Persian Mythos in Planescape

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Lunar's picture
Joined: 2007-06-05
Persian Mythos in Planescape

In Dragon magazine #12 (really early stuff huh?) there is little article concerning "The Persian Mythos" click!
I would like to see it cannon in Planescape game just as I found also African mythos with even informations about home planes of their few gods.

Why Persian now?
Well.. first they are described in gods list:

Anahita, LG lesser goddess of prosperity, justice, water.
Heaven/Lunia/The Purifying Water
Ahriman (1) (Angra Mainyu, Asmodeus, the Morningstar), LE greater god of creation, evil, tyranny, devils, infernal majesty.
Hell/Nessus/The Serpent's Coil
Apaosha (2), LE demigod of drought.
Mithras, NG intermediate god of sun, light, loyalty, warfare, discipline, truth, celibacy.
Ormahzd (3) (Ahura Mazda, Jazirian), LG greater god/goddess of creation, community, peace, learning, parenthood.
Heaven/Solania/Uroboros, the Gates of Wisdom
Tishtrya, LG lesser god of rain.
Heaven/Lunia/Water from Heaven

(1) Ahriman has convinced the multiverse that he is a mere Archdevil, Asmodeus. Asmodeus -- actually his avatar -- rules Hell from Ahriman's second realm, the Fortress Malsheem.
(2) Apaosha was a demigod who served Ahriman; he may or may not have been of baatezu origin. He was slain by Tishtrya.
(3) It is believed by the sarrukh that Ormahzd is an aspect of the
World Serpent.

- and there is few times pointed, that Ahriman is Asmodeus. What's more, Asmodeus is just a little aspect of true evil spirit Ahriman itself.

I have a few questions and problems:

Is that quoted part of list canon? (I mean home planes names and so on). Are there any newer sources about Persian Mythos in D&D, Dragon Magazines?

And last one. What to do in Planescape with few gods as Vayu and Mithra (Mitra?) which are also part of Vedic Pantheon (from newer sources as Planescaoe: On Hallowed Ground and Legends and Lore). As one might know, vedic gods are special, they are all part of Brahman spirit (maybe overgod deity or whatever) and so on.
The same god, Vayu, has to be one aspect of Persian culture mythos and one aspect part of Vedic Brahman?

Saint Cthulhu's picture
Joined: 2010-05-05
Re: Persian Mythos in Planescape

Well, the problem of Mithra and Vayu can be solved by equating Brahman with Zurvan(Ahura Mazda and Angra Mainyu are his aspects or children). Alternatively Brahman Could co create the asuras and devas with Ahura Mazda.
As for the newer material, I don’t know any official(Wotc) material about Persian mythology, aside from material on Asmodeus and the similar to Zoroastorism religion in 3e Deities and Demigods. On the other hand there is some interesting fan and third party material. In Green Ronin’s “The Book of Fiends” there is material about demon lord Azidahaka, the first fallen celestial Ahrimanes(Asmodeus is there called his heir). Also in Paizo’s Pathfinder Asmodeus Story is similar to that of Persian mythos and the strory of the twin Serpents of law but the story it self has some parallels to story of Sammael and Michael). Interestingly in Pathfinder there is also a seperate being called Ahriman. He is the the lords lord of Divs(corrupted Genies) and Resides In Abaddon( Pathfinder’s Grey Waste). As for fan material there the article on Persian Powers( and Dicefreaks “The Gates of Hell” and the yet unfinished “A Light from on High” .

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