Planar Renovation Project: Limbo

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Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Planar Renovation Project: Limbo

We haven’t done one of these in a while and, for whatever reason, I’ve had Limbo on my mind.

There are two main problems that I have with how Limbo is portrayed in canon. The first is Limbo’s lack of a definable environment. The second is how there isn’t a unifying philosophical theme for the plane.

1) Lack of environment: First off, let me just say that I don’t want to touch anything about the chaos soup, the weird elemental configurations and the like. It fits the plane and it’s well established in canon. Rather, I’m interested in expanding on other potential environments that also fit within the context of the plane of Chaos. I’m not sure how to go about doing that, to be honest.

My first thoughts went to the anarchs and their ability to stabilize the environment. I have this vision of a series of roads/passages leading through the chaos-stuff, with each section of the road being tended by an anarch in training. No two sections would have the same environment, and gravity would be pulling down however the anarch was oriented.

Other thoughts run towards drawing a soft line between the more stable parts of Limbo and the seething sea of chaos. Think of a ring of flotsam and jetsam surrounding an ever twisting maelstrom. Stable bits might get drawn back towards the center and consumed, but there would always be a ring of semi-stability surrounding the craziness in the middle.

In Limbo, of course, it wouldn’t necessarily be a ring surrounding anything, but more like localized stretches of relatively stable environments. The stable regions would be a wild patchwork of landscapes. Tropical forests paired with tundras and deserts. Mountain ranges with peaks jutting out every direction. Rivers crisscrossing the landscape. Waterfalls falling upwards. Over time, the chaos sea would wash over places and sweep them back into the depths, ensuring that the environment would never be completely predictable.

I also could see chaos storms spinning off of the wilder parts and sweeping through places and completely rearranging them. Whole communities could be scattered, either lost to the chaos stuff, or wind up in new locations surrounded by strangers, and everybody would have to figure out how to get along with one another. That’s something that I think helps to develop an overall feeling of the place. That continual uncertainty

2) Lack of over-arching philosophical theme: Chaos has got to be more than just plain randomness. I think the place suffers from the usual associations people make between silliness and Chaotic Neutral characters. At its heart philosophically, the plane is about Individuality. This is contrasted against Mechanus and its focus on Conformity and subsuming individuals to the greater whole.

There’s another theme of Creation going on with the plane. It’s very easy to think of the stuff of Limbo as the same stuff that the Powers use to create the different Prime worlds. A trip through the chaos is direct exercise in creation as well.

Anyway. That’s it for the time being. It’s getting late and I want to get this thing rolling. Feel free to jump in!

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Limbo

Ramsey theory's basic theorem is roughly that with a sufficiently large amount of chaos, there will be localized stretches of order of any size you care to name. There's also the notion of chaos as unpredictability, which can happen even in something you might consider amazingly ordered: a fractal, self-similar on all scales.

I'll think about this for a while and add a few comments.

Palomides's picture
Joined: 2010-06-26
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Limbo

I had expressed a similar concern for the "problems" of Limbo and I was presented with a counter-point (by VanWormer, I believe) that Limbo represents (thematically) ultimate personal freedom.

By making this point, I started to re-examine Limbo's soup in a slightly different light. I began to consider it more like a playground where anyone could create the reality (in a limited range) they want. I came to think of like a Green Lantern power ring available to anyone. If no one focuses the material into a concrete form, then it degrades to the standard soup; but if you put in the effort, you can make it into what you want.

Want to create your own demiplane but lack the magical power? Then go to Limbo and shape the chaos to your ideal little pocket world. Sure it may fray a bit on the edges and it might require your constant attention, but otherwise, its everything you can imagine it to be.
Perhaps more than will power, creativity might be the force that creates the most "real" constructs (although I imagine that while being the "most solid", the more creative constructs are probably more fluid and like to change into new forms - as is the nature of creativity)

Of course this brings in questions of what happens when two (or more) constructs collide; or questions of whether these mental constructs start to be affected by subconscious fears/desires/doubts/etc. (I'm imagining a "Forbidden Planet" scenario where a race boosted their mental powers but accidentally created an embodiment of their ids that ran amok)

The idea of multiple quasi-stable realities with their own odd rules and concepts floating about, colliding with one another (and with the slaad) gave me a few more creative ideas than the way I had thought of it as a "soup" with just random things floating within

Palomides's picture
Joined: 2010-06-26
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Limbo

BTW, good luck with this thread. I started the last couple of PRPs and I was never able to corral the differing viewpoints into anything coherent that we could collectively agree on (as opposed to the Arcadia and Bytopia threads that did more or less come together)
But even in my "failures" I still got to hear a lot of great ideas!

Palomides's picture
Joined: 2010-06-26
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Limbo

This might not be the place for this but in the random (potential) nastiness of Limbo, I also like to throw out a few oddball/comedic ideas. Here are a few of mine (some original, some stolen):
*Atmosphere around them turns into stew (tasty but needs a little salt)
*Gravity suddenly kicks in, turns off or switches direction
*Air around them turns to fire. Hard to concentrate on changing it when it burns you
*Air around them turns to a pink cotton candy
*PC feels something suddenly kicking or moving around in his backpack (e.g. rope turn into a snake)
*Cigar-chomping pink bunnies with machine guns
*Bizarro copies of the PCs (or PCs come across a githzerai outpost fighting of an army of
Bizzaro copies that attack from the swirling chaos)
*A monstrous beast that the PCs can’t defeat suddenly explodes into harmless confetti
*Troop of life-size plastic army men march by
*Giant cue stick appears and knocks PCs into a portal
*Slaad the Impaler - slaad with a vampire fixation
*Slaadzilla - an easily distracted king of monsters
*Berserk killer slaad, named Guh, that can only be stopped/placated with a hug
*Slaad turns into a salad [inspired by MS Word's constant attempts to correct my spelling]
*PCs temporarily(?) grow roller skates on their feet
*Slaad who dresses as and thinks he is Thor [inspired by a run of the marvel comic where Thor was enchanted into the body of a frog]

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Limbo

More randomness before I head off to work, just seeing if I can spark anything more:

Susanoo, Agni and Idran are all Powers who have their realms in Limbo. They're also listed as providing their names to Limbo's layers (as described in the PSCS boxed set - though it does imply that those names are just screed spouted by greybeards). But it also says that you can't really tell the difference between one part of Limbo and another. So, I see a number of the Power's realms as hurricanes, passing over and around the landscape.

Palomides's picture
Joined: 2010-06-26
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Limbo

Personally, I'm not keen on the ideas for layers in Limbo as it doesn't fit well (IMO) with the the theme of raw chaos (and I think, as with a lot of other planes, it could probably do more with less layers); but as I don't have more to contribute than before, I'll run with it for now.

