Planescape: "An unnammed project" for Warcraft3

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Baernoloth's picture
Joined: 2004-05-24
Planescape: "An unnammed project" for Warcraft3

Greetz folks.

I'm working on a RTS game based on the Planescape universe with the Warcraft 3 frozen throne engine. I came here because I'm rather floundered about making all the units work within the confines of the gaming engine. I'm not looking for level help, but rather, concept help (and perhaps a voiceover or two, if possible, further down the line). First of all I'm curious if anyone would be interested in playing this to begin with, and second, if anyone can come up with useful and interesting units.

The 9 aligment-based races, and their corresponding character will be the following:

Archons (Air-focused, retributive bent)
Guardinals (Ranged-focused, mobility bent)
Eladrin (Caster-focused, nocturnal bent)
Modrons (Melee-focused, anticaster bent)
Rilmani (well balanced all around)
Slaad (Melee-focused, Parasitic bent)
Baatezu (Siege-focused, Defensive bent)
Yugoloths (Siege-focused, Corruptive bent)
Tanar'ri. (Skirmisher-focused, Reckless bent)

In the Campaign, the Angels/Aasimon and Gehreleths/Demodands will be present, but not for multiplayer outside of creep encounters.

I'm using a mixture of 2nd and 3rd edition creatures to flesh out the units, with more focus towards 2nd ed. I'd like to find some folks with the game who can help with playtesting as well. My current account on Lordaeron is Experimentalist, so you can whisper me there if you see me online. oh, and you can try me on AIM as well, logicusprime being my screenname.

So for each Race, I would need 4 heroic units (units that garner experience), and the standard breakdown of WC3:TFT unit types, such as Light/heavy melee, Ranged, Light/Heavy Air, Siege units, and so forth, and also Building ideas as well, but that comes later. For Example, the Tanar'ri are pretty fleshed out....

Heroes: Marilith, Balor, Glabrezu, and fourth undecided hero

Units: Dretch (workers), Manes (summonable/suicidal base defense), Armanites (tier 1 melee), Rutterkin (Ranged), Goristro (Long Range Siege) Retriever (specialty unit/support siege) Vrock (Heavy Air), Succubus (Primary Caster), Hezrou (Heavy Support Unit), Bulezau/Ghour (Tier 3 melee), Ship of Chaos (Aerial Siege), Cerebrilith (anticaster).

Of course, each unit/hero has distinctive abilities that are based off of the actual creature from PS universe, like Armanites get a withering hoofs ability which destroys armor points, and might get a knecht upgrade so they can use Spark bolts from their lances to enhance damage.

Any help would be appreciated in this. (especially if you can think of a good ground-based ranged archon unit :/ )

EDIT: Ack, I think I posted to the wrong forum. I dont know how to move it myself...

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Planescape: "An unnammed project" for Warcraft3

Nope - this is the right onw - well, creative would also be the right one I'd say as well. Either will do. I wish I knew more about Warcraft to help you with it - sounds like a fun project. Smiling

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Planescape: "An unnammed project" for Warcraft3

Alrighty, I'll help toss out some creative ideas (This is some great stuff you've got here, now I kinda want to reget Warcraft 3, fun game that.)

Modron Units:

Heroes: Secundus, Tertian, Quaternian

Units: Monodrone (Workers), Duodrone (Very light Melee), Tridrone (Light Ranged), Quadrone (Light Melee, ground only; [Individuals can be Wing upgraded to make them air-air]), Pentadrone (light arial unit), Coggle Brigade (Seige unit), Decaton (Medium Melee), Nonaton (Spellcasting), Octon (Anti-Caster; Melee), Septon (?), Hexton(?), Quinton(?)

All modrons have a general magic resistance. Will+come+back+and+toss+out+more+ideas+later...+adios

Baernoloth's picture
Joined: 2004-05-24
Re: WC3:PS Ideas

Well thanks for the replies! I am glad to see there is some interest here. Xanxost will eat those who does not have interest! Just kidding. But he might nibble a little bit. I mean, you humans don't have any use for that appendix, do you?

As stated before, I have pretty much fleshed out most of the races' units, that being what type of PS creature will fill what role in the strategy game. There are a few exceptions where creatures don't translate so well.... and i'll post these in time.

First off, the Modrons (since they'll be the first campaign anyway, if i get that far, hehe) In the campaign, the storyline shadows the events of the Great Modron March adventure anthology. I say shadows, not follows directly. A nonaton Rogue Hunter (one of the hero units i've created) is sent to retrieve a hexton Marshall, who has tumbled to the dark of the true ruler of Mechanus, the undead Tenebrous. the nonaton is eventually swayed over to the hexton's side, and the Septon who ordered the rogue hunter in the first place, sends his emissary, a kolyarut Record Keeper, to track HIM down. this is where the idea gets fuzzy, but eventually they realize the Hexton was right to begin with, and begin a rogue assault against the Modron Cathedral itself, only to find everything in perfect working order... They were too late, in fact the only reason they got so far was due to the confusion involved in reselecting Primus, and the Abyssal Lord has fled to Thanatos to rebuild his kingdom.

Needless to say, the traitors were disposed of properly Smiling

There's some definate fleshing out needed, but that's the basic gist. Yes, I'm familiar with how modrons communicate, so there would have to be "translators" available....

Now onto the Unit ideas for the Modron Procession.

Heroes: (4)

Oath Binder (Kolyarut Inevitable)
- Melee Cunning Hero.
- Hold Monster: Paralyzes(stuns) a small group of enemy units for a short period of time.
- Enervation Ray: Fires a bolt of pure black energy that deals harsh damage to the enemy and severely weakening its attack power for a short period of time.
- Vampiric Blade: Empowers the blade of the Kolyarut to steal health, and grants a damage bonus, both for a short period of time. While intended for use against the enemy, this ability also works on friendly units, in case the hero finds itself in a bind and on the brink of death.
- Ultimate - Judgement: The Oathbinder summons in the most feared of all the Inevitables, the Marut, to aid against his foes. Ideas for the Marut are discussed below.

Rogue Hunter (Nonaton Hierarch)
- Melee Cunning Hero. their abilities are not yet decided, but they will deal with tracking down and capturing rogue units in some capacity.
- Otiluke's Sphere: This spell creates a globe of energy that can gobble up one non heroic unit. While inside the sphere, the unit is immune to damage and cannot act at all, but allows the sphere to be seen no matter where it is. On higher levels, the sphere can move about. On the highest level, the sphere can attack with a powerful frosty gout that slows enemies. The Sphere can gobble up either friendly or villainous enemies.
-Static Web: Splatters an area with a sticky filament web that slows movement to a crawl while in it. In addition, the area is charged with electrical current, which deals damage for as long as the targets remain in the area.
- Refocusing(passive): Improves the movement speed and weapon damage of the Rogue Hunter.
- Ultimate - Serpent Form: Allows the Rogue Hunter to merge with its spheres, thus elongating into its "other" form, the pearl bead type. It cannot complete this ultimate unless there is an Otiluke's sphere floating around to merge with. In this form, attack and move speed improve, and a bonus to health is applied. Also, attacks become ranged and deal splash damage.

Chief Inspector (Septon Hierarch)
- Ranged Mystical Hero. Unconfirmed, but some abilities will include Summon Gear Spirit and Summon Spectator (Ultimate).
- Spell Crystals: The Chief Inspector can summon in little objects that orbit around the Septon's body and attack nearby units independent of the Chief Inspector. On higher levels, the damage is splash!
- Summon Gear Spirit: Summons a little gear spirit to aid you. Only one is summoned at a time, up to 3 can be in existence at once, due to cooldown limitations. With their Meld ability, gear spirits are able to take control of other mechanical units. They also deal damage to enemy armor when attacking.
- Reworked Functionality(passive): This ability improves the effects of the Chief Inspector's other abilities. It increases the range and splash of Spell Crystals. It improves the hit points and damage of summoned gear spirits. Finally It grants a passive Armor bonus to the Chief Inspector.
- Ultimate - Summon Spectator: Calls an Advanced Spectator beholder to guard a region.

Field Marshall (Hexton Hierarch)
- Melee Warrior Hero.
- Shocking Grasp: The Field Marshall can channel electricity through their body, discharging it in a potent shock that stuns and damages a single nearby unit.
- Six Bladed Strike: Releases 6 blades in all directions, dealing damage to 6 units nearby. If more than 6 units are in the area of effect, 6 units are chosen randomly to damage, and the rest recieve no damage.
- Aura of Efficiency(passive): Increases Damage potential by percent for all friendly units under its effects.
- Ultimate - Blade Barrier: the Hexton eminates a powerful barrier that not only deals heavy damage to units nearby, but prevents spells from affecting him for a period of time.

Standard Units:

- Primary Units responsible for construction and repair of Modron Structures. Not much else to these guys. For Gameplay balance (and game engine functionality) they will move about by normal locomotion and not the teleportation effect described in the Planes of Law supplement. But they will be fast.

- Multipurpose, single use units. Duodrones will be responsible for turning them into more useful things. Some purposes include Harvesting Lumber, Gold, Reconnaisance (as a winged monodrone messenger).

Duodrone Tasker
- Two purpose unit responsible for tasking the Monodrones. Their second purpose is beyond me right now. They'll probably be able to fly upon an upgrade/transformative ability... I'm thinkin of making them something of a tank while on the ground... but unsure.

Tridrone Myrmidon
- Basic Melee Unit. They are 3 purpose beings. 1) melee function. 2) Limited count Javalin thrower. Unsure what effect this will have when it hits, but it will have SOME purpose other than just damage. 3) Living Trap (new ability). The Tridone will bury itself, so that it remains unseen by the living units. Whether or not it should attack in this form is still up in the air.

Quadrone Archer
- Basic Ranged Unit. The quadrones can fire two bows worth of arrows at once. Unsure if this will allow it to hit 2 targets or not, or just fire twice as fast as normal. They will have an upgrade that allows them to go aerial, at the cost of bow power becoming halved.

Pentadrone Commander
- Heavy Melee Unit. The pentadrones have a bevy of abilities at their disposal. They can utilize their paralysis gas to disable living opponents. They can turn that gas into a lift that allows them to levitate. They can also engage a spinning form (new ability) that allows them to rotate their head-plates around at blinding speeds to cut into ribbons those who come near. They will either be rooted to the spot when this occurs, or move about more slowly. This ability will probably disable their standard melee attacks, but that is still uncertain as of now.

Decaton Caretaker
- Primary Spellcaster. Warcraft 3 spellcasters typically have 3 spells available to them, and I've tried to keep with the spirit of this in the mod. The three spells i've chosen thus far are
- Healing Aura (gives a small amount of health to units in a moderate radius from the decaton, but easily recastable)
- Damage Link (Since Modron units are more frail than most other races, this helps keep those "focused fired" on alive longer.)
- Dispel Magic (Dispels all magic in a large radius around the Decaton.)
In addition, Decatons will share the levitate upgrade available to Pentadrones. The Main difference between Levitation and the Winged form upgrades of the Monodrones, Quadrones and possibly duodrones is that attacks can occur with winged forms, but not from levitation. Levitation also doesn't provide forward locomotion, but i might override this to allow -very- slow forward momentum. Also, Decatons will be considerably more healthy than most spellcasters, as they will have to be involved in the thick of combat to become effective.

