Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

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Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

Well, my party had at least the same idea about FIngers looking for a ring. They walked around asking people if they were wearing rings. But they were pretty competent finding out what was up.
The problem is, they now have the thurible (they almost killed all of the Joculators in a second fight, Grimjaw had to knock out all three of them and drag two of the Joculators away unconcious...) and the incencse (got three packets from when they caught fingers. I had to use Ambergris to make them understand that the dustmen don't like it when they run around and try make dustmen "incensed" (player word, "He's been incensed!")
They had taken Fingers with them so he could show them his lair, but when Grimjaw joined the fight, the players unchained fingers, who ran away, back to his lair. Currently, they are talking to Gnarlybone about the position of the Joclulators and Fingers lair.

hrabanus's picture
Joined: 2007-02-21
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD


I plan to use Armoury99's adventure as the beginning of a Planescape campaign and would like to ask, if a further playtesters needed - though my PS group will only play once or twice a month. The first session will be on March 10. (I apologize for my horrible English, but I hope I will be understood.)

1. How familiar are you with Planescape? (both editions, only as a player, introduced by PW, etc)
I played PS:Torment a couple of times and read the PSCS from

2. What is your experience as a DM? (1st time, old veteran of 1st edition, only with one group before, etc)
I started DMing ca. 13 years ago (five different groups, five different RPGs [DSA (a german RPG), AD&D 2nd, DnD 3.x, CoC, Star Wars and several settings [DnD 3.x & AD&D 2nd: Forgotten Realms, Dragonlance, Scarred Lands]).

3. What is your experience with online campaigns? (DM'ed 1 before, long-time player only, none, etc)
None, but this will be a tabletop campaign...

4. What of your Players? (essentially the answers to questions #1 & 3)
One played Torment, one played in a PS campaign before (AD&D 2nd) and two don't know PS, though one of them already read stuff in the MotP and the PH. All of them are experienced RPG-players.

At this time, there will be following PCs (the average ECL is 3):
- a planar (Limbo) LE? githzerai warmage 1 (played PS before; hasn't decided yet, what faction his PC has joined [he wants the githzerai to be depressive, so I guess it will be the Dustmen])
- a clueless prime (Oerth) LE kobold fighter 3 (played Torment; the PC aspires to become a member of the Fated)
- a clueless prime (Abeir-Toril) NE tiefling rogue 2
- probably a clueless planar (?) Evil? ??? cleric 2? (I've got to talk to this player this weekend, he will probably play a race with level adjustment)

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

Wait a minute...
The Joculators are a gang? Since when? I totally missed that... I always assumed there were only three of them...
So, if there were any updates since I printed the adventure out, I missed them.
Oh, and great pictures, by the way.

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

Hrabanus - hi and of course another playtester is always welcome! If your PCs do all turn out evil, that might make for an interesting journey through. Just keep us all updated (especially with their inevitable obsession with rings... Laughing out loud )

'Arytiss' wrote:
First session occured today, though not much happened because I'm currently suffereing from a cold.

The PC's (Bladeling Sorcerer, Fire Genasi Evoker, and the Human Rogue) were exploring the Grey District of the Hive when they encountered the Joculators who smaked one of them over the head with the thuribule and then ran away giggling. They then headed up to the rooftops and started pelting them with paint

Great news to hear you're underway too, Arytiss. Sounds like a nice alternate intro there too. I'll have to check out the Portal Jammer myself.

'Eldan' wrote:
Well, my party had at least the same idea about FIngers looking for a ring. They walked around asking people if they were wearing rings. But they were pretty competent finding out what was up.

I suppose you would guess that if you didn’t know the truth… seems I have inadvertently created a nice red-herring (and motivation, since many plyers will be already wanting to get their hands on these “magic rings”) Laughing out loud

The problem is, they now have the thurible (they almost killed all of the Joculators in a second fight, Grimjaw had to knock out all three of them and drag two of the Joculators away unconcious...) and the incencse (got three packets from when they caught fingers. I had to use Ambergris to make them understand that the dustmen don't like it when they run around and try make dustmen "incensed".

It seems like the scenario is still basically on track... as it happens I was updating Gnarlybone's info with the fact that since he knows where the Joculators live, he might suggest an expedition to loot the place if they've been dealt with. And since the Jocs are now a bonafide gang in the Hive, they might send reinforcements to check on their missing comrades if you think a rematch is in order?

The Joc difficulty still seems about right... 1st encounter get taken down/embarrassed, 2nd they might get a couple but are thwarted by Grimjaw, and (maybe) a third in Blighthouse.

Think I'm going to include a handout in Joc lair as well, hinting that the whole thing with them was planned out (just in case the PCs kill em all!)

PS: Has Ambergris got them looking into the Thurible by the way? in the new version he might even actually ask them to do it!

in other news...

The Artwork has Arrived!

Big big thanks to John "Doc" White for these pieces, which time constrains me to post without the minor cleanup and re-sizing to do them full justice (thought you playtesters would want them ASAP, so I'll edit this post as and when I do the pics).

His talent continues to make my heart swell with abject jealousy!

Bad Grum

Silent Brom

Mother Xero

Factotum Ambergris

A couple of Joculators...

And the Lady herself - Eyes Desire

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

Don't panic, its nothing affecting the scenario! Maybe I forgot to post it on the thread too... :oops: but I think that there are probably more Joculators out there... over in 'chaos town' in the Hive - a band of jesters that are effectively a bit of a gang made up primarilly of 'former' xaosetics. Its really just an excuse for DMs to include some Joculators again in their campaigns, or just to work up more stats of their own.

I'll try not to panic anybody else this way in the future.

To make up for it, here's an early version of the latest map draft - much better, eh? Cool

Arytiss's picture
Joined: 2006-08-11
Situation Update

Today's session went well, if rather slowly due to procrastination and party splitting. Also, the Fire Genasi dropped out which I had expected.

The bladeling, ranger, rogue, and paladin met up in their rooms in the whispered word where it was explained to the Paladin and the Ranger what had been discovered so far. At the bladelings suggestion, the group split up into two parties consisting of the rogue and paladin, and the ranger and bladeling. While the Paladin and rogue continued their investigation into Dykos the maimed, the baldeling and rogue follwed a lead the party received last session about Glory. Reasoning that the best time to interview a jinkskirt would be later in the day, they spent most of the time hanging around the Whispered Word talking to clientelle. They encountered Narma who mentioned to them about the Dustmen acting strangely (well, stranger than usual) before rushing off to attend a funeral.

While they were speaking to Narma, the other group encountered Sougad. While hostile at first, especially after the paladin rather blatently checked his pockets after bumping into him, and the rogue accidently insulted him, he warmed slightly when he realised that these two might be just the way for him to infiltrate this area a bit and get some information about what's going on. They parted on cordial terms, promising to meet up later and exchange notes. The two then continued to Rattling Alley where the paladin investigated a bit around the scene of the attack on Dykos using his detect violence ability (scent based Laughing out loud ). The smell of the incense was particularly strong around the alley and the trace was particularly weak so he couldn't get enough of a scent of violence to folow the trail. He also passed his will save. They also asked Grykas if Dykos had been wearing any jewellery at the time he was attacked. To muddy the waters a bit I told them that he didn't usually but because he had been meeting with someone to seal a deal he had been wearing his gold signet ring.

Meanwhile, back at the tavern, the Ranger and Bladeling found themselves in discussion with Glory who they had encountered in the tavern. She explained to them what had happened and gave them the description of Madrigore, telling them that she and the other jinkskirts had seen him leaving and entering the mortuary several times. The players realised that Madrigore must be a vampire (Ranger: A vampire? Glory: What's a vampire?) and excercised their ranks in jump and decided the Dustmen must not know about Madrigore's presence, despite the fact that he is frequently seen walking in and out of the front gate.

While the Ranger and Bladeling were chatting with Glory, the Rogue and Paladin headed to Hitchskirt Alley where they spoke with a couple of prostitutes (after paying for the information) and discovered roughly the same thing as the group that was speaking to Glory. The Paladin mentioned that if the girls find out anything more, they should send word to him at the Whispered Word. The girl he was speaking to mentioned that if he'd like anything she'd be perfetly happy to supply it. The Rogue and Paladin left soon after and headed back to the Whispered Word.

Back at the inn, the Bladeling, Rogue, and Paladin compared notes and realised that they were most likely facing a vampire. (The ranger was taking a nap) The paladin explained to the bladeling what a vampire was and they all discussed possible strategies for dealing with it. The Rogue and Paladin went to try and gain access to the mortuary but refused to provide any actual details to the guards and so were turned away without being allowed to actually speak with anyone. Meanwhile the Bladeling had his own ideas and since one of the strategies the group had come up with was to watch the mortuary to see when the creature came out, he decided to go and speak to Mother Xero to see if she would be able to join them on the stakeout as an independant observer. She agreed and agreed to meet with them in the Whispered Word later that evening.

That's where we ended.

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

Interesting game today. But first what I remember about the last one, since I forgot to write a report about that one.
Last week the group entered the pyre district for the first time. They were pretty ruthless and aggressive. Spotted the Bugbear robber and killed him before he even saw them. (Sorcerer of course.) They also killed the Gnoll and the Troglodyte and then descided to retreat back into the grey district, after equipping themselves. The Swordsage is now a bit paranoid about "Shatter" since he last lost his weapon, so he now carries a longspear, a longsword, a morningstar, the magic scythe and the two handaxes. Also a bow for ranged attacks.
The second time they entered the Pyre district, the Nathri attacked them. They managed to grapple and pin one of them, took him hostage and struck a deal with the Nathri. Some money and the life of the rogue against safe passage.
When they arrived at the house, they entered through the backdoor. They burned the bat swarm (Sorcerer), talked to the mephit and killed that one too (Sorcerer, all alone).
The Mephit (Lord something, forgot the name) behaved a bit to arrogantly for the Sorcerers taste. The conversation ended in something like: "So your sooo damn powerful? So am I, you arrogant bastard!" and then he ray of flamed him. That went pretty fast, but then they got mauled by the Harmonium Wights and nearly died.
They found fingers (he escaped when they were attacked by the Joculators and nearly killed by Grimjaw), chained him up and brought him back to the mortuary. On the way back they met the Barghest and spent half an hour helping him opening the portal back to Gehenna. (I made a sidequest out of that one, was a nice way to show them how portals work). The key to the gate was thinking about killing a person.
Today, in this game, they went back to the house and met Lord Winsome on the way. The Sorcerer agreed to make him his familiar and even signed a contract. Lord Winsome told him that he could answer all questions (commune) and that he would fight law (Baatezu) together with him. After he also said that he thought the Sorcerer to be incredibly powerful and there was nothing better than fire, they were best friends. (Or at least the Sorcerer thinks so). The party also needs him because he is the only one with any ranks in Knowledge: The Planes, which means they ask him all questions they might have. Nice opportunity to feed them some half-truths and outright lies.
They entered the Blighthouse (The Joculators weren't home), searched all the rooms on the ground floor and laid an amush together with two zombies when the Joculators came back home. It was a pretty mean fight, because of the hole behind the door and the zombies blocking the way around it. One of them just gave up after the first hit, the second one jumped over the hole in the floor and got burned to unconsciousness by the Sorcerer, the third one ran away, back into the district. They told the invisible Lord Winsome to follow him. The Joculator climbed over the porch roof to the second floor and hid there. Up to now the party was pretty much on full HP.
Now the fight became mean. He dropped the Darkmantle on them when they were in front of the stairs. It cast it's darkness first, which made the Swordsage run in one direction, the Swashbuckler in the other. The swashbuckler just stood there, got grappled and lifted into the air.
While he was getting crushed by the darkmantle the swordsage ran up the dark stairs, which the Joculator greased. The Swordsage slipped, fell to the ground and got attacked by the dire weasel which more or less tore him to shreds in the next rounds (I think 7 con damage total and about 12 damage otherwise. He was nearly dead). The swashbuckler tried to follow him upstairs, but slipped and fell back down three times.
The Sorcerer finally killed the Darkmantle with his breath weapon (Draconic Heritage Feats).
When the darkness ended and they came upstairs, they couln't find the Xaositect. They let the Zombies kick in all doors and hid themselves, while the invisible Lord Winsome was told to scout ahead behind the Zombie. The Cockatrice had some fun with the Zombie before it was killed by some flame rays and a Combustion spell carried by Lord Winsome.
The Joculator hid in the Common Room. They took the quick, brutal and ruthless way to get him out. Door-smashing by the Zombie and throwing in four alchemist fires at the same time.
After taking all loot they could find they took the unconcious Joculators back to the Voices.
There the funny part began. First they saw the following alternatives: Let the angry mob decide what should be done with them, after interogating them or hand them over to the Mercykillers. Both would probably result in dead. They thought that this would probably too hard a punishment, but had no idea what else to do.
Lord Winsome came to them with the ideal suggestion:
The Joculators should do charitable work. He suggested that they should work for the cause of the greater good by fighting evil oppressors on the planes and that he new someone who might force them to do so.
Because the Characters (not the Players, who thought that the whole situation was funny) didn't know anything about the bloodwar, they agreed. Lord Winsome just told them that his people were fighting evil, opressive Devils for aeons.
Winsome went away and brought a succubi in the shape of a very nice young man with him, who told the Sorcerer that he had heard much about him and that he should continue burning everything down, because that would make him very powerful. She also suggested that he should fight lawful beings, because many of them didn't like fire and burning things for no reason.
While the Sorcerer was happily selling the poor Joculators into the Blood War the Swordsage asked people what the hell was going on here and found out what the blood war was. He freed the Joculators from their chains and told them to run away.
Now the party has a nice list of mighty enemies: Some unnamed general on Acheron for looting his goods and killing his soldiers, Lanis the Deathmonger, because they have his scythe and Eyes Desire. Most likely also Ambergris, because they made fun about his white skin (yes they are a bit childish sometimes and make fun about everything), tried to use "Three Suns prayer" on some Dustmen and because they dislike the whole faction.