I found one reference on the web stating
"Some claim there are layers in Limbo
*Gith or Slaad first,
*Susanoo [Japanese god of seas and storms] second,
*Agni third,[Hindu/Vedic god of fire and deliverer of sacrifices to the gods - see next]
*Indra fouth, [Hindu/Vedic god of war, rain and storms; often the leader of the gods - contradicted by other sources stating that Indra, Agni and Vayu (wind god) share a realm called Swarga]
*The layer of the lost gods last but those high-up men seem to hop from layer to

For layers/shared realms; it seems that a better division would be along the lines of
*Wind/Storms - Indra, Vayu, and Agni's realm of Swarga
Shaundakul's realm of Shaunadaur
Shina-Tsu-Hiko [Japanese god of wind] realm of Windshome
*Protean Sea/Storms - Procan's realm of Seasedge
Susanoo [Japanese god of seas and sotrms - given to fits of rage] realm called the Globe of Raging Chaos
*War/Combat - Tempus and the Red Knight's shared realm of Knight's Rest
*Feral-ness/Beastly Strength - God of feral elves in the realm of Fennimar
Llerg [god or wild beasts and primal strength] realm of Beasthaven

This leaves a few "oddball" deities I couldn't group well
-Kurell - god of jealousy/revenge/thieves
-Ralisaz - deity of chance/bad fortune/insanity
-Sirrion - deity of fire/tranformation/passion/creativity

I was intrigued by the original reference to "The layer of the lost gods" but wasn't sure what this implied. Are they insane? Are they prisoners? Are they forgotten and dying? Are they wandering about lost?
In the first three cases, it seems like they would fit better in Pandemonium, in Carceri or the bottom layer of Pandemonium, or floating dead in the Astral.
I think I will add the last case to my panetheon for comic relief - Stubborno, the patron god of not asking for directions when lost

I also found a reference to Lum the Mad (or at least his Machine) being trapped in Limbo. Whether using "The Vortex of Madness" or not, this seems like something to have in the "soup"

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Limbo

Okay, so since the purpose of the Planar Renovation threads is to give someone a reason to go to a plane, here's a rare event that can inspire research trips even when it's not happening, and full-on holy wars when it is.


In many mythologies, the world arises from Chaos. The act of creation is the act of imposing form on limitless potential.

Even in real physics this is a poetic interpretation of the supposed state of existence atop which our universe arises. Physical law, projected backwards in time, breaks down at the point where there is no "before" on which to experience a symmetry of "before" and "after."

Thus, one reason to go to Limbo is to experience creation: the creation, perhaps, of entire worlds.



In Egyptian mythology, the benben was the first mound of earth that arose out of the primal ocean of chaos. From this mound the sun emerged, and with it the gods that shaped the world. Planar scholars have given this name to a phenomenon that occurs within Limbo as part of its aspect of the primal, creative existence.

A benben is a region of the chaos ocean which begins to solidify. The elemental shifts begin to slow, and the elements within the soup start to separate out into larger chunks. The region gradually expands, most often with a rim of fire thrusting outward at the edge, followed by a bank of expanding air, and a core of slower earth and water collecting at the bottom. In some cases, one element may start predominating, or the local conditions outside the benben may have an unusual effect like drawing earth upward in preference to other elements, but these reports are rare in the extreme.

As the benben increases in size, its rate of growth also increases. Small benbens grow slowly enough that some are consumed by the chaos ocean and nothing further happens. A benben that manages to become the size of a continent starts expanding rapidly, its sorted elements attracting their kind faster than the chaos ocean typically replaces them. When this happens, voids open up around the benben, which appears to be drawing matter to itself with gravitational force. These voids slow the process of growth momentarily, allowing Limbo to catch up. The chaos ocean slams into the border of the benben, where its material compacts and hardens, forming a crystal sphere. The anarchic energies are not stopped, though, and they ripple through the benben to focus in the center, where they meet in a conflagration of power that tends to average out, leaving a nonchaotic, neutral space at the center of the new world. This is abhorrent to Limbo, which ejects the sphere as any plane drops a layer or region that changes alignment. The newly neutral crystal sphere is hurled in some mystical direction toward the natural place of matter, the Inner Planes. On the way it encounters the phlogiston, and takes its place among the spheres of the Prime.

Not all crystal spheres are born this way, to be sure. This is also the natural, undisturbed course of events, and the best-reported instances involve creator gods -- typically greater gods -- taking a hand, shaping the new world as it forms. If a priest brings report of an unclaimed benben to a god whose portfolio includes something natural like oceans or mountains, he can usually expect rewards beyond the capacities of nations, for those gods can emphasize their desires as the world is formed. Wars have been fought in the depths of Limbo over benbens found by one god and attacked by that god's enemies. Mortals, especially Signers, who find a benben sometimes attempt to shape the world themselves. However, they usually underestimate the power of the final implosion that forces the benben out of Limbo. The energies that move a world are not to be trifled with.

Benbens begin unpredictably and rarely. They are only found in "distant" regions of Limbo, far from divine realms; it has been hypothesized that gods who find Limbo commodious dislike the atmospheres that are more likely to give rise to benbens. A regular project of crank scholars on the Planes is to create devices that can locate a benben or the conditions which they claim are conducive to benben formation -- by definition, no one can predict when or where a benben will form. Interestingly, by the time one of these cranks has a device or spell ready enough to hire a few adventurers and go test it out, they usually have hit on something or other, even if it isn't what they expect: the device or spell leads such a group somewhere else entirely, usually risky, sometimes profitable.

As for rarity: well, benbens are confirmedly found perhaps once a century, and there is usually a mighty ruckus over it for anywhere from a year (if it was found during the very earliest stirrings) to a week (if it's found just as the void is peaking and the crystal sphere is about to form).

However, once the crystal sphere is formed, that doesn't necessarily mean the end of the spat. Having your deity's hand in the creation is useful, weaving arcane threads of yourself into a new world is handy, but cutters who are less mighty can still leave tokens in the new world to track it down after it hits the Prime. The unclaimed world will soon be populated by deities of flora, fauna, and the sentient races -- or sometimes by odder powers -- who will be keeping a peery eye out for those interfering, but someone willing to risk the attentions of these powers can stake a pretty claim indeed.

The legend is still told of the Payment of the Rua'tau, a dwarf nation that owed an ancient debt to a powerful entity that had turned evil since the pact was made. They held up their end of the twisted bargain, giving their whole world in payment... after their mightiest heros weakened its foundations, rendering the entire planet a trap. They left for another, and found a benben that they followed to the Prime and held against every force and persuasion sent to them by the deities that coveted their new world. You can find a few Rua'tau in Sigil today.

