I was wondering where we are with the Ortho Project and a good place to sart would be a what's left to do list...But before that gets done, I was wondering what will be done with what's already been done...Clueless, what's gonna be done with the work already 'completed'?...Are you gonna re-write what's been written?...
For instance, that which has been written for the various provinces seems to have many different forms...Some seem to be standard 'Campaign Book' nation entries, some are histories and/or listing of peoples, some are a series of sites and some still need to be written (Karazam, the Thaeran provinces)...Will there be a uniformity of entries?...
I guess, my reason for asking for a to do list is that I'm not sure what there is left for we contributors to do and what it is you (Clueless) will be doing for the final 'product'...There's a lot of great stuff there, I'm just not sure (or I've forgotten and am too lazy to go over the almost [or is it more than] 30 pages of posts) where we're at and where we're going...
The following list has some tasks listed in bold - these are the ones that need attention asap. The tasks listed in italics are either already in the works on my end as an edittor, or just not that critical as of yet. For the most part the less important tasks are those that are pure drudgery and editting work - not the creative end of things (and hence their lowered importance for a general To Do list).
Stats are *really* our biggest need.
To Do:
Statblocks and background for ALL MAJOR NPCs - leaders, high ranking Harmonium, religious leaders, adventurers - include plot hooks
This one is critically important. People are what plots get hooked on. People are *nessecary* for this to be a world able to be played in.
Example plots for DM section (and other useful DM tips)
One fully detailed adventure for running in Ortho
Ortho specific skills
Ortho specific feats
Ortho specific spells
Ortho specific prestige classes
Ortho specific domains
Ortho specific organizations - Ants, 9th Cabal(?), 10th Cabal(?)
Write overview of seasons, ecology, climate
Write city and countryside overview
Write family structure in society overview
Write details for technology in society (example items, and examples in average village use)
Write overview of travel, coinage, trade and economics
Write overview of religion in society (example interactions of temple to the average villager)
Write merfolk relations to land provinces, rough society overview
Write example School of Ethics with NPC stats
Format all provinces into correct and readable format, fluff provinces as needed to match page count
Format all colonies into correct and readable format, cut down colonies as needed to match page count (extra can be saved for later releases)
Format Forbidden Goddess into correct and readable format
Write Great Mother entry, format
Format racial information into correct and readable format
Format and finish harmonium details and relations to other aspects of society
Format historical review into correct format and flow
Finalized world maps (geological, political, trade and river)
Finalized area maps for each province (geological, with rivers, roads, cities)
PDF graphical layout
Illustrations of NPCs, cities, places, people etc.