Outer Planes Resource Index

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Joined: 2009-09-25
Outer Planes Resource Index

Similar to --part-- of the purpose behind my Ice Project topic and my Inner Planes brainstorm topic, the purpose of this topic is to compile a list of Outer Planes resources found in 3x. It includes monster listings by Outer Plane (both from official materials and from EN World conversions, as well as the official Mystaran fan website Vaults of Pandius), additional spells (usually from Dragon), additional Deities, etc.
And yes, most of the monsters listed were ripped straight out of Crystalkeep, but Crystalkeep doesn't have everything (they missed the sunfly swarm from BoED, for example). It's also useful because I will be posting links to the Wizards website 3x archives on things related to the Outer Planes (quite a few nuggets in there, but they're difficult to find)

This is a work in progress.
I will not be listing things from the Monster Manual, Planar Handbook, or Manual of the Planes.
Note: if I posted this in the wrong forum, feel free to move it.

--Githyanki (Expanded Psionics Handbook, Dragon 309, Monster Manual 4)
--Githzerai (Dragon 306, Expanded Psionics Handbook)
--Planetouched, Aasimar (Races of Faerun, Races of Destiny)
--Planetouched, Axani (Dragon 297) (descendent of a lawful outsider)
--Planetouched, Cansin (Dragon 297) (descendent of a chaotic outsider)
--Planetouched, Chaond (Monster Manual 2) (descendent of a chaotic outsider *generally slaad*)
--Planetouched, Fey'ri (Races of Faerun) (noble sun elves descended from demons)
--Planetouched, Jinx (Green Ronin: Aasimar & Tiefling) (gnomes descended from neutral evil fiends-- probably Yugoloths)
--Planetouched, Krinth (Anauroch: Empire of Shade) (a cross bet. shadow-demons and humans)
--Planetouched, Nergaz (Green Ronin: Aasimar & Tiefling) (orcs descended from demons)
--Planetouched, Silvan (Green Ronin: Aasimar & Tiefling) (astral elves)
--Planetouched, Tanarukk (Races of Faerun) (descendents of orc slaves and demons)
--Planetouched, Tiefling (Races of Faerun, Races of Destiny)
--Planetouched, Zenythri (Monster Manual 2) (descendent of a lawful outsider)

--Half Fiend, Durzagon (Monster Manual 2) (the offspring of a devil and a duergar)
--Planetouched, Maeluth (Fiend Folio) (dwarven descendent of a devil)
--Planetouched, Mechantrix (Fiend Folio) (descendent of a native outsider of Mechanus)
--Planetouched, Wispling (Fiend Folio) (halfling descendent of a demon)

This is one of the few areas where I will encorporate elements from the Planar Handbook.
Variant Rule: These substitution levels can be given to natives of the Inner Planes. In such cases, substitution levels that affect "Extraplanar" beings refer only to those not native to their home plane, including primes.
Lv. 3- Portal Sense (Planar Handbook)
Lv 7- Planar Damage Reduction (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 11- Menacing Rage (replace "material plane" with "native plane" (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 6- Portal Dissonance (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 12- Planar Discordance (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 1- Planar Dismissal (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 11- Planar Banishment (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 4- Resist Extraplanar Might (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 9- Planar Tolerance (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 13- Counter Summoning (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 4- Aligned Strike (Complete Champion)
Lv. 4- Planar Study (replace "material plane" with "native plane") Planar Handbook
Lv. 12- Aura of Stability (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 3- Prayerful Meditation (Complete Champion)
Lv. 4- Holy Strike (Complete Champion)
Lv. 8- Portal Intuition (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 13- Planar Tracking (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 6- Breach Sense (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 16- Blink (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 9- Extraplanar Spell Penetration (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 13- Spontaneous Summoning (celestial, fiendish, axiomatic, or anarchic only) (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 6- Unimpeded Magic (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 14- Enhanced Magic (Planar Handbook)

I won't be listing monsters from Monsters from the first Monster Manual, Manual of the Planes, or the Planar Handbook.

--Astral Energy Monster (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Astral Hunter (Kalamar: Dangerous Denizens)
--Astral Searcher (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Astral Shark (Tome of Horrors I)
--Astral Stalker (Monster Manual 3)
--Cranium Rat Swarm (Fiend Folio)
--Dhour (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Dragon, Astral (Dragon 344)
--Elder Brain (Underdark, Lords of Madness) (Astral form)
--Energon, Xag-Az (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psb/20021122c)
--Gith Dog, Kaoulgrim (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Githyanki Captain (Monster Manual 4)
--Githyanki, Psionic (Expanded Psionics Handbook)
--Githyanki Soldier (Monster Manual 4)
--Githyanki, Gish (Monster Manual 4)
--Kr'y'izoth template (Dungeon 100)
--Mind Flayer, Ahloon [template] (Lords of Madness ) (astral form)
--Mind Flayer, Psionic (Expanded Psionics Handbook) (astral form)
--Mind Flayer, Ulitharid (Lords of Madness) (astral form)
--Mind Flayer, Vampire template (Lords of Madness) (astral form)
--Star Leviathan (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Thendar (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Tl'a'ikith template (Dungeon 100)
--Xiir, Gynnean (Violet Dawn Complete Book of Denizens) (rare)

--Dragon, Ectoplasmic (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psb/20040123a)
--Ecto Fragment (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psb/20030725b)
--Ectoplasmic Swarm (Complete Psionic)
--Elemental, Ectoplasm (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psb/20030725c)
--Ooze, Ectoplasmic (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psb/20021227a)
--Spider, Argent (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psb/20030725a)
--Xiir, Gynnean (Violet Dawn Complete Book of Denizens) (rare)

--Abrian (Fiend Folio)
--Abyssal Eviscerator (Miniatures Handbook)
--Abyssal Ghoul (Forgotten Realms: City of the Spider Queen, Fiend Folio)
--Abyssal Wolf (Tome of Horrors II)
--Arcane Ballista (Plain of Infinite Portals, only) (Eberron: The Forge of War)
--Archdragon template (Dragon 321)
--Aspect of Baphomet (Fiendish Codex I Web Enhancement)
--Aspect of Dagon (Fiendish Codex I Web Enhancement)
--Aspect of Demogorgon (Fiendish Codex I Web Enhancement)
--Aspect of Fraz-Urb'luu (Fiendish Codex I Web Enhancement, Dragon 333)
--Aspect of Graz'zt (Expedition to the Demonweb Pits)
--Aspect of Juiblex (Fiendish Codex I Web Enhancement)
--Aspect of Kostchtchie (Fiendish Codex I Web Enhancement, Dragon 345)
--Aspect of Malcanthet (Fiendish Codex I Web Enhancement)
--Aspect of Obox-Ob (Expedition to the Demonweb Pits)
--Aspect of Orcus (Fiendish Codex I Web Enhancement)
--Aspect of Pale Night (Fiendish Codex I Web Enhancement)
--Aspect of Pazuzu (Fiendish Codex I Web Enhancement)
--Aspect of Yeenoghu (Expedition to the Demonweb Pits)
--Aspect of Zotzilahn (Dungeon 143)
--Aspect of Zuggtmoy (Fiendish Codex I Web Enhancement)
--Blood Fiend (Fiend Folio)
--Bloodthorn (Fiend Folio)
--Bodak (Dragon 336)
--Brume (Tome of Horrors III)
--Canomorph, Haraknin (Fiend Folio)
--Canomorph, Shadurakul (Fiend Folio)
--Canomorph, Vultivor (Fiend Folio)
--Cerebrilith (Expanded Psionics Handbook)
--Chokesnake (Dungeon 148)
--Corrupted by the Abyss template (Expedition to the Demonweb Pits)
--Dalmosh (Monster Manual 5)
--Darba (Green Ronin: Book of Fiends Revised)
--Deathbringer (Monster Manual 2)
--Demodragon (Dungeon 147)
--Demon, Abyssal Maw (Monster Manual 2)
--Demon, Abyssal Ravager (Monster Manual 2)
--Demon, Abyssal Skulker (Monster Manual 2)
--Demon, Alrune (Green Ronin: Book of Fiends Revised)
--Demon, Alu (City of Brass)
--Demon, Ankshar (Dragon 341)
--Demon, Belairon (Dungeon 147)
--Demon, Blood Fiend (FR: City of the Spider Queen)
--Demon, Broodswarm (Fiendish Codex I)
--Demon, Carnage (Monster Manual 5)
--Demon, Carnevous (Expedition to the Demonweb Pits)
--Demon, Cataboligne (Adventure: Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk)
--Demon, Chaator (Tome of Horrors II)
--Demon, Chemosit (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Demon, Chronozon (Tome of Horrors III)
--Demon, Deathdrinker (Monster Manual 4)
--Demon, Demonic Knight (City of Brass)
--Demon, Deraka (Trouble at Durbenford)
--Demon, Dire Whiner (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Demon, Elemental (Dragon 306, Dragon Magazine Compendium)
--Demon, Gallu (Ancient Kingdoms Mesopotamia, Tome of Horrors III)
--Demon, Ghour (Forgotten Realms: Lost Empires of Faerun)
--Demon, Greruor (Tome of Horrors II)
--Demon, Icanthanes (Necromancer- The Diamond Fortress)
--Demon, Jilaiya (Green Ronin: Book of Fiends Revised)
--Demon, Loumara, Caligrosto (Dragon 360)
--Demon, Loumara, Dybbuk (Fiendish Codex I)
--Demon, Loumara, Guecubu (Fiendish Codex I)
--Demon, Loumara, Manitou (Dragon 359)
--Demon, Mallor (Tome of Horrors II)
--Demon, Mehrim (Tome of Horrors III)
--Demon, Nashrou (Monster Manual 4)
--Demon, Nerizo (Trouble at Durbenford)
--Demon, Ngojamas (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Demon, Nysrock (Tome of Horrors III)
--Demon, Obyrith, Draudnu (Monster Manual 5)
--Demon, Obyrith, Ekolid (Fiendish Codex I)
--Demon, Obyrith, Golothoma (Elder Evils)
--Demon, Obyrith, Laghathti (Fiendish Codex I Web Enhancement)
--Demon, Obyrith, Sibriex (Fiendish Codex I)
--Demon, Obyrith, Uzollru (Dragon 349)
--Demon, Obyrith, Verakia (Dragon 357)
--Demon, Oculus (Dungeon 129, Expedition to the Demonweb Pits)
--Demon, Orlath (Dungeon 146)
--Demon, Shadow (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Demon, Shrroth (Tome of Horrors II) *tied to Dagon*
--Demon, Skitterdark (Tome of Horrors III)
--Demon, Skulvyn (Fiend Folio)
--Demon, Soul (Dungeon 139)
--Demon, Tanar'ri, Artaaglith (Ghostwalk)
--Demon, Tanar'ri, Adaru (Monster Manual 5)
--Demon, Tanar'ri, Alkilith (Fiend Folio)
--Demon, Tanar'ri, Anzu (Dragon 329)
--Demon, Tanar'ri, Arendagrost, Maw of the Abyss (Dungeon 150)
--Demon, Tanar'ri, Armanite (Fiendish Codex I)
--Demon, Tanar'ri, Arrow (Monster Manual 3)
--Demon, Tanar'ri, Bar-Lgura (Fiendish Codex I)
--Demon, Tanar'ri, Bulezau (Fiendish Codex 1, Dragon 341)
--Demon, Tanar'ri, Cambion (Expedition to the Demonweb Pits)
--Demon, Tanar'ri, Cerebrelith (Expanded Psionics Handbook)
--Demon, Tanar'ri, Chasme (Fiendish Codex I)
--Demon, Tanar'ri, Colchiln (Dungeon 112)
--Demon, Tanar'ri, Gadacro (Monster Manual 5)
--Demon, Tanar'ri, Goristro (Fiendish Codex I)
--Demon, Tanar'ri, Incubus (Dragon 353)
--Demon, Tanar'ri, Jarilith (Monster Manual 2)
--Demon, Tanar'ri, Jovoc (Monster Manual 2)
--Demon, Tanar'ri, Kelvezu (Monster Manual 2)
--Demon, Tanar'ri, Kastighur (Monster Manual 4)
--Demon, Tanar'ri, Klurichir (Fiend Folio)
--Demon, Tanar'ri, Lilitu (Fiendish Codex I)
--Demon, Tanar'ri, Mane (Fiendish Codex I)
--Demon, Tanar'ri, Maurezhi (Forgotten Realms: City of the Spider Queen, Fiend Folio)
--Demon, Tanar'ri, Mavawhan (Dragon 345)
--Demon, Tanar'ri, Molydeus (Fiendish Codex I)
--Demon, Tanar'ri, Myrmixicus (Fiend Folio)
--Demon, Tanar'ri, Nabassu (Fiendish Codex I)
--Demon, Tanar'ri, Palrethee (Monster Manual 2)
--Demon, Tanar'ri, Rutterkin (Fiendish Codex I)
--Demon, Tanar'ri, Skurchur (Dragon 333)
--Demon, Tanar'ri, Solamith (Monster Manual 5)
--Demon, Tanar'ri, Sorrowsworn (Monster Manual 3)
--Demon, Tanar'ri, Turagathshnee (Dragon 312)
--Demon, Tanar'ri, Uridezu (Manual of the Planes + 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Demon, Tanar'ri, Vathugu (Dragon 337)
--Demon, Vorr (Fiend Folio)
--Demon, Whisper (Monster Manual 4)
--Demon, Yochol (Fiendish Codex I)
--Demon, Zovvut (Monster Manual 2)
--Demonhive Attendant (Monster Manual 4)
--Demonhive Queen (Monster Manual 4)
--Demonhive Swarm (Monster Manual 4)
--Demonthorn Mandrake (Monster Manual 5)
--Dragon, Chole (Dragon 344)
--Dragon, Fire (Dragonlance-- Bestiary of Krynn Revised)
--Dragon, Styx (Draconomicon)
--Drake, Abyssal (Draconomicon)
--Envoy of Lolth (Expedition to the Demonweb Pits)
--Eyewing (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters, DL- Bestiary of Krynn Revised)
--Fiendwurm (MMII)
--Flamestone Panther (Dragonlance-- Age of Mortals 1 - Key of Destiny)
--Fungiform Ego [T] (Hyperconsciousness- Exploration in Psionics) *Slime Pits*
--Gebbeth (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Ghostlight (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Giant, Abyssal (Expedition to the Demonweb Pits)
--Golem, Demonflesh (Fiend Folio)
--Golem, Lemorian (Dungeon 142)
--Golem, Razorwire (Green Ronin: Book of Fiends Revised)
--Gutworm (Fiend Folio)
--Hordling, Great Gnasher (Dungeon 124)
--Hordling, Skull Reaver (Dungeon 124)
--Hordling, Spittlemaw (Dungeon 124)
--Hordling, Vulturewretch (Dungeon 124)
--Hound of Kostchtchie (Dragon 345)
--Imp, Choleric (Dragon 338)
--Imp, Melancholic (Dragon 338)
--Imp, Phlegmatic (Dragon 338)
--Imp, Sanguine (Dragon 338)
--Ironmaw (Fiend Folio)
--Ityak-Ortheel, the Elf-Eater *unique creature* (FR: Champions of Ruin)
--Khaasta (Fiend Folio)
--Larva (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Linnorm, Stygian (Dungeon 149)
--Living Holocaust (Fiend Folio)
--Locust Swarm, Bloodfiend (Fiend Folio)
--Mephit, Mirror (Expedition to the Demonweb Pits)
--Necronaut (Monster Manual 3)
--Quippoth, Nyogoth (Green Ronin: Book of Fiends Revised) *change to Obyrith*
--Ragewind (Fiend Folio)
--Ratatosk (Expedition to the Demonweb Pits)
--Skin Weaver (Creature Collection II)
--Spider, Phoenix (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Spider, Wraith (FR: City of the Spider Queen)
--Swarm, Abyssal Ant (Fiend Folio)
--Swarm, Cranium Rat (Fiend Folio)
--Swarm, Wind Demon (Scarred Lands-- Strange Lands Lost Tribes)
--Symbiont, Chokesnake (Dungeon 148)
--Troll, Black (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Varrangoin, Arcanist (Fiend Folio)
--Varrangoin, Rager (Fiend Folio)
--Viper Tree (Expedition to the Demonweb Pits)
--Visage (Libris Mortis)
--Wight, Frost (Dragonlance-- Bestiary of Krynn Revised)
--Wight, Shadow (Dragonlance-- Bestiary of Krynn Revised)
--Wraith, Magma (Dragonlance-- Age of Mortals 1 - Key of Destiny)
--Wraith, Sea (Blood Tor only) (FR: Waterdeep)

--Arcane Ballista (Avalas, only) (Eberron: The Forge of War)
--Archdragon template (Dragon 321)
--Beetle, Siege (Monster Manual 5)
--Bladeling (Monster Manual 2)
--Bonespear (Fiend Folio)
--Brume (Tome of Horrors III)
--Canomorph, Haraknin (Fiend Folio)
--Canomorph, Shadurakul (Fiend Folio)
--Canomorph, Vultivor (Fiend Folio)
--Chaturani, King (Dragon 358)
--Chaturani, Knight (Dragon 358)
--Chaturani, Pawn (Dragon 358)
--Chaturani, Queen (Dragon 358)
--Chaturani, Rook (Dragon 358)
--Chronotryn (Fiend Folio)
--Cranium Rat Swarm (Fiend Folio)
--Deathbringer (Monster Manual 2)
--Demonthorn Mandrak (Monster Manual 5)
--Devil, Xerfilstyx (Fiendish Codex II)
--Dragon, Rust (Draconomicon)
--Dragon, Styx (Draconomicon)
--Fhorge (Fiend Folio)
--Justicator (Monster Manual 3)
--Imp, Choleric (Dragon 338)
--Imp, Melancholic (Dragon 338)
--Imp, Phlegmatic (Dragon 338)
--Imp, Sanguine (Dragon 338)
--Laraken (Avalas/Nishrek, only) (Forgotten Realms: Shining South)
--Linnorm, Stygian (Dungeon 149)
--Maelephant (Fiend Folio)
--Maug (Fiend Folio)
--Ragewind (Fiend Folio) (sword spirit from 2E)
--Rakshasa (MM, Dragon 326)
--Rakshasa, Ak'Chazar (Monster Manual 3)
--Rakshasa, Naztharune (Monster Manual 3)
--Reth Dekala (Tome of Battle)
--Sabrewing (Tome of Horrors II)
--Simpathetic (Dragon 351)
--Skarren (Violet Dawn- Complete Book of Denizens + Primer)
--Steel Predator (Fiend Folio)
--Steelwing (Monster Manual 5)
--Sugo (EN World Converted)

--Archdragon template (Dragon 321)
--Asrai (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Asura (Book of Exalted Deeds, Dragon 312)
--Bacchae (Fiend Folio)
--Balaena (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Celestial, Silver (Dragon 353)
--Dawnspirit (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Deva, Monadic (Fiend Folio, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Deva, Movanic (Fiend Folio, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Dragon, Arboreal (Dragon 321)
--Dragon, Oceanus (Draconomicon)
--Ebeith-Ebeil (Green Ronin: Avatar's Handbook)
--Eladrin, Coure (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Eladrin, Firre (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Eladrin, Noviere (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Eladrin, Shiere (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Eladrin, Shiradi (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Eladrin, Tulani (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Fenhound (Denizens of Dread) *give extraplanar subtype*
--Foo Creature template (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Galadur, Baltir (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Garguran (Green Ronin: Avatar's Handbook)
--Giant, Cyclops (Forgotten Realms: Shining South)
--Hamadryad (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Harmonious Choir of the Words (Dragon 353)
--Infernity (Green Ronin: Avatar's Handbook)
--Noctral (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Oread (Fiend Folio)
--Per (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Phoenix, Autumn (Creatutre Collection III)
--Protectar (Miniatures Handbook)
--Rummele (En World Converted)
--Seraphyl (Green Ronin: Avatar's Handbook)
--Titan, Iconoclast (Dragon 357)
--Titan, Strombringer (Dragon 357)
--Valorum (Green Ronin: Avatar's Handbook)

--Angel, Stellar Deva, Emprix (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=dnd/mm/mm20001101a)
--Angel, Stellar Deva, Starkin (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=dnd/mm/mm20001101a)
--Arcadian Avenger (Monster Manual 5)
--Archdragon template (Dragon 321)
--Arimrawthi (Green Ronin: Avatar's Handbook)
--Asrai (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Asura (Book of Exalted Deeds, Dragon 312)
--Chaturani, King (Dragon 358)
--Chaturani, Knight (Dragon 358)
--Chaturani, Pawn (Dragon 358)
--Chaturani, Queen (Dragon 358)
--Chaturani, Rook (Dragon 358)
--Dawnspirit (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Deva, Monadic (Fiend Folio, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Deva, Movanic (Fiend Folio, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Dragon, Oceanus (Draconomicon)
--Galadur, Telperan (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Garguran (Green Ronin: Avatar's Handbook)
--Guardian Familiar (Kingdoms of Kalamar: Dangerous Denizens)
--Hollyphant (Book of Exalted Deeds, Dragon 312)
--Infernity (Green Ronin: Avatar's Handbook)
--Ki'rin (Oriental Adventures, Dragon 318 3.5 update)
--Leomarh (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Paladriel (Green Ronin: Avatar's Handbook)
--Per (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Pony, Arcadian (EN World Converted)
--Protectar (Miniatures Handbook)
--Rhek (Book of Exalted Deeds, Dragon 312)
--Shedu (Fiend Folio)
--Tuen'rin (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Watcher Scarab (Green Ronin: Avatar's Handbook)
--Zel-Achar (Green Ronin: Avatar's Handbook)

