Planar Renovation Project: Quasielemental Plane of Lightning

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Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Planar Renovation Project: Quasielemental Plane of Lightning

So Lightning. It's described in the Guide to the Inner Planes as being a stormy plane. Billowing clouds that light up from the inside, peals of thunder rolling across the entire plane, gale force winds blowing every direction and lots and lots of lightning. Much like Air, Smoke or Steam, there's virtually no solid ground in this place. If it weren't for the risk of getting continually jolted by lightning strikes, it sounds like the plane would be almost as hospitable as Air.

In considering Ooze, it was relatively easy to hit on an overarching theme/concept for it (Growth vs. Decay). Lightning is a bit more difficult, but my thoughts run along the lines of there being an Intensity vs. Calmness mood in the place, but nothing really comes out of that.

I suppose the best approach to take would be to consider why non-natives would go to the plane. Or, failing anything readily apparent on that front, how they would get by long enough to want to call the place home. For a non-native to survive for any length of time, they would need two things (at least from my perspective): some means of dealing with lightning strikes and some way to keep from blowing away when a strong gale hits. I see there being pockets of relative calm amongst the storms, akin to the eye of a hurricane. A calm center with raging wall of stormy clouds all about.

Ok, I need to think on this some more. But maybe there's something here that can spark somebody else's ideas (pun unintended, but still awesome).

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Quasielemental Plane of Lightning

I'd imagine that among the non-natives of the plane, there's a bunch there as Lightning-Riders. Maybe they like the thrills, or are trying to utilize technology similar to the Elemental Bound Airships of House Lyrandar or House Orien's Lightning Rail.

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Quasielemental Plane of Lightning

Hehe...I like the thrill-seeker idea! It gives folks a reason to go to Lightning beyond the drive for harnessing the power of the plane. Actually, I could see the thrill-seekers being particularly adept at reconfiguring their personal sense of gravity to the point where they're virtually able to fly under their own power.

Also, I keep having visions of Stardust and Captain Shakespeare's ship. They flew around harvesting lightning in a specially designed ship with metal sails/nets/webs that stretched out and attracted it. I'd imagine that there might be quite a market off-plane for the raw stuff of Lightning. I could see this activity being on par with real world ice crab fishing as far as lethality. Short seasons due to the natives catching on and becoming protective of their plane (akin to how Mineral looks upon people wanting to plunder their wealth), lots of competition between the different harvesting ships, and a high rate of attrition because of people either being blown overboard or being struck by lightning. A single harvest could provide enough jink to easily last a berk for half a year and beyond, but it's really only a job barmies would seriously consider.

Hmm...Due to the inherently volatile nature of Lightning, I'm really coming to think that non-natives on the plane live mostly in outposts and stations, rather than towns and villages. The few places you're likely to find are probably going to be encased in something like Faraday Cages. Heavy, metal meshes that surround docking areas and other areas which are exposed to the open air. I could see places having an almost gothic air about them.

Hmm...nothing else is coming to me at the moment.

Tim4488's picture
Joined: 2010-01-19
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Quasielemental Plane of Lightning

I was going to mention Cap'n Shakespeare. Damn.

You could also go with the idea of Energy, but the trick there is to not impinge on Positive Energy.

Oooh, make it a Lightning and Thunder thing? When I did martial arts, one of my instructors told me that forms are divided into Lightning and Thunder forms. Lightning is fast, fluid, quick, light, Thunder is heavy, solid, strong. Could extend that to the plane.

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Quasielemental Plane of Lightning

Yeah, there's a definite lightning and thunder thing going on in the plane. Really, I keep wanting to change Lightning's name to something like Tempest to reflect the fact that it really seems like there's more than just lightning that folks need to watch out for. For instance, it probably wouldn't be surprising to see tornadoes/funnel clouds sweeping across the plane. Or even just straight winds reaching hurricane force. Energetic elemental Air should be really windy in addition to carrying a large electrical charge.

Tim4488's picture
Joined: 2010-01-19
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Quasielemental Plane of Lightning

You don't even need Tempest, just call it Storms. It's used as an alternate name a few times in the source material, and gets across the idea of lots of effects besides just electricity.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Quasielemental Plane of Lightning

There are several examples of storm elementals in 3e and 4e, who would logically be placed in the Quasielemental Plane of Lightning. In fact, though 4th edition doesn't have individual elemental planes, it does a lot to further the concept of storm as an element.

I see the words "Shakespeare" and "Tempest" in this thread, though, and think there should be ariels, mirandas, and calibans on an island somewhere.

Also, don't forget magnetism.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Quasielemental Plane of Lightning

Another thing: thunder. The Quasielemental Plane of Lightning is loud. Locals have to shout to be heard, and they tend to keep shouting even when they're off-plane, purely out of habit.

The xap-yaup, energons from the Planar Handbook who personify electrical energy, are of course common on this plane, as are the xong-yong, who personify sonic energy, thunder to the xap-yaup's lightning. They get along well, often found in proximity to one another. This is the primary plane you should find either, and in much larger groups than the Planar Handbook suggested.

