Ortho: The Beginnings

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kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: The Beginnings

Re: Pre-Harmonium Mot

So, were both Motmurk and Xaric dominated by the Hierarchs of Motmurk prior to Harmonium Era?...Were the Omospondian colonists of the east coast of Xaric independent?...What of Ulfrheim?...Dominated, at war with or Neutral?...

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Ortho: The Beginnings

'kwint' wrote:
So, were both Motmurk and Xaric dominated by the Hierarchs of Motmurk prior to Harmonium Era?

Depends on how you define "dominated." They only ruled Motmurk itself, though some (not all) of the Xaric dwarves swore allegiance to them. They were certainly a power in the area, one that nobody could ignore, but they didn't rule the continent.

...Were the Omospondian colonists of the east coast of Xaric independent?...What of Ulfrheim?...Dominated, at war with or Neutral?... Kwint

They were independent. The Osmospondian colonists were at war with them some of the time. I don't know about Ulfhrheim.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: The Beginnings

The Seaborn probably told them where to shove it.
Which lead to off and on fighting - but the land was honestly not probably *worth* it for the orcs to try and dominate it considering the fight they'd be up against, and that the Seaborn really weren't too interested in pressing inland against the orcs. (Even now you probably see more seaborn near the coast than in the interior - while the roving animal-kin packs probably hold dominance.)

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: The Beginnings

So, I have some questions concerning the First Four...With the exception of Mogranhu, were the other three human?...If this is so, who, if any, survived to see the Unification?...I'd guess Romhel died before the Shaar elves were conquered, having been born 30 years prior to the first clashes in the Great War...Anju may have survived given the perception of monkish masters being long lived...Speaking of that, is Anju thought of as somekind of ever-reincarnating soul like the Dalai Lama?...And, what's the deal with Jhary and the ants?...It seems a bit to occluded presently; will this be developed further during project development?...

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Ortho: The Beginnings

'kwint' wrote:
So, I have some questions concerning the First Four...With the exception of Mogranhu, were the other three human?...


If this is so, who, if any, survived to see the Unification?...I'd guess Romhel died before the Shaar elves were conquered, having been born 30 years prior to the first clashes in the Great War...Anju may have survived given the perception of monkish masters being long lived...Speaking of that, is Anju thought of as somekind of ever-reincarnating soul like the Dalai Lama?...

The reincarnating Anju thing is a good idea, although it may be in the Harmonium's interests to identify people as Anju who are merely exemplary citizens.

I think I wrote somewhere, in the discussion on rilmani and the Balance, that all the original Knights of Harmony were assassinated (Romhel assassinated by Jhary, in fact, and the others by rilmani), but by that time the movement had too much momentum to stop.

So I'd say none of them witnessed the final unification, though they were all there throughout the initial wars.

And, what's the deal with Jhary and the ants?

The idea was that Jhary got the idea for the Harmonium by studying the society of insects. My intent with that was that the same thing that happened to Ortho as a whole happened first in a single ant colony.

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: The Beginnings

'ripvanwormer' wrote:
I think I wrote somewhere, in the discussion on rilmani and the Balance, that all the original Knights of Harmony were assassinated (Romhel assassinated by Jhary, in fact, and the others by rilmani), but by that time the movement had too much momentum to stop.
I take it that this is now true for only three of the four, given that Morgranhu lived several centuries after the unification...I guess she still could have been assassinated, say during the Schism, after her tour of Ortho and her turning away from law and more towards neutrality...I think the story of their demise might make for an interesting part of a Dark History of the Harmony...Rip, want to rip one out?...

'ripvanwormer' wrote:
The idea was that Jhary got the idea for the Harmonium by studying the society of insects. My intent with that was that the same thing that happened to Ortho as a whole happened first in a single ant colony.
So I guess if its that 'simple', then there's no need for an Ants section in the Groups portion of the pdf unless there's some sort of organization called the Ants...Perhaps a line or two in the Timeline or Harmonium intro could explain where Jhary's inspiration for the Harmonium came from for we lunkheads who can't figure it out for ourselves Eye-wink ... Kwint

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: The Beginnings

Of course - for some reason I have the idea of Jhary having an ant familar...

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Ortho: The Beginnings

'kwint' wrote:
I guess she still could have been assassinated, say during the Schism, after her tour of Ortho and her turning away from law and more towards neutrality...

Of course, assassination isn't necessarily permanent. Unless your name is Sarin, that is.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: The Beginnings

Alae, Lord of Peace and Harmony Titles Intermediate Deity Symbol: Two hands clasped Home Plane: Mt. Celestia Alignment: Lawful Good Portfolio: Peace, Harmony. Formally the god of martyrs and healing. Worshipers: healers, midwives Cleric Alignments: LG, NG, LN Domains: Favored Weapon: “Staff of the Gentle Hand” (staff, subdual damage only)

Alae is the goddess of peace, a serene figure in the pantheon of the Lords of Order. She tends not to take a strong side in any conflict though is often a vote breaker when issues come before the Lords. Since she is one of only two members of the pantheon that used to be mortal, and has seen both the good and the evil that deities are capable of she has a unique understanding of the role that powers should play in the lives of their followers.

Her meditative gentleness conceals a considerable strength of decision, and if she feels strongly regarding an issue she will push the issue with the other powers until she convinces them of her position. In the past some issues have been resolved in her favor simply because no one else was willing to continue the fight. Alae is nothing if not patient, and has been accused of being stubborn.

Her avatar takes the same form as her original mortal form. She is not a classic beauty, rather a picture of vitality and personality. She is pictured as a woman in her mid twenties showing the tan of a farmer’s daughter, with both laugh lines and worry lines on her face. She has brown hair, generally kept braided, and hazel eyes.

Her temple is often the quiet center of the lives of peasants in the surrounding area. Her clerics are required to know a minimum amount of the healing arts, and midwives often receive their training in her temples. The comfort and healing available at these temples draw much support from the common folk. The temples are often guarded by worshippers of Didairdin as many of the clergy of Alae do not believe in harming others. But the temple is not without its strength, and does have a small sect of clerics dedicated to the twin disciplines of personal discipline and self defense.

These clerics become experts in turning attacks from others against them, and defending themselves without any weapons available to them. These clerics teach these abilities openly, and will often request to speak with women who have been victims of abuse or rape to offer the training expecting nothing in return.

The temple holds yearly festivals, the largest of which celebrates the birth of Alae’s children Tyerusus, and Namaneil. This festival honors family, mothers in particular and entreats followers to tend to their children closely to raise them up properly. This is often a naming day for the children of devout worshippers.

A second important day in the temple of Alae is held silently in personal meditation. This day is called Conquering, and is used as a day to conquer your own fears, doubts and demons. The clergy spend this day in silence from sunrise to the next sunrise – examining themselves and their motivations of the year. Worshippers are encouraged to do the same, though the vow of silence is not a requirement.

The third largest celebration comes at the Equinox of Summer. This is a fertility and marriage festival as a celebration of the marriage of Didairdin and Alae held in conjunction with the temple of Didairdin. Clergy of Alae will often choose privately at this festivity the next long term conflict in their area that they wish to resolve by the time the festival is held next year.


Alae used to be mortal until she was taken by the god Didairdin by force. She was given immortality and a splinter of deific power in repentance but it would be millennia before she would forgive Didairdin for his actions. In the meantime she spent her time trying to save others by taking their pains on herself, and healing those who needed it.

It was during this time that Ina came to her to comfort her, and guide her into healing herself. Alae was descending into madness and bitterness at her own unresolved pain at the time. Ina kidnapped the young goddess, trapping her with her own ghosts for a period of seven years, training her into facing and eventually conquering them. It was this that introduced Ina, the interloper, to the rest of the Lords of Order – but the safe return of a now-sane Alae reassured the Lords of her intent.