--Abishai (Fiendish Codex II)
--Arcane Ballista (Eberron: The Forge of War)
--Archdragon template (Dragon 321)
--Aspect of Asmodeus (Fiendish Codex II Web Enhancement)
--Aspect of Baalzebul (Fiendish Codex II Web Enhancement)
--Aspect of Bel (Fiendish Codex II Web Enhancement)
--Aspect of Belial (Fiendish Codex II Web Enhancement)
--Aspect of Dispater (Fiendish Codex II Web Enhancement)
--Aspect of Fierna (Fiendish Codex II Web Enhancement)
--Aspect of Glasya (Fiendish Codex II Web Enhancement)
--Aspect of Kurtulmak (Fiendish Codex II Web Enhancement)
--Aspect of Levistus (Fiendish Codex II Web Enhancement)
--Aspect of Mammon (Fiendish Codex II Web Enhancement)
--Aspect of Mephistopheles (Fiendish Codex II Web Enhancement)
--Aspect of Sekolah (Fiendish Codex II Web Enhancement)
--Aspect of Tiamat (Fiendish Codex II Web Enhancement)
--Bonespear (Fiend Folio)
--Brume (Tome of Horrors III)
--Canomorph, Haraknin (Fiend Folio)
--Canomorph, Shadurakul (Fiend Folio)
--Canomorph, Vultivor (Fiend Folio)
--Chaturani, King (Dragon 358)
--Chaturani, Knight (Dragon 358)
--Chaturani, Pawn (Dragon 358)
--Chaturani, Queen (Dragon 358)
--Chaturani, Rook (Dragon 358)
--Cow, Stench (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Cranium Rat Swarm (Fiend Folio)
--Deathbringer (Monster Manual 2)
--Death Hurler (Dragon 309)
--Demonthorn Mandrak (Monster Manual 5)
--Devil, Abishai, Black (Fiendish Codex II)
--Devil, Abishai, Blue (Fiendish Codex II)
--Devil, Abishai, Green (Fiendish Codex II)
--Devil, Abishai, Red (Fiendish Codex II)
--Devil, Abishai, White (Fiendish Codex II)
--Devil, Advespa (Monster Manual 2)
--Devil, Amaimon (Tome of Horrors III)
--Devil, Anzaleth/Academician (Scarred Lands- Strange Lands, Lost Tribes)
--Devil, Araton (Sandstorm)
--Devil, Asperim (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Devil, Brachina (Fiendish Codex II)
--Devil, Bueroza (Fiendish Codex II)
--Devil Dog (EN World Converted Monsters, Tome of Horrors Revised)
--Devil, Dogai (Fiendish Codex II)
--Devil, Excruciarch (Fiendish Codex II)
--Devil, Falxugon (Fiendish Codex II)
--Devil, Garugin (Tome of Horrors II)
--Devil, Ghaddar (Tome of Horrors I)
--Devil, Ghargatula (BoVD)
--Devil, Gulthir (Monster Manual 5)
--Devil, Hellforged (Dragon 306)
--Devil, Ice Stalker (Green Ronin: Book of Fiends Revised)
--Devil, Jerul (Dragon 353)
--Devil, Kalabon (Fiendish Codex II)
--Devil, Kocrachon (BoVD)
--Devil, Lililn (Tome of Horrors III)
--Devil, Logokron (Tome of Magic)
--Devil, Magugon (Green Ronin: Book of Fiends Revised)
--Devil, Malebranche (Fiendish Codex II)
--Devil, Marmasoth/Hellstoker (Tome of Horrors II)
--Devil, Marzach/Flayer (City of Brass, Tome of Horrors II)
--Devil, Merregon (Fiendish Codex II)
--Devil, Narzugon (Fiendish Codex II)
--Devil, Nupperibo (Fiendish Codex II)
--Devil, Orthon (Fiendish Codex II)
--Devil, Paeliryon (Fiendish Codex II)
--Devil, Phl'taurian (Green Ronin: Book of Fiends Revised)
--Devil, Rammanon (Monster Manual 5)
--Devil, Spinagon (Fiendish Codex II)
--Devil, Waterbearer (Creature Collection III)
--Devil, Xerfilstyx (Fiendish Codex II)
--Dragon, Styx (Draconomicon)
--Fhorge (Fiend Folio)
--Flame Snake (Fiend Folio, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Gathra (Fiend Folio)
--Golem, Chain (Monster Manual 2)
--Golem, Hellfire (Fiend Folio)
--Hellchain Weaver (Dragon 343)
--Hellfire Engine (Fiendish Codex II)
--Hell Louse (Fiendish Codex II)
--Icehound (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Imp, Bloodbag (Fiend Folio)
--Imp, Choleric (Dragon 338)
--Imp, Euphoric (Fiend Folio)
--Imp, Filth (Fiend Folio)
--Imp, Melancholic (Dragon 338)
--Imp, Phlegmatic (Dragon 338)
--Imp, Sanguine (Dragon 338)
--Kalabon (Fiendish Codex II)
--Lamprey, Abyssal (Creature Collection II)
--Larva (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Linnorm, Stygian (Dungeon 149)
--Maelephant (Fiend Folio)
--Netherbird (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Rejkar (Monster Manual 3)
--Simpathetic (Dragon 351)
--Soul Tick (Fiend Folio)
--Stench Kow (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Tiger, Maladomini (EN World Converted)
--Wang Liang (City of Brass, Tome of Horrors III)
--Wraithworm (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)

--Alaihar (Violet Dawn - Complete Book of Denizens) (in the PS setting, they also speak Celestial)
--Angel (Aasimon), Agathinon (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Angel, Chalkydri (Tome of Horrors III)
--Angel, Ephemerite (Anger of Angels)
--Angel, Empyreal (Tome of Horrors II)
--Angel, Harvest (Creature Collection III)
--Angel (Aasimon), Light (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Angel, Power (Green Ronin: Aasimar & Tiefling)
--Angel, Storm (Creature Collection III)
--Angel, Zhaleha/Dew (Creature Collection III)
--Archdragon template (Dragon 321)
--Asrai (Oceanus) (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Asura (Book of Exalted Deeds, Dragon 312)
--Baku (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Balaena (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Beast Dragon (Dragon 321)
--Bene Ishim (Green Ronin: Avatar's Handbook)
--Botswanna Golgalarka (EN World Creature Catalogue converted)
--Dawnspirit (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Deva, Monadic (Fiend Folio, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Deva, Movanic (Fiend Folio, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Dragon, Oceanus (Draconomicon)
--Forchoreai (EN World Converted)
--Foo Creature template (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Forchoreai (EN World Converted)
--Galadur, Glissan (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Garguran (Green Ronin: Avatar's Handbook)
--Hollyphant (Book of Exalted Deeds, Dragon 312)
--Infernity (Green Ronin: Avatar's Handbook)
--Kadtanach (Dungeon 100)
--Khaasta (Fiend Folio)
--Leomarh (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Lunar Creature [T] (Violet Dawn - Complete Book of Denizens)
--Mortai (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Penneroth (Green Ronin: Avatar's Handbook)
--Per (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Phoenix (MMII)
--Phoeniux, Storm (Creature Collection III)
--Protectar (Miniatures Handbook)
--Solar Creature [T] (Violet Dawn - Complete Book of Denizens)
--Spirit of the Wild (Dungeon 148)
--Swarm, Dread Blossom (Monster Manual 3)
--Swarm, Sunfly (Book of Exalted Deeds)

Note: For a list of animals and dinosaurs, see Ecohawk's Complete D&D Monster List

--Archdragon template (Dragon 321)
--Arimrawthi (Green Ronin: Avatar's Handbook)
--Asrai (Oceanus) (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Asura (Book of Exalted Deeds, Dragon 312)
--Baku (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Balaena (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Bene Ishim (Green Ronin: Avatar's Handbook)
--Dawnspirit (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Deva, Monadic (Fiend Folio, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Deva, Movanic (Fiend Folio, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Dragon, Adamantine (Dragon 321)
--Dragon, Oceanus (Draconomicon)
--Ethyk (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Galadur, Glissan (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Garguran (Green Ronin: Avatar's Handbook)
--Hollyphant (Book of Exalted Deeds, Dragon 312)
--Infernity (Green Ronin: Avatar's Handbook)
--Leomarh (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Living Flamestrike (Green Ronin: Avatar's Handbook)
--Paladriel (Green Ronin: Avatar's Handbook)
--Penneroth (Green Ronin: Avatar's Handbook)
--Per (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Protectar (Miniatures Handbook)
--Swarm, Sunfly (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Watcher Scarab (Green Ronin: Avatar's Handbook)
--Zel-Achar (Green Ronin: Avatar's Handbook)

--Abrian (Fiend Folio)
--Apollyon (EN World Converted)
--Arashaeem (Vaults of Pandius)
--Arcane Ballista (Eberron: The Forge of War)
--Archdragon template (Dragon 321)
--Bloodthorn (Fiend Folio)
--Brume (Tome of Horrors III)
--Canomorph, Haraknin (Fiend Folio)
--Canomorph, Shadurakul (Fiend Folio)
--Canomorph, Vultivor (Fiend Folio)
--Cauchimera (Dungeon 151)
--Cranium Rat Swarm (Fiend Folio)
--Demondand, Farastu (Fiend Folio)
--Demondand, Kelubar (Fiend Folio)
--Demondand, Shator (Fiend Folio)
--Demonthorn Mandrak (Monster Manual 5)
--Dergholoth (Dungeon 150)
--Dragon, Styx (Draconomicon)
--Dragon, Tarterian (Draconomicon)
--Feverclaw (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mm/20030214a)
--Gebbeth (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Ghostlight (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Hordling, Great Gnasher (Dungeon 124)
--Hordling, Skull Reaver (Dungeon 124)
--Hordling, Spittlemaw (Dungeon 124)
--Hordling, Vulturewretch (Dungeon 124)
--Linnorm, Stygian
--Magori (Dragonlance-- Bestiary of Krynn Revised)
--Odopi (Monster Manual 3)
--Plague Brush (Monster Manual 3)
--Ragewind (Fiend Folio)
--Sabrewing (Tome of Horrors II)
--Shrieking Terror (Monster Manual 3)
--Simpathetic (Dragon 351)
--Tarterian Creature Template (Dungeon 111)
--Terlen (Fiend Folio)
--Titan, Iconoclast (Dragon 357)
--Titan, Strombringer (Dragon 357)
--Utukku (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Vaath (Book of Vile Darkness)
--Wight, Shadow (Dragonlance-- Bestiary of Krynn Revised)
--Wight, Winter --Wight, Shadow (Dragonlance-- Bestiary of Krynn Revised)
--Wraithworm (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)

--Air Maiden (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Alaihar (Violet Dawn - Complete Book of Denizens) (in the PS setting, they also speak Celestial)
--Angel (Aasimon), Agathinon (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Angel, Chalkydri (Tome of Horrors III)
--Angel, Empyreal (Tome of Horrors II)
--Angel (Aasimon), Light (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Angel, Power (Green Ronin: Aasimar & Tiefling)
--Angel, Stellar Deva, Emprix (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=dnd/mm/mm20001101a)
--Angel, Stellar Deva, Starkin (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=dnd/mm/mm20001101a)
--Archdragon template (Dragon 321)
--Archon, Choralia (Green Ronin: Avatar's Handbook)
--Archon, Hammer (Races of Stone)
--Archon, Justice (Monster Manual 4)
--Archon, Sibyllic Guardian (Complete Psionic)
--Archon, Throne (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Archon, Uxor (Vaults of Pandius)
--Archon, Vir (Vaults of Pandius)
--Archon, Warden (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Archon, Word (Tome of Magic)
--Arimrawthi (Green Ronin: Avatar's Handbook)
--Asrai (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Balaena (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Chaturani, King (Dragon 358)
--Chaturani, Knight (Dragon 358)
--Chaturani, Pawn (Dragon 358)
--Chaturani, Queen (Dragon 358)
--Chaturani, Rook (Dragon 358)
--Couatl, Psionic (Expanded Psionics Handbook)
--Custodian, Mosaic (Creature Collection III) *change to Archon, Mosaic*
--Custodian, Ward (Creature Collection III) *change to Archon, Ward*
--Dawnspirit (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Deva, Monadic (Fiend Folio, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Deva, Movanic (Fiend Folio, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Dragon, Oceanus (Draconomicon)
--Dragon, Radiant (Draconomicon)
--Galadur, Telperan (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Garguran (Green Ronin: Avatar's Handbook)
--Hollyphant (Book of Exalted Deeds, Dragon 312)
--Infernity (Green Ronin: Avatar's Handbook)
--Monitor (Spelljammer Beyond the Moons)
--Noctral (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Paladriel (Green Ronin: Avatar's Handbook)
--Per template (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Picacouatl (Creatures of Freeport)
--Protectar (Miniatures Handbook)
--Ramadeen (Miniatures Handbook)
--Shedu (Fiend Folio)
--Swarm, Sunfly (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Watcher Scarab (Green Ronin: Avatar's Handbook)
--Zel-Achar (Green Ronin: Avatar's Handbook)
--Zoveri (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)

--Alaihar (Violet Dawn - Complete Book of Denizens) (in the PS setting, they also speak Celestial)
--Angel (Aasimon), Agathinon (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Angel, Chalkydri (Tome of Horrors III)
--Angel, Ephemerite (Anger of Angels)
--Angel, Empyreal (Tome of Horrors II)
--Angel, Harvest (Creature Collection III)
--Angel (Aasimon), Light (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Angel, Power (Green Ronin: Aasimar & Tiefling)
--Angel, Storm (Creature Collection III)
--Angel, Zhaleha/Dew (Creature Collection III)
--Archdragon template (Dragon 321)
--Asrai (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Asura (Book of Exalted Deeds, Dragon 312)
--Arimrawthi (Green Ronin: Avatar's Handbook)
--Baku (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Balaena (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Bene Ishim (Green Ronin: Avatar's Handbook)
--Buraq (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Dawnspirit (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Dragon, Elysian (Dragon 344)
--Dragon, Oceanus (Draconomicon)
--Duruchi'lin (EN World Converted)
--Elysian Thrush (Planar Handbook)
--Eternal (Green Ronin: Avatar's Handbook)
--Foo Creature template (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Galadur, Glissan (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Garguran (Green Ronin: Avatar's Handbook)
--Golem, Prismatic (Monster Manual 3)
--Guardinal, Cervidal (Monster Manual 2)
--Guardinal, Lupinal (Monster Manual 2)
--Guardinal, Musteval (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Guardinal, Ursinal (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Hollyphant (Book of Exalted Deeds, Dragon 312)
--Infernity (Green Ronin: Avatar's Handbook)
--Koodjanuk (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Kranorn (Green Ronin: Avatar's Handbook)
--Leskylor (Book of Exalted Deeds, Dragon 312)
--Living Flamestrike (Green Ronin: Avatar's Handbook)
--Lunar Creature [T] (Violet Dawn - Complete Book of Denizens)
--Monitor (Spelljammer Beyond the Moons)
--Moon Dog (Book of Exalted Deeds, Dragon 312)
--Panacea Spirit (Scarred Lands- Strange Lands Lost Tribes)
--Penneroth (Green Ronin: Avatar's Handbook)
--Per template (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Phoenix (Monster Manual 2)
--Phylaern (Violet Dawn - Complete Book of Denizens)
--Protectar (Miniatures Handbook)
--Quesar (Book of Exalted Deeds, Dragon 312)
--Solar Creature [T] (Violet Dawn - Complete Book of Denizens)
--Swarm, Sunfly (Book of Exalted Deeds)

--Apollyon (EN World Converted)
--Arcane Ballista (Eberron: The Forge of War)
--Archdragon template (Dragon 321)
--Batfly (EN World Converted)
--Bloodthorn (Fiend Folio)
--Bonespear (Fiend Folio)
--Brume (Tome of Horrors III)
--Cauchimera (Dungeon 151)
--Cranium Rat Swarm (Fiend Folio)
--Dark Wanderer (Violet Dawn - Complete Book of Denizens)
--Daemon, Beguiling Merchant (Scarred Lands- Strange Lands Lost Tribes)
--Daemon, Cacodemon (City of Brass, Trouble at Durbenford)
--Daemon, Eyethief (Scarred Lands- Strange Lands Lost Tribes)
--Daemon, Grisly Minstrel (Creature Collection II)
--Daemon, Jade Empress (Creature Collection III)
--Daemon, Plague Angel (Creature Collection II)
--Daemon, Pride (Creature Collection III) *despite the assoc. with sin, they actually are very yugoloth-like*
--Dragon, Pyroclastic (Draconomicon)
--Dragon, Styx (Draconomicon)
--Feverclaw (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mm/20030214a)
--Imp, Choleric (Dragon 338)
--Imp, Melancholic (Dragon 338)
--Imp, Phlegmatic (Dragon 338)
--Imp, Sanguine (Dragon 338)
--Larva (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Maelephant (Fiend Folio)
--Phiuhl (Fiend Folio)
--Sabrewing (Tome of Horrors II)
--Simpathetic (Dragon 351)
--Terlen (Fiend Folio)
--Vaporighu (Monster Manual 2)
--Wirchler (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Wraithworm (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Yugoloth, Arcanaloth (Monster Manual 2)
--Yugoloth, Battleloth (Dragon 306)
--Yugoloth, Canoloth (Monster Manual 3)
--Yugoloth, Charon (unique) (Dungeon 149, EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Yugoloth, Corruptor of Fate (Monster Manual 4)
--Yugoloth, Dergholoth (Dungeon 150, City of Brass, Tome of Horrors Revised)
--Yugoloth, Echinoloth (Stormwrack)
--Yugoloth, Gacholoth (En World Converted Monsters)
--Yugoloth, Guardian, Greater (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Yugoloth, Guardian, Lesser (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Yugoloth, Hydroloth (En World Converted Monsters)
--Yugoloth, Marraenoloth (Monster Manual 2)
--Yugoloth, Mezzoloth (Monster Manual 3)
--Yugoloth, Nalg (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Yugoloth, Nycaloth (Monster Manual 3)
--Yugoloth, Piscoloth (Fiend Folio)
--Yugoloth, Skeroloth (Fiend Folio)
--Yugoloth, Utroloth (Monster Manual 3)
--Yugoloth, Voor (Monster Manual 4)
--Yugoloth, Yagnoloth (Monster Manual 2)

--Apollyon (EN World Converted)
--Arcane Ballista (Oinos only) (Eberron: The Forge of War)
--Archdragon template (Dragon 321)
--Avari (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Beasthound (Violet Dawn- Complete Book of Denizens)
--Black Willow (Niflheim, only) (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Brume (Tome of Horrors III)
--Canomorph, Haraknin (Fiend Folio)
--Canomorph, Shadurakul (Fiend Folio)
--Canomorph, Vultivor (Fiend Folio)
--Cauchimera (Dungeon 151)
--Cerberus (unique) (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Charuntes (EN World Creature Catalogue converted)
--Cranium Rat Swarm (Fiend Folio)
--Daemon, Cacodemon (City of Brass, Trouble at Durbenford)
--Daemon, Eyethief (Scarred Lands- Strange Lands Lost Tribes)
--Daemon, Grisly Minstrel (Creature Collection II)
--Daemon, Jade Empress (Creature Collection III)
--Daemon, Plague Angel (Creature Collection II)
--Daemon, Pride (Creature Collection III) *despite the assoc. with sin, they actually are very yugoloth-like*
--Deathbringer (Monster Manual 2)
--Demonthorn Mandrak (Monster Manual 5)
--Dergholoth (Dungeon 150)
--Devil, Stitched (Monster Manual 5)
--Devil, Xerfilstyx (Fiendish Codex II)
--Diakk, Carcene (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Diakk, Varath (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Dragon, Gloom (Dragon 344)
--Dragon, Styx (Draconomicon)
--Dune Stalker (Monster Manual 2) (dune stalkers are not native)
--Dweller at the Crossroads (Creature Collection)
--Feverclaw (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mm/20030214a)
--Golem, Gloom (Monster Manual 3)
--Hordling, Dread Gnasher (Dungeon 124)
--Hordling, Great Gnasher (Dungeon 124)
--Hordling, Skull Reaver (Dungeon 124)
--Hordling, Spittlemaw (Dungeon 124)
--Hordling, Vulturewretch (Dungeon 124)
--Imp, Choleric (Dragon 338)
--Imp, Melancholic (Dragon 338)
--Imp, Phlegmatic (Dragon 338)
--Imp, Sanguine (Dragon 338)
--Larva (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Leomarh (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Linnorm, Stygian (Dungeon 149)
--Locust Swarm, Rapture (Fiend Folio)
--Necromercer (Violet Dawn - Complete Book of Denizens)
--Nighthag (MM, Dragon 324)
--Phoenix, Black (Creature Collection III)
--Ragewind (Fiend Folio) (Oinos, only)
--Sabrewing (Tome of Horrors II)
--Simpathetic (Dragon 351)
--Slasrath (Fiend Folio)
--Sohmien (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Terlen (Fiend Folio)
--Wastrel (EN World Converted)
--Yugoloth, Arcanaloth (Monster Manual 2)
--Yugoloth, Baernaloth (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Yugoloth, Battleloth (Dragon 306)
--Yugoloth, Canoloth (Monster Manual 3)
--Yugoloth, Charon (unique) (Dungeon 149, EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Yugoloth, Corruptor of Fate (Monster Manual 4)
--Yugoloth, Dergholoth (Dungeon 150, City of Brass, Tome of Horrors Revised)
--Yugoloth, Echinoloth (Stormwrack)
--Yugoloth, Gacholoth (En World Converted Monsters)
--Yugoloth, Guardian, Greater (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Yugoloth, Guardian, Lesser (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Yugoloth, Hydroloth (En World Converted Monsters)
--Yugoloth, Marraenoloth (Monster Manual 2)
--Yugoloth, Mezzoloth (Monster Manual 3)
--Yugoloth, Nalg (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Yugoloth, Nycaloth (Monster Manual 3)
--Yugoloth, Piscoloth (Fiend Folio)
--Yugoloth, Skeroloth (Fiend Folio)
--Yugoloth, Utroloth (Monster Manual 3)
--Yugoloth, Voor (Monster Manual 4)
--Yugoloth, Yagnoloth (Monster Manual 2)

--Archdragon template (Dragon 321)
--Arucha (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Beast of Chaos template (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Bloodthorn (Fiend Folio)
--Chaos Horror (Green Ronin: Aasimar & Tiefling)
--Cranium Rat Swarm (Fiend Folio)
--Dragon, Chaos (Draconomicon)
--Entropic Reaper (Libris Mortis)
--Fundamental Gel (Green Ronin: Aasimar & Tiefling)
--Gith Dog, Szarkel (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Gormeel (Dragon 306)
--Khaasta (Fiend Folio)
--Ironmaw (Fiend Folio)
--Leomarh (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Lomendur, Quark (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Poltergeist, Zwergeist (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Rummele (En World Converted)
--Sladd, Mud (Fiend Folio)
--Weaver (Dragon 352)
--Windrazor (Monster Manual 4)

--Archdragon template (Dragon 321)
--Chaturani, King (Dragon 358)
--Chaturani, Knight (Dragon 358)
--Chaturani, Pawn (Dragon 358)
--Chaturani, Queen (Dragon 358)
--Chaturani, Rook (Dragon 358)
--Coggle (Manual of the Planes web enhancement)
--Dragon, Axial (Dragon 321)
--Formian, Armadon (Fiend Folio)
--Formian, Observer (Fiend Folio)
--Formian, Winged Warrior (Fiend Folio)
--Inevitable, Quarut (Fiend Folio)
--Inevitable, Varakhut (Fiend Folio)
--Intercessor, Pacifying (Creature Collection III)
--Intercessor, Punishing (Creature Collection III)
--Leomarh (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Lomendur, Tabur (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Modron, Decaton (Manual of the Planes web enhancement)
--Modron, Duodrone (Manual of the Planes web enhancement)
--Modron, Hexton (Manual of the Planes web enhancement)
--Modron, Monodrone (Manual of the Planes web enhancement, Dragon 354)
--Modron, Octon (Manual of the Planes web enhancement)
--Modron, Pentadrone (Manual of the Planes web enhancement, Dragon 354)
--Modron, Quadrone (Manual of the Planes web enhancement, Dragon 354)
--Modron, Quarton (Manual of the Planes web enhancement)
--Modron, Quinton (Manual of the Planes web enhancement)
--Modron, Secundus (Manual of the Planes web enhancement)
--Modron, Septon (Manual of the Planes web enhancement)
--Modron, Tertian (Manual of the Planes web enhancement, Dragon 354)
--Modron, Tridrone (Manual of the Planes web enhancement, Dragon 354)
--Moigno (Manual of the Planes web enhancement)
--Visilight (Monster Manual 3)
--Waste Crawler (Sandstorm)
--Watcher Scarab (Green Ronin: Avatar's Handbook)