- Supportive Spellcaster. While the Decaton is a big, hearty thing, the Paraii is quite frail, and must be kept away from direct combat. Their spell repertoire includes:
- Slow, as per the spell, one target only.
- Life Tap.... unsure how to make this work. Giving Vampiric ability to the paraii seems pointless if she is not going to be a counter for melee units. What might happen is she gets this as a passive upgrade, and get a new, different spell to use instead. Any ideas here would be greatly appreciated.
- Meld (a bit different than the ability described in Planes of Law, they will paralyze the victim and provide greater weakness to damage to themselves while they countdown towards possession of the victim, which will destroy the paraii)

- Light Air unit. The Zelekhuts are useful in tracking down aerial targets and bringing justice to them via their electric chains. They can cast Dimensional Shackles, which prevents teleporters from escaping their enchained folds.

Mechanus Cannon
- Long Range Siege unit. Useful for taking out those pesky towering fools who obsess over base defense. Must be manned by Monodrones to be effective. With each new Monodrone manning it, the Mechanus Cannon can perform that much faster. As such, it individually ranks amongst the best siege weaponry in the planes. It will probably learn an additional upgrade, something passive, but i'm at a loss as to what that should be.

- Anticaster unit. These beings swallow summons and magic in a radius and turn them into mana that they can use to power their Magic Missiles ability. If you're familiar with Frozen Throne at all, think of them as land based Destroyers.

Rust Monster
- Support Siege/Anti-Mechanical Unit. while the Pentadrones excel at choppin up living beings, The rust monsters, herded from their stygian mining operation on Ocanthus, deal damage to their mechanical counterparts. Rust monsters completely obliterate Mechanical units and structures with their melee attack. They disable Base Towers and Natural Defense from attacking back. Also, they deal corruption damage to living target's armor, but deal little direct damage themselves. Finally the Rust Monster can be force-evolved into...

Rust Dragon
- Aerial Siege/Heavy Air unit. At first, the Rust Dragon only possesses an acidic spray which greatly damages mostly living targets. They can be later upgraded with Rusting Breath to hit Structures quite hard.

Summoned Units:

The Summoned units include Gear Spirits, Spectator Beholders, and Maruts.

Gear spirits are mechanical summons that mirror the effects of the Chaos Imp summon, by the Slaad Green Artificer Hero (i'll give more info on them when i post Slaad ideas). Both basically are meant to be Mechanical possessors, in that you sacrifice control of your summon to gain permanent control of a mechanical unit of the enemy. Both will probably possess another passive ability to distinctify themselves from one another, and the Gear spirit attack's work like the Yugoloth Vaporighu's, and lower the targets armor as well as their health.

Spectators are immoveable Ultimate summons. I've not looked too heavily into these unit's abilities yet, but they will be guardians in style and deed.

Maruts were originally designed as a heavy melee/support siege unit, but looking at their abilities, I quickly realized they would be too powerful in mass numbers. So they maintain this functionality but only as an ultimate summon, so there can only be 1 in existence at a time. As an ultimate summon, they are unaffected by upgrades, so they come fully loaded with all their abilities. They possess Fists of Thunder and Lightning (still trying to get a good deafness effect in War3), they also will have Chain Lightning, and some form of disease spreading.


So what about the Octons, Quartons, Quintons, and up?

Well, the Octons/Quartons/Secundi are the leaders of the regions/sectors/quarters, and this will probably be represented in the town hall structure. Little direct involvement will occur though, perhaps the Octons will be shown in the campaign to act as liason between septon and nonaton, but that's probably it.

A Quinton leads the march, and might be shown in the campaign. But they are not creatures of war, as far as PS is concerned and will stay out of the direct fray.

Tertians are responsible for judgements and carrying down the orders of the secundi. Since the campaign turns the heroes into rogues, these will eventually become the enemy, and i think one mission might have you trying to avoid capture by the Tertians. But otherwise, they are like the Quintons, and not beasts of war.

Primus itself will be seen at the end of the Modron Campaign... once Tenebrous has left. Obviously, it will seek to make right what the player had made so very wrong in the eyes of the Modrons, insubordination. Since Primus never leaves the plane of Mechanus, it will never be involved in the outer planar war effort.


So thats it for the Modrons. Any feedback/suggestions/ideas are welcome. Primus, I read your ideas, and I'm quite curious as to what a "coggle brigade" is. Is that a 3rd edition creature? I've got most of the planar/good/evil books for 3E, but never heard of a coggle.

I like your magic resistance idea, I think i could base it off Elune's Grace (gives % dmg reduction vs. magic damage), and give the Modrons higher armor totals, so they can stand longer against the standard units from the hardier races (slaad and yugoloths in particular)

Baernoloth's picture
Joined: 2004-05-24
Planescape: "An unnammed project" for Warcraft3

Here's my Tanar'ri Ideas (more in depth, anyway)

I'm going to refrain from giving too much away from the campaigns, since i want ppl to enjoy it. If you're interested in working on more RPGesque ideas for the campaigns then please contact me on AIM at screenname: logicusprime.

Heroes (4)

Balor Burning Regent
- Melee Warrior Hero.
- Body Flames (Massive damage to enemy units nearby)
- Entangling Whip (Brings the targetted unit(s) closer to the balor, be them friend or foe)
- Vorpal Sword (Passive: Increases chance of Critical Hit)
- Ultimate: Death Throes (Passive: When the balor dies, it explodes, dealing massive damage in a radius surrounding, and will probably leave a summoned unit in its place. I'm not sure which unit to leave, Bodak or Molydeus, what do you think? In any event, unlike most summoned units, this one would not vanish after a period of time.)

Marilith Tacticienne
- Melee Cunning Hero.
- Constriction (Paralyzes unit and the Marilith too, dealing damage over time to the constricted unit until the marilith breaks control or is stunned)
- Venemous Arsenal (Autocast Ability, Causes the Marilith's weapons to deal additional strike damage, and then deal over time to the units struck)
- Aura of Command (Passive: Continuously provides additional move and attack speed by percent to all unit under its area of effect)
- Ultimate: Animate Dead (just like the death knight's ability, raises a number of invulnerable corpses for a short period of time.)

Glabrezu Orchestrator
- Ranged Mystical Hero.
- Mirror Image (Dispels negative effects from the caster, and provides several false images that can be moved and controlled separately, after shuffling the caster and his images so no one will know who is who.)
- Reverse Gravity (Creates a wave of energy that tosses units into the air for a period of time, causing damage upon impact)
- Burning Hands (Creates a conic flame eminating from the caster that singes enemies on contact)
- Ultimate: Empowerment (Causes the Glabrezu to grow to 150% of its size, and provides additional health, damage, and armor bonuses, in addition to magical Immunity for a short period of time)

And the 4th Undecided Hero. Its areas like these I need help on... I'm thinking one of several possibilities.

1: a molydeus. It would be a decent tanking hero, it could transform victims into manes, unleash its dancing vorpal axe, Summon a field of damaging black tentacles, and Leech life away and take it for its own as a passive ability.

The Problem is... Molydei tend to stick to the abyss and not wander away. Most of these heroes would be able to cross planar boundaries.

2: a Baron Cambion. Perhaps it would lean towards the Shadowdancer prestige class, and possess use of a shadow companion, short range teleportation, hiding in the shadows (and breaking it would initiate a backstab) and be skillful at evading attack even in plain sight (cause a % chance to miss).

The Problem... very specialized hero, wouldn't be useful in most multiplayer situations.

3: An Alkilith. It would learn Corrosive Slime(passive), Cloudkill Form, and I can't honestly think of other abilities for it right now... I don't buy Wall of Ice/Cone of Cold on an acidic slime creature, to be honest.

The Problem... Come on, your army is following a pile of Goo?

4: A nalfeshnee. It would posses the trademark Unholy Nimbus(dealing damage and stunning those in a radius), be able to Judge Larva into Manes forms, and more stuff I can't solidify right now..

The Problem... I've already deemed Nalfeshnee Thrones will be the food supply for the Tanar'ri, with the two abilities listed above. I'd have to think of a new way to power the tanar'ri hordes.

So those are -my- ideas, but as you can see i'm rather stuck. Other possibilities include the Hezrou, Babau, or Cerebrilith, or maybe that Tanar'ri in the Ghostwalk campaign, but I don't have access to that right now...


- Basic Worker Units. Responsible for construction, mining, harvesting and repair of mechanical structures. Will Probably make use of the Telekinesis upgrade that the Rutterkin would share, but unsure how to make it work. (they don't have a missile attack)

- Light Melee Units. Might possess Withering Hooves, which allow a percent chance to deal armor damage with each hit. Also would possess a Knecht Upgrade, which would allow units to gain additional health and use Spark Bolts on their lances (they won't have crossbows or anything of that sort)

- Ranged Units. Uses the Snap Tong device. With the Telekinesis Upgrade, the Snap Tong can riccochet to several units, dealing 33%less damage to each unit struck.

- Long Range Siege Units. The mighty Goristro hurl rocks at structures and units to great effect. They would probably possess Stamp, allowing them to stun or slow units in a radius around them. They can be upgraded with the Citadel Upgrade, allowing up to 4 Rutterkin to mount them and fire from their backs.

Alu-Fiend Circean Witch
- Primary Caster for the Tanar'ri. This unit is unfinalized, and may be replaced.
- Dark Familiar: Summons a single Eyewing to scout for the witch,
- Polymorph: Turns the target into a harmless critter for a period of time.
- Vysage: Summons a Vysage from the corpse of a fallen Tanar'ri. Vysage abilities are listed below in the summoned unit section.

- Support Caster for the Tanar'ri. The unit is unfinalized, and may be replaced. Unsure if she should be allowed to fly, but she probably will.
- Kiss of Death: Drains health away from the unit with each casting. the effect drains level, effectively providing an increasing chance to miss as well. The effects stack.
- Etherial Jaunt: becomes a quicker, speedier, invisible form. prevents casting and direct attack. I'd prefer another ability in place of this, since this overlaps the Cerebrilith's ability....
- Charm: places a permanent charm on the unit.

- Anticaster Unit. Unfinalized, might end up being a hero. Who knows. As all anticasters, they would possess Magical immunity.
- Cerebral Parasite Swarm: summons a horde of cerebral parasites to eat away at the victim's mana supply to all those in a radius from the caster. Their mana supply combusts, and deals damage proportionate to the mana stolen per hit. Deals light damage to other targets as well, but certainly not enough to warrant use of the ability.
- Ectoplasmic Form: Allows the Cerebrilith to assume a form which provides exceptional protection versus physical attacks, but prevents use of attacks or powers while in it. In addition, the creature gets a significant speed and regenerative boost. In this form, however, the Cerebrilith is quite weak to magical attack(but benefits more from magical healing) and loses its natural magic immunity.
- Dispel Good: Deals damage to enemy summoned units in its area of effect as well as dispelling any enemy magical effects.

- Mechanical Support Siege Unit. The Retriever is adept at breaking into structures and taking back victims. Its Fetch ability allows it to snatch up one non-hero unit for taking back to.. wherever. This works on both enemy and friendly units. It can then drop the unit once the main threat has been dealt with, which is recommended, because the unit gives sight of the retriever, no matter where it goes to the enemy while it is in "custody". If killed, a retriever will drop its quarry. it also possesses its Tetra Elemental Rays, which I'm not really sure how to deal with to make a balanced unit.