Do no harm. Inaction is as much a choice as action. Harm caused by inaction is still harm. Do not harm yourself needlessly. Seek to resolve the pain and suffering of others, and show them how to avoid it for themselves. Enjoy life, family, children. Seek peace within yourself, within your family and within your people.

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: The Beginnings

Just to get a post in today, here's an entry from Eldersphinx's LJ (09Feb06) that has yet to make it here, until now:

The Knights of Ina (The Seven Without Names, The Swords of Silence, The Voiceless)

These minor deities are new to Ortho and to common worship - lesser powers, in service to Ina, who each have stewardship over some matter of minor concern and promote it on behalf of the Lord of Silence. Though only of small consequence within the theological and political circles of the Harmonium, the priesthoods of the Knights grow somewhat with each passing year, improving upon their own power and that of their patron, and someday may end up as a force to be reckoned with.

The Knights
The Knights of Ina are seven. None act or appear on Ortho without the approval of the Lord of Silence, and then only rarely; their avatars, as well as church depictions, keep their faces always masked and never speak, nor identify themselves. Nontheless, they are powers, and even their slight authority is much greater than that of any mortal. Do not discount their ability.

The Knights of Ina are as follows:
- Knight of the Candle, an experienced, cunning and keen-eyed warrior. His followers are fond of the indirect approach, feints and misdirection and achieving success with the minimum necessary force.
- Knight of Penitence, a sepulchural soul who moves absolutely soundlessly and can dispense a killing stroke without any warning or sign of emotion. Priests of this Knight are willing to dispense the ultimate punishment as needed to achieve atonement for sins.
- Knight of the Storm, the most visibly active of all the Knights, able to sweep an entire area clean of perdition. Her priests are the most indiscriminate and least well-favored of the orders.
- Knight of Grace, calm, eternally confident and self-possessed, never making a misstep or false cue. His followers are born diplomats, courtiers and messengers, taught when to act and when not to, and incredibly difficult to surprise or shock.
- Knight of Folly, the most fortunate of souls and a deity whose favored tool is serendipity. Priests of this Knight are rarely conventionally powerful, but indisputably cheerful, optimistic, good-natured and certain that life will become better.
- Knight of Colors, the careful draftsman, planner and visionary, able to communicate through sketch and gesture despite being as silent as his comrades. His priests make messages and memories, defend that which is beautiful and meaningful, and help to make dull and pointless lives ever so slightly more colorful.
- Knight of Dust, the most humble and least outwardly threatening of the Knights, but one whom seems to jinx all enemies. Priests of this Knight are tolerated rather than welcomed, but prove to be able ministers and defenders in times of natural or created disaster.

The Priesthood
Clerics of the Knights are somewhat rare, but make up for their small numbers by generally being unusually capable. Though they command almost as much respect as priests of the Lords themselves, they're much more flexible in their actions and able to consider different points of view. Though their methods of dealing with difficulties are sometimes unorthodox, few dare oppose them openly; they have the support of their fellows, and Ina's priesthood as well, and usually succeed in what they set their hands to. Though they have little voice yet in the highest councils of the Harmonium, and don't seek to openly proselytize their faith save to those already dissatisfied with the teachings of the Lords, the following of the Knights is growing yearly and has surprisingly wide support among the poorer farmers and laborers.

The chain of command within the Knights' priesthood is a somewhat unusual one. By the strictest order of such things, they are a part of the temple hierarchy of Ina; like their patrons, though, they possess an unusual amount of independence. A priest of any of the Knights must answer for their actions to any regional patriarch of Ina, but does so directly and without any interfering authority; a very short chain of command, and one rarely drawn upon. As priests of the Knights are also often itinerant, and easily able to plead ignorance of recently-issued edicts and such, they are difficult to call to account. Wise prelates of Ina's church don't even try, content to let the priests of the Knights pursue the calling of their own faith.

Priests of one of the Knights are members of the cleric class. Their domains are chosen somewhat differently than usual - each Knight has only one core domain, which is granted to all the deity's clerics. The second domain available can be chosen from any domain granted to Ina's priests. A cleric of one of the Knights can be of any nonlawful alignment.
- Knight of the Candle: Fire
- Knight of Penitence: Death
- Knight of the Storm: Destruction
- Knight of Grace: Travel
- Knight of Folly: Luck
- Knight of Colors: Creation
- Knight of Dust: Madness

DM's Dark
This will be posted later. I'm interested in seeing if the hints currently in place are sufficient for anyone else to see where I'm going with this.

eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
Ortho: The Beginnings

DM's Dark Revealed
As far as most any mortal on Ortho knows, the Knights of Ina are nothing more than minor deities, newborn powers unable to link to the faithful on their own and exercising their power only through the intercession of the Lord of Silence. This is absolutely not the case.

In fact, the seven Knights are in fact alternate identities for the seven Lords of Chaos (the eighth being Ina, herself), set up so that these ancient deities can continue to have some following on their own homeworld without needing to take more drastic and dangerous measures. This arrangement may eventually lead to a reconciliation, with a more-or-less reunified pantheon that allows for greater divine balance; such an arrangement would undoubtedly shake the Harmonium to its core. Or it may be discovered prematurely, leading to a war in the heavens to surpass even the conflicts of half-forgotten myth.

The true identities of the Knights are as follows:
- Knight of the Candle: Kibajij
- Knight of Penitence: Ghanalim
- Knight of the Storm: Chal
- Knight of Grace: Jislana
- Knight of Folly: Olinem
- Knight of Colors: Lanimin
- Knight of Dust: Namaneil

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: The Beginnings

Tyerusus, Lord of Death and Judgment The Dour Intermediate Deity Symbol: A balance scale Home Plane: Mechanus Alignment: Lawful Neutral Portfolio: Judges, Courts, Justice, Peacemaking. Formerly judged all the souls of the people of Ortho. Worshipers: judges, lawyers, law makers Cleric Alignments: LN, LG, LE Domains: Favored Weapon: “Rod of Judgement” (mace)

The son of Didaridin and Alae is a solem power, manifesting most often as a dark haired young man with cold eyes in the robes of a laywer or judge. Of the Lords of Order he is the youngest, not counting the interloper Ina. He rarely expresses any emotion unless he is in the middle of passing judgement on an individual or situation, and is known as a downright joy-killer of a god. He approaches every situation with the logic of a lawyer, and like his father will tolerate no crime - though he defines crime by the law as opposed to his father's moral definition. Tyerusus would judge Didairdin for his past crimes as he would any other but an agreement with Alae (and his own lack of comparative power) prevents this.

The temple of Tyerusus is a place usually found in conjunction with a city courts or law library, and rarely stands out signifgantly from any of those governemental buildings. Temples are usually built of dark polished marble or granite. The temple serves as a meeting place for the judicial representivites, and those in good standing with the Schools of Ethics will often recieve more hospitality than other citizens of Ortho. The temple provides overnight lodgings for laywers, jurors, and others who are in the midst of dispensing justice in accordance with the law.

The clergy of Tyerusus are required to have an understanding of their local laws as well as the ethical philosophies that are involved in creating laws to govern a community, clerics will often spend time lecturing at the local School of Ethics.

There is an ongoing rivalry between the clergy of Tyerusus and that of Didaridin, reflecting the rivalry of the two dieties as Tyerusus belives Didaridin to be a criminal at large. While the clergy of Tyerusus will not go out of it's way to prosecute followers of the Iron Handed, they do tend to closely review their actions. They especifically follow up on those who serve as local law enforcement to ensure that they follow the letter of the law exactly. The temple of Tyerusus also provides it's own security, there is a small sect of the temple dedicated to defending the temple grounds and persuing investigations. They have been known to refuse assistance from Didaridin's followers regardless of the needs of the moment. The temple of Didairdin holds no ill-will towards Tyerusus, if perhaps a little pity.

