Ortho: Prestige Classes

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eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
Ortho: Prestige Classes

There's a big unwritten section on PrCs for the Ortho book. Post ideas, writeups, and commentary here.

A few thoughts on what could be useful:
- A 'bard replacement', someone able to use the enchantment and social-engineering spells that a bard would normally apply, but to more lawful and conformist ends.
- A 'barbarian replacement' with some non-chaotic way of boosting combat ability and damage output only a few times per day.
- A caster class that can provide expanded spell progressionin areas that the Harmonium might not normally be able to access broadly,
- A paladin variant available to Lawful characters only, and provides extra bonuses for battling chaotic beings of all types.
- A spy/instigator/inquisitor class, elite agents who observe daily life unseen and silently block deviations from the law.

There may be a few existing PrCs that fill these niches (or others), of course. Calling them out, and offering world-specific flavor tweaking and additions, is probably a Good Thing.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Prestige Classes

Additionally - since we do have a Lycanthrope province - a few were based Pr. Classes.

Ditto for the Beholder areas.

And the underseas tielfing varient (one of the few 'stable' bloodlines for tiefers in Thaera) would be nice too.

Also - Regional feats anyone?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Prestige Classes

More numbers needed for:

Successful in finding this vein, they were unfortunately unsuccessful in returning to the civililized north of Gelidahl, having been slain by pack of snow displacer beasts.
A varient species on the one in the MM...

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Prestige Classes

I would also really like to see a varient class of bardic Drummers oddly enough. Eye-wink Esp if it ties in with the Lord of Music or the College of the Choir.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Ortho: Prestige Classes

There are rules for variant races in the SRD (I apologize for linking to the hated ENnie-thief non-fan site):

Arctic Races (add trait to displacer beasts)
Aquatic races (add traits to tieflings)

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: Prestige Classes

'Clueless' wrote:
More numbers needed for:

Successful in finding this vein, they were unfortunately unsuccessful in returning to the civililized north of Gelidahl, having been slain by pack of snow displacer beasts.
A varient species on the one in the MM...
Check the write-up of Gelidahl on the other thread, I've edited and added a bit to it including the reference to these creatures...I'll not do any creature write-up on them as, although I'm familiar with 3.5ed via perusing the various handbooks and manuals, I've never played it and have no idea how to write up stat blocks, PrCs, etc....If someone wants to write something up, feel free... Kwint

Also, Clueless, I sent you a PM...

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Prestige Classes

I'll make the changes to the doc to reflect that.

Another reminder to myself for PrClasses to write up - an Iatharian Fire Eater, and an Iatharian Ice Master.

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Ortho: Prestige Classes

Proposal for an Ortho/Harmonium trained Spell and Knowledge focused bard core class.

The class is for trained educated bards of the harmonium. The training focuses on useful skills similar to a collage education with an emphasis on the arts, performance, teaching and even proselytizing to an extent. I would say I'd like to be careful to steal the core bard's thunder, but frankly there isn't much there to steal.

Hit Die: D4
Saves: Fort-bad, Refl-bad(or good if the class needs more power), Will-good
BAB: As wizard
Skills: 6+int
Skill list(roughly in order of importance):perform, knowledge(all), spellcraft, language, diplomacy, bluff, craft, profession, concentration, scry, use magic device, disguise, heal, alchemy, decipher script, balance, jump.

Spells are memorized as a wizard with int being the determining factor for spells per day because of the class emphasis on memorization and learning but charisma is the factor for determining spell DC and whether a spell of that level can be cast because of how the spells themselves are cast. Like a bard all spells have a verbal component and silent spell cannot be taken or rather the dm may allow it as long as the spell has a visual or semantic component (Ie a silent dance to cast the spell instead of a song). Each spell is viewed as a performance and as such there must either be a verbal or somatic component. Also spells are not to be rushed and thus quicken spell raises the spell level by one more than it does when used for spells of other classes.

Bardic Lore as in PHB.

Bardic Music as in PHB.

Studied Verse - At first level and every level there-after the character may choose one spell that she can already cast and make it a studied verse, a spell so well known to the character that she is able to cast it without memorizing it first. The character may cast a studied verse that she knows using up a previously memorized spell.

Spell Folio - Instead of keeping a spell book the character keeps a folio of notes and lyrics of all of her spells. She adds spells to her folio just like a wizard does to his spell book. Spells that are available to both wizards and bards may be added at the lower of the two levels. However spells that are only available to just wizards or bards are taken as being one level higher.

spells per day
1st 3/1
2nd 3/2
3rd 4/2
4th 4/3/1
5th 4/3/2
6th 4//3/2/1
7th 4/3/2/2
8th 4/4/3/2/1
9th 4/4/3/2/2
10th 4/4/3/2/2/1
11th 4/4/4/3/2/2
12th 4/4/4/3/2/2/1
13th 4/4/4/3/2/2/2
14th 4/4/4/3/3/2/2/1
15th 4/4/4/3/3/2/2/2
16th 4/4/4/4/3/2/2/2/1
17th 4/4/4/4/3/3/2/2/2
18th 4/4/4/4/3/3/2/2/2/1
19th 4/4/4/4/3/3/2/2/2/2
20th 4/4/4/4/4/3/3/2/2/2

eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
Ironfang Avenger PrC

Note: This is a mostly-finished writeup, but could certainly use an editing once-over to check for rules holes as I'm away from my books. In particular, I *think* that beholders could fulfill the reqs as written (and it'd be fun to think of a beholder member of this PrC), but not entirely certain. Class features could also be thrown into a nice pretty chart of the kind I will not attempt to duplicate in phpBB.

The world of Ortho is a wide and wondrous place, home to warriors of all kinds who fight in opposition to the forces of chaos and uphold the way of Harmony. Those known as Ironfang Avengers are only one example of this. Originally lycanthropic tribal champions hailing from the harsh polar wastes of extreme northern Iathra, these warriors learned new ways of fighting after the demonic host of the tanar'ri prince (insert name) invaded their homelands. The rise of the Harmonium saw their ways of fighting celebrated as an invaluable weapon against all beings of chaos, and the present day has seen many champions of Ortho study these arts.

Because of the natural attack requirements of this prestige class, most members are lycanthropes or members of other monster races who have gained levels of fighter, ranger or (rarely) paladin or monk. Some half-fiends originally hailing from Thaera also seek to adopt this class, and are usually among the more zealous opponents of chaos. While beholders possess the requirements needed to take this class, only a few choose to do so - those who do, however, are quite versatile and capable fighters, feared by all creatures of chaotic origin.