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

Hmm. Nice addition, though it's probably to late to add it in some way. The names. Ok.

Ash Blackwater, Human Swordsage. Got his sword shattered, is since then paranoid and carries half a dozen weapons.
Tungsten Firewielder, Gnome Sorcerer with the Blood of a pyroclastic Dragon. Likes to burn stuff down for no reason except seeing it burn. Has a Quasit as a familiar and listens to that guys advice. Also has no ranks in any knowledge skills.
Ryal, Human Swashbuckler/Rogue. Got drunk in the intro adventure and had a special encounter with a local nobleman." Since then, whenever he wants to do anything, everyone just shouts unisono: "Your making things worse!" Fell asleep in the first round of the first combat against the Joculators. Is mostly incompetent in fights, but also searches for traps.
More after a bit of thinking about it. It's 2:20 in the night.

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

Its been a while for me too, so I thought you'd appreciate an update.

The Writeups

These are great, and leave me laughing outloud every week. All you DMs are doing a great job, and thanks very much for it. Please keep track of all the player/character names, and their most triumphant/embarassing moment, as I'd definitely like to put them in the finished thing somewhere.

I'm going to be starting my own playtest soon too, so I'll keep you updated on that one as well. Its really nice to see that that things seem to be working out adventure wise - in particular with the Joculators: fun to run, great comedy value, but a serious challenge as well. I also love all the little side-treks and additions from you DMs.

'Eldan' wrote:
The Sorcerer agreed to make him his familiar and even signed a contract... The party also needs him because he is the only one with any ranks in Knowledge: The Planes, which means they ask him all questions they might have

Man you're guys are hilarious... not sure if I could cope with them all the time though, you probably deserve a medal or something

'Arytiss' wrote:
The two then continued to Rattling Alley where the paladin investigated a bit around the scene of the attack on Dykos using his detect violence ability (scent based Laughing out loud )

Good point actually! I'll mention something about trying to track down Fingers/the Jocs using a dog or other animal with the scent ability (with it getting more and more unruly as it samples the incense of course...)

New Material (draft)

The long absent "location 32" has finally been decided on - a genuine monster living right in the middle of the district (this is the HIve after all!)


Skin as taut and dry as paper, a few strands of frail white hair, the skeletal frame and a lipless rictus grin; these are the traits that visitors remember, if they return at all from Deadwick’s tower. They also speak of bubbling poisons, the scent of brimstone, and the guttering of their torches and lanterns, for even magical light falters within the looming gloom of his abode.

Deadwick (real name unknown) is a withered corpse in Dustman robes, whose glowing eyes and wicked grin promise nothing but malevolent power. These traits and his wizardly skills are for hire throughout the Hive however, for causes right or wrong – but he definitely prefers the latter.

DM’s note: Deadwick used to call kip in what’s now the Pyres. He knows the area well and might even act as a guide if the PCs are brave or foolish enough to employ him. For this service he will charge 100gp per trip, per day and he’ll only serve them as a guide, not a protector or assistant. He will cast no spell for the PCs unless they pay him the standard rate (higher if the situation is desperate) or unless it suits his cruel sense of humour.

Deadwick’s tower serves as both a home and place of business. He sells necromantic components and magical items as well as poisons of all kinds in addition to his own skills. In his spare time he snoops and eavesdrops about the district, temping and corrupting those who catch his eye. The folk of Wailer’s Square would dearly like to be rid of him.

Deadwick hails from the prime material, but emigrated to the planes after prolonged questing in the Grey Waste for the secret of lichdom. His take on the Dustmen philosophy is rather different from usual: Deadwick believes strongly in balance; water balancing fire, air balancing earth, law balancing chaos. But the planes are all in conflict because they are out of balance – ‘life’ is a symptom of an imbalance of positive and negative energy in organic matter; the ideal state is undeath, animate but without growth or entropy, and only when everything in the multiverse is undead will existence be at peace and in its proper form. He'll happily discuss his philosophy with anyone, and is a little more animated than most Dustmen, not that his mocking, sarcastic, personality is very welcome to most berks. Although he tries to act with the traditional dispassion of his Faction, Deadwick takes a childlike glee in wickedness.

Deadwick 12TH level Necromancer, lich Medium Undead, CR 14 Neutral Evil Init +2; Senses Listen +10, Spot +10 Languages: Common ______________________________________________

AC 18 Touch 11 Flatfooted 17 (+1 Dex, +5 natural, +2 armour)
Hp 72 (12 HD)
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +8
Speed 30 ft.

Melee: Touch +8 (see below)
Base Atk +6/+1; Grp +8

Special Combat Options: Fear Aura, Paralysing Touch
Combat Gear: Bracers of Armour (+2), Mstwk Quarterstaff, Wand of Dispel Magic

Wizard Spells Usually Memorised:
6th level: Circle of Death (DC23), Symbol of Fear (DC 20), Undead to Death (DC 23)
5th level: Contact Outer Plane, Dismissal (DC19), Magic Jar (DC20), Wave of Fatigue (DC20)
4th level: Animate Dead, Bestow Curse (DC 18), Contagion (DC19), Enervation (DC21)
3rd level: Gaseous Form, Halt Undead (DC18), Hold Person (DC17), Ray of Exhaustion (DC 18), Vampiric Touch (DC 18)
2nd level: Blindness/Deafness (DC17), Command Undead (DC20), Detect Thoughts (DC16), Pyrotechnics, Ray of Enfeeblement (DC17)
1st: Charm Person (DC 15), Detect Undead, Identify, Ray of enfeeblement (DC 15), Shield
0 level: Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation (x2)

Abilities: Str 14, Dex 12, Con -, Int 19, Wis 11, Chs 16
SQ: Damage Reduction, Fear Aura, Immunities, Paralyzing Touch, Turn Resistance, Undead Traits
Feats: Brew Potion, Dead Truce, Death Focus, Greater Dead Truce, Heighten Spell, Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus, True Name Lore (see PSCS, chapter 4).
Skills: Concentration +11, Craft (poison) +10, Decipher Script +13, Gather information +6, Hide +9, Intimidation +10, Knowledge (arcana) +19, Knowledge (planes) +16, Knowledge (poison lore) +13, Move Silently +9, Search +12, Sense Motive +8, Spellcraft +19

Possessions: Combat Gear plus component pouch, satchel containing vials of poison and a few alchemical tricks (tanglebag, alchemist’s fire, etc), Dustman faction symbol, a grey Robe of Bones, a Hand of the Mage, and a Wand of Dispel Magic (25 charges remaining).

Deadwick usually has around 5,000gp of minor magical items (mainly potions and scrolls, but anything suitably nasty) in his very well guarded shop, along with most of the basic poisons (DMG p296). Deadwick’s grimoire contains his memorised spells plus whatever other magic the DM wishes (his forbidden schools are Illusion and Evocation).

Special abilities

Paralyzing Touch (Su): Touch attack once per round. 1d8+5 points of damage to living creatures; a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 lich’s HD + lich’s Cha modifier) halves the damage. Any living creature a lich hit must succeed on a Fortitude save or be permanently paralyzed. Remove paralysis or any spell that can remove a curse can free the victim (see the bestow curse spell description). The effect cannot be dispelled. Anyone paralyzed by a lich seems dead, though a DC 20 Spot check or a DC 15 Heal check reveals that the victim is still alive.

Fear Aura (Su): aura of death and evil. Creatures of less than 5 HD in a 60-foot radius that look at the lich must succeed on a Will save or be affected as though by a fear spell from a sorcerer of the lich’s level. A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again by the same lich’s aura for 24 hours.

Turn Resistance (Ex): A lich has +4 turn resistance.

Damage Reduction (Su): A lich’s undead body is tough, giving the creature damage reduction 15/bludgeoning and magic. Its natural weapons are treated as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Immunities (Ex): Liches have immunity to cold, electricity, polymorph (though they can use polymorph effects on themselves), and mind-affecting attacks.

“The Bloatlamp”

Deadwick’s familiar is a six inch long undead firefly native to the Abyss and Grey Waste, called a ‘bloatlamp fly.’ It is a truly hideous creature: Large compound eyes, a leech for a snout, a slime covered hairy body with a fly’s wings, eight tentacle-like legs, and a bulbous abdomen that glows with sickly red light. The very sight of it can make those of frail disposition nauseous.

Deadwick shows his familiar little kindness or courtesy, not even giving it a name. It normally resides in a lantern-sized metal cage at the top of his staff, although he also enjoys sending it out at night to spy on his neighbours. It grants Deadwick a +2 to Spot checks.

Deadwick’s Familiar Tiny Undead Neutral Evil Init +4; Senses Listen +9, Spot +4 Languages: Understands Common ______________________________________________

AC 22 touch 16, flat-footed 18 (+2 size, +4 Dex, natural +6)
Hp 36 (1 HD)
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +8
Speed 10 ft, Fly 40ft

Melee: Touch +7 (attach)
Base Atk +1; Grp -11 (+1 when attached)

Special Combat Options: Attach, Drain Fluids.

Abilities: Str 3, Dex 19, Con 10, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 6
SQ: Attach, Drain Fluids, Darkvision 60 ft, Familiar Traits, Undead Traits
Feats: Alertness, Weapon Finesse
Skills: Hide +14, Search +8

Attach (Ex): If it hits with a touch attack, the bloatlamp uses its eight sticky tentacles to latch onto the opponent’s body. An attached bloatlamp is effectively grappling its prey. It loses its Dexterity bonus to AC and has an AC of 12, but holds on with great tenacity. Bloatlamps have a +12 racial bonus on grapple checks (already figured into the Base Attack/Grapple entry above).

An attached bloatlamp can be struck with a weapon or grappled itself. To remove an attached bloatlamp through grappling, the opponent must achieve a pin against it.

Bloody Lamp (ex): The bloatlamp’s sickly red glow is usually as strong as a candle, but increases to that of a torch after it feeds (see below). This enhanced illumination lasts for 1 hour per point of CON drained.

Drain Fluids (Ex): The Bloatlamp fly drains vital bodily fluids to power its glowing abdomen; it can deal 1d4 points of Constitution damage in any round when it begins its turn attached to a victim.
Familiar Traits: The bloatlamp has all the powers of a familiar belonging to a 12th level wizard: Alertness, Improved Evasion, Share Spells, Empathic Link, Deliver Touch Spells, Speak With Master, Speak with Animals of its Kind, Spell Resistence, +6 natural armour, INT 11.

Undead Traits: See MM, p317

See you next time, cutters!

Arytiss's picture
Joined: 2006-08-11
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

I might try using Deadwick if the players begin to suspect that the beast is some sort of undead. Perhaps an encounter at the Whispered Word if the party are asking for information on undead.

"Undead? Don't know much about them, 'cept maybe the zombies you see shambling around the place. Nah, going to the Dusties is your best bet. That Deadwick who lives in that battered tower near the end Shuffle Street, he might be able to tell you a thing or two."

For names, the main four members of the party are as follows:

Celerion Nailo: an elven Xaositecht ranger with a passionate hatred of undead and necromancers.
Quote to follow

Derek Songstrum: A human Cipher rogue descended from an elven line. Bears twin shortswords that are family heirlooms.
"You must excuse my associate, he's learned to be wary of men of your profession" – To Sougad after Rallan blatently cheked his pockets after bumping into him

Rallan, Paladin of Lathander: Currently suffering from a mild crisis of the faith. Ponders a lot on the injustice of divine carelessness (accident in the Mauseleum of Chronepsis, he used to be 20, now 17).
"We must speak with someone! There may be undead within the mortuary!" - To a mortuary guard

Razor: A bladeling warmage, left Acheron for unspecied reasons, possibly to do with the unknown Power the bladelings follow.
Quote to follow

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

'Arytiss' wrote:
an elven Xaositecht ranger with a passionate hatred of undead and necromancers.

Great, Celerion should go down a treat with old Deadwick then Laughing out loud

Being a new addition (and a dangerous one), I'm interested in how Deadwick gets used by various DMs, so let me know how it goes.

PS: Are you having any issues yet because Celerion and the Joculators share a faction?

Arytiss's picture
Joined: 2006-08-11
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

Not yet, though I am expecting some trouble at some point due to it.