The temple of Tyerusus has no large celebrations or holidays as such things are considered a waste of time in the dispension of justice. Instead the temple will often hold a small celebration after the successful completion of trials, inviting the attending judge and lawyers of both sides to partake.

Tyerusus is the child of the union of Alae and Didaridin, and it has certainly left its mark on him. He holds a fierce hatred for the acts that brought he and his sister into being, and only with the gentle intervention of Alae has this hatred not consumed him entirely. Tyerusus instead has thrown himself headlong into serving his position in the pantheon, much to quiet worry of his parents who care for him regardless of his beliefs.

Time must not be wasted. The crimes of the guilty must be punished. The pleas of the victimized must be answered. Justice must be swift, through, and above all else accurate in its dispension. A victim of the court is a greater victim than any other.

Can we say 'daddy issues'?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: The Beginnings

Ina, Lord of Silence Titles Lesser Deity Symbol: A blank field Home Plane: Mechanus/See Below Alignment: True Neutral Portfolio: Secrets, Things that are forbidden to speak of. Worshipers: scholars, spies Cleric Alignments: Any Domains: Favored Weapon: “Subtlety” (dagger)

The Lord of Silence is the most mysterious of all the powers of the Lords of Order. Ina is technically an interloper diety, the weakest in the pantheon and for the most part she remains a nuetral party in the interactions of the pantheon itself. She is known as a wise and knowledgable power, who interferes in diefic and mortal affaris only when absolutely nessecary. Ina does not speak openly in the pantheon - preferring to speak one on one with the individual powers. With a reputation for moderation and responsibility the Lords of Order are content to let her guard their secrets.

Ina's avatar form takes the form of a female figure in a long blue-grey cloak and hood. Generally the hood is pulled forward over half her face, as a result there are no known descriptions of her beyond that.

The temple of Ina is small, though her clergy are extraordinarily devoted to her. It is said that her clerics are "made, not called". New members of the clergy are selected, often times before they themselves are aware of their religious inclinations. Initiates are exposed to the secrets and truths that the temple is aware of, and are brought into the temple through the course of initiation. As the new initiate comes to understand the truths presented to him their faith in Ina deepens, and they recieve more support from the Lord of Silence.

Members of the temple of Ina are not required to take on the mantle of cleric, though many of them will recieve small abilities or gifts from her even if they perfer to persue their previous occupation.

The temple of Ina does not openly persue any course of action, though it is widely assumed that they will actively conceal and defend the secrets of the Lords of Order and the Harmonium as a whole. The temple conceals a lot of darks, but has been known on occasion to deliberately allow some of them to slip - generally with a benefit to the whole of Ortho being seen in the long run.

Ina's temple has no openly held festivals, though yearly the clergy will gather to renew their oaths and dedication to Ina's causes.

Ina is not an interloper diety. In fact, she isn't even a lesser diety as she actively conceals her strength from the Lords of Order. She is a greater diety, in fact the mother or aunt of most of the pantheon. In millenia past, Ina was known by the name Truth. The highest of her temple, those initiated fully into her secrets, are aware of the ultimate goal of Ina, which is to return the pantheon (and her family) to their original unified state.

Ina returned to Ortho after the Lords of Order and Chaos split from each other, claiming to be an interloper deity. Her first act on entering the world was to kidnap the Lord of Martyr's Alae and imprison her secretly. At the time this caused great worry amongst the Lords of Order as they believed that a Lord of Chaos may have kidnapped the most vulnerable member of their pantheon. Ina spent years with Alae in secrecy, helping the Lord of Martyrs to grow past her own pain. When the two returned, Alae sponsored Ina's membership to the Lords of Order.

Keep silent on that which you know need not be spoken. Cry loudly that which you know needs be spoken. Not all fights can be won, and not all evils can be killed.

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: The Beginnings

Clueless, you are a machine, ripping out our beloved Lords of Law in fine style...Kudos to you sir, er, ma'am...Two to go, no?...

For Ina's Homeplane, I suggest you use Mechanus for her LofL write-up and Limbo for her LofC write-up...

As to Domains for the Lords, should we go with two sets, one Core and one Expanded (for those with access to more than the Core Rules [and I s'pose the MotP and Planar book])?...


Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: The Beginnings

10 technically, as the Lords of Chaos need a passing review at least. Probably not much more than a few paragraphs to the 'not technically worshipped here anymore' powers.

(And it's 'she' even if the character in the Storyhour is male. Cool )

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: The Beginnings

'Clueless' wrote:
(And it's 'she' even if the character in the Storyhour is male. Cool )
Puzzled Not quite sure what you're refering to...If its to you, Clueless (a.k.a. Sarah Hood), yeah I'm in on your gender...'Sir' just comes off the tongue ( fingertips? ) easier, which of course requires the correction to 'ma'am'...If not, see confused smiley Eye-wink ...

Also, please note that I edited my post to include a suggestion and a suggestion/question...


Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: The Beginnings

'kwint' wrote:
For Ina's Homeplane, I suggest you use Mechanus for her LofL write-up and Limbo for her LofC write-up...
I am - hence the note of "See Below"

As to Domains for the Lords, should we go with two sets, one Core and one Expanded (for those with access to more than the Core Rules [and I s'pose the MotP and Planar book])?...
We can - I honestly haven't looked through all the domains throughly yet.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: The Beginnings

'kwint' wrote:
'Clueless' wrote:
(And it's 'she' even if the character in the Storyhour is male. Cool )
Puzzled Not quite sure what you're refering to...If its to you, Clueless (a.k.a. Sarah), yeah I'm in on your gender...

There's been some confusion before - check out the Storyhour in my Sig. Clueless is the name of my character for that game.

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: The Beginnings

'Clueless' wrote:
'kwint' wrote:
For Ina's Homeplane, I suggest you use Mechanus for her LofL write-up and Limbo for her LofC write-up...
I am - hence the note of "See Below"
Ya, I see that now...Must of been looking at the blank next to Homeplane on my word doc that I was transferring over to (since I'm trying to get all the info onto one doc, just to keep up)...My error...

'Clueless' wrote:
There's been some confusion before - check out the Storyhour in my Sig. Clueless is the name of my character for that game.
Okay, I'm hip to the situation, although I haven't read the Storyhour...I hear your boyfriend is a pretty good writer...Player: Female / Character: Male...

Anyway, nice write-ups!...

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: The Beginnings

Harmonium 510 (Postbellum 7) [Local Prime Date 16Feb06]

On a vague, unimportant prime world without the benefit of Harmonium guidance, an entry (a very short blurb actually) was made on the premier Planescape website, Planewalker.com, in its Encyclopedia section concerning the Harmonium homeworld of Ortho...

Surreal Personae's picture
Joined: 2005-07-08
Ortho: The Beginnings

Hmm. I'm coming back here fairly late in. I've read through this one but not the PDF or the other threads, so these ideas may conflict with some, so take them for whatever they are worth.

The orcs of Ortho have been mentioned here and a question has been raised of their lawful tendencies. Also, the question of sources of Orthonian spelljamming magic has been raised. What if the orcs of Ortho are not actually orcs but rather are descendants of scro refugees from a scro defeat in the organized crystal spheres. A number of scro, seeing their defeat in sight, sought to develop hidden technologies in order to facilitate a retreat into unknown space and time. If this conflicts with the Ortho timeline, perhaps the scro were developing time travel technology as well, and somehow they ended up on Ortho as it was first developing. The scro crashed on this planet, losing much of their magical gear, and inbred to form the orcs that the Harmonium would come into contact with. The scro’s lawful militaristic bent left a strong mark on their racial psyche, so the Harmonium’s ways were not that far of a leap in ideology. Now the Harmonium has currently been searching the orc ruins for old scro spelljamming technology. The old scro ways have been reawakened but transformed, and they seek to ally with their space-bound kin in the stars.