--Abrian (Fiend Folio)
--Bloodthorn (Fiend Folio)
--Concordant Killer (Monster Manual 4)
--Cranium Rat Swarm (Fiend Folio)
--Dawnspirit (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Demonthorn Mandrak (Monster Manual 5)
--Dragon, Concordant (Dragon 321)
--Eater of Knowledge (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Fhorge (Fiend Folio)
--Ghostlight (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Grillig (Outlands) (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Gronk (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Illurien (Monster Manual 5)
--Khaasta (Fiend Folio)
--Kuldurath (Fiend Folio)
--Leomarh (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Lomendur, Orrekin (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Nic'Epona (Outlands) (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Planar Grimalkin (Violet Dawn - Complete Book of Denizens)
--Rilmani, Abriorach (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Rilmani, Argenach (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Rilmani, Aurumach (Fiend Folio)
--Rilmani, Cuprilach (Fiend Folio)
--Rilmani, Ferrumach (Fiend Folio)
--Rilmani, Plumach (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Simpathetic (Dragon 351)
--Vrill (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=dnd/mm/mm20001101b)

--Archdragon template (Dragon 321)
--Bloodthorn (Fiend Folio)
--Brume (Tome of Horrors III)
--Canomorph, Haraknin (Fiend Folio)
--Canomorph, Shadurakul (Fiend Folio)
--Canomorph, Vultivor (Fiend Folio)
--Cranium Rat Swarm (Fiend Folio)
--Demonthorn Mandrak (Monster Manual 5)
--Devil, Xerfilstyx (Fiendish Codex II)
--Dragon, Howling (Draconomicon)
--Dragon, Styx (Draconomicon)
--Empathos (Kalamar: Dangerous Denizens)
--Garngrath (Monster Manual 5)
--Gebbeth (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Ghostlight (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Hordling, Great Gnasher (Dungeon 124)
--Hordling, Skull Reaver (Dungeon 124)
--Hordling, Spittlemaw (Dungeon 124)
--Hordling, Vulturewretch (Dungeon 124)
--Howling Abomination (Creature Collection II)
--Imp, Choleric (Dragon 338)
--Imp, Melancholic (Dragon 338)
--Imp, Phlegmatic (Dragon 338)
--Imp, Sanguine (Dragon 338)
--Khaasta (Fiend Folio)
--Linnorm, Stygian (Dungeon 149)
--Mapmaker (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Mivilorn (MMIII)
--Murska (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Phoenix, Ice (Scarred Lands- Strange Lands Lost Tribes)
--Simpatheric (Dragon 351)
--Tener (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Viltch (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Windblade (Monster Manual 4)
--Windscythe (Monster Manual 4)

--Archdragon template (Dragon 321)
--Asrai (Oceanus) (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Asura (Book of Exalted Deeds, Dragon 312)
--Bariaur (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Crelith (Violet Dawn - Complete Book of Denizens)
--Dawnspirit (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Deva, Monadic (Fiend Folio, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Deva, Movanic (Fiend Folio, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Dragon, Battle (Draconomicon)
--Dragon, Oceanus (Draconomicon)
--Dwarf, Midgard (Frostburn)
--Fensir (Fiend Folio)
--Foo Creature template (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Galadur, Baltir (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Garguran (Green Ronin: Avatar's Handbook)
--Infernity (Green Ronin: Avatar's Handbook)
--Leomarh (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Oread (Fiend Folio)
--Per template (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Protectar (Miniatures Handbook)
--Rummele (En World Converted)
--Skarren (Violet Dawn Complete Book of Denizens)
--Valkyrie [proxy template] (Deities & Demigods)
--Valkyrie (Tome of Blood: Book of 9 Swords)
--Valorum (Green Ronin: Avatar's Handbook)

--Ratatosk (Expedition to the Demonweb Pits)

--Aoskian Hound (EN World Converted)
--Aswang (EN World Converted)
--Bloodrot (Heroes of Horror)
--Dabus (Expedition to the Demonweb Pits)
--Dark Wanderer (Violet Dawn Complete Book of Denizens)
--Ekrat (En World Converted)
--Eyewing (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Fihyr/Feyr (MM2)
--Gray Jester (Heroes of Horror)
--Greusome Lurker (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psb/20070711a&page=2
--Kuah-Lij (Dead Man's Chest)
--Kuresh (Hyperconsciousness: Exploration in Psionics)
--Mold, Black (Cityscape)
--N'gakoi (Violet Dawn Complete Book of Denizens)
--Ooze, Amber (Tome of Horrors III)
--Ooze, Cesspool (Cityscape)
--Ripper (Cityscape)
--Roach Thrall (Eberron: Sharn, City of Towers)
--Skarren (Violet Dawn Complete Book of Denizens)
--Sulwynarii (Violet Dawn Complete Book of Denizens)
--Swarm, Mageripper (MM4)
--Swarm, Pest (Cityscape)
--Vivisector (MMV)
--Zeidian (Violet Dawn Complete Book of Denizens)

--Aaracokra (Races of Faerun) (SW/Pueblo-- assoc. with Quetzacoatl)
--Couatl (Monster Manual) (SW/Pueblo)
--Crow, Rainbow (Heroes of Battle) (NW Coast, NW Inland, Sierra)
--Giant Eagle (Monster Manual)
--Giant Owl (Monster Manual)
--Giant Raven (Frostburn)
--Ixitchitl (Monster Manual) (SE Coast/Seminole, W. Indies)
--Jogah (EN World Converted (Iroquois/NE Coast & Woodland)
--Kenku (Monster Manual III) (NW Coast, NW Interior, Sierras; assoc. w. Raven of course.)
--Lycanthrope, Seawolf (Stormwrack) (NW Coast)
--Lycanthrope, Wearbear (Monster Manual) (all Amerindian)
--Lycanthrope, Werepuma (Ravenloft Denizens of Dread; use stats from Wereleopard or Werepanther) (NW Coast, Inland NW, Rockies, SW/Pueblo)
--Lycanthrope, Wereraven (Ravenloft Denizens of Dread) (NW Coast, Inland NW)
--Lycantthrope, Wereray (Ravenloft, Denizens of Dread (SW Coast/Seminole)
--Raptorian (Races of the Wild) (NW Coast, SW/Pueblo-- Wenimats Raptorians assoc. w. Quetzacoatl and Thunderbird.)
--Sisiutl (Stormwrack) (NW Coast)
--Thunderbird (Sandstorm) (NW Coast, SW/Pueblo, Inland NW, Great Plains)
--Urskan (Frostburn) (Algonquian/Inuit)
--Wendigo (Fiend Folio) (Algonquian/Inuit)

--Faedorne (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Fairy, Seelie (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Fairy, Unseelie (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Silver Warrior (EN World Converted Monsters)

--Baatorian Lord, Zargon (Elder Evils)
--Death Slaad Lord, Bazim-Gorag (Champions of Ruin)

--Jabberweed (Pandaemonium) (Complete Scoundrel)
--Lakeleaf (Oceanus) (Dragon 357)
--Lichbriar (lower planes, used for torture or grown as a macabre ornamental; native to the Prime) (Dragon 357)
--Luhix (Abyss) (Book of Vile Darkness)
--Planar Mote (any outer) (Complete Scoundrel)
--Wyssin (Baator) (Book of Vile Darkness)

--Abyssal Blackgrass (Heroes of Horror)
--Blood Rock (Heroes of Horror)
--Plague of Nettles (Book of Vile Darkness) (A likely hazard on some levels of the Abyss, except that instead of growing regular monstrous plants, this plague spawns viper trees or blood thorns.)
--River of Salt (Abyss/Azzagrat) (Expedition to the Demonweb Pits)
--Soul Fog (Abyss/Demonweb Pits) (Expedition to the Demonweb Pits)

--Asura (Dragon 312)
--Briaur (Dragon 312)
--Hollyphant (Dragon 312)
--Leskylor (Dragon 312)
--Moon Dog (Dragon 312)
--Quesar (Dragon 312)
--Rhek (Dragon 312)

Most of these are prestige classes dealing with planewalking or the Outer Planes, though a few are worshippers of specific Outer planar deities.
--Aerial Avenger (Dragon 319, Dragon Magazine Compendium) (generally a monstrous prestige class)
--Anarchomancer (Dragon 315)
--Anima Mage (Tome of Magic)
--Blessed of Gruumsh (Dragon Magazine Compendium)
--Brimstone Speaker (Tome of Magic)
--Demonwrecker (Expedition to the Demonweb Pits)
--Disciple of Asmodeus (Book of Vile Darkness)
--Disciple of Baalzebul (Book of Vile Darkness)
--Disciple of Dispater (Book of Vile Darkness)
--Disciple of Mephistopheles (Book of Vile Darkness)
--Fiendbinder (Tome of Magic)
--Harmonium Peacekeeper (Dragon 315)
--Hellbreaker (Fiendish Codex II)
--Hellfire Warlock (Fiendish Codex II)
--Hellreaver (Fiendish Codex II)
--Holy Scourge (Complete Mage)
--Illithid Slayer (Expanded Psionics Handbook) (good PrC for Githyanki)
--Infused Sorceror (Dragon 321)
--Infused Warrior (Dragon 321)
--Jaunter (Expedition to the Demonweb Pits)
--Knight of the Chalice (Complete Warrior)
--Knight of the Sacred Seal (Tome of Magic)
--Planar Shepherd (Faiths of Eberron)
--Planar Vangard (Wizards website (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20031219a)
Somewhere there is a PDF with a 3.5 update to this class, I think it's here (2nd link on the page):
(Planar Vangard is a psionic planewalking prestige class)
--Shadow Sentinel (Races of Destiny)
--Tainted Spellcaster (Dragon 302)
--Tainted Warrior (Dragon 302)
--Thrall to Baphomet (Dragon 341)
--Thrall to Dagon (Dragon 349)
--Thrall to Demogorgon (Book of Vile Darkness, Dragon 357)
--Thrall to Eltab (FR: Champions of Ruin)
--Thrall to Graz'zt (Book of Vile Darkness)
--Thrall to Fraz-Urb'luu (Dragon 333)
--Thrall to Juiblex (Book of Vile Darkness)
--Thrall to Kostchtchie (Dragon 345)
--Thrall to Malcanthet (Dragon 353)
--Thrall to Orcus (Book of Vile Darkness)
--Thrall to Pazuzu (Dragon 329)
--Thrall to Zuggtmoy (Dragon 337)
--Vermin Lord (Book of Vile Darkness) (likely to be found in The Hive)
--Witch Slayer (Tome of Magic)

--Aligned Attack (Expanded Psionics Handbook) (overcome alignment-based damage reduction)
--Align Mind Blade (Psionic; Dragon 341)
--Anchoring Blow (Dragon 306)
--Chaos Devotion (Domain; Complete Champion)
--Consecrate Spell (Book of Exalted Deeds, Complete Divine) (spell gains good descriptor and half damage dealt is sacred)
--Corrupt Spell (Book of Vile Darkness, Complete Divine) (spell gains evil descriptor and half damage dealt is profane)
--Deep Vision (Psionic; Complete Psionic)
--Disciple of Darkness (Book of Vile Darkness) (character can choose an archdevil as their patron deity)
--Divine Censure (Divine) (Fiendish Codex II) (use turn ability to leave evil outsiders shaken)
--Divine Justice (Divine) (Fiendish Codex II) (use turn ability to deal extra melee damage to evil outsiders)
--Eldritch Erosion (Ambush; Complete Scoundrel) (-5 SR for 10 rounds)
--Evil Devotion (Domain; Complete Champion)
--Favored of the Companions (Book of Exalted Deeds) (give allegiance to a paragon guardinal)
--Fortify Spell (Metamagic; Complete Arcane) (+ caster level for the purpose of overcoming spell resistance)
--Glorious Weapons (Divine; Complete Divine)
--Good Devotion (Domain; Complete Champion)
--Holy Strike (Epic; Complete Divine)
--Improved Smiting (Complete Divine)
--Knight of Stars (Book of Exalted Deeds) (give allegiance to a paragon eladrin)
--Law Devotion (Domain; Complete Champion)
--Limbo Strike (Dragon 306)
--Malign Spell Focus (Book of Vile Darkness) (+2 DC to spells with evil descriptor)
--Mortalbane (Book of Vile Darkness) (spell like ability deals more damage to mortals)
--Piercing Evocation (Reserve; Complete Mage)
--Planar Tracker (Dragon 306)
--Scion of Sorrow (Champions of Ruin) (character can choose an oinoloth as their patron deity)
--Servant of the Heavens (Book of Exalted Deeds) (give allegiance to a tome archon)
--Spell Focus (Chaos/Evil/Good/Law) (Complete Divine)
--Thrall to Demon (Book of Vile Darkness) (character can choose demon lord as their patron deity)
--Undo Resistance (Fiendish Codex II) (sneak attack/skirmish/sudden strike w. cold iron weapon to reduce victim's DR by 1)
--Unholy Strike (Epic; Complete Divine)
--Unyielding Bond of the Soul (Faiths of Eberron)
--Wrest Possession (Faiths of Eberron)

--City Magic (Cityscape)
--City Slicker (Races of Destiny)
--Crowd Tactics (Tactical; Races of Destiny)
--Deceptive Spell (Cityscape)
--Favored (Cityscape)
--Inside Connection (Races of Destiny)
--Primary Contact (Cityscape)
--Roofwalker (Tactical; Races of Destiny)
--Smatterings (Races of Destiny)
--Special Dispensation (Cityscape)
--Strong Stomach (Cityscape)
--Urban Stealth (Races of Destiny)
--Urban Tracking (Cityscape, Races of Destiny)

While anything can be bought at the great bazaars of Sigil, other cities and settlements of the Outer Planes are less likely to carry items from the Prime (or from other planes for that matter, unless the demand is high enough.)
--Balor Bile (Book of Vile Darkness) (Balors are immune of course, and demons get a +4 saving throw)
--Bebilith Venom (Book of Vile Darkness)
--Burning Angel Wing Fumes (Book of Vile Darkness)
--Devilseye (Book of Vile Darkness)
--Dragon Bile (DMG, Complete Adventurer)
--Golden Ice (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Purified Coatl Venom (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Unicorn Blood (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Vilestar (Book of Vile Darkness)

--Astral Effluvium (Dungeon 100)
--Cerebral Grist (Dungeon 100)
--Clearwater Tablet (Complete Scoundrel) (does not work on supernatural liquids)
--Darkvision-Invisible Paint (Forgotten Realms: Underdark
--Feather Powder (Book of Vile Darkness)
--Ferrous Aqua (Complete Scoundrel)
--Festering Bomb (Book of Vile Darkness) (associated w. nighthags and maybe those dwelling in the Hive Ward.)
--Netherflame (Dungeon 100)
--Powdered Silver (Complete Scoundrel)
--Violated Horn (Book of Vile Darkness)

--Agony Sais (Dragon 356)
--Amulet of Astral Projection (Dragon 306, Dragon Magazine Compendium)
--Angel Blood (Book of Vile Darkness)
--Angel Tears (Book of Vile Darkness)
--Arrow of Glory (Dragon 356)
--Asura Shield (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Baalphegor's Grace (major artifact) (Dungeon 135)
--Baton of Faith (Dragon 292)
--Beastfriend Collar (Dragon 356)
--The Binding Claw *major Artifact* (Dragon 329)
--Book of Flesh and Mirrors (a minor or major artifact I think) (Expedition to the Demonweb Pits)
--Bow of the Solars (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Bracers of Red Rapture (Dungeon 146)
--Brazen Skull *minor artifact* (Dragon 341)
--Brilliant Energy Quarterstaff (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Brilliant Jewel (Dragon 356)
--Cacofex Splinter *minor artifact* (Fantastic Locations: Hellspike Prison)
--Cauldron of Zombie Spewing *minor artifact* (Book of Vile Darkness)
--Celestial Bane Rod (Book of Vile Darkness)
--Celestial Blade (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Celestial Mace (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Chasuble of Fell Power (Complete Arcane)
--Chime of Suppression (Tome of Magic)
--Circlet of Self (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20021228a)
--Cortical Armor (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Dart of the Phoenix (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Death Rock *major artifact* (Book of Vile Darkness)
--Demogorgon's Bilous Sphere *major artifact* (Dungeon 150)
--Demon Blood (Book of Vile Darkness)
--Demonfoe (Dragon 356)
--Demonhair Shirt (Dragon 356)
--Devilhusk (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Dimensional Tracking Net (Dragon 308)
--Dread Forge *Major Artifact* (Dungeon 120)
--Dread Rod (Dungeon 120)
--Ectoplasmic Ichor (Libris Mortis)
--Empyreal armor property (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Exoarmor (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Extradimensional Anchor (Dragon 306, Dragon Magazine Compendium)
--Eye of Erramu *major artifact* (Fantastic Locations: Hellspike Prison)
--Fangs of Turaglas *minor artifact* (Dragon 312)
--Fiendrender (Dragon 292)
--Flesh Ring of Scorn (Book of Vile Darkness)
--Fraz-Urbluu's Staff *major artifact* (Dragon 333)
--Gauntlet of the Maimed Lord (Dragon 292)
--Githcraft template (DMGII)
--Gloryborn template (DMGII)
--Goggles of Astral Seeing (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ae/20030819a)
--Gravetongue (Dragon 292)
--Guardian Bracelet (Dragon 292)
--Heart of Mephistopheles *major artifact* (Dungeon 140)
--Heaven's Thorn (Book of Vile Darkness)
--Hellforged template (DMGII)
--Hellpiercer (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Hellshield (Dragon Magazine Compendium)
--Hellsteel Armor (Forgotten Realms: Champions of Ruin)
--Horn of the Planes (Dragon 317, Dragon Magazine Compendium)
--Implements of Binding (Tome of Magic)
--Iron Flask of Tuerny the Merciless *major artifact* (Book of Vile Darkness)
--Kyptal's Black Mantlet (Dragon 292)
--Lesser Amulet of the Planes (Dungeon 107)
--Lover's Lash *major artifact* (Dragon 353)
--Might Stone (Dragon 356)
--Necklace of Demons (Book of Vile Darkness)
--Nightblade of Avandor (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Orb of Isolation *major artifact* (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ae/20040113a)
--Pain Pit *minor artifact* (Book of Vile Darkness)
--Pitspawned template (DMGII)
--Portal Finder (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Praesidium Luminata (Dragon Magazine Compendium)
--Profane weapon quality (Libris Mortis)
--Profane Burst weapon quality (Libris Mortis)
--Quarterstaff of Law (Dragon 306)
--Rod of Eldritch Power (Complete Mage)
--Rod of Famine (Dragon 312)
--Rod, Portal Finder (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Rod of Possession (Book of Vile Darkness)
--Ruby Rod of Asmodeus *major artifact* (Book of Vile Darkness)
--Seal of the Spirit (Tome of Magic)
--Shadowstealer's Cloak (Dragon 356)
--Skull of Kallum (major artifact) (Dungeon 150)
--Slaad Cloak (cloak made OF slaad, not FOR slaad) (Dungeon 100)
--Soulforged template (DMGII)
--Soul Lens (Tome of Magic)
--Starry Score (Dragon 356)
--Staff of Banishment (Dragon 292)
--Staff of the Diabolic, Lesser/Greater (Cdiv)
--Staff of Fiendish Darkness (Complete Arcane, Forgotten Realms: Magic of Faerun)
--Staff of Planar Defense (Complete Divine)
--Staff of Portals (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Staff, Spider (Underdark, A&E)
--Sword, Angelkiller (BoVD)
--Teeth of Dahlver-Nar *minor artifact* (Tome of Magic) (this is, in fact, a wonderous item sub-category)
--Tentacle weapon property (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Thaas *Legacy Item* (Expedition to the Demonweb Pits)
--Tooth of Ahazu (minor artifact; tooth of Dahlver-Nar) (Dungeon 143)
--Tooth of Ansitif (minor artifact; tooth of Dahlver-Nar) (Dragon 357)
--Tooth of Astaroth (minor artifact; tooth of Dahlver-Nar) (Dragon 357)
--Tooth of Cabiri (minor artifact; tooth of Dahlver-Nar) (Dragon 357)
Tooth of Shami-Amourae (minor artifact; tooth of Dahlver-Nar) (Dungeon 148)
--Tresspasser (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Truebane weapon quality (Dragon 345) (associated w. cult of Kostchchie)
(dragon 356)
--Twilight armor property (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Vassal Armor (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Vehicles, Astral (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ae/20030821a)
--Vestige Phylactery (Tome of Magic)
--Vial of Element-Dominant Limbo (Dragon 306)
--Warlock's Scepter (Complete Arcane)
--Water of Oceanus (Dungeon 144)
--Waymaker (Dragon 292)

SPECIAL MATERIALS (and planar location)
--Abyssal Blood Iron (Planar Handbook) (Abyss)
--Astral Driftmetal (Planar Handbook) (Astral)
--Coldwood (magically-engineered tree whose wood possesses identical properties of cold iron save that druids can wear it and the craft DC is higher.) (Prime Material)
--Frystalline (Book of Exalted Deeds) (Elysium)
--Ice, Stygian (Frostburn) (Baator)
--Silver, Pandaemonic (Complete Warrior) (Pandaemonium)
--Solarian True-Steel (Book of Exalted Deeds) (Celestia)
--Steel, Baatorian Green (Fiendish Codex II) (Baator)
--Wood, Serren (Book of Exalted Deeds) (Arborea)
--Ysgardian Heartwire (Book of Exalted Deeds) (Ysgard)

--Adult Gold Dragon's heart (Dragon 317)
--Angel Down (upper planes) (Complete Mage)
--Angel's Blood (injured or slain celestial) (Complete Champion)
--Angel Radiance (upper planes) (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Bezekira's footpads (Dragon 317)
--Celestial's Blood (upper planes) (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Couatl Scale (Celestia) (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Couatl's Wings (Dragon 317)
--Demon, Bebilith's mandibles (Dragon 317)
--Demon Flesh (Book of Vile Darkness)
--Demon Heart (Book of Vile Darkness)
--Devil, Cornugon's brain powder (Dragon 317)
--Devil, Cornugon's ridges (Dragon 317)
--Devil, Gelugon's Heart (Dragon 317)
--Devil, Hamatula's Spine (Dragon 317)
--Devil's Heart (Book of Vile Darkness)
--Eladrin Ghaele's Heart (Dragon 317)
--Essence of Order (injured or slain inevitable) (Complete Champion)
--Feather of an Intelligent Creature (Book of Vile Darkness)
--Formian, Myrmarch's antennae (Dragon 317)
--Guardinal Feather (upper planes) (Complete Champion)
--Innevitable, Marut's crushed gears (Dragon 317)
--Lammasu's Claw (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Lammasu, Golden Protector's brain (Dragon 317)
--Larva (Book of Vile Darkness)
--Lillend's Scale (Book Of Exalted Deeds)
--Lillend's Tail (Dragon 317)
--Lycanthrope fur or skin (Book of Vile Darkness)
--Metallic Dragon's heart (Book of Vile Darkness)
--Nighthag's Horns (Dragon 317)
--Nightmare, Cauchemar's Hooves (Dragon 317)
--Phoenix Feather (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Possibility Dust (Astral) (Complete Mage)
--Slaad, Black's Eyes (Dragon 317)
--Slaad, Death's crushed claws (Dragon 317)
--Slaad, Gray's brain (Dragon 317)
--Slaad, Red's powdered fangs (Dragon 317)
--Soul in receptacle (Book of Vile Darkness)
--Succubus's Lips (Dragon 317)
--Succubus's Tongue (Dragon 317)
--Titan's skull (Dragon 317)
--Unicorn Blood (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Unicorn, Celestial Charger's Horn (Dragon 317)
--Unicorn Horn (Beastlands) (Complete Champion)
--Unicorn Tail Hair (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Vrock Feather (Book of Vile Darkness)
--Wyrm Gold Dragon's Heart (Dragon 317, Dragon 332)
--Yugoloth's Brain (Book of Vile Darkness)

