Planescape: The Age of Worms

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Dagon's picture
Joined: 2008-10-12
Planescape: The Age of Worms

The Age of Worms is one of my favorite series of adventures, so I thought that it be a fun little project to make a conversion for it to Planescape, like Piazo did for Eberron and FR. Obviously this would be bit trickier since Planescape has a much different feel then most settings and AoWs is fairly combat heavy, but I think that if done properly, this could be amazing, and a challenge like this would be fun.

 I started by going over each adventure and picking out a new location for them. Here`s what I got:


The Whispering Cairn: The Outland Hinderlands

The Three Faces of Evil: The Hinderlands and the Gatetowns

Encounter at Blackwall Keep: The Beastlands or Bytopia

The Hall of Harsh Reflections: Sigil

The Champion’s Belt: Sigil

A Gathering of Winds: The Outlands and the Elemental Plane of Air

The Spire of Long Shadows: Carceri

The Prince of Redhand: Acheron

The Library of Last Resort: Elysium

Kings of the Rift: The Astral Plane

Into the Wormcrawl Fissure: Pandemonium

The Dawn of a New Age: Acheron


If anyone has any input into this I'd like to hear it.


Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
How would you handle PC

How would you handle PC motivation? Planescape isn't really the right setting for "save the world from Kyuss rising" plots, nor should characters just randomly get together for a dungeon delve near a mining town in the Hinterlands.

The Savage Tide seems more open to PS-incorporation, what with all the outer-planar content it already features.

Dagon's picture
Joined: 2008-10-12
I've never played or read

I've never played or read Savage Tides, so I can't really comment on that.

I'm not fond of the initial hook for the Whispering Cairn, its the only week part of that adventure. The best I've seen using  it was a group of PCs who decided that they weren't going to let a group of outsiders raid the Cairns and that the people of Diamond Lake should have the treasure if anyone does. In a pinch, you give them the hook that some Primes are going to go treasure hunting in the Cairns, and it should be enough for any Prime to want to keep those treasures out of the hands of those Clueless addleheads. A more Planescape way to do that would be to say their have always been rumors of a great thought hidden in the Whispering Cairn, a powerful idea or secret that would be the road to greater power and understanding. Many have tried to get in and find it, but only the PCs are able to manage it.

 Also keep in mind that I'd say that the PCs should either be natives of  Diamond Lake, or Primes who happened to stumble in there as opposed to cutters from Sigil.

 As for longer term motivations, your right, Kyuss rising likely won't be the end of the Planes, but that doesn't mean that the heros cannot oppose him. It didn't stop the heros of Dead Gods, did it? Personally, I would try to hook them in by making it personal for the heros once they stumble onto the plot. They want to take these berks down for what they've done to them, in addition to the whole saving people thing. If any of players are from the prime, word could worm their way back to them that the spawn of Kyuss have begin to appear on their home. If Kyuss accends to full power, their entire world could die! The Kreigstanz could also play a role, especially Pre-Faction War, since Kyuss's rise to godhood could be seen as proof of the Believers of the Source's creed and any number of Bleakers or rivals from other factions may seek to put an end to it. 

namelessone's picture
Joined: 2008-05-24
This has thepotential for an

This has thepotential for an amazing campaign. The few problems I see with this is that I'm sure that Kyuss would not be allowed into Sigil by the Lady. But then again we have the entire multiverse to let rip in. Also as stated before me by Nemui, PC motivation would be a problem. That can be handled if the PC's were part of a faction such as the Harmonium or some group that would take up arms against the Worms. My brain is a little on the fried side after DMing for the past 48 hours but I shall return.

Dagon's picture
Joined: 2008-10-12
namelessone wrote: The few

namelessone wrote:
The few problems I see with this is that I'm sure that Kyuss would not be allowed into Sigil by the Lady. But then again we have the entire multiverse to let rip in.

 I've currently got the ascension occurring on one of the cubes on Acheron in order to bypass the Lady. Plus it adds the dramatic tension of the entire cube trying to shift to a different plane to become Kyuss's new realm and the fun of giving a small kingdom on a cube to somehow deal with if the campaign continues afterwards.

namelessone wrote:
Also as stated before me by Nemui, PC motivation would be a problem. That can be handled if the PC's were part of a faction such as the Harmonium or some group that would take up arms against the Worms. 

Definitely a good idea.

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
Dagon wrote:I've never

Dagon wrote:
I've never played or read Savage Tides, so I can't really comment on that.

I highly recommend it, for both prime and planar content. I for one found it much more enjoyable than either Age of Worms or Shackled City.

Besides, it's got Dagon in it, looking over young Demogorgon's shoulders and giving him tips. Smiling

As for longer term motivations, your right, Kyuss rising likely won't be the end of the Planes, but that doesn't mean that the heros cannot oppose him. It didn't stop the heros of Dead Gods, did it?

Well, that's just the thing. Lots of people used to complain how Dead Gods offered very little  in the way of motivation, and how that was the low point of an otherwise rather well-structured adventure module.