Hezrou Enforcers
- Melee Support Unit. Might become a hero. Constantly emits an Aura of Stench, preventing those ground-based units close to the hezrou from dealing full damage on their attacks, with about 30% reduction in damage. Hezrou can learn the Resilient Hides upgrade, which prevents most normal missile attacks to be shrugged off and deal no damage. They might possess a "Punish" ability, which creates a frenzy of attack speed from a targetted unit, but continously drains health from the damaging strike in exchange. They might also get the Gaseous form ability, which if Alkiliths are present in the game, they'll share the upgrade with them. This would allow Hezrou to become untargettable by anything but area effect magics or dispels. Finally, I'm unsure how to implement the "Dark Walk", where hezrou sell themselves into slavery of a mortal wizard in exchange for their soul. and until I can think of something or someone suggests a good idea, I probably won't.

- Heavy melee unit for the Tanar'ri. They would be able to frenzy themselves, and this would lower their armor in exchange for greater attack speed and move speed. Its head-butt, if included, would stun units hit for a short period of time. Their attacks might have a slight area of effect, and this would damage fellow tanar'ri as well, adding to the sense of recklessness of these units.

- Either Light Air or Heavy Air. Depends if I can find a better Light Air unit... They will primarily attack ground with the spore clouds, which deal damage over time and slow the units affected as the vines begin to grow in their skin. They might be able to feed on the fallen like a vulture and regain health that way, but only if they land. I prefer this to their screech, which only stuns for 1 round any way, and requires a high degree of micro to use effectively. While on the ground, they can join with other vrocks to form the Dance of Ruin, which would sacrifice or wound themselves for a good amount of damage in a decent radius.

Vessels of Chaos
- Mechanical Aerial Siege Units. Vessels of chaos would be lesser versions of the mighty Ship of Chaos. They would fire with the Force Projectors versus structures as outlined in the In the Abyss Adventure, but without the risk of disintergration. They might also use the Ballistae versus land based units, instead of the force projectors. They -might- be able to carry Larvae in their hull, to They also would project the Entropy Field. This is where we get problems. WC3 doesn't allow for "temporary charming" as in a chaos spell, so I'd need to find a new effect that still conveys the same message. Any ideas?


- Converted units, brought about by a judgement from the Nalfeshnee or the Molydeus. Manes are pathetically weak melee, but work well in numbers as fodder and explode in a cloud of acid in a nice radius when killed.

Eyewing Familiars
- Light Reconnaisance units summoned by either the Alu-Fiend Circaen Witch or Succubus. Only 1 per summoner is allowed, if another is summoned, the Eyewing dissappears and is replaced by the new one. They will be able to use true sight allowing them to see burrowed, submerged and invisible units, and possess a poisonous stinger for attacking air units. Their Teardrop ability would allow them to attack ground units with poison and deal splash damage.

- Ultimate summons. (Potential). Unsure if the Balor would summon this or not. It might be an ultimate summon provided by that 4th hero, but i'm still unsure as to who that would be. In any event, the ability to kill others with a glance is too powerful to have it massed... so it would only work as a single unit in the game at once.

- Tier 3 summons, summoned by Alu-Fiends. These shapeshifting fiends are utterly bound to the will of Tenebrous/Orcus. Its primary ability, Lucidity Control, causes a region of doubt and subterfuge that makes all units within doubt their abilities and perceptions, thus providing a miss chance to units caught within. It can Assume Identity, which requires the Vysage time to kill the unit and then become it. It won't be possible to assume another identity by shrugging off the old one with the WC3 engine, unfortunately. But then, you can always summon more vysages.


As stated above, Nalfeshnee are currently going to be mobile food suppliers for the Tanar'ri, as it stands. They would gain their rainbow spray, be able to turn larva into Manes, and would move about by flight.

Larva would probably be corpses for functionality, but would appear as wriggling maggots in a single spot. It'd have to be an edited model, for sure. So they won't really -go- anywhere, and would be able to be spawned from the Mountain of Woe (Tanar'ri Town Hall Structure) on a periodic basis like the graveyard of the scourge.

Viper Trees would act as base defense for the Tanar'ri. They would be melee range until you upgrade them, which would allow for spitting poison at both land-based and air-based units.

In addition, they could upgrade their buildings to be covered in razorvine, with each subsequent upgrade improving the damage dealt back to melee attackers.

I'd also like to include Fiendwyrms, since the Tanar'ri have lost their ability to gate/teleport as of the events of Hellbound. Which, by the way, I don't have... so if anyone does and is willing to provide information from it, please let me know! Smiling But I dont want to give the Tanar'ri THREE capitol-ship type units (Vessels of Chaos and Goristro are quite powerful enough)... so if anyone has any ideas on that to offset its power....


So as you can see, there's plenty here already to work with but I'm still stuck on a couple of units to solidify. what I want to know is who would be the best Light Air unit:

1)Nabassu Fledgeling (Maturity would make it become... something else)
2)Vrock (if this is the light air, Vessel of Chaos becomes the heavy)
4)Eyewing (removed from summons)

And who would be the best 4th hero:

1) Molydeus
2) Nalfeshnee
3) Baron Cambion
4) Alkilith
5) Hezrou
6) Other

What would be the best caster combo....
1) Alu-Fiend/Cambion Mage
2) Alu-Fiend/Succubus
3) Alu-Fiend/Cerebrilith
4) Succubus/Cambion Mage
5) Succubus/Cerebrilith
6) Other

And what would be the best Anticaster...

1) Cerebrilith
2) Maurezhi
3) Cambion Assassin
4) Succubus
5) Alkilith

What should the tetra elemental rays of the retriever do? petrification versus a unit that it can already disable by Fetching it would seem redundant, and limit the effectiveness of Fetching, since that only works on one unit at a time.

And perhaps some way to include the babau or fiendwyrm?

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
Planescape: "An unnammed project" for Warcraft3

I love this idea! Which army are you considering for the strong defensive side?(Protoss/Undead style) The army that build fast and can lay down withering defensive fire. I was thinking the baatezu. Once you know which forces you intend to give this kind of balance, let me know, I'll jump in to help.

Baernoloth's picture
Joined: 2004-05-24
More PS Goodness.

Hey Jasper!

The most "defensive" race is sort of a toss up between two of them, the Baatezu and the Rilmani. The primary difference is that Baatezu will have amongst the best Base Defense, and the Rilmani will have the best Unit Defense.

I plan on giving Masonry upgrades similar to the Human style to the Baatezu, towers with splash damage, and a Searchlight style Tower that detects invisible/burrowed intruders and debilitates those it attacks. These towers will provide significant sight, since after all, the worker bees of the Baatezu, Nupperibo Minions, are all blind, deaf, and mute. In addition, Nupperibo can be converted en masse at the Pit of Flame (Baatezu town hall structure) into Lemures, which can see normally, regenerate like nobody's business, but deal low damage, to act as a militia-style units.

As for the Rilmani, very little has been published about their cities and whatnot. The only pieces of info I was able to gather came from Tales from the Infinite Staircase, and it was very broad, to say the least. Thus, the current plan is making their structures based on the Walking Castles of the Hinterlands... great golem-like structures that can arise and move about. The Ferrumach Iron Captain hero will gain the Devotion Aura, granting his units additional armor. I'm kinda dry for ideas about what the structures should be on the Rilmani myself.

Protoss style construction will be present in at least two races, the Guardinals and the Slaad. Both will require a special structure to build near. Anarch Guidons will provide stability for Slaad structures, which will decompose over time, slowly eating away at its own health via reverse regeneration, if not built nearby.

Watering Holes will feed the planned Treant Structures for the Guardinals, but won't be needed specifically to maintain itself. However, the Guardinal worker, Mustevals, are unable to repair structures as most workers are. The Treants must rely on the Watering Holes nearby to heal themselves while under fire, much like permanent healing wards.

Well thats it for now. I'll be back tomorrow most likely to post my Archon Ideas. If you want to contact me directly, I'm on AIM at logicusprime, or you can email me at [REDACTED]. Lates!

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
Planescape: "An unnammed project" for Warcraft3

Ah, the baatezu, let us begin by formulating a list of what they do now, by Challenge Rating.

5)Bearded Devil
6)Chain Devil
9)Bone Devil
11)Barbed Devil
13)Ice Devil
16)Horned Devil
20)Pit Fiend
20)Bel, Lord of the First(BoVD)
22)The Hag Countess, Lord of the Sixth(BoVD)
24)Belial/Fierna, Lords of the Fourth(BoVD)
25)Levistus, Lord of the Fifth(BoVD)
25)Mammon, Lord of the Third(BoVD)
26)Dispater, Lord of the Second(BoVD)
29)Baalzebul, Lord of the Seventh(BoVD)
29)Mephistopholes, Lord of the Eighth(BoVD)
32)Asmodeus, Lord of the Ninth(BoVD)

As the focus of the Undead army(who I am basing this balance on) was structural defense, coupled with free units(skeletons, reanimations), I suggest an ability for them...Summon Baatezu. The ability to call other units, temporarily, who cannot themselves summon, makes the baatezu tactics more feasible. Spreading this ability as 'realistically' as possible across the units will make the devils plenty dangerous.

As for iconic troops, here are some of my pics.

All baatezu ignores all darkness, can see fine.

Lemures-mass cannon fodder. Cheap, but slow and weak. Cannot be charmed. No ranged attacks.

Imps-spy units, capable of turning into critters, to disguise themselves. Easy to acquire, and expend. No ranged attacks, but can fly in natural form.

Chain Devils-frontline grinders, a step up. Ranged attacks with chains, but cannot attack air. Possible stun attack and/or slow regen.

Bearded Devil- midstrength grinders, first real high-microing unit, as they must be clicked to Battle Frenzy. Can gain a poison/disease effect on their attacks(Infernal Wound, Beard). First troops to summon. Can call a 'illusory' bearded devil or pack of lemures.

Hellcat-fast interceptor unit, good for response. Invisible during daytime.

Erinyes-1st real spellcaster unit. Rope entangle, can charm enemy units, can summon lemures or a few bearded devils. Weak attacks, no ranged, but can fly, attack air units.

Bone Devil-2nd Spellcaster unit. Summon lemures or another bone devil. Invisibility, Wall of ice, fly spells. If you put in teleportation, these guys get dimensional anchor. Poisonous attacks, decent melee.

Barbed Devil-3rd stage grinders. Rips into troops with massive damage, summons beardeds or another barbed, deals damage when hit. 3 ranged attack, picks best one for target(scorching ray, order's wrath, unholy blight). Can used ranged on air units.

Ice Devil-Ice spells(Cone of cold, ice storm), slowing attack, regenerates, summons lemures, bearded devils, bone devils or another ice devil. Can use unholy aura or fly.

Horned Devils-Major aerial grinding/ranged. Fireballs and lightning bolts let them attack air or ground units. Stunning melee attacks. Summons lemures, bearded devils, barbed devils, or another horned. Regenerates.

Pit Fiends-Master unit, similar to frost wyrms. Flying devestation engines. Poison/disease effects, strong melee damage, fast regeneration, and strong spellcasting. Plenty of firepower.

Baernoloth's picture
Joined: 2004-05-24
Baatezu: the Fallen

hehehe, you are using the 3.5 edition names for the baatezu... Personally, I prefer the older ones, much more character to them, and they mean the same thing anyway when you do a little research, for instance, Barbazu comes from Barbos, meaning beard..

But just in case you don't have the older names, I'll post them here for reference, as those are the ones I'm using:

Bearded Devil = Barbazu
Ice Devil = Gelugon
Horned Devil = Cornugon
Bone Devil = Osyluth
Chain Devil = Kyton
Barbed Devil = Hamatula

I have pretty much already fleshed out the Baatezu Race, but there's a few issues I want to address.....