Rallan's player tells me he intends to try and enlist Sougad's aid get into the mortuary.

hrabanus's picture
Joined: 2007-02-21
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD


sorry that I didn't post this earlier, but I was busy.

First, the cast of characters:
Xvin (NE male tiefling rogue 2), a thief from Abeir-Toril. During a heist he “stumbled” through a portal leading to Sigil. There he quickly became victim to one of the many cutpurses of the Hive. With no jink left – and because he did not dare to rob one of the “strange” citizens of the Hive – he decided to get a job. Then he met Bald Grum.
Gartémis (NE male githzerai warmage 1 [Bleaker]), a mage from Limbo. In the Gatehouse the Bleak Cabal did not have any use for this rather violent namer, so they send him to the Grey District, to help their Dustmen “allies”.
Garr Kill (LE male kobold fighter 3), a warrior from Oerth. While fighting for the forces of the Temple of Elemental Evil during the battle of Emridy Meadows he was sent to Sigil due to the magical energies unleashed because of the intervention of the Circle of Eight. In Sigil he appeared in the midst of a fight and after killing “his” (see below) attackers he fled into one of the alleys of the Hive. There he found a wolf and the wolf's dead goblin rider, who also hat participated in the battle of Emridy Meadows. Because both of them were terrified of their new and alien surroundings, Garr Kill and the wolf befriended each other. After being drugged and robbed of all his belongings he had to borrow money from one the local moneylenders. The moneylender then sold Garr Kill's debt to Bald Grum...
PA 171 Proxis (LN modron outcast cleric 1), whose devotion to order and especially Primus became too great – he began to think of himself as the chosen prophet of Primus. After being exiled, he set out on a quest to destroy all those who defied Primus. Especially other modron outcast but potentially all other modrons (...only the chosen prophet knows the true teachings of Primus...). In Sigil he was attacked by some cut-throats and he prayed to Primus for some divine aid. And behold! there appeared some reptilian humanoid and smote all his enemies. After the stranger disappeared PA began to search for his savior. Some days later he found the kobold called Garr Kill and decided to follow him, especially since the kobold seemed to know how to behave in this unfamiliar and chaotic city.

Now, what happened during the first session on saturday:
They all met in the Whispered Word and all accepted the proposal of the “Voices” (without any further questions). First they all agreed to make Xvin the speaker/leader of their adventuring party – because they wanted to be the leader (Xvin), they did not care (Gartémis, PA) or just wanted to overthrow someone when the time would be right (Garr Kill). Afterwards they left in search for the “Proud Pariahs”. On their way they met Sougar Sodkiller, who tried to persuade someone to hire him. They told him, that the Grey District was now their turf, tried to intimidate him and failed. Then they knocked him out (I planned this as a roleplaying encounter and made Sougard a 4th level fighter). They looted his body and dragged him to the “border” of “their” district – there he died bleeding. The rest of the day they searched for the Proud Pariahs without success (and were extremely fixated on this “fiend gang”). At night they went to Dykos but were not able to get any information from him. Then they left a note in Rattling Alley, that anyone who could give them informations about the “Beast of Rattling Alley” would get a monetary reward. For the next two days, they met people in the “Whispered Word”, who told them, that they should talk to Dykos – then the unnerved group removed the note.
The following day they again searched for the “Proud Pariahs”. While leaving the Grey District they witnessed two collectors arguing about a corpse. After none of the collectors responded to their command to drop the body and answer the group's questions, Gertémis randomly killed one of the collectors. They allowed the remaining one to flee with the “old” corpse; they hid the “new” corpse in their room in the Whispered Word. They were a little bit weary of another person killed by them lying in the streets after they'd been reprehended by Bald Grum after he found out about the dead Sodkiller – later Bald Grum also found out about the new kill (now they bribed him with 100 gp).
On the third day, they again wanted to search for the “Proud Pariahs”. First they split up to to deal with various things: Garr Kill went to Rattling Alley to remove the note, Gartémis and Xvin went shopping and PA stayed bored at the Whispered Word – the played didn't know what he should/could do. Gartémis and Xvin now saw a funeral procession “attacked” by the Joculators – they tried to attack the Xaositects but were knocked unconscious. Gartémis awoke in a rather compromising pose (a unconscious Dustman was also involved), Xvin awoke in water mixed with yellow paint and had his own idea what this could be. Both of them were sprayed with various colors and – after some people (among others an ogre who was really happy, that he had an opportunity to show, that he is able to read) had kicked him – Xvin found out that someone had written “kick me” on his cloak. While Garr Kill was cleaning the street (sic!) they decided that they now had another target: the three Xaositects. They now inspected Mother Xero's shop without any result. They also talked to Silent Brom about a meeting with Gnarlybone and incidentally met Grimjaws in the streets. At night – Grykas was now accustomed to get no sleep – they again went to Dykos and again got no informations from him. Nowat last they had the glorious idea that they could ask someone who was knowledgeable about healing and before antipeak they went again to Mother Xero. Mother Xero now told them about mummerwine - which they buyed the next day - and other methods of healing Dykos' psychic trauma.
This day they gave Dykos the mummerwine and in the evening they met with Gnarlybone near the Pyre District. After they paid for the information (150 gp – every time they paid such sums, it was their own idea...), he told them about the Proud Pariahs and the hideout of the Joculators. On their way back to the Whispered Word they met the Joculators. That was it.

Next session (that will probably take place after Easter) will begin with a fight with the Joculators (the players already stated, that they want to attack them), whose stats I varied slightly:
- “Lord Piehat” (CG aasimar bard3)
- “Bob” (CG chaond cleric2/rogue1)
- “Xaldemar” (CG air genasi sorcerer2/rogue1)
I made Grimjaws a LN githzerai spellthief 2/fighter 2.

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

Hmm. Spellthief is an interesting idea. My Grimjaw was a monk2/fighter 1 with some kind of monk sword (found that one of the supplements, forgot where) and he had no problems with the party, when they were already weakened by the Joculators. He nearly killed them all.

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

I'm still thinking about what to do next. Next time the party will most likely meet with Eyes Desire, because they found the writing in the Thurible and finished the Joculators (even though they escaped blood war slavery).
If they decide not to join Eyes Desire, I will most likely run "The Eternal Boundary" next.
If they join her (not that unlikely) I'm still thinking about a plot. I guess I'll include the following parts:
An angry general from Acheron (they raided his supplies in the Pyre District), Gnarlybone (don't know how to put him in there, but his role was rather small up to now), Deathwick, because he's interesting and Lanis the Deathmonger, who didn't do anything yet.
My idea: The PCs took the +1 scythe from the acheronians. Because the description fits , I'll make that scythe the "Caput Mortis" (that was the name, right) from "Weapons of Legacy". Also good because the swordsage wants to take cleric levels.
This would explain why Lanis wants that weapon back at all costs. The weapon got lost somewhere on Acheron. An army of gnolls, troglodytes and other mercenaries found it and sold it to Lanis. The PCs found it before it arrived. Now he wants it back. The general will probably also send some people after them. Deathwick could be interested in it because a) he's a Lich and b) it's a powerful weapon of a power of death.
So I guess the adventure will have something to do with awakening the powers of the scythe and dealing with Lanis. Does anyone have some planescapy ideas about dealing with that and how to involve gnarlybone in there?
According to the Weapons of Legacy, the bearer of Caput Mortis would have to bring the weapon to a cleric of Wee Jas, who would have to cast a commune spell to ask the godess if the bearer is worthy. That's kinda boring. Any better ideas? (Sending them to some other plane would be interesting, since they haven't been outside of Sigil)

Arytiss's picture
Joined: 2006-08-11
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

Party laid out a plan to entrap the vampire. Razor has noticed from the evidence given that the vampire seems to be in desparate need of blood and has procured a flask of animal blood from a butcher in the lower ward. Razor and Rallan planned to patrol the area between wailing square and shuffle street. Meanwhile Celerion hung about on the rooftops and Derek hung around at the entrance to Jinkshirt Alley.
The night proceeded quietly for them at first, with Mother Xero bringing out some hot drinks for Razor and Rallan. Roughly half-an-hour later there’s a brief shimmer from a small monument in the middle of the square and a portal opens up, bringing a massive tentacle with it which reached across the square and grabbed a dustman which had been walking past. I gave it the same AC as a Kraken and about 30hp. They managed to sever it before it managed to drag the dustman through the portal and were puzzled by the absolute terror that the dustman showed after his encounter (I had him flee back to the mortuary).
The next day was spent asleep by most of the party, though Derek maintained a patrol of the area and Celerion went into other areas of the Hive seeking out contacts in his faction to see what he can find out about the Joculators. He managed to find out quite a bit about them though he has yet to tell the party what he found. While he was there he also made a few small purchases. The player tells me Celerion likes the idea behind the Joculators and agrees with their beliefs.
That evening Mother Xero approached the party with a message saying that someone in the Mortuary wished to meet with them. A few sense motive checks revealed that she seemed sincere enough and they agreed to go with her, except for Celerion who stayed behind in case the creature revealed itself while they were gone. (He had another reason which will become apparent soon). They travelled throuugh the dark, twisting passages of the Mortuary until they reached Lord Madrigore’s chamber. He welcomed them in, apologised for any trouble he may have caused them and the girl, and handed them the money along with a small amount for Glory. They promised to keep their silence and asked him a few questions about the beast of Rattling Alley. He wasn’t able to give them much information but suggested they might try going to see Deadwick in the tower at the end of Rattling Alley. If he didn’t already know he might be able to help them find out. They thanked him and left after he asked why Rallan’s face appeared to be painted bright blue. (Told you Celerion had good reason to not be around.)
They spent the rest of the night patrolling and the following afternoon they went to visit Deadwick as Madrigore had suggested. Apparantly they seem to be becoming used to undead since they barely registered any surprise whatsoever when a lich opened the door. They asked him about events and were slightly disappointed when he couldn’t give them any information. They were happy to hear that he might be able to cast a scrying spell to uncover the information though. They tried getting him to lower his price a bit by pointing out that what they were doing was for the good of the community. He responded “What do I care of them? Their little antics amuse me, it’s true, but there are always other ways I can find my entertainments.” They paid for the scrying spell and were told to return sometime the following day. He might have it done by then. (I rolled for this one. Deadwick does know about Fingers and has seen him hovering round Rattling Alley, if he just told the PC's straight out though he wouldn't get any benifit, hence his agreement to "scry" for the information.)
They left Deadwick’s tower and were returning to Wailing Square when Derek suddenly collapsed asleep in the middle of the road and the Joculators, fully clad in Dustmen robes, came capering up the street towards them, swinging their thurible as the went…

hrabanus's picture
Joined: 2007-02-21
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

'Eldan' wrote:
According to the Weapons of Legacy, the bearer of Caput Mortis would have to bring the weapon to a cleric of Wee Jas, who would have to cast a commune spell to ask the godess if the bearer is worthy. That's kinda boring. Any better ideas? (Sending them to some other plane would be interesting, since they haven't been outside of Sigil)

It's not very imaginative, but how about "communing" with Wee Jas herself or at least visiting her domain (wherever it may be [Acheron?])?

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

If her realm is really on Acheron, it'll get really interesting. I'll go and look it up.
Now I just need to add some planescape flair. Thank you.

Edit: Hmm, not much about her in the "On Hallowed Ground", but her realm is on Acheron. Need to search through heaps of stuff to find my planes of law, I think.

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

'Eldan' wrote:
Gnarlybone (don't know how to put him in there, but his role was rather small up to now)

If they've not been to Blighthouse/Pyre district (eminantly possible) then Gnalybone could come to them, suggesting that they raid the Joculator lair before some fiend does (I've recently added this bit in to Gnarlybone's writeup).

Good to see the opportunities for changes and spin-offs, btw - loads of the encounters and the whole of Appendix III are basically a sandbox for Dm's to play with.

PS: Wee Jas does indeed hang out on the nastiest layer of Acheron (Ocanthus), so any trip to see her will be great fun. Laughing out loud

Mother Xero is a worshipper (and was born there) so can tell the party all about it and even provide a portal.

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

Well, the PCs hat just a short meeting with Gnarlybone, arranged by the voices. He showed them the way to the Blighthouse.
As I said before, they already raided the Blighthouse and they had the Joculuators as prisoners. They even wanted to sell them to the blood war, to "do something meaningful with their lives and fight devils", as Lord Winsome said.
Btw, wasn't it Tintibulus, not Ocanthus? Well, doesn't matter, it will be an interesting trip anyway.
Strange: Wiki says her realm is on ocanthus and called "Castle Macabre". in "On Hallowed Ground" it's called Patterned Web and lies on Tintibulus. Planes of Law doesn't mention her at all.

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

Acording to MotP and the Planewalker encyclopedia, she's moved house (literally)

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

Interesting. I think I can get a MotP from some of my friends. Thanks.