Other encounters:

Angel, monadic deva (FF)
Dragon, blue (MM)
Elemental, storm (MMIII)
Energon, Xap-Yaup (Planar Handbook)
Energon, Xong-Yong (Planar Handbook)
Genie, Djinni (MM)
Giant, Storm (MM)
Omnimental (MMIII)
Shocker (Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil)
Shocker Lizard (MM)
Sohr (Book of Eldritch Might III)
Spirit of the Air (FF)
T'kraam (Book of Eldritch Might III)
Tempest (MMII)
Tempestan (Complete Psionic)
Thunder (Dragon #317)
Thunder wolf (Dragon #293)
Thunderbird (Sandstorm)
Unraveler (Planar Handbook)
Vivacious Creature (Planar Handbook)
Will-O'-Wisp (MM)
Zap (Menace Manual)

4th edition:

Lightning mist (The Plane Below)
Lightningstone field (The Plane Below)
Liquid thunder (The Plane Below)
Storm archon (MM2)
Storm shard (MM2)
Stormstone fury (MM2)
Thunderblast cyclone (MM)
Thundersoul genasi (MM2)
Windfiend fury (MM2)
Windstriker (MM2)

Speed. Locals tend to be fast. Fast races like shadowswyfts (Planar Handbook, though they'd need protection against the light) might have colonies here. Some settlements make boots of speed and similar items, or sell their souls to the Queen of Air and Darkness to gain abilities similar to quicklings.

Thunderbolts. The inhabitants of the Quasielemental Plane of Lightning forge permanent magic items infused with the power of electricity, modeling them after the mythical weapons of the gods.

Cloudsilver. While not every storm cloud has a silver lining, some of them do, and these can be mined. Cloudsilver can be used to create airships.

Isolation. Their vision obscured by black storm clouds and their ability to travel hindered by violent storms and infinite airy voids, communities on the Quasielemental Plane of Lightning tend to be extremely insular. Outsiders may be mistrusted or worshiped, depending on a community's wont. Those who like isolation, or have something to hide, sometimes find the plane useful.

The Demiplane of Electromagnetism. This is the original home plane of the shockers, and it's slowly being eaten by the Quasielemental Plane of Lightning after it drifted too close millennia ago. Most of the shockers have already fled it, leaving the demiplane mostly devoid of life as its essence drains into the quasielemental plane. There should be a massive vortex somewhere that connects the two, with planar material spiraling out of it. Ruins of an ancient shocker civilization might still be found on the demiplane.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Quasielemental Plane of Lightning

Serra: Connected to the rest of the multiverse by a portal to Mount Olympus, Serra is a cloudsilver-mining town, whose inhabitants use skyships to scour the skies for precious metals. The portal is guarded on the Mount Olympus side by celestial servants of a storm god who demands tribute from those who would pass through it. The inhabitants of Serra are a mixed lot, including dwarves, gnomes, fauns, bariaurs, humans, aasimars, and genasi. The town is protected from the ubiquitous lightning storms by massive lightning rods that channel energy into arcane batteries. Besides refined cloudsilver, other magic items are produced by the smiths and artificers of this town. A vocal minority of Sensates uses the town as a base for experiencing the wild storms and lightning displays of the plane, using skyships to tour and explore.

Stormheart: Stormheart is a settlement (a gate-town, technically) on the other side of the Storm King's Gate, the portal connecting the Quasielemental Plane of Lightning with Arcadia. The inhabitants are mainly human and aasimar, their government dominated by the Harmonium, who uses this settlement to perform experiments in pacifying the irredeemably chaotic with surgery and other methods too extreme to perform in Arcadia itself, both for fear of discovery and fear of losing another planar layer. A small number of "monstrous" citizens, including illithids, xixchil, aboleths, and zerns (MMIV), aid the Harmonium leadership with their specialized skills. The town, like the castles of the Storm Kings in Arcadia, was originally constructed by the Wind Dukes of Aaqa in the Age Before Ages, and it still shows signs of their distinctive architecture - a dome of indestructible glass protecting the city from the storms, a portal that resembles a floating, immovable glass sphere. Just as the Wind Dukes have long since passed on the offices of the Storm Kings, they have not lived here for uncounted millennia, and younger races have made it their home, building new buildings over the ruins of those within the dome.

The Bleeding Maw. This is the massive, uncontrolled vortex from the dying Demiplane of Electromagnetism, resembling a seemingly infinite column of lightning surrounded by a humming ring of blue electricity that fires bolts of lightning in every direction. Nearby are some shocker settlements, and many tribes of lightning quasielementals who seem to exult in the wild energy entering their domain. Blue dragons also seem attracted to this phenomenon for some reason, and several of them lair in the ruins of shocker communities that they've destroyed. Xap-yaup, xong-yong, and xag-ya energons also frequent the area, observing for their own unknown purposes. For those protected from the lightning, this is an easily-located entry into the dying demiplane. It's also a good way to find friendly (and sometimes desperate) shockers to ally with, as the local shockers are much more eager to find friends of other races than is typical, and close to their homeland they are more sophisticated and cultured as well. Some of their communities include genasi and other races living among them.

Prosper's Isle. This earth pocket is inhabited by a storm giant wizard known as Prosper, his daughter Mia, and his servants, the sylph Erel and the deformed human-giant hybrid Cabil. Prosper was exiled from his people (who live on the Material Plane) long ago, and spends most of his time researching same forbidden magic that earned him his exile. His daughter has grown up in isolation, and is both dangerously naive and dangerously curious.

