Outlands Campaign/Adventure Ideas

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paladin's picture
Joined: 2007-02-06
Outlands Campaign/Adventure Ideas

Here are my currect thoughts about a Outlands campaign: these ideas so far are based around the gate-towns.

* Automata (Mechanus): dealing with "red tape" getting clockwork weaponry,Fraternity of Order stationed in Automata always need adventurer to escort them in to the more dangerous planes.
Bedlam (Pandemonium): trying to find a criminal who is hiding among the deranged.
* Curst (Carceri): fighting the slavers or trying to free a slave from the slaver ring.
* Ecstacy (Elysium): one of the plinths transported from another plane has sinister origons and plans.
* Excelsior (Mount Celestia): escorting potential paladins to Excelsior while fiends seek to destroy them.
* Faunel (Beastlands): trying to find someone who disappeared around Faunel.
* Fortitude (Arcadia): extremist group seeking to enforce "order" on the rest of the Outlands.
* Glorium (Ysgard): a growing cult of Loki is threatening civil war in Glorium.
* Hopeless (Hades): get information from a tough customer about a Lower Plane quest.
* Plague-Mort (Abyss): The Hounds seek a PC as a recruit.
* Ribcage (Baator): Need to purchase an expensive item for a merchant who cannot or will not make the journey.
* Rigus (Acheron): try to enter the gate of Acheron.
* Sylvania (Arborea): Dionysus arrives in Sylvania and mayhem ensews.
* Torch (Gehenna): acquring information from Torch's vast underworld.
* Tradegate (Bytopia): center of outlands' commerce
* Xaos (Limbo): getting lost in Xaos.

I want to try and create a bigger-than-life Outlands campaign, because now I could have an excuse to have monstrous and base races together in a group (I LOVE using Savage Species), and I don't want it to devolve into a "working for a planar merchant, "go there-do this" campaign. But I would like to also convey in the campaign the uniqueness of the setting and how hard life might be in the Outlands.

Do any of your have any other ideas I might be able to use in a Outlands Campaign, you know like "The Big Picture" type of narrative?

Thank you in advance. Smiling

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Outlands Campaign/Adventure Ideas

I'm looking at putting together an Outlands PSCS resource for planewalker as well - for our canon releases - do you mind if I lurk on this thread to pick up any useful ideas or controbutions from folks?

paladin's picture
Joined: 2007-02-06
Outlands Campaign/Adventure Ideas

'Clueless' wrote:
I'm looking at putting together an Outlands PSCS resource for planewalker as well - for our canon releases - do you mind if I lurk on this thread to pick up any useful ideas or controbutions from folks?

Not at all. Laughing out loud

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Outlands Campaign/Adventure Ideas

I wrote something about a rising kobold empire in the "Southwestern" (Gloomward, Gearward) part of the Outlands here that you can use. I plan on using them a fair bit in my own campaign, too. If you want, I can expand it into a full article.

Other than that, here's some other ideas:
A town on the Outlands that relies on its portal to a Prime world for its livelihood is threatened when the portal begins to malfunction, and the PC's need to get to the bottom of it.

A town near Rigus is being raided by Khaasta, the PC's have to pick a side and make sure they win.

A new race that no one has ever seen before (something weird like the Neogi probably) has emerged from the Hinterlands and is advancing on one of the Gatetowns, the PC's have to figure out if they're friendly or not, and if not how to stop more from coming, this could easilly be compined with the next one.

A rift to the Far Realm has opened up somewhere on the Outlands, and unspeakable horrors are emerging the PC's have to figure out how to close the gateway before they are overwhelmed.

The servants of Vecna begin a string of deadly raids and terrorist attacks on multiple Gatetowns. The PC's have to figure out how to stop them.

One of the Sects has begun to grow in power, and is trying to take control of one of the Gatetowns in a bid to become a recognised Faction. The PC's have to pick a side.

Goblins from Acheron have started to colonise the Outlands and now the Orcs are starting to do the same. The PC's have to figure out how to get one or both sides to leave before half the Outlands is enveloped in a race war.

Obad-Hai has begun to feud with Ehlonna or one or one of the other Beastlands dieties, and now his animals have blockaded Faunel and are attacking all the citizens. The PC's must journey to the Realm of one or both of the gods and figure out how to stop the feud.

The people of Bedlam have begun ot expiriment with a new psychodelic drug that has spread like wildfire accross the Outlands, it's up to the PC's to figure out where it came from and how to stop its spread before more people are exposed to its dangerous side-effects.

Those are just a few, I could literally go on all day, but you get the idea.

Arytiss's picture
Joined: 2006-08-11
Outlands Campaign/Adventure Ideas

If I recall correctly, there's a war brewing between Rigus and Ribcage that your players could get stuck in. Perhaps if they were to be drafted into the army during a buisness visit to Rigus.

taotad's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Outlands Campaign/Adventure Ideas


The former gatetown to Elysium is sliding back into the Outlands, creating all sorts of problems for the inhabitants of the new gatetown. Suddenly there are two towns, literally on top of each other vying for control of the same area. There is definately something shifty going on, and people that made the original shift into Elysium caves into depression and even anger.

