had sent him out to buy yesterday. He handed them over and said there was no emergency… although some Collectors were knifing each other over in Rattling Alley if the group was interested in that sort of thing.

A now familiar mix of cheerful diplomacy and cheerful threats got the Collectors separated before anyone died. Incense was detected again, both on their robes and the rags of the beggar-corpse they were arguing over – everyone’s nicely infected to a minor level now. The corpse’s fingers had also been gnawed off post-mortem.

Knowing the incense was a clue and now suspecting that it was behind everyone’s strange behaviour, the PCs used Sekushi’s riding dog to track the scent into the Pyres (amusing as the more he was exposed to it, the more unruly he became). Unfortunately they were tracking Fingers rather than the Joculators, but the results were the same.

“I hope their wizards. I like bashing wizards. They’re soft and they make a funny squealing sound.”

- The bugbear brothers engage in a spot of philosophy while waiting for the PCs

After encountering the Bugbear Brothers (“Treasure, hurray!” they cried), the party encountered Naxur the Nathri and his invisible thieves. They fell for it hook, line, and sinker (Brig revealing his special Celtic Taunt powers) but then tempted Naxur into guiding them through the ruined streets. The Nathri champion’s greed got the better of him and he agreed, but got his comeuppance a few minutes later when Petubastis discovered that he’d been robbed – of his expensive potion pouch and all his potions (Brig in comparison lost just two candles and a flint and steel). The rogues escaped unharmed alas.

It was then only a short distance to Blighthouse, where the PCs found Fingers pacing and muttering outside. Some careful diplomacy revealed that he was the injured party, so the PCs promised to help him get some peace and quiet back to his house. With him as a guide they approached the house… which is where things degenerated into a mass of jokes, dancing lights, and circus music.

Having just had a loud argument right outside, the Joculators became aware of their presence. Brig tried to climb stealthy onto the porch but had the wood Greased under him and slipped off. Laughing alerted the PCs to the fact that the game was up – laughing and some jokes at Brig’s expense. The Celt immediately retaliated with a torrent of abuse, again using his Taunt ability.

“Call yourself comedians? Dustmen make me laugh more than you!”

- Brig ap Nud, enraging the Joculators

Rembrandt became enraged. Swan tried to restrain him but rolled a 1, Rembrandt tried burst free and got a natural 20 – And came bursting out of the window, hit the greased porch-roof and flew off in a flying tackle at Brig. More spells then flew out, accompanied by a barrage of terrible jokes and puns:

“Chill out man! / Look, a gnome Alaska!” (Ray of Frost)
“Feel my stinging retort!” (Acid Splash)
“Charmed I’m sure.” (Charm Person)
“Sleep you sheep!” (Sleep)
What colourful language, allow me to reply with some of my own…” (Colour Spray)

While Sekushi futilely tried to negotiate, Brig ran through Rembrandt and named his blade “Foolsbane” in the proper Celtic fashion - but was otherwise rather disturbed, having never actually killed anyone before.

"You might say I was *incensed!*"

- Brig, explaining why he's killed a Joculator (he was hit by the Thurible)

At the back door Wyk, Petubastis, and Fingers confronted a Joculator who snapped his fingers and demanded that they all fall asleep. When this had no affect whatsoever (“spell resistance”, “cleric will saves”, “undead” respectively) he told them that he was appalled at how they’d ruined the drama of the moment and turned to flee.

“Do I look like a trained warrior to you?”

- Petubastis, failing to give Wyk a flanking bonus

After a brief scuffle, the Joculator surrendered but made yet another fatuous remark which caused Fingers to lunge at him, revealing his undead nature. Petubastis immediately Turned the ghast, causing him to flee shrieking into the Pyres and Petubastis to get a lecture from Wyk on why being undead isn’t a crime and Clueless berks are the most annoying thing in the multiverse.

"You're the monster here!!!"

- Wyck to Petubastis, after the priest just Turned Fingers the Dustman

We ended the game as they secured their prisoner – by bashing his head repeatedly against the lobby wall until he passed out. 2 down, 1 to go.

Notes & rules points from this session -

I’ve downgraded the 'random portal' tentacle, as its just a but [i]too dangerous… even given that its meant to be a dangerous encounter the combination of huge size, high strength, and Improved Grapple is just too deadly.

From a design point of view, this session again highlighted the benefits of tracking by scent, but I think I’ve added everything I need to about it now.

Possibly need to make a note in Alley Fighting that a 3.5 bariaur can’t turn round in that space! Note that there are differences between the PSCS version and the new 3.5 version for this creature that’s in the Book of Exalted Deeds.

The whole Joculator encounter was MUCH easier than I’d expected; I think basically because the players came looking for them, not the other way around. My players also didn’t take the comedy of the Jocs with as much good grace as other playtest groups, treating them like any other enemy despite the antics (but it’s not over yet).

