Planescape and Ebberon

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nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Planescape and Ebberon

Seeing as Planescape incorporated all of the Prime worlds of 2e, it would seem to make sense that it's 3e conversion would include the first major new setting for 3e.

So, will there be anything in PS3e about integrating Eberron into Planescape?

KingOfChaos's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Planescape and Ebberon

I seriously doubt Ebberon will use anything similar to the PS cosmology. In fact, I heard that there was an entire chapter talking about the planes of Ebberon and that they're radically different than anything in PS. It might not click together very well and there could be some legal issues, since I doubt anything in the setting will be added to the SRD.

Johnathan Void's picture
Joined: 2004-05-15
Planescape and Ebberon

You can always just say that the "Planes of Ebberon" section was written by "some clueless prime" who thinks each of their Deities' realms, is a plane unto itself. Or something to that effect.

I like to call it "The Clueless Prime Rule." By enforcing this rule, and can make any setting a part of Planescape.

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Planescape and Ebberon


I really think it wouldn't be appropriate to overwrite the explicitly printed planar cosmology of a setting. Toril's the exception since back in 2e it was Planescape, just like everything else.

Elethíus's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Planescape and Ebberon

Don't expect the two settings to be compatible.
Though you could do some tweaking, of course.

Still, both cosmologies are very different.

Click me.

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
Planescape and Ebberon

Well I wouldn't be against using it as another prime world. However as its been said already the author of the setting made it with a drastically different planar arrangement in mind, and one that doesn't mesh well with the Great Wheel. This I can respect since it was intended from the start, whereas I happily took a gas can, a match and a dozen chainsaws to FR's Planar Tree for 3rd ed....

But that's more in line with my own feelings and how I'd handle it in my own game (I might have a portal in Sigil to Ebberon if a player expressed an interest in a PC from there, but I likely wouldn't have it as a commonly accessable world).

For PS3e we are of course bound to the somewhat vague legal terms that WotC has us under. If it was there under 2e we can play around with it in the framework of Planescape. Ebberon wasn't in 2e and so I wouldn't mention it myself unless I got a thumbs up in writing from WotC's legal department. I'd also need to know about the setting a heck of a lot more than I do now (I know next to nothing, though I am curious about it and if the reviews are positive once it comes out I will indeed buy it, if only to mine for random ideas since my current PS campaign is in no danger of ending at any point soon...)

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Planescape and Ebberon

I probably wouldn't be dead set against it if I were running a Planescape game - as it's fitting to the concept of Planescape. Much like how you can find just about anything from anywhere in Sigil. So one way is ok...

The other way? I respect the effort it takes to build up a world like that. So if I were to run Ebberon? I'd use it as published. And believe it or not that goes for even some of the old 2e settings as well, FR 3rd and Dragonlance come to mind as having interesting setups regarding the planes. Of course - odds are I'd be running Planescape long before I ran anything else. Smiling

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Planescape and Ebberon

Well, I suppose that Eberron's cosmology could be explained away as demiplanes obiting the crystal sphere, inside tiny spheres of their own (and tethered to Ebberon via Astral conduits). That way, you don't need to change Eberronese history.

Zjelani's picture
Joined: 2003-11-24
Planescape and Ebberon

For info on their cosmology, see

Personally, I don't have a problem with each setting having their own cosomology. The way I see it, there's a whole bunch of planes, and layers, and realms that are only connected via portals, and the occassional mythical river (tree, mountain, etc.). How it is all arranged is pretty arbitrary.

Planar folk are directly impacted by things like the Blood War, and can regularly visit the Gate Towns, and hence mentally arrange the planes as the Great Wheel.

On Toril or some other world, they may not give a whip what the arrangement of some towns are, or if the "lawful" planes are opposite the "chaotic" ones and such. That all doesn't matter to them. So they arrange everything differently.

Eberroners (I really hope they don't actually use that term), arrange it yet a different way.

It's all the same stuff and 98% of the time you can only get from place to place via spells and portals, so whether Automata is "next to" Acheron is really a non-sensical question.

At least that's my personal take on it. As for incorporating Eberron materials into Planescape, I have no problem stealing whatever might fit well. Laughing out loud I know I'll be writing an "Eberron Races" section for our Races chapter (sort of like the OA section) and seeing if Gabriel will include it.

ecliptic's picture
Joined: 2004-05-25
Planescape and Ebberon

I would make Eberron and its cosmology out in the far reaches of space. Much better then taking a torch to the cosmology.