Requirements: BAB +6, Improved Natural Attack (bite), Multiattack, Survival 5 ranks, Lawful alignment

Hit Die: d10
Class Skills: 4+Int skill points per level. The ironfang avenger’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (geography) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Knowledge (the planes) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str).
BAB: Good progression (+1 per level)
Fort Save: Good (2 + 1/2 level)
Ref Save: Poor (1/3 level)
Will Save: Good (2 + 1/2 level)

Class Features:
Ironfang (1)
Ironfur (2)
Scent Chaos (3)
Fury's Howl (5)
Purity of Law (10)

Ironfang (Ex): The Ironfang Avenger's natural weapons are treated as cold iron for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. At 6th level, the Avenger's natural attacks ignore any DR that includes cold iron as a component (such as the DR 10/cold iron and good possessed by a marilith).
Ironfur (Su): The Ironfang Avenger gains acid and fire resistance 5. This stacks with any existing energy resistance possessed by the character, and increases by 5 points for every two levels gained in the prestige class.
Scent Chaos (Su): The Avenger can detect the presence of chaotic beings or magics by scent. Treat this ability as a detect chaos effect, except that its range is 30 feet in all directions from the character, and the ability cannot detect number, strength or location of any chaotic aura.
Fury's Howl (Su): Once per day, the Avenger can release a bone-chilling howl that heartens and enrages lawful characters and causes chaotic characters to panic. Lawful characters within 60 feet of the Avenger receive a +1 morale bonus to attacks and saving throws; chaotic creatures must make a Will save (DC 10 + Cha bonus + class level) or be panicked. Chaotic outsiders suffer a -4 penalty to this save. Both effects last for 1 round per class level of the Avenger. At 9th level, the Avenger may use this ability twice per day.
Purity of Law (Su): The most powerful Ironfang Avengers possess a strength of faith and conviction that can stand steadfast against any force of chaos. With this ability, the character becomes immune to the effects of all spells and spell-like abilities with the [Chaos] descriptor. Effects without this descriptor still affect the Avenger normally, as do [Chaos] effects that do not allow spell resistance.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Ortho: Prestige Classes

- A 'barbarian replacement' with some non-chaotic way of boosting combat ability and damage output only a few times per day.

Does this fit your description?

Iron Fist of Ortho

It is said that might makes right. If this is true, then an Iron Fist of Ortho must be right all the time. Any simple fighter can smash his enemy using brute strength, but an iron fist of Ortho takes that to the next level, using simple but effective methods to strike down their foes.

Hit die: D10
Abilities: strength 16+
BAB: +5
Feats: power attack, cleave, improved sunder
Special: must be a member of the Harmonium

Class skills:
The Iron Fist’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Concentration (Con), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Ride (Dex), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str).
Skill Points: 4+int mod

Class Features:

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: An Iron Fist is proficient with all simple and martial weapons. In addition, they are proficient in all armor and shields, except tower shields.

Level/ Bab/ Fort_ Ref_ Will_ Special Powers known
1 /+1/ 2_0_2_ Rending Strike 1/day
2 /+2/ 3_0_3_ Bash
3 /+3/ 3_1_3_ Great Cleave
4 /+4/ 4_1_4_ Leap Attack
5 /+5/ 4_1_4_ Rending Strike 2/day
6 /+6/ 5_2_5_ DR 1/-
7 /+7/ 5_2_5_ Battle Concentration
8 /+8/ 6_2_6_
9 /+9/ 6_3_6_ DR 2/-
10 /+10/ 6_3_7_ Rending Strike 3/day

Rending strike (Ex): One of the first,a nd most basic, forms of attack that an Iron Fist learns is to deliver a single, devestating strike to the enemy. Once per day, an Iron Fist can take a full round action to deliver a touch attack to the enemy, which in addition applies double their strength mod to the damage. However, this attack provokes an attack of opportunity. If this AoO is successful, the Iron fist must make a concentration check equal to the damage taken, or the Rending Strike fails, and the attempt is wasted. In addition, the Iron fists defenses are temporarily lower, denying them their Dex bonus to AC for the duration of the round.

Bash (Ex): The simple application of force can easily weaken an enemy. A number of times per day equal to the Iron Fists strength mod, the Iron fist can make an attack that, if it hits, forces the opponent to make a reflex save or become flatfooted.

Great Cleave (Ex):
As the feat

Leap Attack (Ex):
Your own strength can only do so much, but an intelligent warrior can find ways to amplify their strength through the method of attack. By now, the iron fist has learned the simple fact that momentum hurts as much as muscle. By making a successful jump check of no less then 16, you leap into the air a few feet from your target, and bring your weapon down. On a successful touch attack with your weapon, you make contact. You and your target now make opposing strength check, gaining a + or – 4 to your roll for every size category above or below medium. If you beat the strength check, your opponent takes full damage, and is knocked prone. If they beat the strength check, they manage to push back, taking only half damage, and knocking you flat footed. If you are beaten by 10 or more, you are knocked prone.

Damage Reduction (Ex): You have learned to ignore some of the pain inflicted on you, making you more resistant to attacks.

Battle Concentration (Ex): When making a rending strike, you have learned to ignore the pain. If hit by an AoO, you still take damage, but need not make a concentration check. You automatically succeed. The Rending Strike cannot be prevented unless you are damaged to the point of death. In addition, you gain a +4 bonus to all other concentration checks.


Im not to crazy about the name. Feel free to take it apart and use it as you want.

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: Prestige Classes

'eldersphinx' wrote:
- A paladin variant available to Lawful characters only, and provides extra bonuses for battling chaotic beings of all types.
This one strikes me as an easy one and need not necessarily be anything other than a class variant...Just replace all entries of 'good' with 'lawful/law,' all entries of evil with 'chaotic/chaos,' change alignment from 'LG' to 'any L' and change the class name from 'paladin' to 'paladin of law' or 'paladin of harmony'... Kwint

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: Prestige Classes

From Eldersphinx's LJ (10Feb06):

Uathein Shapetwister One of the oldest and most decadent magical traditions among the Learned of the Uathein desert is that of the Shapetwister. Past masters at changing the human form to suit their often cruel whims, the Shapetwisters are a select fraternity - feared by the common folk around them, but too powerful to simply ignore, or even openly hate. A few students in each generation maintain the traditions, learning from past masters and enduring sometimes painful ritual in order to unlock the secrets that lie within every being's flesh. What they use it for is their own concern...

PrC Requirements: Improved Spell Focus (Transmutation), Knowledge (local) 10 ranks, ability to cast Polymorph
HD: d6
BAB Progression: Poor (+1/2 per level)
Saves Progression: Fort, Will good; Ref poor
Skills: 2+Int skill points per level; class skills are Concentration (Int), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (all skills, taken individually) (Int), Profession (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int)

Special Abilities:
+1 level of spellcasting class (2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10)
Immutable Form (1)
Shapetwist (1, 4, 7, 10)
Shapeshrivel (3, 6, 9)
Ranged Shapeshrivel (Cool
Impart Shapechange (10)

Immutable Form (Su): An Uathein Shapetwister gains the shapeshifter subtype. If changed into an alternate form, he can resume his normal form as a free action.

Shapetwist (Su): With this ability, you can change one part of another individual's body by touch. Their form becomes a hybrid between their natural form and the creature of your choice. Shapetwisting can grant a character one movement type of your choice, a natural armor bonus no greater than your character level, a natural attack of your choice, or darkvision, low-light vision or scent. Any of the following attributes can also be removed. Because of the unnatural and often grotesque effect of creating such a hybrid, the target also suffers a -4 penalty to all Charisma-based checks.