First off, Kytons (Chained Devils) aren't really part of the Baatezu, they're just a devilish race that Mammon allows in his realm, which, after all, he's decidedly few in the friends department these days. For this reason, I have shunned the idea of including them. Plus, if I include Kytons, I have to make room for Chain Golems.... Still, I'm kinda undecided as to what I want for Anticasters for the Baatezu, and Kytons could work in that venue... but then i'd have to explain away Hamatula, which are my current pick. Another possibility is that the Kyton becomes a neutral hero, which is very likely, since the only competition for the LE neutral hero would be the Bladeling...

Secondly, Although the four greater baatezu (Pit Fiends, Cornugons, Gelugons and Amnizu) mostly possess wings, they won't be able to use them for balance purposes, because they are going to be the 4 heroes of the race. I think it might be funny to see the Amnizu flap along with tiny vestigal wings, but this won't accomplish more than a hover in game terms.

Next, as of this release, we're not delving into aquatic units, so the Xerfylstyx is out, along with such other racial equivalents such as the Noviere, Balaena, Zoveri, Hydroloths, Wastriliths, Waterbourne Abiorachs, and whatever the slaad/modrons could muster in that field : ) on the same note, Paelyrions don't really muster the feel of the baatezu, IMHO anyway. They seem to fit more along the ranks of the Baatezu Nobility, but these people don't get directly involved in the war effort by any means.

Finally, the whole idea of Gating and Teleportation w/o Error on most units is simply undoable. The PS races were designed to work on a Role Playing level, where you encounter the fiends, celestials and concordants as extremely powerful beings, but in this game, they are fighting each other, which changes the whole scenario. Now they have to be equal with each other, or relatively so. In addition, one must watch for racial imbalances. Sure, the Yugoloths can teleport around to their hearts desire and gate in practically a whole army, but what would that leave for the Modrons, or Celestials? I've tried just about every way to concieve of including this in a fair and easy to learn way, but for the most part, have been met with failure. Thus, most races will not be able to teleport around at will or gate others of their kind (save certain choice individuals)

Well I was going to post the Archons now, or what little i had in store for them, but i'll just skip to the Baatezu for now and post the heavenly hosts later.


Pit Fiend
- Ranged Mystical Hero.
- Cloak: The Pit Fiend uses his wings for protection, forming a cloak which raises armor and regeneration rating of the baatezu while sacrificing all movement and the ability to attack. In other words, he must be rooted to the spot while using it. This ability is toggleable. In addition, on higher levels the Pit Fiend will enventually become invisible when Cloaked.
- Symbol of Pain: the Pit Fiend leaves a sigil in place that explodes when units come near, leaving them stunned in pain and dealing low to moderate damage to those affected.
- Wall of Fire: Bathes an area in a pentagram of fire, dealing significant damage to any unit in its area of effect over time.
- Ultimate - Avernus Rain: Summons a rain of hellfire that deals damage and interrupts channeled spellcasting, and summons 1-3 Hellfire golems as an additional effect.

Gelugon Frost Devil (working name only)
- Melee Warrior Hero.
- Frost Lance(passive): Adds additional damage to the gelugon and a cold, slowing effect to the Gelugon's attacks.
- Tail Swipe: The Gelugon swipes its tail at the target and creates a stunning effect, paralyzing and damaging the unit struck.
- Cone of Cold: Deals a wave of damage in a conic radius.
- Ultimate - Crystalization: The Gelugon gains additional damage, regeneration and armor. In addition, melee attackers that strike the gelugon get damage dealt back, and even his chilling presence causes the enemy to completely unable to attack, thus encouraging the units to run off in fear.

Cornugon Whiplord
- Melee Warrior or Cunning Hero.
- Whipcrack(passive): Adds a percent chance of dealing extra damage and stunning the unit hit.
- Grievous Wounding: The Cornugons strikes hard with its barbed tail, dealing powerful initial damage and continous damage over time.
- Wave of Terror: Cornugons can eminate a powerful energy that wracks opponents abilities to strike back at full force. All those around the Whiplord lose a percentage of their damage dealt for a short period of time.
- Ultimate - Stroke of Lightning: The Cornugon channels a lightning storm into being, that continously strikes at enemies with a chain lightning effect. If the Cornugon is stunned during this time, the effect ends.

Amnizu Prince of Flies
- Ranged Mystical Hero.
- Styx Channeling: The Amnizu attacks spellcasters with an energy bolt of pure Stygian hatred, eradicating their mana supply and combusting it, dealing damage proportional to the mana lost.
- Summon Advespa: The Amnizu can summon in Advespae to protect itself and use to attack foes from the sky.
- Imprisonment: Sends a target unit into stasis for a lengthy period of time. The effect is -not- dispellable. This ability works on heroes as well as regular units, but for a shorter duration. While in stasis, the unit can not be affected by any attack, nor can it affect any attack on those in its surroundings.
- Ultimate - Swarm of Flies: The Amnizu summons a massive swarm of flies that hover around and leech off the health to those in the area of effect surrounding the Amnizu, restoring it to the Amnizu once they return.


Nupperibo Minions
- Basic Workers. The Nupperibo are blind, and thus do not possess any range of sight beyond their own body (and the location of those that attack them.) The Nupperibo construct buildings and harvest wood and gold in the typical fashions, and can team build. When Hard-pressed, the Nupperibo can be summoned at the Pit of Flame to turn into Lemures. Nupperibo can learn the Blindsight ability, which allows them to see invisible opponents in their very confined field of "vision".

Spinagon Firebrands
- Aerial Scouts and Worker enforcement. Spinagon can be trained to provide aerial vision and scout for the Baatezu as well. They can learn a speed upgrade that provides quicker movement on later tiers, so they don't become too overpowered. Spinagon only attack other aerial units. They can force Lemures into a battle drive that improves their attack speed and move speed.

Barbazu Glaive Fiends
- Basic Melee Unit. The Glaive fiend can use their polearms to great effect, skewering enemies from behind a wall of Lemures or other arisen undead. They can learn the Serrated Glaives upgrade, which provides additional damage over time for a short period of time with each attack.

Hell Hound
- Basic Ranged unit. Hell hounds deal splash damage with their burning breaths, but initially possess a short range. They can improve this range with upgrades, as well as gain the ability to hit aerial targets.

Kocrachon Inquisitor
- Primary Spellcaster for the Baatezu.
- Healing Fluid: The Inquisitor can continously inject a healing syrum into the bloodstreams of the Baatezu nearby, which heals them of damage as long as they're being fed. Only 1 Kocrachon can administer treatment to a unit at a time.
- Witherlimb: Allows the Kocrachon to surgically alter the targetted creature, which causes the bones and limbs in the victim to grow weak, drastically lowering damage, attack speed, and movement speed.
- Carrion Plague: Infects corpses in battle with a disease, causing those around them to slowly take damage over time. Does not affect the undead.

Erinyes Winged Fury
- Supportive Spellcaster for the Baatezu.
- Ensnare: Activates her rope and ensnares a victim, preventing movement for a period of time versus ground based units.
- Dispel Magic: Deals damage to summoned units and abolishes all magical effects in a large radius eminating from the target. (not the caster, although she can be the target).
- Mazzikim Curse: Affects the target with a curse that decreases their attack speed, and deals damage over time. If the unit is killed while the curse is under effect, a Mazzikim is spawned from their corpse.

- Light Air unit. Abishai will be a promotion from the likes of the Spinagons. They might learn a Dive Upgrade to allow them to swoop and attack units on the ground, or they will come fully equipped with the capability.

Hellfire Bombard
- Mechanical Long Range Siege Unit. Hellfire Bombards utilize Mephistopheles' new Hellfire Technology, which they can learn upon upgrade, which allows the Bombard's splash damage to linger, and deal damage over time to the area struck.

Narzugon Doomrider
- Heavy Melee Unit. Narzugon ride upon Infernal steeds (probably nightmares, but not written in stone) that give them great speed to aid in tracking down escapees of the Baatezu's wrath. They will also learn Baleful Stare, which allows them to stare down a ground-based enemy, paralyzing him, and slowly draining it of its health. This disables the Narzugon casting the ability. If the Narzugon is stunned, then the unit is freed. Eventually, even the toughest units are brought to their knees and killed. This ability has the potential for being quite unbalancing, so I'll be keeping a close watch on it during testing... any other ideas to make Baleful Stare work, please let me know.

- Massive Support Siege unit. Ghargatulas are powerful beasts that charge headfirst into the thick of combat, relying on their powerful hides to protect them from the onslaught of the enemy. Their thick, craggy hides has a chance to ward off any missile attack completely, their venemous stinger slows down any unit hit for a period of time, and their massive maws can swallow whole most land based units. Swallowed units are completely immobilized and cannot be freed by any means save killing the Ghargatula. Only 1 target can be swallowed at a time, and the Ghargatula can't spit them out to swallow another, until its digestion is complete. As a side effect, swallowed units grant sight of the swallowing unit, so it is best to keep the ghargatula in range of the enemy while digesting a unit to keep the enemy from knowing too much about your location.

Hellfire Wyrm
- Massive Aerial Siege unit. Hellfire Wyrms are surrounded at all times by an aura of flames, which deal damage to any airborne unit crazy enough to get within melee range. This is the only means of defense that the Hellfire Wyrm has against aerial targets. Its primary attack is a gout of flame towards ground based units and structures. It can learn the Hellfire Upgrade that the Bombards make use of.

Osyluth Deciever
- Possible Supportive Spellcaster Unit. I'm unsure of what to give it. Originally I had this unit envisioned as a caster beside the Kocrachon, but I felt that the Erinyes made a substandard Anticaster... still uncertain about that decision.
- Major Image: Allows the Osyluth to cast phantom images of a unit that take damage but don't provide any. This spell works on both friend and foe alike. You can bring two Images into play for each casting on a single unit, which effectively doubles the number of units.
- Call of the Pit: Teleports a unit to the pit of flame, stunning them, and slowly healing them over time. This ability is based off of their ability to police amongst their own kind.
- Shield of Ice: Adds a small touch of armor and slows melee attackers that hit the target of this spell. This is based off their Wall of Ice ability, which I am having trouble trying to make work right in wc3, so i'm using this as a tenative substitute.
- Demotion: An ability that turns friendly non-allied (thus, baatezu only)units into Bezekira (hellcats).

- Possible Anticaster unit. Promoted from the ranks of the Osyluth, Hamatula are covered in barbs that deal damage back towards melee attackers. Their blows cripple the enemy with irrational fear, causing mana to drain away as well as damaging the enemy. Finally, they can create Spell Chaff, which acts as a magical distractor that absorbs spells cast on it, thus causing the caster to waste precious mana. the Chaff will be ethereal, and allow magic attacks ONLY to target it. In addition, the chaff might gain some other useful effect, possibly detonation or something of the sort. I'm very loosely basing this off their Pyrotechnics ability.

TENATIVE: Malebranche
- Possible Heavy Air unit. I'm not sure if this unit would be overkill when compared to the Hellfire Wyrm and Abishai. Malebranches don't have splash damage or any notable spell abilities of any kind, so they would basically charge into land based units, and nothing else. Maybe they get a magical weapon to use instead?