As for Ortho in general, there could be some sources for conflict and debate within different perceptions law itself without influence of chaotic or alignment focuses. How do the legal systems of Ortho work? What are their goals? Are they primarily retributive in dealing with violations of the law, wanting to return the world to the way things were before the crime occurred and recompense damages for the victims of the crime? Are they punitive, wanting to focus on punishing the perpetrator and singling him out as an example of what happens to lawbreakers?

There is also the question of how lawful power is derived, i.e. rule by authority figure vs. rule by code of law. Does it come from some authority figure based on some divine right or quality of character? Does governing base itself on some sort of system of written laws? Perhaps this might be a current or past stickling point between the various divine Lords. The Lord of Discipline might favor rule by authority figure (whether by military might in the past or moral quality in the current) whereas the Lords of Clerks might favor rule by a system of law codes that favor the bureaucracy.

Then there’s also how different parties pursue the Truth of law and its knowledge, like the debate between rationalism and empiricism. Perhaps somewhere in Ortho’s past there was some Epistemological Wars, where the various philosophers literally fought over not only the meaning of knowledge, but how we get to the source of knowledge.

Also, on the timeline issue of how the Harmonium has only existed for 500 years, I thought that was only the official party line and may or may not be true.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: The Beginnings

Saeduenical, Lord of Watchfulness Greater Deity Symbol: An open eye Home Plane: Baator Alignment: Lawful Evil Portfolio: Divinations, Sins and Confessions, Police, Military Scouts, Spies. Worshipers: the paranoid, police observers, spies Cleric Alignments: LE, LN, NE Domains: Favored Weapon: “Far-reaching Retribution” (longbow)

Saeduenical, the bitter, the angry, the wrathful, the paranoid - she has many names but none are whispered openly by their speakers for their own good. The Lord of Watchfulness is the third of the triad of power in the Lords of Order.

She is patron of all operations on Ortho that root out the cause of dissention. She claims responsibility for keeping the weak from succuming to evil, for finding the roots of disharmony and ripping them out, and for burning away the seeds of discontent that bring about traitors. She is an expert at manipulations and at applying the law to her benefit.

Her avatar often takes the form of a dark haired woman, pale, with reddened lips. Reports conflict regarding the source of the red - be it blood or her natural coloration. She dresses conservatively at all times, and holds herself in the most formal and polite manner. She is said to be beautiful if a little cold, and to speak kindly even to those who question her actions.

The temples themselves would be mistaken for jails if it weren't for the face that they are generally too large and too grandly constructed to be so. They are often made of iron and black marble, highly polished. The doors and every window of a temple of Saeduenical is barred, and often locked unless worshippers are coming and going at the time. According to doctrine, this is to protect the goddess from the taint of corruption.

Her clergy are mostly concerned with policing the Harmonium, the Schools of Ethics, the Ortho government and anyone else in a position of power for signs of 'corruption' as they define it. Of course they also look for lawbreakers in the populace, and for the roots of corrupting disharmony amongst the people. Visits with the clergy are uncomfortable for any they suspect of ill-doings, as they will question every detail explained to them in an attempt to reveal the hidden agendas of the guilty.

Clergy members are required to undergo a personal review each year by their highest in the temple. Those who have wavered from the path of the goddess are asked to enter private meditations within the temple grounds to find themselves again. Rumors that the occasional cleric does not return from these meditations are flatly denied. As the temple would say "Confrontations with personal demons have been known to take some amount of time".

The temple of Saeduenical focuses heavily on eradicating the worship of the Lords of Chaos, Kibajij, Chal, and Ghanalim - the three Lords that Saeduenical sees as the greatest threat. When a cleric of Saeduenical speaks of 'evil' in the world, it can be assumed they speak of chaos and the Lords of Chaos.

History/ Relationships:
Saeduenical is a paranoid figure, her vision obscured by her own inner fears. In fact, she most fears her own children Chal and Ghanalim that she brought into the world, and trained. She gave them the knowledge of ruin and murder, destruction and assassination - but she also gave them cause to hate her. As a result it is their agents and their actions that she sees surounding herself in Ortho.

Kibajij she hates more than she fears, as a thief and blames him for the betrayal of their original pantheon. It is her opinion that the Lords of Order have not gone far enough to secure their world against the influnece of Chaos and it's bearers. What it would take to make her feel secure though is unknown.

Everyone has a little bit of evil in them, and therefore all are suspect. Evil must be tapped, like sap from a tree before the roots may be ripped out and removed. It must be guarded against at all times, and sought out to be destroyed in order to protect others. The fight against evil is a greater fight than any other, sacrifices may be called for and should be surrendered as the willing price to pay.

I've got another section being worked up on the special sect of her clergy that are active Sinhunters....

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: The Beginnings

'Surreal Personae' wrote:
There is also the question of how lawful power is derived, i.e. rule by authority figure vs. rule by code of law. Does it come from some authority figure based on some divine right or quality of character? Does governing base itself on some sort of system of written laws?
This one i think is actualyl already covered. I'll need to double check my references. But there was a mention of Harmonium philosophy that indicated the belief that No One was above the law - that all were equal underneath it. Hence one of the main reasons why the Lord of Hierarchy is the *ex* power of nobility and royalty, instead he's moved over to beign the patron for the Harmonium. With that sort of lawmaking in mind, there's no question of which one tops the other: it's rule by code of law.

The Lord of Discipline might favor rule by authority figure (whether by military might in the past or moral quality in the current) whereas the Lords of Clerks might favor rule by a system of law codes that favor the bureaucracy.
Clerk boy is best described as "geek boy" Eye-wink He actually follows very closely on his patron's (The Lord of Hierarchy) lead in that regard.

The Lord of Discipline, in personality can honestly be described as the stereotypical "good cop". The methods by which a leader is picked don't matter to him as much as that the leader makes a genuine effort to tend to the real *needs* of his people.

Perhaps somewhere in Ortho’s past there was some Epistemological Wars, where the various philosophers literally fought over not only the meaning of knowledge, but how we get to the source of knowledge.
Ortho has advanced *very* rapidly in the last few hundred years. You can almost assume that debates along those lines are ongoing in the Schools of Ethics (though a number of provinces probably don't encourage debating like that outside of the controlled environment of the Schools. Thinking can 'hurt' people if they aren't trained for it you know. Eye-wink )

Also, on the timeline issue of how the Harmonium has only existed for 500 years, I thought that was only the official party line and may or may not be true.
We're going with true - for a number of reasons. There's no reason to disbelieve it, as it's not just the party that seems to acknowledge that the Hardheads came out of 'nowhere' in recent (relatively) history. Also, 500 years is a good solid chunk of time when looking at history it was a plausible length of time for the Harmonium's founding.

You may want to check out the Beastiary and the Provinces threads, those are the ones that are on the leading edge of development so to speak. There's a lot more depth that we've gotten into for the setting at this point and we could use some detailed things like locations, creatures, or adventure hooks.

cylerist's picture
Joined: 2006-02-13

I would prefer low to moderate magic, waxing if former waning if latter.

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: The Beginnings

'cylerist' wrote:
I would prefer low to moderate magic, waxing if former waning if latter.
I think it's pretty much been determined that Ortho is a moderately high magic world due to:

1) A protracted war to evict a Demon Lord from the world...
2) A protracted war to wipe out Ortho's elven population who were rich in magical ability...
3) 200 years of exposure to planar travel and colonization...
4) 100 years of spelljamming...
5) Planetary Central Governmental support of Magic and Wizardry...


