Other planar stuff in Dragon 353

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Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
Other planar stuff in Dragon 353

Since BOZ started a thread for the archomental article I figured that I'll start a different thread rather than mix the chatter on multiple articles.

That said, once folks get a hold of the magazine, I'm willing to discuss anything regarding the "Ecology of the Keeper" article, and the Demiplane article in the issue (Moil, the Black Abyss, Demiplane of Imprisonment). Of course I haven't seen it myself yet, but I'll discuss specific questions as content filters out.

Zjelani's picture
Joined: 2003-11-24
Other planar stuff in Dragon 353

Hopefully, I'll get my copy any day now and am really looking forward to diving into those articles.

Congratulations on the articles, too! It's awesome to see some Planewalker representation in there!!

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
Other planar stuff in Dragon 353

I got my copy yesterday and I'm pretty happy with how it all turned out. I had a few things trimmed from the Demiplane article, but a few things I was absolutely certain would be removed somehow managed to stay intact. And in the Keeper article I had a the last section (alternate origins) trimmed out, and it also lost a paragraph about a book of fiendish origin detailing an attempted dissection of a living specimen. But the vast majority of the stuff managed to avoid the censor's red pen of doom.

Hopefully I did the topics justice since I wrote it on seriously short notice.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Other planar stuff in Dragon 353

'Shemeska the Marauder' wrote:
I got my copy yesterday and I'm pretty happy with how it all turned out. I had a few things trimmed from the Demiplane article, but a few things I was absolutely certain would be removed somehow managed to stay intact. And in the Keeper article I had a the last section (alternate origins) trimmed out, and it also lost a paragraph about a book of fiendish origin detailing an attempted dissection of a living specimen. But the vast majority of the stuff managed to avoid the censor's red pen of doom.

So, much like with your Ecstasy article, are we going to be able to see your cut material?


Pants of the North!

Lord Zack's picture
Joined: 2006-11-10
Other planar stuff in Dragon 353

Very cool, I don't regret getting a subscription to Dungeon if we're going to see more planar stuff. Of course I probably wouldn't in any case.

I'm wondering, what demiplanes would you suggest for low level adventures.

Ecology of the Keeper was cool. I haven't actually considered using them before (due to the FF's lack of info on them).

BOZ's picture
Joined: 2004-08-05
Other planar stuff in Dragon 353

to be *totally* honest Shem, i'm probably more interested in the demiplanes article at the moment, but i'll definitely be reading both. Smiling

it's rare enough that i read Dragon all the way through, but this month i just can't see how i cannot! Smiling

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Other planar stuff in Dragon 353

Keepers are *fun* - I love the art they got for that particular particle, and the goggles. (Keeping in mind that my current PC has worn a set of those goggles on top of his head since our first encounter - he thought they were cool.)

On the other hand - allow me to briefly whine re: the succubus article: "Picture of hot chick, another picture of a hot tiefer chick, yet another hot chi... WTF is that? Is *that* the only male incubus picture? My god - is that *all* I get?! *sigh* Girls have eyes too, and we don't want them to be so neglected!" Eye-wink

I'll get to 'steal' Shem's copy t'nite when we get home to actually read it. Smiling

Shade's picture
Joined: 2005-04-18
Other planar stuff in Dragon 353

I'm anxious to read the demiplanes, particularly the Black Abyss and Moil.

I wish my copy would arrive already. Stupid Presidents' Day. Sticking out tongue

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
Other planar stuff in Dragon 353

'Bob the Efreet' wrote:
So, much like with your Ecstasy article, are we going to be able to see your cut material?

Amazingly little material actually got cut, possibly because this time around I was well under the total word count (because I wasn't originally writing the full article, though as it turns out, what I turned in ended up being around 95% of the text). What did get cut was more just minor tweaks rather than things being overtly sliced out by the editors. I'll post what I can without copying any of the text that was actually in the article itself.

Cut from the last paragraph in the description of Moil:
"Overseen by the lilitu Alxhiira (CE, Lilitu cleric 6 of Orcus), Moil has become a prison for captured worshippers of Kiaranselee, littered with twisted versions of Acererak’s riddles and deathtraps."

Cut from the list of potential destinations for things sucked into the center of the Black Abyss:
"layer 1293 the “Amber Inferno of Thrice Damned Jahannam”"

Cut from the list of misc demiplanes:
"Demiplane of Ectoplasm – a “demiplane” fashioned of raw ectoplasm on the Astral"

Cut from the Demiplane of Imprisonment:
following the first mention of the demiplane's prisoner, while the version that made it to print doesn't name it, my submitted version did "called the Dark God, the Elder Elemental Eye, Tharizdun, the Elder Elemental God, who seeks nothing less than the destruction of everything."

The article never mentioned big T by name or alias, but the motifs are still there, so even though he's not named, the intention is still preserved.

I also included the following line that speculates on Big T's nature and place within the timeline of the planes and his exact nature as a deity:
"These legends are ancient, with fiendish historians placing the Dark God's imprisonment near the birth of the first deities spawned of mortal worship, and potentially before that point, suggesting the entity might not be a god in the same sense, but something else, originally native to another multiverse."

There was more material cut from the Keeper article, and I'll post that later once I can reclaim my issue of the magazine to compare it to the submitted draft. The Keeper ecology was actually the first thing I wrote for Dragon, though it wasn't the first to see print, so it's been a while since I read it. Smiling

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