--Begromar's Camp (Abyss/Pazunia) (Dungeon 149)
--Avernus (Baator) (Dragon 358)
--Azzagrat the Triple Realm (Abyss) (Expedition to the Demonweb Pits)
--Bastion of Lost Hope (Carceri/Orthlys) (Dungeon 116)
--Blood Shallows (Abyss) (Dragon 358, Dungeon 149)
--Broken Reach (Abyss/Plain of Infinite Portals) (Dungeon 148)
--Cathedral of Feathers (Abyss/Occipitus) (Dungeon 107)
--Court of Stars (Arborea) (Dungeon 149)
--Crimson's Chapel (Abyss/Shendilavri) (Dungeon 149)
--Crosswinds Keep (Astral) (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ae/20031220x)
--The Demiplane of Ectoplasm (Astral) (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20030725a)
--The Demonweb Pits (Abyss) (Expedition to the Demonweb Pits)
--Divided's Ire Prison (Abyss/Gaping Maw) (Dungeon 147)
--Everlost (Abyss/Thanatos) (Dungeon 149)
--Feedgut (Abyss/Blood Shallows) (Dungeon 149)
--The Gaping Maw (Abyss) (Dragon 357, Dungeon 147, Dungeon 150)
--The Gatetown of Ecstasy (Outlands) (Dragon 351)
--Goranthis (Abyss) (Dragon 358)
--Harrowfell (Carceri/Orthlys) (Dungeon 116)
--The Hidden Layer (Abyss 248) (FR: Champions of Ruin)
--Hollow's Heart (Abyss) (Dragon 333)
--Iggwilv's Manor (Gray Waste/Oinos) (Dungeon 149)
--The Iron Wastes (Abyss) (Dragon 345)
--Khalas (Gehenna) (Dragon 358)
--The Lost Islands: Penance and Paradise (Abyss/Gaping Maw) (Dungeon 147)
--Miomata (Abyss/Shendilavri) (Dungeon 149)
--Ocanthus (Acheron) (Dragon 358)
--Occipitus (Abyss) (Dungeon 107, Dungeon 116)
--Oinos (Gray Waste) (Dragon 358)
--Orcus's Arena (Abyss/Thanatos) (Dungeon 149)
--Orthrys (Carceri) (Dragon 358, Dungeon 116)
--Overlook (Abyss) (Dungeon 148)
--Overlook Tower (Abyss/Overlook) (Dungeon 148)
--Pandesmos (Pandaemonium) (Dragon 358)
--Pazunia (Abyss) (Dragon 358, Dungeon 148~149)
--The Pit of Prisoners (portal) (Abyss/Plain of Infinite Portals~Wells of Darkness; one-way) (Dungeon 148)
--Plain of Cysts (Abyss/Occipitus) (Dungeon 107)
--River Styx (Dragon 358)
--The Screaming Jungle (Abyss) (Dungeon 150)
--The Shadowsea (Abyss) (Dragon 349)
--Shedaklah (Abyss) (Dragon 337, 358)
--Shendilavri (Abyss) (Dragon 353, Dragon 358)
--Sigil, City of Doors (Outlands) (Expedition to the Demonweb Pits)
--The Skull (Abyss/Occipitus) (Dungeon 107)
--Skullrot Asylum (Carceri/Orthlys) (Dungeon 116)
--Thanatos (Abyss) (Expedition to the Demonweb Pits, Dragon 358, Dungeon 149)
--Torremor (Abyss) (Dragon 329)
--Tu'narath (Astral) (Dungeon 100)
--Wells of Darkness (Abyss) (Dungeon 148)
--Yggdrasil (Ysgard) (Expedition to the Demonweb Pits)
--Zelatar, City of Demons (Abyss/Azzagrat) (Expedition to the Demonweb Pits)

The primary souces for the deities include the following:
PHB, Complete Champion, Complete Divine, Deities and Demigods, and Forgotten Realms: Faiths and Pantheons.
Here is a list of additional sources for deities and powers of the Outer Planes.
--Archdevil, Asmodeus (Fiendish Codex II)
--Archdevil, Baalzebul (Fiendish Codex II)
--Archdevil, Bel (Fiendish Codex II)
--Archdevil, Belial (Fiendish Codex II)
--Archdevil, Dispater (Fiendish Codex II)
--Archdevil, Fierna (Fiendish Codex II)
--Archdevil, Glasya (Fiendish Codex II)
--Archdevil, Levistus (Fiendish Codex II, Frostburn)
--Archdevil, Fallen, Lucifer (Tome of Horrors I)
--Archdevil, Mephistopheles (Fiendish Codex II)
--Arvoreen (Dragon 321, Races of the Wild)
--Auril (Dragon 312, Frostburn)
--Azuth (Dragon 284)
--Baccob (Dragon 338)
--Bane (Dragon 287)
--Bhaal (Dragon 322)
--Brandobaris (Races of the Wild)
--Callarduran Smoothhands (Races of Stone)
--Cegilune (Dragon 345)
--Corellion Larethian (Races of the Wild)
--Cronus (Dragon 357)
--Cyric (Forgotten Realms: Waterdeep)
--Cyrollalee (Races of the Wild)
--St. Cuthbert (Dragon 358)
--Deep Sashelas (Races of the Wild, Stormwrack)
--Demon Lord, Missing, Ahazu the Seizer (Dungeon 148)
--Demon Lord, Baphomet (Fiendish Codex I, Dragon 341)
--Demon Lord, Dagon (Fiendish Codex I, Dragon 349)
--Demon Lord, Demogorgon (Fiendish Codex I, Dragon 357)
--Demon Lord, Eltab (FR: Champions of Ruin)
--Demon Lord, Fraz-Urb'luu (Fiendish Codex I, Dragon 333)
--Demon Lord, Juiblex (Fiendish Codex I)
--Demon Lord, Kostchtchie (Fiendish Codex I, Dragon 345)
--Demon Lord, Malcanthet (Fiendish Codex I, Dragon 353)
--Demon Lord, Obox-Ob (Fiendish Codex I)
--Demon Lord, Pale Night (Fiendish Codex I)
--Demon Lord, Pazuzu (Fiendish Codex I, Dragon 329)
--Demon Lord, Fallen, Shami-Amourae (Dungeon 148)
--Demon Lord, Tsathogga (Tome of Horrors 1)
--Demon Lord, Turaglas (Dragon 312)
--Demon Lord, Yeenoghu (Fiendish Codex I)
--Demon Lord, Zuggtmoy (Fiendish Codex I, Dragon 337)
--Demon Prince, Adimarchus (Dungeon 116)
--Demon Prince of Deception, Tsojcanth (Dungeon 151)
--Eilistralee (Dragon 315)
--Garl Glittergold (Races of Stone)
--Geshtai (Stormwrack)
--Greater Titan, Atlas (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Greater Titan, Coeus (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Greater Titan, Crius (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Greater Titan, Epimetheus (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Greater Titan, Oceanus (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Greater Titan, Prometheus (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Hanali Celanil (Races of the Wild)
--Hextor (Dragon 356)
--Hleid (Frostburn) (Hleid is dead, therefore she resides in the Astral Plane, though parts of her essence reside scattered on a Prime world in the form of Rimefire Eidolons)
--Immshin, Master of Winds (Dungeon 94; probably either Pazuzu or Yan-C-Bin)
--Joramy (Sandstorm)
--Ka (Dragon 315, 318)
--Kiaransalee (Dragon 322)
--Kyuss (Dragon 336)
--Laduguer (Races of Stone)
--Lolth (Races of the Wild)
--Loviatar (Forgotten Realms: Shining South)
--Malar (Forgotten Realms: Champions of Ruin)
--Malglubiyet (Forgotten Realms: Drow of the Underdark)
--Malkizid (Forgotten Realms: Champions of Ruin) (it appears that he is a ruler of some part of Gehenna. Gotta say, this guy has a VERY interesting history.)
--Mask (Forgotten Realms: Champions of Ruin)
--Modron, Primus (Manual of the Planes Web Enhancement *no stats*, EN World Converted Monsters)
--Moradin (Races of Stone)
--Oinoloth- Anthraxus (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Olidammara (Dragon 342)
--Panzuriel (Dragon 334)
--Procan (Stormwrack)
--Ravanna (Dragon 326) (not sure which layer of Acheron he's native to; might also have a secondary realm on the Plane of Shadow)
--Red Knight (Dragon 317)
--Sehanine Moonbow (Races of the Wild)
--Sekolah (Stormwrack)
--Selune (Dragon 285, Forgotten Realms: Waterdeep)
--Set (Dragon 313, Sandstorm)
--Shar (Dragon 286, Forgotten Realms: Champions of Ruin, Forgotten Realms: Waterdeep)
--Sharess (Dragon 290)
--Sheela Peryroyl (Races of the Wild)
--Slaad Lord, Bazim Gorag (imprisoned) (FR: Champions of Ruin)
--Slaad Lord, Chourst (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Slaad Lord, Rennbuu (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Slaad Lord, Ssendam (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Slaad Lord, Ygorl (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Telchur (Frostburn)
--Tempus (Dragon 317)
--Thard Harr (Dragon 294)
--Thrym (Frostburn)
--Tyr (Forgotten Realms: Waterdeep)
--Ulutiu (Frostburn)
--Umberlee (Stormwrack)
--Urogalan (Races of the Wild)
--Valkur (Stormwrack)
--Vlaakith the Lich Queen (Dungeon 100)
--Yeathan (Stormwrack)
--Yondalla (Races of the Wild)
--Wee Jas (Dragon 350)

Some real-life deities are synomatous (exact same portfolio and very similar backstory) with the deities of other cultures. This is a short but incomplete list of them (I won't bother with the Greek~Roman equivalents as those are too easy to find on one's own)
Mitra= Mithra
Ratri= Nyx = Nohx

Many deities new to 3x have been introduced, but only very limited statistics were given. Planewalker may need to devise home planes and realms for these deities.
--Alobal Lorfiril (Races of the Wild)
--Aengerist (Frostburn)
--Dullah Thaun (Races of the Wild)
--Elebrin Liothiel (Races of the Wild)
--Gelf Darkhearth (Races of Stone)
--The Glutton (Races of Stone)
--Hanseath (Races of Stone)
--Iborighu (Frostburn)
--Mya (Races of Stone)
--Rill Cleverthrush (Races of Stone)
--Roknar (Races of Stone)
--Sheyanna Flaxenstrand (Races of Stone)
--Tharmekhul (Races of Stone)
--Urbanus (Races of Destiny)
--Valkauna (Races of Stone)
--Vandria Gilmadrith (Races of the Wild)
--Zagyg (Dragon 338)
--Zarus (Races of Destiny)

--Apostle of Peace (though not tied to a deity in BoED, in Faerun this class would be tied to Eldath) (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Arachne (Lolth) (Drow of the Underdark)
--Arvoreen's Keeper (Dragon 321)
--Arvoreen's Warder (Dragon 321)
--Auspician (Tymora) (FR: Faiths and Pantheons)
--Battle Howler of Gruumsh (Dragon 311)
--Battleguard of Tempus (Dragon 317)
--Beloved of Valarian (Lurue) (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Black Blood Cultist (Malar) (Champions of Ruin)
--Black Blood Hunter (Malar) (Player's Guide to Faerun)
--Blessed of Gruumsh (Dragon 282)
--Celebrant of Sharess (Sharess) (Player's Guide to Faerun)
--Chimeric Champion of Garl Glittergold (Dragon 328)
--Dancer of Sharess (Dragon 290)
--Darkmask (Vhaeraun) (FR: Lords of Darkness)
--Deathstalker of Bhaal (Dragon 322)
--Divine Prankster (Garl Glittergold (Races of Stone)
--Doomguide (Kelemvor) (FR: Faiths and Pantheons)
--Dracolyte (any draconic deity) (Dungeon 100)
--Dreadmaster (Bane) (FR: Faiths and Pantheons)
--Dweomerkeeper (Mystra) (FR: Faiths and Pantheons, Complete Divine Web Enhancement)
--Follower of the Skyserpent (Jazirian) (Dragon 307)
--Glaive of Azharadian (Heironeous) (Dragon 293)
--Glorious Servitor (any Multhorandi) (FR: Lost Empires of Faerun)
--Goldeye (Waukeen) (Faiths and Pantheons)
--Hammer of Moradin (Player's Guide to Faerun)
--Heartwarder (Sune) (Faiths and Pantheons)
--Hin Fist (Yondalla) (Yondallan adaption of sacred fist) (FR: Shining South)
--Holy Strategist of the Red Knight (Dragon 317)
--Itinerant Warder of Yondalla (Dragon 328)
--Justicator of Tyr (Player's Guide to Faerun)
--Justice Hammer of Moradin (Dragon 328)
--Knight of the Blue Moon (Mystra or Selune) (FR: Waterdeep)
--Knight of the Chase (Trithereon) (Dragon 297)
--Maiden of Pain (Loviatar) (Player's Guide to Faerun)
--Martyred Champion of Ilmater (Player's Guide to Faerun)
--Mask of Johydee (Dragon 302)
--Mighty Contender of Kord (Dragon 283)
--Monk of the Enabled Hand (Nerull) (Dragon 299)
--Moon Drover (Selune, particularly her Bright Nydra aspect) (Dragon 307)
--Moon Guardian (Selune) (Complete Divine)
--Moonstar Agent (Mystra, Oghma, Senahnine Moonbow) (FR: Waterdeep)
--Morninglord of Lathander (Player's Guide to Faerun)
--Mystic Keepr of Corellon Larethian (Dragon 328)
--Nightcloak (Shar) (Faiths and Pantheons, Complete Divine Web Enhancement)
--Ocular Adept (Great Mother) (Faiths and Pantheons)
--Ordained Champion (Heironeous, Hextor) (Complete Champion)
--Radiant Servant of Pelor (Complete Divine)
--Reaper's Child (Nerull) (Dragon 299, Sword & Fist)
--Scourge Maiden (Loviatar) (FR: Shining South)
--Shadowspy (Heironeous, Pelor) (Complete Champion)
--Shadowstriker (Heironeous, Pelor) (Complete Champion)
--Shining Blade of Heironeous (Dragon 283, Complete Divine)
--Silverhair Knight (Eilistralee) (Dragon 315)
--Silverstar (Selune) (Faiths and Pantheons)
--Soldier of the Light (Elishar) (Deities & Demigods)
--Spur Lord (Cyric) (Lords of Darkness)
--Stormlord (Talos) (Faiths and Pantheons, Complete Divine)
--Strifeleader (Cyric) (Faiths and Pantheons)
--Sunmaster (Lathander) (FR: Lost Empires of Faerun)
--Sun Soul Monk (Lathander) (FR: Waterdeep)
--Sword Dancer (Eilistralee) (Faiths and Pantheons)
--Talontar Blightlord) (Talona) (Undermountain Adventures)
--Techsmith (Gond) (Faiths and Pantheons)
--Temple Raider of Olidammara (Complete Divine)
--Vassal of Bahamut (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Wailer of Tharizdun (minor artifact) (Dungeon 151)
--Waveservant (Umberlee) (Faiths and Pantheons)
--Whitehorn (Lurue) (Dragon 307)
--Windwalker (Shaundakul) (Faiths and Pantheons)
--Winterhaunt of Iborighu (Iborighu) (Frostburn)
--Yathrinshee (Kiaransalee) (Player's Guide to Faerun)

--Baccob's Rolling Cloud (Clr 4, Wiz 3) (Baccob) (Dragon 338)
--Bane, Greater (Initiate of Hextor 3) (Dragon 342)
--Banner of the Saint (Clr 3) (Saint Cuthbert) (Dragon 358)
--Battlearms (Clr 4, Blackguard 4) (Hextor) (Dragon 356)
--Black Stench of Laozged (Clr 4, Wiz 5) (Dragon 342)
--Bless, Greater (Initiate of Heironeous 3) (Dragon 342)
--Brain Slave of Ilsensine (Clr 6, Wiz 6) (Dragon 342)
--Cause Fear, Greater (Initiate of Nerull 2) (Dragon 342)
--Champion of Kord (Initiate of Kord 4) (Dragon 342)
--Disk of Concordant Opposition (Clr 5, Wiz 5) (Baccob) (Dragon 338)
--Disguise Undead (Initiate of Wee Jas 2, Wiz 2) (Dragon 342)
--Erythnul's Slaughter (Initiate of Erythnul 5) (Dragon 342)
--Festival Feast (Brd 2, Clr 2) (Olidammara) (Dragon 342)
--Glamour Costume (Clr 1, Wiz 1) (Wee Jas) (Dragon 350)
--Globe of Radiant Invulnerability, Greater (Clr 7) (Wee Jas) (Dragon 350)
--Globe of Radiant Invulnerability, Lesser (Clr 5) (Wee Jas) (Dragon 350)
--Hand of Torm (Clr 4, Pal 4) (Dragon 333)
--Hextor's Fiery Eyes (Clr 5, Blackguard 4) (Hextor) (Dragon 356)
--Immolate the Wicked (Initiate of Pelor 4) (Dragon 342)
--Kord's Greeting (Initiate of Kord 2) (Dragon 342)
--Kord's Power Surge (Initiate of Kord 1) (Dragon 342)
--Mark of Justice, Lesser (Initiate of Heironeous 2) (Dragon 342)
--Memory Jar (Initiate of Baccob 1) (Dragon 342)
--Myrjala's Shards (Mystra) (Anauroch: Empire of Shade)
--Nails of Luthic (Clr 5) (Dragon 342)
--Nerull's Scythe (Initiate of Nerull 3) (Dragon 342)
--Olidammara's Bard Spell (Clr 4) (Olidammara) (Dragon 342)
--Olidammara's Carapace (Clr 5) (Olidammara) (Dragon 342)
--Persuasive Oration (Clr 1) (St. Cuthbert) (Dragon 358)
--Quicksand (Initiate of Obad-Hai 3) (Dragon 342)
--Rage, Mass (Initiate of Erythnul 6) (Dragon 342)
--Research Aid (Initiate of Boccob 4) (Dragon 342)
--Retributive Strike (Initiate of St. Cuthbert 3) (Dragon 342)
--Righteousness of Heironeous (Initiate of Heironeous 4) (Dragon 342)
--Spontaneous Combustion (Initiate of Obad-Hai 3) (Dragon 342)
--True Turning (Initiate of Pelor 1) (Dragon 342)
--Summer Breezes (Initiate of Obad-Hai 1) (Dragon 342)
--Throwing Arm of Iallanis (Clr 4, Drd 5) (Dragon 342)
--Vecna's Couriet (Initiate of Vecna 4) (Dragon 342)
--Waves of Destruction (Initiate of Obad-Hai 5) (Dragon 342)
--Wrath of Hextor (Initiate of Hextor 4) (Dragon 342)

Vestiges debuted in the Tome of Magic, and are the power source of Binders/Pact Magic. There are a couple places that list additional vestiges.
--Ahazu the Seizer (Dungeon 148)
--Ansitif the Befouler (Dragon 357)
--Ashardalon (Dragon Magic)
--Astaroth/Diabolus (Dragon 357)
--Cabiri the Watcher (Dragon 357)

There are a lot of dead powers and quasi-powers that could conceivably be made into vestiges. Just remember that a dead power that's been absorbed by another power cannot be a vestige, since it's been absorbed into another deity.