That way it would still be possible for Eberron to exist , aswell as its cosmology. Even possible for a warforged to set foot in Sigil or the prime material plane. Although it would be extremely rare.

Now if they start putting in Corellon and other familiar gods in, I'll be a bit mad and may torch the cosmology.

Samloyal23's picture
Joined: 2004-05-25
Planescape and Ebberon

I tend to think most of the planes in the Eberronese cosmology are just locations in the known planes, but that Eberron has a unique connection to the planes based on the structure of the crystal sphere it is located in...


I'm Samuel M. Wright, and you're not.

ecliptic's picture
Joined: 2004-05-25
Planescape and Ebberon

Well I hate Spelljammer and crystal spheres. Smiling

ceratus's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Planescape and Ebberon

I've thought about integrating Ebberon as an alternate universe...not just as a plane. Kinda as a "third dimension" of travelling. Suppose that moving on a single plane is moving in one dimension...then travelling the planes is two dimensional, and travelling to other universes is three dimensional and so forth...

ecliptic's picture
Joined: 2004-05-25
Planescape and Ebberon

I'll probably use my suggestion and make its cosmology in the far reaches of space.

Mechalich's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
Planescape and Ebberon

I tend to think most of the planes in the Eberronese cosmology are just locations in the known planes, but that Eberron has a unique connection to the planes based on the structure of the crystal sphere it is located in

I agree with this formulation, most of the descriptions posted about the Eberron planes so far seem to dovetail extremely closely with existing planes or portions of planes.

I really dislike the 'let's make every world have its own cosmology' idea that seems to be currently pervading wizards. All it does is create more undetailed and therefore difficult to use locations.

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
Planescape and Ebberon

"Mechalich"][quote wrote:
I really dislike the 'let's make every world have its own cosmology' idea that seems to be currently pervading wizards. All it does is create more undetailed and therefore difficult to use locations.

What the robolich said. Eye-wink

That train of thought just mucks with prior material and makes for confusion and locations you can't easily use outside of that specific setting. However at least some of the folks at WotC have been subtly including back links to the Great Wheel. Sigil, the same Sigil, now links to FR in one sourcebook and according to Rich Baker. The Infinite Staircase also has a similar position therein.

Samloyal23's picture
Joined: 2004-05-25
Planescape and Ebberon

"Shemeska the Marauder"][quote="Mechalich" wrote:
I really dislike the 'let's make every world have its own cosmology' idea that seems to be currently pervading wizards. All it does is create more undetailed and therefore difficult to use locations.

What the robolich said. Eye-wink

That train of thought just mucks with prior material and makes for confusion and locations you can't easily use outside of that specific setting. However at least some of the folks at WotC have been subtly including back links to the Great Wheel. Sigil, the same Sigil, now links to FR in one sourcebook and according to Rich Baker. The Infinite Staircase also has a similar position therein.

It really torques me how the berks at WOTC have mucked up the old 2E settings like PS and DS, they have consistantly watered down and noobified the "updates" for these settings...


I'm Samuel M. Wright, and you're not.

moogle001's picture
Joined: 2004-01-02
Planescape and Ebberon

Well, I have a bit of a plot device in mind that will hopefully allow DM's to access any cosmology they wish. Of course, how similar Eberron is to the standard cosmology will pretty much determine whether anything from it shows up in our material.


-Gabriel Sorrel,

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Planescape and Ebberon

A "Planewalker's Guide to Eberron and its Environs" would be interesting to write, whether or not it's who does it.

Kabiel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-18
Planescape and Ebberon

Since I plan on using Eberron and PS I plan on having their seperation linked with the creation of the warforged. Ordinary Golems are formed from elemental spirits right? This is what makes for their ability to be easily controlled, WF on the otherhand, as sentient golems, were formed from the soulstuff of the outer. This eventually led to a gradual "stretch" of astral borders, screwing with Eberrons planar make up. The last war was the catalyst, it's massive amounts of magical tear finishing off the Drift. Eberron drifts in the astral now, a gravity of it's own surrounding it and keeping it's (?) outer plane and inner plane color pools (large enough to be seen as "planets" from Eberron) in orbit around it. However, Ebberons flux reality causes it's "planets" to bleed into the material now and then, causing the increase in magic or portals etc. as detailed in the Ebberon CS.

