[Paradigm Shift] New Factions

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Idabrius's picture
Joined: 2004-10-06
[Paradigm Shift] New Factions

This is a repository of faction information from my proposed Paradigm-Shift version of Planescape.

The Circle of Thought
(Circlers, Revisionists)

Faction Philosophy
Circlers, as they're often called, believe that the multiverse is like a book. By understanding the events that happened in the past a Circler will argue that the meaning of existence itself can somehow be deduced. Some Circlers believe that the multiverse wasn't always as it is now and that it has gone through changes, what the Circlers call Revisions, and each Revision has brought it closer and closer to its current state. Circlers abhor the destruction of written knowledge as all words are in some way an expression of the Word, the universal structure of the multiverse. For this reason they horde books and written documents of any kind. To a Circler the plaque on a building is just as meaningful and important as a tome on magic.

What's more, Circlers are obsessed with the notion of signs (which they call semions) as they believe that each sign is a clue to a greater understanding of the current Revision. Some Circlers also believe that each semion, whether it be represented as actual text or not, contains within it a blueprint for the entire multiverse if it is analyzed properly.

Primary Plane of Influence
Uncertain right now.

Social Position in Sigil
The Circlers run the Scholarium, the largest and oldest public library in Sigil. Factotums of all factions store records there to be filed alongside less important tomes. Most books in the Scholarium are copies obtained by a diligent Circler who found a new book to add to the collection. Of course, no sensitive information is ever deposited here, as the Circlers read everything and will willingly provide space and time to any outsider regardless of faction affiliation to read any tome.

The only requirement for being a Circler is knowledge of how to read.

Cirlcers get the following Philosophy feats:
Diviners Insight A Circler may use his or her Philosophy power to examine a piece of text and learn something useful about how or when or why it was made. This knowledge is gleaned -from the text itself- and no outside input is required.

Circlers will never destroy anything they consider to be a semion.

Idabrius's picture
Joined: 2004-10-06
The Mercenaries (Bleeders,

The Mercenaries
(Bleeders, Warmongers)

Faction Philosophy
The Bleeders believe that only through conflict can true knowledge be found. Hardship creates understanding. In order to help fulfill this goal the Bleeders seek to engender hardship amongst others. Though some Warmongers take this philosophy to the extreme, serving as ceaseless mercenaries in the various conflicts of the planes, most see it as a passive philosophy; they enjoy adversity and pain and will seek to prolong the adversity of others all the while reminding them that it is the furnace of wisdom.

Social Position in Sigil
Fitting for such a warlike faction, the Mercenaries control the Armory. The production of weapons in Sigil and the doling out of them to various lawful agencies is under the Mercenaries watchful eye. It has been hinted, however, that they sometimes give out arms to poor Hive-folk in order to show them the path of conflict and purity through war.

Only those who condone violence as a means of solving problems (not necessarily the only one) are eligible to join the Mercenaries.

Warmongers get the following Philosophy feats:
At home in Pain When bloodied, Warmongers may take an instant action to spend a healing surge and regain surge + Wis modifier HP.

A Mercenary will never help someone out in a time of need if he can avoid it -- that robs that person of a valuable lesson.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Idabrius wrote: The Circle

'Idabrius' wrote:
The Circle of Thought (Circlers, Revisionists)

I like this. Reminds me a bit of this story.

'Idabrius' wrote:
The Mercenaries (Bleeders, Warmongers)

I like this also. (I don't know that they'd control the Armory, though, mainly due to competition from other factions.) Philosophically similar to the Fated and Ragers.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Idabrius's picture
Joined: 2004-10-06
Yeah, most of the work that

Yeah, most of the work that I've tried putting into the Paradigm Shift alteration to Planescape (basically to make a spiffy 4e version with some major changes) has been Borgesian. I'd LOVE for people to post up new potential factions though. A Planescape with old factions and new ones thrown into the mix would be a neat little thing, I think.