I will not be listing relics or magic items from Complete Champion or Complete Divine.
--Armor, Silver Mail of the Unicorn Queen (Lurue) (Silver Marches WE)
--Arvoreen's Amulet of Aid (Magic of Faerun)
--Axe of Heavenly Fire (Tyr) (FR: Waterdeep)
--Banesword (Bane) (Magic of Faerun)
--Belt of Lions (Nobanion) (Magic of Faerun)
--Book, Codacil of White (Auril) (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mb/20040616a)
--Book, Earthmother's Weapons (Chauntea) (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mb/20040721a)
--Book, Master Tactician (Red Knight) (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mb/20040915a)
--Boots, Shaundakul's (Magic of Faerun)
--Cartouche of Imhotep (Imhotep) (Dragon 325)
--Chalice of Amaunator (Anauroch: Empire of Shade)
--Chalice, Golden Chalice of Lathander (Magic of Faerun)
--Chalsembyr's Heart (Torm) (intelligent item) (Forgotten Realms: Heroes of Valor)
--Chauntean Sphere (Chauntea) (FR: Mysteries of the Moonsea)
Choker, Web (Lolth) (Underdark)
--Claw of the Revenancer (Kiaransalee) (FR: City of the Spiderqueen)
--Crook of Rao (Major Artifact) (Dragon 294)
--Crystal Sphere of Singing Waters (Eldath) (Magic of Faewrun)
--Druniazth (Tharizdun) (Major Artifact) (Dragon 294)
--Eagles' Cry Bow (Corellion Larethian) (Dragon Magazine Compendium)
--Egg of Lolth (major artifact) (Forgotten Realms: Drow of the Underdark)
--Eye of Horus (Horus) (Dragon 325, Dragon Magazine Compendium)
--Gauntlet, Xvim's Green Eyed (Magic of Faerun)
--Golden Chalice of Lathander (Magic of Faerun)
--Gwaeron's Belt (Mielikki and Gwaeron) (Magic of Faerun)
--Gwaeron's Boots (Mielikki and Gwaeron) (Magic of Faerun)
--Hair Shirt of Ilmater (Magic Item Compendium, Magic of Faerun)
--Hand of the Creator (Corellion Larethian) (Dragon Magazine Compendium)
--Hand of the Oakfather (Silvanus) (Magic of Faerun)
--Hand of Kiaransalee's Glory (City of the Spiderqueen)
--Headband of the Binder (Oghma) (Magic of Faerun)
--Heart of the Beast (Malar) (Magic of Faerun)
--Ice Necklace of Ulutiu (Ulutiu) (Magic of Faerun) (this magic item is updated in Magic Item Compendium as "Icy Strand of the North")
--Justice Blade (Torm) (Magic of Faerun)
--Kuroth's Quill (Major Artifact) (Dragon 294)
--Lance of Faerun (Torm) (Magic of Faerun)
--Mask, Johydee's (A&E)
--Mask, Rose (Lathander) (FR: Silver Marches WE)
--Moon Bracers (Selune) (Magic of Faerun)
--Mooncloak (Selune) (Magic of Faerun)
--Moondraught (Selune) (Magic of Faerun)
--Moonfire Salve (Selune) (Magic of Faerun)
--Moon Mote (Selune) (Magic of Faerun)
--Orb of Selune (minor artifact) (Dungeon 129)
--Prayer of Anger (Tempus) (Magic of Faerun)
--Ring of Might (Tyr) (Magic of Faerun)
--River Sandals (Sebek, Set) (Dragon 325)
--Robe of the Burning Serpent (Apep) (Dragon 325)
--Rod of Lathander (minor artifact) (Forgotten Realms: Waterdeep)
--Sand of Set (Dragon 325, Dragon Magazine Compendium)
--Sash, Sunite (Magic of Faerun)
--Scorpion Bracers (Set) (Dragon 325)
--Scourge of Pain (Loviatar) (FR: Shining South)
--Shadowstone (Shar) (minor artifact) (FR: Champions of Ruin)
--Skin of Malar (minor artifact) (Dungeon 129)
--Shortspear, Talosian (Magic of Faerun)
--Spider Masks (Lolth) (Dragon 298, Dragon Magazine Compendium)
--Staff of Malediction (Vecna) (Complete Mage)
--Statuette of the All-Father (Moradin) (Dragon 323)
--Sunite Sash (Sune) (Magic of Faerun)
--Sword of Selvetarm (minor artifact) (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20030203a)
--Talosian Shortspear (Talos) (Magic of Faerun)
--Tiara of Bast (Bast) (Dragon 325, Dragon Magazine Compendium)
--Torque of the Deity (Chauntea) (Magic of Faerun)
--Unicorn Pendant (Lurue, maybe Mielikki) (Magic of Faerun)
--Vestige Worm (Kyuss) (Dragon 343)
--Vestment of Judgement (Anubis) (Dragon 325)
--Whip of Constricting (Loviatar) (FR: Shining South)

These relics are in addition to those of Complete Divine and Complete Arcane (which I will not list)
--Ajira's Rod (Pelor) (Dragon 346)
--Amulet of Perfect Night (Shar) (Dragon 333)
--Ashen Staff of Inevitability (Kelemvor) (Dragon 333)
--Dagger of the Fireheart (Wee Jas) (Dragon 350)
--Darvax's Staff (Baccob) (Dragon 338)
--Invulnerable Coat of Arnd (Heironeous) (Dragon 354)
--Kanteel of the Oldest (Olidammara) (Dragon 342)
--Malf Ulad's Divining Board (Wee Jas) (Dragon 350)
--Mask of Imontilo (Olidammara) (Dragon 342)
--Meershalm Salve (Heironeous) (Dragon 354)
--Norem's Helm (Hextor) (Dragon 356)
--Legendmaker (Oghma) (Dragon 333)
--Pouch of Black Essence (Gond) (Dragon 333)
--Razor Bands of the Archmage (Baccob) (Dragon 338)
--Red Thunderbolt (Hieroneous) (Dragon 354)
--Ribbons of the Twice Martyred (Ilmater) (Dragon 333)
--Ring of Firehair (Sune) (Dragon 333)
--Rod of Clenched Fists (Bane) (Dragon 333)
--Rod of the Matriarch (Lolth) (Forgotten Realms: Drow of the Underdark)
--Rod of the Whispered One (Vecna) (Dragon 348)
--Ronnan's Icon (Pelor) (Dragon 346)
--Royal Firemage Gown (Wee Jas) (Dragon 350)
--Sphere of Time Scrying (Baccob) (Dragon 338)
--Spying Eye of Olidammara (Olidammara) (Dragon 342)
--Staff of Peace (Eldath) (Magic of Faerun) (though relics weren't present in 3.0, this magic item functions similarly to one)
--Tabard of the Great Crusade (St. Cuthbert) (Dragon 358)
--Tome of Shared Secrets (Vecna) (Dragon 348)
--Trueword Buckler (Torm) (Dragon 333)
--Trumpet of Acheron (Hextor) (Dragon 356)
--Unholy Bloodshield (Hextor) (Dragon 356)
--The War Widow (Tempus) (Dragon 333)

--Deathsong (Book of Vile Darkness) (This disease is likely to be associated with the Gray Waste and with night hags.)
--Iron Corruption (Book of Vile Darkness) (At the DM's option, this disease could also be incurred on Acheron, either by its inhabitants, or by suffering slashing or piercing damage by the black iron of the plane)
--Pit Lung (Fiendish Codex I p. 112)
--The Wasting (Sandstorm) (associated with "desert-dwelling fiends")
--Warp Touch (Book of Vile Darkness) (what, do I have to tell you that this disease would be associated with Limbo?)

--Urban Traps (Dragon 306)

LANGUAGES, WRITTEN (this applies only to outsider and Planar mortal languages from D&D)
--Demodand/Tarterian (not confirmed, but presumed that the characters of the Cagewrights' scroll in that one pic is written in Demodand, which would be the written and spoken language of Carceri, though I suppose it's possible that Demodand uses the same writing system as Abyssal.) (Dungeon 109)
--Abyssal (Dungeon Magazine 120 pg. 78 & 82)
--Gith (Dungeon 100; unlike the other examples listed, Dungeon100 actually displays the Gith Alphabet and its letter equivalents, and this written language is used by both Githyanki and Githzerai)

--There actually is a "celestial/angelic alphabet" made by a mystic in the 16th century. It's not an official D&D language, but it could work. I don't think the Outer Planes languages have any official D&D writing systems beyond concept, so if you don't like the celestial alphabet, you could just go with Aramaic for the writing system of Mt. Celestia, Baator, Gehenna, and the Abyss (although it wouldn't make much sense)
--Performing a Google Image search for "infernal" and "alphabet" returned several hits for the Theban Alphabet. I guess you could use this if you want, but Wikipedia says that it's a cryptographic script used by Wiccans in their Book of Shadows, so they might find it offensive for D&D gamers to assign the language to devils. Thus, I would advise against using this.

--Aishapra, the Marilith Dervish (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fc/20050921a)
--Demon, Stonechard (Tome of Horrors 1)
--Devil, Alastor (Tome of Horrors III)
--Sir Andos Fearnot the Tulani Eladrin (Dungeon 149)
--Devil, Duke, Baaphel (Tome of Horrors I)
--Devil, Duke, Bael (Dragon 360)
--General Bagromar, Clone of Hethradian (Dungeon 149)
--Devil, Duke, Balan (Dragon 360)
--Devil, Duke, Bathym (Dragon 360)
--Demon, Beluiri (Tome of Horrors 1)
--Beshappal, the Vrock Berserker (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fc/20060707a)
--The Cathezar, Half Baatezu, Half Tanar'ri *Kyton/Marilith* Agent of Aameul *aka one of Demogorgon's heads* (Bastion of Broken Souls)
--Celeste the Ghaele Eladrin Bard (Dungeon 149)
--Crimson, Radiant Sister Lilitu of Malcanthet (Dungeon 149)
--Eludecia the Succubus Paladin (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fc/20050824a)
Major Enderan (Unique demon) (Dungeon 149)
--Fiend Sage of Rel Astra (Dungeon 150)
--General Ghorvash the Mortal Hunter (Dungeon 150)
--Devil, Duke, Gorson (Tome of Horrors I)
--War Secretary General Gromsfed the Drowned, Klurichir drowned one Warchief
--Devil, Duke, Hutijin (Tome of Horrors I)
--Iggwilv the Witch Queen (Dungeon 149)
--Kigaugh, Narzugon Death Rider (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fc/20061222a)
--Malifustal the Nighthag (Dungeon 107)
--Devil, Duke, Moloch (Dragon 360)
--Mordukhavar the Reaver (Baator) (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Linnorm, Nidhogger (Ysgard) (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Nurn the Death Slaad Rogue (Bastion of Broken Souls)
--Ponjo Tombo, Son of Demogorgon (City of Brass)
--Red Shroud the Succubus Sorceress (Dungeon 148)
--General Tetradarian, Clone of Aameul (Dungeon 150)
--Devil, Duke, Titivilus (Dragon 360)
--Ulu-Thurg the Sorcerceror-Assassin Bar-Lgura (Dungeon 150)
--Captain Urbala the Hezrou (Dungeon 150)
--Vanathor (Celestia) (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)

This list mostly involves more obscure sources such as Wizards website or Dragon/Dungeon magazines.
--Diplomacy (Dungeon 144) (involves a political dispute between several Outer Planar races for a vied mine on Elysium)
--Expedition to the Demonweb Pits (D&D adventure book by the same name) (Involves quite a bit of planehopping; destinations include Sigil, the Beastlands, Yggdrasil, and more than one layer of the Abyss.)
--The Lich Queen's Beloved (Dungeon 100) (includes picture of the Gith alphabet; Adventure to slay the Lich Queen)
--Savage Tide Adventure Path (Dungeons 139~150) (takes place in the world of Greyhawk, but heavily involves and concludes on the Abyss)
--Shackled City Adventure Path (Dungeons 97~116) (most of it takes place in the Prime Material, but the last installment concludes on Carceri, and possibly the Abyss as well)

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Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Outer Planes Resource Index

Awesome - might want to link the Paizo and Dicefreaks guys to this thread, believe it could be useful for them as well.

I could point them here if you're okay with that.


Health Resources: Register family with 911 services, so providers will have info prior to emergency/disaster. Also mental health info & hotlines, articles, treatment assistance options, prescription assistance, special needs registries, legal aid, and more!

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Outer Planes Resource Index

I'm fine with it. Don't know about Clueless, though.
And, like I said, this list isn't finished yet.

I also feel as though I should post this (though not directly related. Also a work in progress.)

Technically some of these are Draconic spells, but the DM could also allow them to be used by other monsters with the suitable prerequisites (e.g. natural weapons, breath weapon, wings, etc.)
The following are monstrous spells in addition to spells which are particularly useful to monsters.
Attract Eyes (Wiz) (Dragon 304) (compel creature to meet your gaze)
Gasp (Brd, Wiz) (Dragon 304) (force creature holding breath to inhale)
Aura of Power (Clr) (Dragon 304) (buff to various monstrous abilities.)
Breath Flare (Wiz) (Draconomicon) (give breath weapon flare effect)
Quickswim (Brd, Drd, Rgr, Seafolk, Wiz) (+10 ft. to base swim speed)
Spell Flower (Clr, Wiz) (Savage Species) (hold spell in forelimb)
Rapid Burrowing (Drd) (Savage Species) (bonus to burrowing speed)
Wings of the Sea (Drd, Rgr) (Savage Species) (bonus to swim speed)
Blood Wind (Clr, Wiz) (Savage Species) (attack w. natural weapon at range)
Cloud Wings (Wiz) (Savage Species) (bonus to fly speed)
Fins to Feet (Clr, Drd, Seafolk, Wiz) (Savage Species, Stormwrack)
Invasive Telepathy (Wiz) (Dragon 304)
Major Resistance (Brd, Clr, Drd, Pal, Wiz) (Savage Species)
Rapid Burrowing (Clr, Rgr, Wiz) (Savage Species) (bonus to burrowing speed)
Razorfangs (Wiz) (Draconomicon)
Wings of Air (Wiz) (Draconomicon) (maneuverability increases by 1 step)
Wings of the Sea (Clr, Wiz) (Savage Species) (bonus to swim speed)
Air Breathing (Stormwrack, Spell Compendium)
Blinding Breath (Wiz) (Draconomicon) (breath blinds)
Blunt Natural Weapons (Asn, Brd, Wiz) (damage die for natural weapons - 1 step)
Bolster Aura (Clr) (Complete Champion) (aura becomes stronger)
Bolster Damage Reduction (Clr, Drd, Wiz) (Dragon 304) (increase natural DR)
Countermoon (Drd) (Savage Species) (prevent lycanthrope from changing)
Enduring Flight (Sky) (Races of the Wild) (fly for longer period)
Energize Projectiles (Wiz) (Dragon 304) (imbue projectiles with one type of energy)
Full Manifestation (Wiz) (Dragon 304) (incorporeal or gaseous creature fully manifests)
Fuse Arms (Clr, Wiz) (Savage Species) (multiple arms fuse to become one pair of stronger arms)
Greater Mount (Wiz) (Dragon 304) (summon a huge mount)
Gullet of Teeth (Wiz) (Dragon 304) (digestive tract springs fangs)
Jagged Tooth (Drd, Rgr) (Savage Species)
Subdue Aura (Pld) (Complete Champion) (aura becomes weaker)
Aerial Alacrity (Sky, Wiz) (Races of the Wild)
Blood Drinker (Clr, Wiz) (Dragon 304) (gain blood-sucking ability of vampires)
Bolster Aura (Pld) (Complete Champion)
Breath Weapon Substitution (Wiz) (Draconomicon) (exchange breath weapon damage for another type)
Dispelling Breath (Wiz) (Draconomicon) (breath weapon also dispels magic)
Enduring Flight (Wiz) (Races of the Wild) (fly longer)
Extend Tentacles (Clr, Wiz) (Savage Species) (tentacles or tendrils reach further)
Far Gaze (Wiz) (Dragon 304) (extend range of gaze attacks)
Gullet of Fire (Wiz) (Dragon 304) (digestive tract fills with fire)
Master Shape (Wiz) (Dragon 304) (lycanthrope gains complete control over lycanthropic form)
Rebuking Breath (Wiz) (Draconomicon)
Sharptooth (Wiz) (Draconomicon) (as Keen Edge or Weapon of Impact, but for natural weapons)
Spit Poison (Drd) (Dragon 304) (spit your venom)
Strength of the Beast (Wiz) (Dragon 304) (various buffs for lycanthropes)
Stunning Breath (Wiz) (Draconomicon) (breath weapon also stuns)
Subdue Aura (Pld) (Complete Champion)
Weapon of Energy (Clr, Wiz) (Savage Species) (weapon also deals one type of energy damage)
Wingbind (Wiz) (Draconomicon)
Burning Blood (Wiz) (Draconomicon)
Channel the Void (Clr, Dread Necromancer, Wiz) (Dragon 304) (enhance energy-draining natural attacks and powers)
Empower Venom (Drd) (Dragon 304) (venom deals more damage)
Energize Magic Fang (Drd) (Dragon 304) (natural weapon also deals one type of energy damage)
Ethereal Breath (Wiz) (Draconomicon) (breath also manifests on the ethereal)
Extra Ability (Wiz) (Dragon 304) (extra daily use of 4th level or lower spell-like ability)
Greater Spectral Hand (Wiz) (Dragon 304) (as spectral hand, but up to 5th level spells, and can deliver salient touch attacks.)
Improved Enlarge (Wiz) (Savage Species)
Improved Reduce (Wiz) (Savage Species)
Magic Fang, Superior (Drd, Wiz) (Draconomicon) (As magic fang, but to all natural weapons)
Share Symbiosis (Drd) (Dragon 304) (recipient gains caster's symbiotic abilities)
Spit Poison (Clr) (Dragon 304) (spit your venom)
Superior Resistance (Brd, Clr, Drd, Wiz) (Savage Species)
Wings of Air, Greater (Wiz) (Draconomicon) (maneuverability increases by 2 steps)
Empower Venom (Wiz) (Dragon 304) (venom deals more damage)
Greater Spell Resistance (Clr, Wiz) (Dragon 304)
Heighten Venom (Drd) (Dragon 304) (increase DC of venom)
Animate Breath (Wiz) (Draconomicon)
Heighten Venom (Wiz) (Dragon 304) (increase DC of venom)
Sacralize Magic Fang (Drd) (Dragon 304) (natural weapon also deals sacred of profane damage)
Semblance of Life (Wiz) (Dragon 304) (undead lessens its vulnerabilities)
Breath Weapon Admixture (Wiz) (Draconomicon) (also add second energy type to breath weapon)
Enervating Breath (Wiz) (Draconomicon) (breath weapon also enervates)
Extra Ability, Greater (Wiz) (Dragon 304) (extra daily use of spell-like ability)
Flame Whips (Wiz) (Savage Species) (forelimbs also deal fire damage)
Mastery of the Sky (Sky) (Races of the Wild)
Stalking Spell (Wiz) (Savage Species) (as superior invisibility, but also cannot be tracked by scent or sound)
Deafening Breath (Wiz) (Draconomicon) (breath weapon also deafens)
Planar Pocket (Clr, Wiz) (Dragon 304) (create a pocket where you are immune to banishment and other extraplanar effects)

Familiarity of Place (Clr, Wiz) (Dragon 308)
Power Word, Fatigue (Wiz) (Races of the Dragon)
Power Word, Pain (Wiz) (Races of the Dragon)
Shield Companion (Wiz) (Dragon 308)
Mesmerizing Glare (Wiz) (Draconomicon)
Power Word, Sicken (Wiz) (Races of the Dragon)
Scintillating Scales (Wiz) (Draconomicon)
Small Enough (Wiz 2) (Dragon 308)
Burden (Brd, Wiz) (Dragon 308)
Deadly Spray (Clr, Wiz) (Dragon 308)
Power Word, Deafen (Wiz) (Races of the Dragon)
Power Word, Maladroit (Wiz) (Races of the Dragon)
Power Word, Weaken (Wiz) (Races of the Dragon)
Scales of Energy (Wiz) (Dragon 308)
Electrified Lair (Wiz) (Dragon 308)
Expel from Lair (Clr, Wiz) (Dragon 308)
Fly Like an Arrow (Wiz) (Dragon 308)
Hoard Life (Sor) (Races of the Dragon)
Identify with Flame (Clr, Wiz) (Dragon 308)
Power Word, Distract (Wiz) (Races of the Dragon)
Burning Water (Wiz 5) (Dragon 308)
Everlasting Terror (Wiz) (Dragon 308)
Power Word, Disable (Wiz) (Races of the Dragon)
Unstoppable Energy (Wiz) (Dragon 308)
Aura of Terror (Wiz) (Draconomicon)
Burning Water (Drd 6) (Dragon 308)
Imperilous Glare (Wiz) (Draconomicon)
Power Word, Nauseate (Wiz) (Races of the Dragon)
Roaring Wall (Wiz 6) (Dragon 308)
Cheat Death (Wiz) (Dragon 308)
Freezing Cloud (Wiz) (Dragon 308)
Hiss of Sleep (Wiz) (Draconomicon)
Familiarity of Place, Greater (Clr, Wiz) (Dragon 308)
Maddening Whispers (Wiz) (Draconomicon)
Power Word, Petrify (Wiz) (Races of the Dragon)
Vorpal Claws (Wiz Cool (Dragon 308)
Shifting Sanctum (Clr, Wiz) (Dragon 308)

Power Word, Glacify
Level: Sor/Wiz 6
This spell functions as Power Word, Petrify, except as noted above. For more information, see "Flesh to Ice" in Frostburn.