Briar. This degenerate community, tied to a Mount Olympus portal guarded by servants of Aerdrie Faenya, is inhabited by wicked elves, fey, and shadowswyfts sworn to the worship of the Queen of Air and Darkness. The town is built on what looks like an enormous thorny tree floating in the clouds, its roots trailing, blackened and scarred by the endless lightning strikes. Though the tree has been struck thousands of times and shows it, the community it shelters, carved from its still-living wood, remains unharmed. When the community was founded, the elves and fey were good-aligned worshipers of Aerdrie Faenya come to revere the primordial skies of the plane, but as the years passed they became obsessed with a need for more power than their goddess was willing to grant, and turned to the Queen of the Unseelie Court, who granted them unnatural swiftness and a portal to the Plane of Shadow, which they use to raid the planes beyond before zipping back to their lair. The shadowgate is in the darkest and thorniest heart of the tree; it is impossible to pass through it without cuts and abrasions, which serve to sacrifice blood to the tree and the dark goddess.

The Thunder Temple. From Dragon #370, this floating island of earth is where the leadership of the cultists of the imprisoned primordial Mual-Tar, the Thunder Serpent, make their abode.

Palace of Ty-h'kadi. This cloud-wreathed silver castle is the home of the lord of the storm elementals, Ty-h'kadi the tempestuous. Not exactly the same as lightning quasielementals, the storm elementals make their home on the same plane, where the self-proclaimed Prince of Thunder and Lightning acts as their leader. Ty-h'kadi is unpredictable and often destructive, though he is allied with the good archomental Chan of the winds, as well as the elemental ruler Akadi, who some claim is his mother.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Quasielemental Plane of Lightning

Ripvanwormer, most of those creatures you listed would not commonly be found on Lightning. Unlike many of the other planes, there is insufficient organic food on this plane.

As for you Wicke, perhaps you could go with a positive vs negative polarization/charge theme.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Quasielemental Plane of Lightning

Hyena of Ice wrote:
Ripvanwormer, most of those creatures you listed would not commonly be found on Lightning. Unlike many of the other planes, there is insufficient organic food on this plane.
This is about renovating the plane, so one of the renovations will obviously be the presence of food on the plane. And flora doesn't have to even resemble any of the familiar forms of flora on the Material Plane.

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Quasielemental Plane of Lightning

Hyena of Ice wrote:
Ripvanwormer, most of those creatures you listed would not commonly be found on Lightning. Unlike many of the other planes, there is insufficient organic food on this plane.

I think that enough food could probably be either cultivated in elemental pockets or imported from off-plane to support small villages and hamlets, but I doubt you'll see a non-native civilization that's any larger.

As for you Wicke, perhaps you could go with a positive vs negative polarization/charge theme.

I could see it working as a sort of tribe vs tribe conflict between natives. A raging storm might actually be two (or more) tribes fighting. Need to think about it some more, but I could see these battles as being really important.

Beyond that...interesting stuff there ripvanwormer. The presence of "gate-cities" set around the portals makes sense. Like I said above though, I'm leery about making them too big. A Harmonium outpost focused specifically on dealing with the most chaotic of beings makes sense, but extending it into a full-fledged settlement/gate-town might be a bit much.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Quasielemental Plane of Lightning

The positive vs. negative polarization theme could encompass the quasielementals' personalities as well. Those with a positive charge would be more xenophobic yet pious, while those with a negative charge would be friendlier but greedy. This would result in wars between the two groups since the positive chargers would be nativists and purists to the extreme (e.g. keep non-natives and non-native matter/energy out of the plane) while the negative chargers would support immigration and inter-planar trade to destructive extremes. There might also be those with... a neutral charge? Those with a more sensible outlook that is a balance between the two extremes.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Quasielemental Plane of Lightning

Ripvanwormer, most of those creatures you listed would not commonly be found on Lightning. Unlike many of the other planes, there is insufficient organic food on this plane.

At least 23 of the creatures I mentioned were spiritual creatures who wouldn't require food at all. And I think there's plenty of room for shocker lizards as common vermin in settlements of other races. Giants could practice agriculture on earth/ooze/water pockets.

The dragons, anyway, are canon (mentioned in The Inner Planes). They don't live there permanently, but they certainly visit the plane regularly. As for the rest, I never said they should be common. Although I don't have any problem with adding more organic food to the plane (drifting plants, etc.) The sohrs, I imagine, are fed by the humans who breed them.

As for the difference between towns, cities, and outposts, I never gave population figures. Fit them in as you like. How big the Harmonium settlement might be depends on how many prisoners they have - if they have a lot, it might well be rather more than an outpost (and they can ship as much food as they need in through the portal). I think they should also have a portal leading to the City of Glass, though carefully guarded.

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Quasielemental Plane of Lightning

Hyena of Ice wrote:
The positive vs. negative polarization theme could encompass the quasielementals' personalities as well. Those with a positive charge would be more xenophobic yet pious, while those with a negative charge would be friendlier but greedy. This would result in wars between the two groups since the positive chargers would be nativists and purists to the extreme (e.g. keep non-natives and non-native matter/energy out of the plane) while the negative chargers would support immigration and inter-planar trade to destructive extremes. There might also be those with... a neutral charge? Those with a more sensible outlook that is a balance between the two extremes.

I'm not particularly fond of the nativist/purist divide. I don't think they'd need any more reason than recognizing a tribe that wasn't their own. Really, I think they might fight amongst themselves because they love to fight, not because they hold strongly to a causes or belief (though I could see them taking up token causes or beliefs to better identify themselves).