Calmar's picture
Joined: 2006-06-07
The Circle of Thought is

The Circle of Thought is definitely interesting. But from a DM's point of view I'd be afraid that the Bleeder's philosophy encourages a plain smash-eveything style of play.


"La la la, I'm a girl, I'm a pretty little girl!"

--Bel the Pit Fiend, Lord of the First (in a quiet hour of privacy)

Idabrius's picture
Joined: 2004-10-06
Calmar wrote:The Circle of

Calmar wrote:
The Circle of Thought is definitely interesting. But from a DM's point of view I'd be afraid that the Bleeder's philosophy encourages a plain smash-eveything style of play.

To be honest, I felt the same applied to the Mercykillers - hopefully a more in depth presentation of the faction philosophy would help.

Otogi's picture
Joined: 2007-11-18
Idabrius wrote: Calmar

Idabrius wrote:

Calmar wrote:
The Circle of Thought is definitely interesting. But from a DM's point of view I'd be afraid that the Bleeder's philosophy encourages a plain smash-eveything style of play.

To be honest, I felt the same applied to the Mercykillers - hopefully a more in depth presentation of the faction philosophy would help.

 Only if you think that all conflict is done with a knife, and that all hardships are war. Debates, contests, quarels, rivalries, philosophies in general all introduce conflict. Poverty, addictions, disaster and dangerous areas all include hardship, so it's basically saying conflict and hardship keep the multiverse running. It's a little similar to the Fated, but in the big picture, not so much

Idabrius's picture
Joined: 2004-10-06
This entry comes courtesy

This entry comes courtesy of the WotC boards by PhatWOP:


The Machiners (Mechanics, Gearheads)

Faction Philosophy The Machiners believe there is an innate order and balance to the universe. That it is, essentially one very large machine. The Machiners believe that all problems, be they conflicts between great empires or a stubbed toe, are simply either the plan of the machine or a slight malfunction in the great machine. The Gearheads seek to seperate what is the correct and proper functioning of the Great Machine and what is simply a "loose cog", manifesting as an issue in reality. Ultimately, they are of course the true arbiters of this and seek to "fix" the universe and cure it of those problems they deem innapropriate. All peoples, worlds and gods are part of this Great Machine. The only thing that seperates them is the power the Machine has "granted" them. The Great machine has granted Bane far more power than say, your average house flumph, but they are both granted some power by the machine.

Social Position in Sigil The Machiners run the great factories in Sigil. Their innate sense of all things mechanical makes them a natural fit with the endless rows of smokestacks and hot forges that mass produce the goods consumed by one of the largest metropolises in the multiverse. Their headquarters is a massive factory that belches thick black acrid smoke at all hours of night and day. Despite the seeming monumental effort and labour poured into the Factory Headquarters, very little ever comes out in the way of products, leading to rumors the Machiners are making black market weapons, alchemical goods or even a construct army.

Common Members The most common members of the Mechanics are those who have some natural connection to machines. This means that warforged, modrons and other such living constructs are naturally drawn to the faction. They are certainly not the limit of the machiners however. Artificers and dwarves, their entire life spent in the pursuit of creation, find easy company and like minds within the halls of The Machiners.

Eligibility Those that have a passion for creation and appreciate order in the universe are welcome to become members of The Machiners.

Benefits Becoming a Machiner has its benefits. In addition to access to their vast forges and factories, which can supply many of the necessary ingredients for common rituals (DM's discretion), Machiners also gain a +5 to all monster knowledge arcana checks relating to creatures of the animate type. When attacking such creatures, their innate understanding of mechanics also makes them more threatening. Machiner's lower the all resistances of creatures of the animate type by 5. Note this can not create a vulnerability, nor take any resistance below 0. It also has no effect on immunity.