There's still links to Sigil, but Eberron time flows differently then other time. As you enter Ebber "space" from the astral, time goes from non-existant to slow, and touching down on Ebber or it's sun itself causes normal time. For a reason none has yet to determine, nine max HD Astral Dreadnoughts hover around and protect it from incursion by astral enemies. But the 'yanki have had problems of their own, who knows what will happen once they have settled their issues. Will they look twoards Ebberon as a much more conveinant breeding plane? Adventure hook anyone? :twisted:

Samloyal23's picture
Joined: 2004-05-25
Planescape and Ebberon

"Kabiel" wrote:
Since I plan on using Eberron and PS I plan on having their seperation linked with the creation of the warforged. Ordinary Golems are formed from elemental spirits right? This is what makes for their ability to be easily controlled, WF on the otherhand, as sentient golems, were formed from the soulstuff of the outer. This eventually led to a gradual "stretch" of astral borders, screwing with Eberrons planar make up. The last war was the catalyst, it's massive amounts of magical tear finishing off the Drift. Eberron drifts in the astral now, a gravity of it's own surrounding it and keeping it's (?) outer plane and inner plane color pools (large enough to be seen as "planets" from Eberron) in orbit around it. However, Ebberons flux reality causes it's "planets" to bleed into the material now and then, causing the increase in magic or portals etc. as detailed in the Ebberon CS.

I can't see the creation of the warforged having such a cosmic effect, but the idea of astral borders being stretched is interesting. I think it would be more a matter of the Eberron sphere being in the area of a natural spatial anomaly than anything the inhabitants could cause...


I'm Samuel M. Wright, and you're not.

Kabiel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-18
Planescape and Ebberon

Then maybe it was an affect all along of Ebberon itself. In it's cosmology Eberron is a dragon as well as the world. (at least thats what I've gathered so far from the setting teasers) So perhaps Eb the draon/plane has always been drifting away from the wheel, and this drift from the planes caused the stretching and warping enough to allow the creation of warforged, and not the other way around.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
Planescape and Ebberon

Well, in addition to creating the Phlogiston as a transitive plane, you could always introduce the Ordial plane as the cosmic thread that supercedes all cosmologies. In that concept, it balances against the Plane of Shadow. Cool

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Planescape and Ebberon

I think the important thing here is that Eberron has some major planar influences that most worlds don't have - predominantly the Far Realm and the Region of Dreams, both of which have on occasion linked the world with catastrophic results.

And just as important are the planes that don't influence Eberron. The world has no influence from the Abyss, or Baator, or Gehenna, and only limited contact with the upper planes. The only elemental planes that affect the world are Fire and Ice. This all changes the planar dynamic significantly.

This is a smart way to give a world a unique flavor, and I approve.

Whether or not Eberron's planes are the same as or part of Planescape's planes are a matter for the individual DM to decide.

AlexBurel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
Planescape and Ebberon

I fail to understand why people want every prime world to have its connected planes within the great ring. After all, the planes go on infinitly, allowing for infinite planes that correspond to each other in infinite ways and focusing only on the great ring would be a sorely limited poitn of view, granted it would be simpler because you wouldn't have to keep track of hundreds of planes of existance and it would make for easier traveling due to the large number of connections within the great ring but you would still miss out on an infinite number of interesting experiences. Ebberron's connected planes are particularly intesting due to their variety, including a subregion of the dream realms and a border zone of the Far realms. Because of this I think that a planeswalkign campiegn in the planes connected to ebberron would be extreamly interesting and possibly quite enjoyable. Perhaps one of the planes might have a portal to Sigil, allowing for a cosmicolagy connection without the introduction of spelljammers, which can be quite complicated.

I also fail to understand why people can't comprehand that Toril's great tree joins the great ring instead of replaces it, particularly considering how much they enjoy the great ring. the tree is simply a connection of the realms to dont belong to the great ring in the normal fasion. Sub-planes if you will because many of the planes intersect with the great ring at the deities domains. I regret the fact however that there is little to no information on how one might cross from the great ring planes to the tree planes without spells.

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Planescape and Ebberon

"AlexBurel" wrote:
I also fail to understand why people can't comprehand that Toril's great tree joins the great ring instead of replaces it, particularly considering how much they enjoy the great ring. the tree is simply a connection of the realms to dont belong to the great ring in the normal fasion. Sub-planes if you will because many of the planes intersect with the great ring at the deities domains. I regret the fact however that there is little to no information on how one might cross from the great ring planes to the tree planes without spells.

