Outsider Death

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Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Outsider Death

Here's a bit of confusion that I keep running across. Maybe somebody can help me out...

According to the original Planescape rules, how is petitioner and outsider death treated?

I'm pretty sure petitioners that die on their plane merge with the plane and those that die outside of their plane cease to exist. Does that apply to just planes or planar layers as well? As for outsiders, do they follow the same rules? So if a cornugon leading a squad of lemures (unlikely, I know, but just to cover both low and high castes) gets lost in Oinos, does he reform in Baator or disappear forever? What about if the same happens in Avernus? Anyway, I looked but couldn't find a definite answer in my books. Probably didn't look hard enough, but maybe somebody could save me the research.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Outsider Death

I'm not sure about petitioners but I'm pretty sure that Faces of Evil says that outsiders killed away from their home plane re-form although usually in a lower form. A creature killed on its plane of origin simply ceases to exist. Hence most fiends are pretty careful about safety while they're hanging around home.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Outsider Death

Wow, ok I just re-read those sections and it's a bit more complex.

Baatezu who are summoned away from Baator are not killed but are re-born on Baator. If they are in Baator or left under their own steam then they just die. Most smart Baatezu with any amount of power get around this by having minions summon them away from Baator when they want to travel

Tanar'ri always die if killed on their own plane, however if they are killed away from the abyss True Tanar'ri can re-form if they have sufficiently strong wills.

Lesser Yugoloths just die but greater ones re-form on their plane of birth if killed away from Gehenna, The Grey Waste or Carceri. This process takes 10-13 years. Canoloths can only be killed permanently in Gehenna and if an Arcanaloth is killed in Gehenna then all its knowledge is transferred to the tower of the Arcanaloth.

Leths are easy. you can't really kill them, every time you do another bursts from a corpse in Carceri.

I'm not really sure about the upper planes.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Outsider Death

'Iavas' wrote:
I'm pretty sure petitioners that die on their plane merge with the plane and those that die outside of their plane cease to exist.

Normally, yes, although there are some exceptions.

Does that apply to just planes or planar layers as well?

Just planes.

As for outsiders, do they follow the same rules?

Not necessarily.

So if a cornugon leading a squad of lemures (unlikely, I know, but just to cover both low and high castes) gets lost in Oinos, does he reform in Baator or disappear forever?

The cornugon reforms as a nupperibo. When its superiors identify it, they can promote it back to cornugon status (or demote it for getting killed). This is covered in Faces of Evil.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Outsider Death

Thank you for all the replies. It's always curious how there are so many rules for fiends but hardly anything for celestials. Well... not anyting worth mentioning.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Outsider Death

'Iavas' wrote:
Thank you for all the replies. It's always curious how there are so many rules for fiends but hardly anything for celestials. Well... not anyting worth mentioning.

Not so surprising. Fiends got a lush, detailed book about them, and celestials had to settle for the awful Warriors of Heaven. But in 1st edition, powerful celestials killed off their home planes were banished to those planes for a period of time, without actually dying.

Vaevictis Asmadi's picture
Joined: 2006-05-31
Outsider Death

'ripvanwormer' wrote:
But in 1st edition, powerful celestials killed off their home planes were banished to those planes for a period of time, without actually dying.

Banished to their home plane, or to the plane they died on?

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Outsider Death

'Vaevictis Asmadi' wrote:
Banished to their home plane, or to the plane they died on?

To their home plane.

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