Ortho: The To Do List

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Charles Phipps's picture
Joined: 2007-11-14
Ortho: The To Do List

'Clueless' wrote:
At last count I eyeballed it around 300 to 400, I'm sure there's additional stuff added by now. Honestly - what we're missing though are stats for things: classes, feats, NPC stats, the usual things that come with a setting book.

I hope the prestiges I share will be enough to deal with the losses of what we needed.

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Ortho: The To Do List

Other than editing and polishing my stuff and a couple of the Gazetteers, I think that the next major thing I'm going to approach is the Bestiary: Take all those entries in the PDF for "its like an arrowhawk, but..." and create some proper MM entries for them.

Charles Phipps's picture
Joined: 2007-11-14
Ortho: The To Do List

'Armoury99' wrote:
Other than editing and polishing my stuff and a couple of the Gazetteers, I think that the next major thing I'm going to approach is the Bestiary: Take all those entries in the PDF for "its like an arrowhawk, but..." and create some proper MM entries for them.

Well, I may yet do a write-up for the Realm of the Lords of Chaos but am otherwise I think done.

Aside from any editing or requests, I'm glad to have contributed my part.

*offers hand*

It's been wonderful. Now I'm going to go work on the Illuminated Eye and figure out what Feats, Prestige Classes, and so on need to be done up.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: The To Do List

Was nice having you around! (Even if we did get into quite a few canon debates.) Good luck with the Illuminated - I'll keep an eye out on that forum to try and pop in every once in awhile to help out, advise, or otherwise make a canon-nuisance of myself. Eye-wink

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Ortho: The To Do List

Thanks a million Charles, with you around the project has been the most active I've ever seen it, and I want you to know I really appreciate it. Before you showed up, I wasn't really sure the setting would ever be finished, and now I'm sure it will be. Good luck with the Illuminated Eye, and I hope that project benefits as much from your enthusiastic hard work as this one has.

Charles Phipps's picture
Joined: 2007-11-14
Ortho: The To Do List

I'll still hang around looking for updates and so on.

I just think I'm done with articles.

Feel free to expect my feedback yet still.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: The To Do List

Ok - I went through and just copy and pasted more recent posts in. We are now firmly up to 634 pgs. That's right - we're apparently a *chatty* bunch of berks on this project. Eye-wink

I'm currently going through and reorganizing sections to try and make something a little more comprehensible, and to make sure that we don't have gaps (I'm not seeing many). The only thing that comes to mind are a parcity of spells and new spells. So if anyone has any ideas for those, pitch em out. Smiling

I've also updated the Map I have to a better, rotated view:


This map is in photoshop and fulyl uses/abuses the idea of layers. So there's a lot of information I can pull up or hide on it. It'll likely get used as the overall map generator for province information once I get the text in order here.

Charles Phipps's picture
Joined: 2007-11-14
Ortho: The To Do List

Wonderful Map.

and this is why I suggested that we figure out what to remove for a second supplement.


Most detailed World guides are only 300-400 pages. If you want to divide it up for the two supplements, my suggestion for doing so would be.

Ortho Campaign Setting

* Races of Ortho
* History of Ortho
* Prestige Classes
* Feats
* Province Descriptions
* Life in Ortho
* Government of Ortho
* The brief monster run-down

The second supplement for probably be The Dungeon Master's Guide to Ortho which should contain

* All my little tips on alignment and optional rules.
* Armory's Adventuring in Ortho
* Discussion of Ortho as a dystopia vs. utopia
* The Technology descriptions and new equipment of Ortho
* Expanded discussion of the Symphonic Ministries
* The Secret Societies of Ortho
* Some Colonial specific prestige classes.
* Probably talk about adventuring in various times and on different planets
* the Colonies of Ortho.
* 101 Adventure Hooks
* All our optional rules.
* Armoury's expanded Monster Write-Ups
* Any new Ortho specific magic items we want to add.
* Some Author "Afterwords"

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Ortho: The To Do List

Ooooh, more mappy goodness! Laughing out loud

'Charles Phipps' wrote:
*offers hand*

*shakes hand vigourously*

Great to have had you with us, mate. I'm sure you'll keep an eye on things here from time to time. I'd have been sticking my nose into the Illuminated Eye more myself, but I just have to limit myself to one or two projects at the moment. Good luck with it though.

