Planescape in Dragon #351

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Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
Planescape in Dragon #351

If anyone has any comments on this particular article on the gatetown of Ecstasy, I'm curious to see what folks think about it. And for those of you that have a copy of the issue already, here's some material that was cut out of the article by the editors.

In the section of the Revelhome, I originally had the following line: "Described as “the ultimate festhall” by the Torillian wizard Volothamp Geddarm". I'd intended to link Volo to a line back in the 2e Players Primer to the Outlands.

The section on the temple district was cut, though some people therein remain listed as important persons in the city stats:

"Temple District:

Ringward from the Court of the Philosopher King, the temple district of Ecstasy caters to the organized spiritual needs of the populace, with major temples devoted to Pelor, Mishakal, Isis, Lathander, Enlil, and the Celtic Pantheon. The temples remain polite to one another, but they still compete for worshippers, and the large numbers of their priests who debate within the Court attests to this rivalry.
Situated next to a half-built temple to Tsuki-Yomi, rises the smallest but most influential temple in Ecstasy. Known as the Shrine of the Cadence, it contains a trio of statues, icons of the past three factols of the Transcendent Order, Valney Hawkins, Mirian Sirinovna, and Thomas the Apophatic. Said by their faction to have ascended in a moment of sublime revelation, followers venerate the factols in total as a channel towards Oneness, or as individuals, bodhisattvas of universal harmony."

My section on Beyond Ecstasy was gutted unfortunately:

"Beyond Ecstasy:

The Wandering Castle:

Many reclusive wizards make their homes in secluded dwellings across the breadth of the Land, but some take their exploitation of the Spire’s effects to an extreme. Seeking to gain protection from magic, but not wishing to always hinder their own, they reside in mobile towers able to stride between the rings at will. Some towers resemble golems while others move upon mechanical legs or wheels; the methods are as diverse as the wizards themselves.
One such tower lurked spireward of Ecstasy for decades, wandering back and forth between the rings but staying distant from the town itself. Little was known about the tower or its reclusive master for many years, till its movements grew erratic and then finally it stopped. Only a mile from town, many suspect its owner died causing the tower to go silent, and true or not, wizards and other mortal adventurers, both the curious and the greedy, have increasingly come to investigate.
Perched high atop a plinth that overlooks the tower, one of Ecstasy’s petitioners tells the following tale: ‘When I am gone the Serpent’s Inn shall come; a door, a cottage, it matters not, but it will bring another mage, one pure of heart, as pure as the Philosopher King himself, and if they wish, they’ll have the tower for their own.’ Given his words and enigmatic smile, many suspect the spirit of the wizard himself still clings to his memories of mortality, hoping to entrust his tower to a worthy successor before he passes into Elysium.

Bariaur Tribes:

Of the many nomadic bariaur tribes who wander the Land, the most notable near Ecstasy call themselves the Ringstriders. Numbering seventy members and led by the sisters Fara and Marissa Meadowseeker, they wander between the 10th and 7th rings in the region stretching from Ecstasy to Faunel. Periodically stopping to trade in Ecstasy, they happily entertain visitors, eagerly exchanging information as they listen to stories and spread news of their own travels.

Indep Villages:

Toward Tradegate, members of the Free League populate a number of secluded and self-sufficient villages. One such village, Bria’s Respite, sends a trade representative to Ecstasy on a bi-monthly basis. An air genasi of elven descent named Whisper-on-the-Willows, he deals goods from a half-dozen planes, and typically seeks to exchange them for divine magic and celestially crafted items (including weapons) from Elysium, though why he needs these things is an open question.

The Hinterlands:

Beyond the Gatetowns in the unmapped region known as the Hinterlands, the metaphysical fabric of the Land grows more dynamic and possessed of a shifting, fluid tenor that differentiates it from the regions closer to the Spire.
Travelers tell conflicting, often fantastical stories of things they encountered: Petrified forests breaking the surface of misty oceans, crumbling and abandoned realms of forgotten deities, and embodiments of concepts half formed or stillborn. Many sages speculate that the Hinterlands embody the manifest dreamscapes of outsiders along with still forming beliefs, those almost forgotten but still clinging to a twilight half-existence, and things even more bizarre.
In the Hinterlands beyond Ecstasy, some claim to have found the ruins of an abandoned gatetown consigned to history when an earlier portal to Elysium shifted location. Others relate that on the fringes of the Hinterlands, a hidden city of guardinals keeps quiet vigil over Ecstasy."

