Hello Planewalkers! It taken me many a year to finally discover a place that also enjoys the medium of planescape.(although I must admit I have never once in my entire life ever played a single pnp d&d game.) I have comprised(in my brain) an enormous collection of planescape matierial and now kind view as a religeon.(I hope that when I die I end up in Limbo)
Anyway I was aware that there were planescape novels out there, but have no idea where one finds one or obtains them from. If anyone could help me out let me know.
Keep up the good work everyone. Or I'll kill you.
1)i know three novels, 1st the blood wars trylogy (blood hostages, abyssal warriors, powers..umm i don`t reme,ber..
), 2nd pages in pain, 3rd torment.
2)i have a e-book copy of pages in pain and torment.., i can`t read these, i`m from colombia and my english are not all righth :cry: ;i have many books of planescape in his pdf vercion.
3) now i`m a clueless, here we play in 3.5 i don`t like the 2 ones. hehe i see you on the limbo...