If the target of this effect is unwilling, you must succeed in a touch attack to use this ability, and overcome spell resistance if any. Shapetwisting lasts for ten minutes per class level. You can use this ability once per day at Level 1, with one additional use per day per 3 class levels gained.

Shapeshrivel (Su): With the use of this ability, you cause one of the opponent's arms, legs or other limbs to become shriveled and useless. The limb cannot be used to make any attacks or take any actions; items held by the limb are dropped. If a body part used for movement is targeted (such as legs for most land animals, or wings for flying creatures) their movement rate is either halved or reduced to 0, at the DM's discretion.

You must succeed in a touch attack to use this ability, and overcome the target's spell resistance. You choose which limb is affected. Heads cannot be targeted by this effect; a creature's ability to see, hear and think cannot be affected. Creatures without discernible anatomy are immune. Shapeshrivel lasts for one minute per class level. You can use shapeshrivel once per day at Level 3, with one additional use per day per 3 class levels gained.

Ranged Shapeshrivel (Su): Starting at Level 8, you can use shapeshrivel at range. Targets up to 30 feet away can be affected, with a ranged touch attack.

Impart Shapechange (Su): The range of any shapechange spells you cast increases to Touch, allowing you to cast the spell on others. This ability doesn't provide any extra ability to cast the spell, though, or knowledge of the spell if it's not already on your class list.

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: Prestige Classes

In an effort to bump this thread, I'll list those PrC's we have so far and encourage those of you who know how to design these things (who unfortunately do not include me) to get on it...

Those Written Up
-Harmonium Bard by Gerzel (needs a better name?)
-Ironfang Avenger by Elderaphinx
-Iron Fist of Ortho by Fidrikon
-Uathein Shapetwister by Eldersphinx

Those Proposed
-A caster class that can provide expanded spell progressionin areas that the Harmonium might not normally be able to access broadly
-A paladin variant available to Lawful characters only, and provides extra bonuses for battling chaotic beings of all types (suggested changes posted above by Kwint)
-A spy/instigator/inquisitor class, elite agents who observe daily life unseen and silently block deviations from the law
-Iatharian Fire Eater
-Iatharian Ice Master

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: Prestige Classes

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Prestige Classes

These are rough notes that I put together in a long road trip today. Apparently riding in the back of a car with nothing to do but think while on complete and utter sleep dep is *good* for my creativity.

Fire Eater

Alzrius in his time on Ortho created 'shock troops' to lead his armies across the sphere. They are extremely rare in the current day on Ortho, but may be encountered in missions to the Abyss or in any lingering and forgotten stronghold of Alzrius.

Knowledge Planes 10 ranks
Sworn Fealty to Alzrius

Swearing Fealty to Alzrius requires a rite featuring at least one large example of arson. This ritual gives the Demon Lord access to your soul to claim it on your death. Alzrius doesn't particular care what your alignment is when you first swear to him, he will recieve your soul regardless and generally by the time he's through with his new servant their alignment matches his own.

Hit Die: 1d6

An Eater recieves 2 + his Int bonus in skill points each level.
Class skills are balance, concentration, craft, escape artist, intimidate, knowledge (planes), knowledge (fire), listen, profession, spot

BAB - Fort - Refl. - Will
1 - 0 - 2 - 2 - 0 Fire Subtype
2 - 1 - 3 - 3 - 0 Flame Sheath
3 - 2 - 3 - 3 - 1
4 - 3 - 4 - 4 - 1 Flame Dance
5 - 3 - 4 - 4 - 1 Alignment Shift; Intimidation Bonus 1
6 - 4 - 5 - 5 - 2 Fire Wyrm
7 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 2
8 - 6/1 - 6 - 6 - 2 Spontanous Combustion
9 - 6/1 - 6 - 6 - 3
10 - 7/2 - 7 - 7 - 3 Alignment Shift; Elemental Form; Intimidation Bonus 2

Fire Subtype: The Fire Eater gains the subtype Fire in addtion to any other subtypes he already has. This subtype grants him immunity to fire, and makes him more vulnerable to cold damage, taking double damage from cold effects.

Flame Sheath: (su) At will, any weapon wielded by the character may be wreathed in an Eater's unholy flame. This sheath of fire deals an additional 1d6 fire damage to opponents.

Flame Dance: (sp) An Eater may perform a flame dance simular to the spell Hypnotic Pattern, causing summoned firelight to create a hypnotic effect against all those around him that are cabable of seeing the effect. All sentient createures within 60 ft of the Eater may become entranced by this effect. Targets may save at a DC of 10 + character level/2 + Charisma bonus of the Eater. Targets who save are immune to the flame dance. The hypnotic effects last for a number of rounds equal to the Eaters charisma bonus. Hypnotized creatures are dazed, and will focus on the firelight suffering a -4 to their spot and listen checks. They will take no offensive actions, but obvious threats will break the hypnotic effect. An Eater may perform up to his Charisma bonus in flame dances per day.

Alignment Shift: The Eater's alignment shifts as Alzrius burns away the parts of his soul that are not to the Lord's liking. He becomes more chaotic or evil, as part of his alignment changes to match. If the Eater's alignment is already chaotic or evil, the other aspect of the alignment shifts.

Intimidation Bonus 1: (ex) The Eater recieves a +2 bonus to Intimidation.

Fire Wyrm: (sp) The Fire Eater summons fire in the form of a massive wyrm or dragon which attacks his opponents. The wyrm stays for a number of rounds euqal to the Eater's Charisma bonus. The wyrm has only one attack (burn) and is effectively incorporeal as it is composed only of the Eater's own flames. Attacks on the dragon are pointless, as it is simply a visual manifestation of the summoned fire. The Wyrm may target only one square a round, and creatures in that square recieve a Reflex save for half damage, at a DC equal to 10 + character level/2 + Charisma bonus of the Eater. The wyrm's burn attack does damage equal to 1d6 per levels in Fire Eater. An Eater may do this 3 times a day.

Spontanous Combution: (sp) The Eater may cause a single victim to burn into intense flames charring away their flesh and bones and leaving nothing else in the area harmed. Targets must be within 40ft + 5ft/level of Fire Eater. The target creature recieves a Fort save at a DC of 10 + character level.2 + Charisma bonus of the Eater. If the target saves against this effect he feels intense heat and pain, causing a -2 morale bonus for 1d4 rounds but takes no damage. An Eater may do this 3 times a day.

Elemental Form: (su) An Eater takes on the form of a fire elemental, gaining the attacks and fire damage of an elemental. This power acts as polymorph self, with the restriction that the Fire Eater may only shapeshift into elementals with the Fire subtype. The Eater gains all of the elemental's special abilities when using this power. An Eater may do this 3 times a day.

Intimidation Bonus 2: (ex) The Eater recieves a +4 bonus to Intimidation. This supercedes the bonus recieved at level 5.

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: Prestige Classes

So is this a Thrall-like class?...