I don't see any reason why the tribal mindset shouldn't extend to other sentient natives of the plane, really. Think of all the mythological explanations for what's going on during a storm. They're angry, violent things and I think it's appropriate to reflect this idea in the plane that exemplifies what storms are.

ripvanwormer wrote:
As for the difference between towns, cities, and outposts, I never gave population figures. Fit them in as you like.

I guess I'm wanting to maintain an atmosphere of Lightning being a place of outposts and safe ports, rather than the relatively more approachable plane of Air or something. But you're right. The final decision should be left up to whomever is using the place.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Quasielemental Plane of Lightning

""I'm not particularly fond of the nativist/purist divide.""
A nativist bent would be common on most planes since the native inhabitants would want to keep their home pristine and pure. The elemental planes represent energy and matter in base forms, so the natives would want to make certain that it remains pure and undiluted.
Some elementals are more nativist than others (mineral natives are nativist to the extreme) while others are not (Salt elementals welcome creatures from Water, Ooze, Steam, and Ice as well as organic creatures full of yummy fluids)
Elementals in general aren't fond of non-natives because they have a tendency to muck up their pure plane by bringing/causing elemental pockets and utilizing powers and magic items of the opposing element (for instance, planewalkers and settlers on Ice are likely to wield fire magic and magic items enchanted by fire magic)

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Quasielemental Plane of Lightning

Oops! That was my mistake! I meant to say that I'm not fond of a purist vs. pro-immigration divide as being significant source of conflict (in Lightning, at least). I prefer the notion of Lightning natives fighting just for the love of fighting.

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Quasielemental Plane of Lightning

Geez, I go away for a weekend and this thread really takes off Eye-wink

First, the bit about not having enough food is irrelevant. Life has found a way to survive on virtually every single plane out there, regardless of whether it has enough natural resources. The Inner Planes book even suggests people manage to eke out a life on Vacuum (The Doomguard maintains a citadel there, among others). It's not an easy life but it's possible.

Second, my thoughts on Lightning involve power, in both senses of the word.

First, Lightning embodies a sort of raw power that we in the modern world take for granted in our everyday lives. I know electric power the way we understand it doesn't really exist in the Planescape world, but I think the inhabitants may have a better understanding of how to deal with electricity, if not how to manipulate it. Kobold Avenger alluded to something similar with the lightning riders. However, I could see numerous strange devices, either in use or long out of use that were designed to harness Lightning's raw energy and draw it into another plane, or even into their dwellings on this plane. I have visions of a strange metal citadel that's built so the electricity flows through and across it in certain ways, creating safe paths for people to live and providing electric-powered amenities to the inhabitants. For an adventure hook, it could be that the inhabitants don't really know why it's there or who built it, and there are places they can't get to because they're electromagnetically sealed. Have some barmy accidentally (or purposely) disrupt one of the power conduits and you could have a miniature adventure entirely within Lightning.

The second idea is powers as in the gods. The Roaming Genasi suggests that there are a LOT of powers that come visit Lightning and it makes sense. Almost every single pantheon in existence has at least one god who presides over thunder, lightning, storms, and similar concepts. Thor, Zeus, Talos, just to name a few. This is a facet I've always liked about Lightning and would love to see expanded to the rest of the Inner Planes. It just makes sense that a deity whose portfolio encompasses a particular element would maintain a small realm on the plane of that element. Auril would have a realm on Ice, Eldath and Poseidon on Water, and so on. It wouldn't necessarily be a place they spend a lot of time, but sometimes they might want to come appreciate their element in its purest form. The Roaming Genasi Tavern seems to think this is definitely the case on Lightning, anyway.

So how about a humongous temple complex, either built on an earthberg or on itself that has temples and shrines to every power of thunder, lightning, loud noise, electricity, weather, and similar aspects? A whole temple city filled with different types of worshipers, maybe even run by a lightning genasi as detailed in the Roaming Genasi. The worshipers are largely passionate, indomitable, and fervent in their faith. Holy wars have been known to break out in the city streets over little more than which storm god is the best. This might even prompt a few war gods to maintain temples in the city. The city could be divided into sections for each god and when a new power is added, the city just expands to accommodate. Even Athasian storm priests could have a section.

The city is nominally ruled by a council of representatives from each religion and presided over by the Hierophant of Storms (name tentative), who is usually a lightning genasi. However, passions flash and burn as readily as the surrounding storms, so the actual power can be tenuous at best. Also, many storm deities are chaotic, so "rule of law" is something subject to interpretation and whoever can actually hit the hardest.

The city's inhabitants could consider their sects truer and more pure to their god than many Prime versions of the various religions. After all, how many Primes can actually say they worship their god in the place that fully exhibits the god's authority?

Of course, divine visits to this city are no more common than divine visits on the Prime. Still, it's not always storming on most Primes, right?

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Aik's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Quasielemental Plane of Lightning

I've always liked Lightning, but never been very sure what to do with it.

However - yes - power. Forget about using it like modern electricity - think more 'GIVE MY CREATION LIFE!'. It seems like a good place for wizard types to gather a hell of a lot of raw power for spells that need it, and I can't think of a better Plane for that sort of thing. Wizard castles floating in the clouds, carefully set up to attract the most lightning possible to power spells that warp the Planes and break the normal laws of magic? Or just to blast something into pieces.