Is it a fiendish plot to create havoc, or is it as simple that a lovers quarrel has poisoned the towns' good will? Maybe a combination of the two?

P.S. Have I stolen this idea from anyone? It seems eerily familiar in some way, but I can't seem to place the feeling.

taotad's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Outlands Campaign/Adventure Ideas

Doublydoubledubletdobbel post.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Outlands Campaign/Adventure Ideas

I don't *think* it's stolen from any place and it's a good idea. Smiling

Greshkin's picture
Joined: 2005-05-25
Outlands Campaign/Adventure Ideas

The story at the beginning of chapter 5 of Planewalker's PSCS releases has a lovers' feud spreading, putting a village at risk of sliding.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Outlands Campaign/Adventure Ideas

That one's set on Arborea, as I recall. I've never been a fan of that story, it seemed a little bloody for Arborea.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Outlands Campaign/Adventure Ideas

Each of the gate-towns has a "counterculture" which helps keep it from sliding into the plane it's near. For example, Automata has an organized crime syndicate called the Council of Anarchy -- very well-organized, but breaking the law nevertheless. Hopeless has the Chapterhouse of the Sisterhood, which is fairly weak, and Plague-Mort doesn't have one at all. When these weaken, the town is closer to slipping into the plane. Adventurers could be hired to support or establish these countercultures, since some of the townsfolk like being on the Outlands rather than living on the actual plane.

* Plague-Mort is getting close to slipping over. Several foreign groups would rather not see it happen, some of them working on the theory that doing so would empower the Abyss and others concerned about the inhabitants, or just seeing their investments protected. The PCs are recruited to infiltrate the town and set up an organization concerned with good and law. Any overtly charitable acts will instantly attract the attention of the local authorities... and how do you inculcate a respect for rules when the rulers don't respect rules? (For players who enjoy thinking up their own plans, let them come up with an idea and deal with the GM's response from the paranoid officials who want the burg to become thoroughly lawless and evil. For players who'd rather deal with a better-defined mission, have the group assigned to set up a trade office dealing in inexpensive, useful magical items: in addition to selling standards such as basic +1 arms and armor, potions of curing, and holy water, the office will sell magic weapons and ammunition -- mostly flaming, icy, holy, and disrupting. The office is to be scrupulous in its dealings and do business with all comers... fiends will find few of the office's wares to be of comfortable utility to them!)

* The Council of Anarchy would like to strengthen its position in Automata. PCs serving groups with a chaotic bent, such as clerics of gods on the wilder side of the Great Ring, or thieves' guilds established in other burgs, could be contacted about setting up a meeting between their higher-ups and a member of the Council to organize a lane of fencing and money-laundering for the groups' mutual profit. The various emissaries will be escorted (by the semi-anonymous PCs, of course) in a small, mobile group to a neutral site somewhere on the Outlands for negotiations. For extra spice, an ambush or double-cross has been planned.

* Vice versa, the Council of Order could tire of the Council of Anarchy's activities, and decide that their opposite numbers have hidden in the legal authorities' blind spot for long enough. Some outsiders are hired to track the group down and put an end to them. In order for the mission to work, the attack must be strictly by the books: Automata has laws on entrapment, the permissible use of force in law enforcement, and arrest procedures which must be followed if the Council of Anarchy is to be dismantled without provoking a backlash of protest.

* Exploring the Hinterlands: this part of the Outlands is almost totally undeveloped in supplements. It could connect to the Far Realm or have a completely different nature, able to set almost any wild Outlands adventure.

* Blue sky research: a thought I had a long time ago. Ribcage is attached to the Mountains of the Spine -- the spine being toward Baator. There's a line of previous gate-towns inside Baator, which have added to the size of the plane. The one before Ribcage is called Darkspine. Ribcage itself looks a lot like a ribcage. A lot like a ribcage. ... What if it is one? What if the ancient body of some enormous being -- a power, or something of equivalent potency -- is slowly being pulled into Baator by the devils, who are manipulating the gate-towns to sit atop it, and then corrupting the gate-towns in turn, so that they can make this corpse part of Baator piece by piece? Sounds wild, but there's an easy way to check: look for a town-sized skull a bit Spireward of Ribcage, probably buried in the ground, but still attached to the 'neck' of Ribcage. If there is, then, whatever the baatezu are trying to do with it, it can't be good. (And they'll probably have spies or scryers keeping an eye on any investigators getting nosy.) To put a stop to it, one might recruit the Heliopolitans. Servants of Osiris from Arcadia might be willing to organize a large effort to excavate the skull, disconnect it from the neck, transport the whole thing to Arcadia, and there give it a proper burial with the rites necessary to see that it can never be put to evil use. All the while, of course, the expedition will be having to fend off baatific attack both armed and infiltrative, and possibly attempts to hastily complete whatever ritual the devils were trying to do. All in all, an adventure for some pretty high-level characters.