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Prestige Classes

'kwint' wrote:
So is this a Thrall-like class?... Kwint

Re: the Fire Eater? Oh most *definately*. Alzrius made his own shock troops. These are the crazy guys you could see walking at the head of an army, dressed in rags and soot with a gleam in their eyes on seeing their enemies. They'd just burst into flame and wade on in. This is *not* a class looked favorably on on Ortho - and is likely to get you hunted down like a rabid dog... it's a 'bad guy' class.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Prestige Classes

Iatharian Ice Guard

In order to defend themselves against future attacks by Alzrius, the people of Iathra have developed an elite fighting force of ice manipulators. These Ice Guards are generally found in Iathra dealing with lingering troubles in that province, but may be found elsewhere as well.

Survived exposure (at risk of death) to winter and/or cold environments
Training under a member of the Iatharian Ice Guard

Hit Dice; 1d6

An Ice Guard recieves 4 + his Int bonus in skill points each level.
balance, concentration, craft, intuit direction, knowledge (nature), listen, profession, spot, wilderness lore

BAB - Fort - Refl. - Will
1 - 0 - 2 - 0 - 2 Cold Subtype
2 - 1 - 3 - 0 - 3 Quench the Flame 1
3 - 2 - 3 - 1 - 3 Chill Metal
4 - 3 - 4 - 1 - 4
5 - 3 - 4 - 1 - 4 Icy Blade
6 - 4 - 5 - 2 - 5 Quench the Flame 2
7 - 5 - 5 - 2 - 5 Icy Blast
8 - 6/1 - 6 - 2 - 6
9 - 6/1 - 6 - 3 - 6 Quench the Flame 3
10 - 7/2 - 7 - 3 - 7 Breath of the North

Cold Subtype: The Ice Guard gains the subtype Cold in addition to any other subtypes he already has. This subtype grants him immunity to cold damage, and makes him more vulnerable to fire damage, taking double damage from fire effects.

Quench the Flame 1: (sp) The Guard may automatically counterspell any fire based spell or effect of up to third level. He may do this three times a day, and must have a ready action in order to counterspell. In addition, he may quench a number of 20ft cubes of nonmagical flame up to his Charisma bonus over the course of the day.

Chill metal 3/day, as per the spell with an additional effect. On failing a Fort Save DC= 10 + CL/2 + Charisma bonus, the target's armor (if metallic) is made brittle due to extreme cold. Target recieves a -4 to Armor Class as a result for a duration of 2d4 rounds.

Icy Blade: (su) At will, the Ice Guard is able to form a weapon of his choice out of ice. This weapon deals normal damage as a weapon of its type. The weapon is required to be able to be handled by a creature of the same size as the Guard, and melts instantly if it is removed from the Guards possession. No other creature may use this weapon. It is considered magical at a bonus equal to the Guard's levels in this class divided by two (max +5). In addition the weapon deals an extra +2d6 of cold damage.

Quench the Flame 2: (sp) The Guard may automatically counterspell any fire based spell or effect between fourth and sixth level. He may do this three times a day, and must have a ready action in order to counterspell. In addition, he may quench a number of 20ft cubes of nonmagical flame up to his Charisma bonus times two over the course of the day, this supercedes the number of cubes granted to him in Quench the Flame 1.

Icy Blast: (sp) The Guard may cast Cold Orbs at a caster level equal to his character level, 3 times per day.

Quench the Flame 3: (sp) The Guard may automatically counterspell any fire based spell or effect between seventh and ninth level. He may do this three times a day, and must have a ready action in order to counterspell. In addition, he may quench a number of 20ft cubes of nonmagical flame up to his Charisma bonus times three over the course of the day, this supercedes the number of cubes granted to him in Quench the Flame 2.

Breath of the North: (sp) Once per day, a guard may summon a freezing wind. This wind instantly freezes targets in its path. The wind uses the same range, and area of effect as a Gust of Wind spell. Those in it's path must make a Fort save at a DC of 10 + character level/2 + Charisma bonus or be frozen instantly.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Prestige Classes

Drummer of Baelae

Baelae, the Lord of Music, has given his blessings to an elite set of musicians trained within the Colleges of the Choir on Ortho. These bards have learned to develop their abilities in ways that best support the order and principles that Baelae represents.

Training in an Ortho temple of Baelae or at an Ortho College of the Choir branch
Worshipper of Baelae
Lawful alignment
Performance rank 10, drumming listed as one of the types known
Bardic Knowledge as a class ability

As Bard

Each level of this class, the bard advances his caster level (for spells and saves and spellslots etc) as a bardic spellcasting class.

BAB - Fort - Refl. - Will
1 - 0 - 0 - 2 - 2 Support of the Choir
2 - 1 - 0 - 3 - 3 Spell casting progression as bard
3 - 2 - 1 - 3 - 3 Trade Song 1 Spell casting progression as bard
4 - 3 - 1 - 4 - 4
5 - 3 - 1 - 4 - 4 Chaotic Resistance Spell casting progression as bard
6 - 4 - 2 - 5 - 5 Trade Song 2 Spell casting progression as bard
7 - 5 - 2 - 5 - 5 Beat Hijack
8 - 6/1 - 2 - 6 - 6 Spell casting progression as bard
9 - 6/1 - 3 - 6 - 6 Trade Song 3 Spell casting progression as bard
10 - 7/2 - 3 - 7 - 7 Domain Access

Support of the Choir: Given access to a branch of the choir by physical or magical means, the drummer is able to quickly research topics or speak to mentors and contacts within the choir. He recieves a +4 circumstance modifier to Bardic Knowledge checks and Gather Information checks if at least one hour is taken in research at the College.

Trade Song 1: (sp) A bardic magic attempt may be traded in for the purposes of casting Cure Moderate Wounds. This may be used up to the drummers charisma bonus per day.

Chaotic Resistance : The Drummer recieves a +2 circumstance bonus to saves vs. chaotic effects (with the chaotic subtype) and saves vs. chaotic casters.

Trade Song 2: (sp) A bardic magic attempt may be traded in for the purposes of casting Protection from Elements. This may be used up to the drummers charisma bonus per day.

Beat Hijack: (su) Caster recieves a +4 to Perform for the purposes of countersong attempts. This only applies to counting magical effects of a chaotic nature, or from a chaotic caster.

Trade Song 3: (sp) A bardic magic attempt may be traded in for the purposes of casting Death Ward. This may be used up to the drummers charisma bonus per day.

Domain Access: The Drummer gains access to the Lawful domain as if a cleric of levels equal to his character levels. He is given domain spell slots to memorize these spells into. At the 9th level of this domain, only aasimons may be summoned with this spell as they are messengers and servants of Baelae himself.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Prestige Classes

I wasn't kidding about getting bored on this road trip...


Designed to fulfill the need for an agent of Ina to both follow in his original path, and serve the needs of his new goddess, Truthseeker training is given only to clerics of Ina.