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

I wonder why the move though? Neither source tells us... maybe its useful for the scythe adventure. I'm sure you could have loads of fun in an abandoned Power's own home.

hrabanus's picture
Joined: 2007-02-21
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD


which stats did you guys give Eyes' Desire and Ambergis?
I especially had fun making my version of Eyes' Desire and I like the fact, that she can use her extraordinary sense feat only when her cat familiar is within arms reach. Hm, maybe she should have more extraordinary sense feats...

Eyes' Desire CR 7 Female aasimar sorcerer 3/cleric 1 (Sharess)/rogue 1/ardent savant 2 [Sensates] CN Medium outsider (extraplanar, native) Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., extraordinary olfactory sense; Listen +8, Spot +8 Languages Celestial, Elven, Fiendish, Planar Trade, Sylvan ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AC 13, touch 12, flat-footed 11 hp 24 (7 HD) Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5 Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Speed 30 ft. (6 squares) Melee +1 silver dagger +5 (1d4/19-20)) Base Atk +2; Grp +1 Atk Options sneak attack +1d6 Special Actions Charisma boost 1/day (+4 Cha), freedom of movement 1 round/day, spontaneous casting (cure spells), turn undead 6/day (+3, 2d6+4, 1st) Combat Gear oil of bless weapon, scroll of blindness/deafness (DC 13), scroll of cat's grace, 2 scrolls of cure light wounds, scroll of dispel magic (CL 5th), wand of hold person (7 charges, DC 13) Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 4th) 2nd (4/day) – touch of idiocy (+4 touch) 1st (7/day) – sleep (DC 14), shocking grasp (+4 touch), ray of enfeeblement (+4 touch) 0 (6/day) – daze (DC 13), dancing lights, mage hand, message, prestidigitation, touch of fatigue (DC 13, +4 touch) Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 1st) 1st – charm person* (DC 13), comprehend languages, shield of faith 0 – detect magic, detect poison, guidance *: Domain Spell. Domains: Charm, Travel. Spell-Like Abilities (CL 7th) 1/day – daylight, enthrall (DC 15) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abilities Str 8, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 17 SQ familiar, lore +6, trapfinding Feats Alertness*, Combat Casting, Extraordinary Sense (olfactory), Weapon Finesse Skills Bluff +9, Concentration +6 (+10 casting defensively), Craft (calligraphy) +8, Diplomacy +7, Disguise +3 (+5 acting), Intimidate +5, Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge (history) +7, Knowledge (the planes) +7, Move Silently +5, Perform (dance) +11, Spellcraft +10, Listen +8, Search +4, Sense Motive +9, Sleight of Hand +9, Spot +8, Survival +2 (+4 on other planes, -3 when tracking by scent), Swim +4 Possessions combat gear plus +1 silver dagger, bracers of armor +1, cloak of resistance +1, elixir of love, 1.000 gp in jewelry and luxurious clothing, 17 pp, 3 gp

My Ambergis is rather boring:

Factotum Ambergis CR 7 Male half-orc cleric 6/dustman 1 [Dustmen] LE Medium humanoid (extraplanar, orc) Init -1; Senses darkvision; Listen +2, Spot +2 Languages Planar Trade, Orc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AC 17, touch 9, flat-footed 17; uncanny dodge hp 44 (7 HD) Fort +8, Ref +1, Will +11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Speed 30 ft. (6 squares) Melee mwk silver dagger +6 (1d4+1/19-20) Base Atk +4; Grp +5 Special Actions Profane Vigor; death touch 1/day (6d6), rebuke undead 4/day (+3, 2d6+7, 6th) spontaneous casting (inflict spells) Combat Gear scroll of divine favor, 2 scrolls of comprehend languages, 2 scrolls of cure moderate wounds, scroll of magic weapon Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 6th) 3rd – animate dead*, bestow curse (DC 15), dispel magic 2nd – augury*, bull's strength, cure moderate wounds (x2), hold person (DC 14) 1st – cause fear*, doom, sanctuary, shield of faith, summon monster I 0 – detect magic, guidance (x2), purify food and drink, read magic *: Domain Spell. Domains: Death, Fate. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abilities Str 12, Dex 8, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 12 SQ dead truce Feats Combat Casting, Iron Will, Profane Vigor Skills Concentration +11 (+15 casting defensively), Knowledge (arcana) +6, Knowledge (religion) +6, Knowledge (the planes) +6, Spellcraft +5, Survival +2 (+4 on other planes) Possessions combat gear plus masterwork silver dagger, +1 glamered half-plate (dustmen robe), amulet of abandoned flesh, 2 pp, 3 gp

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

For simplicity's sake a originally made Eyes a 7th level sorcerer, but I think that a couple of levels of rogue are probably needed to round her off - but she's ultimately customisable depending on how each DM wants to play her and what sourcebooks they have (Beguiler was a popular idea).

As for Ambergris.... yup, boring old dustie aint he?

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

Hello again all, it’s that time of the week when I prove that I’m still doing some work.

I’ve been reviewing the various posts from you playtest DMs recently, specifically the constructive criticisms on the pacing of Desire and the Dead, most prominently the fact that a - the PCs are denied a standard climax and b - will likely finish the scenario pretty torqued off and unfulfilled.

What follows is a technically optional encounter designed to give the PCs a more satisfying end to their adventure. Desire might have escaped them (at least as far as the adventure is concerned) but now they can enjoy a more traditional climactic fight, some good old-fashioned fiend-bashing, and feel like proper heroes (it also gives them an end to the plot if they completely miss/ignore what’s going on!)

Things are still a little rough around the edges, but I’d rather post it now before the playtests reach the end of the scenario. This Act requires a little more skill to run by DMs, so I’m particularly interested in your thoughts on how that’s presented and what other assistance we can give to the guy or gal behind the screen.

There are a few minor points in here that might be new to you – the names of the local gangs, the fact that the barmen of the Scolds Bridle are now full Norse ogres not half-ogres, etc… but there have been no major changes to the adventure. Stats from Féregnyúlván and the hordlings are from Planewalker articles (something I particularly wanted to include).


Once the PCs know the truth (or have got as far as they can), the party will likely be more than a little torqued off. Give them a few days to calm down and sweep up any loose threads they want to, perhaps with some minor incidents from the Random Encounter Table to occupy them if necessary.

If they’ve been largely successful, then the DM can also point out that things seems to be getting back to normal (normal for the Grey District anyway), and there’s talk of a collection is going round the district to reward the PCs for their efforts. Make the party feel good about themselves again - they’ve saved the Grey District from chaos.

And once they’ve suitably relaxed, the DM can spring one last surprise on them:

For once you can put your feet up in the Whispered Word and relax without brawls or barmies interrupting your ale. The crackling fire is warm, the company good, and even the grim décor is starting to look homely. With a wide smile, Bald Grum sets down another round of foaming tankards on your table.

“Relax,” he says as you reach for your pouch. “You’ve earned it.”

You smile and start to reply, but both are suddenly cut off - by a blast of chill air as the tavern door bursts open. An urchin staggers in; breathless, shaking, and pale as a ghost.

“They’re coming!” she gasps. “They’re really coming this time, I swear! They’ve got Sharky and Dru all strung up like hogs and they’re coming for us!”

“Who?” Grum demands.

“The Proud Pariahs.”

This time the fiend gang really is coming to sort the PC’s out. With Old Toadface gone or in the Dead Book and his greenjackets weakened by internal strife and clashes with other gangs, Rash has decided that the time is right to strike.

Once the urchin’s calmed down a little and caught her breath, she can fill the party in on what’s occurring: The Proud Pariahs are marching up Shuffle Street like a parade, killing everyone who won’t bow down and call them master. They’ve got the leaders of the Bloodmouths and Greenjackets with them, trussed up on poles like living banners. They’re telling everyone they pass that the Pariahs are taking over the Grey District, and plan to celebrate by painting the town red… using the adventurers’ blood.

Grum’s first question is simple: “Are you staying or going? We’ve got no right to hold you to this kind of trouble.”

The PCs have a little over an hour to decide.


A flood of people will soon start coming up Shuffle Street looking for the party, confirming the grim news. PCs can go and scout the gang themselves, send one of the local shifty types to look for them, or can use Gather Information (DC 15) to learn what’s coming: It’s Rash himself, something approaching a dozen chaotic fiends and monsters, and about twice that number of barmy tiefling beggars from the pyres. They have Dru (leader of the Bloodmouths) and Sharky (boss of the local Greenjackets) with them and there’s no sign that either of those gangs or anyone else is going to stop them.

At first glance, the situation looks utterly hopeless – the fiends are far too numerous and powerful to even consider fighting. Before PCs can panic and run however, they’ll discover that they don’t have to fight alone.

If the party has been honourable mercenaries, done their jobs, and made friends in the district, then more than a few residents are prepared to stand in the street with them. If they haven’t been up to scratch however, the situation may well look bleak – but hey, that’s their own fault.

Silent Brom will certainly fight alongside the PCs, regardless of what he personally thinks of them. This is his district, and he’ll die before seeing it ravaged by fiends.

Sven-Ole, Stunt-Bosi, and Ygg will be the first to line up after Brom. The ogre barmen of the Scold’s Bridle have never paid protection money or backed out of a fight, and have no plans to start now. Any current feud with the PCs will be forgiven in the face of the greater threat.

Jaime Foultongue will volunteer to fight as soon as word gets out. His zombie workers might also be put to good use by canny PCs.

2d6 locals will stand with the PCs - a mix of immigrants, guildsmen, and a few warriors from the local gangs (treat half as Average Berks, half as Violent Berks). They’re outclassed and will be slaughtered if pitted against any fiends, but are prepared to make a stand against their minions. PCs can add to their numbers with a CHS check (+1 local per full 5pts of result by each recruiter). Silent Brom will volunteer to lead these men and women into battle, unless a PC warrior would prefer to.

These people at least will stand with the party against the Proud Pariahs unless the PCs have somehow got them killed, but things will still look bleak against a dozen fiends and an army of cannibal tieflings. The PCs might well seek further reinforcements. Jink, impassioned speeches, and the calling in of debts might enlist the following support for their cause, at the DM’s option. The chief factor here is how well they have done in their job of protecting the district (which is different to how successful they were against Eyes Desire), and how many friends they’ve made.

Remember that the party only has about an hour until the Pariahs arrive. No other significant events will have drained their resources today however, so at least they should be at full strength.

The Funerary Guild is sympathetic, but more concerned with locking up its property and hiding its goods than fighting. The few guildsmen available and willing to fight are included in the numbers above.

The Dustmen will not provide any help to the defenders, saying that the affairs of the living are not their concern; who rules in the alleys is nothing to them. This message will be delivered by Factotum Ambergris however, and the PCs have one chance to convince him otherwise. Only a Diplomacy check of 30+ will convince the halforc to assist them - the difficulty is so high because of Ambergris’ emotionless conviction and the fact that passionate speeches mean nothing to him. Other PCs can assist the main speaker by making assist rolls, and the PC gets a +10 bonus if they can spell out how his help will benefit his Faction. If successful, Ambergris stays.

Narma the Loud could be persuaded to lend a hand (Diplomacy DC 20) but only with healing and bardic abilities, not outright fighting. He’ll retreat if directly attacked in the battle.

If they were kind to him, Fingers the Ghast will join the battle on their side (regardless of what the Dustmen say).

Lanis the Deathmonger will fight if he thinks the PC’s have a plan and a force that has a fighting chance. He has no desire to be under the thumb of fiends, but isn’t interesting joining a heroic last stand.

Even the Joculators might make an appearance if they’re still loose (or in captivity). They’re dedicated to the beautiful and benevolent aspects of chaos, and fiends are certainly no friends of theirs; of course they’ll bring Grimjaw with them too if possible.

Other NPC allies might also be available, depending on how the adventure has progressed. Bald Grum, Mother Xero, and Gnarlybone will volunteer, but won’t take a direct role in the fighting. These three will coordinate the forces defending the Whispered Word, which is soon filled with frightened refugees. A few of the citizens (including Gnarlybone) hiding in there do have bows however, and are prepared to shoot from the upper storey windows if the PCs set up anywhere nearby.

Unfortunately Deadwick will not involve himself in this barkle, regardless of what the players say or offer to pay. It suits his humour to watch them struggle and die, but might offer to animate their corpses afterwards. Although he’ll emerge onto his balcony to observe the fight, he won’t intervene unless the PCs somehow trick the Pariahs into attacking his tower, but even the Fiend Gang will give him a wide berth, however.


Shutters slam, doors are barred, and scared berks cower behind makeshift barricades. The Whispered Word is hastily transformed into a last redoubt, and Bald Grum passes out what weapons he has to the refugees and staff: sickles and scythe-blades, confiscated knives, even broken bottles and clubs made from chair legs. Children and the infirm are sent upstairs (along with the handful of bowmen), and the rest guard every door and window.

The PCs may set up their defences however they wish. Cautious (or just paranoid) adventurers may already have made plans for just such an invasion, or they may be improvising with little time to spare. The major NPCs will council the party if required, but the final plan is ultimately up to them. Gnarlybone or other canny locals will at least lann the PCs to the gang’s probable tactics:

“This is a turf war. They’ll come up the main street bold as brass and talking big. Rash’s a sly berk, but there’s a certain form to these things. They’ll want to do this out in the open, where everyone can see and the outcome is not in doubt. It’s not just about killing you – it’s about doing it as publicly and messily as possible.”