Palomides's picture
Joined: 2010-06-26
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Limbo

In reading your take on the benben, you mention that even powerful mortals can affect a burgeoning crystal sphere.
Perhaps this can be part of the solution to the chicken & egg relationship between creator gods and their worshippers. Consider a long-lived mortal reaching a developing benben and leaving some token of his presence on or in the sphere. The sphere develops and the life within the sphere view the tokens as signs of their creator. They worship him and the worship transforms him into a true god. Thus the "god" created (technically steered) the crystal sphere and the followers' faith "created" the god.

I could see a new benben drawing a lot of attention where gods (or their agents) try to make some sort of impression on the sphere to create a religious following and to allow that god's worship to exist within that sphere.
Perhaps some fiendish lord or dark deity (e.g. Orcus) is desperate to make an impression on this new sphere in order to create a power base in an effort to increase or solidify his godly position.
Stopping that would make a noble cause for the PCs

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Limbo

Palomides wrote:
Personally, I'm not keen on the ideas for layers in Limbo as it doesn't fit well (IMO) with the the theme of raw chaos (and I think, as with a lot of other planes, it could probably do more with less layers); but as I don't have more to contribute than before, I'll run with it for now.

Oh, I agree. Limbo shouldn't have layers in the usual sense. There's nothing in canon to support them directly. However:

I found one reference on the web stating "Some claim there are layers in Limbo *Gith or Slaad first, *Susanoo [Japanese god of seas and storms] second, *Agni third,[Hindu/Vedic god of fire and deliverer of sacrifices to the gods - see next] *Indra fouth, [Hindu/Vedic god of war, rain and storms; often the leader of the gods - contradicted by other sources stating that Indra, Agni and Vayu (wind god) share a realm called Swarga] *The layer of the lost gods last but those high-up men seem to hop from layer to layer.

That bit (which actually comes out of the Limbo description in the PSCS boxed set) seems to suggest that there might be enough of a difference between those regions/realms and the rest of the plane to warrant calling them different layers. I personally favor a sort of storm front concept. Something that sweeps across the chaos sea and provokes it into action. Without question, the chaos sea is present, but the sorts of elements and shapes that it naturally coalesces in to would be dictated by the specific realm/region/Layer that's passing over/through.

And these:

For layers/shared realms; it seems that a better division would be along the lines of *Wind/Storms - Indra, Vayu, and Agni's realm of Swarga Shaundakul's realm of Shaunadaur Shina-Tsu-Hiko [Japanese god of wind] realm of Windshome *Protean Sea/Storms - Procan's realm of Seasedge Susanoo [Japanese god of seas and sotrms - given to fits of rage] realm called the Globe of Raging Chaos *War/Combat - Tempus and the Red Knight's shared realm of Knight's Rest *Feral-ness/Beastly Strength - God of feral elves in the realm of Fennimar Llerg [god or wild beasts and primal strength] realm of Beasthaven

This leaves a few "oddball" deities I couldn't group well
-Kurell - god of jealousy/revenge/thieves
-Ralisaz - deity of chance/bad fortune/insanity
-Sirrion - deity of fire/tranformation/passion/creativity

Suggest the sort of changes that may be provoked when a "storm front" passes through an area.

Some fronts are direct and obvious: Blowing winds and severe weather, a stampede of crazed animals destroying everything in their path, the chaos matter turns into vegetation and starts growing rampant or an army conjured out of a melding of primal chaos and petitioners marches through an area (who knows how they'll react to whomever they come across).

Some are subtle: emotions run high through communities hit by a front and everybody starts fighting/making out/laughing, one's passage becomes ever more treacherous and unstable, or suddenly everybody is caught up in the throes of creative passion.

And there's no reason why you couldn't combine any two (or more) of those sorts of fronts.

That sort of thing would certainly color one's experience while travelling on Limbo and much such a trip all the more memorable. It does move it away from the elemental nature of the plane, but I think it also moves it more towards what Belief in Chaos might be: that feeling of helplessness against the capricious nature of reality. You can never quite know what's going to happen next and you just kinda have to go with whatever comes your way.

Jem wrote:
Thus, one reason to go to Limbo is to experience creation: the creation, perhaps, of entire worlds.


I really like the idea of the benbens! I could easily see a series of adventures or even an entire campaign centered around searching one out and exploiting it for/defending it against various powers or groups.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Limbo

I think the thing with Limbo is that it needs more varied representatives than the Slaad. The Slaad despite being mentioned as the exemplars of Chaos, have often being described as being imprisoned in their toad-like forms. But I think there needs to be more about what there was before they were imprisoned in their current forms.

Proteans could be another offshoot of the ancient race that became the Slaad.

Chaotic_Goth1431's picture
Joined: 2010-01-12
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Limbo

I would like to see a race, even if homebrewed, that shows the more cunning side of chaos. Not everyone Chaotic falls into the CN Slaad-wacky alignment. For a CN leaning to CE race idea: a group exposes a certain caste of its people to the Chaos soup itself as a test of their god's favor. Those who fail die instantly. Those who live are warped in body, some to the extent of no longer resembling anything humanoid....think of creatures the Far Realms or H.P Lovecraft and you'll be close. Now, just what enhancements they are granted could be easily resolved by a random effect table.

Just my two cents.


So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss. If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose. If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself. - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Limbo

The whole chaotic changing soup problem can be rectified easily when you consider each plane and its inhabitants as part of an ecosystem.
For instance, each layer of the Abyss is sentient and can either accept or reject an Abyssal lord. The abyss also rejected the Obyrith at one point in favor of the Tanar'ri. (The Yugoloths could likely be said to have been accepted by Gehenna. They would have to be, considering how vindictive the plane itself is to non-indigenous creatures.)

As another example, we can look at Coldflow (coldfire) from Frostburn. This substance, Paraelemental Ice in its purest form, is a softly glowing, flowing, viscous half-gas half-liquid that reacts to matter much like green slime (and in fact results in a disease that functions much like green slime). Contact with Coldflow results in Coldfire Ruin, a disease where the victim slowly turns into Coldflow from the inside out.
I added the fanon that Water and Air indigenous outsiders/elementals with the Water/Air subtype (as well as indigenous creatures to Ice) are immune to the disease, since all the disease is is an elemental reaction that transmorgifies elemental fire and earth into air and water.

Thus, the purpose of both the inhabitants and hazards of the Inner and Outer planes, above all, is to remove "impurities" from the ecosystem.

This means that the indigenous natives of Limbo should enjoy some degree of immunity to the random chaotic changes of the plane, while creatures of Law would be specifically targetted. Thus, indigenous natives can enjoy a degree of stability on Limbo even independent of their ability to shape the plane.

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Limbo

Hehe...I'm betting we could devote an entire thread to dealing with the Slaad and/or other chaotic exemplars. I have my own thoughts and ideas on the whole topic and would be more than happy to share them if somebody wants to get a thread started. For the time being however, I kinda want to focus more on developing Limbo as a plane that lends itself more to adventuring.

