Ortho: Races of Ortho - Ogres

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Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Ortho: Races of Ortho - Ogres

So we’ve lost elves, half-elves, gnomes, and Halflings as PC races and major cultural groups on Ortho… Yes we’ve gained beholders but we still have the room to populate this world with more unusual races, especially those that are normally pushed into dungeons and the deep wilderness on other worlds. A strong part of my mental image of the Harmonium is as a racially diverse society – especially one where ‘monsters’ are responsible citizens.

After a browse through the Monstrous Manual, I’ve had out a few ideas. They’re certainly not all PC race material, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t included in the Harmonium. They’re pretty embryonic at present.

The Ogres of Shoryko

There is a legend from before the time of Koryao of two clans driven high into the mountains by the endless civil wars. Exiled from civilised lands and broken by the power of their enemies, they were forced to dwell high in the mountains, living in caves and crevices and scratching an existence by hunting game and chewing moss. The clans were called the [i]Besar and Raeya – all wicked folk who deserved their punishment.

When winter came it was terribly cold in the mountains. Wolves stole their game, bears came into their caves, the lichen froze and crumbled. The exiles were forced to dig deeper and deeper into the mountains for warmth and shelter.

In a cave deep beneath the great mountain of Óriagu they found a magical root, bulbous, black, and dripping potent sap. Upon the root they feasted, and it nourished them with its foul and terrible flesh. They sought strength from the root but not virtue, and by the time spring came they were strong indeed, grown to a great height. But they had also become fat, hideous, and wicked.

The Besar became lazy during their stay beneath the Swollen Mountain, never straying far from the root, which they called Szin’anya, the Dark Foster Mother. Their strength was greatest, but their minds rotted and they became lazy and stupid, controlled by their petty emotions.

The Raeya meanwhile, delved even deeper into the mountain, trying to find the source of Szin’anya. When spring came they were not quite so large or strong as their cousins, but returned from the depths with the secret of a dark magic, madness and wisdom in equal parts.

When summer came, the Besar and Raeya joined forces to attack the people who had exiled them, sallying forth from their mountain warrens and bringing great calamity to the land. We named them the Óriaguz, Folk of the Swollen Mountain, after the great peak from which they came. Again and again the Óriaguz plagued us, but they were never able to triumph over us. So the Óriaguz prayed to the Dark Foster Mother and she gave them a plan:

Following her twisted roots deep through the earth, the Óriaguz travelled far away in search of the power to defeat us once and for all. But they were oft delayed, for the Raeya were greedy for power and magic, and the Besar were greedy for all things they saw. In the far off places they made such a havoc that the good people of the Harmonium travelled all the way to Shoryko, to learn who these monsters were and from where they had come. The Óriaguz tried to make war upon the Harmonium, but were broken and thrown down, forced back into the Swollen Mountain. The Harmonium could have destroyed them all, but instead chose to be merciful. They went among the Óriaguz and taught them more peaceful ways.

With the coming of the Harmonium, the Óriaguz forsook Szin'anya at last and burned her roots, embracing the Lords of Order as do we all. Praise the Lords of Order and the Harmonium who are their open hand and sharp sword.

- Shoryko folktake[/i]

Whatever the truth of the matter, the people of Shoryko insist that these creatures originated in their land, and even that the name “ogre” in the common tongue is just a corruption of Óriaguz. Locals still call the common ogre “besars” and ogre mages rulers “raeya”, as do the ogres themselves.

Although records from before Koryao’s time are often fanciful, there is no other explanation given for the rise and spread of ogres across Ortho long ago. Harmonium records certainly record an ogre kingdom as existing when they first came to Shoryko, based on the mountain Óriaguz.

Shoryko hosts a single ogre kingdom, on the mountain of Óriaguz beyond even its most isolated towers and monasteries. Their central kingdom is indeed based at the Swollen Mountain; a nation of common ogres ruled over by ogre mages. This pattern is repeated in ogre clans across Ortho, where a spellcasting elite rules over more primitive and numerous subjects.

Ogre Society

Note that below ‘ogre’ refers to both species, while ‘besar’ and ‘raeya’ refer to common ogres and ogre mages respectively. These terms are used in Shoryko and among the ogres themselves, but in the common tongue they are generally referred to as simply ogres (“Óriaguz” in Shoryko) and ogre mages.

Ogres traditionally make their home anywhere food is abundant but often become nomadic once local sources have run dry, the besars in particular having great appetite and no self restraint. Wilder and more reclusive tribes still wear fur and hide, but civilised clans wear proper clothing, though it is usually made from cast-offs or sackcloth. The raeya (ogre mages) wear oversized human garments and equipment, and function with few problems in civilised society. Trouble only flares when more than one raeya is in the vicinity of another for any length of time.

Ogres live in tight family groups, usually between five and eight individuals lead by the biggest and strongest member (regardless of gender). Ogre families are divided into endless competing cliques and gangs, and there are constant challenges and shifts in their social hierarchy; leadership sometimes changing hands as often as hourly. Beatings are common, but rarely escalate to murder. Despite their rough natures, most ogres feel a deep attachment to their family and clan. Most besars have a distinct dislike of being on their own that borders on severe autophobia. Ogres suddenly caught alone and in charge of themselves have been known to break down and cry like babes.

As a rule besars have no sense of honour, but all the cunning of a spiteful oversized child. This is perhaps the best way to think of the besars, and certainly the best way of dealing with them. Besars seem to be natural followers, responding to anyone big and tough and shouting at them. In heavily ogre-populated areas Harmonium officers are specially trained in “ogre shouting” – dealing with besars by loud intimidating words is often much more effective than trying to engage them in battle.