The Pariahs are having a good time on their way up, so our heroes will have a short wait before the big event. Just before the fiends arrive a fine drizzle starts to fall on the Grey District, accompanied by a chill fresh breeze that seemingly blows out of nowhere. About them the normally pervasive haze recedes a little, and the characters can take a few breaths of good clean air.

“Well look at that,” says Silent Brom looking upwards. “You can see right over to Lady’s Ward. Never been clear enough for that before. All them parks and palaces, what a sight... I wonder what they’re doing right now?”

“Same thing we are,” Jaime laughs, “except all dressed in silk.”

Shortly after this, the PCs get their first look at the gang:

A terrible screeching tune is the first sign of the Pariahs’ approach, if you can call such a dire cacophony ‘music’ at all. Howling, banging, and clanging, the Proud Pariahs make their way up Shuffle Street like a carnival coming to town; a carnival accompanied by terrified screams the smell of burning flesh. As the last refugees come fleeing past, you catch your first good skeg at the fiend gang that’s here to put you in the Dead Book:

The mass is easily thirty strong, and swaggers up the street with easy confidence. First come a wave of cackling imps, gibbering and laughing as they fly from lintel to lintel. Behind these come a pair of bludderous fiends, like the bloated corpses of obese dwarfs. Each holds up a long pole, like a banner. Tied to each is a blackened figure, broken by torture and seared by fire. They moan and twitch in wretched agony with every step - Sharky and Dru, leaders of the Grey District gangs.

The rest of the Proud Pariahs fill the street behind their heralds – a mix of misshapen fiends and monsters surrounded by scabrous tieflings smeared with ash. These capering beggar-musicians clash gongs and cymbals of copper, sound battered horns, beat drums made from freshly stretches flesh, and tap out a jaunty beat with bloody bones.

Rash himself strides along in the centre of his mob, a gaunt figure covered in sticky red gore and giant crimson blisters. A lipless mouth grins beneath a skull-like face, behind which a curving ivory horn sweeps up and over his head. He cheerfully waves a conductor’s baton to direct the dreadful noise, as he almost dances with up the street towards you.

The PCs can open fire as soon as they see the fiends, or can lure them in closer with talk. Rash will happily rattle his bonebox with them, as it gives him a chance to talk big. Any attempt at negotiations will be utterly fruitless however, as Rash’s conditions include robbing everyone, humiliating the locals, and the dead bodies of the player characters. Sooner or later, blood will be spilled!

“What gives you the right?” Rash snarls. “To come down here and make law among the lawless. This is the Hive, sod - Even the Hardheads never dared come here in numbers less than twenty! You expecting their help, or maybe a legion of Archons to come swooping in? Well two more greens and up goes the fhorge, berk. You soulbag mortals got no place out here in the planes – and those of you leatherheaded enough to come need to learn who’s in charge...”


A sample roster for the Pariahs is given below, but not all of them will be directly involved in attacking the PCs – their allies will also get their share. The quasits for example, are not really under Rash’ control and do little more than cackle and catcall at everyone. Many of the gang also have their own agendas, such as finding a victim to torture or just looting the dead. There are also many tiefling beggars in the attack, but the majority only rant, cower, play their bloody instruments, or run around like barmies during the fight.

The DM should tailor the exact difficulty of this final battle to their group, based on the PCs’ combat ability and available magic. Use reinforcements from the Quasits, a new wave of local volunteers (or even the return of Sougad Sodkiller) to help balance out any fights which are turn out to be too hard or too easy.

The fight should be hard but not impossible, unless the PCs are alone for some reason – but remember that this encounter should be easier if the PCs have behaved in a friendly and honourable way – heroic groups will really gain the benefit of their higher example here, whereas known thugs and knights of the post will only get what they deserve.

DMs should consult page 49 of the DMG and the lists below for a rough guide to the battle’s difficulty, but remember that this should be a battle the PCs are proud of for good long time. The district certainly won’t forget them in a hurry, win or lose.

No Allies
If the PCs are stood alone in the street then they’re going to have to fight the whole gang at once and are almost certainly doomed…

• Wave of twelve beggars
• Retch & Puke
• Féregnyúlván
• Snatch & Voop
• Gerr
• Tar Mouth
• Rash

PCs have only minimal reinforcements
Although they have some help, the party are missing a major portion of their forces for some reason (such as the ogre brothers, all the major NPCs, or the local levy).

• Wave of ten beggars
• Retch & Puke
• Féregnyúlván
• Gerr
• Rash

PCs have support from a force of local NPCs
This is the basic level of defence that gives them a fighting chance. Their allies consist of Jaime Foultongue, Silent Brom, the ogre brothers, plus a levy of minor NPCs.

• Wave of eight beggars
• Retch & Puke
• Rash

PCs have extensive reinforcements
All the above NPCs plus additional major allies such as Factotum Ambergris, Deadwick, Grimjaw and the Joculators, or significant allies from outside the adventure.

• Wave of eight tiefling beggars
• Rash

The DM should notethat many of the party’s opponents will not fight to the death. Rash will teleport away if badly injured, Tar Mouth and the hordlings will look to flee if seriously injured, and the beggars will break if two-thirds of them are killed. It’s unlikely that the PCs will wipe out the Proud Pariahs completely in this battle, but the gang will be forced to retreat and lick its wounds – and perhaps be made victim of other even worse gangs.

How exactly the battle goes and who survives is ultimately up to the DM and any preparations the player characters make.

Rash, Tar Mouth, and Féregnyúlván are deserters from the Blood War who abandoned their post in some forgotten trench of the Stinging Sands of Minethys – a Blood War battlefield notorious even among the fiends. They hooked up with Gerr and the hordlings shortly after arriving in the Hive, and both the tieflings and quasits are occasional minions when the need arises. Each of their listed opponents has their tactics detailed below, but they are also summarised here:

• Quasits fly around above the battle, laughing and taunting and only occasionally getting involved

• The Tiefling Beggars are sent in first, as an expendable test of the defenders (but only half fight effectively)

• Gerr just roars and charges the nearest enemy

• Retch & Puke lumber forward to attack, wielding their banners

• Rash makes for the PC’s – specifically for their visible leader

• Tar Mouth looks for cover and then uses his crossbow

• Voop & Snatch pick a rich victim to assault and rob

• Féregnyúlván looks for a suitable victim to torture

Rash Redwelt

Rash leads the Proud Pariahs with a mix of brutal intimidation, bold speeches, and clever planning. He’s inventing and cunning rather than being a skilled tactician, and is rather theatrical; Rash enjoys putting on a show for his victims.

Tactics: Rash initially sends in a wave of expendable attackers to occupy his enemies, then heads straight for the PCs. He attacks the most powerful PC he perceives, moving to flank opponents using his Greater Teleport ability. Rash fights until reduced around 10hps or until the battle is obviously lost, then retreats via Teleport.

If forced to flee, Rash swears undying vengeance upon the PCs but will have pressing concerns of his own for a while - the Hive isn’t easy to survive when you’ve taken a battering, even if you’re a fiend. Being AWOL from his post in the Blood War, Rash will not use his Summon Demon ability during the battle.

Rash, CR 6 Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Extraplanar, Evil) Chaotic Evil Init +1; Senses Listen +19, Search +20, Spot + Languages: Abyssal, Lower Planar Trade ______________________________________________

AC 19 touch 11, flat-footed 18 (+1 Dex, +8 natural)
Hp 66 (7 HD)
Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +6
Speed 30ft

Melee 2x claw +12 (1d6+5), bite +7 (1d6+2)
Base Atk +7; Grp +12

Special Combat Options: Alchemical Boils, Sneak Attack +2d6, Spell-like Abilities, Summon Demon


Abilities: Str 21, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 16

SQ: Damage Reduction 10/cold Iron or Good, Darkvision 60 ft., Immunity to Electricity and Poison, Protective Slime, Resistance to acid 10, cold 10, and fire 10, Spell Resistance 14, Telepathy 100 ft.

Feats: Cleave, Multiattack, Power Attack

*Skills: Climb +15, Disable Device +12, Disguise +13, Escape Artist +11, Hide +19, Move Silently +19, Open Lock +11, Sleight of Hand +11, Survival +1 (+3 following tracks), Use Rope +1 (+3 with bindings)

*Babau have a +8 racial bonus on Hide, Listen, Move Silently, and Search checks.

A babau’s natural weapons, as well as any weapons it wields, are treated as chaotic-aligned and evil-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Sneak Attack (Ex): A babau can make a sneak attack like a rogue, dealing an extra 2d6 points of damage whenever a foe is denied his or her Dexterity bonus, or when the babau is flanking.

Spell-Like Abilities (Caster level 7th), at will - Darkness, Dispel Magic, See Invisibility, Greater Teleport (self plus 50 pounds of objects only).

Alchemical Boils (ex): Rash’s virulent red boils act like a living alchemical lab, producing (among other unpleasant things) alchemical fire and unholy water. It takes 3 days for the liquid to brew to fruition, during which time Rash must consume various components equal to 1/3 the market price. He can have up to five boils ‘brewing’ at once; he currently has three alchemical fire boils and two pustules of unholy water.

Protective Slime (Su): A slimy red jelly coats the babau’s skin. Any weapon that touches it takes 1d8 points of acid damage from the corrosive goo, and the weapon’s hardness does not reduce this damage. A magic weapon may attempt a DC 18 Reflex save to avoid taking this damage. A creature who strikes the babau with an unarmed attack, unarmed strike, touch spell, or natural weapon takes this damage as well but can negate the damage with a DC 18 Reflex save. The save DCs are Constitution-based.

Summon Demon (Sp): Once per day a babau can attempt to summon 1 babau with a 40% chance of success. This ability is the equivalent of a 3rd-level spell.

TREASURE: Rash wears a sporran in which he keeps a few treasures: mementoes from victims, a crude map of some trenches marked with helpful scrawls like ‘PIT FIEND’ and ‘REALLY SODDING AWFUL’ and two vials of silversheen. The bone he was waving like a conductor’s baton is actually a Wand of Summon Monster I, carved with various animalistic hieroglyphics along its length. It has 30 charges remaining but can only summon creatures of animal intelligence (not that Rash can’t use it – he doesn’t even know what it does).

Tar Mouth

Tar Mouth is a highly unusual dretch, the match of Rash is cunning if not intelligence. Its lower jaw is bruise-coloured, loose, and distended, and constantly foams with thick black drool, giving it a slurping lisp. Survival is Tar Mouth’s primary aim but his real skill is in appearing too useful to be expendable. He serves as Rash’ second in command, messenger, and torturer.

Tactics: Tar Mouth prefers to hang back, firing his heavy crossbow (once he finds some cover). He’ll happily brawl with anyone who attacks him but looks to retreat if he takes more than 10pts of damage. Once the battle looks lost, his first priority is escape.

Tar Mouth, CR 4 Small Outsider (Chaotic, Extraplanar, Evil) Chaotic Evil Init +1; Senses Listen +10, Spot +10 Languages: Abyssal ______________________________________________

AC 17 touch 12, flat-footed 16 (+1 Dex, +1 size, +5 natural)
Hp 26 (4 HD)
Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +5
Speed 20ft

Melee 2x claws +9 (1d6+3), bite +6 (1d4+1)
Ranged Magical Heavy Crossbow +6 (1d10+1)
Base Attack +4; Grp +2

Special Combat Options: Spell-like abilities, summon demon
Combat Gear: Heavy Crossbow +1

Abilities: Str 16, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10
SQ: Damage reduction 5/cold iron or good, Darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity and poison, resistance to acid 10, cold 10, and fire 10, telepathy 100 ft.
Feats: Multiattack, Weapon focus (claws)
Skills: Hide +12, Listen +10, Move Silently +8, Spot +10, Search +7, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks)

A dretch’s natural weapons, as well as any weapons it wields, are treated as chaotic-aligned and evil-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day—scare (DC 12), stinking cloud (DC 13). Caster level 2nd.

Summon Demon (Sp): Once per day a dretch can attempt to summon another dretch with a 35% chance of success. This ability is the equivalent of a 1st-level spell.

Telepathy (Su): Dretches can communicate telepathically with creatures within 100 feet that speak Abyssal.

TREASURE: Tar Mouth’s heavy crossbow is an evil-looking thing, whose arms are carved to resemble a bat-like wings spread out from a leering Balor’s face (2,050gp). Sewn into the base of his cheap-looking leather quiver (Spot DC 25, Search DC 20) are three gemstones: A dunite (light green with white speckles, 20gp), a mottled jasper (black, brown, and green, 85gp), and a tiger’s eye chrysoberyl (light brown, 200gp).


Féregnyúlván is a Karaycai or ‘spellslinger demon’, a grey worm-like Tanar’ri who served as torturer for Rash’ unit before it absconded. It communicates via telepathy but cannot control it: everyone within ten feet of the creature hears what it"says" –a constant mantra of the hideous tortures it plans to perform. See’s Creature Codex for more information.