* Valentine's Day: Put some Dustmen or evil characters on the spot and watch 'em squirm. Hades, dark god of the Greek underworld, has at least one soft spot in his heart, for his wife Persephone. The daughter of the goddess of agriculture spends half the year pining away in his halls, and outside the orchards sag listlessly in the land of the dead. News has come to Hades' ears of a wondrous fruit that banishes sadness when eaten and even lifts spirits by the odor of its vines: it has been bred in the Outlands garden of Sheela Perryroyl, halfling goddess of agriculture. His priests have been ordered to bring several living cuttings to Hades' realm for planting, to please Persephone. Personally, they wouldn't be caught dead in the green acres, so they've passed the word to hire some living berks who are willing to make a journey first to Sheela's realm with enough coin to buy a few of the things and then to some representatives in Hopeless to pass the goods on (or to Hades itself, if you like -- money's no object for the god of wealth). The interplay between the feisty, nature-loving halflings and the death-embracing types ought to be fun. Then, they can either deal with the annoyingly uplifting effects of the plant and theft attempts as they bring it back to Hopeless or the Waste (oh yes: and it's very brightly colored), or learn that the rumors are screed... but Sheela pities Persephone and could make such a plant, if the PCs would be willing to undertake a certain mission they're a tad more suited for than her usual followers...

taotad's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Outlands Campaign/Adventure Ideas

That you should submit to Kytos' Hooks, Jem. They're all worthy of some published love.

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Outlands Campaign/Adventure Ideas

I second the motion!

They're all great - but especially the last two.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Outlands Campaign/Adventure Ideas

I love the Ribcage one! Eventually, as we get more threads together on the various sections of the Outlands, I'm going to pick one of the plots to beg for a full sized adventure to get written up about. That particular hook... is *very* tempting.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Outlands Campaign/Adventure Ideas

Should the Illuminated sect in Plague-mort count as a counterculture?

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Outlands Campaign/Adventure Ideas

'ripvanwormer' wrote:
Should the Illuminated sect in Plague-mort count as a counterculture?

Don't know much about them. From what I see in the Encyclopedia and on the mimir, they seem neither particularly lawful nor particularly good. I don't know if there's anything to contradict this impression in "The Eternal Boundary."

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Outlands Campaign/Adventure Ideas

'Clueless' wrote:
I'm going to pick one of the plots to beg for a full sized adventure to get written up about.

That sounds almost like a challenge. At any rate, I have a few more:

*The Fraternity of Order has just released a new report stating that the Dead Magic zone around the Spire is growing, and at an alarming rate. The report has caused panic among some Outlanders, and the Rilmani and petitioners are acting stranger still. It is up to the PCs to figure out how to fix things before the plane dies. (This happens to be the rough basis of a campaign I'm currently running, which, incidently, needs a couple players. Follow the link in my signature if you're interested.)

*The recently emergant kobold state (the one from my last post) has taken control of a key road linking Rigus to points Soupward, and the millitant powers that be within Rigus have taken offence and are raising an army of mercenaries to crush the kobolds once and for all. The kobolds meanwhile, are far stronger than the soldiers from Rigus have given them credit and are, in fact, laying a trap for the soldiers, hoping slaughter them and march on Rigus. Somehow, the PC's catch wind of the trap and have to get to the Rigusians in time to warn them, while dozens of other groups are trying to maneuver the PC's to serve their own interests.

*A band of renegade Athar have discovered a way to teleport to and from the Spire, and are using it to mount a series of terrorist raids on various temples and churches within the various gatetowns. Several churches have put up bounties on the renegade Athar, and the PCs, for whatever reason, intend to collect. First, however, they have to figure out how to find the renegade Athar, and then they have to destroy whatever magic they were using before the other Athar catch wind.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Outlands Campaign/Adventure Ideas

Many thanks for the positive comments!

I've attempted to submit the Plague-Mort and Ribcage hooks. It's my first submission, so let me check: this submission is under "My Planewalker" and goes under "Adventure Hooks" to get to Kytos' Hooks, is that correct?

If so, I'll finish up with the Council of Anarchy and Valentine's Day hooks soon.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Outlands Campaign/Adventure Ideas

'Jem' wrote:
Don't know much about them. From what I see in the Encyclopedia and on the mimir, they seem neither particularly lawful nor particularly good.

They're neither lawful nor good, but I don't think they're allied with the Arch-Lictor, either. It's enough, perhaps, for them to be determined to keep Plague-Mort in the Outlands and out of the hands of the Abyssal Lords.

Kind of like how the Seven Spiritors of Sylvania help keep that town out of Arborea, though they're not remotely lawful or evil. They just have a vested interest in the status quo, so they do what they can to make sure things don't get too chaotic good there.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Outlands Campaign/Adventure Ideas

Hi, I hope you don't mind - but I opened up a new forum for those interested in creating and playtesting adventures (from hook sized to campaign sized) and moved your thread over there to get that forum started off. Let me know if you want to be moved back.

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