The following is a list of monstrous feats and feats particularly useful to monsters.
--Ability Focus (MM) (+2 DC to special attack)
--Adroid Flyby Attack (Draconomicon) (as spring attack, but for flight)
--Aerial Reflexes (Races of the Wild) (bonus to reflex saves while flying based on maneuverability)
--Aerial Superiority (Races of the Wild) (+1 dodge bonus to AC against landborne opponents and those with inferior maneuverability)
--Area Attack (Savage Species) (huge creatures attack several spaces at once with uprooted trees and such.)
--Assume Supernatural Ability (Savage Species) (shapechanger gains supernatural ability of assumed form)
--Awesome Blow (MM) (subtract 4 from attack bonus to bull rush opponent and send it flying)
--Barbed Stinger (FR: Serpent Kingdoms) (able to grapple w. stinger after delivering sting attack)
--Brand of the Nine Hells (Fiendish Codex II)
--Burning Rage (Dragon 314) (+1d6 from heat special attack while raging)
--Centuar Trample (Races of the Wild) (victims you overrun cannot choose to avoid you)
--Consecrate Spell Like Ability (Book of Exalted Deeds) (special ability gains good descriptor and deals half sacred damage.)
--Contagious Paralysis (Libris Mortis, Dungeon 115) (paralyzing attack is contagious)
--Controlled Respiration (Savage Species) (stay out of water longer)
--Corrupt Spell-Like Ability (Book of Vile Darkness) (add evil descriptor to spell like ability, half of which deals profane damage)
--Crush (Savage Species) (use dragon's crush attack)
--Curling Wave Strike (Stormwrack) (get free trip against second opponent instead of free attack; only works underwater)
--Deadly Poison (Savage Species, FR: Serpent Kingdoms) (poison attack deals more damage)
--Deadly Spittle (FR: Serpent Kingdoms) (spray venom in a 15 ft. conical burst)
--Detach (Savage Species) (if you regenerate, rip off a bodypart and use it as a ranged attack)
--Dilate Aura (Fiendish Codex II) (double range of your aura once per encounter)
--Disintegration Finesse (Lords of Madness)
--Diving Charge (Races of the Wild) (charge while flying to gain damage bonus depending on fly speed)
--Earthquake Stomp (Eberron: Secrets of Xendrik) (stamp foot to cause 20 ft. radius tremor that knocks opponents prone)
--Endure Sunlight (Libris Mortis) (vulnerability to sunlight is reduced)
--Empower Spell-Like Ability (MM) (as empower spell)
--Extended Reach (Savage Species) (+5 feet to tentacle or tendril reach)
--Extra Item Space (Savage Species) (monster w. 3 or more limbs can wear extra ring, set or bracers, gauntlet, glove, etc., or an ettin can wear two helms or amulets, etc.)
--Fade into Darkness (Drow of the Underdark) (+ 5 competence bonus to Hide checks when one uses their darkness spell like ability)
--Final Strike (Savage Species) (gain Death Throes ability)
--Fling Ally (Races of Stone) (pick up ally and throw him up to 5 range increments away)
--Fling Enemy (Savage Species, Races of Stone) (upon successful grapple, you can throw a victim)
--Flyby Attack (MM) (take standard action while flying)
--Flying Fish Leap (Stormwrack) (High jump out of the water without penalty)
--Gape of the Serpent (Savage Species, FR: Serpent Kingdoms) (you can swallow a victim up to your own size category)
--Ghostly Grasp (Libris Mortis) (manipulate corporeal objects)
--Gout of Flame (Dragon 314) (convert heat special attack into a breath weapon)
--Greater Multigrab (FR: Serpent Kingdoms) (grapple opponent with only one limb/mouth without penalty)
--Greater Multiweapon Fighting (As greater two-weapon fighting, but for those with 3 or more hands)
--Grell Alchemy (Lords of Madness) (create Grellcraft items)
--Heighten Spell-Like Ability (Complete Arcane) (As Heighten Spell, but for spell-like abilities)
--Hover (MM) (fly idly even if your maneuverability sucks too badly to do so)
--Improved Assume Supernatural Ability (Savage Species) (As Assume Supernatural Ability, but without the -2 penalty)
--Imrpoved Energy Drain (Libris Mortis) (gain buffs for successful energy drain)
--Improved Flight (Complete Adventurer) (Maneuverability increases by one step)
--Improved Flyby Attack (MM) (Do not provoke AoO when leaving threat range)
--Improved Maneuverabuility (Draconomicon) (maneuverability improvesd by one step)
--Improved Multiattack (MM) (no attack penalty for secondary attacks)
--Improved Natural Armor (MM) (+1 to Natural Armor)
--Improved Natural Attack (MM) (increase damage variable by 1 size category)
--Improved Paralysis (Dungeon 115)
--Improved Rapidstrike (Draconomicon) (gain 2 sets of extra attacks for pair of natural weapons)
--Improved Rock Hurling (Races of Stone) (+1 bonus on attack rolls when hurling rocks)
--Imrpoved Scent (Savage Species) (double range of scent ability)
--Improved Snatch (Draconomicon) (as snatch, but creature can be 2 size categories smaller rather than three)
--Improved Spit (FR: Serpent Kingdoms)
--Improved Webs (Savage Species) (gain additional use for webs)
--Inscribe Rune (Player's Guide to Faerun) (giants are also adept at runelore)
--Instinctive Darkness (Drow of the Underdark) (use darkness spell like ability as a swift action)
--Intensify Darkness (Drow of the Underdark) (expand area of one's darkness spell like ability)
--Inured to Energy (Savage Species) (One type of existing Energy Resistance increases by +10)
--Irresistable Gaze (FR: Serpent Kingdoms) (+2 DC for gaze attack; stacks with ability focus)
--Knockback (Races of Stone) (on successful power attack, gain use of free bull-rush)
--Large and In Charge (Draconomicon) (prevent opponents from closing inside your reach)
--Life Drain (Libris Mortis) (gain additional HP from energy drain)
--Maximize Spell-Like Ability (Complete Arcane) (as maximize spell, but for spell-like abilities)
--Mighty Leaping (Savage Species) (Racial jump bonus allows creature to take falling damage as if fallen 10 less feet, and is not limited by height when jumping.)
--Mortalbane (Book of Vile Darkness) (spell like ability deals more damage to mortals)
--Multiattack (MM) (secondary attacks take -2 penalty instead of -5)
--Multigrab (FR: Serpent Kingdoms)
--Multisnatch (Draconomicon) (as snatch, but you can crush one victim in each claw and/or mouth)
--Multitasking (Savage Species) (Use each pair of arms to perform a distinct/separate action, such as attacking with one pair and using a spell-like ability with the other)
--Multivoice (Savage Species) (2+ headed creature can cast more spells per round)
--Multiweapon Fighting (MM) (as two-weapon fighting, but for those with 3 or more hands)
--Narrowed Gaze (FR: Serpent Kingdoms) (limit area of gaze to avoid affecting allies)
--Overcome Weakness (Draconomicon) (nullify vulnerability to single energy type)
--Pervasive Gaze (FR: Serpent Kingdoms) (creature that averts eyes from gaze has only 25% chance of avoiding it)
--Petrification Immunity (FR: Serpent Kingdoms) (immunity to petrification)
--Petrification Resistance (FR: Serpent Kingdoms) (+3 to racial bonus save against petrification)
--Piercing Gaze (FR: Serpent Kingdoms) (+30 to gaze attack range)
--Poison Immunity (FR: Serpent Kingdoms) (immunity to all poison)
--Poison Resistance (FR: Serpent Kingdoms) (+2 on saves vs. poison)
--Power Climb (Draconomicon) (fly in straight line to gain more altitude)
--Power Dive (Savage Species, Draconomicon) (Fall on opponent from sky as an overrun)
--Practiced Magic (Dungeon 116) (Ranks in spellcraft add +4 to caster level of spell-like abilities, but caster level cannot exceed HD.)
--Prehensile Tail (Savage Species, FR: Serpent Kingdoms) (tail becomes capable of fine manipulation)
--Quick Change (Savage Species) (change form quicker than normal)
--Quick Manifestation (Libris Mortis) (Manifest from the Ethereal plane quickly)
--Quicken Spell Like Ability (MM) (As Quicken Spell)
--Rapid Regeneration (Fiendish Codex II) (+1 nonlethal damage healed per round by regeneration)
--Rapidstrike (Draconomicon) (gain extra pair of attacks from pair of natural weapons)
--Rapid Swimming (Stormwrack) (+20 ft. to natural swim speed)
--Rend (Draconomicon) (deal extra damage with 2 claws)
--Rending Constriction (FR: Serpent Kingdoms) (deal extra damage with constriction)
--Sahuagin Flip (Stormwrack) (use withdraw action as a move action after attacking underwater)
--Sanctify Natural Attack (Book of Exalted Deeds) (bonus damage to evil creatures)
--Scramble (Savage Species) (small or smaller creature gains ability similar to Defensive Roll, but slightly better)
--Skilled Telekinetic (Dragon 313, Lords of Madness) (trigger a command word, spell trigger, etc. via telekinesis supernatural ability)
--Snatch (MM) (constrict target after successful grapple with claw or bite)
--Spell Drain (Libris Mortis) (steal prepared spells from victim of energy drain)
--Spit Poison (Lords of Madness) (spit your venom up to 30 ft.)
--Spit Venom (FR: Serpent Kingdoms) (spit venom up to 30 ft.)
--Supernatural Transformation (Savage Species) (Convert a single spell-like ability into a Supernatural Ability)
--Swim-By Attack (Stormwrack) (take standard action while swimming)
--Tail Snap (Dragon 314) (Channel heat special attack to fling a fireball from your tail)
--Tail Sweep Knockdown (Draconomicon) (knock opponents prone w. tail sweep)
--Uncanny Scent (Savage Species) (Poinpoint the origin of a scent within 20 feet)
--Vile Natural Attack (Book of Vile Darkness) (bonus damage to good creatures)
--Wightblade (Dragon 348)
--Wingover (MM) (Creature can turn 180 degrees even if their maneuverability is too crappy to do so)
--Whirlwind Tail Sweep (Draconomicon) (sweep tail in a circular arc)

(metabreath feats are feats which alter the breath weapon in some way.)
--Breath of Unlife (FR: Dragons of Faerun) (undead dragon's breath weapon deals half negative damage, and feat allows it to take metabreath feats with constitution prerequisites)
--Clinging Breath (Draconomicon, MM3) (deal half breath dmg 1 round after releasing breath weapon)
--Enlarge Breath (Draconomicon) (as enlarge spell, but for breath weapons)
--Extend Spreading Breath (Draconomicon) (extend range of spreading breath feat)
--Heighten Breath (Draconomicon) (as heighten spell, but for breath weapons)
--Lingering Breath (MM3, Draconomicon) (victims continue to take energy dmg from breath weapon rounds after it was released)
--Maximize Breath (Draconomicon) (as maximize spell, but for breath weapons.)
--Quicken Breath (Draconomicon) (as quicken spell, but for breath weapons)
--Recover Breath (Draconomicon) (require 1 less round before using breath weapon again)
--Shape Breath (Draconomicon) (make the AoE of breath weapon a cone or line)
--Split Breath (Draconomicon) (split breath attack into 2 weaker breaths)
--Spreading Breath (Draconomicon) (convert breath weapon into a spread AoE)
--Tempest Breath (Draconomicon) (breath weapon also creates a windstorm)
--Transdimensional Breath (FR: Dragons of Faerun) (Expend psionic focus to affect incorporeal creatures and manifest breath on ethereal and shadow.)

--Devastating Critical (Draconomicon) (on critical, victim must save or die)

--Craft Aboleth Glyph (Item Creation; Lords of Madness)
--Death Frenzy (Lords of Madness)
--Enlarge Mucus Cloud (Lords of Madness)
--Memory Eater (Lords of Madness)
--Powerful Bite (Lords of Madness)
--Quickslime (Lords of Madness)
--Reach Bite (Lords of Madness)
--Thicken Mucus (Lords of Madness)
--Toxic Mucus (Lords of Madness)

--Agile Tyrant (Dragon 313, Lords of Madness)
--Disjunction Ray (Lords of Madness)
--Focused Antimagic (Lords of Madness)
--Metaray (Lords of Madness)
--Maw of Power (Dragon 313)
--Nimble Flier (Dragon 313)
--Power Soar (Dragon 313)
--Power Surge (Dragon 313)
--Tentacular Stalk (Dragon 313)
--Versatile Tyrant (Dragon 313)

--Awaken Frightful Presence (Draconomicon)
--Awaken Spell Resistance (Draconomicon)
--Draconic Knowledge (Draconomicon)
--Endure Blows (Draconomicon)
--Improved Speed (Draconomicon)
--Shockwave (Draconomicon)
--Snatch and Swallow (Draconomicon) (swallow whole victim you successfully grapple w. mouth)
--Tail Constrict (Draconomicon) (constrict victim you hit with a successful tail slap)
--Wingstorm (Draconomicon)

--Agitated Causticity (Dragon 313)
--Astral Fire (Dragon 313)
--Bioelectrical Surge (Dragon 313)
--Bull Blast (Dragon 313)
--Concussive Blast (Dragon 313)
--Dual-Plane Summons (Dragon 313)
--Energy Flare (Dragon 313)
--Harden Energy (Dragon 313)
--Solid Freeze (Dragon 313)

--Baleful Moan (Libris Mortis)
--Corrupted Wildshape (Libris Mortis)
--Death Master (Libris Mortis)
--Empower Ability Damage (Libris Mortis)
--Eviscerator (Libris Mortis)
--Improved Paralysis (Libris Mortis)
--Improved Turn Resistance (Savage Species, Libris Mortis) (+4 to turn resistance)
--Lifebond (Libris Mortis)
--Lifesense (Libris Mortis) (prereq: no constitution score)
--Positive Energy Resistance (Libris Mortis)

This is a compiled list of combat-oriented feats useful to monsters with natural attacks.
These are in addition to those found in the PHB.
--Acrobatic Strike (Player's Handbook II) (+6 on attack against opponent you tumble past)
--Adaptable Flanker (Player's Handbook II) (flank chosen foe from adjacent square)
--Battle Hardened (Dragon 343) (+1 circumstance bonus to AC against 2 or more monsters adjacent to each other)
--Bounding Assault (Player's Handbook II) (attack twice using Spring Attack)
--Brutal Throw (Complete Adventurer) (Use Str instead of Dex for thrown weapons)
--Close Quarters Fighting (Complete Warrior, Draconomicon) (use counterattack to resist grapple)
--Combat Brute (Tactical; Complete Warrior) (gain 3 new maneuvers involving power attack, bull rushing, charging, cleaving, and sundering)
--Combat Intuition (Complete Adventurer) (+1 to attack opponent you engaged in the preceding round)
--Combat Tactitian (Player's Handbook II) (+2 on damage against foe you approach and attack)
--Cometary Collision (Player's Handbook II) (ready action to slam or charge foe)
--Dive for Cover (Complete Adventurer) (Make one retry on failed Ref save, but end up prone)
--Giantbane (Tactical; Complete Warrior) (gain 3 maneuvers useful against larger foes)
--Greater Powerful Charge (Miniatures Handbook, Eberron Campaign Setting) (additional extra damage when you charge)
--Hold the Line (Complete Warrior) (make AoO against charging foe)
--Improved Combat Expertise (Complete Warrior) (reduce your attack bonus to improve AC)
--Intimidating Strike (Player's Handbook II) (use Intimidate check with attack to shake opponent)
--Leap Attack (Complete Adventurer) (doubles damage by power attack on a successful charge)
--Lunging Strike (Player's Handbook II) (extend reach of one attack)
--Melee Evasion (Player's Handbook II) (while fighting defensively, negate foe's attack)
--Overwhelming Assault (Player's Handbook II) (gain bonus against adjacent foe not attacking you)
--Powerful Charge (Miniatures Handbook, Eberron Campaign Setting) (extra damage when you charge)
--Power Critical (Complete Warrior) (+4 bonus to confirm critical with one weapon)
--Power Throw (Complete Adventurer) (use Power Attack with thrown weapons)
--Prone Attack (Complete Warrior) (attack while prone at no penalty and stand up)
--Pushback (Miniatures Handbook) (Push enemy back after melee attack)
--Quick Cleave (Dragon 343) (+2 circumstance bonus on attack roll of additional attacks made due to Cleave and Great Cleave)
--Quick Reconnoiter (Complete Adventurer, Dungeonscape) (Spot and Listen as free actions; +2 on initiative checks)
--Rapid Assault (Tome of Battle) (+1d6 melee damage in 1st rnd of combat)
--Rapid Blitz (Player's Handbook II) (attack three times using Spring Attack)
--Robilar's Gambit (Player's Handbook II) (grant foes bonus on attacks and damage, but their attacks provoke AoO's.)
--Spectral Skirmisher (Player's Handbook II) (Gain bonuses while invisible)
--Staggering Critical (Drow of the Underdark) (critical hit slows victim for 1 rnd)
--Terrifying Warrior (Dragon 343) (after dropping your opponent with Cleave, all opponents within your reach must make a Will save or be panicked)
--Tumbling Feint (Player's Handbook II) (+5 on feint attempt after successful Tumble)

Even unusual and non-humanoid monsters can use most magic items (though they are not automatical proficient with armor, shields, or weapons unless their descriptions state so.)
In general, a monster can wear rings over its foretoes or tentacles, and amulet/collar/necklace over its neck, boots on its hindfeet, gauntlets or bracers over its forelegs or tentacles (tentacled creatures cannot wear gloves unless their tentacles branch-off mid-way into smaller tentacles, e.g. in the case of Cryonax), headwear over its head, goggles over its eyes (if it has any), a belt over its waist (even if non-humanoid), etc. Non-humanoid creatures may also be able to wear robes, vests, and cloaks (if you want visual details, see Dragon 308 or Draconomicon)
There's a whole slew of magic items for monsters in Savage Species, so I won't mention those.
--Draught of Fast Breath (Dragon 308)
--Draught of Metabreath Magic (Draconomicon)
--Fang Scarab (FR: City of the Spider Queen)
--Gem of Enhanced Scent (Dragon 308)
--Ghost Touch quality (DMG) (can also be imbued on armor and other items; allows incorporeal monsters to utilize them)
--Jaws of the Dragon (Draconomicon) (enhance bite attack)
--Necrotic Focus (Libris Mortis) (channel negative energy/energy drain attacks through weapon)
--Pectoral of Maneuverability (Draconomicon)
--Pectoral of Maneuverability, Greater (Draconomicon)
--Profane Burst weapon quality (Libris Mortis)
--Robe of Gentle Repose (FR: City of the Spider Queen)

--Bonebow (Frostburn)
--Chatkcha (Monster Manual 2, Savage Species)
--Crossbow, Aquatic (Stormwrack)
--Gythka (weapon) (Monster Manual 2)
--Heavy Plate Armor (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Pincer Staff (weapon) (Savage Species, Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Snap Tong (weapon) (Book of Vile Darkness) (rutterkin)
--Steel Fins (weapon) (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Tail Blade (weapon) (Dragon 308)
--Tail hammer (weapon) (Dragon 308)
--Tail pick (weapon) (Dragon 308)
--Tail Scythe (FR: Serpent Kingdoms)
--Three-Armed Blade (Book of Vile Darkness) (rutterkin)
--Yuan-Ti Serpent Bow (Dragon 349)

--Amulet of Fearsome Might (Dragon Magic)
--Dragonslayer Claws (Dragon Magic)
--Draught of Keen Senses (Dragon 308)
--Fallen Armor (Dragon 308)
--Gem of Egg Guarding (Dragon 308)
--Gemstone of Fortification (Draconomicon)
--Gloves of Small Grasping (Dragon 308)
--Gorget of Frightful Presence (Dragon 308)
--Lair Guardian (Dragon 308)
--Membrane of Jaunting (Dragon 308)
--Membrane of Turning (Dragon 308)
--Ring of Draconic Zeal (Dragon Magic)
--Ring of Draconic Zeal, Greater (Dragon Magic)
--Ring of Draconic Zeal, Lesser (Dragon Magic)
--Rod of Dragon's Blood (Dragon Magic)
--Tailbands of Impact (Dragon Magic)
--Vial of Explosive Breath (Dragon Magic)

--Dragon Harness (Dragon 308)
--Dragon Howdah (Dragon 308)
--Dragon Saddle (Dragon 308)

--Cephalometer (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Cortical Armor (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Dimensional Tracking Net (Dragon 308)
--Exoarmor (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Extractor Globe (Dragon 308)
--Extractor Shuriken (Dragon 308)
--Halfweight armor property (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Illithid Grafts (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Illithidwrought property (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Tentacle weapon property (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Tentacle Extension (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Tentacle Hooks (Dragon 308)
--Tentacle Net (Dragon 308)
--Trespasser (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)

--Ancient Master (FR: Serpent Kingdoms)
--Beholder Mage (Magic of Faerun, Lords of Madness)
--Blessed of Gruumsh (Dragon 282, Dragon Magazine Compendium)
--Coiled Cabalist (FR: Serpent Kingdoms)
--Emancipated Spawn (Savage Species)
--Ephemeral Exemplar (Libris Mortis)
--Eye of Gruumsh (Complete Warrior)
--Fang of Sseth (FR: Serpent Kingdoms)
--Fiend of Blasphemy (Fiend Folio)
--Fiend of Corruption (Fiend Folio)
--Fiend of Possession (Fiend Folio)
--Hulking Hurler (Complete Warrior)
--Illithid Body Tamer (FR: Underdark)
--Illithid Savant (Savage Species)
--Inquisitor of the Drowning Goddess (FR: Underdark)
--Life Drinker (Book of Vile Darkness)
--Lurking Terror (Libris Mortis)
--Master of Flies (Savage Species)
--Master of Vampire (Libris Mortis)
--Mortal Hunter (Book of Vile Darkness)
--Naga Overlord (FR: Serpent Kingdoms)
--Ocular Master (Dragon 313)
--Orc Warlord (Races of Faerun)
--Scaled Horror (Savage Species)
--Sea Mother Whip (FR: Underdark)
--Siren (Savage Species)
--Slaad Brooder (Savage Species)
--Snake Servant (Dragon 296)
--Soul Eater (Book of Vile Darkness)
--Sphere Minion (Dragon 296)
--Stonedeath Assassin (Races of Stone)
--Sybil (Savage Species)
--Thayan Gladiator (FR: Champions of Ruin)
--Tomb Warden (Libris Mortis)
--Unholy Abomination (Dragon 313)
--Waverider (Savage Species)
--Yuan-Ti Cultist (Savage Species)

--Animal Friend (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Celestial Familiar (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Celestial Mount (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Consecrate Spell Trigger (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Defender of the Homeland (Champions of Valor)
--Elemental Devotee (PSCS Denizens of the Inner Planes) (give allegiance to an Archomental of elemental good)
--Exalted Smite (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Exalted Spell Resistance (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Exalted Turning (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Exalted Wild Shape (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Favored of the Companions (Book of Exalted Deeds) (give allegiance to a paragon guardinal)
--Gift of Discernment (Player's Guide to Faerun)
--Gift of Faith (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Gift of Grace (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Hands of the Healer (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Holy Ki Strike (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Holy Radiance (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Intuitive Attack (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Knight of Stars (Book of Exalted Deeds) (give allegiance to a paragon eladrin)
--Nimbus of Light (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Purify Spell Trigger (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Quell the Profane (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Ranged Smite Evil (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Righteous Wrath (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Sacred Strike (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Sacred Vow (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Servant of the Heavens (Book of Exalted Deeds) (give allegiance to a tome archon)
--Vow of Abstinance (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Vow of Chasticy (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Vow of Nonviolence (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Vow of Obedience (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Vow of Peace (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Vow of Poverty (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Vow of Purity (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Sanctify Ki Strike (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Sanctify Martial Strike (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Sanctify Natural Attack (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Sanctify Weapon (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Servant of the Heavens (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Touch of Golden Ice (Book of Exalted Deeds)
--Words of Creation (Book of Exalted Deeds)

--Abyss-Bound Soul (Fiendish Codex I, Elder Evils)
--Apostate (Elder Evils)
--Automatic Vile Spell (Epic; http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ei/20021110a)
--Beloved of Demons (Exemplars of Evil)
--Blessing of the Godless (Exemplars of Evil)
--Blood War Conscript (Fiendish Codex I)
--Chosen of Evil (Elder Evils)
--Dark Speech (Book of Vile Darkness, Elder Evils)
--Dark Whispers (Elder Evils)
--Demonic Conduit (Fiendish Codex 1)
--Demonsworn Knight (FR: Champions of Ruin)
--Disciple of Darkness (Book of Vile Darkness, FR: Champions of Ruin) (give allegiance to an archdevil)
--Elemental Devotee (PSCS Denizens of the Inner Planes) (give allegiance to an archomental of elemental evil)
--Enemy of Good (Elder Evils)
--Epic Evil Brand (Epic; http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ei/20021110a)
--Evil's Blessing (Elder Evils)
--Evil Brand (Book of Vile Darkness, FR: Champions of Ruin, Exemplars of Evil)
--Evil Embraced (FR: Champions of Ruin)
--Harvester of Souls (Elder Evils)
--Hellbound Knight (FR: Champions of Ruin)
--Hellsworn (Exemplars of Evil)
--Insane Defiance (Elder Evils)
--Lichloved (Book of Vile Darkness, Elder Evils)
--Master's Will (Elder Evils)
--Murderous Intent (Elder Evils)
--Sacrificial Mastery (Book of Vile Darkness)
--Scion of Sorrow (FR: Book of Vile Darkness) (give alligiance to an oinoloth)
--Slave to Evil (Elder Evils)
--Spider Bite (Player's Guide to Faerun)
--Thrall to Demon (Book of Vile Darkness, Fiendish Codex I, FR: Champions of Ruin, Elder Evils) (give allegiance to a demon)
--Tormented Knight (FR: Champions of Ruin)
--Unspeakable Vow (Drow of the Underdark)
--Verminfriend (Book of Vile Darkness) (why is this vile?)
--Vile Deathstrike (Epic; http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ei/20021110a)
--Vile Ki Strike (Book of Vile Darkness, Elder Evils)
--Vile Martial Strike (Book of Vile Darkness, Elder Evils)
--Vile Natural Attack (Book of Vile Darkness, Elder Evils)
--Vile Smite (Epic; http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ei/20021110a)
--Violate Spell (Book of Vile Darkness, Dragon 360)
--Violate Spell Like Ability (Book of Vile Darkness)
--Vow of Decadence (Drow of the Underdark)
--Vow of the Spider Queen (Drow of the Underdark)
--Vow of Vengeance (Drow of the Underdark)

VARIANT SACRIFICIAL REWARDS FOR CELEBRANTS (see Book of Vile Darkness for details)
15- Bear's Endurance, Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Eagle's Splendor, Fox's Cunning, or Owl's Wisdom upon the celebrant for 24 hours
25- Barkskin (20th level) upon the celebrant for 24 hours.
30- Bear's Endurance, Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Eagle's Splendor, Fox's Cunning, or Owl's Wisdom upon those witnessing the ceremony (one individual per HD of the victim) for 24 hours
30 Magic Fang (cast at 20th level) on the celebrant's natural weapon for 24 hours
35- Barkskin (20th level upon those whitnessing the ceremony (1 individual per HD of the victim) for 24 hours
40- Greater Magic Fang (cast 20th level) upon natural weapons of witnesses to the ceremony (one natural weapon per HD of the victim) for 24 hours

-----------NEW MONSTER FEATS--------------

Gain additional daily use of a spell-like ability.
Prerequisites: Use of a spell-like ability of min. 2nd level + at least one additional ability at least 1 level lower, limited daily use of a spell-like ability one or more levels lower than highest level ability, equivalent caster level 4th or higher
Benefit: The creature gains one additional daily use of a spell-like ability that cannot be used 'at will', up to one level lower than the highest level spell-like ability it can currently cast.
Special: The creature can gain this feat multiple times. Each time, it gains an additional use of a spell-like ability up to 1 level lower than the highest level ability it can currently use.
For example, a monster with at least one 0th, 1st, and 2nd level spell-like abilities gains an extra daily use of either a 0-level or 1st level spell-like ability, and that extra use applies to any of its spell-like abilities of that chosen level. Once selected, the extra daily spell-like ability never changes level.

