Planar Attention?

Gerzel's picture

What planes do you think need the most attention? What planes do you think really have not gotten all the attention they deserve as far as writing stories about them, writing up creatures and sites ect?


    The Gray Waste
    The Abyss
    The Beast Lands
    Mount Celestia



    Magma (Fire, Earth)
    Ice (Water, Air)
    Ooze (Water, Earth)
    Smoke (Fire, Air)

    Radiance (Positive, Fire)
    Mineral (Positive, Earth)
    Lightning (Positive, Air)
    Steam (Positive, Water)

    Ash (Negative, Fire)
    Vacuum (Negative, Air)
    Dust (Negative, Earth)
    Salt (Negative, Water)



    Prime Material Plane(s)*

    Far Realm

*too many primes to list.

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
Planar Attention?

While I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "attention", I would have to say that the Outlands were probably the most neglected in 2E. It's probably due to their perceived finite nature, with everyone ignoring the hinterlands (you know, that part outside the ring of gate-towns, where no one ever goes and nothing ever happens?).

Oh ... and you misspelled Ysgard Sticking out tongue

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Planar Attention?

'Nemui' wrote:
While I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "attention", I would have to say that the Outlands were probably the most neglected in 2E. It's probably due to their perceived finite nature, with everyone ignoring the hinterlands (you know, that part outside the ring of gate-towns, where no one ever goes and nothing ever happens?).

Oh ... and you misspelled Ysgard Sticking out tongue

Blah! The laws of chaos dictate that I mispelll sometymes!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Planar Attention?

I'm so with the Outlands on this one. There's far far too much potential there with the Hinterlands to be ignored.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Planar Attention?

'Gerzel' wrote:
Blah! The laws of chaos dictate that I mispelll sometymes!

I've always liked that one. So few people seem to realise it's supposed to be 'misspell'.


Pants of the North!

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Planar Attention?

'Bob the Efreet' wrote:
'Gerzel' wrote:
Blah! The laws of chaos dictate that I mispelll sometymes!

I've always liked that one. So few people seem to realise it's supposed to be 'misspell'.

Hmm.. You know, I think that is one that may vary according to the standard rules you are using.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Planar Attention?

'Gerzel' wrote:
'Bob the Efreet' wrote:
I've always liked that one. So few people seem to realise it's supposed to be 'misspell'.

Hmm.. You know, I think that is one that may vary according to the standard rules you are using.

That could be. It'd be easier if we all could use the same "standard rules" (Isn't that what they're supposed to be, rules used by everyone?), but that's the fun of English, I suppose.


Pants of the North!

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Planar Attention?

'Bob the Efreet' wrote:
'Gerzel' wrote:
'Bob the Efreet' wrote:
I've always liked that one. So few people seem to realise it's supposed to be 'misspell'.

Hmm.. You know, I think that is one that may vary according to the standard rules you are using.

That could be. It'd be easier if we all could use the same "standard rules" (Isn't that what they're supposed to be, rules used by everyone?), but that's the fun of English, I suppose.

We are not animals!
We are not bound by a single arbitrarly chosen rules accademy!
We are not FRENCH!

Sticking out tongue

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
Planar Attention?

I voted Ysgard Cool

Outlands had a book dedicated to it, and it even had an audio CD with mimir information on it. As for more material - any monster, planar effect, or even location can show up on outlands sinse this is the place all the other planes meet. In other words, you can expand outlands on the spot by using information about other planes Smiling

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
Planar Attention?

I ran an adventure in limbo yesterday. While collecting info for the adventure and also during the adventure itself, I noticed that you can do very powerful things with chaos stuff. Planes of chaos even had a table of some sort made so players can add features (roads, buildings, plants, even native animals) to their controlled limbo

One of the players had an idea to turn a piece of earth below a chaos beast into a hole, so i had him roll DC16 to gain control and then oppose wisdoms of him and the beast. He rolled better and made a chaos beast fall "down" into gods know where

Maybe this idea had a few plot-holes in the PS arcane science (him, unleke the beast, not beig a limbo native and all that) but I fully support good (or interesting) ideas

In short, limbo rules could be nicely expanded to give the players some creative freedom and maybe even make it an important factor in combat

Thanatos Syl's picture
Joined: 2005-08-01
Planar Attention?