Initate of Ina
Knowledge Religion rank 10

8 + int, skill list is the same as any class previously taken by the character, choosen at the beginning of taking this class (skill selection cannot change after the first level of this class is taken), additionally the skill Knowledge Religion, and Sense Motive are class skills

BAB Fort Refl. Will
1 0 0 0 2 Chose ability from Truth Seeker list
2 1 0 0 3 Chose ability from Truth Seeker list
3 2 1 1 3 Chose ability from Truth Seeker list
4 3 1 1 4 Chose ability from Truth Seeker list
5 4 1 1 4 Chose ability from Truth Seeker list

Truth Seeker List of Available Feats:

Lie Sensing: (sp) A truthseeker is extremely good at detecting deception. He recieves a +4 bonus to sense motive checks, and may cast Zone of Truth, at a caster level equal to his character level three times a day.

Manipulative: (sp) A truthseeker is skilled at manipulating others to achieve the effects he desires. He recieves a +4 bonus to bluff checks, and may cast Suggestion, at a caster level equal to his character level three times a day.

Enduce Forgetfulness: (sp) A truthseeker may cast Modify Memory at a caster level equal to his character level, three times a day.

Subtle Movement: (ex) A truthseeker recieves a +4 bonus to both Hide and Move Silent checks.

Hidden Movement: (su) A truthseeker may use the feat Hide in Plain Sight as long as they are within 10 feet of some sort of shadow.

Hidden Knowledge: (sp) A truthseeker may cast Legend Lore at a caster level equal to his character level, three times a day.

Mystical Concealment: (sp) A truthseeker may cast Nondetection at a caster level equal to his character level, three times a day.

Ina's Eyes: A truthseeker gains access to the information network of Ina's operatives and clergy. By making a favor check (see below), he may call for their assistance in a situation without going through the time and trouble of a Gather Information check. Favors can also be used to acquire the loan of equipment or documents from influential acquaintances.

To call in a favor, you make a favor check.

Roll a d20 + the truthseeker's level in this class. The DM sets the DC based on the scope of the favor being requested; it can range from 10 for a simple favor to as high as 25 for highly dangerous, expensive, or illegal favors. A 10 or 20 cannot be taken on this check, nor can the check be retried for the same (or virtually the same) favor. Favors should help advance the plot of an adventure. A favor that would enable the truthseeker to circumvent an adventure will always be unavailable, regardless of the result of the favor check.

A truthseeker may try to call in a favor a number of times per week equal to one-half his character level, rounded down (minimum one). He can never ask for more than one favor from any one contact in a given week.

The DM will carefully monitor his use of favors to ensure that he doesn't abuse this ability. The success or failure of a mission shouldn't hinge on the use of a favor, and calling in favors shouldn't replace good roleplaying or the use of other skills. The DM may disallow any favor he or she deems disruptive to the campaign.

Cloak of Secrecy: (sp) Once per day, a truthseeker calls on Ina to conceal the existance of a secret. This creates a Nondetection effect on secrets that lasts for a number of days equal to the charisma bonus of the truthseeker. Attempts to probe the secret are at a +4 modifier to gather information, intimidation, or research checks regarding it. Divination magics are obscured by the intervention of the diety. Those involved in the subject are subtly encouraged to temporarily forget its existance. Attempts to conciously address the secret, or to convey the contents of the secret will succeed only with a Will save at a DC of 10 + character level/2 + Wisdom bonus of the truthseeker. This DC may be higher if Ina has a direct interest in concealing the secret.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Prestige Classes

Still working on the Sinhunter - but at this point I really need to sleep. One thing I can say the Sinhunter is likely to get is a modified form of the feat Sensitive from the CoC d20 book.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Ortho: Prestige Classes

* Information Network Access (Still working on the details of this one)

Hmmm, something similar to Bardic Knowledge, perhaps?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Prestige Classes

A little more like a super Gather Information check. It's a spy network.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Prestige Classes

Ok, I've editted them into somethign with more depth and numbers attached. Thoughts? Critisms? Commentary?

Would you allow these Pr. Classes in your home game?

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: Prestige Classes

Has any thought been put forward about possibly using the Harmonium PrC's on kriegstanz.com...I really like the Planar Detective and am having a ball playing one...I know the author probably isn't one of the people that has contributed to this project, but we could always ask...

BTW, is 'Innuendo" a 3.0 skill and if so, what's its 3.5 equivalent?...


nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Ortho: Prestige Classes

kwint: Yes, and Bluff.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Ortho: Prestige Classes

Is Anyone working on a bard hunter? I was considering something like a Suel Arcanomach? with a limited spell list and better tracking abilities possibly with a perform requirement to enter the class.

Also tossing around an idea for a PRC from Ulfrheim who focuses on fortitude, resistence and damage reduction at the expense of some BAB advancement, could be tricky to balance though


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Ortho: Prestige Classes

Anyone going to stat out Alzrius?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Prestige Classes

Is there a need to? He's not currently active on the world.

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Ortho: Prestige Classes

True, but it wouldn't stop a high level Harmonium adventuring party from being assigned to hunting him down.

Besides, he's scheming to return, isn't he? Perhaps his schemes are starting to come to fruition, and it's up to the PCs to stop him. Heck, that's an entire campaign right there.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Prestige Classes

When we still need stats for major NPCs and prestige classes for PCs - defining the stats for an Abyssal Lord's avatar/off his home plane stats doesn't place high on my list to be honest. How bout let's get the high priority stuff worked out first, and then cover stuff like that?

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Ortho: Prestige Classes

Hi, here's my attempt at a bard hunter type class. Let me know what you think.

The Censor

The tradition of the bard hunter or “Censor” stretches back to before the time of Enoril himself, representatives of the Knights of Harmony scouring the land in search of misguided and chaotic users of artistic gifts. These censors are often artistically gifted themselves and even those who do not perform in the conventional sense often consider themselves to be artists in the medium of sword or spell. This connection with art tends to cause censors to view themselves as protectors of their medium from those who would warp it and bring into disrepute the followers of the true path.
There have always been conflicting philosophies between members of this profession as to whether their objective was to silence dissenting voices or to guide the talents of the misguided into line with the greater harmony. Despite this difference the two factions get along relatively well, for the most part seeing each other as different edges of the same sword in the fight against chaos.
Over time certain techniques have been developed and refined by those who choose one of these paths which are useful in finding and subduing rogue bards regardless of whether the user seeks to destroy their target or convert them. These techniques are often shared with new censors before they are sent out by the collages of the choir to aid them in their missions.
This path is most often taken by othodox bards but many rogues and rangers can also be found in the ranks of the censors.

BAB: +4,
Skills: Gather Information 8 ranks, Search 4 ranks, Sense motive 8 ranks,
Feat: Track ,
Lawful alignment,
Special – must receive official sanction by a recognised Orthorian Choir.

