Ortho: The Iron Jaw Harmony Training Center

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Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Ortho: The Iron Jaw Harmony Training Center

This place is a re-education camp positioned near a small town on Ortho to help citizens with chaotic tendencies overcome their personality problems and become good lawful citizens.

The camp is arranged on a flat plateau on the mountainside. A spring bubbles up from the base of the mountain and flows down the mountainside. The main road follows the springs flow up to the plateau. The camp is ringed by a double-walled stone stockade. The walls are several yards apart with a trench running through the center. In between these walls at regular intervals are sets of standing stones covered in lightly glowing runes. The runes glow with swirling, chaotic colors, and the stones are the secret to the camp's success.

Indeed the prisoners who are simply deemed too chaotic in temperaments to serve adequately in society are brought to the camp are usually set loose within three to six months, and speak of good treatment and kind care. The camp is a model of how such things ideally should be, and several individuals have volunteered to go hoping to become better citizens and shed their chaotic tendencies. The camp even boasts an insane ward that with the help of doctors and healers even the heavily deranged are often cured within months to a couple of years.

The camp was established when the Harmonium was expanding in one of the wars of expansion, and was originally used for keeping prisoners of war, especially those with spell casting ability. Magic is absorbed by the ring of stones and all spells cast with in the circle must overcome a caster check as if penetrating SR (even if normally not subject to SR) with a difficulty of 30. It was this property that made the Harmonium choose the site for a camp. The second property of slowly shifting individual's alignment towards lawful was discovered later.

The Harmonium created the stockade and all structures on the plateau save for the ring of standing stones which are long stone spikes that go deep into the mountainside. They do not know about how deep the stones go nor, how they were made, nor what they were made for. The stones join deep underground and form a nest holding a single giant egg. The egg is from deep in the world's far past and is the union of an ancient red dragoness and a god of chaos and the stones absorb magical and chaotic energy to incubate it. The camp only serves to warm the egg and hasten its development.

In the past few years geological surveys have been sent to the mountain to investigate several minor earthquakes. It is theorized that the mountain is actually an extinct volcano that might be waking back up through a geological cycle. The camp is such an asset that the officials of the region are willing to put quite a few resources to try and protect it.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: The Iron Jaw Harmony Training Center

Kick. Ass. Consider this one yoinked for ideas for adventure modules. Plus - I can even come up with a good reason why no one's detected the egg yet - if one of the Lords of Order (the Silent One) is protecting it... for some reason.

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Ortho: The Iron Jaw Harmony Training Center

This totally rocks! (no pun intended Eye-wink ). I can see great storylines coming from here.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: The Iron Jaw Harmony Training Center

Ok, having looked over the maps a bit - I'm thinking this one is going to go on the border between southern Motmurk and northern Motmurk ? Basicly between #8 and #9

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