Hellfire Golems
- Powerful Ultimate summons by the Pit Fiend. Hellfire golems are surrounded constantly by an Infernal Aura similar to the Hellfire Wyrm, but this only affects ground targets instead of aerial ones. Hellfire golems are immune to magical attacks or effects. Each is capable of casting Flame Strike on units, to deal additional damage. Hellfire golems eventually dissappear like most summons.

- Wasp-like devils summoned by the Amnizu Prince of Flies. With each level of the summon ability, more powerful Advespa can be summoned in. Level 2 advespa possess poison, and level 3 can use an additional ability, probably Pyrotechnics, although i'm not sure how this will work in Wc3 engine. Or, they could just get stronger in hit points and damage. who knows : )

- Lowly base defense units that effectively can't die. Nupperibo are sent to the town hall and turned into these dripping piles of goo when the situation looks grim. They possess amazing regeneration rates, and can come back from the dead, until they get turned back into Nupperibo when the counter ends.

- Stealthy reconnaisance/hit and run units. Hellcats will always be permanently invisible unless attacking, as wc3 doesn't allow for the unit to function quite the same way as it should (and besides, there's not much in the way of 'night' on baator). Otherwise, they get no special attacks.

- invisible units summoned by the Erinyes. While they cannot attack, they can possess others, sacrificing control of their lives for the domination of another. Mazzikim slowly die off by loss of hit points, as opposed to a time limit, if left to their own measures.

So there you have it... my ideas, incomplete as they may be, for the Baatezu units. Later on I'll post the Archons, and they're the ones i need the most help on finalizing... so any ideas you guys have for them would be especially appreciated.

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Planescape: "An unnammed project" for Warcraft3

Rilmani units are hard to come up with, since they don't have the thousand-and-one types of rilmani like there are baatezu, archons, guardinals, eladrin, 'loths, and tanar'ri. So, it may be necessary to make some non-rilmani units...Or variations on each rilmani type. I'd be more than willing to help you out with the rilmani, since I'm pursuing a sort of book-project where I'm writing extensively about the rilmani (non-canon, of course, but it's gonna be a good read)

Here are some rough ideas for basic units...Ability type stuff can come later.

Hero Spawn Building - Concordanach (named for the great council that Rilmani go to in order to discuss and prepare for Balance support)

Worker Unit - Plumach

Plumachs are essentially the grunts of rilmani society. They are the workers, the craftsmen, etc. Thus, the "lead dwarves" will make an ideal option for the worker unit.

Basic Fighting Unit - Ferrumach

Ferrumachs make up the bulk of the rilmani "standing army."


Probably a high-speed unit, good for either ranged attack or strong hit-and-run tactics. Cuprilachs are extremely stealthy and swift, the assassins of the rilmani, so probably hit-and-run would be better. They'll likely also have a sneak/hide type of ability, and maybe a critical strike passive skill, since they quickly learn exactly where to hit targets to deal most effective damage.

Abiorach -- still trying to figure out a way to put them in appropriately. They're so weird Sticking out tongue


Probably going to be a caster unit. Argenachs are diplomats, etc., but diplomacy doesn't work too much in WarCraft, so they could be converted to caster units with some neat skills.


These guys are going to be the hero units. Probably, unique aurumachs will have to be created, because there aren't many stats out for specific aurumachs

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Planescape: "An unnammed project" for Warcraft3

Point of order on the Modron race:

The modrons and the parai aren't exactly on friendly terms. Actually the parai aren't really on good terms with anyone. They'd be cool as Creeps (Parai are pretty cool anyways) but not so much as Modron units.

Baernoloth's picture
Joined: 2004-05-24

Is that so? I'll have to look more into that. I don't distinctly remember Paraii and Modrons having a "communication problem" Smiling so to speak. Well then, what would you suggest as the 2nd spellcaster? On a side note, just about all the races will have at least 2 spellcasters. I'm leaning towards either putting in Keepers, or taking the Kolyarut out and using it for spellcasting (hey, they're both vampiric, right?) and putting the Marut in as the non-modron hero... Oh, and what about that "coggle brigade" idea you had? I'm still not certain what a coggle is.

And Center of All, for the most part, I put things exactly as you had them with the Rilmani. Plumachs are the workers and siege artillerists, Ferrumachs form the melee, Argenachs are casters, Cuprilachs are ranged, Aurumach forms a hero, and the Abiorachs fill in the blanks. One question though, how do you envision their cities? As mentioned above, I thought it would be pretty cool to give them walking castles, which, when in mobile form, would look more like great lumbering golems in-game than the chicken-legged-baba-yaga-hut-on-crack that diTerlizzi popularized Smiling But I do want continuity, so if you've already thought of something good, I'll probably stick with that, given the lack of Rilmani architecture in PS.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Planescape: "An unnammed project" for Warcraft3

Yeah, Modrons above Quadrone level slay Parai on sight, while anything lower gets ordered to attack. Modrons resent having their perfectly lawful units subverted out of the collective.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Planescape: "An unnammed project" for Warcraft3

This sounds exceptionally cool. The only question is: how are you going to get units to use as models for celestials or modrons? With fiends, you have any number of choices.

I'll see what I can come up with for Archons

1 ) Lantern Archon- basic worker, very light attack, but fast and fast attack
2 ) Hound Archon- durable melee fighter with powerful melee attacks
3 ) Warden Archon- heavy support melee. better armor. some kind of Night Elf spell- Faerie Fire?
4 ) Sword Archon- air unit, anti-magic, fast attack, fast movement. some kind of stunning spell. a speed ability.
5 ) Trumpet Archon- a powerful stunning ability from trumpets. good melee damage, some healing magic?
6 ) Throne Archon- Warrior hero. Heavy damage in melee.
Give them the critical hit ability from Blademaster
Give them a surprising amount of magic-heavy spells to reflect their impressive casting ability.
7 ) Tome Archon- Mystical hero. Needs just about every nasty spell you can come up with. Rain of Fire, all sorts of Armageddon-style magic.
8 ) if you want another hero, how about a Formian Queen? Make her work like a Crypt Lord and gather swarms of followers.
9 ) Zoveri- medium ranged warrior. Throws spears at enemies. Has an inky cloud ability that works like darkness. Maybe healing magic?

Those might work.

Baernoloth's picture
Joined: 2004-05-24
Planescape: "An unnammed project" for Warcraft3

Long delay in the posting, I know... but i've been very busy with work and not much time to post on this.

First of all, I want to thank everyone who's contributed anything to the idea as a whole, and rest assured each of you will be going into the credits for your help. If you'd prefer I use a different name, please let me know Smiling

Secondly, I fully know the modelling responsibility ahead of me, and outside of balancing units, it's the primary focus. Not only will I have to reskin the majority of quite a few races, but the Modrons have nothing like what is seen in the WC3 game already, and most will require brand-spankin new models. Luckily I have acquired a copy of 3dsmax, and although there may be(er... WILL be) a learning curve involved, I'm still hoping to produce a few decent quality unit models from it.

Also, there's 2 unit balance changes to be made. First, since the Parai don't work well with the Modrons, i decided to make the 2nd caster unit for the Procession... the Mechanical Wizard! Smiling You might remember him from Torment at the end of the 3rd difficulty dungeon of Rubikon. I'm still working on the spells for him, he'll probably get slow as promised for the Parai and of course two others. If you have ideas for what he should cast as well, feel free to drop a reply here. Also, the Heavy Melee unit comes from the same area (i forget its name?) and probably won't possess much in the way of special abilities, but it will be considered a mechanical unit. This relocates the Pentadrone to a general support unit, which the Modrons were missing to begin with.

Next, I'm changing the ultimate of the Amnizu Master of Flies to something more appropriate: Swarm Form, in which the Amnizu splits into several swarming insect units. There will be about 2-3 types of insect swarm units it splits into, and each will have its own passive abilities and whatnot, depending upon what is really needed for the Baatezu for balance. Each swarm component is an individual unit that can be targetted and killed. If even one of the swarm component survives to the end of the spell duration, the Amnizu is reformed whole and unharmed.

The Archons are VERY close to being complete, I've decided on all four heroes (yay!!) and most of the unit types, if not their individual skills, have been finalized. I will post them when I get the opportunity to sit back and finalize the majority of their skills.

Just to show there's some progression, here's a listing of the order of the campaigns and their names/subnames that i have so far. Each campaign works in twos... the events of the first immediately proceed into the next, with the exception of the final, 9th campaign featuring the Rilmani. Again, I don't want to get too much into detail with what happens in each, but here's a lil taste.

Modrons: the Procession - The Phantom of the Gears
Tanar'ri: the Damned - The Price of Immortality
Archons: the Chosen - A Trumpet's Charge
Baatezu: the Fallen - The Vengeance of Israfel
Slaad: the Brood - The Prisoner of Rubicon
Guardinals: the Vanguard - Wake of the Oathsworn
Yugoloths: the Host - The Merchant of Souls
Eladrin: the Court - The Cry of the Multiverse
Rilmani: the Vigil - Evening the Odds

Lastly, If anyone has access to Hellbound: the Blood War, and would be willing to help me flesh out ideas, please contact me here or on Aim at logicusprime! Thanks!

Baernoloth's picture
Joined: 2004-05-24
Planescape: "An unnammed project" for Warcraft3

And here we are with the Archons (finally)


Noctral Sage-Emeritus
- Ranged Mystical Hero. The scholars and elders of their dignified race, the Sages-Emeritus have taken a personal role in the tutelage of the Mount's new arrivals. Their vast expanse of knowledge and planar lore has found themselves an honored place in the glittering halls of Celestia. Note, as the name implies, these noctrals aren't able to fly, swoop, and rend foes with their talons, that responsibility falls upon the "younger" and more capable owl archons. These noctrals have seen better days, and aren't quite the young whippersnappers they used to be.
- Holy Light: Pretty much the WC3 classic. Only difference is that it deals damage to enemy evil creatures, as opposed to just undead, and heals friendly celestial creatures.
- Invisibility: Not sure yet how to implement this one. It will probably work only on the Sage-Emeritus, but i'm not sure how to really work that in.
- Tongues: Not quite the same ability as before, this spell causes the enemy to speak IN toungues, preventing them from casting spells or commanding their army efficiently. It's designed to strike harder on hero units but an enemy spellcaster unit is just as prone to suffer its ill effects.
- Ultimate - Legend Lore: Grants intimate knowledge about a region. In game terms, this gives sight of a large region until the cooldown comes back, whereupon the spell effect is removed and can be cast again. Any invisible or burrowed units will be revealed during the spell's duration. Also, any hostile unit or structure in the area will find they suffer from significantly lower armor totals.

Throne Archon Justiciar
- Melee Strength Hero. While most Thrones are content to spread good will with the stroke of a pen, these champions of justice seek to bring the righteous fury of the heavens upon any would-be interlopers into their glorious domains. Knowing that evil thrives in the shadows unseen, the Justiciar brings the entwined lights of order and goodness to all corners of the Seven Mountains.
- Combat Tactics(Passive): Grants a chance of a critical strike with each hit, and grants a passive chance to avoid nonmagical assault at them.
- Penitentiary Gaze: A bolt of powerful light emits from the Justiciar's eyes, dealing moderate damage to 3 targets at level 1, 5 at level 2, and 7 at level 3. Does not work against friendly or allied opponents.
- Righteous Smite: The Justiciar summons holy energy to blast the wrongdoers, instantly dealing damage to all units in a radius and blinding them as they remain in the area over time.
- Ultimate - Power of the Paragon: This ability makes all allied units invincible as the justiciar channels the might of the Celestial Hebdomad, save the Justiciar itself.

