Planescape Convention Adventuring Party Done!

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bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Planescape Convention Adventuring Party Done!

Ok after pulling an all nighter to get ready for the convention I am ready with 6 pre generated character and not quite as much work on the main adventure as I had hoped. But with quality characters it will make it easier for me to ad hoc certain parts of the adventure.

I am certainly going to give the races chapter a strong solid test with mid level type characters. Basically the adventuring group is equal to 7th level characters if they were standard races the group is as follows.

Bark Leaf 6th level Shad Druid Female NG (has nice magical staff)
Cubed 5th Level Rouge Modron Fighter TN No Sex
Fek Rezni 7th level Nathri Illusionist Male NG
Jalen Open Plains 3rd Level Bariaur Barbarian Male CG
Sarah (Asp) 6th Level Tiefling Rouge Female CG
Nuthus 0 Level Khaasta Male CG (slightly modified using Splint Mail Armor and Great Sword which normally are not allowed without class advancement)

The level differences of course are because some of the races are powerful than others and have level adjustments included with them.
The most glaring of course being the Level O Khaasta Nuthus.

I am proud to say that I didn't fold or combine using any standard races. I really wanted to get a Planescape feel and ultimently decided I should get every player to play a Planewalker race to get them into the setting a litle more.

I will post the created characters on the site sometime. They are 3 pages long (except 2 for Nuthus) 1 page character sheet, 1 page backround, history, race bio, and 1 page explaining their feats/abilities.

I guess all there is now is to hope I get a decent turnout and that that the players (if they are like 3 or 4) pick a semi balanced group. Laughing out loud

Anyway its 7:18 am CST and I need to get some sleep the con starts in 8 hours! Good thing i pushed my first session back to 5 pm Saturday rather than Friday night....

Wish me luck!

jordarad's picture
Joined: 2004-12-17
Planescape Convention Adventuring Party Done!

Bon chance, young GM. Go forth and bring the smackies.

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Planescape Convention Adventuring Party Done!

Go get'em, killer. I'm expecting a double-digit body count by Saturday evening. Oh, wait, there are only 6 PCs. Laughing out loud

An all-planescape races party is not a bad idea. It sure throws people into the deep end right off the bat. Let us know how things turn out.

Persephone Imytholin's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
Planescape Convention Adventuring Party Done!

"Krypter" wrote:
An all-planescape races party is not a bad idea.

Except the FR kiddies keep trying to nick our precious supply of Tiefers. Grr.

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Planescape Convention Adventuring Party Done!

"Persephone Imytholin" wrote:
"Krypter" wrote:
An all-planescape races party is not a bad idea.

Except the FR kiddies keep trying to nick our precious supply of Tiefers. Grr.

I didn't realize tieflings were in short supply. Quick! I want two dozen! Pickled for safe storage.

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Planescape Convention Adventuring Party Done!

Smiling I am not all that young I am 24 which I know isn't old but still! I have been interested though never run in Planescape almost since the day it came out. I have owned the basic box set and slowly purchased items (now I have the whole set of 30 campaign items) of Planescape since about 4-5 months after the setting came out.

Also I have lots oF Dming experience its just all old school AD&D 2nd edition and only like 3 sessions with 3rd edition. Eye-wink

Finally yeah the damn realms people taking other setting original material and then people just assume it came from the Realms.... Kinda funny more and more recently it seems like Realms is treated like the Everquest of Roleplaying. Its the big huge game with more players than anything else and those who play it think its the greastest thing since the wheel but those outside of it mock it with scorn!! Though not all of the mocking is undeserved!

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Planescape Convention Adventuring Party Done!

Just a few notes, mainly not to forget racial hit dice. Jalen might only have two levels of barbarian, but he also has three levels of "bariaur". Same with Nuthus. He's not really 0-level, he has three "khaasta" hit dice. And a class level, if he's to be ECL 7.


Pants of the North!

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Planescape Convention Adventuring Party Done!

Oh I know full well about the hit dice and yeah he is really a O level.... I mean Monsters have extra hit dice and etc but those aren't levels.. Unless the terminology has changed since my old greyberd AD&D 2nd ed days Laughing out loud

But yeah obiously the levels are way off for a balanced party if you didn't take the addition racial hit dice and ability modifiers into account. I am really interested in how Nuthus will perform however as he does have low hit points comparitivly to the rest of the part. But with a 25 strength he should be able to handle himself pretty well in a fight.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Planescape Convention Adventuring Party Done!

Let us know how it went!

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