The party have pressed on into the heart of the Pyres and now don’t have enough HP to get out again Laughing out loud

It was pointed out that all 2e Planescape scenarios also had a “what my faction thinks” section, so I’m working on that at present too (both pre-Faction War & afterwards).[/i]

Arytiss's picture
Joined: 2006-08-11
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

'Armoury99' wrote:
Man, your guys are so much fun! Laughing out loud
Yours are better at bantering though.

Something I've been thinking about recently, though it seems my group was the only one that had this happen to them so far, is what happens if the party has to return to Blighthouse several times due to Fingers or the Joculators not being present? I handled this by having the Joculators ready to "repel boarders" as it were (Hmm, perhaps I should have dressed them in pirate gear), but I was wondering if they might prepare traps and the like, for example, perhaps setting up tripwires on the stairs or dropping something nasty on a PC who tries to climb in a window.

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

That's quite possible, but Xaosetics aren't the best planners (on incense even worse!) so I'd just assumed they'd improvise each time rather than laying more traps. There's plenty that's dangerous in the Pyres in addition to the PCs, so all the traps that are there are already in place the first time (only three - if you count the cockatrice).

Things can't be too secure in there, becuase Fingers (and Mister Click) still needs to get in, and I guess that if it looked like a fortress plenty of nasties would get curious...

On the other hand - maybe there does need to be more to Blighthouse than currently. Since the Jocs like a good prank, maybe a few "humourous" traps to make the place like some nightmarish fun house?

Although I like the idea that they dress up in diffierent styles every time too...

'Arytiss' wrote:
Yours are better at bantering

Yeah, but you have an annoyed Derek Laughing out loud

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

Just a short update:
The players agreed to help the voices. On the next day, they went to visit Dkyos. The Barbarian took Païd, the collector who robbed him with him, as he now wants "to make a real man out of him" and to use him as a guide. So, six men and one girl strong they went out into the hive and in a small alley, they met an old drunk who threatened Glory with a broken bottle. (Random Encounter). The following story went like this:
Sim, the Rogue: "We should talk to him and explain him that he is outnumbered and should leave the woman alone peacefully."
Norca the Spirit Shaman jumped between them, shield raised to deflect the bottle, saying:
"You should respect this woman, old man, you are drunk and not able to control yourself! I will protect her, you have no chance, I am armed."
The drunk just waved the bottle around, it seemed he didn't get what happened, with all that shouting people coming from nothing.
Uthred the Barbarian once again acted a little faster than the others. He took one of his axes and with his new battle cry "Screw this shit!" he knocked the drunkard out. In fact, he dealed him 14 subdual damage with a two-handed weapon and power attack, enough to knock him out for hours. Against the protest of Norca he took the guys money after the whore told him he had it in his back pocket.
Then Glory told them the story about the vampire, two of them knew what that was, the others came from worlds were something like that didn't exist.
After that they visited Dykos, but are up to now unable to calm him down. Grykas explained to them how they found Dykos and how the wounds looked and from that and Glory's description they (falsely, of course) concluded that the Vampire has to be the beast of the rattling alley.

Arytiss's picture
Joined: 2006-08-11
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

Had the last session at a con over the weekend. I'll post up the summary tomorrow.

I had planned to send the Harmonium officer after the Jocs as a climax (the whole moral dilemma thing especially), but due to certain events, this would not have been at all fair on the party... All two of them.

Arytiss's picture
Joined: 2006-08-11
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

Well, what to say...

The party returned to the Grey District, where they met with Bald Grum and asked arrange a meeting with the voices. He did so, and soon they were all in a carner of the Whispered Word while the Joculators had a nice tea party on the other side of the room along with the stone Celerion. Things were spoken of, and about half-way through, Rallan received a flash of insight about what could be causign the emotional flare-ups within the district. They excused themselves to go and work on this new idea, but not before Silent Brom had handed them a scroll in thanks for their help, saying it might help them with their petrified friend.

They then went to procure healing after their battle with the wights. They were directed to a nearby shrine to Illmater where they were quickly appraised by the priest of the shrine, who asked for a small donation in return for their services. (I decided that since they were still wearing their equipment, some of which was at least moderately valuable, they didn't get cut-rate healing.) Spells were cast and promisary notes were given, and the party headed on to their next stop, an friend who they had met earlier during their stay in Sigil, a moderately powerful Kender wizard who they generally go to when they need magical assistance. They explained the situation to him, after some mild silliness (due mostly to the kender) and showed him the scroll. He said that it was indeed a scroll of Stone to Flesh and he could probably cast it for them. They agreed and the spell began... and the campaign very nearly ended.