Hit Die: d8
Class Skills: 4+ Int skill points per level.
The Censor’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Concentration (Con), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (local) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Survival (Wis), Use Rope (Dex).
BAB: Average progression
Fort Save: Poor (1/3 level)
Ref Save: Good (2 + 1/2 level)
Will Save: Good (2 + 1/2 level)

Class Features:
Spell casting
Silencing Strike (1,3,6,9)
Detect Chaos (2)
Structured search (3, 6, 9)
Deaf Ear (4)
Dispelling strike (7,10)
Spurn the Heathen (10)

Spells: A Censor can cast a small selection of spells drawn from the list below. Due to the relatively simple somatic components a Censor is able to cast spells gained from this class whilst wearing light armour. A censor must have a charisma score equal to at least 10+ the spell level. The Difficulty class for saving throws against a Censors spells equals 10+ the spell level + The Censors Charisma modifier.
Silencing Strike: The Censor may magically empower one of his attacks with magical silence. This counts as a touch/ranged touch (if he empowers a missile weapon) attack which, if successful casts Silence as a caster of the Censors level centred on the target of the strike. The censor recieves one use of this ability per day at 1st level, then another at 3rd, 6th & 9th.
Detect Chaos: A Censor can use Detect Chaos at will as a cleric of equal level.
Skill Bonus: As he develops a Censor learns more efficient ways of tracking fugitives, at 3rd, 6th and 9th levels he receives a +2 bonus to Gather information and survival checks involved in tracking.
Deaf Ear: The censors musical palate has become so specialised that non-lawful harmonies now sound to him like discordant scratchings, mildly annoying but nothing more. The censor becomes immune to all bardic music effects created by a performer of a non-lawful alignment.
Dispelling strike: Once per day a 7th level Censor may use his attacks to punch through an opponents magical defences. This counts as a touch/ranged touch (if he empowers a missile weapon) attack which, if successful casts Greater Dispel Magic as a caster of the Censors level on the target of the strike. The censor gains an additional use of this ability at 9th level.
Spurn the Heathen: After so long dealing with the trickery of chaotic bards the censor has become immune to enchantment and illusion spells cast by non-lawful casters.

Changing a censors alignment away from lawul results in immediate loss of the abilities - silencing strike, dispelling strike and deaf ear.

1st Level
Alarm, animate rope, comprehend languages, detect magic, detect secret doors, disguise self, erase, expeditious retreat, hypnotism, identify, know direction, message, obscure object, open/close, read magic, remove fear, resistance, undetectable alignment, ventriloquism.

2nd Level
Alter self, blindness/deafness, cat’s grace, detect thoughts, eagle’s splendour, fox’s cunning, hold person, hypnotic pattern, invisibility, locate object, minor image, silence, tongues, web, whispering wind.

3rd Level
Blink, clairaudience/clairvoyance, dispel magic, displacement, glibness, haste, illusory script, invisibility sphere, remove curse, scrying, sculpt sound, secret page, see invisibility, slow, suggestion, speak with animals.

4th level
Arcane eye, break enchantment, freedom of movement, greater invisibility, hold monster, legend lore, locate creature, speak with plants, zone of silence.

Censor Spells per day - level 1/2/3/4:
Level 1: 0
Level 2: 1
Level 3: 2/0
Level 4: 3/1
Level 5: 3/2/0
Level 6: 3/3/1
Level 7: 3/3/2/0
Level 8: 3/3/3/1
Level 9: 3/3/3/2
Level 10: 3/3/3/3

Censor Spells known - level 1/2/3/4:
Level 1: 2
Level 2: 3
Level 3: 3/2
Level 4: 4/3
Level 5: 4/3/2
Level 6: 4/4/3
Level 7: 4/4/3/2
Level 8: 4/4/4/3
Level 9: 4/4/4/3
Level 10: 4/4/4/4


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
Ortho: Prestige Classes

'Azriael' wrote:
Hi, here's my attempt at a bard hunter type class. Let me know what you think.

The Censor

(specifics snipped for space - scroll up, ya berk!

Looks fairly good overall, though I'd like to offer a few comments on the setup:
- The "Cha 13" requirement for entering the PrC is pretty unusual, and IIRC officially discouraged by WotC design guidelines. Given that the class is based so strongly around Cha-based skills and spellcasting, mandating a minimum score here probably isn't needed.
- A Lawful alignment for all Censors is fine, but does have two implications. First, you should specify what happens if a character with Censor levels changes alignment - do they lose any powers or spellcasting? Second, since Bards can't be lawful, noting that 'ex-Bards' become Censors is absolutely appropriate.
- Usage limits on Silencing Strike, Detect Chaos, and Dispelling Strike should be noted. From the 'Class Features' note, I'm guessing that for Silencing Strike and Dispelling Strike you get one use per day per three class levels, but making this clear would be helpful. Likewise, if Detect Chaos is an at-will ability in a manner similar to that of a paladin, it'd be useful to note that.
- Deaf Ear is, as written, sort of a bum rap. Sure, you gain immunity to bardic fascination and suggestion via song, but those are of minimal utility against a wary target, and Deaf Ear also provides "immunity" to all the helpful buffs that can be provided by bardic music. I might generalize this to a +4 to saves against all enchantment (compulsion)-type effects.
- Spurn the Heathen, finally, is something that I see as absolutely impossible to balance. The character shrugs off Flares, Rainbow Patterns and Greater Shouts alike when cast by a bard, but has no protection whatsoever against the same spells when flung by a sorcerer? In the hands of an NPC, such an ability either absolutely infuriates the bard PC or is completely useless. I'm thinking it has to be possible to generalize this to protection against all enchantments, or possibly illusions (another bard favorite) instead of targeting all magical effects created by a single class but ignoring the exact same effects created by a non-bard character.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Ortho: Prestige Classes

All good comments, thanks, I'll adjust accordingly when I get a sec, I actually thought I'd put in uses per day, mustn't have made its way from paper to screen.
I included bard meaning "Ortho bard" depending on the variant that gets accepted by this project whichever that may be.
With the "spurn the Heathen I was probably trying to over specialise it a bit so immunity to illusion and enchantment could work, I just thought it'd over-power the class a bit. I guess if I restrict the immunity to non-lawful spell casters that could work. I really wanted to get across an image of one of these guys coming up against a powerful bard and going "that's not music!"



"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Ortho: Prestige Classes

I've made some changes to the censor, quite a few really :oops: .
I left in deaf ear, I know it's not a great ability but I think it's characterful and it helps balance the now more powerful 10th level ability (which I'm a little worried about possibly should just be a substantial resistance). I'm also considering giving him "erase" at will rather than having it in his spell list, just seems appropriate.
Besides which, what kind of self respecting censor would travel with a non-lawful bard anyway? Laughing out loud


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Ortho: Prestige Classes

I noticed in “Complete Divine” that the Rainbow Servant prestige class had a suggested natural opposite in the servants of the raksasha. This class is only vaguely described as a “Striped Servant” and while I thought that name was pretty sucky the idea was cool so I fleshed out the class. The only issue I had with the whole thing was that the followers were getting clerical powers when the creatures they were emulating had none. I figured I’d write this off as a manifestation of the force of their beliefs which seems kind of appropriate if the raksasha have tribes of worshippers. Indeed many of the cats would encourage followers to take this class just to re-enforce their own feelings of divinity (after all if my followers are receiving divine power I must be a god right?).
I figured that since the raksasha numbers are so small they’d want agents around the world both to keep them informed and to act as their proxies, enter “The Disciples of the Paw”. I’ve written some flavour text and thought they might fit in well, let me know if you want the rules for use in Ortho.