Prerequisite: Base Attack Bonus +5, one or more natural weapons, Weapon Focus with chosen natural weapon
Benefit: same as "Versatile Unarmed Strike" (see Player's Handbook II for details on this feat), except that it applies to one of the creature's natural weapons instead of an unarmed strike.

-------------NEW MAGIC ITEMS---------------

This magic item is essentially the same as a memento magica (Magic Item Compendium; I don't recall if it occurs in any other sources), except that it allows the creature one additional daily use of a spell-like (Su) or psi-like ability when activated. Unfortunately, this wonderous item has no standard appearance beyond a sphere about 3 inches in diameter. The material varies widely depending on the type of monster it is made or owned by. The material can be made from, among other things, stone, semiprecious or precious minerals, a rather large pearl (common manifestation among aquatic monsters), precious or semiprecious metals (among outer planar species, it commonly consists of a sphere of a solid metal indigenous to the creature's plane-- e.g. Abyssal bloodiron among demons) etc. Actually, there is one other feature all Spheres of Monstrous Power share; they are covered in magical symbols, though these too vary among different monster species and races. Those of civilized races and extraplanar races tend to be covered in runes-- either draconic, or of the creature's native language (though often in more antiquated or archaic forms). Among more primitive races and species, these symbols take the form of crude glyphs.
Please note that this item only restores spell-like and psi-like abilities; it has no effect on prepared or spontaneous spells.
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous item, abil­ity to use a spell-like ability of the level to be regained, Int 10 or higher
In all other aspects, this item is identical to "Memento Magica", an item detailed in the Magic Item Compendium.

--------NEW EXALTED/VILE FEATS----------
Your sneak attack is enhanced by your complete devotion to an evil-aligned deity or power.
Prerequisites and Benefit: Same as "Sacred Strike" (see Book of Exalted Deeds), except that it instead applies to a good creature and the sneak attack damage is considered evil-aligned.

Your smite ability can be channeled through your ranged weapon.
Prerequisites: Smite good class ability
Benefit: Same as "Ranged Smite Evil" (see Book of Exalted Deeds), except that it counts as a use of your Smite Good ability.

Your smite ability is empowered with unholy energy.
Prerequisites: Smite good class ability.
Benefit: same as "Exalted Smite" (see Book of Exalted Deeds), except that your weapon is considered evil-aligned.

Champions of Ruin introduces an additional feat based off of the "Thrall to Demon/Scion of Sorrow/Disciple of Darkness" tree which deals additional damage to creatures of opposing alignments. I intend to make similar feats for Knight of the Stars/Favored of the Champions/Servant of the Heavens, except that I'm stumped on what minor physical change this would cause to the wielder (Demonsworn Knight causes one's eyes to turn pitch black and they grow sharp fangs; Hellbound Knight causes one's eyes to turn blood red; Tormented Knight causes one's flesh to turn ghastly pale and become cool to the touch)

xidoraven's picture
Joined: 2009-10-17
Re: Outer Planes Resource Index

"--Titan, Strombringer (Dragon 357)" in your first post - is this supposed to be 'Stormbringer'? Also, you could add a link to the Beastlands/Guardinal discussion at the part about the Beastlands where you mention it.

I am so glad that my discussion has started firing neurons on this site. Eye-wink There hasn't been any responses in a while though... Did I lose everyone? Maybe it was because I started in on the tech stuff and Mechanus...? I could always shift that stuff over to a new thread, I guess... Sticking out tongue

Is there anywhere that has some of these Dragon Magazine creatures, so I can see the stats and information about them? I just don't have the funds to buy all those wonderful Dragon editions to review creatures that will help me.... I am currently working on Beastlands stuff, Guardinals (Dinopriminals), Mechanus & Tech (Mechanoids - including Aphanacts), Titans (and kin, which I include giants in that category - as 'Rephaim', using the biblical term), and Judaic angelic creatures, including the Seraphim. I want to make a version of Pazuzu that uses the Seraphim as a base creature before his 'fall from grace'. I have the edition of Dragon Magazine that features him (and the Kenku ecology), but do not have either of the Fiendish Codices - are the versions of Pazuzu in these publications different from one another in any way, do you know?

Okay, sorry to go off topic. I am just in the middle of several large projects with a lot on my mind. Eye-wink I should probably focus on one topic and make my campaign setting materials for that first.... But I can't help but want to cover all the wonderful subjects which are for the most part overlooked. Can you blame me? Eye-wink Sticking out tongue

Best wishes,

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Outer Planes Resource Index

The closest thing you can get to Dragon Magazine stats is the indexes on Crystalkeep, which are pretty darn handy (but not perfect, as they are missing a few sources, some indexes more than others. I think the monster index is actually the most complete one, though. Also, the spell indexes are in an annoying format)

You were asking for a pic of Primus. I saw something in the Dragondex about "Primus", but I don't know if it is referring to THAT Primus or not, nor do I know if the volume provides any pics of him as I lack said volume.

I would strongly recommend purchasing the "Planes of Conflict" Planescape accessory before you buy more Dragon Magazine stuff (most of the 2E and earlier edition stuff sell for 4.99 USD), as it is essential for fleshing out the Beastlands.

xidoraven's picture
Joined: 2009-10-17
Re: Outer Planes Resource Index

I took a peek at the Crystalkeep site, and I was not really impressed, but only because it didn't offer the details I am really looking for - which require the full stat blocks.... I wonder how difficult it would be for me to work with Paizo Publishing on getting and utilizing creature stats to develop more material which would be 3.5 specific and helpful even to the Pathfinder RPG....? I have never tried to work with that company, even though I have communicated with other similar groups like Wizards (pre-43) and Monte Cook (actually, Sue Cook).

In any case, thanks for the input and I appreciate any more insights that can be gleaned from working with people on this site. I am excited about how much I have already learned and worked with, but there is just so much more work to do that I don't want to skimp out and have a cruddy end product.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Outer Planes Resource Index

You're welcome.
I have no idea about working with the Paizo staff, except that some staff members are members of this site, so I suppose you could ask them about it if nothing else.
Also, be warned that the 2E sourcebooks are not sold via hard-copy anymore; they're PDF-only, I believe, and unfortunately most Planescape PDFs are 'image' only (can't copy and paste the script to clipboard)

There were also some Dragon Magazine articles regarding Planescape, though I don't think there is anything on the Beastlands. Though again, your first task should be purchasing a PDF of "Planes of Conflict". (You might want to secure a copy of Planes of Law as well since you are into Mechanus stuff) In addition to that, you will want the Planescape Monstrous Compendiums 1 and 2 (3 deals only with inner planar creatures which is more my domain Sticking out tongue). If you've never seen 2E monster stats before, you're in for a real treat, because the 2E stats contain more fluff (like SOME of the 3x sourcebooks, they include paragraphs on ecology and society, and in addition, the stat blocks include activity cycle and diet.)

Your priorities purchase-wide should be in this order:

--Planes of Conflict

--Planescape Monstrous Compendium II
Beastlands/Mechanus monsters included:
Arcane (renamed as Mercane in 3x)
Balaena (basically the Elsewhale, except that it only travels Oceanus)
Quill (I don't think this was ever converted to 3x)

--Planescape Monstrous Compendium I
Beastlands/Mechanus monsters included:
Animal Lord
Foo Creature
Mediator (monster never converted to 3x)

BTW, if you think Pazuzu is interesting, you should see... lemee see, what's his name?
Malkizid, from Champions of Ruin. Not only is this guy a fallen Archon who became an Archdevil (who was then deposed), but now he apparently rules as a Yugoloth lord over one of the layers of Gehenna.

BTW, I'm thinking about eventually creating a new (unrecognized in Sigil) faction-- the Purgers (also known as "The Birthright" and "Purifiers"
I don't have a PS-eque writeup for them yet, but they're a group found throughout the Inner Planes, Lower Planes, and ESPECIALLY the Outlands. They're fanatics who believe in a pristine ecology, and that only natives of the plane should be rulers. There are two different 'fronts' to this group; an exermination-oriented front called the "Purifiers" (consisting primarily of druids and rangers, but also of fighters, clerics, paladins of tyrrany, paladins of slaughter, and any combination of the five.) and a political wing called the "Birthright" (consisting primarily of rogues and bards, with a few paladins of tyrrany and slaughter here and there). The extermination-oriented front is quite open and direct, whereas the political front is quite secretive (esp. on the Lower Planes). The political front works to inflame prejudice against non-native diplomats (such as the hag countess) to sabotage the efforts of such beings, and to act as or aid spies of said diplomats' enemies. They do not engage diplomats directly since on the Lower Planes that equates to suicide.
The extermination front specializes in just that-- purging their home plane of non-indigenous lifeforms. While some neutral-aligned members prefer banishment spells, harassment, and extortion to remove non-natives (at least the sentient ones), most evil-aligned members as well as some neutrally aligned ones have no qualms about killing non-natives on sight.
The Purgers tolerate planar travelers and traders, but will not stand for non-natives making permanent settlements on their home plane.
Nonetheless, it is possible (though likely difficult) for a non-native to join this faction, PROVIDED he takes a vow of celibacy. To this end, non-native settlers may also be tolerated, but they will be closely monitored to ensure they live up to their oaths. Those who violate this oath are killed. The oath is null and void if the non-native returns to their native plane. Though traders are usually left alone, there is one exception to this rule: the importation of live or viable exotic lifeforms. Purgers consider this a crime against nature and will slay any merchant (or the entire caravan if they are all at fault) for importing live, exotic plants and animals.
Leaving the plane with native flora and fauna is also forbidden.
In addition, Purgers (Purifiers in particular) hold conjurers and transmuters in great suspicion, and often demand that a faction member accompany any party/traveler with such a specialist. They also possess spells that detect whether or not the subject has prepared or knows baleful polymorph (as well as other polymorph spells and appearance-altering illusion spells). Faction members consider baleful polymorph and conjuration spells that summon extraplanar lifeforms to also be a crime against nature, and will slay both the polymorphed/summoned creatures and the spellcaster who transmuted/summoned them.
Familiars and animal companions bound to their planewalking masters are tolerated.
They are, once again, more active on the Outlands than on any other plane, as the ecosystem of the Outlands is the worst defiled (in their minds.) More than anything else, purgers despise aberrations, and go to great lengths to kill any found on or who step upon their plane-- even if they are traders. Many faction members (especially those living on the Ethereal, which is the 2nd most mucked-up plane) specialize in hunting aberrations, and many multiclass in aberration-exterminating classes found in "Lords of Madness". They also despise constructs and the undead (except in the Gray Waste, where they are considered part of the ecology)

It's possible that this faction may exist in small, underground sects on the Upper Planes, though due to the inclusive nature of the powers of these planes, they are unwelcome there and either chased out or killed whenever discovered.

Planetouched beings and cross-planar half breeds are despised, and only allowed to live if they make a vow of celibacy (cross-planar outsiders are not given this benefit, being immortal, and are instead killed on sight.

Purifiers discourage miscenigation between native planar species, but take no actions against it, and (most) do not treat the offspring of such unions any differently than a purebreed.

Purifiers generally don't take any action against creatures with congenital disorders, as this is outside their scope of interest.

Some paladins and priests (usually neutrally-aligned) run missions in gate towns which give aid to native races and cure natives and planewalkers alike of extraplanar diseases. A planewalker who fails to seek treatment and is aware of his planar disease, who ends up spreading it to others in the plane will be punished.

What do you guys think?

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Re: Outer Planes Resource Index

Hyena of Ice wrote:
BTW, I'm thinking about eventually creating a new (unrecognized in Sigil) faction

I believe that's called a sect.


Pants of the North!

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Outer Planes Resource Index

Not necessarily. There are several factions (yes, FACTIONS) not recognized as such by Sigil, such as the Ragers (and of course unrecognized factions are illegal in Sigil. That said, the Purgers wouldn't have any interest in the City of Doors, anyway)

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Re: Outer Planes Resource Index

Hate to break it to you but the Ragers are only a sect (cf. Planescape Monster Compendium II, p 76)

There are fifteen factions, period. Anything that isn't one of those fifteen is a sect.


http://kaitou-kage.deviantart.com/ -- My deviantART gallery

http://www.planescapemetamorphosis.com/ -- Planescape: Metamorphosis, a Planescape webcomic in the works

Idran's picture
Joined: 2007-06-10
Re: Outer Planes Resource Index

Center of All wrote:
Hate to break it to you but the Ragers are only a sect (cf. Planescape Monster Compendium II, p 76)

There are fifteen factions, period. Anything that isn't one of those fifteen is a sect.

You're assuming that Hyena's talking about pre-Faction War. Sticking out tongue

xidoraven's picture
Joined: 2009-10-17
Re: Outer Planes Resource Index

Hyena of Ice wrote:
You were asking for a pic of Primus. I saw something in the Dragondex about "Primus", but I don't know if it is referring to THAT Primus or not, nor do I know if the volume provides any pics of him as I lack said volume.

I would strongly recommend purchasing the "Planes of Conflict" Planescape accessory before you buy more Dragon Magazine stuff (most of the 2E and earlier edition stuff sell for 4.99 USD), as it is essential for fleshing out the Beastlands.

I now have 'Planes of Conflict' and 'The Great Modron March' which features an image of the Prime on page 13. That should cover me for now to understand what you guys mean. There are great maps in the attached appendices for 'Planes of Conflict' too.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Monsters by Cultural Theme

This is a work in progress. A few categories overlap. Eventually, I intend to get racial categories written out as well. This list is meant for stock creatures to place in divine realms. To assist in that, the alignment of the creature is listed in initials on the left side. This is strictly a 3x list. An aterisk by the alignment means that the creature is always of that alignment.

(See also the Greco-Roman mythology list for fabled monsters of Ethiopia)
*CE Chemosit (Creature Catalogue Converted) (east)
*NN Dingonek (EN World Converted) (western)
LE Lycanthrope, Wereleopard (Denizens of Dread)
*CE Snake, Jaculi (this is actually a creature from a novel by Charles R. Saunders that takes place in fictional Africa) (FR: Serpent Kingdoms)

NG Eagle, Giant (Monster Manual) (all)
*CN Gahonga (EN World Converted) (Iroquois/NE)
NN Hairy Wildman (Mythic Vistas: Skull & Bones) *note this is just one appelation of the wildmen of American native folklore-- the wendigo and other transformed cannibals is another)
*NG Jogah, Gan-Da-Yah (EN World Converted) (Iroquois/NE)
*CG Jogah, Ga-Hon-Ga (EN World Converted) (Iroquois/NE)
LN Jogah, Oh-Do-Wa (EN World Converted) (Iroquois/NE)
*CE Lycanthrope, Seawolf (NW Coast)
*LG Lycanthrope, Werebear (Monster Manual) (all)
*CE Demon, Manitou (Dragon 359) (Algonquian)
NN Rainbow Crow (Heroes of Battle) (NW Coast, Interior W. Coastal, though Heroes of Battle claims they are only found in the Redwood Sierras..)
*LN Sisiutl (Stormwrack) (NW Coast)
*NN Raven, Giant (Frostburn) (NW Coast, Interior W. Coastal)
*CG Thunderbird (Sandstorm) (all)
*CE Wendigo [template] (Fiend Folio) (Algonquian; similar creatures, e.g. the skookum, exist in NW Coast legend, and possibly among other groups as well. The Wendigo, skookum, etc. are cautionary tales against cannibalism during times of starvation.)
MONSTERS OF LEGEND: Giant Eagle, Giant Raven, Rainbow Crow, Sisiutl, Thunderbird

*NG Angel (various)
LG Aventi (Stormwrack)
*NG Buraq (EN World Converted)
*CE Demon (various)
*LE Devil (various)
*NE Famine Spirit (Monster Manual II)
*NE Genie, Dao (Manual of the Planes)
*CG Genie, Djinni (Monster Manual)
*LE Genie, Efreeti (Monster Manual)
NN Genie, Janni (Monster Manual)
CN Genie, Khayal (Tome of Magic)
*CN Genie, Marid (Manual of the Planes)
*LN Genie, Qorrashi (Frostburn)
*CE Ghoul (Monster Manual)
*CE Ghoul, Abyssal (Fiend Folio)
*LE Lycanthrope, Werejackal (Denizens of Dread)
LE Nasnas (EN World Converted)
*NN Roc (Monster Manual)

NN Bunyip (EN World Converted)
*NN Drop Bear (EN World Converted)
CE Will O' Wisp (Monster Manual) *called Min-Min*

*NG Deva (Monster Manual, Fiend Folio, Wizards Website)
(varies) Niou (Jade Dragons & Hungry Ghosts)

*CE Akilem (Mythic Vistas: Testament)
CE --Leviathan/Lotan (Mythic Vistas: Testament)
*CE Zebub-Spawn (Mythic Vistas: Testament)

CELTIC (High Scottish, Irish, Welsh)
CG Asrai (EN World Converted Monsters)
*CE Baobhan Sith (RL: Denizens of Dread)
*CE Demon, Balor (Monster Manual)
NE Banshee (Monster Manual II)
LG Brownie (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/al/20041006a)
NE Fachan (EN World Converted Monsters)
NN Giant, Firbolg (Monster Manual II)
NE Giant, Formorian (Monster Manual II)
*CN Glaistig (Monster Manual III)
CE Hag, Annis (Monster Manual)
*CE Kelpie (Fiend Folio)
NN Leprechaun (En World Converted)
NN Lycanthrope, Selkie (Fiend Folio)
NN Merfolk (Monster Manual)
CE Merrow (Monster Manual)
NG Pech (Denizens of the Inner Planes)
CN Pixie (Monster Manual)
C_ Spriggan (Fiend Folio)
NN Ur'epona (Planar Handbook)
CN Wild Hunt, Hound of the Hunt (Monster Manual V)
CN Wild Hunt, Master of the Hunt (Monster Manual V)
CE Will O' Wisp (Monster Manual)

*LG Kirin/Chi-lin (OA)
*LG Houou/Feng Huang (Creatures of Rokugan)
*LN, LE Kuang Shi (Jade Dragons & Hungry Ghosts)
*LE Sea Bonze (EN World Converted)
*_G Sennin (this is actually the Japanese name, but it is of Chinese origin) (Jade Dragons & Hungry Ghosts)
*CE Vampire, Hopping (Oriental Adventures)
CE Will O' Wisp (Monster Manual) *called "Gui-Huo"*

*NG Angel (various)
*LE Archdevil, Asmodeus (Fiendish Codex II)
*LE Archdevil, Baalzebub (Fiendish Codex II)
*LE Archdevil, Belial (Fiendish Codex II)
*LE Archdevil, Glasya (Fiendish Codex II)
*LE Archdevil, Mammon (Fiendish Codex II)
*LE Archdevil, Mephistopheles (Fiendish Codex II)
*CE Demon (various)
*CE Demon Lord, Astaroth
*CE Demon Lord, Demogorgon (Fiendish Codex I)
*CE Demon Lord, Haagenti
*CE Demon Lord, Laraje
*LE Devil (various)
*LE Devil, Legion (Fiendish Codex II)
*LE Devil, Pit Fiend (Monster Manual)
LE Dragon, Sin (Mythic Vistas: Testament)
CE Leviathan/Rahab (Mythic Vistas: Testament)
CE Nephilim (Mythic Vistas: Testament)
*LG Tome Archon, Barachiel (BoED)
*LG Tome Archon, Raziel (BoED)
*LG Tome Archon, Sealtiel (BoED)

*NN Griffon (Monster Manual)
*NN Imiut (Mythic Vistas: Hamunapatra Egyptian Adventures)
*NG Phoenix (Monster Manual II)
*NE Snake, Apep-Spawn (Mythic Vistas: Testament)
CG Sphinx, Androsphinx (Monster Manual)
NE Sphinx, Canisphinx (Sandstorm)
NN Sphinx, Criosphinx (Monster Manual)
*CE Sphinx, Crocosphinx (Sandstorm)
NN Sphinx, Gynosphinx (Monster Manual)
CE Sphinx, Hieracosphinx (Monster Manual)
*NN Sphinx, Loquasphinx (Tome of Magic)
NN Sphinx, Saurosphinx (Sandstorm)
*NG Sphinx, Threskasphinx (Sandstorm)

CG Asrai (EN World Converted Monsters)
*LE Barghest (Monster Manual)
LG Blink Dog (Monster Manual)
CE Boggart I (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/al/20041006a)
*CE Boggart II (EN World Converted)
LG Brownie (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/al/20041006a)
*NG Dobie (EN World Converted) (English-- also a Tolkien creature)
CE Hag, Annis (Monster Manual)
CE Hag, Green (Monster Manual)
CE Hag, Sea (Monster Manual)
*CE Lycanthrope, Werewolf (Monster Manual)
*NG Sprite, Pixie (Monster Manual)
C_ Spriggan (Fiend Folio)
CE Will O' Wisp (Monster Manual)
*NE Yeth Hound (Monster Manual)

CE Will O' Wisp (Monster Manual) *Called Aarnivalkea, Virvatuli, or Liekkio; may guard buried swamp treasure)