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Though to be honest I don't know anymore what qualifies a setting as "high magic" or "low magic". It's not like there seems to be any low magic settings out there where spells over 6th level don't exist (or magic doesn't exist and neither does high tech) - or any high magic settings where everyone knows a few spells. It doesn't seem to be a concept that exists in any mechanics of any setting anymore - just purely in the tone of writing.

eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
Ortho: The Beginnings

To be fair, there are two distinct but often unrecognized definitions of "high magic". The first concerns overall power of magic - wizards able to shatter mountains, move cities or change planets with their spells. The second involves the ubiquity of magic, with 'high magic' meaning that every village or family has a spellcaster or two.

It's entirely possible for a world to be high power but low ubiquity, or vice versa. For myself, I'd judge Ortho to have very high power magic, but moderate to low ubiquity. Everyone knows that demons exist, those favored by the gods can bring the dead back to life, and that the Harmonium rules a planet through intelligent use of magic - but very few people have actually seen such things, and fields fertilized through industrialized use of plant growth or towns with a continual flame on every corner are unknown.

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: The Beginnings

'eldersphinx' wrote:
It's entirely possible for a world to be high power but low ubiquity, or vice versa. For myself, I'd judge Ortho to have very high power magic, but moderate to low ubiquity. Everyone knows that demons exist, those favored by the gods can bring the dead back to life, and that the Harmonium rules a planet through intelligent use of magic - but very few people have actually seen such things, and fields fertilized through industrialized use of plant growth or towns with a continual flame on every corner are unknown.
I'd think the ubiquity of magic on Ortho would be moderate to highly moderate...The need to focus on offensive magic on a day-to-day basis is very low due to the unification of the world and the Harmonium's vigilence on what's good for all...I think contiually flamed (?) cities would not be all that uncommon, that Western Unification Eye-wink communication magic between cities would be important to both governing and economics and temple healing and agronomy would be highly magical... Kwint

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: The Beginnings

Re: Languages on Ortho
So, I was wondering what languages are spoken on Ortho...I assume that there is some sort of Orthoran Common (but based on what?) and I've mentioned that Ahltani is spoken by the natives of Gelidahl, but what other languages do you see being spoken on Ortho?...I assume Orthoran Common is a amalgamated language created by and pushed as an intraglobal/interprovincial language by the Harmonium...Are there hundreds of human languages (as on earth, which doesn't have a common language although English might be the closest) or have the provinces pushed a common provincial language with local dialects?...What mother tongue and bonus languages are PCs gonna take...

Come on folks, this is s'posed to be a discussion group, let's discuss!...


Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: The Beginnings

Baelae, Lord of Music The Drummer Intermediate Deity Symbol: A trumpet with banner Home Plane:Arcadia Alignment: Lawful Good Portfolio: Music, Composition, Marches. Worshipers: musicians, artists, dancers Cleric Alignments: LG, NG, LN Domains: Favored Weapon: “The Songblade” (spear)

Baelae is one of the younger and weaker members of hte Lords of Order. He is the musician of the Lords, and sets their feet and those of their followers to the beat of music and march. The Dummer is the patron of the organized musical arts - marches, choirs, chants and drumming. He watches over his followers with the practiced eye of a musician, working to keep them inspired and happy within the ranges of his composition. Baelae, with tolerance, will allow his musicians to learn of the less orderly musical and artisitc forms as well in no small part because he believes they should be exposed to the other forms to learn the contrast and what makes his preferred music better. That he can't quite bear to loose all traces of his ex-lover Jislana is not something he will openly admit to any other Lord of Order.

His avatar, when he manifests is often that of a wiry youth with an easy smile and spikey blond hair. He is often seen carrying a small drum or a set of sticks, and is generally dressed in a simplistic bardic tunic. Baelae's avatar can blend in with other musician easily save for one trait that stands out in a crowd. He habitually taps on things in rythmn, generally a complex pattern that one has to listen to for quite some time before it becomes apparent.

Baelae's temple is generally attached to the Bardic colleges such at the College of the Choir, and it's clergy are often found lecturing or tending to the bruises and blisters the musicians gather. The temples may also be found in large cities, or near any central point of government - providing for the nobility or for gorvernmental entertainment needs. Unsually there are also a few small monastaries that are restricted to only clergy or musicians seeking inspiration. These monastaries may be found in some of the most picturesque places on Ortho, overlooking valleys, seascapes, or mountian ranges.

All clergy members are required to understand the basics of musical theory, though they are not required to be performers. The clergy will also provide information regarding jobs and places to stay to bards that come through the area, especially those in favor or graduated from one of the Colleges. If desperate a bard in good standing may ask for a few nights grace under the Lord's roof as well.

Baelae's temple holds a few festivals. The first is Marching Day, when the bards of the land that follow this god will turn to their patrons and work to compose or reinforce their will. This day is the most martial of Baelae's ceremonies as it is in commimeroration of the day that the Pantheon split. Music composed on this day is intended to reinforce or support the spread of Order. A heretic splinter group within the Temple will write an additional song on this day, generally dedicated to themes of lost love or love's betrayal.

The second fesitval that Baelae holds is a weeklong summer event of drumming circles and other musical events. This Week of Song is often held by the Colleges as a time for students to demonstrate their skills, and make a little extra money on the side. Some colleges will even use the week's performances as something of a final exam before graduation. Instrument makers often see this week as their best week of the year to sell their wares.

The temple holds festivals in conjunction with every other temple of the Lords, in addition to their own. Baelae provides the entertainment or background music for each.

The drummer used to be a mortal bard, and worshipper of Jislana. It is her dancing that he set to music and the rythmns of her body that lit inspiration first in his heart. In her honor he crafted the first drum, and delighted her with the tones he pulled from it. The two became lovers and she set him at her side in the pantheon.

Unfortunately as the years passed, their love matured and then eventually soured. She discovered that he was too slow to change, and reluctant to take the risks she took. He discovered that she was simply too hard to pin down and rely upon. These differences could have been the basis of an understanding between them, as they would temper each others extremes - but instead the two lovers quarrelled. The last time they spoke to each other was when the pantheon split into the Lords of Order and the Lords of Chaos.

Baelae has not taken a lover since that time. It is suspected in the pantheon that he still loves Jislana, and in truth he loves just as much as he hates her. Baelae has not additted this hurt to any of those in the pantheon, not Alae nor Ina.

Life follows a rythmn, you just have to be still and listen for it. Set your actions to a seady pace and things will get done, the music will steady your hand and speed your step.

Last one. Now to go make sure I got the spelling right for all of these fellows. Eye-wink

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30

Sin is the root. Sin is the poison. Man sops it with his bread. He quaffs it's flame with his wine. We are the only antidote. - a Sinhunter Mantra

Sinhunters are an elite sect within the church of Saeduenical. Sinhunters are clergy with additional training and skills. They receive training in the fields of investigation, interrogation, deduction, and torture. They are investigators of the obscene, the perverse, and the extreme crimes and troubles on Ortho. A sinhunter may be called in when the activities of the Abyss or those of the Lords of Chaos are suspected within an area. The temple may also send Sinhunters before they are requested by the local authorities, and are often instructed to review the authorities themselves for evil influences.

Sinhunters are not always welcome when they arrive to conduct an investigation. They are willing to go to further extremes than many other investigators are and in some provinces the temple of Didaridrin will provide an 'assistant' to ensure that the sinhunter's actions are observed as well. Occasionally such partnership will result in an open conflict between the temples.