BlackDaggr's picture
Joined: 2007-11-15
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Quasielemental Plane of Lightning

Interesting discussions on Lightning and its role. Some thoughts:

RE: Inherent power - Many of the elemental planes (air=winds, fire=heat, radiance=light, positive, etc.) are essentially eternal power sources. So categorizing lightning as a power source doesn't answer the "why not use X instead" question.

Instead, if we want to focus on the power aspect, we could consider the storms as either a natural expression of chaos within the elemental planes. Chaos is creative, and wow look at how dynamic it can be.

Another interpretation of the Power aspect is that, since Lightning is between Positive and Air, it is the energy form (positive) which is easiest to access, and therefore harvest (air). Electricity and sound, plus every ferrous item in the plane becoming magnetized, could mean that natives keep others away not because of purity, but because they sell the energy of the plane to others.

As far as linking it with Life, I would prefer we avoid that. Life has a quasi-canonical place as the missing mysterious element that balances the others. Some might think the Prime is the elemental plane of Life. The (elemental) plane of Wood might also figure into that. Of course, we might also consider the classic Japanese (?) link of lightning and wood as elements.

Just some rambling thoughts. Perhaps the dynamic nature of Lightning prevent it from having any real stable theme Smiling

jareddm's picture
Joined: 2007-12-12
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Quasielemental Plane of Lightning

Thought I'd jump into this project now seeing that it's starting to take off.

BlackDaggr: I'm personally against using alignment traits on any of the elemental planes only because I feel the outer planes have these pretty well covered. I do like the idea of selling power, perhaps even the invention of the portable battery (though limited in what it could actually be used with)

What I do like is the idea of applying certain emotions that always seem to be connected to certain elements. For lightning, I pictured it would be anger. Not just raging anger, but also righteous anger, brooding anger (thunder), anger out of impatience or confinement. This wouldn't have to be applied to broadly that every living thing is angry, but I do see lightning elementals embodying this trait. They would be easily offended or lash out at someone nearby because of a stray thought they had.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Quasielemental Plane of Lightning

I agree with jareddm that assigning alignment traits to the inner planes is a big no-no. It's already been established that these planes are true neutral. I will have to look at the Inner Planes book to see what it says about the elementals' personalities, but it is indeed true that certain emotions/traits seem to be linked to the elements. This appears to be even more true for the Archomentals, themselves (or at least the evil ones).

For instance:

Cryonax: (evil cold) emotional numbness and cruelty (Cryonax isn't actually sadistic, he just has a total disregard for anyone else-- this is seen with his whole "mad scientist" motif)
Imix: (evil fire) passion (passion as in extreme emotion in general, and not just lust or anger.)
Ogremoch: (evil earth) violence/bloodlust, brutishness, toughness
Olhydra: (evil water) very little is given in regards to her personality other than that she appears to embody the rage/anger of a stormy sea.
Yan-C-Bin: (evil air) claustrophobia, freedom, ADHD (other than his thirst for knowledge, every aspect of Yan-C-Bin appears to be derived from the whole "Wind= freedom" association. He hates/fears confinement more than anything else, he *and Chan* don't want to be bogged down with an army, always wanders, and he doesn't share his siblings' *save Cryonax's* lust for destruction for the sake of amusement-- he's too impatient for that.)

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Quasielemental Plane of Lightning

Another thing as far as life on that plane goes, is what about the Lightning Genasi and Ruvkova tribes of the Plane of Lightning. I figured that a few of the non-natives of Lightning did eventually settle the plane, and become those after a few generations.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Quasielemental Plane of Lightning

Rukova, yes, but as far as I know, you need elemental (elemental or genie) DNA in order to become a genasi. Which can involve having an ancestor who was an Elemental Archon or Elemental Savant (well, not archon in the case of lightning, since there are no quasielemental lightning lords), or who underwent a ritual to become half-quasielemental. (The elemental savant PrC from Complete Arcane can easily be reworked to involve one of the Paraelements or a positive Quasielement. Negative Quasielements are a different story, however.)

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Quasielemental Plane of Lightning

Rukova, yes, but as far as I know, you need elemental (elemental or genie) DNA in order to become a genasi.

Untrue. Genasi can be born more or less spontaneously to any humanoid parents as long as the birth happens on an elemental plane.

__________________ -- My deviantART gallery -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Idran's picture
Joined: 2007-06-10
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Quasielemental Plane of Lightning

BlackDaggr wrote:
As far as linking it with Life, I would prefer we avoid that. Life has a quasi-canonical place as the missing mysterious element that balances the others.

It's actually pretty solidly canon that Positive is the source of Life. The unraveler description says as much, from what I recall; if not them, one of the creatures in PSMC3.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Quasielemental Plane of Lightning

HEY! Do you wanna feel so energetic? Then try Powerthirst, the energy drink for people who need gratuitous amounts of energy! With all new flavours like Shockolate - chocolate energy - it's like adding chocolate to an electrical storm! What's that? You like strawberry? Well how about RAWBERRY! Made with lightning - real lightning!

I think a lightning elemental energy drink salesman is a great character idea.


Pants of the North!

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Quasielemental Plane of Lightning

Don't forget the special material vividium from the Inner Planes book. Someone needs to make stats for it.
All the Inner Planes book states is that it's essentially "solid lightning".