Since they had never re-attached Celerion's arm after it broke off earlier, I had raised the DC slightly, not that it mattered. The die was rolled, prayers were said, and it came up a natural one. Celerion's colour returned, he blinked, opened his mouth to say something, and fell over backwards dead. Ralland rushed up to try and heal him, give him mouth to mouth, try something to save him. Meanwhile, derek thought it might be a good idea to see what stuff Celerion had on him and started to loot the body. A high SoH check from derek got beaten by and equally high spot check from Rallan, who proceeded to lose his cool and punch Derek in the face. Derek falls back, gets up, and draws his one remaining sword, prepared to defend himself with it. Rallan, still in a rage (anyone would have thought he had levels in Frenzied Beserker) pulls out his greatsword and proceeds to smash Derek's sword to pieces. Then he drops his sword and smashes Derek's face in with his fists until Derek falls unconcious at which point Rallan picks up Celerion's body and stalks off back to the Whispered Word where he lays down Celerion's body adn walks off into Sigil. Meanwhile, Razor and the kender, who were watching while eating popcorn, don't do much. Razor proceeds to bring Derek's unconcious body back to the Whispered Word (after Rallan has left, of course), then ties him up, takes everything Derek owns, sells it, and leaves via the nearest portal taking Celerion's corpse with him.

The joys of working as a team.

Eventually, Derek and Rallan get back together, and Rallan apologises for smashign Dereks face in, but warns him that if he ever pulls anthing like that again, Rallan won't be responsible for his actions. Going back to the Whispered Word, they see that Celerion's body is gone and presume that it's been taken off for preperation. They also swear to hunt down Razor for taking their stuff (He also made off with Rallan's greatsword). They go back to the kender and get him to cast a detect magic spell on the thurible, and he explains about the makers mark, and gives them directions to the workshop. The head back to the Grey District and give this information to Mother Xero who gives them permission to follow up on it. They have a pleasent chat with him about the thurible and he tells them about Miss Desire.

They follow up on the lead and head to the Festhall to arrange a meeting with the mysterious Eyes. They arrange a meeting with her. Everything went pretty much by the book from there. They are slightly suspicious of her but have no real reason to doubt her (Hooray for high bluff checks). They gave her back the thurible since it was her property which had been stolen, received the reward, and went on their way.

As I say, I had planned to have the Harmonium officer come along with a squad of men to come and collect the Jocs for "punishment" (read: horrible torture and excecution. He's old school harmonium.) But with only the two of them remaining I didn't feel this would be fair.

Thus does my playtest end. I'll try to get my players to post their opinions here.

Arytiss's picture
Joined: 2006-08-11
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

Well, what to say...

The party returned to the Grey District, where they met with Bald Grum and asked arrange a meeting with the voices. He did so, and soon they were all in a carner of the Whispered Word while the Joculators had a nice tea party on the other side of the room along with the stone Celerion. Things were spoken of, and about half-way through, Rallan received a flash of insight about what could be causign the emotional flare-ups within the district. They excused themselves to go and work on this new idea, but not before Silent Brom had handed them a scroll in thanks for their help, saying it might help them with their petrified friend.

They then went to procure healing after their battle with the wights. They were directed to a nearby shrine to Illmater where they were quickly appraised by the priest of the shrine, who asked for a small donation in return for their services. (I decided that since they were still wearing their equipment, some of which was at least moderately valuable, they didn't get cut-rate healing.) Spells were cast and promisary notes were given, and the party headed on to their next stop, an friend who they had met earlier during their stay in Sigil, a moderately powerful Kender wizard who they generally go to when they need magical assistance. They explained the situation to him, after some mild silliness (due mostly to the kender) and showed him the scroll. He said that it was indeed a scroll of Stone to Flesh and he could probably cast it for them. They agreed and the spell began... and the campaign very nearly ended.

Since they had never re-attached Celerion's arm after it broke off earlier, I had raised the DC slightly, not that it mattered. The die was rolled, prayers were said, and it came up a natural one. Celerion's colour returned, he blinked, opened his mouth to say something, and fell over backwards dead. Ralland rushed up to try and heal him, give him mouth to mouth, try something to save him. Meanwhile, derek thought it might be a good idea to see what stuff Celerion had on him and started to loot the body. A high SoH check from derek got beaten by and equally high spot check from Rallan, who proceeded to lose his cool and punch Derek in the face. Derek falls back, gets up, and draws his one remaining sword, prepared to defend himself with it. Rallan, still in a rage (anyone would have thought he had levels in Frenzied Beserker) pulls out his greatsword and proceeds to smash Derek's sword to pieces. Then he drops his sword and smashes Derek's face in with his fists until Derek falls unconcious at which point Rallan picks up Celerion's body and stalks off back to the Whispered Word where he lays down Celerion's body adn walks off into Sigil. Meanwhile, Razor and the kender, who were watching while eating popcorn, don't do much. Razor proceeds to bring Derek's unconcious body back to the Whispered Word (after Rallan has left, of course), then ties him up, takes everything Derek owns, sells it, and leaves via the nearest portal taking Celerion's corpse with him.