And, FWIW, I'm gonna just keep flailing around and tossing out ideas as they come to me until something sticks or I get sick of it. Feel free to take anything I come up with and run with it or just tell me to pike it. ^_^

The inherent lack of permanence in Limbo is a problem. Locations that aren't attached to an anarch are at risk of dissolving at a moment's notice. Sure, non-anarchs are able to concentrate to keep places up, but typically, those places aren't very large and can't really support anything long lasting. That impermanence make it inherently difficult to develop any long-lasting place on the plane.

Hmm...maybe what's needed, really, is just a variety of ways that people have come up with to sustain more permanent locales. There are the anarchs, of course, and people just trying to do it by sheer force of will. Other ideas:

- Wizards who enchant various constructs or undead to have enough consciousness to maintain a place.

- Enterprising individuals could regularly import bits of essence from more lawful planes and use that to carve out a place for themselves (I have a vision of the Protoss and their pylons from Starcraft).

- Maybe certain native animals have developed anarch-like abilities, and create landscapes and food wherever they go.

- Rogue small gods who create pocket realms and fight complex wars and develop intrigues between themselves.

- Stray floating islands that have somehow drifted in from Ysgard.

- Like I posted earlier, you could have roadways that are maintained byanarchs-in-training or by non-anarchs concentrating really hard.

- Collections of abandoned modrons (or their corpses) might make for an interesting location.

So generally, I guess I'm just trying to think of the many ways that we could get (semi) permanent locations. Leave the chaos-soup as more of a backdrop for the whole plane, rather than have the soup be the entire focus (which is how it's presented in canon). To my mind, Limbo should be a confusing array of places, each vying to assert itself, sometimes coming together with other locations, sometimes being overwhelmed and disintegrating into the background.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Limbo

Uh, what about what I just mentioned? Alternatively, perhaps native building materials don't undergo metamorphasis or dissolution when not contaminated by non-natives, and instead go through phases/patterns of shift. That is, one day the road might be straight, and the next, the road is 5x longer and convoluted, but it's always there. These "patterns" might not follow any kind of logical order, and in addition to the road itself, the surrounding landscape might shift from time to time from forest edge to deep woods to lowland *swampy* forest, etc. The anarchs can focus their will to keep it straight or make it a particular shape, but no focusing of any creature is needed to keep the road there (besides, why would they want to other than for interplanar trade? The road has something new each time you travel it, that's way more fun than some road that's always one shape in a woodland edge). OTOH, were there to be some sort of invasion of non-chaotic beings, such as say-- a Blood War battle, the road might be permanently swallowed up as the plane tries to rid itself of the impurities, and an Anarch would have to focus its will to prevent this from happening (though why would they? Just drag a few Tanar'ri out before they get swallowed up and lay eggs in 'em)

As for Lovecraftian creatures, they're more likely to have existed before the Slaad, and even they would not be much more alien than the Obyrith.

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Limbo

Oops. I think I managed to start my post just before you had posted yours and just happened to not catch the overlap.

Limbo-as-Ecosystem is an interesting idea, though it seems like in canon, non-native things end up dissolving into the soup. I like the variable time and distance thing (similar to how the Outlands works, maybe), as well as the cycling materials.

Far from needing immunity to the chaos, the truly indigenous creatures of Limbo would almost revel in the chaos, utilizing an almost "Go with the flow" sort of approach. An anarchic fish swimming in a watery stream of chaos matter that turns into an air/earth mixture might grow its fins into legs or wings, depending on the mix. A school of such creatures might behave as one cohesive whole, but be made up of all sorts of different looking individuals, each bearing traces of the different environments that it's passed through.

When I think of Lovecraftian creatures in D&D, I always associate them, perhaps wrongly, with the Far Realm, rather than chaos.

RainOfSteel's picture
Joined: 2007-02-09
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Limbo

Palomides wrote:
I found one reference on the web stating "Some claim there are layers in Limbo *Gith or Slaad first, *Susanoo [Japanese god of seas and storms] second, *Agni third,[Hindu/Vedic god of fire and deliverer of sacrifices to the gods - see next] *Indra fouth, [Hindu/Vedic god of war, rain and storms; often the leader of the gods - contradicted by other sources stating that Indra, Agni and Vayu (wind god) share a realm called Swarga] *The layer of the lost gods last but those high-up men seem to hop from layer to layer.
This was established in the AD&D 1e Manual of the Planes, copyright 1987, page 98.

The layer of lost gods was not detailed, but it might serve as a better location for dead gods than the Astral. It also mentions that the realms of the gods had been encountered on various layers, that the layers themselves might not have substantial barriers, and that the concept of layers and barriers might break down in total chaos.

The five layers were established (there may have been earlier references, I'm not sure) in the AD&D 1e Player's Handbook, copyright 1978, page 121 (the drawing of the planes), and the plurality of layers was later restated in the AD&D 1e Deities and Demigods, page 129, "The layers of Limbo neutral (absolute) chaos," although in the drawing of the Great Wheel on page 130, Limbo's layers are hidden by the way the wheel is presented on the page.

I'm not sure why the five layers idea was first blurred in Manual of the Planes.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Limbo

For a place that's immune to the soup, a place of respite, how about the flip side of benbens?

Heat Death

Where there is order, there is useful potential energy in the transition to disorder. The most ancient of natural planets and stars have consumed all such energy sources, and their atoms now lie crushed by entropy, scattered and useless. This is the chaos at the end of things. No life can survive upon the barren rock or cold ash of these aged celestial corpses.

When a world's heat death is complete, its sun burned out, its stars gone, its winds still, the fertility of its land consumed, the presence of entropy in such vast quantities sometimes opens a portal to Limbo. In order for this to happen, the world's death typically must have been natural: a victory by Good or Evil in an armageddon would infuse the world with those alignment energies, while a sudden plague or magical warfare typically leaves the planet rich with energy sources -- just not energy sources humanoid creatures can easily use. But a natural planetary or solar corpse, frozen at the bottom of its entropic well, can sometimes slip to Limbo.

There, the corpse is further reduced, but not entirely. Limbo's soup scours away the tiniest remaining scraps of order: ruins with writing, fossils that could have been read, dust of gemstones that could barely have been food for bacteria. When this is done, the object that remains is surrounded by an empty space in which chaos is represented by the stark reality of entropy. This, too, is pure chaos, and so the soup of creation/destruction does not form here.

The cores that remain can be the size of continents, surrounded by elemental voids several miles high. They are barren rock, and they lack natural atmosphere, but they offer respite from the soup. Planewalkers who can supply their own air and protection from cold (a necklace of adaptation will do) find them a useful place to rest. A few cutters have set up waystations that rent out necklaces for people to get some sleep; they build enormous, weird statues near their businesses, and put out flyers in Sigil with depictions for travelers to Limbo to try visualizing in case they want to walk or teleport there.

