Pirates of Gith - More Than Mooks?

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Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Pirates of Gith - More Than Mooks?

I've been able to find very little about gith-pirate society and culture.

Here's my speculations on them:

Obviously, no single unified ruler for the race. They're just too disorganized for that. There have been individual leaders who knew some greatness, but they don't have and probably don't *want* a racial leader like the githyanki have.

They don't have any problem at all with turning on each other. While a band aboard ship is usually disciplined and good at fighting as a single unit against outsiders, pirates of Gith may mutiny, duel over points of honor or just plain stupid things or while drunk, kill another pirate and steal his treasure, and so on. Each ship or clan or whatever will have some kind of shipboard rules, but those rules will vary from ship to ship (and some Gith pirates might just kill the captain if he gets too annoying).

Despite being listed as Lawful Evil, I'm not sure how much they fit the bill. They will usually pull together against outsiders, but they're about 10000 times more disorganized than githyanki. One might actually argue that they're more "free" in certain aspects of their lives than githyanki are.

A typical Gith pirate social unit is simply one or more pirate ships. Many of these ships might have a pirate base (an asteroid or such) somewhere from which they operate. Multiple groups might have banded together in some parts of wildspace to form entire fleets, but they're a much more fractured society.

According to the sources I've found, they mostly resemble githyanki, except for their choice of clothes. Do they lay eggs as githyanki do (seems likely, given the resemblance), or give live birth? Do they have hatcheries, perhaps one or more for a clan-unit?

So, yeah, what about their priests? Do they believe they worship Gith? Is Tiamat impersonating Gith? Do they have some other, secret deity, whose identity no outsider has figured out yet? If they do have some secret deity, how does this square in with their reverence for Gith the Liberator?

They seem more like a people who would have "legends" rather than a unified history/religion. Some of the legends might well contradict each other (but pirates of Gith couldn't be bothered to fight over something like that. There's booty to be had in them squid ships, yarrr!)

Possible legends:

* They believe they fought alongside Gith the Liberator and broke the back of the Illithid Empire. They took it on as their sacred duty to keep wildspace free of the illithid menace. (If so, they're doing a pretty rotten job in practice, as the remnants of the Illithid Empire are stronger in wildspace than practically anywhere else.) Perhaps they were more organized and focused of purpose in their early history than they are today.
* When Vlaakith came back from Baator claiming that Gith had named her as successor, they basically told her to screw off and severed their previous ties with the Githyanki. The two races just haven't gotten along since.
* Alternately, maybe they got along decently with the other 156 queens, but really hated the 157th for some reason. (The sources I've been able to find say they reject the lich-queen, but don't say anything specifically about her predecessors.) Since they don't seem to have any kind of red dragon pact, though, I'm guessing the schism dates back to Vlaakith I.
* Maybe their own tales say that, while the Githyanki were designed as general-purpose battle-thralls, they themselves had been designed as spacefaring shipboard crew from the earliest of times. In other words, if the Githyanki were the army, they were the navy. (Question on this one -- did the illithids have any significant population in wildspace prior to Gith's time, or did they only enter wildspace because the Githies had overrun pretty much everything else?)

What's their language like? I'm guessing closer to Githyanki than to Githzerai, but filled with tons of wildspace cant, and terminology that the githyanki language mostly doesn't need (lots of stuff about spacefaring, crystal spheres, etc). It might even be equally linguistically separate from Githyanki and Githzerai, if the split occurred early enough.

While they retain some innate psionic powers, they mostly don't have a 'psionic society' like githyanki and githzerai do. Due to their social disorganization, there aren't a lot of psi-schools and the like. There are some specific crews that have a lot of psions, some of the really large groupings of pirates have more of them, and the incidence of psionic wild talents is high, but full psions are relatively uncommon among the race.

Gith pirates are *very* materialistic. If a group of Githyanki were to annihilate an illithid outpost, the really important things to them would be who got the mind flayer's head, who struck the killing blow, who got trophies, who fought with the most skill, etc. For a Gith pirate, it would be *all* about the booty. (Basically, for most githyanki, status/honor > money. For a Gith pirate, money > all.)

They don't seem to be as hated by Githyanki as Githzerai are. Perhaps sometimes-allies and sometimes-enemies? If a githyanki or a group of githyanki were to seek them out, are they 'kill on sight' to each other or can they trade/share information?

How does their interpretation of the nature and intent of Gith the Liberator, specifically, vary from what the Githyanki think?]

(Incidentally, my mind is now filled with images of tough, one-legged, eyepatched Gith pirates, with oddly-plumed Astral streakers on their shoulders, waving cutlasses, swilling rum, and yelling out in horribly debased sword-speak: "AYE! It be time t'make th' sodding 'lithids WALK TH' PLANK!!")


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Calmar's picture
Joined: 2006-06-07
Pirates of Gith - More Than Mooks?

Those are some pretty interesting questions. Hope, too, someone can answer them. Smiling

The story of Gith and her people, as well as of Zerthimon and the githzerai, is too good to be ridiculed by some silly cliché-pirates in space. If there is significant illithid presence in wild space, then there should be single githyanki battleships and squadrons that were sent from the Astral plane (either through color pools or via teleporting devices mounted on the vessels) to execute strikes against illithid structures and shipping; not just some scruffy outcast pirates.
Could you please post links to the sources you have found about the Pirates of Gith, Zimrazim?


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