Warden Archon Gatekeeper
- Melee Strength Hero. Standing with an iron clad vigil over the many gateways into the Mount, Gatekeepers watch over the comings and goings of their charges, following evil through their own gates to their fell domains if needs be.
- Rend(Autocast): Like Searing Arrows, with a cooldown. Also doesn't boost attack range.
- Runic Plates (Passive): Grants increasing damage reduction with each level. Only magical attacks are unaffected.
- Empower: Grants the Gatekeeper a mighty damage bonus on its next hit. Until it makes the attack however, the speed of the Gatekeeper is significantly boosted.
- Ultimate - Gates of Chronias: Opens a portal to the Illuminated Heaven, whereupon the sheer goodness and law flow out in concentrated orbs of power. If the orbs intersect with any non-allied unit or structure, the orb explodes and damages each unit struck.

Trumpet Archon Divine Herald
- Melee Cunning Hero. Bearing the honor of ushering the souls of great kings and heroes, Divine Heralds risk the dangers of oblivion to see their protected ones make it home. With their silvery trumpets, they herald the second coming of their charges and the awakening of new eras of light.
- Redemption: Cast over the fallen enemy dead, this spell turns the dead units into plentiful mana for the archons. Any archon nearby a redeemed corpse gains a healthy boost of mana over a short period of time. At higher levels, the Redeemed unit's soul is brought back to the conflict, and fights alongside the Divine Herald's army.
- Trumpet: Produces a resounding peal that stuns and even damages units in a radius around the Divine Herald.
- Aura of Vengeance(Passive): Projects an aura that damages melee attackers back by percent of their damage inflicted.
- Ultimate: True Ressurection: Raises the bodies of up to 8 fallen non-hero friendly living ground units in a large radius around the Archon. Raised units possess full health and ability from the moment they are raised.


Lantern Neophytes
- Basic Workers. The newest arrivals to the mount, Lanterns work diligently by bring buildings into existence by the sheer power of their goodness and faith. They will be able to team build. They can also be called away by Hounds to turn into Martyrs, which possess light rays that are especially good at singing extraplanar(i.e, summoned) entities.

Hound Templar
- Light Melee Presence for the Archons. Templars are lightly, if at all, armored, and wield greatswords to great effect. They can Call nearby neophytes to become Martyrs. They can also transform into Silver Wolf form, which grants greater speed and nighttime vision, and the ability to counter ranged units better, for the exchange of being unable to attack mechanical units and loss of damage and armor.

Ramadeen Yeomen
- Ranged Unit for the Archons. A Simple, no strings attached unit. Wields longbows to bring down foes from the skies and afar. The Smite Evil upgrade they can make use of simply allows more damage versus fiends.

Hound Cantors
- Primary Spellcasting Unit for the Archons. Can initially cast Crown of Flame, which enshrouds the target in a wreath of fire that damages any nearby units, including other Archons. Can also learn Music of the Spheres, which generates a harmonic weave that blocks harmful spell energy from damaging the targetted unit, and Unearthly Choir, which besieges an area, causing units to be slowed while in its area of effect, and damaging any buildings surrounding it. Cantors *may* also be able to Call Lanterns to them in a fashion similar to Templars/Silver Wolves.

Warden Prophets
- Support Spellcasting Unit. Can initially cast Blessed Vision, allowing them to see afar for a period of time. Any hidden units, whether invisible or buried, are revealed as long as the vision lasts. Can also cast Armor of Insight, which provides additional armor for a target unit, and Shield of the Archons, which provides to all friendly units in a large radius a one time spell resistance versus any spell.

Owl Archon Watcher
- Light Aerial unit for the Archons. Uses its talons to tear both ground based and aerial targets apart. Possesses Stony Gaze, which holds fast any aerial unit for as long as the owl holds its gaze to them. The Watcher cannot move or the effect will be disrupted. Also uses Charm animal, which allows sight through the eyes of a hapless critter. Uses Neutralize Magic, which allows the Archon to automatically stop any negative spell effect on a player unit, or any beneficial effect on an enemy unit.

Lammasu Wind Lion
- Light Aerial unit for the Archon Chosen. Uses powerful claws to rip the skins off aerial units. Wind Lions are naturally invisible, and relinquish this only when attacking or spellcasting, and for a short period of time thereafter. Wind Lions also can heal friendly units. When the Pounce Upgrade is researched, the first attack of a wind lion can deal considerably more damage, but a certain time must pass before the unit can make use of it again.

Couatl Judicants
- Anticaster unit for the Chosen. As with all anticasters, they possess Magical immunity. Their primary ability, Splendor of Ouroboros, involves the couatl coiling itself into a ball and shedding the purest of light, providing amazing armor protection and punishing enemy spellcasters by flinging a bolt towards them that deals damage based on how much mana they put into a spell. Judicants can also slow down any unit they attack with their powerful envenomed stingers. Lastly, they can render themselves ethereal for a short period of time to escape. In this form, they are quicker and immune to non-magic attack(with the magic immunity, that means -any- attack, but they cannot cast spells of any sort or attack in any way.

Ramadeen Battering Rams
- Long Range Siege Unit. The Militiant Ramadeens utilize these great monstrosities, and have lent them to the archons. They are able to level most structures in minutes. Like all long range siege units, they cannot attack air, and possess a minimum range, to allow melee an opportunity to counter them.

Ramadeen Dreadnoughts
- Mechanical support siege unit. These heavily armored constructs will bear a cross between Starcraft's Siege Tank and Warcraft's Steam Engines. While in mobile form, they can attack aerial units only, blasting many units out of the sky at once with powerful explosives. When they render themselves immobile, they can bring about their short range weaponry, a powerful battering ram, which can dish out a high degree of damage towards a single, nearby structure.

Hound Outriders
- Heavy melee unit for the Chosen. With an upgrade, Hound Templars and those in silver wolf forms can merge together, turning into a heavy melee unit that combines the best of both worlds, with excellent night vision, speed, damage and the ability to call lanterns to their aid to become Martyrs.

Sword Archon Avengers
- Heavy Aerial Unit for the Chosen. Sword Archons possess flaming longblades that grow out of their arms,which they use to dive into crowds of enemies. Swords can also utilize the Discorporating Dive ability, which banishes an enemy unit, rendering them ethereal and paralyzing their movement for a period of time. As with all etherial units, magic damage recieves a significant bonus when striking them, and they cannot attack with anything other than magical spells.

Lammasu Wind Charger
- Aerial Siege unit. Now this is a unit I need help on. Basically, my ideas for this unit is one of three. (1) is that one of the Ramadeen units mounts the Lamassu and uses their tools and weaponry to accomplish the siege effect, or (2) the unit is a "greater" lammasu upgraded from the normal windlions, and they possess some form of aerial siege ability with their spellpower, or (3) the Hound Cantors use their 3rd level spell, Unearthly Choir, from the backs of the Lammasu and destroy island citadels that way. Which do you think I should focus on?


The Archons really don't summon much, most of the units are trained or upgraded from another. Only Martyrs would count in this field, and those simply deal low range attacks at a modest damage total, The real benefit being that they provide mana to those around them. I thought on including the Ki-Rin, but that's a very oriental unit, and it would look out of place. Any ideas on bringing it into a more western world view would be appreciated, as I could probably replace an ultimate to slip it in somehow.

So that's it for the Chosen. I'm wondering if anyone has looked over the 4th tanar'ri hero issue, and which spellcaster combo I should use for the Damned... For the hero issue, I'm still leaning toward the Cambion shadowdancer, but nothing solid in my mind pops up for either that or the spellcaster issues.. Any ideas there?

Sliver Overlord's picture
Joined: 2004-05-18
Planescape: "An unnammed project" for Warcraft3


This is too cool to die
as for the Lammasu i think #1 is good becouse the Night Elves already have somthiing like that, so it means less work for you.
I know littile about tanar'ri so i cant help you there.

Baernoloth's picture
Joined: 2004-05-24
Planescape: "An unnammed project" for Warcraft3

Rest assured that this project is -not- dead. I'm working on it practically every minute that I'm not working on eating, sleeping, or testing games at work Sticking out tongue Mostly now i'm working on finalizing units to go in game, as most of the basic storyline has been fleshed out. Anticasters in particular have been a bit difficult to not only conceptualize, but to actually execute, as there is very few actual anticasting abilities present in warcraft 3. Trying to fit creatures and constructs designed for an RPG game into an RTS is -very- time consuming.

For some good news, the Slaad are nearly finished and will be the next race I post for review. All the units have been finalized as far as who they are and what their purpose is, I'm just working on the heroes and spellcasters specific abilities now. Also of concern is how exactly to execute the Slaad's specific style of breeding in game, without being terrifically overpowered. Once again, any ideas here would be appreciated, particularly if you have knowledge of how the WC3 World Editor functions.

Lastly, I want to make sure people don't confuse my modification, which consists of all the 9 exemplar races, with Project Darkspawn, located here: which is turning out to be more and more like another PS tc for warcraft 3. My project is unnammed right now, and that's mostly because I don't want to spoil too much so far ahead of its release. Its also unhosted, but I'll be more confident about putting it on an actual game site once I've got something concrete to show for it.

And as far as the mounted lammasu goes, the orcish wind rider (the mounted one in the multiplayer) is the temporary model i'm using right now. There's both a mounted and unmounted version for that too Smiling But I plan to have a brand spankin' new model for that character most likely anyway.

Baernoloth's picture
Joined: 2004-05-24
before i run off...

Just one more thing for now. If anyone has access to Hellbound: The Blood War Boxed Set, I'd be estatically appreciative of their help in conceptual ideas, as that is the last planescape product I lack. I'm trying to be canon here as possible, so this is a resource that I'd much prefer not to miss out on. Many thanks in advance Laughing out loud

Whitemage's picture
Joined: 2004-07-08
Thumbs up!

Wow! This seems like a really great project, Baernoloth! I have absoulutly no experince with anything technical or graphical, but I would love to help with ideas and design. That having been said, will this mod run on Macs?

Concerning the Tannar'ri:
I think the 4th hero should be a molydeus. The fact that they don't leave the Abyss can probibly be circomvented within the storyline, and it seems to be a minor detail anyway. I quite agree on the problems with the Alkalith and Nalfeeshne, but the Cambion seems acceptable- I don't think the multiplayer problem will be very important with 3 other heros to choose from...

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Re: Thumbs up!

"Whitemage" wrote:
I think the 4th hero should be a molydeus. The fact that they don't leave the Abyss can probibly be circomvented within the storyline, and it seems to be a minor detail anyway.

Some of them have to leave the Abyss occasionally, since there's one (the Fiend-Sage) working on the world of Oerth, advising the ruler of a major city.

Baernoloth's picture
Joined: 2004-05-24
Planescape: "An unnammed project" for Warcraft3

And now, for the Slaad. You'll notice that the hero and unit descriptions below are far more detailed than the previous efforts. In describing the units, I am providing a some information on how the unit came to be a part of the fighting force it belongs to.