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Quasielemental Plane of Lightning

Ok, aside from the incidental specifics, is there anything else major about Lightning that we're missing?

Transient non-natives comprise of folks of a thrill-seeker variety - people who ride the lightning and the winds - and people who are there to harvest various aspects of the plane (elemental lightning and wind perhaps). These are probably the folks you want to talk to if you're planning on visiting Lightning.

Long term non-natives generally live in secluded locations: Outposts of different types (military, waystations, etc); wizard's towers/laboratories; temples dedicated to Storm gods; maybe smugglers living in retooled ruins. There are likely a handful of towns around established portals to other planes. Likewise, I could see "gold rush" towns springing up around gathering/mining specific materials from the plane (vividium, Cloudsilver), only to have them abandoned when the material runs out, or the natives discover the interlopers. In any case, the way all of them have dealt with the problems of the plane involve things like Faraday cages or lightning rods for lightning strikes, and lots of handholds or weights for strong winds.

Native races of Lightning come across as being rather tribal. Most fight for the love of fighting, and their battles and wars add to the endless thunder which fills the plane. A fair number of the natives are skilled at working the materials of their plane and imbibing them with the plane's energy. So Lightning is a good place to find some pretty charged up weaponry and other magical items.

Beyond that, a number of Storm gods likely maintain small realms on the plane. Some might reside in combined realms and share worshipers, and others likely prefer the seclusion and access to raw energy the plane provides.

What else needs to be addressed?

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Quasielemental Plane of Lightning

""Native races of Lightning come across as being rather tribal. Most fight for the love of fighting""

That's not the case with the Shockers (they're researchers and philosophers, and generally peaceful from what I recall).

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Quasielemental Plane of Lightning

I think among non-natives that could be commonly found among the Plane of Lightning, Storm Giants and Dragons particularly Blue Dragons could be among them. At least some of them might go to the Plane of Lightning, "to get back to their roots".

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Quasielemental Plane of Lightning

Hyena of Ice wrote:
That's not the case with the Shockers (they're researchers and philosophers, and generally peaceful from what I recall).

Sadly I don't have a copy of the book that outlines Shockers, so I'm unaware of what kind of culture they have. Having a race of researchers and philosophers certainly wouldn't be out of place and, in fact, adds another interesting level to the plane. I dig it!

In any case, when I was talking about natives, I was thinking mostly of lightning mephits and lightning quasielementals, and how it's them fighting amongst themselves that helps to add to the fury of storms. It's them that I see as being tribal, moreso perhaps than what you might find on other planes.

Kobold Avenger wrote:
I think among non-natives that could be commonly found among the Plane of Lightning, Storm Giants and Dragons particularly Blue Dragons could be among them. At least some of them might go to the Plane of Lightning, "to get back to their roots".

Both good suggestions. I could see a djinn from Air launching strikes into Lightning against a marauding blue dragon. And Storm Giants might also fit with the idea of there being a strong tribal theme on Lightning.

Aik's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Quasielemental Plane of Lightning

Hmm - I think the part about the natives fighting among each other is generally not correct. I'll look it up.

Ah yes, here we go - page 94 of The Inner Planes:
'They [lightning mephits] get along well with the quasielementals and shockers - for some reason, the natives of the Thundering Realm rarely conflict at all'

Lighting mephits (who apparently have kingdoms) are generally at war with smoke and steam mephits who appear in the Dark Lands though.

Evil's picture
Joined: 2005-11-12
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Quasielemental Plane of Lightning

Well, as an electrical engineering student, I must say that I am very interested in this thread Smiling
First, I must say that "faraday Cage towns" idea just blew my mind away. YES, yes and yes. Consider that for a Faraday Cage to provide safety it must have a connection to ground. Ground as in earth. So a Faraday cage town, or anything else that is protect the same way, must have a portal, a vortice etc to either the Elemental Earth or another plane with a natural ground. Imagine, that, while the inhabitants are completely safe from the electrocution (but not thunder, or the blinding light for that matter) of the plane, if, by a sabotage, perhaps, the connection to the Earth was lost, the community would be in terrible danger. Now, as I said, just how the residents would be protected by other effects, is beyond my knowledge at the moment.
another Idea I like is the "Make my creation live" approach to the whole lightning idea: Aside from some of the more knowledgeable races and wizards, lightning is considered a raw form of power, a good or bad omen, a sacred event, etc. Clerics of various storm/lightning gods use these beliefs to increase their power. As such, aside from fervent worshipers and crazy thrill seekers, not many will come to this plane.
Those who know otherwise, however, know that Plane of Lightning can offer opportunities like no other. They find their way there after one crazy enterprise or another. Most of them leave empty handed, or don't leave at all. Only the half scarred, melted, broken pieces of strange devices they leave behind remain. But more will come.

Evil's picture
Joined: 2005-11-12
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Quasielemental Plane of Lightning

So vividium is described only as solid lightning? Nothing about color or shape? because solid lightning sounds like what a simple person could describe large, high voltage batteries. Since they come from Plane of Lightning, they store huge amounts of energy compared to even our modern standards. They look like grayish blue, and turn bluish gray in time as they deplete. They can be recharged by exposition to the plane's lightnings. They electrocute at touch so they must be handled carefully. They can also easily burn out applications if not used properly. When it is working, it generates a sound between a strong hum or a thunderous roar, depends on the power output. Since it is supposed to be solid, it is a metallic substance - adding to the "battery" feel. They are very hard to work on, for apparent reasons, and the miners shape them to standard shapes so the user can understand which one he needs for his current application. (Meaning, smaller ones are lower voltage, lower energy storing, larger ones are high voltage, high energy:))
Next, site ideas.

