Other powerful groups in Sigil

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cromlich's picture
Joined: 2012-09-13
Other powerful groups in Sigil

Other than the factions and some sects, in your game, how would you rank other groups, who would have the most influence. For example the baatezu would probably be at the top, or tanar'ri (tough divided, servants of Graz'zt most of all), then the gith, divine agents like those in the Celestial Bureaucracy, or the Unseelie Court, efreet ...

KnightOfDecay's picture
Joined: 2013-02-14
Re: Other powerful groups in Sigil

In Sigil the Planar Trade Consortium as well as the networks of Shemeshka, Timmon d'Arlen and various other Golden Lords hold lots of power and influence too. As they can act quite openly I'm tempted to rank them even higher than the Gith, Unseelie etc..

cromlich's picture
Joined: 2012-09-13
Re: Other powerful groups in Sigil

Do you think d'Arlens are that big, could they bring thousands to fight for them if needed?

KnightOfDecay's picture
Joined: 2013-02-14
Re: Other powerful groups in Sigil

Well, they definitely have the jink to hire a thousand or more mercenaries.
To be one of the richest bloods in Sigil probably means that you could easily pay out the royal families of many Prime kingdoms.

According to the D&D 3rd Ed. SRD a trained hireling (which includes mercenaries) costs 3 sp/day. Shouldn't be a big problem for the d'Arlens or one of the other Golden Lords.

Nevertheless, I think they'd rather put their money into hostile takeovers or bribery instead of overt and risky acts of violence.

Tales from the Outer Planes actually includes an adventure in which a planar mage called "the Sapphire Mage" tries to buy the city of Arabel on Faerun.
Would befit the Golden Lords quite well too. "Hey berk, wanna buy yer kingdom. How much?" Smiling

cromlich's picture
Joined: 2012-09-13
Re: Other powerful groups in Sigil

The World Serpent Inn is probably worth more than Arabel. Actually, in the 15th century, half of my country was sold to Venice for 100 000 ducats.

KnightOfDecay's picture
Joined: 2013-02-14
Re: Other powerful groups in Sigil

Definitely. The World Serpent Inn and it's bartender Mitchifer are great anyway.

Your talking about Dalmatia, right?

Another interesting group are the Rilmani as they seem to be the only nonevil exemplar race who is interested in actively influencing events all over the Planes. (The Celestials don't seem very active to me. Well maybe except for Zalatian XXIII). Who knows how many events and actions may have been instigated by the Rilmani to preserve or further the balance of the Multiverse.

cromlich's picture
Joined: 2012-09-13
Re: Other powerful groups in Sigil

Yeah, Dalmatia.

I think there is a lot more going on in Sigil than what we have in official products, the rilmani and all other outsider groups capable of travelling the planes would be interested in some way in the city. So I'm making a short list of them to get a better picture. The rilmani and the aeons from Pathfinder have an important role to play in planar conflicts, tough compared to other exemplars their actions appear most alien. The celestials also seem to have a covert approach, ever since they've been heavily defeated, which is why Sigil has to be the ideal place to disguise themselves and watch for fiendish plots.

cromlich's picture
Joined: 2012-09-13
Re: Other powerful groups in Sigil

ok, I started a list of what seem to be the most influential groups, eventually when I find the time it will reach one hundred. Any suggestions or disagreements?

Spoiler: Highlight to view
Yugoloths and daemons – probably led by Shemeshka
Tanar'ri – probably Graz'zt's follwers, or whoever created the razorvine. Allied with the Doomguard.
Archons – allied with the Order of Planes Militant
Rilmani agents
Axiomites and inevitables – allied with the Guvners, Mathematicians, wendeam vaati
Court of Stars agents – allied with the fey
Temple of Hermes – and all other followers of the Olympians
Aesir – allied with the Fated
Tuatha de Danaan – allied with the Seelie Court and elves
Aeons – allied with the rilmani, Ciphers
Unseelie Court – possibly allied with the night hags, goblinoid gangs, barghests, fomorians ...
Celestial Bureaucracy
Spellweavers – allied with the nerra and ethergaunts
Temple of the Titans – from Brix's Guide
Ilsensine's servants, illithids, cranium rats, eaters of knowledge
Efreet slavers
Temple of Siva – allied with the Doomguard
Asuras (good) – allied with the Persian pantheon, peri, and azatas
Rakshasa golden lord like Kalro or the rakshasa Conclave
Temple of St. Cuthbert – allied with the Athar or Harmonium
Ogre magi – some kind of criminal organization, allied with other types of oni
Dreaming Dark quori and the Inspired
Drow house or Lolth's agents
Serpentfolk and yuan-ti
Midgard dwarves – from the Dwarven Mountain
Jotuns/Norse giants allied with the Doomguard
Fiendish asuras – allied with the Athar
Infernals – from Iron Kingdoms
Maug mercenaries
Shaitan guild
Divs – allied with the Planarists
Dao slavers
Djinn Empire agents
Fire mephit merchants
Derro savant cabal – allied with the duergar
Keepers – allied with Illurien
Old Cults and alienists led by a daelkyr
Elder vampire lords – but not allied with the Dustmen
Reth Dekala mercenaries – allied with the Mercykillers
Dominions of the Black – from Pathfinder
Denizen of Leng slavers
Dark ones – allied with the Dispossessed and the Athar
Witchwyrds – mercane spies
Neogi and tso slavers
Phaerimm – allied with the Incantifiers
Mothmen – allied with the Aeons, weavers, Doomguard

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