NN Actaeon (EN World Converted)
*NN Amphisbaena (said to be located in Ethiopia) (FR: Serpent Kingdoms)
*NN Ant, Monstrous (said to be located in India and Ethiopia, though. They dig up gold and guard gold fields. Were said to inhabit deserts.) (Monster Manual)
NN Aranea (based off of Arachne) (Monster Manual)
*NN Automaton (Monster Manual II)
*CN Bacchae (Fiend Folio) *servants of Dionysus*
*NN Basilisk (Monster Manual) (said to be native to Ethiopia, though)
*NE Callicantzaros (EN World Converted)
*NN Caryatid Column (Fiend Folio)
*NN Catoblepas (said to reside in Ethiopia)
NG Centaur (Monster Manual)
CE Chimaera (Monster Manual)
*NN Crab, Monstrous (Stormwrack)
NE Death Dog (Fiend Folio)
*CE Demon Lord, Orcus (Fiendish Codex I)
*CE Demon, Manes (Fiendish Codex I)
*LE Devil, Erinyes (Monster Manual)
*LE Devil, Lemure (Monster Manual)
*LE Dragon, Chromatic Green (Monster Manual)
CG Dryad (Monster Manual)
CE Giant, Hill (Monster Manual)
NN Giant, Stone (Monster Manual)
NN Gorgon (Monster Manual)
NN Griffon (said to be in Persia and India) (Monster Manual)
*NN Hamadryad (EN World Converted)
CE Harpy (Monster Manual)
LE Hellhound (Monster Manual)
NN Hippocampus (Stormwrack)
*NN Hippogriff (Monster Manual)
NN Hydra (Monster Manual)
*_E Keres/Ker (EN World Converted)
CE Lamia (Monster Manual)
CE Lamia Noble (Expedition to the Demonweb Pits)
*CE Leucrotta (said to be native to India and Ethiopia) (Waterdeep, Monsters of Faerun)
*CE Lycanthrope, Werewolf (Monster Manual)
LE Maedar (EN World Converted)
LE Manticore (Monster Manual) (said to be in Persia, India, and Ethiopia)
LE Medusa (Monster Manual)
CE Minotaur (Monster Manual) (this is actually a Greek portmaneau of "Minoan Taurus.")
CN Nereid (Stormwrack) *freshwater subspecies*
CN Nereid, Oceanid (Stormwrack) *saltwater subspecies*
CG Nymph (Monster Manual)
*LN Oread (Fiend Folio)
CG Pegasus (Monster Manual)
*NG Phoenix (Monster Manual II)
CN Satyr (Monster Manual)
*NN Scorpion, Monstrous (Sandstorm)
LE Scyllan (Stormwrack)
CN Sirine (Monster Manual II)
*NN Snake, Constrictor, Large+ (Monster Manual)
CG Sphinx, Androsphinx (Monster Manual) (said to be native to Egypt)
NE Sphinx, Canisphinx (Sandstorm) (said to be native to Egypt)
NN Sphinx, Criosphinx (Monster Manual) (said to be native to Egypt)
*CE Sphinx, Crocosphinx (Sandstorm) (said to be native to Egypt)
NN Sphinx, Gynosphinx (Monster Manual) (said to be native to Egypt, Greece, and Ethiopia)
CE Sphinx, Hieracosphinx (Monster Manual) (said to be native to Egypt)
*NN Sphinx, Loquasphinx (Tome of Magic) (said to be native to Egypt)
NN Sphinx, Saurosphinx (Sandstorm) (said to be native to Egypt, but also works for Ethiopia and India)
*NG Sphinx, Threskasphinx (Sandstorm) (said to be native to Egypt, but also works for Middleast and Africa)
C_ Titan (Monster Manual)
NG Triton (Monster Manual)
*CG Unicorn (Monster Manual) (said to be located in India)
_E Vampire (Monster Manual) (vampires are servants of Hecate)
*NN Yale (said to be native to Ethiopia)
*NE Yeth Hound (Monster Manual) (the cerberus for Gray Waste)

*NG Angel (Monster Manual, EN World Converted)
*LE Archdevil, Asmodeus (Fiendish Codex II)
*LE Archdevil, Baalzebub (Fiendish Codex II)
*LE Archdevil, Belial (Fiendish Codex II)
*LG Archon (Monster Manual, Book of Exalted Deeds)
*CE Demon (various)
*CE Demon, Lilitu (Fiendish Codex I)
*CE Demon, Loumara, Dybbuk (Fiendish Codex I)
*LE Devil (various)
LE Dragon, Sin (Mythic Vistas: Testament)
Golem (various)
NN Leviathan (Monster Manual II)
CE Leviathan/Rahab (Mythic Vistas: Testament)
CE Nephilim (Mythic Vistas: Testament)
*NN Raven, Giant (Frostburn)
*NN Sea Goat (Mythic Vistas: Testament)
*NN Shamir (Mythic Vistas: Testament)
*LG Tome Archon, Raziel (BoED)
*LG Tome Archon, Zaphkiel (BoED)
*NG Ziz (Mythic Vistas: Testament)

(See also Greco-Roman for fabled creatures of India)
*NE Bhut (Fiend Folio)
*NG Deva (Monster Manual, Fiend Folio)
*NN Lycanthrope, Weretiger (Monster Manual)
*LN Marut (Monster Manual)
*LE Naga, Bone (Monster Manual II)
*_E Naga, Bone [Template] (Serpent Kingdoms)
CE Naga, Bright (Miniatures)
LE Naga, Dark (Monster Manual)
LG Naga, Guardian (Monster Manual)
CG Naga, Iridescent (Serpent Kingdoms)
CE Naga, Spirit (Monster Manual)
NN Naga, Water (Monster Manual)
*LE Rakshasa (Monster Manual)
*CG Unicorn (Monster Manual)
CE Will O' Wisp (Monster Manual)

*NG Bull, Sacred Winged (Mythic Vistas: Hittites)
LN Eagle, Two-Headed (Mythic Vistas: Hittites)
CE Leviathan/Hedammu (Mythic Vistas: Testament & Hittites)

(Note: The Green Ronin book, Jade Dragons & Hungry Ghosts, presents the bestiary in form truer to the original Japanese folklore than OA or Creatures of Rokugan-- especially the latter. Despite being a Green Ronin book, several of the WotC staff took part in its construction.)
NE Awabi (Jade Dragons & Hungry Ghosts)
*CE Bakemono (OA) (this is just a generic term for ghosts and monsters of spiritual origin)
CG Bakeneko (Creatures of Rokugan)
*NN Baku (Creatures of Rokugan)
*NN Centipede, Spirit (OA)
*LE Hebi no Onna (RL: Denizens of Dread)
CG/CE Hengeyoukai (proper spelling) (OA)
*LG Houou/Feng Huang (Creatures of Rokugan)
*CE Ikiryou (Jade Dragons & Hungry Ghosts)
*LE Ikiryou II (Creatures of Rokugan) (not an accurate portrayal)
*CE Ittan Momen (Jade Dragons & Hungry Ghosts)
*NE Jikininki (Jade Dragons & Hungry Ghosts)
CN Kappa (OA)
*CE Kijo (Jade Dragons & Hungry Ghosts)
*LG Kirin/Chi-lin (OA)
CG Kitsune (Creatures of Rokugan) (alignment incorrect; they are just as likely to be CE in folklore)
*LE Kizoku (Denizens of Dread)
*CE Konaki Jiji (Jade Dragons & Hungry Ghosts)
CG Korobokuru (OA)
*NE Mamono (not very accurate to original meaning-- it's just a generic term for demonic beasts.) (OA)
*LN Mokumokuren (Creatures of Rokugan)
CN Mujina (Rokugan Campaign Setting)
__ Niou (Jade Dragons & Hungry Ghosts)
CN Ningyou (proper spelling) (Creatures of Rokugan)
CN Nue (Creatures of Rokugan) (meh, the original folklore Nue is better and scarier both fluff-wise and mechanics-wise.)
NE Obake (Creatures of Rokugan)
NE Orochi (Creatures of Rokugan)
CE Rokurokubi (Oriental Adventures)
*LN Ryuujin (unique) (Jade Dragons & Hungry Ghosts)
CN Samebito (Jade Dragons & Hungry Ghosts)
*LE Sea Bonze (EN World Converted)
LE Shikome (Jade Dragons & Hungry Ghosts)
C_ Shiryou (Jade Dragons & Hungry Ghosts)
__ Shiryou II (Creatures of Rokugan) (technically both sources are accurate-- this is just a generic term for spirits of dead people)
*CG Tanuki (Jade Dragons & Hungry Ghosts) (alignment not correct; they're just as often CN)
*CG Tanuki II (Creatures of Rokugan)
NN Tengu (Oriental Adventures)
*NE Ubagahi (Jade Dragons & Hungry Ghosts)
*NN Ubume (Creatures of Rokugan) (not very accurate portrayal)
CE Will O' Wisp (Monster Manual)
CE Yasha (Jade Dragons & Hungry Ghosts)
NN Yeti (called "Yuki Otoko") (Frostburn)
*CE Youkai (Creatures of Rokugan) (not very accurate portrayal)
*NN Yourei (Creatures of Rokugan)
CG Yousei (Jade Dragons & Hungry Ghosts)
CN Yukionna (Frostburn)
*CN Zashiki Warashi (Creatures of Rokugan) (personality/behavior isn't very accurate)

CE Ahuizotl (Fiend Folio) (Aztec)
LN Chac (Mayan) (EN World Converted)
*NN Cipactli (Dragon 317) (Aztec)
*LG Couatl (all) (Monster Manual)
NN Hairy Wildman (Mythic Vistas: Skull & Bones)
LN Lycanthrope, Werejaguar (Denizens of Dread)
*CE Xtabay (Dragon 317) (Mayan)

*CE Manggus (EN World Converted)

NORSE (Anglo, Germanic, Saxon, Scandanavian)
*LE Devil, Imp (Monster Manual)
LG Dwarf (Monster Manual)
NN Dwarf, Midgard (Frostburn)
CG Elf (Monster Manual)
CE Elf, Drow (Monster Manual)
*NN Fossergrim (Fiend Folio)
LE Giant, Fire (Monster Manual)
CE Giant, Frost (Monster Manual)
LE Kobold (Monster Manual)
NE Kraken (Monster Manual)
NN Lycanthrope, Selkie (Fiend Folio)
*LG Lycanthrope, Werebear (Monster Manual)
NN Mermaid (Saxon only) (Monster Manual)
CG Ratatosk (Expedition to the Demonweb Pits)
*NN Sprite, Nixie (Monster Manual)
CE Troll (Monster Manual)
*LE Wight (Monster Manual)
CE Will O' Wisp (Monster Manual)
NE Worg (Monster Manual)

OCEANIC (Fiji, Hawaii, Melanesia, Micronesia, Papua New Guinea, Polynesia)
*CE Dogai (EN World Converted)

*CG Asura (Book of Exalted Deeds)
*NE Famine Spirit (Monster Manual II)
*CE Ghoul (Monster Manual)
*Ghoul, Abyssal (Fiend Folio)
LE Manticore (Monster Manual
CN Ophidian (Fiend Folio)
*LN Per [Template] (EN World Converted)
*NG Phoenix (Monster Manual II)
*NN Roc (Monster Manual)
*LG Simurgh (Dragon 334)

ROMA (gypsy)
*-G Ravenkin (Denizens of Dread)
*NG Lycanthrope, Wereraven (Denizens of Dread)

SE ASIAN (Burmese, Malay, Phillipino, Vietnamese, etc.)
*CG Nat (Burmese/Bamar) (Oriental Adventures)
CE Tikbalang (Phillipino) (Jade Dragons & Hungry Ghosts)
*CE Tikbalang II (Phillipino) (EN WOrld Converted)

NE Banshee (Monster Manual II)
*CE Demon Lord, Kostchtchie (Fiendish Codex I)
CG Domovoi (Frostburn)
*LE Dragon, Chromatic Blue (Monster Manual)
*CE Dragon, Chromatic Red (Monster Manual)
CE Giant, Frost (Monster Manual)
CE Giant, Hill (Monster Manual)
CE Hag, Annis (Monster Manual)
CE Hag, Green (Monster Manual)
NN Hydra, Pyro (Monster Manual)
NG Leshy (EN World Converted)
CN Leshii (Dragon 290)
*CE Lycanthrope, Werewolf (MM)
CE Marzanna (Frostburn)
*NG Phoenix (Monster Manual II)
*NN Raven, Giant (Frostburn)
CN Rusalka (Frostburn, Dragon Magazine
_E Vampire (Monster Manual)
CG Vila (Dragon 290)
CE Vodyanoi (Frostburn)

_E Huecuva [Template] (Fiend Folio)
NE Octopus Tree (Fiend Folio)
CE Will O' Wisp (Monster Manual)

LE Asag (Dragon 334)
*CE Demon, Anzu (Dragon 329)
*CE Demon, Imhullu (Mythic Vistas: Testament)
*CE Demon, Lilitu (Fiendish Codex I)
*CE Demon Lord, Dagon (Fiendish Codex I)
*CE Demon Lord, Lamashtu
*CE Demon Lord, Pazuzu (Fiendish Codex I)
*CE Dragon, Death/Dahak (Mythic Vistas: Testament)
LE Humbaba (Dragon 334)
NE Humbaba (Mythic Vistas: Testament)
*LG Lamassu (Monster Manual)
LE Scorpionfolk (Monster Manual II)
*NN Scorpion Guard (Mythic Vistas: Testament)
*LG Shedu (Fiend Folio)
CN Sirrush (Epic Level Handbook)
*CE Utukku (EN World Converted)

*NN Ant, Monstrous (said to be located in India and Ethiopia, though. They dig up gold and guard gold fields. Were said to inhabit deserts.) (Monster Manual)
*NN Basilisk (Monster Manual)
*LE Canomorph, Haraknin (Fiend Folio)
*NE Canomorph, Shadurakul (Fiend Folio)
*CE Canomorph, Vultivor (Fiend Folio)
*NN Cockatrice (Monster Manual)
*CE Demon, Incubus (Creature Catalogue Converted)
*CE Demon, Succubus (Monster Manual)
*CE Demon Lord, Baphomet (Fiendish Codex I)
*LE Devil, Imp (Monster Manual)
*LE Devil, Pit Fiend (Monster Manual)
*NN Dinosaur, Pleiosaur
LG Dwarf (Monster Manual)
LE Dwarf, Duergar (Monster Manual)
CG Elf (Monster Manual)
CE Elf, Drow (Monster Manual)
CE Gargoyle (Monster Manual)
NN Griffon (Monster Manual)
NN Grimalkin (Monster Manual II)
*NN Hippogriff (Monster Manual)
*CE Lycanthrope, Werewolf (Monster Manual)
NN Merfolk (Monster Manual)
*NE Mooncalf (very, very, very loosely)
*CG Opinicus (EN World Converted)
CG Pegasus (Monster Manual)
*NG Phoenix (Monster Manual II)
_E Salamander (Monster Manual)
CN Satyr (Monster Manul)
NN Sylph (Monster Manual II)
*CG Unicorn (Monster Manual)
CE Will O' Wisp (Monster Manual)
NN Wyvern (Monster Manual)
*NE Yugoloth, Canoloth (Monster Manual III, Manual of the Planes)

SEMITIC (Hebrew + Arabic + Akkadian + Cannanite + Muslim + Phoenician + Early Christian, etc.)
Note: This is intended for Middleast-type bestiaries, such as for Al Qadim.
*CE Akilem (Mythic Vistas: Testament)
*NG Angel (Monster Manual, EN World Converted)
*LE Archdevil, Asmodeus (Fiendish Codex II)
*LE Archdevil, Baalzebub (Fiendish Codex II)
*LE Archdevil, Belial (Fiendish Codex II)
*LE Archdevil, Glasya (Fiendish Codex II)
*LE Archdevil, Mammon (Fiendish Codex II)
*LE Archdevil, Mephistopheles (Fiendish Codex II)
*LG Archon (Monster Manual, Book of Exalted Deeds, Races of Stone, Tome of Magic)
LG Aventi (Stormwrack)
*NG Buraq (EN World Converted)
*CE Demon (various)
*CE Demon, Anzu (Dragon 329)
*CE Demon, Lilitu (Fiendish Codex I)
*CE Demon, Loumara, Dybbuk (Fiendish Codex I)
*CE Demon, Succubus (Monster Manual)
*CE Demon Lord, Dagon (Fiendish Codex I)
*CE Demon Lord, Haagenti
*CE Demon Lord, Laraje
*CE Demon Lord, Lamashtu
*CE Demon, Lilitu (Fiendish Codex I)
*CE Demon Lord, Pazuzu (Fiendish Codex I)
*LE Devil (various, Monster Manual, Fiend Folio, Fiendish Codex II, Tome of Magic)
*LE Devil, Legion (Fiendish Codex II)
*LE Devil, Pit Fiend (Monster Manual)
*CE Demon, Loumara, Dybbuk (Fiendish Codex I)
LE Dragon, Sin (Mythic Vistas: Testament)
*NE Famine Spirit (Monster Manual II)
*NE Genie, Dao (Manual of the Planes)
*CG Genie, Djinni (Monster Manual)
*LE Genie, Efreeti (Monster Manual)
NN Genie, Janni (Monster Manual)
CN Genie, Khayal (Tome of Magic)
*CN Genie, Marid (Manual of the Planes)
*LN Genie, Qorrashi (Frostburn)
*CE Ghoul (Monster Manual)
*CE Ghoul, Abyssal (Fiend Folio)
Golem (various)
*NN Golem, Stone (Monster Manual)
LE Humbaba (Dragon 334)
NN Leviathan (Monster Manual II)
CE Leviathan/Lotan/Rahab (Mythic Vistas: Testament)
*CE Loumara, Dybbuk (Fiendish Codex I)
*LE Lycanthrope, Werejackal (Denizens of Dread)
LE Nasnas (EN World Converted)
CE Nephilim (Mythic Vistas: Testament)
*NN Raven, Giant (Frostburn)
*NN Roc (Monster Manual)
*NN Sea Goat (Mythic Vistas: Testament)
*NN Shamir (Mythic Vistas: Testament)
*LG Tome Archon, Barachiel (BoED)
*LG Tome Archon, Raziel (BoED)
*LG Tome Archon, Sealtiel (BoED)
*LG Tome Archon, Zaphkiel (BoED)
*CE Zebub-Spawn (Mythic Vistas: Testament)
*NG Ziz (Mythic Vistas: Testament)

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Re: Outer Planes Resource Index

I'd add the asura to the Persian section, since they're based on the angels of Zoroastrian legend.

"Black Annis," the inspiration for the annis hag, is actually British.

The "marrashi" from 3e's MMII was originally from the Al-Qadim Monstrous Compendium (like the asura), and is probably Arabic given that Marrash is an Arabic surname.

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Outer Planes Resource Index

This is incredible. Is there a way to "sticky" these resource threads?


Health Resources: Register family with 911 services, so providers will have info prior to emergency/disaster. Also mental health info & hotlines, articles, treatment assistance options, prescription assistance, special needs registries, legal aid, and more!

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Re: Outer Planes Resource Index

More thoughts about Jade Dragons and Hungry Ghosts from Green Ronin. Wolfgang Baur and "Zeb" Cook and Tony DiTerlizzi helped work on it, so it's somewhat Planescapey.

Bell spirit. Lawful good celestials, probably found in Arcadia, Celestia, and Bytopia.
Jade dragon. Primarily found on the Prime, these are servants of the Dragon King of the Sea in Japanese mythology, Ryujin. As such, some might be found visiting The Eight Happinesses in Lunia, where Ryujin's daughter Benzaiten dwells.
Feng-huang. The Chinese Phoenix, these neutral good outsiders are messengers of the Celestial Bureaucracy who travel throughout the planes. They could be found in any realm of a Chinese deity, in Elysium, on the Positive Energy Plane (since they're immune to its baneful effects), on the Plane of Fire (to which they're also immune), the Material Plane, the Astral or the Ethereal. They're not given innate planewalking powers, so they have to rely on portals and planar paths, the direct will of deities, or monster summoning IX spells.
Kijo. Though apparently Prime creatures, the kijo are said to have been born from a goddess murdered by the god Tsuki-Yomi. As such, they might be found trying to get into Tsuki-Yomi's realm in Elysium to harass his followers. They might also be seen visiting the corpse of their mother in the Astral Plane.
Monkey. The Monkey King can be found in the realm of any Chinese deity, working mischief, or in the Beastlands.
Monkey demon. Monkey demons are demons, so they're mostly found in the Abyss serving more powerful demons. They might be especially prevalent in the realm of Feng-Tu, home of the Chinese deities Tou Mu and Lu Yueh.
Nioo. These outsiders can be any alignment. As temple guardians, they can be found in any realm of the Celestial Bureaucracy, good or evil, defending against intruders.
Red minister. These evil servants of the Celestial Bureaucracy can be found in Lei Kung's realm in Acheron, in Sung Chiang's realm in Gehenna, working with the Lords of the Nine in Baator, and in Yen-Wang-Yeh's realm in the Outlands. They might also be found in Yama's realm in Mechanus, in Rudra's realm in Mechanus, and in Amatsu-Mikaboshi's realm in Acheron.
Rokurokubi. These creatures form from the guilt created by evil deeds. I can see them in Amatsu-Mikaboshi's realm.
Shiko me. These creatures are devils, so they live in the Nine Hells of Baator. Amatsu-Mikaboshi probably also has shiko me servants.
Spirits of Karuma. Lawful good angels of vengeance, probably found in Arcadia and Celestia.
Ta-jen. These lawful neutral giants spend most of their time in the clouds of the Prime, but once a year they must travel to Mechanus to record their observations in the library of Shang-ti.
T'ien Kou. This unique being serves as a protector of Shang-ti's realm and is sometimes sent to the Material Plane.
Yosei. Spirits of birds who serve an animal lord called the Bird King. Found in the Beastlands.
Sennin. Hermits imbued with holiness. Probably found near the realms of Chung Kuel, Amaterasu, Brihaspati, Vishnu, Lakshmi, and Kuan Yin.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Re: Outer Planes Resource Index

-Zagyg (Dragon 338)

Oh, as far as Zagyg goes, he divides his time between the Outlands and the Material Plane, per first edition (Dragon #70, World of Greyhawk Fantasy Setting). These are probably his castle (Castle Greyhawk) and Boccob's realm (the Library of Lore).

He also has several demiplanes under his control, including the Isle of the Ape (Isle of the Ape, Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk) and Zagyg's Maze (Treasures of Greyhawk).

kdavis's picture
Joined: 2011-08-06
Re: Outer Planes Resource Index

Thanks to all involved with this, the resource index detailed above is a priceless library of useful information, wonderful!!
I just had a glance at wizard's MTG website (curious if there was a way we could entice them to tie in planescape with their MTG multiverse) and came across links to their other products which included the 4E releases. I noticed the release of the 4th edition Manual of the Planes, does anyone have this? is it of use?
There were also pictures of the new 4E Monster Manuals, and I noticed that a portrait of Demogorgon 'graced' the front cover of Monster Manual 2 (it looks like a picture of Llolth on the cover of Monster Manual 3 4E but I can't be sure...). Are these exciting glimpses of Planescape recognition or old news?
Thanks again for the resources above.


Losing one's mind matters not, for one is a fish wearing a dress and the emperor of the celery people.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Re: Outer Planes Resource Index

I noticed the release of the 4th edition Manual of the Planes, does anyone have this? is it of use?

It's a different continuity, and some of the planes are quite different from how they were described in Planescape, but yes, some of it's interesting and useful. I like the Shadowfell (and the city of Gloomwrought) and the Feywild. Sigil is basically the same in 4th edition as it was in 3rd edition.

There were also pictures of the new 4E Monster Manuals, and I noticed that a portrait of Demogorgon 'graced' the front cover of Monster Manual 2 (it looks like a picture of Llolth on the cover of Monster Manual 3 4E but I can't be sure...). Are these exciting glimpses of Planescape recognition or old news?

That is indeed Demogorgon and Lolth. They're much the same as they were in Planescape. Both have been around since 1st edition, so I'm not sure if they constitute "Planescape recognition," but they're basically compatible with the Planescape treatment of them.

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