Evil's picture
Joined: 2005-11-12
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Quasielemental Plane of Lightning

Another intriguing aspect of this plane is the inherent calmness of the inhabitants as opposed to their surroundings. Not surprising, since I have seen the same phenomenon on my own High Voltage professors in my Uni. Laughing out loud
This reminds me the buddhist monks who build their temples on secluded, freezing cold mountaintops. Correct me if I am wrong, but I guess there is something in it about being calm in a harsh environment. This brings me to:
Roaring Monastery: Build by ancient explorers from an eastern religion, the Monastery is a doubles prism made of splendidly shaped marble and granite. There 30 meter long metal rods sticking out of all 6 corners, which draws the planes lightning and dissipates them to the portal to a prime material plane on the temples core. Inside the temple there is no light other than the flash of lightnings, and no sound other than the boom of thunder. The air is seeping from the portal, but it is motly mixed with ozone, and could be deadly for people from the outside. Monks are used to these conditions, and seek only inner calm. They are good friends with the natural residents of the plane, who visit the temple often, and welcome any visitors, especially if they bring food and water to share, since those are in short supply.

Aik's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Quasielemental Plane of Lightning

Hmm - I think mephit politics and society might be an interesting point here. Lightning mephits form 'tiny kingdoms amid the storm clouds'. They're hyperactive and highly curious, dislike fighting and prefer to befriend opponents (MCA1). They're friendly with pretty much all the natives on the plane.

In the Dark Lands, they fight wars with Smoke and Steam mephits. Now - smoke mephits are pretty lame - lazy and generally disagreeable. However, apparently they have a king wannabe Elemental Prince called Ehkahk who rules them, who could possibly push things in an interesting way if for some reason he was behind the fighting there.

Steam mephits are where shit gets dangerous though. They consider themselves rulers of the mephits and they don't mind striking first - and they have water attacks. Water is instant-death to lightning mephits. They're in constant war with mist mephits who share the same plane. Mist mephits consider themselves to be fantastic spies.

The Dark Land between Steam and Lightning (known as The Death Cloud from Steam's end) sounds like a pretty interesting place. There's no mention of how steam mephits organise themselves, but I'm imagining reasonably well put together groups of steam mephits (who sometimes fall apart due to too many egos, but I'm sure they can work out some kind of working social structure - they need to assert their egos over someone...) warring with zanny lightning mephit 'kingdoms' (find it hard to imagine them having much real structure). Mist mephits would be backing the lightning mephits from the sidelines.

Given the friendly terms everyone is on in lightning, perhaps there'd be quick alliances formed to take down some steam mephits (quick because no one can really stick with it - too many distracting things). Steam mephits ambushing them with their rain storm and water jet abilities ... could be a rather messy situation. Brutal, really, given the powers involved - and the lightning mephits are pretty much the good guys here looking at the stereotypes given by the books.

What happens if steam mephits do manange to subjugate some lightning mephits? Then we have some tragedy - steam mephits strike me as being fairly authoritarian - what would they do if they managed to constrain lightning mephits using water as a threat? I'm sure you can do something awesome with captive lightning mephits...

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Quasielemental Plane of Lightning

Well, I stand corrected about the tribal aspect. It does make for an interesting contrast for the environment and actually helps to highlight the theme concept I put up in the first post, namely Intensity vs. Calm. Lightning is this furious place, full of raging storms, gale force winds and ubiquitous lightning and thunder, but the natives are relatively calm and contemplative. Well, calm just so long as you're not there to steal their resources anyway. I could easily see them getting as tweaked about taking/harvesting their resources as the folks on Mineral.

Given the above, and like how I mentioned earlier, I could see a number of abandoned ghost towns or derelict ships floating around as reminders of what interlopers might face from the natives if they're caught stealing the resources of the plane. I also like the idea of there being a number of eldritch devices of unknown purpose scattered about. I'll keep pondering on various locations on the plane.

Also, glad you liked the Faraday cage idea. It seemed like a natural thing for non-natives to have as a protective measure. It could be that ambitious bloods have figured out a way to direct the charges into some sort of storage device/battery and have made it into an export. Or they've harnessed it as a way of charging up magic items or something.

Anyway, glad to see the interest in the project! I hope we can give this same sort of treatment to the other planes!

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Quasielemental Plane of Lightning

Yeah, I just came here to state that (I looked through the Inner Planes book again).

The nature of the Quasielementals and mephits of Lightning is that they're VERY energetic, free-spirited (much in the way that air elementals are extremely free-spirited), and they all get along very well with one another (and with the shockers as well). A lot of them also tend to be rather academic. On the other hand, Inner Planes also states that the Quasielementals and mephits of lightning come the closest (by far) of any of their subtypes in the inner planes to being chaotically-aligned.
HOWEVER, Lightning mephits, Steam mephits, and Smoke mephits do not get along with one another at all, and wars regularly break out in the border regions between these groups.
That said, the elemental beings of Lightning are also highly, highly inquisitive, which could translate badly for planewalkers (esp. ones made of flesh). While the shockers are likely knowledgable enough to know that they are dangerous to most types of fleshly beings, the lightning mephits and quasielementals probably do not know this (esp. the younger ones). So they might touch say-- a planewalking human with a measly Electricity Resistance 10, not knowing that their very touch is harmful.

