Pandemonium campaign

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simblanco's picture
Joined: 2010-11-10
Pandemonium campaign

Hi everyone!

I'm an old fan of Planescape, trying to set up a new campaign using Pandemonium as basis.

My starting background is:

Everyone knows that listening to the winds of Pandemonium will make you go nuts. But if you can really listen, among the howling and the maddening sounds, you can hear feeble and eerie whispers. And these whispers can be a source of secret and forbidden knowledge. This was well know by the Arlians, an humanoid race living in Cocytus. Actually, they are the ones carving all the forgotten tunnels now are crumbling to dust in that layer. The Arlians were able to "filter" the maddening sounds and thoughts carried from the winds and to keep only the secret whispers (are these whispers coming from another world, passing from the Source?? who knows....). Thanks to this particular source of knowledge, they were extravagant geniuses, strange artists, wise men (but in a very peculiar way of course), but pacific and devoted only to the search for knowledge. Of course they were in good term with the Bleakers, Xaositect and even the Godsmen.

But the most evil inhabitants of Pandemonium wasn't happy about these pacific and too much neutral wise men. So Loki tricked Ekelor, a demi-god, the only warrior among the Arlian pantheon, to defeat the evil source of the winds, located somewhere in the deep of Agathion or beyond. Loki was thinking that sooner or later, in this impossible quest, Ekelor would have been defeated by some terrible creature there (the Arlians were not renowned for their combat skill), leaving its people without any more defence. Ekelor started to march toward the deepest part of the plane, but going closer and closer to the Source of the winds, he got stronger and stronger listening to the whispers, at the price of losing its mind totally. He emerged from his quest as a crazy and avenging god, able to put in chain Loki, and then rampaging in the Outlands in a war against everyone there, considered now "enemy" of Arlia. Do you have in mind Hulk?

He started to move to the "right" direction of the great wheel, going directly to Glorium and Ysgard (well, Loki could have been happy about this), and it was backed by tanar'ri forces eager to have a part in this senseless slaughter. Some of the Arlians, particularly his personal clergy and worshippers, followed him, driven crazy in an "empathic" way, even if most of the Arlians stayed in their town trying to stop this madness with the power of their belief. The force of Law and Good decided to unite against this powerful foe: they rallied some troops and war erupted. From Glorium, Ekelor was forced to retreat back to Pandemonium, but many of the devas and lesser deities died as well. When the war reached Pandemonium, well, the situation got out of hand. The devas was tainted from the howling winds, the Arlians considered them in danger and tried to organize a self defence, the Blood War forces came to slaughter everyone. The result: Ekelor was not able to be killed but only confined in a layer deeper than Agathion and the Arlians were massacred by devas and fiends alike. The few survivors of the Arlians enclosed theirselves in the capital, shutting any contact with the outside and keeping with their force of will Ekelor in a deep slumber.

Today, a couple of millennia later. A friend of the PCs is an archaeologist and he retrieved some old artefacts depicting Ekelor (a statuette, a votive shield....). Secret agents of the Arlians, specialized to this kind of operations, come and rob everything: they want to be forgotten by everyone. The PCs will try to track them down in Sigil and beyond, starting to reveal some secrets of this forgotten civilization. Eventually they will find the lost capital in Cocytus, ally with them and try to kill once for all the poor crazy Ekelor.

I'll try to have a lot of strange adventures, based on amnesia, dreams and strange change of settings, to keep up the "crazy" side. I had some inspiration by your adventure hooks, like the Sensory stone trap and the Groundhog day. Any else? Smiling

What I am also missing it's a good villain (a *good villain* is always essential for me!). I was wondering on someone wishing to repeat the original quest of Ekelor because he believes he can become strong as him without getting crazy. So this guy will try to put his hands (or claws) on the Arlian artefacts and knowledge before the PC. Obviously, at the end he will get just plain crazy. A high-up of which factions can be particularly fit to this role? Maybe Mercykillers want just to kill Ekelor and all the Arlians to punish them (but they can be interested in his power), maybe the Harmonium want to cover all the traces of the past slaughter made by the devas, maybe some of the *chaotic* sided factions want to free him and unleash some chaos. In any case, the secret agendas of the factions will be likely in conflict with the "oblivion" and neutrality agenda of the Arlians.

The most important long term free will choices of the PCs during the campaign are which side support (their Factions or the Arlians, or trying to get a compromise), and how to confront Ekelor at the end (just releasing him from his madness or trying to get some power from him).

Thanks everyone to any suggestions!!! Smiling


Hail to the Lemming of Pain!

Palomides's picture
Joined: 2010-06-26
Re: Pandemonium campaign

This may not fit in too well; but in my campaign, I had a new sect/faction I called the Caretakers of the Mind. To all outward appearances, they were concerned with caring for and healing the mad. (I took the Gatehouse Asylum from the Bleakers - leaving them the soup kitchens - and gave the madhouse over to the Caretakers)

Side note: one of the nicknames for this group were the "Inmates" (as in "the inmates are running the asylum)

But unknown to most, the Caretakers believed that the mad held some key to a deeper, almost incomprehensible, knowledge of the planes. They were secretly studying the insane, experimenting on them and sometimes even inducing madness in the sane in their attempts to get to this knowledge.