Slaad: The Myriad Broods


Warrior of the Stone
- Warrior Melee Hero. These mighty warriors are tasked by the Slaad Lords to mind the defense of the Brood's valuable rookeries. Over the millenia, they have come to be ruthlessly efficient at keeping their charges thriving, sacrificing the acquiescence of personal power for the benefit of the myriad broods. Fully knowing the root instincts of the Death Slaadi, the Lords smile upon their most loyal and tested of subjects, granting them additional abilities beyond even a Taker's wildest imagination.
- Light of Chaos: A surge of restorative energies springs forth from the Warrior's Hand, healing friendly units. The first unit gets the full brunt of the effect, and each unit healed in the chain gets a slightly smaller amount than the preceeding unit.
- Shatter: Warriors of the Stone can project a cone of powerful sonic energies, damaging and stunning units caught in the way and harming mechanical units/structures even more. This ability needs to be channeled over time to enable the maximum effect.
- Parasitic Aura (Passive) The Warrior of the Stone creates a passive aura at all times, allowing friendly melee units to heal themselves with each damaging attack.
- Ultimate - Implosion: The Warrior can remove powerful singular enemy or structure from the battlefield, instantly killing them and dealing powerful damage to units and structures in a large surrounding area. This ability does not work on heroes.

- Mystical Ranged Hero. Upon returning from the Great Retreat, some Green Slaadi develop a knack for technical instead of the conventional wizardry, using their various inventions to great effect. The Slaad Lords, once spiteful of this utter defiance to their plans for the Slaad race, began to see other ways these self-exiled beings could be used to harness themselves even greater power. Thus, the Artificers were born, a rare but useful commodity in the wars against the oppressing grip of Order.
- Chaos Imps: In their isolation, the Artificers came to master the Chaos Imp, once the greatest hindrance to their research. Chaos Imps are summonable units that can possess mechanical units. When none are available, they aid the Artificer by hurling bolts of half shaped Limbo matter at their enemies. Oftentimes, the churning slag splashes onto nearby foes, damaging them as well.
- Delayed Blast Fireball: The Artificer can toss an orb of unstable energy into the throngs of the enemy, which will detonate a short time later, damaging those in the vicinity. Any area effect ability will also ignite the powerful energies contained inside the churning orb.
- Ward of Chaos: The Artificer uses Limbomatter to enscribe powerful protective energies onto this. Any enemy melee unit cannot attack while in the area of effect. In addition, all others have a 25% chance to miss while in the restricted area. The area grows with level of the caster, and must be channelled to be maintained.
- Ultimate - Experimental Device: Used as a last resort, the Artificer can use an experimental device to save their allies and punish their foes. The exact nature of the Device is unknown, but it aids or punishes seemingly at its own will. The Device will be indestructable, and moves about randomly for a time before slipping the planar walls and dissappearing completely.
(in Game, it will have a passive and active benefit towards the player's units and allies, and a passive and active debuff towards foes. the exact nature is somewhat beyond me right now.)

Gray Executioner
- Cunning Melee Hero. While most of the Gray try to improve their standing by hoarding potent magical artifacts, there remains an elite few who hone their bodies and spirits to become efficient killing machines. These Gray answer the call of the Slaad Lords by elimination powerful high-ups in the opposition, weaking and demoralizing the enemy troops.
- Wind Walk: Executioners must be focused, deadly, and swift. This ability renders the Executioner invisible to natural detection means, and grants a boost to their speed as well, allowing the Executioner the ability to track down the most flightly of targets.
- Power Word, Blind: With an utterance, the Executioner can remove of a handful of targets' eyesight, lowering their chance to hit drastically, and forcing them to creep along slowly until they get their bearings once more.
- Chaos Hammer: This ability slams a wave of chaotic energies directly into the targets. This ability damages those who are further from chaotic alignment moreso than those who are more close, so a Modron would be hit hardest of all, while a Rilmani would take severe damage, but probably survive, and another Slaad would be relatively unaffected.
- Ultimate - Effigy: The most final of the Executioner's tactics, the Gray will summon a burning pillar of energy from the sky, dousing enemies instantly and burning them over a short period of time. While alight, the enemies can do nothing but stand in the flame and be charred, skin and bone.

- Warrior Melee Hero. Dissatisfied with the ill-spawned progeny of their bloodlust, some Reds have taken to augmenting their bodies such to prevent more of the hated Blue hatching from their victims. Now in control of their own reproduction than ever before, they seek to create and rule over entirely new subspecies and broods, to rival that of the Lords themselves.
- Stunning Croak: The Broodmaster unleashes a powerful blast of sonic energy from their deep gullets, stunning those for a short time in a radius surrounding the slaad and interrupting channeled spellcasting.
- Deep Implant: The Broodmaster implants its eggs in a different fashion than the regular slaad, penetrating deeper to feed off of the core of the host being, causing additional damage with each strike and leaving the rapidly growing tadpole inside to mature at an accelerated rate inside the victim. However, this new method of breeding is highly unstable, and thus the victim must be killed to emerge the baby tadpole.
- Heighten Chaos (Passive) The Broodmaster increases its sheer willpower over its own form, granting additional damage and move speed increases. In addition, the Broodmaster augments the effects of its other abilities, causing the Stunning Croak to cause damage, and the Implants to spawn more than one unit per killing.
- Ultimate - Corporeal Instability: The ultimate domination of will, the Broodmaster destabilizes the form of another being, turning them into a potent but short-lived chaos beast, bringing them to the side of the caster, and allowing any hit by the beast to turn into a random critter for a short period of time. After a period of time, the unstable Chaos Beast will dissipitate.


Mud Shaper
- Worker Unit. The first subspecies of the new brood created by the Broodmasters, Muds were created to be docile and subservient creatures used to harvest resources and generate structures from the chaos stuff of Limbo. In addition, the shapers can play dead for a period of time, convincing others that they have been killed, but able to pop back in to work once the threat has passed.

Red Rockbiters
- Basic Ranged Unit. While Red Slaadi normally engage enemies in melee, under the command of the Lords in massive scale combat, they let the Blues take care of the enemy close up while they pelt the enemy with powerful ranged spray of their spike encrusted fists. They are adept at hitting enemies both on the ground and in the air. They can also implant those hit with the larvae of Slaadlings, causing the creatures to grow inside them until they erupt from the surface, killing the creature from the inside out.

Blue Maraduers
- Basic Melee Unit. The main fighting force of any Slaad front, Marauders possess great bony spikes on each fist that rend and tear through any resistance. They too can create other Slaadlings by clamping down on enemies with their narrow jaws and infecting them with their diseased saliva, slowly turning them into more of the Brood over time.

Limbo Thing
- Basic Siege Unit. As the ravages of the Iron Shadow besieged the miasmas of Limbo, the tentacled, nameless Limbo Things seemed to spill out of both everywhere and nowhere, flushed out of their hiding spots by the encroaching disease. Now, the Lords have dominated this species, binding them to their foul wills. Their touch is caustic, and they seem to relish the task of breaking down matter into its elemental components. Unlike other siege units, this creature must close within Tower Range to attack, but their acid nullifies the ability of others to repair the structure under attack, and also neutralizes any offensive capability of the structure while they continue to break it down.

- Support Siege Unit. Often favored by the Slaad Lords for their ruthless efficiency, these canine-like beasts originally hail from the Screaming Plane of Pandemonium. Bred for war, the howlers are used to penetrate enemy defenses with their Frill Barding, allowing them to charge full on into enemy fire zones while taking minimal damage from most forms of ranged attack, at the cost of a reduced attack rate. In addition, these creatures live up to their namesake, producing a screaming howl that redirects all attack towards themselves, staving off damage of the more important Brood units.

Wild Mages
- Primary Spellcaster for the Brood. Unlike other Slaad, the Green are born from the ranks of mortal spellcasters. Like their progenitors, these creatures flock to the arcane arts, and with their specialized heritage they gain dominion over the churning, unstable energies of Wild Magic.
- Wild Surge: This spell differs on who it is cast upon. If cast upon a friendly unit, it dispells all harmful magic, if cast on an opponent, it dispells all beneficient magic, and damages enemy summons. In either incarnation, the spell drains mana from those who are targetted by the spell, and then jumps to the next nearby friend or foe, depending on who was originally targetted.
- Dispatch: This spell banishes those targetted to the Etherial Plane, preventing all attacks save spellcasting and temporarily interrupting any channeled effects at the time of casting. Only magic can be used to assault etherial foes, and it damages them greater to compensate. Finally, the unit moves much quicker while under the effects of a Dispatch. This spell can be cast on either friend or foe.
- Unluck: The Wild Mage enhances the misfortune of the enemy targetted, causing a decrease in regeneration, armor class and attack damage.

Gray Savant
- Support Spellcaster for the Brood. While their lessers warp and weave magical energies to harm their foes, Savants spend their arcane skill on augmenting the broods themselves, providing them with additional abilities by use of the arcane forehead tattoos(called the True Mark) present on every Slaad. When sorely pressed, the Gray Savant can use lightning bolts to defend themselves.
- Healing Weave: The easiest of the manipulations of the True Mark, the Savant coerces the body of the targetted unit to heal itself at an accelerated rate. Should the unit be targetted and damaged for any reason, the Healing effect ends abruptly.
- Unknown 2nd skill. Suggestions are welcome.
- Mating Frenzy: Savants can excite the natural blood lust of the race, creating a state in the recipients of excitement. This bolsters their movement speed and attack rate considerably.

- Anticaster Unit. These rogue idols, once created to venerate the ancient fell dieties of the Churning Plane, have long fallen into disuse. With the advent of the Slaad Lords, they have found a newer, darker purpose. Any summoned unit hit by the Eidolon's claws risks the chance of being turned towards the side of the Broods, overrunning their casters and former allies. Also, the Eidolon can spit a blood like secretion from the True Marks that dominate their face, which slowly drives a spellcaster insane, eating away at their mana supply. Lastly, the Eidolons can render themselves completely immobile, becoming as a statue. In this form, the Eidolons repair themselves at an unhealthy rate, can not be targetted by anything other than siege units, and cause spells to backfire upon their casters and benefit the wrong units.

- Caster Support Unit. Adapted from strange, brain eating creatures from the Astral Plane, Collectors now serve the corrupt Slaad Lords by collecting the bodies of the dead into cocoons of ectoplasm and transporting them to where they might be needed most for impregnation. They also can turn these corpses into magical energy, broadcast over a considerable range to heal the magical supply of the Slaadi casters.

Red Spitfires
- Light Aerial Unit. Evolved from the lesser Reds by the corrupting touch of Navimas, Spitfires bear great fanlike wings from flaps under their arms, and their mouths continously drip with molten rock. They attack by breathing a cloud of burning gas from their great maws, damaging aerial units in a small radius. They can also spit down onto ground based targets as well, in a potent stream that burns any foe struck. Unfortunately, the evolution prevents the Reds from using their egg pellets, and thus cannot spawn lesser Slaadlings like the Rockbiters can.

Blue Goliaths
- Heavy Melee Unit. As the Red Slaad have advanced, so have the Blues. These massive, multilimbed monstrousities superficially resemble little to the original Marauder which they evolve from, but maintain all of the savage fury. Like the Spitfires, Goliaths lose the ability to create Slaadlings, but instead possess a chance of flinging opponents into the air when struck, interrupting channeled effects and removing the unit from play for a very short period of time.

- Aerial Siege Unit. Resembling a cross between a unicorn and a wyvern, these great horned beasts attack those who threaten its charges by unleashing a potent sonic wail. The Slaad Lords have captured a handful of the beasts, finding them particularly useful versus enemy structures. They can be upgraded with their Reverberation upgrade, allowing their sonic wail to bounce from structure to structure, albeit dealing significantly less damage with each bounce.

