Planar Renovation Project Discussion and List

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Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Planar Renovation Project Discussion and List

Could Clueless or whoever is the administrator please sticky this topic?
I know Palomides made one, but I'm not sure if he's currently around to update it as needed in the future, while I certainly won't be going anywhere.


Paraelemental Plane of Ice:
Paraelemental Plane of Ooze:
Positive Energy Plane:
Quasielemental Plane of Lightning:
Quasielemental Plane of Vacuum:

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Planar Renovation Project Discussion and List

I'm gonna second the call to sticky this - thanks!


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Mask's picture
Joined: 2007-04-22
Re: Planar Renovation Project Discussion and List

If those renovations are going to continue, maybe they could get an own project-section in the Forum. Most of the threads have not been used for quite a while.

One of the links is wrong, btw.:

This is the Gehenna-Thread:

In the linklist under "Gehenna" is a thread about the Grey Waste.

Palomides's picture
Joined: 2010-06-26
Re: Planar Renovation Project Discussion and List

As additionally important (as I also think that a combined list should be made permanent/accessible - although I haven't the authority to do it myself), does anyone ambitious enough to take on a new one?
Remember, if you don't feel the whole plane needs a renovation, you could always tackle a layer instead. Or does anyone who wasn't around for the first rounds want to reopen one of the existing threads? (I ask because I always found these thread one of the better sources of inspiration on this site)

Off the top of my head, I'm itching to try to tackle the Beastlands (which while probably not needing a complete renovation, could probably use a few more concrete ideas about what it is all about). I might get to that in the next few weeks if no one else jumps in with a topic

I posted this before, but I would recommend considering the following things when redefining/refining a plane:

*Unique overall theme(s)

*Conflict within the plane - e.g. on Arcadia (after renovation) we had the different groups with their different plans to achieve Utopia in conflict with each other
This doesn't have to be an all out war; just a difference of opinion on the main theme of the plane. This provides internal adventure seeds that aren't on the level of "save the multiverse...again"
*Unique terrain
*At least one unique representative species (prefereably one that embodies one or more themes of the plane)
*Reason(s) for PCs to visit
Sure we can always fall back on the standard themes
-Stop the (evil) plot
-Assist the injured or desperate (good) being
-Rescue the (good) individual from the (evil) plane
-Drive the (evil) intruder from the (good) plane
-Resolve conflict between residents of the (good) plane
-Get information from resident
-Get the item (often randomly placed) there
But I also try (often unsuccessfully) to give the PCs a reason to visit (e.g. they want to experience the famous gambling dens of Gehenna, they want to get their future told by the Norns, etc.).
Sometimes this is tough (e.g. aside from being suicidal, I can't think of many reasons to be a tourist in the Abyss - I'm sure there are some reasons, but not many)

*Philosophical opposite(s) - I included this because I often get inspiration for a vaguely defined plane when I have a clear picture of what its opposing plane(s) represent

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Planar Renovation Project Discussion and List

That's funny. I've been pondering starting up a Beastlands thread myself.

I'll also echo the idea of collecting all the Renovation threads into a single spot, whether stickying this thread or putting them all into their own sub-forum. I'd favor stickying, since I'd suspect the sub-forums wouldn't see as much traffic as the main boards.

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Planar Renovation Project Discussion and List

I'm down to try and think of stuff for the Beastlands.

What exactly needs to be gathered - the stuff from this thread and the prior post collecting Renovation links?

I'm willing to do that, as I'd like to link to the collection of threads in the next issue of the zine.


Health Resources: Register family with 911 services, so providers will have info prior to emergency/disaster. Also mental health info & hotlines, articles, treatment assistance options, prescription assistance, special needs registries, legal aid, and more!

Mask's picture
Joined: 2007-04-22
Re: Planar Renovation Project Discussion and List

Palomides wrote:
As additionally important (as I also think that a combined list should be made permanent/accessible - although I haven't the authority to do it myself), does anyone ambitious enough to take on a new one?

As far as I have checked there is only one entry missing in the list in this thread - see my other post.

And if someone is going to start renovating the beastlands that would need to be added, too.

Or does anyone who wasn't around for the first rounds want to reopen one of the existing threads? (I ask because I always found these thread one of the better sources of inspiration on this site)
Some of those old threads are just a brainstorm. They contain great ideas, but are far from finished. There is a lot of room for expanding those ideas, so you should not handle them as "closed" (and finished), but keep them in the list.

Btw: I really like your summary what a plane should have and why it should be renovated.

Ozymandias's picture
Joined: 2011-10-04
Re: Planar Renovation Project Discussion and List

Here's my two copper: I've been reading these threads (the renovation projects) with an eye toward better understanding the Planescape setting. I've got digital copies of the books, but I find that there's a lot missing from them. For example, the overall theme of a place like Arcadia or Bytopia. Heck, I'm having trouble understanding what Arborea's supposed to be all about. I mean, I kind of understand: it's elves and natural settings and primal behavior... or am I confusing it with the Beastlands?

I think the renovation projects allow for two things: 1) people can gather ideas from canon into one place so they're easier to locate and understand, and 2) people can brainstorm and contribute new ideas to add to their games.

I suppose there's also 3) it's a great place to generate ideas for future publications.

I'm not much more than an interloper as far as these forums go, but I think that we could all benefit from more discussion along these lines. Palomides' format seems to go a long way toward focusing these ideas into something concrete... maybe even a little more "real" than before.

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