Tactics: Féregnyúlván attacks the weakest and most terrifying victim he sees. Once an opponent is weakened it strikes to subdue; torturing the victim and virtually ignoring the battle around it. It flees if reduced to less than 20 hit points.

Féregnyúlván, CR 5
Small Outsider (Chaotic, Extraplanar, Evil)
Chaotic Evil
Init +9; Senses Listen +13, Spot +13
Languages: Special

AC 20 touch 16, flat-footed 15 (+1 size, +5 Dex, +4 natural)
Hp 60 (8 HD)
Saves: Fort +9 Ref +11 Will +10
Speed 30ft

Melee Bite +11 melee (1d3+3)
Base Atk +8; Grp +6

Special Combat Options: Spell-like abilities, Spellslinging, summon demon

Abilities: Str 14, Dex 21, Con 16, Int 18, Wis 15, Cha 16
SQ: Darkvision 60 ft., immune to electricity and poison, resistance (acid 10, cold 10, fire 10), telepathy 100 ft., DR 10/cold iron or good, SR 17

Feats: Boost Spell Resistance, Improved Initiative, Iron Will
Skills: Bluff +14, Concentration +14, Diplomacy +16, Hide +20, Knowledge (arcana) +15, Listen +13, Move Silently +16, Search +15, Sense Motive +13, Spellcraft +17, Spot +13, Swim +13

Féregnyúlván’s natural weapons are treated as chaotic-aligned and evil-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Spell-like Abilities (Sp): 3/day – clairaudience/clairvoyance, darkness, desecrate, detect thoughts, fly, shield, suggestion, telekinesis. Cha-based save DC 13 + spell level; caster level 10th.

Spellslinging (Su): A karaycai twists the chaotic nature of the Abyss to impede and absorb incoming spells. When a spell is cast within 60 ft. of the karaycai, the caster must make a Spellcraft check against DC 15 + spell level. If the check fails, the spell is absorbed with no other effect. The karaycai can then unleash the same spell as a spell-like ability (using the original caster’s level and save DC) as a standard action within 24 hours of absorption. A karaycai can store up to 5 such effects at any one time.

Summon Demons (Sp): A karaycai can summon 1d3 karaycai (30% chance) or 1d6 rutterkin (40% chance) 1/day. This is equivalent to a 3rd-level spell. See Book of Vile Darkness (pp.170-171) for rutterkin.


Gerr the Troll

Gerr is a typical gangly troll; more scarred by fire and acid than his primer kin (planars being a canny lot) but otherwise much the same as trolls everywhere: He’s reckless, violent, and has little sense of his own mortality. He has armour spikes pushed through his face and scalp, creating a fearsome appearance (and giving him a headbutt attack against any Pariahs who torque him off).

Tactics: Gerr charges the nearest enemy and fights to the death.

Gerr, CR 5 Large Giant Chaotic Evil Init +2; Senses Listen +5, Spot +6 Languages: Abyssal ______________________________________________

AC 16 touch 11, flat-footed 14 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +5 natural)
Hp 63 (6 HD)
Fort +11, Ref +4, Will +3
Speed 30ft

Melee 2x claw +9 melee (1d6+6), and bite +4 (1d6+3) or Cold Iron headbutt (1d6+3)
Base Atk +4; Grp +14

Special Combat Options: Rend 2d6+9
Combat Gear: Cold Iron spikes

Abilities: Str 23, Dex 14, Con 23, Int 6, Wis 9, Cha 6
SQ: Darkvision 90 ft, Low-light Vision, Regeneration 5, Scent

Feats: Alertness, Iron Will, Track

Rend (Ex): If a troll hits with both claw attacks, it latches onto the opponent’s body and tears the flesh. This attack automatically deals an additional 2d6+9 points of damage.

Regeneration (Ex): Fire and acid deal normal damage to a troll. If a troll loses a limb or body part, the lost portion regrows in 3d6 minutes. The creature can reattach the severed member instantly by holding it to the stump.

TREASURE: If removed from his flesh after the fight, the Cold Iron spikes could be added to armour by a craftsman, or simply sold for 100gp.

Retch & Puke

Retch and Puke are particularly strong but mindless dretches, baring a superficial resemblance to the bloated corpses of beardless dwarfs. “Want kill…” is about as sophisticated as they get. They only take orders from Rash or Tar Mouth – Retch and Puke feel a strange mix of jealousy and reverence for Tar Mouth because he can speak.

Tactics: Retch and Puke initially attack with their banner poles (treat as long spears), but will drop them and change to natural weapons if commanded to. They both fight to the death as long as Rash or Tar Mouth are alive and fighting.

Retch & Puke, EL 4 Small Outsider (Chaotic, Extraplanar, Evil) Chaotic Evil Init +0; Senses Listen +4, Spot +4 Languages: Telepathy, understands Abyssal ______________________________________________

AC 14 touch 9, flat-footed 16 (+1 size, -2 Dex, +5 natural)
Hp 13 (2 HD)
Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +3
Speed 20ft

Melee: Banner +4 (1d10 +6)
Melee: 2x claw +7 (1d6+1), bite +5 (1d4)
Base Atk +2; Grp +4

Special Combat Options: Spell-like Abilities, Summon Demon
Combat Gear: Banner (treat as improvised long spear)

Abilities: Str 18, Dex 6, Con 14, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 5
SQ: Damage reduction 5/cold iron or good, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity and poison, resistance to acid 10, cold 10, and fire 10, telepathy 100 ft.
Feats: Multiattack

Spell-Like Abilities (Caster level 2nd): 1/day - scare (DC 9), stinking cloud (DC 10).

Summon Demon (Sp): Once per day a dretch can attempt to summon another dretch with a 35% chance of success. This ability is the equivalent of a 1st-level spell.

Telepathy (Su): Dretches can communicate telepathically with creatures within 100 feet that speak Abyssal.


Snatch & Voop

These hordlings are the last remaining of a pack that once haunted to Pyre District. Their fellows were massacred by the Pariahs, but these two were spared because Rash saw the usefulness of a pair of skilled thieves – skilled but small and weak enough to push around. The pair steal effectively but almost instinctively, like jackdaws. Their statistics are drawn from’s Creature Codex.

Tactics: Snatch and Voop stick together and prefer to work as a team (including use of the Aid Another manoeuvre). Snatch normally attacks first to Trip an opponent, supported by Voop with his spittle. If they bring down an opponent with no other threats nearby, they’ll spend 1d3 rounds tearing any treasure off the corpse. Both hordlings have absolutely no loyalty to the gang, and will flee if reduced to 20hp or less – award 30% less experience for this encounter.

Voop & Snatch, EL 6 Small Outsider Neutral Evil Init +2; Senses Listen +4, Spot +6 Languages: Lower Planar Trade ______________________________________________

AC 14 touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +1 natural)
Hp 39 (6 HD)
Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +5
Speed 20ft (Voop has fly 40ft, average)

Melee 2x claw +9 (1d4), Bite +4 (1d6)
Base Atk +6; Grp +2

Special Combat Options: Spittle


Abilities: Str 10, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 3, Wis 11, Cha 8
SQ: Darkvision 60ft and see below
Feats: Great Fortitude, Improved Toughness, Weapon Finesse
Skills: Climb +9, Jump +4, Hide +12, Move Silently +8 (Snatch also has Sleight of Hand +10, and Voop has Pick Lock +8)

Snatch looks like a hideous halfling, buried under the loose folds of his own flesh. He can stretch himself taut however, gaining five feet of height and a reach of 10ft. He’s skilled in unarmed combat and attacks in a tangle or limbs that can send opponents crashing to the ground.

Telescopic Attack (Ex): Snatch may be able to extend its arms telescopically, thereby increasing the reach of its claw attacks to 10ft.

Trip (Ex): If the hits with a claw attack, it can attempt to trip the opponent as a free action without making a touch attack or provoking attacks of opportunity. If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip the hordling.

Voop has mottled skin like a crocodile, wings like a dragonfly, and a face that’s a cross between a leech and a tentacle. Voop can spew a stream of acrid vomit on opponents for 2d4 acid damage, and also use his ‘tongue’ (a thin prehensile tendril set with thorn-like hooks) to pick locks.

Fly (ex): 40ft, Average manoeuvrability

Spittle, Lesser (Ex): The hordling can spit at a target within 10 ft. as a ranged touch attack, dealing 2d4 points of acid damage.

TREASURE: A veritable horde of various bright shiny objects are concealed about the persons of these two, worth a total of 300gp.

Mad Tiefling Beggars

These cannibalistic barmies certainly aren’t effective combatants, but attack en masse in a frenzied wave of sharpened teeth and rusty knives. They wear only threadbare rags and are smeared in ashes. Most of them are disfigured one way or another. The beggars are pressed into service by the Pariahs and serve only out of fear.

Tactics: The beggars attack in a single mass, but it’s a scrum of competing blows, not a coordinated assault. At any given time only about half the beggars are acting competently; the rest howl and caper, steal what they can, and drag off anyone incapacitated to feed. Although individual beggars fight to the death, as a group they break if more than two-thirds of them are slain. They each save their Darkness ability to aid their escape.

Award PCs 20% less XP for this encounter, due to the limited resources of their foes (no armour and only a weak weapon)

Mad Tiefling Beggar, CR ½ Medium Outsider (Native) 1st level Warrior Chaotic Evil Init +3; Senses Listen -2, Spot -2 Languages: Lower Planar Trade ______________________________________________

AC 13 touch 13, flat-footed 10 (+3 Dex)
Hp 5 (1 HD)
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will -2
Speed 30 ft.

Melee Dagger +4 (1d4)
Base Atk +1; Grp +1

Special Combat Options: Darkness (1/day)
Combat Gear: Rusty knife

Abilities: Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 6, Cha 3
SQ: Darkvision (60ft), Resistance to Cold/electricity/Fire 5
Feats: Weapon Finesse
Skills: Bluff -2, Diplomacy -4, Hide +5, Move Silently +4, Profession (Beggar) +2, Sleight of Hand +4

Possessions: Ash-smeared rags, knife, handful of personal objects worth 1d3cp.

Darkness (Sp): A tiefling can use darkness once per day (caster level equal to class levels).

Diseased (ex): Fort Save (DC 12), or catch Filth Fever. See DMG, p292 for details.


The Quasits

These Quasits are part of a nest that lairs in the Pyres. They’re greedy and playful creatures, filled with spiteful cruelty. The pack is an anarchic mass without any organisation or plan. Their nominal leader is a Quasit called Black Eye, who has one shrunken and squinting orb and one swollen and bulbous like a toad’s. They hide their treasure in nooks and crannies, not carrying any with them for fear it would be stolen by the Pariahs. If Lord Winsome is still with the party for some reason, he immediately seeks out Black Eye and attacks him – the pair are old enemies and the grudge goes deep.

Tactics: Much as Rash would like to think otherwise, the quasits aren’t under his control. They don’t really answer to anyone, although Black Eye is their usual spokesman with the gang. Mostly the quasits flap around above the battle, throwing rocks and faeces at the defenders, picking of stragglers and the wounded and trying to steal any treasure they can find.

Quasit, CR 2 Tiny Outsider (Chaotic, Extraplanar, Evil) Chaotic Evil Init +7; Senses Listen +7, Spot +6 Languages: Abyssal, Lower Planar Trade ______________________________________________

AC 18 touch 15, flat-footed 15 (+2 size, +3 Dex, +3 natural)
Hp 13 (3 HD)
Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +4
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares), fly 50 ft. (perfect)

Melee 2x Claw +8 melee (1d3–1 plus poison) and Bite +3 melee (1d4–1)
Base Atk +3; Grp -6

Special Combat Options: Poison, Spell-like abilities

Abilities: Str 8, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 13

SQ: Alternate Form, Damage Reduction 5/cold iron or good, Darkvision 60 ft., Fast Healing 2, Immunity to poison, Resistance to fire 10

Feats: Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse
Skills: Bluff +7, Diplomacy +3, Disguise +0 (+2 acting), Hide +17, Intimidate +3, Knowledge (any one) +6, Move Silently +9, Search +6, Spellcraft +6

Poison (Ex): Injury, Fortitude DC 13, initial damage 1d4 Dex, secondary damage 2d4 Dex. The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +2 racial bonus.

Spell-Like Abilities (Caster level 6TH)
At will - Detect Good, Detect Magic, and Invisibility (self only)
1/day – Cause Fear (as the spell, except that its area is a 30-foot radius from the quasit, save DC 11).
1/week - Commune (six questions, caster level 12).

Alternate Form (Su): Can assume the form of an evil-looking raven at will, as a standard action.



If the Pariahs are defeated then the party will be hailed as heroes and saviours of the district. They can enjoy free ale and hospitality for many days, and receive a friendly welcome for the rest of their lives. A party atmosphere – almost – grips the Grey District in the wake of the fiendish retreat. The tale of their battle grows with the telling, and local graffiti artists soon begin to daub the walls with their image in celebration. Whenever they go out in the Grey District now, they’re always accompanied by friendly greetings or a nod of respect, even from the gangs.