When a sinhunter begins an investigation he assumes that his prey may be anyone within the area, from the smallest child to the highest lord. Once the source of the sin has been found, if it is within an individual the sinhunter will then do his best to rid the sinner of his burden. A sinhunter will use all of the tools at his disposal to convince the sinner to turn away from his chosen path, including torture if it is required. A sinhunter truly believes he is doing good upon the face of Ortho, and believes that his actions are needed to prevent the disease of sin from spreading to the healthy body of the populace. If a sinner cannot be cleansed, a sinhunter may act to insure that the sin cannot spread further - killing the sinner if necessary to do so.

A sinhunter's investigation is through and obsessive, and he will often make an effort to identify closely with the action of his prey. Sinhunters often claim to 'feel' the evil within another, or to 'see' the crimes as they are committed from the point of view of the sinner. As a result this sect is also the most unstable of all of Saeduenical’s sects. They are the most likely to go insane from constant exposure to sin, or become tainted themselves.

An insane sinhunter will often begin to see sin behind every action and in the heart of all around him. They may even turn against the temple of Saeduenical itself, claiming that the temple hides it's own sinners, and has destroyed clergy that do not follow it's ideals. This corruption will often force the sinhunter's superiors to hunt the sinhunter himself in an effort to bring him peace.

An idea worthy of a Pr.Class I'd say...

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: The Beginnings

'kwint' wrote:
Re: Languages on Ortho So, I was wondering what languages are spoken on Ortho...

I assume Orthoran Common is a amalgamated language created by and pushed as an intraglobal/interprovincial language by the Harmonium...Are there hundreds of human languages (as on earth, which doesn't have a common language although English might be the closest) or have the provinces pushed a common provincial language with local dialects?...What mother tongue and bonus languages are PCs gonna take...

Well - let's see there's a tounge that the Rialondru clergy use: Ariatha - it's long dead, and static in the temple at this point. (Like Latin in essence) But is probably the mother tounge for a handful of other languages.

Orthorian Common is probably the mother tongue of Heka and Voll actually. It's what the at least one of the original founders would have preferred to speak in and Heka as a trade country probably spoke the same.

It was probably first choosen as a legal language for documents - as a human language it probably has the flexibility for certain terms that the founders wanted, and it was easiest to work within. I would say provincial efforts force Orthorian Common as a required language - so everyone can *read* the laws the Harmonium safeguards.

The eastern lands - Han in particular, probably have a secondary required tounge for trade and legal dealings. As complex as the cultures there are I would suspect a case language with multiple levels of 'formality' that take into account speaker, audience and circumstance - but I don't think we need to get *that* detailed, neh? Eye-wink

Often you can follow languages by migration - so Ulfrheim, and Omospondia probably have heavily influenced each other. I'd also say the language of Ulfrheim - in it's *oldest* form, is remarkably simular to the language of the Thaeran merfolk.

Motmurk and Kelnin are 'easy' compartively - orc and beholder. Though I'd bet that certain family lines or clan lines have probably developed a family language as well.

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: The Beginnings

Any chance of getting anymore information concerning the Ninth Cabal from whoever originated them, or barring that, from anyone who has any ideas concerning them?...Were they a localized phenomenon or were they a global organization?...They seem ripe for adventure ideas, you know, ancient ruins once thought to be their abodes with hidden items, spell formulae, lost knowledge, etc. for both pro- and anti- Harmonium adventuring parties...

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Ortho: The Beginnings

'kwint' wrote:
Any chance of getting anymore information concerning the Ninth Cabal

Yes. A very good chance.

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: The Beginnings

'ripvanwormer' wrote:
'kwint' wrote:
Any chance of getting anymore information concerning the Ninth Cabal

Yes. A very good chance.

Ha, Ha, Ha...I just love literalism in response to a question, especially when the intent of the question is obvious Eye-wink ...Okay, I'll play along...

What was the Ninth Cabal?...Were they a global or localized group?...If localized, where?...Who were their greatest members?...How exactly did they come to power?...How long did they exist?...How exactly did they fall from power?...What sort of magic did they practice?...Did they wear boxers, tighty-whities or go commando?...Was there a First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth or any other Number-themed Cabal?...If yes, what are the answers to the questions that came prior to the previous one concerning those other number-themed cabals?...

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: The Beginnings

'Clueless' wrote:
Motmurk and Kelnin are 'easy' compartively - orc and beholder. Though I'd bet that certain family lines or clan lines have probably developed a family language as well.
I would agree with this, although I think the beholders would keep their language to themselves, with the humans of Keln'in speaking their own language.

My general thinking on Orthoran Common is that it is not spoken by the majority of Ortho's populace, but is the language of both Voll/Heka and the interprovincial community (the government, the Harmonium, traders and those who generally travel or deal with travellers)...The Harmonium would teach it to their recruits as part of their initial training...

My suggestions for common spoken languages of Ortho (the majority of which have more localized dialects):

Primary Languages:
-Orthoran Common (derived from the languages of Voll)

Secondary/Bonus and Local Languages:
-Kelnic (spoken by the humans of Keln'in, Bafatai, heavily influenced by Thaeran, and eastern Karazam, heavily influenced by Parsadian)
-Iirondan (spoken by the humans of Iironda)
-Hazhkani (spoken by the humans of Hazhkan and, in the north, heavily influenced by Parsadian and, in the south, heavily influenced by Iirondan)
-Shorykan (spoken by the humans of Shoryko)
-Parsadian (spoken by the humans of Omospondia, western Karazam and Xaric)
-Ulfri (spoken by the 'humans' of Ulfrheim)
-Thaeran (spoken by the humans of the former Empire of Pan Thaera)
-Ahltani (spoken by the natives of Gelidahl and rooted in Thaeran)
-Iathran (spoken by the humans of Iathra and The Isles)

Some of these may have different names, I just went with obvious geographical reference points...Of course, there may be hundreds or thousands of languages, I'm just trying to note language groups that, in an rpg, might be amalgamated into local tongues for PCs to take as bonus languages...I also have a theory of how common is magically translated into planar common when one enters the outer planes, but that is something for another post...


kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: The Beginnings

So, I'm kinda confused by two of Ortho's gods...It seems to me that Ina and Mogranhu the Forgotten Goddess do the same thing...Both are about Truth and bringing about true harmony...One was the original Truth of Ortho and the other a servant of Lao-Tzu, which I don't really get (why would Lao-Tzu send someone to a sphere in which he is not worshipped to bring truth and harmony and not to spread his faith?...Why not just have her worship Ina?)...It seems redundant, or am I just not getting it?...

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: The Beginnings

Truth (Ina) isn't concerned with Law, Order, or Harmony - she's much more concerned with balance and making sure the pantheon doesn't destroy each other.

The Forgotten Goddess (though she may end up being revised over time to closer fit this) is more concerned with the truth of the Harmonium's original ways. A proper order, not the enforced and corrupted mess that has popped up over time. The forgotten goddess may take some revision to get to that point - as her original proxy/avatar/whatevershewas was the druid from the original Fab Four of Harmony. Considering the nature of the Forgotten One's message, Ina probably discretely extends a cloak of secrecy over her activities when it will benefit the overall goal of balance.

I'm not sure where Ophelia pulled the connection to Lao-Tzu from - but if I can figure out a way to make it make sense I'll do so.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Ortho: The Beginnings

1. Maybe Lao Tzu was worshipped on Ortho, long ago, so he felt a responsibility to assign someone to look after it even after he himself was forgotten.

2. Maybe the Forgotten Goddess was a planewalker, and met Lao Tzu in the Isle of the Immortals in the Ethereal Plane, who showed her the secret to immortality after a period of training.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: The Beginnings

I'm having a hard time finding information about Lao Tzu - where can I locate writeups on him?