And two "things for the PCs to acquire" was cut as well:

"One or two things for the PCs to acquire:

The Walking Tower of Arvijsek (Major artifact)
Sixty feet of steel and stone, Arvijsek’s tower stands upon a great set of iron legs whose forepaws resemble those of a giant griffon. Possessing a strong Antipathy effect against evil creatures, the tower’s dimensions are twice those of a Daern’s Instant Fortress, with several rooms on each of three floors, all comfortably stocked to the tastes of a powerful wizard.
Normally stationary, the tower obeys simple commands from its owner such as to move or stop, and it may also attack as an animated object of gargantuan size.
The tower cannot change hands until the death of the previous owner, and even then it can only be claimed and commanded by a good aligned arcane spellcaster able to cast 4th level spells.
Strong aura of conjuration, enchantment, and transmutation; CL 20th

[DM’s are encouraged to stock the tower with other items of their choice left behind by Arvijsek for his successor. They may also tailor any notes, messages, or even a will left to the new owners of the tower.]

Simpathetic Egg:
The tiny red and green speckled eggs of the Simpathetic are potent magical items in their own right. Much as the adult birds can act in coordination to shift across planes, the eggs of their young have a similar latent ability, and swallowing one of them raw will shift a person one layer up or down on their current plane.
Strong aura of conjuration; CL 15"

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
Planescape in Dragon #351

Wow, this is supremely excellent stuff. This Ecstasy article is in the new Dragon?

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
Planescape in Dragon #351

'Dialexis' wrote:
Wow, this is supremely excellent stuff. This Ecstasy article is in the new Dragon?

Just to clarify, the stuff I posted above doesn't appear in the actual article. Mona was nice enough to ok me posting the cut material.

The whole issue is based around an article on the World Serpent Inn, and various places in different campaign settings that the inn opens up into, or does periodically. I ended up doing the Planescape article on the gatetown of Ecstasy, putting it into 3.x and advancing some of the rumors and such from the 2e material.

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
Planescape in Dragon #351

Wow, that sounds promising. And this may sound silly, but I am so happy for you that you got to do the article (and selfishly happy too, since I know it will be awesome!).

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Planescape in Dragon #351

It's a real shame those parts were cut; they're some of the best parts of the article. I thought the "rumors" section was a little weak compared to the story hooks in some of the other articles.

It's a great take on Ecstasy, though, and I very much like the risen ultroloth Philosopher King (I like it better reading its background in your story hour).

Samuel Weiss, who was responsible for the Planescape parts of the Vecna article a few issues back, said the NG ultroloth was "weird." I would take that as a complement.

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
Planescape in Dragon #351

'ripvanwormer' wrote:
It's a real shame those parts were cut; they're some of the best parts of the article. I thought the "rumors" section was a little weak compared to the story hooks in some of the other articles.

It's a great take on Ecstasy, though, and I very much like the risen ultroloth Philosopher King (I like it better reading its background in your story hour).

The rumors section in the article was rewritten from the original rumors section that I'd written. The word count was trimmed (I get wordy) and a few things were changed: I didn't have the modrons as simpathetic victims originally, and as I recall, the attacks/deaths were a bit more vivid in description.

As far as the new Philosopher King, that one got handed to me on a silver platter, what with it already being stated in the 2e material that Kagorius wanted to retire from his post. I originally had the implication that Felthis was apparently vouched for by representatives of the Rilmani and Guardinals, and they had a hand in placing him in his new position to take over for the elderly wizard. That seems to have been cut, along with a longer description of Felthis himself and some exploration into his radically different alignment.

Samuel Weiss, who was responsible for the Planescape parts of the Vecna article a few issues back, said the NG ultroloth was "weird." I would take that as a complement.

I'll certainly take it as a compliment. He's done some good stuff, and he's got some other things in the pipeline soon (especially for Dungeon) that I know I'll like as well. Did he say this on another forum somewhere?

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Planescape in Dragon #351

'Shemeska the Marauder' wrote:
Did he say this on another forum somewhere?

He said it in IRC chat, in the #Greytalk forum.

Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Planescape in Dragon #351

Congrats Shemmy! I read the article but didn't two-and-two together and realize you were the author. Laughing out loud

Orroloth's picture
Joined: 2004-10-23
Planescape in Dragon #351

Congrats again, Shemmy!

I need to get myself that issue asap.

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
Planescape in Dragon #351

'Southern_Oracle' wrote:
Congrats Shemmy! I read the article but didn't two-and-two together and realize you were the author. Laughing out loud

*grin* Can I join you in the club of Dragon authors who wrote planar material now? Is there a secret handshake? Smiling

But seriously guys, all of you, thanks for the congrats on it. It was my first thing published, and while it had some stuff edited out that I wish wouldn't have been, I'm pretty happy with the end product. I'll have an Ecology of the Keepers out in #353 here in about two months, and it appears something else planar related sometime down the line as well. I'll try to sneak in as much Planescape stuff as I can.

And please, the rest of you guys need to submit some stuff to them as well. We need more planar stuff in print, and the current crop of editors with Paizo have been rather receptive of such things. Plus a good number of you out there are better writers than I am, and I'd love to see you make a mark upon the pages of Dragon or Dungeon as well.

gothwalk's picture
Joined: 2005-05-03
Planescape in Dragon #351

Hey, that was you? I was just reading it this morning and thinking "This writer really knows their Planescape!"

Dialexis's picture
Joined: 2006-07-21
Planescape in Dragon #351

That seems to have been cut, along with a longer description of Felthis himself and some exploration into his radically different alignment.

Any chance we here can get the longer description and/or more details from you on Felthis? (call it the author's cut)

Sucros's picture
Joined: 2007-01-04
Planescape in Dragon #351

I've been a regular on the dragon magazine messageboards for a while. Erik Mona has on numerous occasions stated support for all of classic D&D and especially greyhawk and planescape. Just a few months back there was a dragon issue devoted to the innter planes. I'm sure that any planar article will get good reception for any issue of the year.

Please submit your stuff, as I'd love to see it in dragon.

Agamemnon's picture
Joined: 2004-11-17
Planescape in Dragon #351

'Shemeska the Marauder' wrote:
I ended up doing the Planescape article on the gatetown of Ecstasy, putting it into 3.x and advancing some of the rumors and such from the 2e material.

Nice work. Your offering above does add more flesh to the partially eaten vrock leg I thought I had been served.

Now that Ecstacy is in print, will more Gate-Towns be joining the ranks of the printed soon?

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Planescape in Dragon #351

That reminds me, I remember reading about them saying there would be a "City of the Planes" regular article, but nothing of that ever materialized beyond one issue.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Planescape in Dragon #351

'Kobold Avenger' wrote:
That reminds me, I remember reading about them saying there would be a "City of the Planes" regular article, but nothing of that ever materialized beyond one issue.

There were two: N’gati (Dragon #305) and Balefire, City of Lanterns (Dragon #322). And now, with Ecstasy, there are three.

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
Planescape in Dragon #351

'Kobold Avenger' wrote:
That reminds me, I remember reading about them saying there would be a "City of the Planes" regular article, but nothing of that ever materialized beyond one issue.

The idea of doing that as a regular series was also something proposed by the at the time Dragon editor two different editors ago. I actually proposed several ideas at the time, had them lost in the shuffle and vanish under that editor, and then I proposed them again to the next editor after them. That second time I got a "not interested" in all of them, and another round of submissions that vanished into oblivion after that on different things entirely.

Under Mona there has still been a rather hefty lag time on queries (not necessarily submitted manuscripts though in my experience), but I've gotten responses and they've been rather open to planar material in general compared to earlier attempts under earlier editors.

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Planescape in Dragon #351

I just read that recently and I thought it was excellent as well. The whole World Serpent Inn idea was great and tied everything so nicely together that I was thinking of using it to run a short plane-hopping campaign for my guys...except the planes would be the Prime Material ones mentioned in the articles.

'Course, now I'll have to call you Todd, since your secret identity's been blown. Eye-wink

Keep throwing the PS stuff at 'em, I love to see it in Dragon and Dungeon.

Ashy's picture
Joined: 2005-04-28
Planescape in Dragon #351

Congrats, Shemmy! Glad to see some more planar bloods making it into those hallowed pages...

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