The joys of working as a team.

Eventually, Derek and Rallan get back together, and Rallan apologises for smashign Dereks face in, but warns him that if he ever pulls anthing like that again, Rallan won't be responsible for his actions. Going back to the Whispered Word, they see that Celerion's body is gone and presume that it's been taken off for preperation. They also swear to hunt down Razor for taking their stuff (He also made off with Rallan's greatsword). They go back to the kender and get him to cast a detect magic spell on the thurible, and he explains about the makers mark, and gives them directions to the workshop. The head back to the Grey District and give this information to Mother Xero who gives them permission to follow up on it. They have a pleasent chat with him about the thurible and he tells them about Miss Desire.

They follow up on the lead and head to the Festhall to arrange a meeting with the mysterious Eyes. They arrange a meeting with her. Everything went pretty much by the book from there. They are slightly suspicious of her but have no real reason to doubt her (Hooray for high bluff checks). They gave her back the thurible since it was her property which had been stolen, received the reward, and went on their way.

As I say, I had planned to have the Harmonium officer come along with a squad of men to come and collect the Jocs for "punishment" (read: horrible torture and excecution. He's old school harmonium.) But with only the two of them remaining I didn't feel this would be fair.

Thus does my playtest end. I'll try to get my players to post their opinions here.

KBKarma's picture
Joined: 2007-03-12
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

Well, here's my feedback/opinions.

I mourn for Celerion. He was such a good Barmy.

Luckily, I can now have a Level 2 Gith monk. Woo!

Overall, I liked the campaign. The wights, however, might have been a bad idea. I was stone then, and uninvolved.

The "NO TREASURE!" door was a nice touch. The one thing to get party members fired up is a door containing treasure which some rather stupid/simple people have sealed with assurances that there's no treasure behind it.

Glad to know I can finally post in here/read this thing.

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

Thanks for the feedback Karma, I'm definately going to do something with the Wights to tone them down. Bg thanks to you (and Arytiss and the other PCs) for playtesting, and giving us all so many laughs. Our own adventure was pretty laugh-heavy too, which is a bit different from my usual style - I think the Joculators had an effect on all of us!

My playtest is ended now, so here's the final update:

After subduing the Jocs (1 dead, 1 unconsious, 1 tied up) and scaring off Fingers, the PCs made their way somewhat nervously (in a low HP kind of way) back through the Pyres. Fortunately their encounter with Mister Click on the way out went peaceably, and they also met Grimjaw outside, heading for the Blighthouse. With his employers firmly defeated however, the githzerai was a bit more forthcoming.

Back in the Whispered Word, the PCs were able to eventually get the surviving Joculators to confess their "plans" and how they'd had the idea. The group was less than enthused with the idea of tracking down even more Joculators to confirm their story... After getting the handout (see below) they fixated a bit n Strawberry as the only lead, with good reason.

Not sure if I've posted this before, but there is a handout in the Joc lair now that hints at others being involved. It says:

Strawberry berk worthy heft- jink That some paid, alright? so do the let’s cutters like job, Anyone smells who sure is good the top-spire as to a shelf that blood connected. and that’s guild into ourthe back way,. it’s Besides, and a great and great! incense prank is the worthy

Which translated from Xaosetic babble means: “That berk Strawberry paid some heft-worthy jink, so let’s do the job like cutters, alright? Anyone who smells that good is sure as the spire connected to a top-shelf blood, and that’s our way back into the guild. Besides, it’s a great and worthy prank, and the incense is great!”

The party were introduced to Cranium Rats after Hal Haigherty threw out their bathwater, causing them to frenzy in the alley behind the inn (going to expand this into a proper encounter, I think). This clued them in a bit more to what was happening with the incense. Unfortunately the PCs had failed to notice the significance of the Thurible, being far too over-emotional, then far too impressed with Petubastis for casting Calm Emotions. After giving out the majority of the stolen goods from Blighthouse, the sold the rest of the incense and the funerary gear right back to the Dustmen... triggering an unhappy sleep-interruption from Factotum Ambergris a night or two after.

They were NOT impressed, but (as players) soon accepted his ultimatum. They took the returned Thurible to Protector Nymon, who promptly scammed them over identifying it. After pusruing him all the way up Shuffle Street (in a race to catch him before he could cash their IOU) and loudly threatening him in public, they took the thankfully now empty Thurible to Deadwick, who charged them a fortune before just opening it up and showing them the maker's mark. All was not wasted effort however, in that Deadwick also interrogated Brig's severed Joc head for some slightly less Joculatored answers.