Once the Thurible is removed from circulation, the incense’s effects will wear off and things will return to a semblance of normality (ignore any random encounter that involve the Thurible’s effects). Although much quieter now, they’ll still be plenty to occupy PCs who want to continue working in the district - this is still the Hive, after all.

Ultimately, the party’s contract with the Voices of Wailer’s Square can last as long as the DM wants, or until the PCs get bored or rich enough to move elsewhere. Even the Grey District of the Hive is not a particularly nice place to live once a berk gets some decent jink in his pouch.

On the other hand, the party might feel rather attached and protective of the people of the District, and want to stay. Once the chaos has died down, Bald Grum and the others will be happy with the PCs taking more of a backseat role in keeping the area quiet, with plenty of time off for adventures unless emergency threatens again. Of course, they’ll have to pay for their rooms and board now, but the district will keep rewarding them in small ways: occasional free food and drink, scarves and sweaters knitted by friendly old ladies, and of course should the worst happen they’ll always be entitled to a free funeral attended by the entire Wailers Guild.

Once the PCs embark on a proper career as adventurers, the monetary value of these rewards will swiftly become negligible, but it’s the friends that count.


The PCs may have had several patrons during the adventure, each of whom has a different criteria for success:

• If news of the plot leaks out, Dustmen in general will also be a friendlier with the PCs, in their usual dry way. Regular workers of the Guild will also be rather well disposed to the PCs – and of course all the locals are happy to have seen the fiends defeated.

The Voices will be happy if the PCs stayed and fought the Pariahs, and if chaos subsides caused by the Thurible is removed without blood washing through the streets. They’re especially impressed if the PCs can explain why it all happened, but they’re not concerned with revenge.

Ambergris will be satisfied once he knows who is responsible, especially if the PCs can give him Eyes’ name. He’ll be content with the words “Sensate plot” however, and begin working on vengeance of his own. He’s prepared to use the PCs as agents of this vengeance if they’re amenable, but they’ll have to be patient while he schemes up some appropriate retribution.

Eyes Desire will be satisfied if the PCs give her the Thurible, make sensorium recordings of their adventure, and show some level of discretion regarding her name afterwards. She’ll only consider vengeance against them if they aggravate her or launch a physical attack.

A week or so after ‘the Battle of Shuffle Street’ - just as the parties are dying down - the voices will reward the PCs with a small selection of minor magical items, donated by locals or bought by their hard-earned jink. The DM should award each character a minor item (preferably a permanent one) of whatever type the locals think is appropriate, up to a value of 1,000gp each. This treasure represents every last green the district could scrape together as a reward... but it’s willingly given.


Assuming they actually managed to finish the adventure with the Thurible of Desire, the PCs will have obtained a valuable magical item and quite a bit of interest in it.

The Dustmen and Eyes Desire will both want the item (to destroy it and to use it again respectively) and will send agents to purchase it, intimidate the PCs into handing it over, or simply steal it. If the PCs are strong enough to hold out and force a good price off the people involved, they can get 14,000gp for their troubles. If the PCs go for a quick sale or one to someone who thinks the item is stolen (and Eyes will see that this information gets out if she can – it is her legal property, after all), then the sale will net the PCs far less (around a quarter to half the price above).

If the PCs think to approach the Gatehouse however, about using the Thurible for its original purpose (healing those who have lost their emotions), the staff will happily take the item off their hands, giving the PCs a good price and a good feeling as well.

Arytiss's picture
Joined: 2006-08-11
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

Looks good, though it might be an idea to add a couple more small details relating to the Pariah's if we're going to end like this. Otherwise it might seem a bit off to the players who've been spending all their time concentrating on the Joculators and Fingers. It's as if you've decided to dispense with the last plot and start a new one. I like that it changes depending on how well the players have been doing at making allies.

One other thing about Rash, and moderately important. If I recall correctly (I don't have access to my books at the moment), isn't it impossible to teleport inside Sigil since those sort of spells require access to the Astral Plane. Also (though less important), summoning spells will only work if there's a creature of the type being summoned within Sigil. There's a reason you never see Shemeska or A'kin summoning Arcanoloths.

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

Your completely right about the forshadowing and about the Summoning ability of Tanar'ri (I'll add it into their descriptions)

As to Teleport however, they can - but only between places in Sigil

PSCS download says:

Other spells such as summoning and similar conjuration magic fail spectacularly within Sigil, although some wizards are said to know of spots within the city where by chance, or more likely the Lady’s will, such spells do work, within limitation. Plane shift spells fail, though teleportation works within the confines of the city.

Good points though - I had to check myself, to be sure.

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

INteresting bit. Now I have to decide wether to run that tomorrow or more of Eternal Boundary. Oh, the horrible problems. Running a mass battle on such a scale will be rather chaotic, I guess and difficult to handle. So I guess, I won't do it.

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

Have your players finished the scenario then? What did they think?

Thanks for all the great input by the way

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

They had a pretty standard ending. They confronted Eyes Desire, talked to here and left, pretty angry about not doing anything. I expected them to either try to kill her or join her.
I think, judging by their reaction, they expected that she would kill them. But she just laughed at them and their accusations and let them go.
By the way, I was just talking to the swordsage per messenger while typing this and he thinks that there should have been a better way to handle the thurible, especially since they tried to use it on Eyes Desire. I didn't really know how to react to that, so I said that Eyes Desire didn't react at all, except laughing some more ("I don't have any supressed emotions"). He thought that the thurible should have been an auto-knock out on her.

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

Mmm, a nice try for Kharmic justice - that would be rather poetic. That had not occured to me either - I suppose that if they somehow used it on her and then got her passionate enough about things she'd proudly confess her plot (like Jack Nicholson at the end of A Few Good Men)

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

Well, I was really surprised at that moment, since that was an option I never even thought about. So I just let her make her will save. Normally I don't do stuff like that and try to reward players for good ideas, but I didn't have any idea what to say.

Arytiss's picture
Joined: 2006-08-11
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

Here's an interesting plan which may work if the PC's try to gather a bit more info on the Sensates:

PC: I suggest that you come with us and confess your entire plan to the Sons of Mercy.
Eyes: Now why would I do something like that?
PC: Because you've never done it before.

After all, it worked on her factol. Laughing out loud

Something that will put her in a bit of a bind. I would suggest the SoM rather than the Sodkillers since Eyes might be more likely to accompany the PC's if there a reater chance of leniency.

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

Well, the players gave it up and so we ended the adventure and started on the eternal boundary. But of course there are still some of the characters from the previous adventure around and the players still hang out in the Whispered Word. Oh, and, just as a nice detail and to create some foreshadowing for my plan with Wee Jas and the Caput Mortis, the "Blood Pit" mentioned in the adventure belongs to Lanis the Deathmonger as well.
Also, I decided to run the adventure a second time, now online in a forum. Will be in the german forum I usually hang out and play as a character, because I know a lot of people there and I can get my own subforum. And I want to try translating the whole story to german.

Flame_Drake's picture
Joined: 2004-12-05
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

Looks good Armoury!

Okay so we finally got the games started, you can find the link to it here:

We haven’t done to much and once we’ve gotten some mores stuff done I’ll let you guys know, but I think everyone like the premise of the game and the execution at the moment.


Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

So, the first two characters are finished, the others should come soon.
The first one is Uthred Ragnarson, a Viking from a world similar to ours in the tenth century. He went overboard in a storm and woke up in mother Xeros Morticiary. He's a barbarian1/ranger 1.
The second one is a young Khaasta named Hathoran from Toril. (The monster class from this site and one level of scout.) During a battle which they lost his dying father pushed him through a portal.
The others will most likely be a Favoured Soul and a bard, with a possible fifth character.

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

Excellent news from you both! Having had lots of helpful DM feedback so far, I'm really enjoying actually seeing the scenario unfold 'round by round' on a forum.

I look forward to what's to come. Hopefully my own playtest will be up and running in a couple of weeks too.

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

I think I like my new players.
Me (Explaining the Dustmen): Blablabla life is bad, blablabla true death, blablabla no feelings, blablabla undead, blablabla mortuary.
Player: So they are goth-buddhists?

Flame_Drake's picture
Joined: 2004-12-05
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

That's one of the nice things about forums isn't it?

Anyhow, we're just rapping up the initial meeting with the Voices, it looks like their going to try and head off the Joculators first.

Just as a recap of my players since a few things have changed since last time I posted:

Zebidiah Agni - CG Male Fire Genasi Swordsage (monk variant) 2

Zeb's been kicking around the cage almost all of his life, born the son of a renegade Efreet princess and a Azer adventurer. His parents were killed by a Xaos mob in the Faction War and he fought in both the War and the assault on Vecna's forces. He has the fiery personality of may of his kind and is a skilled warrior who spent much of his time training in the Great Gymnasium. Quick to act and quicker to anger, he also has a soft spot for Clueless. Looks to advances as a Master of the Nine eventually.

Sheen Black Dusk - LN Male Bladeling Swordsage 2

A bladeling from Zoronar who's been working as a merc since being thrown into Sigil. He worked for the Voices earlier to remove a group Mephits and now their giving him the longer term contract. He is a stern and quiet, but very skilled warrior.

Zephyr - LN Male Air Genasi Ranger 1 / Fighter 1

Born in the Citadel of Ice and Steel, Zephyr was sold into a benevolent slavery as a child and became a gladiator, but was takent o fight in Dis by one of his masters and ended up fighting in the Blood War for two years after changing hands many times. His servitude was eventually won by a man from Arcadia, eventually allowing him to earn his freedom. He has now come to Sigil to explore his freedom. His motto is "Take what you can, for as long as you can take it; take it until somebody inevitably kills you. It's the law of the arena, and it's the law I live by," and he has become part of the Sodkillers. His build will eventually be a mix of "Ranger, Fighter, and Psion moving towards the Elocator and Dervish prestige classes."

Argith Dezriel - CG Male Elan Psion (Kineticist) 3

A four year old Elan who was dumped in Sigil after being Reborn. Despite living there for so long, he believes himself to be mostly clueless. A decent fellow, he's quite a canny berk he's wary of getting peeled by anyone. Looks to advance as a Crystal Master.

Jinji Ibu - N Male Kenku Rogue 3

A slightly kleptomaniac kenku with a strong affiliation for shiny things, Jinji spent many of his younger years living under a wizard as his servant. After his master's death, he took some of his notes and coins and struck out on his own, eventually winding up in Sigil. He will advances as a wizards and then as an Arcane Trickster.

Caine Helmbrook - Cleric of Kelemvor 3

A priest from Fareun who was rather quite brutal until very recently. One of his intended targets managed to precipitate a crisis of faith within him and used the opportunity to blast him all the way to Sigil. Now with a second chance to allow him to start anew, Caine is searching for the true path to his faith and restoration in the eyes of Kelemvor.


Arytiss's picture
Joined: 2006-08-11
Session Four: Boogie Knights

Let me open this post by saying just how much I like wild magic. It added a whole new element to the combat that took place in this session. A dance-off for example. It's been a while since the last session due to college easter holidays. We only started back this week.

The session opened with the Joculators capering down he road towards the party. They made the first move thanks to Xaldemar using his Shatter spell-like ability on Rallan's greatsword while the other two continued capering forward, and Bob shooting a Ray of Frost off at Razor, a wild surge causing Celerion's leather armour to come to life and run away. The party responded by Rallan charging Xaldemar and attempting to start a grapple (His original plan was apparantly to sunder the Thurible. That plan went the way of his greatsword.) He failed and got bopped on the head with the thurible for his troubles. Razor decided this might be a prudent time to wake up Derek.

Second round had the fun really starting. Xaldemar tried charming Rallan and failed, though the resulting wild surge caused the "Still More Fighting" music from Final Fantasy XII to start playing in the background. All the party members except Celerion looked suprised at this. Celerion just started dancing to the music along with Piehat and Bob. Bob decided to add to the music by firing off a coloured lights spell.

I'm not sure what the Dusties would think of turning shuffle street into a big disco, but that's what it ended up looking like.

Meanwhile Piehat danced over to Rallan and fired off a coloured lights spell stunning him for a couple of rounds. Razor responded to the Joculator's seeming lack of tactics by firing off a burning hands spell hitting Lord Piehat and Bob, but thanks to the Joculator's fire resistance didn't do much damage. (In fact, only Bob took a small amount of damage from it.) Celerion continued boogieing.

Next Piehat and Xaldemar decided to go clubbing (Rallan, that is) hitting him with their objects in time to the music (Think Shawn of the Dead) while Bob and Celerion started a dance off (which Bob won. Celerion's rolling was terrible. I had considered having Bob go and sulk in a corner if Celerion had won) Derek, now fully awake, charged Xaldemar, ducking a blow from Piehat's brazier, and just missing Xaldemar. Razor fired off a Magic Missile at Bob, who he seemed to bare some emnity for, possibly due to the Ray of Frost earlier.

