Outlands-specific references

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neuronphaser's picture
Joined: 2005-01-18
Outlands-specific references

Just curious if other fans of PS can help me develop a fairly complete list of references for all things Outlands related. I'm not necesarrily looking for off-hand references to it, but more like full-on descriptions of the realms, Gate-towns, or portions thereof.

In terms of creatures, I know the Rilmani and Fhorge are described in PS Monstrous Compendium II. The Gatetowns receive fairly expansive descriptions in the PS Campaign Setting boxed set and Player's Primer to the Outlands.

There's a Concordant Dragon in Dragon 321.

Several powers and their realms are discussed in On Hallowed Ground, but only Tir Na Nog really gets a load of description, and even that's still mixed in with the specific deity listings.

Do any adventures take place in the Gatetowns to any degree? Were there any other references to them? I feel as though my memory is that only Plague-Mort, Curst, and maybe Glorium were given any real "here's a map of the town" kind of description, but maybe I'm just forgetful. Perhaps they are found in the Planes of... boxed sets?



Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Outlands-specific references

I placed a couple of the powers from the Violet Dawn setting in the Outlands. The main one being Irunean (god of time and balance).

Here's the compiled list of Outlands creatures from my Outer Planes Index: (this is only for 3x creatures, though, and I haven't updated it in awhile, so Creature Catalogue EN World monsters may have since been added)

--Abrian (Fiend Folio)
--Bloodthorn (Fiend Folio)
--Concordant Killer (Monster Manual 4)
--Cranium Rat Swarm (Fiend Folio)
--Dawnspirit (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Demonthorn Mandrak (Monster Manual 5)
--Dragon, Concordant (Dragon 321)
--Eater of Knowledge (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Fhorge (Fiend Folio)
--Ghostlight (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Grillig (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Gronk (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Illurien (Monster Manual 5)
--Khaasta (Fiend Folio)
--Kuldurath (Fiend Folio)
--Leomarh (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Lomendur, Orrekin (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Nic'Epona (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Planar Grimalkin (Violet Dawn - Complete Book of Denizens)
--Rilmani, Abriorach (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Rilmani, Argenach (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Rilmani, Aurumach (Fiend Folio)
--Rilmani, Cuprilach (Fiend Folio)
--Rilmani, Ferrumach (Fiend Folio)
--Rilmani, Plumach (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Simpathetic (Dragon 351)
--Vrill (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=dnd/mm/mm20001101b)

I've also got a dieties list by plane in my files, though admittedly, some of those listed are from Warriors of Heaven, and unfortunately, I don't have sources listed.

Alathrien Druanna (The Spiral Castle)
Ananake (The Courts of Necessity) *Ananke would be one of the Protogenoi, elemental-like beings from Greco-Roman mythology *and also includes the Egyptian Ogdoad, which no longer exist, along with beings representing heavenly bodies-- e.g. Lunitari, Chauntea, Selune, Shar, etc.)
Andraste (Tir na Og/Mount Victory)
Angus mac Og (Tir na Og/Bruig na Boinne)
Apshai (The Hive)
Baccob (The Library of Lore)
Bes (wanders)
Brigit (Tir na Og)
Cairbre (Tir na Og)
Ceridwen (Tir na Og/wanders)
Chronepsis (Mausoleum of Chronepsis)
Daghdha (Tir na Og/Mag Mell)
Dalt (wanders)
Danann (Tir na Og/Mag Well)
Diancecht (Tir na Og; wanders)
Dugmaren Brightmantle (Dwarvish Mountain/Soot Hill)
Dumathoin (Dwarvish Mountain/Deepshaft Hall)
Dunatis (Tir na Og/The Pinnacle)
E'pona (Tir na Og/Epona's Stable)
Geshtai (Nature's Rest)
Gilean (The Hidden Vale)
Goibhniu (Tir na Og/The Great Smithy)
Gond (Wonderhome)
Gzemnid (Gzemnid's Realm)
Ilsensine (The Caverns of Thought)
Irunean (I'll have to think of a name; Irunean is the leader of the Avadnian pantheon from Violet Dawn)
Istus (The Web of Fate)
Karnn (I'll have to think of a name; Karnn is an intermediate god of animals and nature from Violet Dawn; he also possesses a realm on the Beastlands with Narudra and his wife Eilithea. He is true neutral with chaotic good leanings.)
Lugh (Tir na Og/wanders)
Manannan mac Lir (Tir fo Thuinn)
Maztica (Field of Maztlan, Omeyocan)
Morrigan (Tir na Og/The Bloody Field)
Narudra (I'll have to think of a name-- she shares a realm with Karnn, including the one on the Beastlands with him and his wife Eilithea; Narudra is an intermediate goddess of vegetation, druids, and nature from Violet Dawn, and is true neutral with good leanings.)
Nemhain (Tir na Og/The Bloody Field)
Nuada (Tir na Og/Mag Tuireadh)
Null (Mausoleum of Chronepsis)
Obad-Hai (The Hidden Wood)
Oghma (Tir na Og/House of Knowledge)
Omteotl (Field of Maztlan, Omeyocan)
Semuanya (Semuanya's Bog)
Sheela Peryroyl (Flowering Hill)
Shekinester (The Court of Light)
Shinare (The Marketplace Eternal)
Silvanus (Tir na Og/Summercroak)
Thautam (unknown)
Thoth (Thoth's Estate)
Tvashtri (Tvashtri's Labratory)
Ubtao (Labyrinth of Life)
Ulaa (The Steel Hills)
Untamo (Sleeping Lands)
Urd (The Well of Urd)
Vergadain (Dwarvish Mountain/Strongale Hall)
Waukeen (The Marketplace Eternal)
Wee Jas (The Marketplace Eternal)
Xipe-Totec (Field of Matzlan)
Xiuhtecuhtli/Otontecuhtli (Hueiuhcalli)
Yen-Wang-Yeh (The Palace of Judgement)
Zagyg (Library of Knowledge, wanders)
Zorquan (unknown)

The Kalamaran powers likely to be found on the Outlands are The Riftmaster, The Landlord, and The Fate Scribe. There is no Outlands equivalent in the Scarred Lands setting (the 12 Zodiacal Realms exist instead)

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