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: The Beginnings

'Clueless' wrote:
I'm having a hard time finding information about Lao Tzu - where can I locate writeups on him?
Here's his write-up from 2ed.'s "Legends & Lore":

Lao Tzu (lesser god) Lao Tzu is the legendary philosopher who compiled the Tao-te-Ching, the basis of Taoist thought. After finishing this wonderful book, Lao Tzu was deified. He mounted a green ox and rode away into the sunset. Lao Tzu is now venerated as the founder of Taoism. He is worshipped by mystical philosophers hoping for assistance in achieving true enlightenment.

Role-playing Notes: Lao Tzu is in charge of intuitive knowledge and mystical enlightenment, which he grants sparingly. Lao Tzu is fond of visiting his temples and orders in avatar form. Here, he tests his worshipers’ knowledge by drawing them into heated philosophical debates. Omens from Lao Tzu generally assume the form of some natural catastrophe or good fortune, such as an insect plague or a stretch of warm weather in the middle of winter.

Statistics: AL In; WAL any lawful; AoC mystic insight, nature; SY yin-yang circle.

Lao Tzu’s Avatar (druid 12)
Lao Tzu’s avatar appears to be an ancient hermit with a spry step and twinkle in his eye. He can draw upon the all, animal, elemental, healing, plant, and weather spheres for his spells.

Str 12 Dex 15 Con 18
Int 18 Wis 20 Cha 18
MV 15 SZ 6’ MR 15%
AC 0 HD 12 HP 96
#AT 1 THAC0 9 Dmg 1d6 (staff)

Special Att/Def: Anyone hit by the staff of Lao Tzu’s avatar must save versus paralyzation or be permanently paralyzed. Nothing short of a wish can counter this curse.

Duties of the Priesthood
Priests dedicated to Lao Tzu or Taoism must preside over a wide range of ceremonies. Their most important duty, however, is achieving their own enlightenment — a process which requires untold hours of meditation. Once per year, each priest makes a roll to determine whether or not he has achieved enlightenment. He stands a l% chance of success for each year he has been a priest (double the chance of success for priests with a Wisdom of 18 or greater). Priests making a successful roll automatically rise three levels (to minimum Experience Points needed), have their Wisdom increased to 18 or by 1 point if their have already have a score of 18 or better). Further, they receive the ability to commune with Lao Tzu once per week and control weather once per day.

Requirements: AB standard; AL any neutral; WP staff, blowgun (with poison), bow, harpoon, spear, sickle, sling; AR (level 1-10) a, (level 11+) g; SP all, animal, divination, elemental, healing, plant, weather; PW 1) resist fire/cold (as spell, but constant); TU nil.

There may be more in "On Hallowed Ground" or "Planes of Law" (assuming he lives on Arcadia or Mechanus, which is something I'm not sure is the case)...Kind of odd that his priests may be any neutral alignment, yet his Worshippers' Alignment is 'any lawful'...

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Ortho: The Beginnings

'kwint' wrote:
(assuming he lives on Arcadia or Mechanus, which is something I'm not sure is the case). Kwint

It's not the case. He lives on the Land of the Immortals, a demiplane in the Ethereal, hanging out with the Eight Immortals of Chinese myth. There's nothing more in On Hallowed Ground, and the information in A Guide to the Ethereal Plane is so brief it's not worth mentioning.

However, Here's his Godchecker entry and here's his Wikipedia entry.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: The Beginnings

Ghanalim, Lord of Death The Assassin, Quiet Death Intermediate Deity Symbol: A bloody dagger Home Plane: Abyss Alignment: Chaotic Evil Portfolio: Betrayal, Murder, Assassination Worshipers: assassins, politicians Cleric Alignments: CE, NE, CN Domains: Favored Weapon: “Blood Hunter”, (dagger)

The Harmonium's Take:
The Assassin God is a ruthless murderer, bent only on slaking his own bloodlust. He lives on betrayal and death. He is a resentful god, which uses shadows and secrecy to conceal his actions. His servants lie and seduce their way into the offices of great and powerful men, only to stab them in the dark. It is his hand that is behind the most horrific of betrayals, and the deaths of great leaders. Sarin’s death, may he rest in peace, was a triumph for Ghanalim. The temple of Saeduenical will kill clerics of Ghanalim on sight, their souls are long damned and irretrievable.

The Dark:
He really didn’t have much to do with the Sarin incident, but if he could have he probably would. Ghanalim is an assassin, and is just as nasty as the Harmonium believes. But he has a goal in mind. He resents the training and treatment he received at the hands of his mother, Saeduenical, and has spent the majority of his time since he joined the Lords of Chaos building up to an ultimate betrayal within her temple. He would like nothing more than to take her down. A small number of her clerics in truth belong to him, and he has infiltrated at least one of the highest order of the sinhunter sect.

Step quietly when your prey can hear, there is no rush. The betrayed earn their dues by their own complacence and trust. Never forgive a transgression, but choose your time for repayment carefully.

Ina, Lord of Silence Lesser Deity Symbol: A blank field Home Plane: Limbo/See Above Alignment: True Neutral Portfolio: Secrets, Things that are forbidden to speak of. Worshipers: scholars, spies Cleric Alignments: Any Domains: Favored Weapon: “Subtlety” (dagger)

The Harmonium's Take:
The Lords of Order and the Harmonium are unaware of Ina’s dual membership in the Lords of Order and the Lords of Chaos.

The Dark:
The Lords of Chaos are aware that Ina is involved with the Lords of Order. They firmly believe that she is a double agent for them, and with her sponsorship of some of the more reasonable of their activities they have no reason to doubt her. Ina plays a dangerous game with her activities, attempting to keep just enough of the Lords of Chaos active on Ortho without alerting the Lords of Order to her duplicity. Ultimately she would see the pantheons reunited as the two halves of the pantheon need each other more than they think they do.

Keep silent on that which you know need not be spoken. Cry loudly that which you know needs be spoken. Not all fights can be won, and not all evils can be killed.

Olinem, The Lord of Luck The Blind Fool Intermediate Deity Symbol: Home Plane: Arborea Alignment: Chaotic Good Portfolio: Luck, Fools, Blind Trust, Love. Worshipers: fools, lovers, rogues Cleric Alignments: CG, CN, GN Domains: Favored Weapon: “Fickleness of Fate”, (rapier)

The Harmonium's Take:
Fickle and unreliable. The Lord of Luck is never to be trusted or relied on and his worshippers are left vulnerable to bad luck and betrayal. He inspires his followers to acts of rebellion, foolishness, and to disregard their duties to their family and beliefs. He preys upon youthful fantasy, and seeks out juvenile delinquents.

The Dark:
The Lord of Luck is, for the most part, a god of good luck. Though he cannot shield his followers from all of the bad parts of life, if they simply trust in him he makes sure everything works out in the end. He is the god of love, particularly that of new love and teenage romance. The Lord of Luck sides with the Lords of Chaos due to his own nature, as opposed to any lingering resentment of the Lords of Order.

Love is the greatest pleasure in life, seek for it openly, and you will never go without. Trust in fate, a little sorrow now will bloom into joy later.

Jislana, Lord of Dance The Fleetfooted, Sanddancer Lesser Deity Symbol: A swirl of footprints in sand Home Plane: Arborea Alignment: Chaotic Good Portfolio: Dancing, Freedom, Martial Arts. Worshipers: dancers, rebels, monks Cleric Alignments: CG, NG, CN Domains: Favored Weapon: “Quick-Tap”, (staff)

The Harmonium's Take:
A juvenile delinquent and seducer of young men. The dancer is a temptress into rebellion and neglect of spiritual matters. She has little to no self control, and encourages the same flaws in her followers. Her followers refuse to acknowledge any lawful authority, are anarchists at heart, and contribute nothing to their communities. They are leeches. Her followers may be found among gypsies and other rootless peoples. She destroys authority and property if called to by her belief in freedom for all. She keeps no promise she makes and holds no bond sacred, acting in the name of misguided freedom.