The problem here is that the planes of Toril's tree do belong to the Great Ring in the normal fashion. All of the gods of the Realms have realms assigned to them within the 17 outer and 18 inner planes in 2nd edition, so it seems silly to also give them a bunch of identical realms in a cosmology suspiciously similar to the Great Ring in all respects except for methods of planar access.

The Torillian Tree has nothing new to offer a planewalking campaign except a needless plurality of Astral Planes. If it had some feature that the Great Ring didn't already have I'd be totally with you on this - I think more interesting planes are better than less interesting planes. But using both the Wheel and the Tree in the same campaign seems unnecessarily redundant.

AlexBurel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
Planescape and Ebberon

To the first point, what I meant is that I think that the realms quite literally exist on both planes at once and are the same locatiOn.

To the second I agree that the tree may not have seem to be interesting, but this is primarly because the designers couldn't make a entire book dedicated to the tree and so decided to leave it up to us what they are like, not that the planes themselve are boring. Really they can be as interesting as your mind makes them, you simple have to use a little imagenation.

Isbo's picture
Joined: 2004-08-01
Planescape and Ebberon

While I like planescape a lot, I actually like WoTC's current policy on planes and campaigns better. While it does conflict with the 2e planescape model, it wasn't like that model didn't cause a whole lot of consistency errors of its own. It took separate campaigns that had not before been posited as belonging in the same universe and ramrodded them together for effects both interesting and sometimes problematic.

I actually like the Great Tree cosmolgy as it stands in the FR campaign--for one, it allows for their to be a greater degree of coherence to the setting. Lolth, for example, is much more powerful in the FR setting (a full-blown goddess rather than a pumped-up demon queen) than she ever was in the original Great Ring setting. Making her a separate entity from that Lolth explains why that is. Similarly, the tree set-up captures something important about a Faerunian setting--that its material plane, moreso than others, is a crossroads of planar influences and, as such, is one of the most important playing fields for extraplanar forces to work. If you make this just some perspectival error of the Faerunians, you make the setting a good deal paler.

I have found that being a little more strict about the cosmology also *gives* me adventure ideas. For example, I am planning to send some FR players off to the great ring for a little change of pace--which can be done without jury-rigging the system as it stands. The Manual of Planes states the plane of shadow can serve as a link between cosmologies and, by its illustration, straightaway implies that such a link exists between Faerun and the Ring. So, now the players have to find a way onto the plane of shadow, endure the trials of that plane, and then have the opportunity to play tourist in the great ring. Not only will the adventure be more interesting, but it makes the great ring something special, something the players had to really work to visit. As an aside, this view of the plane of shadow also gives substance to another aspect of FR--that new gods do appear in Faerun from other worlds, but that this is rare and requires them to abandon their old world (or, perhaps, send off an independent aspect of themselves--whatever).

If we want to think of Eberron in terms of ps, perhaps it could be treated as a particularly isolated planar constellation--an island if you will. Perhaps, too, Dal Quor is one of the few places with (a very few, untravelled, virtually unknown) connections to other planes--so that no direct planar travel has occurred for some time (remaining true to the Eberron setting). Planescapers might make their way to Dal Quor, perhaps even travel to dream versions of Eberron, but couldn't influence the world directly. Similarly, a very few natives of eberron might be able to form dream bodies that could travel to other planes, but be unable to bring anything back with them to the eberron proper (except that ever so invaluable resource of experience).

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
kiss on a rose on a grave

"Isbo" wrote:
If you make this just some perspectival error of the Faerunians, you make the setting a good deal paler..

Which is, of course, our plan all along. In a campaign featuring multiple material worlds, it doesn't make sense to trump the virtues of one at the expense of all the others. Better to dim Toril a bit so that Oerth's shine can be seen.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
Planescape and Ebberon

"Isbo" wrote:
While I like planescape a lot, I actually like WoTC's current policy on planes and campaigns better. While it does conflict with the 2e planescape model, it wasn't like that model didn't cause a whole lot of consistency errors of its own. It took separate campaigns that had not before been posited as belonging in the same universe and ramrodded them together for effects both interesting and sometimes problematic.

Last I checked, the same idea was posited in Spelljammer. In fact, there were several books on the crystal spheres of each solar system.

Samloyal23's picture
Joined: 2004-05-25
Planescape and Ebberon

I don't see why the Tree and the Wheel cannot both be correct in one cosmology. A cosmology is really just a way of looking at the planes, it need not have a mechanical implication. Experienced planewalkers realise the limitation of local cosmologies and use the Great Wheel because it is more inclusive and easier to visualise...