They were soon on their way to the Lower Ward in the company of Narma the Loud. After buying a whole load of cogs, nuts, tiny little screws, and other brick-a-brac, they made it to Brunathel's shop. After some verbal wrangling with his modron receptionist (they particularly liked his poetry), they were able to see the man himself, then on to Eyes Desire.

Wyck: "we'd like to speak to someone about the terrible reputation of the Sensates becuase of what's going on in the Grey District!"

Sensate: "Perhaps you should speak to my fellow Factotum, Eyes Desire?"

The Party: "oh crap."

First they tried to speak to the scariest/most serious sensate they new about someone defaming the Sensates with their actions in the Grey District. They chose Benden Maul (from The Eternal Boundary) who happily informed them that his fellow Factotum Eyes Desire would deal with the matter.

Initially the meeting went pretty much as expected... they fenced verbally with Eyes for a bit, coming to the conclusion that she'd done it but wasn't going to oblige them with cackling out her confession like a Clueless Prime. She offered them her 'finder's fee' for locating the Thurible but Petubastis claimed they did not have it anymore, and she offered to pay for a Sensory Stone recording of their adventures too (which was refused).

Then Brig ap Nud spotted Strawberry in the background and after futilely trying to signal this to the rest of the party, just yelled at him with his Taunt ability, openly accusing Eyes of the crime. Strawberry launched himself at Brig in responce to the taunt, so Wyck cut him in half with his sword and it looked like violence would ensue until Petubastis once again cast Calm Emotions, creating a suspicious (but calm) stand off and the PCs withdrew from both the meeting and the Festhall. Despite these events, Brig made it clear that he thought EyesLater, he was very annoyed that they were Desire was worthy of his romantic attenions. now persona non gratia at the Festhall...

"it's a much better cult than these dead worshippers!" he announced with typcial Cluelessness.

With Ambergris pacified (and Thurible returned to him for destruction) and the Voices satisfied that chaos was leaving the district, the PCs were able relax for a few days and believe the adventure was over. Then the Pariahs arrived.

Fortunately the PCs unanimously elected to stay and fight - in fact they were very proactive in getting the rest of the district to fight with them too(plus the just love the Ogres). They formed a rough barricade across the road just down from the Whispered Word and gathered behind it. Petubastis bravely tried to recruit Deadwick to the cause, without success, but the group didn't even bother to ask the Dustmen - believing that a) "the living are not their concern" and that b) the last thing they wanted to do was see a horde of undead let loose to pacify the district.

Brig meanwhile, managed to rig up some ropes to a building, to pull a rotted frontage (and its razorvine covering) down onto the enemy when they arrived.

Sekushi (on her wardog mount) and Jaime Foultongue (naked escept for woad - he was another perrenial favourite NPC) lurked in the alleyways ready to ambush the enemy, while everyone else stood firm on the barricade.

"I cast Remove Fear.... on myself!"
- Petubastis, on first seeing the Proud Pariahs

As you can see, the flavour text had quite an impact. Laughing out loud

I decided to use the "average" situation from the adventure writeup (PCs + some significant NPCs + a small levy of nameless locals) regardless of what the PCs did. The fight was certainly heroic and enojable, and seen as a great achievement, with only minor tweaking required to keep things balanced. It still worries me what an inexperienced DM might do, but I think most people will be fine

Favourite moment: Gnome Sekushi's ride by attack, stuffing her alchemical fire package into the gaping mouth of Gerr the troll (Sveb-Ole activated the bomb by punching it)

The adventure ended with the PCs strolling the district to friendly greetings and nods of quiet respect from the gangs, and the first peices of graffiti depicting their heroics. It was obvious that things could go in several directions from here (including taking over the local underworld themselves), but that whatever happened next they'd made friends here for life.

Overall, they really enjoyed the scenario (which was often a lot more 'fun' and comedic than I'd originally envisioned - no bad thing for an introductory scenario). I'm going to pass my copy of the adventure around them all for further comment and tally up all my own DMing notes for a final analysis, but basically everything worked. I'll make the tweaks required then set to work on formatting and final touches.

Expect begging for more artwork to begin soon...

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

As a little thanks for this wonderful adventure, I drew you a picture. Guess who it is Eye-wink

Spoiler: Highlight to view

Note: I tried the hands a dozen times and couldn't get them right, so I drew those wide sleeves. Fits the description anyway.

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

He'd be overjoyed... if you know, joy was allowed in his Faction.

I'll definitely find room for this in the scenario somewhere... mmm, maybe Dykos can draw?


Minor update - I've printed a full copy of the scenario out and am circulating it through all my players for a final analysis/troubleshoot. After which, I'll be moving on to final formatting.

