Planescape Dreams

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Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Planescape Dreams

Standard boilerplate forum topic, but it seems nobody's started it yet. So I thought I'd oblige... Eye-wink

I've had two Planescape dreams. One was some time ago, and told me how to find the portal from this Prime world to Sigil. Turns out, there's some mall in the US that has nine stories, and a row of three elevators. Near them, on the third floor I believe, is the portal key. Grab one, walk into the leftmost of the three elevators, and say "sigil". Elevator door now beez open portal! ;D

The other was much more recent, and involved me having to alter self into a dabus in order to escape a pursuer. Do you have any idea how hard it is to speak in rebus on-the-spot?! I ended up having to stab the guy with a screwdriver while nobody was looking, to keep him from blowing my cover.

So, anyone have any dreams they'd like to share?

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
Planescape Dreams

I had a dream in which I was walking around as an arcanaloth and all my coworkers were 'loths or normal humans who didn't seem to notice. And given that I do virology work, this takes on an amusing bit of irony Smiling

Finwe's picture
Joined: 2005-07-09
Planescape Dreams

I have two Planescape dreams to share Smiling Both were shortly after reading 24 pages of Shemeska's story hour in about three days, so no surprise I started dreaming about that...

In one dream I was in Sigil and I spotted the Lady of Pain. She was floating away from me and I (foolishly) followed. A little further along She was looking at something on a wall, Her back turned to me. From a distance I tried to see what She was looking at. Then the Lady turned around, facing me and She pointed a robe sleeve at me. As She turned around I immediately thought "Uh-oh. Crap!".
Now, She didn't flay or maze me, but she talked to me. Unfortunately I can't remember what was said Sad

In the second dream I was looking at a meeting organized by Jeremo the Natterer. He had invited some Sigil high-ups to discuss his plans of building an enormous circus tent in the city. Shortly after the meeting started an uninvited guest entered the room, and She wasn't happy. The Lady of Pain (again) was angry at Jeremo for not inviting her to the meeting. Not surprisingly Jeremo was pretty frightened by Her unannounced appearance.
A map was unfolded on the wall that showed the plans to build the tent. The map actually showed a live piece of Sigil with the blue circustent already present and with people walking around.

No other deams than that, which is odd since I spend quite some time reading up on anything planescape.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Planescape Dreams

I had a dream a couple months ago that involved a modern arcanaloth mercenary squad. They had been hired for... something, and (as usual) turned stag on their employer. It was cool, they had all kinds of magi-technical stuff.


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