Palomides's picture
Joined: 2010-06-26
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Limbo

Wicke wrote:
...maybe what's needed, really, is just a variety of ways that people have come up with to sustain more permanent locales. .
I suppose there are a number of solutions to this. Aside from the ideas you mentioned, there are also godly realms or perhaps one created by a sentient magical item (I am thinking of the example created by the Machine of Lum the Mad in "Vortex of Madness") I think that the bigger challenge is to create interesting pockets/realms that are "stable" but still embody some element of chaos/chance/creativity/etc. But on that front, I haven't much to offer.

Wicke wrote:
-Collections of abandoned modrons (or their corpses) might make for an interesting location.
When I read this, I thought of a situation where either a lost modron is mutated by the chaos or a number of lost modrons -seeking other lawful-types in the chaos - combine (like Borg) to form one giant cube (which might be mistaken for an import from Acheron) The idea of a giant lawful (and now possibly insane) cube trying to impose what it considers lawful and "correct" in a resisting soup of chaos seems rife with possibilities to me. Perhaps each face of the cube has its own twisted "lawful" reality

Since it is one of the few (or only?) permanent structure in Limbo, I also toyed with the idea that the Spawning Stone is actually a comatose/petrified god floating in the chaos and that the slaad are merely the mental constructs of this god.
This would raise the question of whether the forces of Law would wish to 1) wake this god to end its recurring nightmare that creates/consumes/re-creates the slaad? Or 2) would waking this god unleash an army of slaad focused on a goal. In this case, would the forces of Law want to place this god further into a comatose state where his dreams had less power (i.e. fewer or less powerful slaad)

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Limbo

Jem wrote:
Planewalkers who can supply their own air and protection from cold (a necklace of adaptation will do) find them a useful place to rest. A few cutters have set up waystations that rent out necklaces for people to get some sleep; they build enormous, weird statues near their businesses, and put out flyers in Sigil with depictions for travelers to Limbo to try visualizing in case they want to walk or teleport there.

I like the overall concept, but this bit in particular had me thinking of alternative means by which somebody could survive the chaos. What occurred to me was a sheep (or something equally able to provide a material for clothes-making) whose means of surviving in Limbo rested with instantly counter-adapting to whatever changes the soup went through. The space around changes into fire, the creature grows wet and/or cold in response. A bit of the cloth wrapped around one's mouth and nose could act like an instant filter for whatever weird substance you found yourself wading/swimming/flying through. A full suit of the stuff would allow a body to pass relatively unscathed through the chaos matter, like a native (think Still Suits from Dune).

Once sheared/harvested it would only be effective for a limited duration and it would quickly cease to function outside of Limbo.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Limbo

I like! I would suggest a jellyfish, which I can easily picture swimming through the soup. The harvester would wrap themselves in the clear covering of the main body (and, of course, this requires that they harvest a specimen larger than themselves) to make a full suit. Very delicate, unless magically hardened, though a small wound might only expose a small area to damage. I think it could be enchanted to retain this property indefinitely. With a bit of necromancy it might even heal on its own.

Very large specimens might be magically tameable while still alive, with enough space to carry two to four passengers in a vacuole in the main body. (Normally used for food; if it starts filling up with green goo, flee...)

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Limbo

Palomides wrote:
I think that the bigger challenge is to create interesting pockets/realms that are "stable" but still embody some element of chaos/chance/creativity/etc. But on that front, I haven't much to offer.

Gambling dens, anarch gardens, Slaadi rodeos...

There's one realm in Limbo in the Planes of Chaos boxed set that's described as nothing more than a mostly vacant forest surrounded by mountains. The most chaotic it gets is the weather changes without notice (hot and steamy to blizzard to gentle rain), so there's a lot of leeway in interpreting what chaos/randomness could be for any given location.

I wonder if it's worthwhile to differentiate between primal chaos (which would be the soup and notions of Limbo as a plane of the time before time, which is what Jem is hitting on with her suggestions), chaotic nature (storms and natural disasters) and the chaos of life (which would be all of the more sentient-oriented sources of chaos: war, riots, mass hysteria, etc).

I guess there's a part of me that keeps wanting to bring in the idea of Belief shaping the plane. I mean, the chaos soup is something that's far back in most worlds' histories, before there really were any races to hold any beliefs, so it should be something fairly removed from the every day concept of chaos. An earthquake, hurricane, volcano or tsunami sweeping through and destroying everything is something much more immediate and recognizable as a source of chaos in your average person's life.

When I read this, I thought of a situation where either a lost modron is mutated by the chaos or a number of lost modrons -seeking other lawful-types in the chaos - combine (like Borg) to form one giant cube (which might be mistaken for an import from Acheron) The idea of a giant lawful (and now possibly insane) cube trying to impose what it considers lawful and "correct" in a resisting soup of chaos seems rife with possibilities to me. Perhaps each face of the cube has its own twisted "lawful" reality


That could be fun!

Idran's picture
Joined: 2007-06-10
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Limbo

I know it's a couple weeks old, but:

Wicke wrote:
Susanoo, Agni and Idran are all Powers who have their realms in Limbo.

I appreciate the compliment, but I think you meant Indra. Sticking out tongue

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Limbo



Then again, maybe you and Indra both have a realm on Limbo. What sort of realm would Idran's realm be?

Idran's picture
Joined: 2007-06-10
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Limbo

Well, if my posts on Planewalker are any sign, it would be a realm of stubborn contrariness and perhaps slightly excessive postmodernism. Sticking out tongue

Evil's picture
Joined: 2005-11-12
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Limbo

Just a quick comment to say what I don't like about Limbo. It encourages order.

The plane is hostile to you by default,it doesn't matter if you are chaotic or not. But if you focus, the plane becomes your plaything. Focused thoughts, meditation, etc. are very lawful in my opinion (and my understanding of PS ideology).

Also, making you able to think things into reality, makes the plane too much like ethereal.

I'm currently thinking of an implementable-in-game mechanic how the chaotic soup can be redesigned to reward chaos.

Idran's picture
Joined: 2007-06-10
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Limbo

Evil wrote:
The plane is hostile to you by default,it doesn't matter if you are chaotic or not.

Nope. Chaotic people have a chance to survive in the soup without help, non-chaotic people don't even have a shot at it. (Planes of Chaos: Book of Chaos, page 65) And wouldn't all chaotic people doing better no matter what be awfully predictable for chaos?

But if you focus, the plane becomes your plaything. Focused thoughts, meditation, etc. are very lawful in my opinion (and my understanding of PS ideology).

The more training you have, the less focus you need. Anarchs and the like are so skilled that they don't need even a bit of concentration to bring stuff about, they can form stuff basically on a whim.

