Really? Because all I saw in either topic was discussion of canon, themes, and ideas. Nothing was ever implemented as far as rules. Honestly, it does little good to describe new locations, monsters, and regions if you don't explain how this affects gameplay mechanics. Come to think of it, I do recall new monsters here and there, but not very many.
The purpose of these renovations isn't to create rules and locations and mechanics. Rather, it's to expand the framework the setting is built on.
Mechanics are not everything. One might argue this is especially true in Planescape. We built on the framework and provided more areas for people to expand upon it. If you want mechanics so bad, go make them for yourself. It's more constructive to these discussions to build on the concepts and let people fill in the blanks as they need to. Mechanics are completely auxiliary and unnecessary to the development of a strong, solid setting.
Arcadia and Bytopia were very well renovated with the themes broadened and made more accessible.
I like to keep rules to a minimum, personally. They tend to clutter things up. Things like the charisma check penalties in antithetical planes in the 3e MotP strike me as more annoying than flavorful. My favorite kind of roleplaying is freeform.