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

My group just met the zombie thieves. It ended with them destroying the zombies and the thieves getting away. Still, it was kinda funny.
The Favoured Soul: "Stop and slowly drop the zombies!"

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

Hi, I hope you don't mind - but I opened up a new forum for those interested in creating and playtesting adventures (from hook sized to campaign sized) and moved your thread over there to get that forum started off. Let me know if you want to be moved back.

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

No probs from my end - nice to see a proper adventure section taking off!

And a quick word to anyone out there feeling artistic... this is a head's up that I'm shortly to make an appeal for any more art people think is appropriate for inclusion: Either new stuff or existing work that fits and the artist is willing to share (with full credit of course!)

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

I'm not that much of an artist (I actually copied finger's head from the MM ghoul and his pose from a picture that turned up on google when searching "monk's robe") but I could try to make a second picture. Do you have anything in mind you think should be painted?

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

I don't know really. Your drawing of Fingers is fine, but if you want to do another one, that's great too. Other than various scenes and NPCs, I think above all I'd like some images of the Hive, the Pyres, the Mortuary, etc. A battle of Shuffle Street between the heroes and the Proud Pariahs would be super too - anything that helps set the mood of the place.

And of course... "cover art!"

I'm not excluding anything however. Having absolutely zero artistic ability I'm not going to stop anyone with some from doing anything. If anyone has existing pictures that they think are vaguely appropriate, I'm up for using them too.

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

Update 10th August 2007

The playtesters are still scribbling all over my scenario, and I've made an official plea for artwork on this thread right here

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

I guess I'm really a nut for this scenario... I've just started another round with it, this time in english over at mythweavers. And not only that, I was mad enough to take ten, yes, ten characters. I just liked all those applications too much. I made two groups, one evil, one good. One group hired by Lanis to keep the factions out of "his" district.

haktor's picture
Joined: 2007-09-01
Scaling the adventure?

Hi, all.

I have a two year long campain running in a self-constructed material world. The story has focused around the power strife between Graa'zt and Demogorgon (long story short; the two demons decided to finish the fight in a prime material world).

This prime world has now become a layer in Abyss, and my PC's will end up in Sigil. And here is the challenge;
I have 5 players, all of them lvl 17-18. I have not been a GM in a Planescape setting before, and liked what I read in "Desire and the Dead". I will of course rewrite some of the story, so that it suits our main storyline better. But overall; what major changes should be taken into account if I scale the adventure to fit such high lvls adventurers, and, is it at all possible?

Kay's picture
Joined: 2006-09-20
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

Without waiting for the author to respond I'd say there are three possibilities:
1. Change it to be appropriate for your PCs at the risk of ruining the tone.
2. Don't run it.
3. Run it without any change. It's not precisely a combat-oriented adventure, so the players shouldn't be bothered.

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

I guess it's rather difficult and a lot of work to run a detective adventure on high levels. Just remember that the PCs can just use divination magic, like scrying, to find out who's behind all of this and that it would be a lot easier to get proof of what Eye's Desire did.

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

Whooops! Sorry about the delay in reply (err, again). Its good to see Eldan having an English-language version of the game up and running - I'll be sure to keep an eye on things and not giggle too loudly. Sticking out tongue

As to Haktor's query... Kay's pretty much hit the nail on the head about your options. Fortunately, DatD is basically about giving the PCs some local colour, local politics, and local knowledge - and introduction to the setting. As pieces of information, these things are useful at any level.

I suppose the best way to work it would be to have the adventure going on simply as "background hum" to their visit to Sigil. This depends on how likely your players are to get involved in the local nightlife and lives of NPCs. If you can persuade them to call kip in the shadow of the Mortuary (maybe by showing them how much the people need their help?) then let them get on with things while the adventure plays out in the background (if the PCs are the type who like interracting with locals and other setting 'fluff', this should be pretty easy). Just let them solve it at their own pace (and hey, its always nice if things are easy for a change) or they could just watch it unfold if they want.

You'll need to beef up any encounters you want to trouble them obviously... I'd recommend Fingers, Ambergris, Eyes Desire, and of course the Pariahs, who should probably be EL 20ish. Because its essentially a battle between Eyes and Ambergris, the scenario should work pretty much the same if you just level both of them up. Just be sure to take into account their new powers: A high level Desire's sure to have taken things like Commune into account.

Oh, and don't forget to knock the Incense's Saving Throw up quite a bit if you want to catch the PCs with it.

Quick update: I should be getting the scribblings of my playtesters (including the uber-experienced PS DM who played) back next week, after which iuts final writup time!