Of course, I'm not objecting to your idea, new mechanics are always neat. I'm just saying it's not as bad a situation as you think.

Just remember when you do it to not have it be focused on nothing but randomness. A lot of chaos-based stuff makes that mistake, when chaos is also about individualism. About freedom from structure, about making it on your own.

Palomides's picture
Joined: 2010-06-26
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Limbo

Evil wrote:
I'm currently thinking of an implementable-in-game mechanic how the chaotic soup can be redesigned to reward chaos.

I was toying with this myself. The only thing that has come to mind is that rather than structured thought imposing its will on the plane, perhaps the plane rewards more creative, artistic, free-thinking types by
1) making their creations more permanent (relatively speaking) although more fluid and adaptable. These pockets might be fairly "permanent" but since a wild imagination is always in motion, someone who visits the plane sporadically may not immediately recognize the pocket as being the same place he visited last time. If so, these pockets could be safe for visitors even if they change frequently.
2) allowing the creative type to suffer less severe "attacks" of chaos or letting the creative type find some way to adapt to it quickly so that the threat is less of a threat
(e.g. a wave of flame materializes but turns into beautiful sparkly lights when it washes over the in-tune chaotic soul; or perhaps the person adapts temporarily to the threat - e.g. asbestos skin)
3) make the creative person and his/her creations less offensive to the slaad and other residents
I could easily see the slaad vigorously attacking the (seemingly) structured minds (and mental creations) of the githzerai, seeking to tear them apart; but perhaps the slaad would appreciate (or at least tolerate) an island in the chaos that was a fluid piece of art created by someone with a wild imagination

Idran's picture
Joined: 2007-06-10
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Limbo

What I'm getting from that description, Palomides (which I like as a perspective): Limbo is a plane where everyone has a Green Lantern ring, and the Kyle Rayners are top of the heap. While the normal version of Limbo has the boring, stodgy ol' Hal Jordans on top. But who likes giant boxing gloves anyway?

Palomides's picture
Joined: 2010-06-26
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Limbo

It's been a while since I've been into the Green Lantern mythos, so I had to look up Kyle; but if you are referencing his artistic talents (and not the convoluted Ion history I see on Wikipedia) then yeah, that's my possible suggestion.

I'm not completely sold on it myself; but it does feel a little more "organic" than githzerai mental monks (who I always pictured as being focused and somewhat lawful in their thinking - aside from their embracing of the concept of individual freedom which could fit in Limbo)

But if we do run with this theme of "islands of artistic creativity" would that result in things like a bubble of reality that looks like Salvadore Dali's "The Persistance of Memory" (i.e. the one with the melting watches)? I could think of a lot art-world mini-realities that could be created but ultimately, I don't know if it would produce anything fun for the PCs, which I think should be the ultimate focus of this topic.

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Limbo

Awise fwom your gwave!

I had a moment of inspiration concerning Limbo today and I want to capture the idea before it slips away.

My mind was wandering around, as it often does, and it landed on the idea of Limbo having surreal landscapes. Or possibly even dreamscape-like environments. Basically scenes that would bubble into existence, play out, then phase back into the background chaos. It was a neat idea, but it lacked a certain oomph.

So, following along with the whole surreal landscape thing, I thought about different sorts of surreal landscapes and one particular example popped into my head: the "Jack Sparrow in Hell" scene out of the third PotC movie. After musing about that for a bit, it hit me that that may very well be a good representation of what a Limbo petitioner experiences as their own personal concept of the afterlife. You have a single individual who, rather than interacting with other people, interacts with nobody but himself. He even kills himself at one point. From the outside, he's talking to himself and comes across as quite barmy.

Expanding on that idea a bit, and tying it back in with with the surreal, dream-like landscapes, I figured that those scenes that coalesce out of the primal chaos may very well be the personal afterlives of the petitioners. For the most part, the petitioners would roam around the primal chaos in a half-aware state, as described in the Planes of Chaos, so there'd be no reason to scrap anything already described in canon. But sometimes a landscape could form around a petitioner and this new environment would for the basis of their afterlife experiences, a la Jack Sparrow.

Then it hit me that that explanation gives a perfect excuse for Limbo to have the random landscape it does. Petitioners would be the ones that create the mess of landscapes and environments. You could go visit the opulent castle of a mad king making mandates for more cheese or watch a petitioner looking for change scrabble along the gutter of muddy city street (which disappears when you move out of sight of the petitioner).

These locales would make excellent stalking grounds for the slaad. They could go in and capture the petitioners for slavery and sale to the lower planes. They could go in and lay eggs/eat them. In a kinder moment, they could try helping the petitioner wake up or help them with whatever problem they were dealing with.

Expanding on this, I could see a petitioner populated City of Thieves. A place where roads constantly shift, buildings around the outer edges fade into existence then fade back out, fires run rampant and the population cares about nothing else other than getting every last piece of equipment off of everybody else.

I could also see a realm that emulates the sort of madness you saw at the fringes of society in the Pirates movies.

So yeah, the key for me starting to get a good handle on Limbo is to start thinking of it in terms of an afterlife and what sorts of people might end up there.

Palomides's picture
Joined: 2010-06-26
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Limbo

I think your idea has possibilities. Might this also provide a habitat for the elusive non-slaad native species that people have been suggesting? Perhaps there is a race of protean creatures to come to these ad hoc realities and take on various appropriate roles (e.g. in the faux palace of a mad "king" perhaps the jester or the knights of the court are these imposters)? In your analogy of Jack Sparrow, these chaotic "parasites" might find Jack's deserted realm too bland for their tastes so they start showing up as other copies of Jack himself.

I could see these creatures somehow feeding off of the creativity of the mad or fiercely independent; but being creatures of change, they would get bored and want to shake things up/change the landscape/etc. This way the pocket realities would never become locked into some stagnant pattern. (Again, look at Jack's barren reality prior to his duplicates showing up, as an example hence the need to shake things up) These beings could be viewed as harmful to the pocket creator as their habit of warping the realities would likely induce madness in just about any petitioner after a while. As the petitioner is driven more insane, this reality becomes increasingly unstable until even the chaotic parasites can't play along anymore and move on to another strong willed petitioner with a different pocket reality.

bahne's picture
Joined: 2011-05-14
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Limbo

Limbo.. chaos.. personal freedom.. individuality..

brainstorming... some beings on this plane are more powerful than others, the more powerful you are the more responsive the plane is to your whims.

Limbo lords perhaps.. are the focus point of a pocket of enviroment and other dwellers inside that pocket affect lesser pockets of limbo around themselves inside the limob lords enviroment.

so Garazh the limbo lord has a thing for jungle forests, an area that somehow relates to how powerful he is will appear as a jungle forest as he sees it. But lesser beings inside this area also affects a lesser area, so suddenly there is a desert inside the jungle where Miriam dwells and she misses her nomadic mortal prime life where she roamed the desert.