Calmar's picture
Joined: 2006-06-07
Otogi wrote:Only if you

Otogi wrote:
Only if you think that all conflict is done with a knife, and that all hardships are war. Debates, contests, quarels, rivalries, philosophies in general all introduce conflict. Poverty, addictions, disaster and dangerous areas all include hardship, so it's basically saying conflict and hardship keep the multiverse running. It's a little similar to the Fated, but in the big picture, not so much

I've learned only to expect the worst...  Sad


Whaddaya think about this: The Bleeders could have a more lawful bent. While still regarding conflict, or even warfare (dependent on the respective matter) as the right way of solving things, they could try to ensure that all conflict is performed in disciplined ways that lead on the quickest way to a decisive conclusion. No more fighting than needed, no slaughtering of innocent, no razing of civil infrastructure.


"La la la, I'm a girl, I'm a pretty little girl!"

--Bel the Pit Fiend, Lord of the First (in a quiet hour of privacy)

Otogi's picture
Joined: 2007-11-18
Calmar wrote: Otogi

Calmar wrote:

Otogi wrote:
Only if you think that all conflict is done with a knife, and that all hardships are war. Debates, contests, quarels, rivalries, philosophies in general all introduce conflict. Poverty, addictions, disaster and dangerous areas all include hardship, so it's basically saying conflict and hardship keep the multiverse running. It's a little similar to the Fated, but in the big picture, not so much

I've learned only to expect the worst...  Sad


Whaddaya think about this: The Bleeders could have a more lawful bent. While still regarding conflict, or even warfare (dependent on the respective matter) as the right way of solving things, they could try to ensure that all conflict is performed in disciplined ways that lead on the quickest way to a decisive conclusion. No more fighting than needed, no slaughtering of innocent, no razing of civil infrastructure.


Yeah, that was a little insensitive of me. Sorry about that.


I kind of like that idea, but not as a lawful bent. Rather, they're nuetral, a sort of anti-rilimari (which also need write ups) that says that universe must keep in conflict in order to survive itself. Perhaps their enemies of that race, perhaps just a different sect of the same thought. They only do as much as needed to keep the agression on both sides going.

Idabrius's picture
Joined: 2004-10-06
Well, I'd like to steer

Well, I'd like to steer clear of any "alignment" discussion since I want to jettison the whole twisted wreckage as left in 4e. Anyhow, it may very well be that there are some extreme Bleeders who are insane, militaristic, etc. but they would likely be denied membership and affiliation with the society as a whole because of the need to function within Sigilian politics and life. Same thing with certain religious extremists - their home religions deny them even while they claim membership, etc. etc.


Although, perhaps it is a dangerous path to allow players to walk down. Still, I'd hope that folks playing Planescape would be of the more mature kind capable of understanding that difference, especially if its spelled out in the faction philosophy.

Of course we also need to work on elements other than factions - perhaps even before we get down to the nuts and bolts of faction generation and placement. The setting itself still needs a LOT of fleshing out before its playable in any meaningful sense.

Calmar's picture
Joined: 2006-06-07
Otogi wrote: Yeah, that was

Otogi wrote:

Yeah, that was a little insensitive of me. Sorry about that.

  No problem. I'm not as sad about it, as it apparently seemed. Smiling


"La la la, I'm a girl, I'm a pretty little girl!"

--Bel the Pit Fiend, Lord of the First (in a quiet hour of privacy)

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Good stuff. Is your

Good stuff. Is your intention here to make a re-envisioning of Planescape, with your own ideas and with the 4th Edition rule set?


You might be interested in some of the ideas here: http://www.harlekin-maus.com/postsigil/postsigil.html, especially factions like the  Kaologos, which I really like for exacty the reasons listed in the "Inspiration" section.

Idabrius's picture
Joined: 2004-10-06
Precisely the point. I'll

Precisely the point. I'll take a look there. The project HQ is current being index over here, if you're interested. We are trying to acquire a Planewalker subforum as well, I believe.

Otogi's picture
Joined: 2007-11-18
I like the idea, but for

I like the idea, but for obvious reasons, I don't think we can use it. At least, the entirety of the idea. Some of the factions I wouldn't mind, but the I would hate to say goodbye to the Chaosmen and Guvners, especially since the conflict post-faction war

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