Pics of the Planes?

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JellyPooga's picture
Joined: 2007-04-02
Pics of the Planes?

Specifically, the Rilmani and Tuladhara.

I can't find any decent pics of these dudes anywhere!!

Can anyone help?



Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Pics of the Planes?

The Rilmani picture from the Fiend Folio is here. As for the Tuladhara, they were made up by the folks on this site, so really the only picture is the one from the new Planescape Campaign Setting here on the site.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Pics of the Planes?

I wouldn't call the Fiend Folio picture of the Rilmani a decent one at all. I really hated how they were drawn in that book. PSMCII has the best illustration of them, if you're lucky enough to find that book now.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Pics of the Planes?

I agree with Kobold Avenger. While some of the stylistic changes that came with 3e could be considered improvements (making the various Slaadi, Hezrou, and Hydroloths look like different types of bipedal toads was very welcome), others could only be excused as misinterpretations by the artist. The 3eFF picture falls squarely under the latter heading. I mean, practically naked monochromatic and vaguely humanoid lumps of flesh are not what the Rilmani look like. They are basically humans with Klingon-like forehead ridges (although I'm pretty sure these were never described, just drawn by 2e artists) and metallic casts to their skin.

Elder Elemental Jester's picture
Joined: 2007-04-17
Pics of the Planes?

Did the rimani really have forehead ridges or were those just hats? Because if they weren't hats, some also had spikes on their foreheads .

But to contribute, yeah the PS MCII has better pictures of single Rilmani of different incarnations (with or without Klingon heads, it's up to you to decide!)

Edit: Ok, just checked my copy and they definately DO have forehead ridges, AND spikes in the middle of the ridges. Freaky true neutrals...Smiling

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