Latest Artwork - Eyes Desire (cover, probably); Mister Click; Snatch & Voop.

haktor's picture
Joined: 2007-09-01
Scaling the adventure

Thank you very much for your great comments! Your replies have made it easier for me to run the game for such high-lvl characters; I am really looking forward to it Smiling

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

No problem, Haktor - actually I'll probably end up putting my reply into the scenario notes anyway.

in other news...

Huzzah! The playtest notes are finally back in my hands! The final draft is now officially underway.

bertrum's picture
Joined: 2007-02-01
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

Hey armoury, just wondering is this available in word format with the character stats etc? Or is it open to interpretation?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

Let me know when that draft comes back in! We'd love to host it Smiling

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

'bertrum' wrote:
Hey armoury, just wondering is this available in word format with the character stats etc? Or is it open to interpretation?

The final draft is now underway, so the finished document is coming soon to Planewalker!

*edit: 01/01/08*

Happy new year folks! THought I'd update everyone on how things are coming: I am almost done - the Grey District is finished apart from the map, the main adventure is a hair from complete, and then I just have Gnarlybone's Lair and Blighthouse to spruce up and it'll be readt for Planewalker!

I've also started inserting the artwork, and omg it all looks great - thanks again to all concerned; you're making a huge difference to the finished product.

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

It's been a while...

Having read all the playtest results, I also would like to thank everyone for their input and contribution.

Concerning the suggestions and additions made while I've been AWOL (had a baby and all that good following events):

1). Deadwick -very nice addition (and seems was an easy tie-in to the adventure). He will also make a very nice tie-in for the possible sequel dealing with Ring-Giver's death and investigation and subsequent confrontation of Old Toadface (as the NE lich knows a lot about Hades and the 'loths -though I'd say he isn't a 'friend/servant' of the loths by any means).

2). Proud Pariahs -very nice indeed. It definitely adds a needed closing dimension and climax to the othwerwise anticlimax and frustration of the main plotline (which is intentional and a 'good' thing from a metacampaign perspective).

(Haven't checked to see if A has added it into the beginning/main part, but we'll need to state EL's for the varied groups that they might tackle.

3). Wights -this was an excellent point (and considering that the PCs don't see it coming, its super dangerous and not that rewarding since it isn't even BBEG battle). A has the right of it, still make it the ruined/rusted remnants of Harmonium full plate, but mechanically only provides lower AC (since real battle causes bits to fall away in rust flacks and such)* (no need for messy depreciating AC, just flat number that is lower (20 is still high, but might work).

Based upon all the reading I have done, I do have one important question for the various playtester DM's:

What was the final level of your PCs? (after 'completing' the adventure).

Taking the average and the percentage of the 'main' plot completed, we'll need this to look at the starting ECL of the follow-up (if anyone is interested besides myself)

As for Art -I may playtest this as well, in which case, I'll produce pics for nearly everything (I'll abstain making comments on art already provided until I post my own).

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

It's been a while...

Having read all the playtest results, I also would like to thank everyone for their input and contribution.

Concerning the suggestions and additions made while I've been AWOL (had a baby and all that good following events):

1). Deadwick -very nice addition (and seems was an easy tie-in to the adventure). He will also make a very nice tie-in for the possible sequel dealing with Ring-Giver's death and investigation and subsequent confrontation of Old Toadface (as the NE lich knows a lot about Hades and the 'loths -though I'd say he isn't a 'friend/servant' of the loths by any means).

2). Proud Pariahs -very nice indeed. It definitely adds a needed closing dimension and climax to the othwerwise anticlimax and frustration of the main plotline (which is intentional and a 'good' thing from a metacampaign perspective).

(Haven't checked to see if A has added it into the beginning/main part, but we'll need to state EL's for the varied groups that they might tackle.

3). Wights -this was an excellent point (and considering that the PCs don't see it coming, its super dangerous and not that rewarding since it isn't even BBEG battle). A has the right of it, still make it the ruined/rusted remnants of Harmonium full plate, but mechanically only provides lower AC (since real battle causes bits to fall away in rust flacks and such)* (no need for messy depreciating AC, just flat number that is lower (20 is still high, but might work).

Based upon all the reading I have done, I do have one important question for the various playtester DM's:

What was the final level of your PCs? (after 'completing' the adventure).

Taking the average and the percentage of the 'main' plot completed, we'll need this to look at the starting ECL of the follow-up (if anyone is interested besides myself)

As for Art -I may playtest this as well, in which case, I'll produce pics for nearly everything (I'll abstain making comments on art already provided until I post my own).