The Dark:
Jislana is not a goddess willing to be tied down to any one person, place, or cause - but that doesn't mean she does not care about anything but herself. She has a boundless energy that she gives to her causes and her actions on Ortho, but she rarely manages to stay long enough to see the action through entirely, leaving that to her followers or other powers allied with her. She is skilled at seeing to the heart of the matter before her, and at leading others into doing the right thing. The only cause she has never abandoned is an ongoing quest to destroy the very concept of slavery. In addition, after the split of the pantheon she holds a strong aversion to making promises, as the last one she made was to Baelae and it did not turn out well. Even now she regrets their quarrel and that she was not able to convince him to come with her.

Dance. Live freely, and share your life with others. Do not suffer others to be shackled, by words, sorrows, or iron.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: The Beginnings

Kabajij, Lord of Tricks The Fox, Firedancer Greater Deity Symbol: A fox tail on fire Home Plane: Arborea Alignment: Chaotic Good Portfolio: Tricksters, Pranks, Fire, Inspiration. Worshipers: inventors, rogues, pyromaniacs Cleric Alignments: CG, NG, CN Domains: Favored Weapon: “Flamedance” (dagger)

The Harmonium's Take:
The Fox is the most clever of the Lords of Chaos. He is a tempter and seducer of the innocent and uncorrupted. Kabajij most favors corrupting those in a position of authority into misuse and abuse of their power. He will use deceptive visions to lead his victims astray. Those who fall to the lies of Kabajij may be redeemed, and should be brought to the temple of the Lord of Watchers for redemption.

The Dark:
Kabajij is in fact just as much the trickster the Harmonium claims he is and will target those in authority for his pranks. But generally he targets those who are already abusing their power. He is not a malevolent creature, though the Temple of Saeduenical and Rialondru would say otherwise. He is wise, clever, and generally has the best of intentions for Ortho. He believes the Lords of Order have abused their power to an extent where for the safety of all they need to be removed from the pantheon at risk of stagnating the world.

Live. Laugh. Smile. Dream.

Lanimin, Lord of Arts The Sculptor, The Painted God Lesser Deity Symbol: A paint brush and chisel Home Plane: Limbo Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Portfolio: Creative Writing, Visual Arts, Invention. Worshipers: painters, poets, writers Cleric Alignments: CG, CN, CE Domains: Favored Weapon: “Stone Carver”, (hammer)

The Harmonium's Take:
The lord of visions is a source of tainted inspiration and insanity. His presence is felt in his influence on the gifted young, and of artists. Lanimin is an open door to insanity for these vulnerable members of society. He is the father and root of lies. He encourages fantasy and reckless abandon - bereft of practicality. His followers swiftly become unstable and irrational bringing harm often to themselves and occasionally to others. A follower of Lanimin will starve before he finds fortune in his art. For their own safety and future security, those who are vulnerable to this Lord of Chaos should receive careful training and tend closely to the traditions of their art. No artist should be abandoned to Lanimin's harsh care.

The Dark:
Lanimin finds inspiration from pain as well as pleasure. Suffering and joy go hand in hand for this god, for without both an artist has nothing to channel his art with. Lanimin is not a comfortable god to follow, as he will allow his worshippers experiences that are not always for their own good. Lanimin dislikes the stagnation that the Lords of Order bring to his art. More so he has built up a great deal of resentment as he has seen many artists, with the skill and inspiration for greatness, be convinced to be little more than 'normal'. For every artist that is convinced to abandon his path by others, be it for his own good or their own comfort, Lanimin tattoos their name upon his skin in remembrance.

Life itself is your inspiration, live it. Do not fear what you see before you, take it within yourself, change it, and give forth a new vision.

Chal, Lord of Ruin The Scythe, The Shattered Goddess Intermediate Deity Symbol: Home Plane: Pandemonium Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Portfolio: Destruction, Revolution, Rebellion, Free Thought. Worshipers: rebels, arsonists, anarchists Cleric Alignments: CN, CE, CG Domains: Favored Weapon: “Sky-Torn”, (scythe)

The Harmonium's Take:
Chal is a vicious and reckless rabble-rouser. Her followers will often attempt to infiltrate many levels of society in an attempt to destroy civilization from within. She will stop at nothing in her attempts to bring down the Lords of Order, civilized society and the Harmonium itself. Her lies are often found surfacing in the Schools of Ethics, where they are shown for what they truly are. She glories in the destruction of those things that are symbols to Ortho and is responsible for the destruction of the second moon. The temple of Saeduenical will kill clerics of Chal on sight, their souls are long damned and irretrivable.

The Dark:
Chal is the patron of free thought and not all of that thought is comfortable for the Harmonium to be exposed to. Questioning of authority is Chal's role, and she does actually glory in breaking down stagnant societies. Chal believes that a rebirth of society is good, refreshing to Ortho as a whole and necessary for continued existence. She was one of the first to step away from the pantheon of Ortho, believing that the old way was a failure.

What is built up must come down eventually. Questioning authority is not the same thing as destroying authority - both have their place. Take what works, and discard what doesn't.

Namaneil, Lord of Filth Lord of Vermin, The Ratfaced Intermediate Deity Symbol: A fly Home Plane: Abyss Alignment: Chaotic Evil Portfolio: Disease, Famine, Plague, Perversion. Worshipers: evil druids, sadomasochists, serial killers Cleric Alignments: CE, CN, NE Domains: Favored Weapon: “Pleasure”, (whip)

The Harmonium's Take:
Perversion in it's highest form. She delights in seduction, torture, corruption and sickness. Worshippers of this goddess are sick in the mind, and often in the body, a reflection of their twisted goddess. Her worshippers will freely commit the most horrific of actions - killing and torturing repeatedly, when they aren't out spreading disease and corrupting the underage. The corrupted victims of Namaneil, and the clergy and worshippers of the goddess are often the subject of sinhunter missions. She has a fondness for serial killers and sadists.

The Dark:
The Harmonium is right.

Does it feel good? Do it.

A few more, shorter entries for these folks as they are much weaker on Ortho than the Lords of Order.

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: The Beginnings

'Clueless' wrote:
Sinhunters are an elite sect within the church of Saeduenical. Sinhunters are clergy with additional training and skills. They receive training in the fields of investigation, interrogation, deduction, and torture. They are investigators of the obscene, the perverse, and the extreme crimes and troubles on Ortho.

An idea worthy of a Pr.Class I'd say...

Can someone say Grammaton Cleric?...Do they use repeating hand x-bows and are trained in the Handcrossbow Kata? Eye-wink ...

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: The Beginnings

*chuckle* Better than what I had in my head at the time: Frank Black

They aren't quite so emotionless though I'd say. Eye-wink

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: The Beginnings

'Clueless' wrote:
*chuckle* Better than what I had in my head at the time: Frank Black
Ya, "Equilibrium" is on FX right now, so it just struck me that it was right... Kwint

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: The Beginnings

Tis a darn good movie. Smiling

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: The Beginnings

The drawback of having Frank Black as an example for a Sinhunter is that Frank is obviously good in alignment and Saeduenical's clerics can't be good...If they could, I'd recommend the following as examples from RW entertainment:

Good: Millennium's Frank Black
Neutral: Equilibrium's Grammaton Cleric
Evil: 1984's Thought Police

Just a thought (or two)...

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Ortho: The Beginnings

Oh, Millennium's Frank Black. I thought you meant the lead singer from the Pixies.

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