Between families and kingdoms there is only the clan. A clan was once simply a number of families banding together around a common source of food or employment, although in recent generations these groups have begun to stabilise somewhat under the Harmonium’s guidance. Each family’s leader meets with his fellows to brag and brawl (much like families), and occasionally to make decisions. Each family head owes allegiance to a Clan Master, who is almost always of the Raeya, because once the smarter and more energetic ogre mages gain power, they’d usually rather die than release it. Most clans have only a single raeya family in them. One family only tolerates another unless forced by a greater power or their own weakness. In the latter case, they almost always in a constant struggle with the rival family, and unlike their simple cousins these often end in death or exile.

Raeya families are small, as ogre mages have an almost pathological dislike of one another. Thankfully they are clever enough to put aside their dislike for the common good, but all relations between raeya are uneasy. Fortunately most raeya spend their time dealing with other races rather than their fellows; ogre mages are a caste of diplomats and ambassadors as well as rulers.

Civilisation & The Harmonium

Having seen their greatest champions defeated time and again by the Harmonium, most ogres have become somewhat obsessed with their conquerors, crudely mimicking the Harmonium as best they can. Most besars are fixated by the colour red for example, believing it to be very lucky and powerful. Even non-Harmonium citizens often wear red when dealing with them, as it makes the besars deferent and fawning.

The common ogre has little grasp of religion, but know to do as they are told. They often become confused and attempt to worship the Harmonium rather than the gods, to the amusement and irritation of our clergy. Many also persist in wearing a root around their necks as a lucky charm, regardless of how many times these are confiscated and their wearer's punished. This custom is tolerated only becuase there is no sign of worship among them. Indeed, the raeya deny that there was ever a cult of Szin'anya, claiming miscalculation and simple besar superstition to be the source of this story.

In the wilderness ogres live in families or clans as they have for generations. They mostly keep to themselves, although when greed overtakes them they easily fall back into theft and raiding. A show of force by local authorities (sometime visual, sometimes physical) is usually all that’s required to get them thinking more harmoniously again. Like children, they are quick to forget sense when they see something they want, but quick to behave again when scolded.

Since the Second Harmony however, ogres have become a common sight in major cities. Billeted in clans, they mostly work as labourers or other professions that require great strength and very little thought – each family group forming a work gang, that’s usually lead by a raeya overseer. Ogres also often find work in the Licensed Quarter as well, acting as doormen or bodyguards. Alas however, it’s a small step from such business into a life a crime, where besars are easily used by smarter folk. Teh Raeya, sadly, seem to need little encouragement for criminal behaviour, although they askew general mayhem and disorder.

The Kingdom of The Swollen Mountain

This is largely unfinished... will edit in asap

Most ogres have heard of Óriaguz, the great ogre kingdom of Shoryko, and dream of going there one day. Outside of Shoryko the mountain is regarded as a virtual paradise (especially among the besars), where you can eat, drink, and brawl all day, and find handsome willing companionship each night.

In reality the Kingdom of Óriaguz is a client state of Shoryko, its raeya leaders answering to the King and provincial authorities. Unlike the rest of the world, here there are whole clans of raeya, who provide their nation with the bureaucracy and leadership. Only a small number of raeya have actually joined the Harmonium, but they assure the central authorities that their people are loyal.

The ogre kingdom makes no secret of its dislike for smaller races, and takes only minimal steps to accomodate them, except to scrupulously prove that there is no worship of Szin'anya - or indeed, any Szin'anya at all. Laws are upheld, taxes are always on time, and anything else is their own business.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Ortho: Races of Ortho - Ogres

I like what you've got so far a lot. The only problem I can think of is that Ogres make lousy PCs (although they'd be fine without the Level Adjustment, so there's an easy fix if we wanted to), and Ogre Mages even make lousy NPC's. So yeah, altered stats might be something to consider.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Ortho: Races of Ortho - Ogres

The half-ogre from savage species or even the half giant from the EPH could work well as cross bred ogres who have integrated into mainstream Orthonian society.

Personally I've always thought that the 2e books portrayed Harmonium officers as looking like sophisticated ogres anyway.

btw, nice work as always Armoury99. Looking forward to seeing what else you've got in mind.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Races of Ortho - Ogres

*blink* Wow. I would never have thought of putting them there - but that makes so much *sense*. Very much approved. Smiling

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Ortho: Races of Ortho - Ogres

'Azriael' wrote:
Personally I've always thought that the 2e books portrayed Harmonium officers as looking like sophisticated ogres anyway.

Like the big guy from the Harmonium writup in the Planescape Box Set? I always thought so too.

Despite the potential for munchkinism with ogre PCs, I'm quite attached to the concept of the gentle giant - body of a fiercesome warror, simple mind filled with the Harmonium's ideas (Of Mice and Men, Green Mile, et al)

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Ortho: Races of Ortho - Ogres

Potential for munchkinism? Don't be absurd. Ogres (standard ones, at least) as a PC race are incredibly under-powered. No munchkin worth his salt would even go near one. Even without the Level Adjustment (which is how we'd want them to be, the hit dice are enough), they're only good in certain situations.

Schloss Ritter's picture
Joined: 2007-01-31
Ortho: Races of Ortho - Ogres

Exactly, the one time I made an ogre PC, another player made a human who soon had a just as high or higher strength score. And he was a more diverse character thanks to the other human strengths.


Nothing to see here. Move along.

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