I voted the Abyss. There's at least 666 layers of the Abyss and while I know there are charts so you can establish what a mystery layer is like, it's always a benefit to have a few more established layers in case I'm lazy or was busy the week beforehand.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Planar Attention?

'Thanatos Syl' wrote:
I voted the Abyss. There's at least 666 layers of the Abyss and while I know there are charts so you can establish what a mystery layer is like, it's always a benefit to have a few more established layers in case I'm lazy or was busy the week beforehand.

Hm. I wonder if we could make a project on the boards or the site then - pick of the week "Make a layer of the Abyss" .... thoughts?

Thanatos Syl's picture
Joined: 2005-08-01
Planar Attention?

'Clueless' wrote:
'Thanatos Syl' wrote:
I voted the Abyss. There's at least 666 layers of the Abyss and while I know there are charts so you can establish what a mystery layer is like, it's always a benefit to have a few more established layers in case I'm lazy or was busy the week beforehand.

Hm. I wonder if we could make a project on the boards or the site then - pick of the week "Make a layer of the Abyss" .... thoughts?

Could be amusing...we'd probably want to check in canon to see which ones are already taken though. At least a page description of the plane, along with a description of its ruler or at least a few major power players on the plane.

Smeazel's picture
Joined: 2004-11-02
Planar Attention?

There are already at least one or two fairly extensive lists of Abyssal layers floating out there somewhere on the web...

Okay, I did some websearching and this and this were by far the most extensive lists I could find...I found some others, but they were basically just copies of the list from Planes of Chaos without adding anything new. (There may be another detailed list somewhere that I missed, though.)

'Course, there are still plenty of layers that haven't been described, and I certainly don't see anything wrong with bringing such a project to Planewalker; in fact, I think it's a good idea. But it would probably be nice to incorporate those other lists (with the owners' permission), so we're not reinventing the wheel from scratch, and not redoing any layers that have already been defined.

(In any case, I claim layer 337, because that's one I've long been developing for my own purposes. Eye-wink (And, for that matter, even have a webpage devoted to, though one I haven't updated in a very long time.))

As far as the general question of which planes have been most neglected...rather than choose one plane, I'd like to say that I think the Inner Planes, as a group, have been far too ignored. Everyone says the Inner Planes are boring, but (IMO, at least) that's just because nothing has been done with them! They got a single, not terribly thick book devoted to all eighteen planes, just before the line got canceled, and that's it. I think the Inner Planes have the potential to be just as interesting and just as full of adventure seeds as the Outer Planes, if they had the same attention paid to them...

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Planar Attention?

I'm pretty willing to bet that by the time Shemmie's storyhour gets around to it... the Inner Planes will become *very* interesting to folks.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Planar Attention?

'Clueless' wrote:
I'm pretty willing to bet that by the time Shemmie's storyhour gets around to it... the Inner Planes will become *very* interesting to folks.

It's Shemmy's fault I like yugoloths so much.


Pants of the North!

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
Planar Attention?

'Bob the Efreet' wrote:
'Clueless' wrote:
I'm pretty willing to bet that by the time Shemmie's storyhour gets around to it... the Inner Planes will become *very* interesting to folks.

It's Shemmy's fault I like yugoloths so much.

And I in turn will blame Mechalich for making me have fun with the inner planes in the latter 3rd of my campaign/storyhour. Smiling

lechat's picture
Joined: 2005-08-22
Planar Attention?

Sigil it´s my favorite place... and it´s appears as a plane in the poll so I voted it.
I think that Limbo it´s a such a "changeable" place to take into acount...

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