The border regions BTW are:

Wall of Light (Positive): Wall of cascading energy that stands as a permanent barrier between Lightning and the Positive. Energy Plane (the only way to get to the Positive Plane from Lightning is by passing through the Tower of Storms)
Bright Land (Radiance): Region of dangerously bright, glowing clouds (suffer dazzled, dazed, or blindness effect without eye protection. Fire-based creatures are likely immune to this effect)
Dark Land 1 (Smoke): Region of black clouds.
Dark Land 2 (Steam): Region of black clouds.
Glittering Crystal (Ice): This place consists of stormclouds intermixed with glowing skybergs made from Brightice.
Subdued Cacophony (Air): Just like Core Lightning, but far less lightning and there are breaks in the storm clouds.

The border regions connecting those border regions are: (note: Inner Planes doesn't list the border regions for the Elemental, Positive, or Negative planes)
Aurora (Lightning): Vast clouds of darkness with sparks of electricity floating about like fireflies
Shimmering Drafts: Field of electrically charged, billowing snow that inflicts subdual damage when it comes into contact with bare skin.
Bright Land (Radiance): Storm clouds of roiling, churning radiance with similar effects as the violent currents on Air.
The Death Cloud (Steam): Electrically charged steam; unlike the Shimmering Drafts, this inflicts lethal damage.

Storm King's Gate (connects Lightning to somewhere in Arcadia)

There are also four 2-way gates that connect Lightning and Olympus, and each is guarded by a storm deity of that plane. I only know of two of them: Zeus and Illanis (unless the other two are Phaulkon and Aerdie Feayana, but those aren't storm deities, only wind)

Only two sites are listed for Lightning: The Tower of Storms on the border between the Wall of Light and Positive Energy, and The Eye (as in eye of a storm) near the center of Core Lightning, which tends to be where planewalking colonies settle.

As for vividium, it is indeed all they say about it-- planewalkers come to Lightning to "mine vividium, which is essentially solid lightning". So I'm thinking it's something like a wall/item of force, except that it's probably breakable (making it like a wall of force would suck eggs anyway. That's essentially what Riverine from Stormwrack is, and it sucks, sucks, sucks, SUCKS! Sure, it's indestructable-- that is to say, it has infinite hardness and HP/inch, but it's INSANELY expensive *costs 20k additional bucks to forge heavy armor from it* and for all your trouble, a simple Greater Dispel Magic destroys it entirely.)
There are several other special substances mentioned briefly in the Inner Planes book, but for which no stats are given. Others include:

--Brightice (skyberg ice that glows like lightning)
--Radiance-Forged (no proper name is actually given, but it would most likely translate to an equipment template such as those seen in the 3.5 DMG2. It's basically just normal iron/steel equipment forged on the Quasielemental Plane of Radiance, which gives it some special qualities.)

Eternal Ice is mentioned in other Planescape books, but again no stats are given for it beyond that "it's like ice, but it doesn't melt", and suggests using it to make containers. I have the Eternal Ice thing covered, though, or more specifically, I will have it covered.

Those are just the ones I can recall off my head.

We probably need some means of updating the hazards listed in Inner Planes for lightning to 3.5.
In addition to those, the Lightning Pillars from the Frostburn supplement would be found in the Glittering Crystal and Shimmering Drafts (in the case of Glittering Crystal, they'd take the form of skybergs rather than actual pillars of teal ice)

Lightning states that some of the storm deities may have secret summer homes in Lightning somewhere.
Here is a list of likely canidates:

--Horus (LG) (Egyptian greater deity of sky, sun, storms, war, vengeance)
--Iallanis (NG) (Storm giant deity of beauty, mercy, love)
--Lei Kung (LE) (Chinese deity of thunder and vengeance)
--Raiden (CE) (Japanese deity of thunder and fletching)
--Ramman (N) (Babylonian deity of thunder, storms)
--Rudra (NE) (Hindu deity of storms and disease)
--Stronmaus (NG) (storm giant deity of weather, sky, joy, sun)
--Talos (CE) (Faerunian deity of natural disasters, storms, and thunder)
--Thor (CG) (Norse greater deity of thunder and war)
--Ukko (LG) (Finnish deity of sky, winds, and weather)

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Quasielemental Plane of Lightning

Anything else that needs to addressed? It's been a few days, and I'm thinking about moving on to a different plane just to make sure the renovation project doesn't lose momentum.

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Quasielemental Plane of Lightning

Anything else that needs to addressed? It's been a few days, and I'm thinking about moving on to a different plane just to make sure the renovation project doesn't lose momentum.

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Quasielemental Plane of Lightning

I feel like items, perhaps artwork, made from fulgurite would be created here. Perhaps such items could be used to craft staffs and wands that control weather, with such creations being easier/cheaper/faster to forge from lightning made glass?


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Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Quasielemental Plane of Lightning

Fulgurite is sand that has been melted and fused by lightning strikes. There isn't a whole lot of sand on the Quasielemental Plane of Lightning. There's also a problem with gravity, which would interfere with the creation of such items.

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