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

Hello again D, nice to see you back and well after your trip to the Spawning Stone Laughing out loud

Believe it or not, almost a year later and we're almost done! By which of course I mean, ready to be editted/formatted by the Planewalker elves and put on site. Specifically, I'm at the stage called "eternal tweaking and tidying" while I wait for the last couple of pieces of art to come in (hopefully within a couple of weeks). This is good, becuase I'm utterly sick of the sight of it by now... lol

As to your specific points:

Deadwick was easy to slip in, mainly to illustrate that: 'in the Hive, monstrous evil people live openly doing evil things' as well as provide another vendor for the party to shop from, and somebody who's basically no help. Hopefully he's obviously too powerful for even the most Lawful Stupid paladin to attack just 'because he is there' (a valuable lesson in the planes), and as a Bad Guy who's cultured and prepared to discuss his beliefs with the group (another PS classic).

The wights have sadly shuffled off and left some zombies in their place. They stood out like a sore thumb in the adventure anyway, so out they go. Now the whole of Blighthouse is about EL 3, so (in theory) PCs could do it in one or two goes. The last thing they'd want is to be camping out there!

As to finishing level, I started my playtest on 3 and ended it on 4. i think that 4 to 4 is almost certain by the time you meet the Pariahs in battle (teh scenario basically assumes so and says so too), groups that took a long time and did everything might make it to 5, especially if there were story awards too (or they began at more than minimum XP above 3).

Attention moderators: I'll be in touch soon!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

Yay! Smiling

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

Was not the adventure originally slated at ECL 2? Also, the XP doesn't seem to pan out -only one level increase for even the main events? -I'll have to look back at the numbers, as that doesn't seem right (not even including storybased awards for solving problem of thurible).

Otherwise, good to know. It seems very likely that I will running it as a playtest, and so will have some art that I can submit.

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

My group completed the adventure in a short length of (game) time, and so skipped a lot of the random enounters and side-quests, which could well have effected their final XP total. It'll be interesting to see how it goes in your group. The finalising of the Pariahs encounter since the playtest will probably also up the XP difficulty a bit.

The final scenario level came out as 3rd for three reasons:

Lower level scenarios are harder to write, becuase it doesn't take a big mistake to low level PCs killed (and this scenario has more than a couple of encounters where DM discretion is the main guidenced). The adventure is designed for a 'complete noob' too - first planescape and possibly even first D&D, which is why why this is important.

It allowed more scope in the design (basically in the monsters and level/number of enemies available, etc).

It's meant that the scenario is a suitable 'first adventure' - something else its designed to be - for ECL +2 characters like Githyanki and Rogue modrons (I think official non-PS bariaur 3.5 stats might be +2 as well these days). Don't worry though - there's extensive notes for running lower level characters through things (and not many changes required, even then; 2nd or 1st level characters can easilly go through it if the DM knows their stuff).

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

Well, as I said earlier, I am running the adventure online. I'm also going to be developing the rest of the adventure arc (Part 2: Blood, Sweat, & Tears, Part 3: Shades of Deception, Part 4: Ashes to Ahses, and Part 5: The Wheel's End). The Whole Campaign/Adventure Arc is called Reinventing the Wheel.

Here is the link for those interested:

And here is the link for the characters (both stats, but also flavor):

More to come -and art too!

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

Oooh, more playtesting! Always useful, and I can't underestimate how great it is to see your work actually being used. Its worth all the blood, sweat, and tears (sometimes only just). You've a nice turn of phrase going on there btw - I particularly liked Lathander's 'divine intervention' PC arrival and your description of Lannis. I'm looking forward to seeing how the tale progresses.

In other news, the adventure is submitted now! Cool Its finally gone to Planewalker (on March 1st, actually - and boy is it mammoth....) along with a few additions and very minor rewrites, and a lot of frankly sodding brilliant artwork from various planewalkers - and with almost two whole months to spare until 4th edition comes out. As always any rules points, unexpected difficulties (or ease), plot holes, or other information will be well received. There's always a chance that I left something major out.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

*grin* I was tangled up with our hosting move, but now will be getting it properly turned into PDF and tricked out for release on the site. At that point I hope everyone will start pimping it out to the world. Eye-wink

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

That's great news all! (and gratitude for all who have helped, with most of all thanks going to the brain child spawning Armoury99)

But with the first adventure done, what you're really telling Armoury is that you're ready to start helping with the next part of the adventure arc -eh, com'on, you know you wanna! Sticking out tongue

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

Well there's is that Mirrors project that could use some help... *evil smirk*

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

"Just when I thought I was out, they drag me back in!"

Sadly, I need a bit of a break
This one alone almost killed me

Aesdana's picture
Joined: 2005-06-15
I just downloaded your

I just downloaded your "mammoth" and read it.


It's exactly the kind of thing this setting needs : I would have bought it if it were to sell. In fact, heretical as I am, I find it better than some official products.


Thanks a lot for your work and generosity.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
You're welcome. Stick around

You're welcome. Stick around - we have plans for more where that came from. Eye-wink

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