While I don't think this will fill the niche of main villain that you seem to be searching for, they might make good rivals (maybe even occassional allies) if they also get wind of Ekelor and his power. Think of them as the Nazis in "Raiders of the Lost Ark" who are racing to the same goal as the heroes with dire consequences if they get there first.

The PCs might also find resistance as most people in Sigil view the Caretakers as good-hearted souls that are trying to help the ill. The PCs claims of twisted experiments performed by the Caretakers would earn them disapproving looks and suspicions that they have gone mad in Pandemonium.

simblanco's picture
Joined: 2010-11-10
Re: Pandemonium campaign

Yeah, your idea is quite good... I am imaging the "good" Caretakers experimenting on the barmies and bringing them over the edge. Sometimes one of these poor experiments flee and then you have a powerful murderer free to roam the streets of Sigil. How can the PCs convince the people that the Caretakers are the ones to blame?

But in your view, are the Caretakers crazy as well, do they wish to become somehow barmy (they *believe* in a sort of wise madness), or do they just want to exploit those poor sods? Do they have connections to some of the major factions?

Thanks Smiling


Hail to the Lemming of Pain!

Palomides's picture
Joined: 2010-06-26
Re: Pandemonium campaign

I viewed them (at least most of them) as sane (if you ignore the inherent sociopathic nature of the sect). They were subjecting the patients to all the dangers and then trying to pull out the useful information. The nickname of "the Inmates" for the sect was mostly due to people not understanding why the sect/faction would devote so much time and energy to studying madness and Pandemonium.

However, anyone who delves so deeply into Pandemonium and the inner psches of madmen has a good chance of going a bit barmy themselves.

I imagine that is one of the things the faction constantly guards against: to become a high-up in the faction, you have to delve into mindscapes of the mad; but this leads to a higher percentage of madmen in positions of power. And the last thing the faction wants is to have a high-up madman letting some secret of their operation slip out. So there are a fair amount of "transfers" (i.e. the Caretaker becomes the next medical experiment)

Another complication I just thought of: What if the party needs to extract a piece of information burried deep within the mind of a friend-NPC or maybe they need to commit a friend who's undergone a minor mental trauma (e.g. has disturbing nightmares)? Everyone knows that the Caretakers have the best techniques for delving into a person's psyche.
Imagine the horror when the PCs later encounter an escaped madman who is murdering innocents only to find the friend that they had commited to get well.

If the PCs start delving too deeply into what happened to him, they might be subject to attacks from other madmen who are suddenly convinced the PCs are the source of their problems ("I have to kill you so that you'll stop sending the dream-monkeys to steal my ladels")
The PCs might also be subject to mental attacks from the Caretakers themselves, forcing the PCs to fight in a dreamscape where the Caretaker is strong.
[Perhaps in a dreamscape, the factions of chaos, like the Xaositect PC, would have an advantage dealing with the non-logic nature of it all. - Suggested since, I seldom find ways to make Xaositects useful]

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Re: Pandemonium campaign

Well there's Green Sphere of Agathion that I pondered about in a previous thread.

simblanco's picture
Joined: 2010-11-10
Re: Pandemonium campaign

Well, quite a good amount of new inputs... thanks everyone!

I like the idea of the old friend sent to the Asylum and escaped as crazy murderer. Moreover, the Caretakers will use their ability to twist minds to convince the PCs that the secret villain acting in the shadow is another faction/sect (actually, either good innocent enemies of the Caretakers itself or evil competitors in this search for power).

For that I'd use from the Adventure Hooks also "Like the Brother I Never Had": an experiment of the Caretakers has been brainwashed and programmed to be the brother of one of the PCs. He joins the party and tries to convince them they are suffering from amnesia and the chosen enemy faction/sect has to be blamed for. He knows a lot of information on his "brother" collected by the Caretakers, plus a sort of innate telepathy (the lost brother believes to have just an emphatic bond with his sibling) and other tricks ("hey, you told me you were going to use a portal with a chiselled bell as key, to do some sort of mission. Have you done it?" and one of the PCs found in his pocket such a bell, without remembering having taken it... - of course the bell was put there by means of reverse pick pocketing or magic by another Caretaker). The tone of the adventure should convince the players that even if many things are not clear, they really suffer from amnesia, the lost brother is real and the enemy faction/sect is doing something bad. Only at the end, maybe after attacked the "good innocent enemies" or destroyed the plans of the "evil competitors" (in both case doing a favour to the Caretakers) they can realize everything is a delusion and the poor sad lost brother, understanding it too, will get very very crazy.....


Hail to the Lemming of Pain!

Palomides's picture
Joined: 2010-06-26
Re: Pandemonium campaign

It sounds like you like the Caretakers (I do too). But as with any faction, remember that they aren't all of one alignment. There are many members who truly believe that everything they do is an effort to cure (and there should be enough successes to support this belief in the faction and from without). The members that are planting sleeper agents and sending nightmare visions to the innocent should be a smaller circle within the faction.

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