Disciple of the Paw
Many years ago the raksasha foresaw that despite of their own, admittedly formidable, levels of personal power that they would become a largely ignored and powerless group upon the world of Ortho because of their lack of numbers in comparison to the other races. Obviously the answer was not to increase their population, more raksasha would only lead to more rivals for territory, so to increase the range of their influence many of the raksasha lords of Hazhkan began to train their most devoted worshippers in the arts of manipulation, subterfuge and sorcery whilst always stressing the concept of “the natural order” with the raksasha naturally appearing at the top. In some cases a raksasha even modified the form of their servant to assist in their integration with another society.
An unforseen upshot of the association between master and servant was that the disciples began to closely resemble their masters in many ways, becoming supernaturally aware of the thoughts and motivations of those around them. In addition, their faith in the raksasha began to manifest itself as a grasp on spells usually associated with the divine.
Most modern day Disciples (or claws as they refer to one another) can be found in major settlements across Ortho as well as beyond. They often conceal their abilities from those around them and insinuate themselves into local power cliques in order to better serve their distant masters. Disciples of different masters often work at cross purposes and generally try to avoid one another’s territory as a matter of courtesy, however those of the same master often secretly co-ordinate their efforts and pool their information.
The raksasha occasionally accept outsiders as Disciples if they appear useful and are able to show a sufficiently deferential attitude. Such supplicants are often given a task to demonstrate their loyalty before being accepted although in exceptional cases a characters reputation may precede them.

All Disciples carry a small clipping of their masters fur, often incorporated into a piece of clothing or an item of jewellery. This item acts both as a clerical symbol and as a method of communication with their master allowing 1 sending each way per day.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Ortho: Prestige Classes

I apologise for having so may back-to-back posts but they are separated by a fair bit of time anyway here's the-

Ulfrheim Beast Blood

This is a basic class rather than a prestige one for those who wish to play a barbarian type character without having to build up to one of the prestige classes already listed. It focuses on building on existing shifter traits although other races can take the class to tap into their latent lycanthrope blood in much the same way that sorcerers do. This creates a strong fighter type (very strong for a little while every day) who has some good ‘outdoor survival’ type traits. I imagine that this class would be extremely common in northern Ortho where the Lycanthropes blood has been co-mingling for centuries and where the toughness and survival skills produced by this class would be highly valuable.

HD: d12
BAB Progression: Good (+1 per level)
Saves Progression: Fort good, Will poor; Ref poor
Weapon and Armour Proficiency: An Ulfrheim Beast Blood is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, light armour, medium armour and shields (except tower shields)
Skills: 4+Int skill points per level; class skills are Climb (str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Geography & Nature), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str).

Special Abilities:

Level 1 Fast Movement +10’, Illiteracy, Bestial Aspect
Level 2 Uncanny Dodge
Level 3 Track
Level 4 Extra Shift
Level 5 Improved uncanny dodge
Level 6 Endurance
Level 7 Damage Reduction 1/-
Level 8 Extra Shift
Level 9 Swift Tracker
Level 10 Damage Reduction 2/-
Level 11 Bestial Aspect
Level 12 Extra Shift, Eyes of the beast
Level 13 Damage Reduction 3/-
Level 14 Diehard
Level 15 Scent
Level 16 Damage Reduction4/-, Extra Shift
Level 17 Extend Shifting
Level 18 Fast movement +20’
Level 19 Damage reduction 5/-
Level 20 Bestial Aspect, Extra Shift

Fast Movement (ex): An Ulfrheim Beast Blood’s land speed is faster that the norm for his race by +10’. This bonus increases to +20’ at level 18. This benefit only applies when he is wearing no armour, light armour or medium armour.

Illiteracy: Ulfrheim Beast Blood’s do not automatically know how to read and write. An Ulfrheim Beast Blood may spend 2 skill points to gain the ability to read and write all languages he is able to speak. An Ulfrheim Beast Blood who gains a level in a literate class automatically gains literacy. Any other character who gains a Ulfrheim Beast Blood level does not lose the literacy they already had.

Bestial Aspect (su): At 1st, 11th and 20th levels an Ulfrheim Beast Blood gains a shifter trait chosen from the following list – Beasthide, Longstride, Longtooth or Razorclaw (EbbCS). These are in addition to any shifter traits derived from any other source. If a character already has all these traits they gain no further benefit from this ability. Additional traits must be manifested at the same time as the primary trait (eg. a 11th level Ulfrheim Beast Blood could not manifest his Razorclaw trait once his Longtooth trait had run out).

Uncanny Dodge (ex): At 2nd level an Ulfrheim Beast Blood gains the ability to react to danger before his senses would normally allow him to do so. He retains his dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if he is caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, he still loses his dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.
If an Ulfrheim Beast Blood already has uncanny dodge from a different class he automatically gains improved uncanny dodge (see below) instead.

Track: an Ulfrheim Beast Blood’s sharpening senses grant him Track (PHB) as a bonus feat.

Extra Shift (su): At levels 4, 8, 12, 16 & 20 an Ulfrheim Beast Blood becomes able to shift into his bestial form 1 additional time per day.

Improved Uncanny Dodge (ex): At Level 5 an Ulfrheim Beast Blood can no longer be flanked; he can react to opponents on opposite sides of him as easily as he can react to a single attacker. This defence denies a rogue the chance to sneak attack the Ulfrheim Beast Blood by flanking him, unless the attacker has 4 more rogue levels than the target has Ulfrheim Beast Blood levels.

Endurance: An Ulfrheim Beast Blood has become well used to hardship by 6th level and gains endurance as a bonus feat.

Damage Reduction (ex): at 7th level an Ulfrheim Beast Blood gains the ability to shrug off some amount of injury from each blow or attack. Subtract 1 from the damage the Ulfrheim Beast Blood takes each time he is dealt damage from a weapon or natural attack. At 10th level and every 3 Ulfrheim Beast Blood levels thereafter (13th, 16th & 19th) this damage reduction rises by 1 point. Damage reduction can reduce damage to 0 but not below 0.

Swift Tracker (ex): Beginning at 9th level an Ulfrheim Beast Blood can move at his normal speed while following tracks without taking the normal -5 penalt. He takes only a -10 penalty while moving up to twice his normal speed while tracking.

Eyes of the Beast (ex): at 12th level an Ulfrheim Beast Blood gains gains the low light vision trait. They can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight and similar conditions of poor illumination. They retain the ability to distinguish colour and detail under these conditions. If the character already possesses low light vision they gain dark-vision out to 30’. Should the character already possess lowlight vision and dark-vision increase the range of his dark-vision by 30’.

Diehard: At level 14 an Ulfrheim Beast Blood has become so hardy that he gains Diehard as a bonus feat.

Scent (ex): At level 15 the Ulfrheim Beast Blood senses sharpen to the point where he gains the Scent ability as described on p 314 of the MM.