Round four saw another colour spray launched at Derek by Piehat, the wild surge of which resulted in a rather suprised, unclothed, Harmonium officer with a bit of a grudge to bear against the Joculators appearing in the middle of the street a short distance from the combat. Xaldemar continued beatign Rallan with the Thurible while Bob continued dancing with Celerion, though he fired off another ray of frost at Razor in response to the magic missile. Derek dropped to the ground stunned and Rallan remained there. Razor fired off another magic missile at Bob.

What followed next was Rallan getting up, and the resulting attacks of opportunity from Piehat and Xaldemar knocking him down and out. Then those two started repeating their actions that they took against Rallan against Derek. Celerion continued dancing with Bob who fired off another Ray of Frost at Razor who responded with a burning hands against everyone. (Though only Celerion took any damage from it.) The Harmonium officer, recognising the Joculators, took off at a measured stride. I'm thinking of bringing him back next session or the session after with a group of men at his command to do a thorough search of the area for them and question everyone as well.

Derek got up again, and a sleep spell from Xaldemar sent him back down again. Razor, realising that he was hugely outnumbered, decided to make a tactical withdrawal and head up to the rooftops to watch anything more happening. The Joculator's then surrounded Celerion, grinned, and with another sleep spell had him join the rest of the party in a peaceful slumber.

They all woke up a few minutes later to find that the Joculators had left. (Razor saw them heading down Shuffle street, but then lost them when they turned towards the Pyre district.) I had a lot of fun with what the Joculators had decided to do with the PC's. They stripped all of the PC's; trussed up Derek and tied him upside-down to the roof of one of the nearby buildings. For Celerion and Rallan, well, let's just say, sovereign glue. Laughing out loud They'll be fighting back to back for a while I'd say. Out of courtesy to a fellow Xaositect they left Celerion his clothes and equipment stacked neatly nearby. I'll introduce them to Gnarlybone next session and have him give back the other stuff claiming that he found it near the end of Rattling Alley.

The rest of the session involved attempts to get unstuck (which all failed), and many, many death-threats against Celerion from Derek. I suspect he wants a bit more than a pound of flesh from Celerion since he was taking about seperating Rallan and Celerion using his knife. I pointed out the amount of scarring this would cause. His response was "and?".

All in all, it was a very fun session despite very little actually happening. The antics of the Xaositects added greatly to the whole feel of everything.

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

Ok, my players finished their characters and all of them are currently in a short introduction adventure for themselves.

Uthred Ragnarson:
Human Ranger1/Barbarian 1. Viking Warrior. Woke up in mother Xero's Morticiary after going overboard in a storm. Trying to get his equipment back from the collectors who found him.

Hathoran of the Firetongues: Khaasta Scout 1, his dying father pushed him through a portal to Sigil. He's bringing the corpse to the dustmen.

Norca: Human Spirit Shaman 2, he's already in the Whispered Word, waiting for the others.

Meriphion: Human Bard 2: Talking to Narma, after waking up in the Wailers Guild.

Sim: Changeling Rogue 2: Found himself in the mortuary after exploring some dungeon below the mournlands in Eberron. He's rather scared and trying to get out without being found.

Drei (German for "Three"): Human Soulblade 2: 13 year old girl and last survivor of a noble house wiped out in a war. Hid herself as a wizards servant. Woke up in gnarlybones lair. That was a rather interesting story, because he thought she was either a street urchin or a spy.

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

'Arytiss' wrote:
I'm not sure what the Dusties would think of turning shuffle street into a big disco, but that's what it ended up looking like...

Hive Ward Gang Dance-Offs: Coming soon to Planescape: The Musical! Laughing out loud

Will anyone ever have a sensible encounter with the Joculators? All hopes lie with Eldan's new group... as there's no hope whatsoever of my group having one.

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

Well, if you spoke german, which I strongly assume you don't, you could even read it yourself. Up to now, most character seem willing to talk a lot.
Drei struck a deal with Gnarlybone (helping him with some "business"), Hathoran, the Khaasta is discussing mythology with the dustmen atm, Sim, the rogue is producing endless monologues while explaining to a dustmen why he is not a spy in the mortuary, Norca, the spirit shaman is rather quiet, but not aggressive, it seems, and the bard, well he is a bard.
The one exception is Uthred, the viking. He's beating up collectors (nice fighting scene: a collector had a crossbow aiming at him. He stared him down (intimidate +6), walked over and just took the crossbow out of his hand, broke it and threw it to the ground).

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

'Eldan' wrote:
a collector had a crossbow aiming at him. He stared him down (intimidate +6), walked over and just took the crossbow out of his hand, broke it and threw it to the ground).

Ah, I live for those "fighter moments"

Respect Cool

Flame_Drake's picture
Joined: 2004-12-05
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

'Armoury99' wrote:
'Arytiss' wrote:
I'm not sure what the Dusties would think of turning shuffle street into a big disco, but that's what it ended up looking like...

Hive Ward Gang Dance-Offs: Coming soon to Planescape: The Musical! Laughing out loud

Will anyone ever have a sensible encounter with the Joculators? All hopes lie with Eldan's new group... as there's no hope whatsoever of my group having one.

I take it you saw what my guys are planning? Laughing out loud They're supposed to cause less chaos in the ward, not more.

Anyhow, they all gathered about the Whispered Word proving immediately to be an extremely eclectic and odd bunch. Bald Grum explained the various issues that were currently plaguing the place and showed them the rooms at their request. The group agreed that they would protect the area, earning something of Grum's approval for their enthusiasm. They then went to briefly chat with the other people in the Word, picking up on some of the rumors and the various crimes that the Joculators have committed.


Zephyr, nodding his head once more, picks up his equipment and heads out of the room with the rest of the group. Having arrived downstairs, he heads back to his new bosses, and asks a few questions before starting the search for the vandals.

"Very well then, we have found the rooms to our liking, and are ready to begin our duties. However, we have a few questions... here are mine." With this, he begins a short list of queries:

"First, a question about these vandals: where have they been sighted? I think it would be useful for us to know their haunts, if for no other reason than we may inquire about their habits, and such. A list of their crimes, and the locations thereof, would be helpful."


Bald Grum responds, "... These pranksters have been causing most of their trouble around Wailer’s Square, and they broke into Morther Xero’s morticiary (29) yesterday and trashed the place. Crimes include disruption of the peace, starting brawls, urinating from rooftops, racing stolen carts, you get the idea. They’ve also managed to agrivate the funerary guild by making mock recruitment speech in public, citing that they ‘never have any fun’. It’s mostly been harmless stuff, although they have blinded people for short periods of time with magic, but no ones really gotten hurt so far."

The Kenku blinks before cocking his head and replying; "Do you think they'd respond to me? The Cage certainly holds a wonderous host of berks and cutters, surely I would have no less trouble loose-ing their tonues than any of you-" He pauses before addressng their patrons; "Can you point me in the direction of the unfortunate soul, victimised by the vandals?"

Jinji climbs off of his chair and weaves around the room, once again dancing his hap-hazard dance, from table to table, greeting the grey folk with a little bow and a quiet word.


“Which berks would be a better way to put it cutter. A lot of people have gotten jumped by those barmies, so there’ll be no end to the number of places you could check out. This morning, they were racing down down the alleys last night with stolen carts. There’s Mother’s Xero’s shop of course, they’ve managed to ‘creatively’ interrupt several funeral processions, trying to emulate The Painter, going door to door in the middle of the night. They even dumped paint on a bunch bloods from the rooftops not an hour ago.” You also get directions to all of the recent crime scenes, a bit over a half dozen in all.

Now in addition to that information, Jinji also got a bunch of other rumors and information from the various patrons of the bar:

inji manages to procure the information that he is looking for and then some. There is much hand clasping and introductions, despite the fact that you’re trying to get to your jobs quickly. Almost everyone seems happy and approving of your presence in thearea, although men and women in the grey robes don’t seem to care either way, and it looks like there are a few in the corneres of the room who are grumbling about it.

“You should know berks, undead are often coming and going in this part of the Hive, but they generally don’t trouble folk that don’t bother them first.”

“A grim, serious looking Githzerai’s been lurking lurking around and won’t discuss his business.”

A rather large tifling strikes up a conversation with mirth, “What do you think about old Baldy? He’s one of the Takers and a member of the Guild of Tavernkeeps, although he doesn’t like to talk about the former anymore. Used to be damn good prizefighter in his day. There has to be some excuse for a face like that, eh?”

“Seems like Old Toadface isn’t coming back... Who’s he? Tad’Faddamfa, a blue sladdi who ran more underground stuff then most berks can count. He disappeared awhile a go and hasn’t been back since. Sure he’s done it before, but this is the longest he’s been gone and its looking like he’s gone for good.”

“Eh, if your looking for jinkskirts (not that any of you will), go to Hitchskirt alley.”

“Haigherty, the feller who owns the Three Tubs bathhouse thinks he’s the new Harys Hatchis.”

“A bunch of folks go to Granny Marduk to get their fortunes read. She used to be a Mercykiller, but now she won’t have anything to do with any of the Factions."

“Some pox is killin Silient Brom slowly. Terrible waste of a good man, he picked it in the Grey Wastes back when he was a mercenary. Least it’s not catching, eh?”

“Which berks would be a better way to put it cutter. A lot of people have gotten jumped by those barmies, so there’ll be no end to the number of places you could check out. This morning, they were racing down down the alleys last night with stolen carts. There’s Mother’s Xero’s shop of course, they’ve managed to ‘creatively’ interrupt several funeral processions, trying to emulate The Painter, going door to door in the middle of the night. They even dumped paint on a bunch bloods from the rooftops not an hour ago.” You also get directions to all of the recent crime scenes, a bit over a half dozen in all.

A little human fellow starts talking to you, “Morther Xero’s nice ain’t she? Nice old women, she’s a mortician, can make even the most carved up corpse look like it’s Sune Firehair. Completely devoted to We Jas, and normally she’s never a bad word for anyone, but her store got wrecked yesterday and oh she’s been running a red one ever since.”

“The district’s been a tense and jumpy place these last few weeks. Seems like just about everyone is upset, on edge, or angry. Even the Dustmen seem just as disturbed as everyone else, which makes a sodding change.”

And with that Zephyr comes up with this plot:

Having heard the various informants tell what they can, Zephyr pulls his friends into a remote corner to discuss their options with a little more privacy.

"...Well, my companions, I have an idea -- instead of trying to hunt the vandals down ourselves, why not let them come to us? It seems that they cannot resist an opportunity to cause havoc, so our path seems obvious: provide an opportunity for these chaotics to create the maximum amount of havoc, directed against the most established and respected ritual in this area." He smiles a broad, well-natured grin: "A funeral."

Zephyr, crowding closer to his allies, goes on. "We announce the funeral procession of a notable, but fictional, figure, and make arrangements with the local funeral home to stage a false procession -- a procession made up of ourselves. When the vandals appear, we pursue their arrest."

Grinning, he concludes: "They will surely show -- they have already disrupted several such processions, and none of any particularly notable individuals. What's more, we can probably expect the full cooperation of the funerary guilds in arranging this with the highest level of believability, as they are no doubt eager to punish these criminals who have desecrated their most sacred rituals."

Needless to say, this is going to be fun!


Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

Just some questions, since I'm trying to translate this thing:

*What actually is a Joculator? I know more or less what it means, but what is it? I couldn't find the word on wiktionary...

*Same thing for "mumer" as in "mumerwine". My players are asking what that strange stuff is they are drinking. I could also make my own name up for that.

Arytiss's picture
Joined: 2006-08-11
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

A joker, or a jester. I'm trying to track down the entyomology now.

Can't find where it comes from, but joker, or jester, is what it's defined as in Webster's. Since it's not in any other dictionary I can find, this seems to suggest it's a word made up by Americans. Developed from the word Jocular (which descends from the verb Jocularis).

And Armoury99, darn you for talking about Planescape: The Musical. It caused me to spend about two hours this evening, after finding myself singing of few bars of some of factol Darkwood's lines from Faction Wars, writing the bloody thing. Or, at least, the prologue.

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

Actually its made up by an Englishman in this case Laughing out loud from "jocularity" - characterized by or given to joking. I wanted something that seemed sensible but was really nonscience. The 'in character' reason is that it was simply the most sophisticated word the Xaosetics came up with on the day for their guild. Does sound wierdly plausible.

As to mummerwine... its one of those things that just sounded right at the time. The basic origin is due to the general themes of death and "curing" death in mumming, but "mummy" (the monster) or "mime" (as in an actor without voice), and "rhymes with numb" were also inspirations. Just one of the mysteries of the Planes

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
Planescape Introductory Adventure: DESIRE AND THE DEAD

Hmm. So I'll just take some of the many variants of jester there are in german, since I can't find a literal translation of joculator. Maybe "Possenreisser", which means, according to the dictionary:
"buffoon, clown, jester, tomfool, mome [obs]), literally translated "one who makes "antics, buffonery, pranks, jokes, misbehaviour". Seems to fit.
As for mumerwine, I'll just invent my own word then. Just got no idea at the moment.
Hmm. Actually, the german wiktionary says that there is an old middle-high-german word called "mummen", meaning to win in a certain game of chance including dice, but also having the meaning of being masked. As my players don't know this and "Mummenwein" sounds cool, I'll go with that.

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