I'll admit.. it's very simple, but still possess endless possibilities for gaming and enforces the personal individuality side of the chaos essence, thus taking a step away from random happenstance wacky teenage-chaos mentality Laughing out loud

I do believe that law and chaos are infact two sides of the same coin, they cannot exist without each
other. Law needs chaos to have something to govern and rule and chaos needs laws to break and bend but neither can exist for themselves, so even while powers strive to force the two apart they are enforcing their symbiosis. The war between Chaos and Law prolly is a paradox in itself...

Ozymandias's picture
Joined: 2011-10-04
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Limbo

Well, I had something to contribute, but lost the data for some reason. Stupid Internet Explorer...

I was watching a documentary about the planets in our solar system, and thought some of the ideas link well with the concept of Limbo. For example, Jupiter is a place of constantly evolving and devolving storms, some that have lasted for hundreds of years. Further in space, we find stellar collections of gas and matter. In fact, the way light travels through space, what we see here is an indication of what was billions of years ago. So the quasars and black holes that are billions of lightyears away show us what the universe was like during its formation.

From this I see Limbo--

Storm Fronts: Limbo, unlike other planes, has no layers, orbs or similar stable places for its inhabitants. Instead, it has storm fronts, locations of stable matter that flow through the chaos. The fringe of a storm front is always colliding with the soup, and is always changing as a result, but its interior is mostly stable. This is due to the storm's origin--a petitioner, or a planewalker, or a native, or some other suitably willful individual capable of shaping chaos matter. In the case of the petitioner and native, they are unharmed by Limbo's randomness; they seek to exert their individuality over the plane, and the plane tries to exert its will over them, which manifests in the constantly changing state of individual storms. Most storms come and go with alarming frequency, but some last up to several hundred years, or more, depending on the nature of its inhabitants and their ability to control the storm, and fend off invaders.

(As a side note, I've always felt that the idea of permanence in Limbo is unnecessary for the concept of the plane. I mean, I've had discussions where friends argue that Limbo could not support any location for very long unless it was powered by a willful being. I disagree, and Jupiter is the example--one of its largest storms has been around for 300 years or so, and shows no signs of going away. The "physics" that govern Limbo's chaos are more complex than our own, but even so... Another point is the mutability of the planes. Yes, the outer planes can be formed and changed, but how often does it happen? We know it takes a lot of effort to make even a small portion of a plane shift to another plane. But the Prime worlds aren't subject to this, and the Inner Planes are practically immune. Where a million years of stability pass in the Prime, perhaps a thousand years pass in the Great Wheel, and only a hundred or so pass in Limbo. This means that exploring adventurers could easily come across a large storm front that has no petitioner at its center. Naturally, they don't know how long it's been there, and how long it'll last, and so staying to investigate is extremely foolish, but it can still happen.)

The storms of Plugin <em></em> Not Found as a perfect example of what Limbo might look like to someone capable of "seeing" it from the outside. In fact, this idea--of external observation--leads to a question: how does one travel through chaos? Follow my logic here--petitioners and natives know how to travel through chaos, because they're unaffected by it. Visitors, however, must fight against it until they can form a stable mote/storm front. But even when these storms exist, and are fairly stable, there's no way to map paths or connections between storms. Everything is constantly changing. So a person who can "see" through the soup, or who knows how to form a path between two locations, has information that others don't, and could make a nice business out of selling it. I see Limbo as a home, or a place to visit, for some gods of travel or exploration; they're drawn to it because the paths are always changing, so there's always something new to find. Of course, this leads to certain kinds of adventures: the players are sent into Limbo to explore a newly discovered storm, or to retrieve a piece of magic/scientific equipment (kinda like a space probe) that was lost in the chaos.

Quasars and Black Holes: I'm nowhere near an expert on quasars, so I might have this wrong, but I've always seen them as a place that spews forth matter and energy. Following the idea of the benben, perhaps the center of Limbo (in a metaphysical sense) is a massive Plugin <em></em> Not Found that constantly spits out matter and energy. Every once in a while, a benben forms that becomes stable enough to move into the rest of the 'verse. While the discovery a benben is great for those who are interested, perhaps the discovery of the quasar's location is even better, because it means having a direct link to every benben produced in Limbo. At the opposite end, there's the Plugin <em></em> Not Found of chaos. This is where a Prime world goes when it experiences natural death. At the center of the black hole is nothing, and nothing can survive, but around it are dying worlds--or dying gods, or the vestigial souls of ancient powers.

I have one more question, hopefully to further stimulate the discussion: with the examples of benbens and natural solar death, what is the need for the Positive and Negative Energy planes, or the Inner planes? In other words, while these ideas are cool, aren't we infringing on the purpose of other planes? Or can there be more than one place in the 'verse where worlds are born, or go to die?

__________________|Crossing the 'Verse -- A Planescape Conversion Project|Zombie Roller Derby -- It's roller derby... and zombies... what more could you want?

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Limbo

I see the Pos and the Neg more as places that create life and the basic elements, or power undeath and consume elements. Chaos mixes, and thereby creates. It also wears down -- so there is indeed some overlap between entropy as chaos, and entropy as a function of the Neg. If you picture the Pos and the Neg as the place where worlds are created and die, though, then perhaps they're where the seed of a benben forms (an omphalos, perhaps?), and where the body of the remnant goes when the world dies.

(Hmm. Picturing an undead Prime Material world now. Slogging through the phlogiston, attempting to consume other crystal spheres, poking tendrils through the holes and sucking out the biological innards, leaving them wasted shells. Perhaps to rise as undead themselves... empty... hungry...)

The benben seemed like an interesting aspect of Chaos to explore because so many mythologies of creation center on the Chaoskampf, a struggle against a primal Chaos to bring forth the livable world. Those myths, of course, are observations on the struggle of humanity to develop civilizations and tools to fight against the wilderness, which is one reason why I tend to put the Beastlands in Ysgard's place on the Wheel, and move Ysgard and Arborea up a space each.

A quasar, by the way, is a black hole! It's the remnant of an ancient galaxy, what used to be the supermassive black hole at its center. The reason it's so bright now is that material from its accretion disk emits enormous quantities of high-energy radiation as it gets sucked past the event horizon. Eventually, they'll decay, too, in a whopping burst of Hawking radiation.

Palomides's picture
Joined: 2010-06-26
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Limbo

Ozymandias wrote:
With the examples of benbens and natural solar death, what is the need for the Positive and Negative Energy planes, or the Inner planes? In other words, while these ideas are cool, aren't we infringing on the purpose of other planes? Or can there be more than one place in the 'verse where worlds are born, or go to die?