I'm Samuel M. Wright, and you're not.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Planescape and Ebberon

Personally, I would rather not combine the two. I think each one uses its different cosmology in different ways, and that each cosmology is important to that particular setting.

In Eberron, it's not just that they use different names and arrangements for planes. The planes are actually different, in that there's an evil fire plane, a good air plane, a plane of gloomy afterlife, a plane of vicious death. Sure, you can easily come up with equivalents, but Eberron was never about planewalking. All that stuff's much to surreal for such a down-to-earth world. There isn't even any substantial contact with the gods. Except for divine magic working, there is no proof that they even exist (mostly, I mean you can go up and talk to the Silver Flame, but the rest of the religions never have representatives of any deities come and visit the faithful. They're really quite quiet). Plus, the NPCs are so famously low-level that only your adventuring party could have access to plane shift.

I'm not even a entirely a fan of the Great Wheel. It has ups and downs. For ups, it's certainly neat enough. Everything has a place; every alignment and element and elemental combination has its plane. On the other hand, I really admire how the planes in Beyond Countless Doorways, for example, are just planes that are. Each one has a whole slew of characteristics, but not some overriding philosophy or feature, and I think it makes it an even more imaginative place to travel. If only it had as much development.

Samloyal23's picture
Joined: 2004-05-25
Planescape and Ebberon

The Great Wheel is an elegant design, a mechanistic, unified view of the cosmos that makes a certain level of sense. That gives each plane a meaning and a purpose that it would not have otherwise...


I'm Samuel M. Wright, and you're not.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
Planescape and Ebberon

The Great Wheel is an archetypical symbol. It's use is not just elegant, but symbolic for the cycle of life.

sphagetti man's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
Planescape and Ebberon

I myself am currently setting up an eborron campaign and am going to try to incorporate at least sigil into it because of the resemblance of it's planes to ps but the cosmology is different from the wheel or tree it's more of an atom shape where the outer planes have set orbits that can come close to the prime and also effect it and vice versa

Korimyr the Rat's picture
Joined: 2005-03-01
Planescape and Ebberon

I could see an indirect link between Eberron and the D&D cosmology (including Sigil), by having the Eberron planes correspond to areas of normal Outer and Inner Planes. In order to reach Eberron Proper through these planes, you'd have to pick a plane as it was swinging close to Eberron.

Sigilian portals would never link to Eberron Proper, but could connect to these planes. Then, it's just a matter of skill with a planar sextant and good timing.

sphagetti man's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
Planescape and Ebberon

that or have the eborron/PS plane be linked at certrain points on each the planes and to explain why no has found one say that there in the most hostile regions of the plane and that the key to each is some that is lost to annals of time :idea:

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Planescape and Ebberon

I kind of had an image that Eberron can be found in the Astral pinning down Khyber in an attempt to stop him/her wrecking havoc on the planes while Syberis curls his/her body (the ring of Syberis) around his/her partner and enemy, wings enfolding the struggling pair to prevent Khyber receiving outside aid. The demi-planes circle between Syberis and Eberron like moons.

This cosmology just seems kind of poetic and allows planar travel to Eberron while making it difficult and very uncommon – you need to be strong enough to get through the barrier but inconspicuous enough that Syberis doesn’t directly intervene (I don’t want a dragon the size of a planet chasing me).

It’s also worth noting that the dragons of Eberron worship the dragon gods noted in the Draconicon (or whatever) the same as any other dragon across the planes, possibly recalling them from before the world was sealed off.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

thestinkypete's picture
Joined: 2006-07-04
Planescape and Ebberon

I'm just waiting to see the interaction between warforged, modrons, and acheron natives. that would just be ridiculous!

AkumaDaimyo's picture
Joined: 2006-08-09
Eberron + Placescape

Eberron is NOT part of the Planescape universe at all. It's already been stated officially. It has nothing to do with any other published worlds ethier. So you can't officially go to Krynn, Faerun, Ravenloft, Darksun, or any other pre-published D&D world. But a individual DM can do whatever they want. If you just like the Eberron races you could simply incorporate them and make them "Planescapeish". It wouldnt be hard to do at all really. I'm already going to incoporate any new classes I like that can fit. (Besides things like Tiefling Ninja are damn cool.Sticking out tongue)

thestinkypete's picture
Joined: 2006-07-04
Planescape and Ebberon

but i thought in the AD&D planescape material it was stated you could have characters/go to the dark sun, dragonlance, forgotten realms, greyhawk worlds? ravenloft wasn't allowed, but it existed in the universe. a demiplane. like a maze. you can get in, but not get out...easily.

i'm so confused.

thestinkypete's picture
Joined: 2006-07-04
Planescape and Ebberon

DAMMIT. double post.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Planescape and Ebberon

He means from Ebberon. You cant access those places from Ebberon. Because its all by itself.