You might want to write up a few faction-starters, DM tips on how best to involve PCs that have faction allegiances. Guvner archeologists and Doomguard apocalyptos are obvious choices...

Dagon's picture
Joined: 2008-10-12
Nemui wrote: Well, that's

Nemui wrote:

Well, that's just the thing. Lots of people used to complain how Dead Gods offered very little  in the way of motivation, and how that was the low point of an otherwise rather well-structured adventure module.

That's a fair, I never really had issues with it, but I made the connection between tGMM and Dead Gods much more explicit to nudge the PCs in trying to figure out exactly why the Modrons marched so early. With all the various options we have, if we just get creative, we can keep the players motivated.

Nemui wrote:
You might want to write up a few faction-starters, DM tips on how best to involve PCs that have faction allegiances. Guvner archeologists and Doomguard apocalyptos are obvious choices...
And that's why I'm posting this, I hadn't even thought tying the Doomguard to Kyuss. I was planning on giving faction motivations up until A Gathering of Winds to help keep the PCs motivated until they meet Manzorian and see Diamond Lake suffer at the hands of Kyuss's minions.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
I'd be pretty interested in

I'd be pretty interested in seeing how this plays out. I'm not familar with The Age of Worms so I can't offer much more than a hearty 'Go for it!' at the moment till I get some time to get a copy and read up    . Eye-wink

Dagon's picture
Joined: 2008-10-12
Clueless wrote:I'd be

Clueless wrote:
I'd be pretty interested in seeing how this plays out. I'm not familar with The Age of Worms so I can't offer much more than a hearty 'Go for it!' at the moment till I get some time to get a copy and read up    . Eye-wink

Clueless, if you want some more information, this is the  AoW website at Paizo:; and this is the Age of Worms Overload, which gives some more detailed information about each adventure in its first section:

Okay for some more random thoughts.


I really think that one of the strongest themes we could pull through the adventure path would be the power of belief. It's both Planescapey and easy can be added to the campaign without major adjustment. I've got a few ideas for sub-themes, but I'd like to kick them around in my head a little bit longer first.

Diamond Lake

As I said before, I think the hinderlands would be good location for the town. I was thinking that it could have a habit of drifting around the inner edge of the hinderlands close to the Gatetown. The Lake itself is nver far from the town. It changes positions from time to time, but it never leaves. This is actually the collective belief of the town in action, they just don't know it. They are all convinced that the Lake and the town will always stay together, and because of that, they do. The Spirewards end of the lake seems to collect graves, tombs and cairns of all kinds. This is due to the powerful magic that the Wind Dukes placed on the Whispering Cairn to make it remain with the lake and always commemerate the fall of Zosiel at the hands of the agents of chaos.


Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
Why would the Wind Dukes of

Why would the Wind Dukes of Aaqa bury their dead in the Hinterlands? Wouldn't an inner-planar location make more sense for the dungeon?

Dagon's picture
Joined: 2008-10-12
[quote=Nemui]Why would the

Nemui wrote:
Why would the Wind Dukes of Aaqa bury their dead in the Hinterlands? Wouldn't an inner-planar location make more sense for the dungeon?

It would to us, and I've got the second Wind Duke tomb later in the Adventure Path on the Plane of Air for that very reason. You'll note in the intro to the Whispering Cairn that it says the Dukes had a tradition of burying their soldiers in the places where they fell. The Cairn is the greatest of such tombs, dating back to a confrontation with the Queen of Chaos and Miska the Wolf-spider shortly before he was banished using the Rod of Law.

A few more ideas that I didn't quite have time to spit out in my last post:

The Ebon Triad

These guys scream Signers to me, maybe they are a splinter group like the Will of the One, just dedicated to merging Vecna, Hextor and Erythnul into an Overgod as opposed to reviving a dead god. The catch is that everyone, even the rest of the Signers and the Mind's Eye are utterly terrified of them and consider them both dangerous and insane. Cause, you know, if they got enough people to believe they could merge three Powers into one, they actually could.

The Three Faces of Evil

There are some issues with this adventure in general, so I try to rearange it a bit when I run it. Instead of all three cults being in the mine, we could have one of the DM's choice be there and the other two be hidden in the gate towns. Smenk could convince the PCs to deal with the cult in the mine and then ''follow up'' with the other two too make sure no won comes back asking questions. I'd propose the Automata underground, Hopeless and Glorium for the Cults of Hextor, Vecna and Erythnul respectively, if the DM decides they are the ones in the Gatetowns.

Dawn of a New Age

Im stealling this idea from Fires of Dis, but its a good one. What if Kyuss' emergance causes the entire cube on which he arises to start to shift to one of the three evil planes of conflict and the only thing holding it back is the action of the PCs? That could add even more drama to scene and really emphasizes the amount of power flying around right at the moment. If the game ends after this adventure, you could take it one step further and say that the way the PCs handle the encounter with Zeech afterwards determines what plane the cube lands on.

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