I agree with you and I much prefer the Elemental Chaos = Limbo (sort of) that they used in the 4e. But that's what customization of your personal campaign is all about. I like the idea of various worlds/planes/pantheons rising out of the chaotic mire, some to become sustainable and independent and some to get re-absorbed (as a plethora of mythologies/religions start out with form and order rising out of chaos).
Personally, I tend to think of the Inner and Outer Planes as sort of overlapping where the energies of one somewhat co-exist and co-mingle. For example, do the death-tinged layers of the Grey Wastes draw on the same energy as the Negative Energy Plane? Probably; but one is more related to to the mental concept of death and suffering (Grey Wastes) while the other is the emotionally neutral negation of life (Negative Energy)

This won't be to everyone's taste, but for the sake of discussion: in my mind, I made three overlapping planar axes (although this resulted in my adding a few additional Outer Planes)
Life (Positive Energy, Elysium/goodness) ----- Negation (Negative Energy, Grey Wastes)
Structure (Earth/Mineral, Mechanus) ----- Formlessness (Vacuum, Limbo)
[And if you don't think that Vacuum is a good match for Limbo, review the PRP for Vacuum where the idea of ephemeral things popping into existance in the void only (most of the time) to be reabsorbed.]

[My third axis, in case you are interested, is
Energy (Fire/Radiance, new plane of knowledge/consciousness based on Thoth's Library) ----- Extinguishing of Consciousness/Energy (Ice, new plane like the Far Realms where the mind flayer gods attempt to consume all knowledge)]

And if you wanted to get really metaphysical, this is just a single pole of creation/negation in three different aspects (life, structure and ,for my setup, consciousness)

So back to the topic, I view Limbo as a potential birthplace for "structure" that tries to break free of the pull of the chaotic soup from which it rose. Will this new form be good and/or life-affirming or evil and/or life-extinguishing? Who knows? Anything MIGHT be born from this cauldron.

Idran's picture
Joined: 2007-06-10
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Limbo

Ozymandias wrote:
I have one more question, hopefully to further stimulate the discussion: with the examples of benbens and natural solar death, what is the need for the Positive and Negative Energy planes, or the Inner planes? In other words, while these ideas are cool, aren't we infringing on the purpose of other planes? Or can there be more than one place in the 'verse where worlds are born, or go to die?

Personally, I've always seen the Outer Planes as the birthplaces of belief and thought, while the Inner Planes as the birthplaces of solid matter. The way I see the Outer Planes, there is no actual matter there. It's all a giant, partially self-perpetuating construct of consensual belief, with things functioning the way they do because they are assumed to function the way they do. For example: there's no actual air anywhere, just a pseudo-formation that people are able to breathe because they know they need air to breathe, and so there must be air there for people to breathe. In my view of the planes, matters of substance can't originate from the Outer Planes because there is no substance there for them to originate from. Instantiated metaphorical representations can reflect the Prime, but it's only ever a reflection.

Palomides's picture
Joined: 2010-06-26
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Limbo

I originally went with a similar approach with the Outer Planes with all things within being purely mental constructs (and it fit with the theme of reaching the Outer Plane via astral projection) but this led to the problem of the PCs losing any items that they had gained while exploring the Outer Planes.
Perhaps most DMs prefer this approach as it limits any campaign-upsetting items from returning to the mundane world; but it just ticked off my players so changed approaches.

But back to topic, I could still see Limbo as a primordial birthplace of IDEAS (sort of like the chaotic jumble of one's mind as one is just drifting into or out of sleep - when some truly crazy/creative ideas sometimes appear)

Idran's picture
Joined: 2007-06-10
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Limbo

Palomides wrote:
I originally went with a similar approach with the Outer Planes with all things within being purely mental constructs (and it fit with the theme of reaching the Outer Plane via astral projection) but this led to the problem of the PCs losing any items that they had gained while exploring the Outer Planes. Perhaps most DMs prefer this approach as it limits any campaign-upsetting items from returning to the mundane world; but it just ticked off my players so changed approaches.

Oh, I don't include anything like that. Stuff from the Outer Planes can certainly be taken out, and remain solid without dissolving or anything like that. I've never thought heavily on it, but I suppose it's analogous to the way your body works regarding the Astral Plane. When you enter then you're just a mental construct inside the Astral, and when you leave, you're somehow physical again with your body wherever it emerged from, and you also still have any items you gained in there.

I guess you could say "people expect to be able to take items made of Outer Planar-stuff out of the Outer Planes, and so through consensual belief, they can".

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Limbo

It's also the case that, in my cosmology, the Prime Material came before the Outers. In that case, benbens would be a sort of "Gen II" planetary formation, or a "second Creation" process -- the kind of Primes that get made when there are already Primes floating about.

Or hey, if you like the idea of benbens but not in Limbo, stick 'em in the Pos, or the Ethereal, as you please. :^)

Ozymandias's picture
Joined: 2011-10-04
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Limbo

I'd go so far as to suggest that benbens should appear in every plane.

Let's see if I can make sense of this... The Outer Planes are the location of belief-made-reality. The Inner Planes are the building blocks of the 'verse. Naturally, there has to be some crossover; if planewalkers can't carry items away from the Outer Planes, it makes it difficult to run an adventure there; at the same time, if players can't reason with an elemental, there's not much point visiting the Inner Planes. But by and large, this is the way of things.

The way I see it, when a benben forms in Limbo, it's more a coalescing of ideas. It's the notion of a new world that creates the fascimile of a world in the chaos matter. When a benben forms in Limbo, a simultaneous creation occurs throughout the planes. Somewhere in the Inner Planes, a collection of elements and matter gathers into the shape of a world. Along the Upper Planes, there's a stirring among the petitioners and planars; a similar change occurs in the Lower Planes. The people know that something is happening. Everywhere, articles and artifacts start cropping up, though only a few recognize them for what they are.

For example, the comic book series "The Books of Magic" feature an item known as a Plugin <em></em> Not Found. It's basically an unhatched universe, full of nearly limitless potential. A person who possesses one could conceivably hatch it and rule over it, not unlike a benben. Perhaps the world egg is a fragment of a larger idea; they typically appear in the Upper Planes, and each is tied to a specific world formation in the Inner Planes.

I may be rambling a bit, or I may have lost my train of thought (tired; been a long day). My point is that the benben in Limbo may not have to be a purely physical thing. It could, instead, be the whole of a collection of parts, each part existing on a different plane. To influence a part is to have a partial influence on a new world--a valuable thing, to be sure. But to influence the benben is to influence the whole of a new world--much more desirable.

__________________|Crossing the 'Verse -- A Planescape Conversion Project|Zombie Roller Derby -- It's roller derby... and zombies... what more could you want?

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Limbo

Just to toss it out here, this is something I drew at this past GenCon while I had Limbo on the brain:

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: Planar Renovation Project: Limbo

Heh. That's definitely evocative of Limbo.

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