And while you can get to Dark Sun, its not easy. Why, you ask? Because with a Decanter of Endless Water, a single planewalker could damn near fix the whole planet. In a while.
That and the fact that with the gold to ceramic bit conversion, on Athas they would be very, very rich.

AkumaDaimyo's picture
Joined: 2006-08-09
Planescape and Ebberon

Actually I see such a PC being killed for his wealth and decanter. The powers that be would definitly want to control the water supply and with a decanter of endless water they could basically sell water to the highest bidder and never run out.

simmo's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Planescape and Ebberon

Some worlds are inaccessible due to some property in their border Ethereal, some are cut off due to being part of a different Cosmology and some worlds don't fit in to Planescape simply because the designers did not want it to fit.

But hey! it's your game so you can pretty make any world fit if you like. The woderful thing about Planescape is that it can encompass any other setting. Planescape has it's own attitude and style but if you look at the Manual of the Planes as a toolbox then you can mix and match in what-ever way you like.

Why not use a race from a world that is officially not conneted to Planescape? The rules are there to facilitate play, not to inhibit it. Planescape is not just about thinking outside the box, it's about making the box in whatever way you fancy. Go be creative and inventive!

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Planescape and Ebberon

'AkumaDaimyo' wrote:
Eberron is NOT part of the Planescape universe at all. It's already been stated officially. It has nothing to do with any other published worlds either.

While the uninspired 'canon says all campaign settings are different' party line is appreciated, we're Planescape. This means two important things:
1. We break the rules whenever we think it would be cool to do so.
2. It's our job to connect all the campaign settings. Ideally, we should do so with as much respect to the CS's concept as possible.

And really, it doesn't matter to a large degree, again because we're Planescape. We're not focussing on Eberron, Abeir-Toril, or Athas. We might pull things from those worlds, we might visit those worlds for a storyline here and there, but we focus on the planes - inner and outer, rather than material.


Pants of the North!

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Planescape and Ebberon

I don't really care what the official line on what campaign worlds are accessible.

In my campaign, Eberron can certainly be travelled to. It may be a more obscure world to go to. You could also for example travel Xoriat or Kythri as the natives of Eberron call it, and to other planewalkers it would be parts of the Far Realm or Limbo, that works with a planar connectivity to Eberron just like their planar orbit system works but only constrained to those small (yet infinite) subsections of those planes.

Kal's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Planescape and Ebberon

My campaign last year, I treated the eberron cosmology as extra planets in the ebberon solarsystem/crystal sphere link by portals and conducts to ebberon itself, though the player characters didnt visit them, they just went to the sun and back instead...


AkumaDaimyo's picture
Joined: 2006-08-09
Planescape and Ebberon

I never said at any point you couldnt link Planescape to Eberron, it's your game and no one can stop you from doing so. I SAID that officially Ebberon doesn't exist in the Planescape universe. In fact, I for one, plan on using things from Eberron that I like and which also make sense. However, I don't like when DMs just include stuff cause it's "kewl" but make no rhyme or reason behind it.

When I said that Ebberon is not officially part of Planescape it was in answer to a persons question about all the worlds being connected and such, however they were thinking in 2cd Ed terms. In 3.5 Eberron is the offical flagship setting of WoTC and it is not officialy connected to Planescape OR any other worlds for that matter. So if you played at something like RPGA you wouldn't be able to go to any other worlds or the Planescape setting via Eberron.

perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
Planescape and Ebberon

True but If a DM want's to connect it to PS it shall be.I mean heck it's conceivable to combine spelljammer and PS making the spelljammer world THE Prime with the crystal spheres something like demiplanes on the astral.

Swiftbow's picture
Joined: 2005-08-27
Planescape and Ebberon

'perro' wrote:
True but If a DM want's to connect it to PS it shall be.I mean heck it's conceivable to combine spelljammer and PS making the spelljammer world THE Prime with the crystal spheres something like demiplanes on the astral.

Those are actually already connected, as the Planescape Campaign Setting mentions spell-jamming between Prime worlds.

Although, for my part, I like to see a more realistic universe as the Prime, since no telescope yet has noticed a crystal sphere incasing our solar system, lol.


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