With regards to Charles' PHB and DMG split, looks fine to me although traditionally basic equipment is in the PHB and the magic items (and technological equivalents) are in the DMG, so maybe I should look at splitting it up that way? (just trying to make Clueless' job a little easier) Adventurers and Ortho should probably work the same way... I want to give the PCs at least some info on the HUGE differences between Ortho and regular D&D settings, but some of it certainly belongs in the 'DMG' - like the potential plots from Charles' 'Pacification' thread (which could probably be a component of any 'Ina's Lore' chapter).

You guys think that I should look at splitting up the Advenurers and Ortho along those lines? I've no strong feelings either way.

Charles Phipps's picture
Joined: 2007-11-14
Ortho: The To Do List

'Armoury99' wrote:
You guys think that I should look at splitting up the Advenurers and Ortho along those lines? I've no strong feelings either way.

If you could divide it into two posts in the same thread, I think it would work.

Basically, I think that the first part should only be a short run down, almost like an introduction, while the second should be one of your Pax Harmonium level articles if you feel up for it. The introduction would go in the main book and the second would be a part of the DMG. I also think we can get away with Basic Equipment in the DMG because it's mostly about the ROLE of technology in Ortho, though we could cut off most of the objects.

Bizarrely, if we look at it the way I've set it up, we've almost got the DMG finished Eye-wink

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Ortho: The To Do List

You know, I actually think it would be better to just split it up into chapters the way the PSCS is. That way, we can take a more modular approach. I mean, it's not like we have to worry about printing size. What we can do is have the main section be all the setting content we want players to see and a couple of chapters after the main book for the DM that would have the Ina's Lore sections, adventure seeds, and advice for playing in Ortho (which we have plenty of).

As for the map, I like the new look, but it's a little hard to read. Could you maybe increase the size? Also, also, make the text and borders black or another color that stands out well. It's sort of hard to read.

Charles Phipps's picture
Joined: 2007-11-14
Ortho: The To Do List

'Duckluck' wrote:
You know, I actually think it would be better to just split it up into chapters the way the PSCS is. That way, we can take a more modular approach. I mean, it's not like we have to worry about printing size. What we can do is have the main section be all the setting content we want players to see and a couple of chapters after the main book for the DM that would have the Ina's Lore sections, adventure seeds, and advice for playing in Ortho (which we have plenty of).

As for the map, I like the new look, but it's a little hard to read. Could you maybe increase the size? Also, also, make the text and borders black or another color that stands out well. It's sort of hard to read.

I think that keeping it all in one book would be a horrible idea.

I'm still waiting for the Planescape Campaign setting Master Document.


Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: The To Do List

That was a really quick shot of the map, it's nowhere near as polished as the final will be. Yay for photoshop making it easy to tweak things like text colors on layers. Eye-wink

re: One book or two - it's something we need to work out asap. The PSCS is still in one book because the original design group decided to do it that was as a setting book - like how the FRCS is done. It's just a very Large book because it's covering a Lot of ground. (Ditto with Ortho covering a lot of ground) So there's a fairly coherent argument of precedence either way, one book or two.

I've left the PSCS as a single book because our audience is very familiar with the structure and has taken to citing by chapters of the PSCS. Changing it now would break brains. Once the final round of errata is in the chapters I'll be merging them into a single download though leaving the chapter downloads up for folks with low bandwidth speeds.

Tell ya what - I'm gonna open up another thread for us to work out the Pros and Cons of formatting it as one or as two.

edit: Thread opened here.

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Re: Ortho: The To Do List

So, since I'm sorta lazy and don't feel like going through the entire Ortho file, I was wonderin' what there was left to do for this project before we get it e-published and set the gaming world on its ear?...


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