Chaos Roc
- Heavy Aerial Unit. A creature so large it defies belief, the great Chaos Rocs of Limbo often act as destriers and messengers of the Lords' ill will towards their most hated of enemies. The great Rocs can swallow ground based opponents alive whole, often leaving armies splintered and decimated by this attack alone. The drawback is any unit swallowed by a Roc will be able to use the roc for sight, so the unit is never completely lost until the digestion finishes. In addition, Chaos rocs can be upgraded with Prismatic Spray, allowing them to strike multiple targets at once. These extra beams of light do not damage structures.


Chaos Imps, Chaos Beasts and Slaadlings make up the summonable roster for the Broods. Imps and Beasts have been described above.

Slaadlings on the other hand, are immature half-tadpole half slaad units. They act as canon fodder for the Broods, blindly rushing into combat at the behest of their betters. They erupt from cocoons made by the Collectors, and impregnated by the Slaad base units. Not fully formed, they can be dispelled as summonable units. They cannot impregnate others, as they have not yet reached the Slaadi equivalent of "Puberty" yet. To be honest, I'm not sure how to make these guys work, so the information on them is quite tentative.

Whew. that took longer than i thought. Questions,comments and concerns are welcome as always, particularly on ideas for that 2nd spell for the Gray Savant.

As far as the Molydeus is concerned, I think I will make them campaign heroes, but not heroes involved in the multiplayer aspect. Thus, they won't be mentioned as one of the 4 heroes. For the 4th hero, I'm pretty sure it's gonna be the Cambion Shadowdancer. It just fits in better with what I've got planned for the storyline. I'm still kind of leery for the anticaster issue, and i'm thinking maybe the retriever would work better than the cerebrilith, who could also work for a hero.... urgh, the mind wobbles.

Also, I've figured out the 2nd spellcaster, which will be none other than the Artaaglith Fellpriest from Ghostwalk. Since the Campaign forces will be led by Orcus, this should work out nicely... I will post their spells at a later date, I have been at this infernal contraption far too long!

This mod should run on any machine that will run Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne. I'm not certain if Campaign support has been enabled for Mac TFT users, but I can't imagine any reason why it shouldn't be supported.

And for Whitemage, I can be contacted at Logicusprime on AIM, if you wish to discuss more in depth ideas with me.

Baernoloth's picture
Joined: 2004-05-24
Planescape: "An unnammed project" for Warcraft3

Hi folks, just a small update. First, I am going to try and put some concept work/work in progress pics out for some of the races before I post the rest of the races (Guardinals, Yugoloths, Eladrin, Rilmani). These races are still somewhat tentative, and I'm still trying to sort out gritty details. Thankfully, all their heroes thus far are finalized as to who they are, but their individual skills are still up in the air...

Some changes will be made to the Baatezu: The Narzugon will no longer be a multiplayer unit, and will be replaced by either the Hamatula or the Malebranche as the tier 3 melee unit. The problem is their signature ability, Baleful Stare, it would require too much micro for a melee unit, which are by design to be simple to use.... Compare the micro effort of that to a WC3 Tauren, Knight, Bear, or Abomination, to see what I mean. If I use the Hamatula, the Malebranche will be removed. If I use the Malebranche, the Hamatula will be relegated to an "Anti-Melee Support Unit". Given their range of abilities they would seem to work much better in this regard than an anticaster. The Bezekira will be the most likely candidate for the anticaster, but the Erinyes might instead be reworked in that direction, since both creatures generally work for (and against) mortal spellcasters... Plus, the Hamatula Spell Chaff ability would work much, much better as a spellhaunt, which is controlled by a certain Demon prince. Ideas and or preferences here are appreciated.

Also I'm looking for Neutral Hero ideas, for a Neutrally aligned hero. As of now, there is a neutral hero for each alignment, and I'm having difficulty solidifying a NN hero. The current list includes a Maug Mercenary(LN), Chain Devil(LE), Quesar(NG), Banished Asuras(CG), Fallen Solar(LG), Shadow Fiend(tentative hero, CE), Shator Exile(NE), and Lillend Sybil(CN). Their skills have not been touched on at all yet, so I'll be working on that soon, again, all ideas are appreciated.

For those of you who play WC3 somewhat regularly and are familiar with the imbalance issues (Rangecraft, AOE, Nuking, Etc)
I would like to hear what your complaints are so I can address them in the modification. For instance, to eliminate the massing of ranged units over melee, I'm rewriting the Stone-Paper-Scissors (Ranged beats Air beats Melee beats Ranged) model to include a 4th option. Currently, the basic counter diagnostic is:

Group 1 ==== Group 2 ===== Group 3 ====== Group 4
Ranged -> Aerial Siege -> Light Melee -> Long Range Siege ->
Anticaster -> Casters -> Summoned -> Support Assault ->
Light Air -> Heavy Air -> Heavy Melee -> Support Siege ->

To Summarize, Units of types in Group 1 counter units of types in Group 2, which counter Group 3 and so on and so on. They are purposefully aligned, so an anticaster would probably counter an Aerial Siege or Heavy Aerial unit, but it *best* counters a spellcaster. In turn, it would be countered by Long range siege and Support Siege units the best, but the Support Assault category would work wonders against them. Group 3 units would not gain any bonuses or penalties for fighting them, although they might have an advantage versus Summoned units, depending on the Anticaster (Modron Demaraxes for instance would definately be powerful vs. summons). Of course, Siege units also counter Structures, and Towers will tend to counter the Group 2 units more than other groups, depending on any given race's weaknesses and specific needs. Heroes will still be best countered by melee, but do not bear any real weaknesses. You might notice that melee units don't counter ranged anymore by this schematic, and i feel that this really is best for balance.

Yeah yeah, I ramble too much Sticking out tongue Anyhow, I'm glad people are still looking into this thread. Questions, comments, concerns are always welcome.

EDIT: Changed the Guardian of the Stone to Warrior of the Stone in the Slaad Racial Description above. I figure this allows for a larger # of them at once while also maintaining the canon material, and the Guardian itself might simply be a high level variant of this Hero.

Whitemage's picture
Joined: 2004-07-08
Planescape: "An unnammed project" for Warcraft3

Hmmm... I own Hellbound, what exactly do you want to know?
For the record, you can download the pdf for $5 at

Baernoloth's picture
Joined: 2004-05-24
Planescape: "An unnammed project" for Warcraft3

Heh, been awhile since I've checked into these forums.

I know about the .pdf, but I don't have a credit card, so that eliminates most of the internet buying options available to me.

What I need to know would be the events surrounding (and backstory behind) the Maeldur et Kavurik, the creation of the Dark Lores, and how the Yugoloths were able to get teleportation back. For purposes of game engine limitation, I don't plan on giving most of the exemplar races the ability to gate others or to teleport in, and this seems to be the best way to realistically go about it, placing this war I've planned just after those events.

I'm also just curious as to the mechanics of the Blood War itself. Any specific artifacts, equipment, spells or new creatures that are bred more for large scale combat scenarios instead of the more RPG style that PS is designed for. Things like Siege Engines, Fortifications, Experimental Troops, etc. I'm currently trying to fill in a few holes of the various' races army.

If you would be willing to shed some light on this, it'd be best to email me at [REDACTED], that's pretty much the most reliable way of reaching me, just put something about PS in the title so the spam filter won't catch it (namely, me : )

Sarrin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-03
Planescape: "An unnammed project" for Warcraft3

wow. this is awesome! I wanna play once you finish!

Baernoloth's picture
Joined: 2004-05-24
Planescape: "An unnammed project" for Warcraft3

Well this is just a heads up to people who don't already know who might have been interested in the progress of the project. I have recently discovered Dragonshard, a Live RTS engine that utilizes d20 rules in at least some context, as well as including existing d20 creatures in their games, even if the focus is Eberron. That last part is highly important to me, as I'm finding it difficult to learn to use 3dsmax5 (and discovering that my supposed full version was in fact a timed demo.) In any event, I've postponed any serious development on this particular project until I get more information on this new and much more apt engine.

Whitemage's picture
Joined: 2004-07-08
Planescape: "An unnammed project" for Warcraft3

... I much prefere it that way. Apologies for any spelling mistakes.

Ehem. Right. The Blood War... :twisted:
I. Maeldur et Kavurik. This strange creature was once a mighty celesial that the Yugoloths managed to corrupt in some way. It became a huge gray mass with a mornful face on the top. The Yugoloths (who, in PS canon, actually created the Tanar'ri and Baatezu) used the creature to power the teleport ability of the Fiendish Three, by speaking the True Name of all fiends that needed the ability to the beast. Somehow, the Maeldur et Kavurik could cause the teleportation of any creature whoose name it knows. I don't believe it is known whether this was a property of the original celestial or if the 'loths added it somehow; for that matter, it is uncertain how they knew the names of all appliciable fiends. Leaving such matters to the graybeards, we continue with the plot of the adventure Squaring the Circle:
The Yugoloths decide to consolidate their power of the other denizens of the Lower Planes, possibly as a preliminary step to an eventual conclusion to the Blood War (which may well have been a 'loth set-up originally). They decide to strip the other fiends of the ability to teleport by immersing the Maeldur in the Styx, thus wiping its memory of all the names it has heard. Unfortinatly for the 'loths, a freakish accident has allowed the Baatezu to capture the Maeldur, although they do not yet know its purpose. The PC's are duped by the Yugoloths into stealing the Maeldur from the Baatezu and erasing its memory in the Styx (the PC's know it will take away their enimies ability to teleport).
Once the Maeldur loses it's memory, all fiendish teleportation stops, and the Yugoloths regain control of the Maeldur, with none the wiser. The 'loths immediatly restore there own teleportation powers, and the powers of any fiend willing to sware itself to their service.
The Dark Lores were created when the Maeldur hit the Styx- they are the remains of all the evil secrets that it learned in it's millenia-long existance. They feed off evil secrets.
As for special creatures and such, I can't think of many right now, but the Baatezu have some Cornugons that shoot a ray of acid rather then a lightning bolt, the better to effect the Abyssal Hordes.
The B's also utilize several enormous moving transports (essentially very small cities on treads) for troop movement and combat. More later if I can think of it.

Baernoloth's picture
Joined: 2004-05-24
Planescape: "An unnammed project" for Warcraft3

*Spooked by the emoticon* :'(

Thanks for the information regarding Squaring of the Circle. I did manage to secure a copy of Hellbound at long last, and I'm still reading through the finer details. It was interesting that the Aasimar, Spiral Hal'oight(sp) character from the Adventures booklet also appears in the Koe-Cirily-Tripicus intrigue in Uncaged: Faces of Sigil, even if only briefly. Not that he has much to do with my campaign, but anyway.

Whitemage's picture
Joined: 2004-07-08
Planescape: "An unnammed project" for Warcraft3

Glad to help.

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
Planescape: "An unnammed project" for Warcraft3

I just read this whole thing and this sounds way too cool to be true :shock:

Did you say voiceovers? Unfortunately, I don't have time to do anything too big since i got a job, but I could do a few unit voices. People from balcan areas don't have a very noticable accent but I could make one up Laughing out loud or talk in some hand-made language like bariaur or draconic or whatever. Also, I might find some people to cooperate if you need more of them. Just send the sound format and quality requirements and let the audition begin Smiling

my email is [REDACTED]

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Planescape: "An unnammed project" for Warcraft3

I will hound my group for voiceovers!

Oh will you have factional mercinaries? What about elementals?

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