Extend Shifting (su): At level 17 an Ulfrheim Beast Blood adds 5 round to the duration of his bestial aspect shifts.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Ortho: Prestige Classes

I like your Rakshasa idea and would like to see it statted up.

The Urflheim beastblood looks pretty good, but it really needs to have some abilities distinct to Ortho. Right now he is just a pastiche of already-existing abilities, and doesn't have enough unique features to justify being its own full class. Unless you can find some unique abillities to give it, I'd recomend turning it into a five or ten level prestige class (remember, prestige classes needn't all start at level five).

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Ortho: Prestige Classes

Cheers, I'll stat up the Disciple when I get a chance. Smiling

Any thoughts on what abilities to give the beast-blood? I was considering giving them a resistance to chaos based spells/abilities but I couldn't think of a logical justification for this in Ulfrheim's history and that not everything on Ortho had to be about law. I figured superior hunting skills/ senses would be useful in that sort of environment so I added those abilities instead. I guess I could change it to "Detect Chaos" to help with hunting were-wolves but this just seemed a little too un-natural.

btw I deliberately kept the class as close as I could to the barbarian since this character is currently absent from Ortho.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Ortho: Prestige Classes

We could just put in something saying Barbarians and other non-lawful classes have no such restrictions on Ortho. They were always stupid rules anyway. I mean, who says just because you live in the woods and have to hunt and forage for your livelihood that you can't follow the laws of your society? It's such a load of crap, and yet another piece of evidence that WotC doesn't do enough real-world research.

So I think you should make this class with the idea in mind that the barbarian is present in Ortho's wilderness and many of the non-weretouched warriors in Urflheim and elsewhere will have the class.

As for the Detect Chaos idea, I'm going to have to say no. Just because they're on Ortho doesn't mean their life's mission should be to fight chaos. Hell, I seen no reason why a few such beast-warriors wouldn't secretly be chaotic themselves.

I say we make this a Barbarian-oriented prestige class. Give it the shifter traits you were talking about as well as improved Barbarian abilities, and add things like Track to fill in the cracks. What doesn't work for a base class can work fine for a prestige class.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Prestige Classes

re: Detect Chaos - he's right, there's other classes though that *do* make that a life mission - Iathra ice guard for example from previous history with Alzrius, or the Saeducial clerics cause their goddess just has issues. The Beastfolk don't have any specific cause to be more anti-chaos than anyone else except possible some members of the wolfpacks who are members due to curse and not heritage.

Re: the chaos restrictions, loosening the alignment restrictions is something we should do. There's an entire school of music dedicated to turning out artistic performers (of acceptable training) allowing for lawful bards, there's no reason similar restrictions shouldn't be lifted for barbarian especially in light of the life-styles of some of the more remote packs in Urflheim.

Edit: Wow - I just realized that there were a lot more PrClasses posted to this after I got sidetracked by work last year. I do believe I will have to go look back at a number of these.

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Ortho: Prestige Classes

I was playing around this week and came up with a couple of prestige class ideas for Ortho. See what you think...

"Street Constable"

Street Constables are specialist Harmonium Officers who deal with crime in the great cities of Ortho. While standard troops can and do man the streets – especially during festivals, elections, or civil unrest – the Street Constable is a soldier who’s made policing the city his career. Many ageing Hardheads request assignment to a civil garrison when the toll of life in the legion begins to tell, but a few request or are selected for the assignment from a much younger age. Harmonium instructors are constantly watching for trainees who display particular skills, and those with a knack for city life are often recruited straight from the academy.

Most Constables are Fighters or Paladins.

Hit Dice: 1d8
Skill Points: 4 + INT
Class Skills: Diplomacy, Gather Information, Hide, Knowledge (law & ethics), Knowledge (local), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, Spot.

Alignment: Lawful
Feats: Investigator
Skills: Diplomacy 1 rank, Gather Information 1 rank, Sense Motive 1 rank
Other: Harmonium Membership, Assignment to Civil Patrol duty

1st - Attack +1 Fort +2 Ref +0 Will +2 Special: Constable Training, Sap Proficiency
2nd - Attack +2 Fort +3 Ref +0 Will +3 Special: Cuff +1d6
3rd - Attack +3 Fort +3 Ref +1 Will +3 Special: Lockdown
4th - Attack +4 Fort +4 Ref +1 Will +4 Special: Cuf +2d6
5th - Attack +5 Fort +4 Ref +1 Will +4 Special: Constable's Lore

Constable Training (ex) – The constable undergoes special training for his role. He’s able to calm most situations without resorting to violence. The Constable receives a +1 bonus per Constable Level to Diplomacy, Sense Motive, and Gather Information checks.

Sap Proficiency (ex) – The character gains proficiency in the Sap if it is not already possessed.

Cuff (ex) – When reason fails and combat threatens, the constable is trained to calm things down with a swift ‘cuff’ – a stunning blow to a troublemaker’s head, face, or other ‘sensitive area’. If a target is denied their Dex bonus (such as by being Flat-Footed, Flanked, or grappling with another officer), each successful strike to subdue by the Constable delivers extra subdual damage as listed above.

Lockdown – The character gains the Lockdown Feat, even if they do not meet its pre-requisities.

From PSCS: Lockdown [General, Fighter] Through your experience in capturing offenders against order, you’ve learned how to restrain opponents in the blink of an eye. Faction: Harmonium. Prerequisites: Quick Draw, base attack bonus +4. Benefit: When you have an opponent grappled, you may attach a restraining device (such as manacles or collar) when succeeding at an opposed grapple check instead of pinning or damaging your opponent. You do not need to have the device ready - you merely need to have it within reach after beginning the grapple.

Constable’s Lore (ex) - By 5th level, the constable is a master of his assigned area (his ‘beat’), knowing the ins and outs of just about everything that goes on. The constable may now make Bardic Lore check (1d20 + INT + Constable Level) on subjects within their assigned area, as defined below. Bardic Constables may add their levels in this prestige class to their Bardic Lore.

Each Constable gains this bonus only for a single area, usually a single city district, e.g. “The Dock Quarter of Harmony’s Glory, or “the Licensed Quarter of Han”. If the character moves to a new area, he must first learn the ways of the new district and earn the trust of the locals. This process is effectively a ‘Take 20’ Gather Information check, requiring 20 days and 20d6 gold pieces worth of small favours, help, and other encouragements. Under normal circumstances this price is paid by the Officer’s new garrison.


"Shieldwarden of Motmurk"

The Orcish lords of Motmurk have long employed shieldwardens to protect them in battle. While the great heroes and khans of Motmurk favoured the greataxe or double-axe in battle, the shieldwarden was assigned to guard his lord by wielding a large shield to protect them. In ancient times the shieldwarden was merely a warrior charged with carrying and maintaining the tribal shield for his lord, but eventually the role developed into that of a fighting bodyguard.

Among the orcs of Ortho, the shieldwarden is more than a profession. It is an ancient and honourable tradition of the warrior-companion, of much greater importance than a mere bodyguard: In the sagas and rhapsodies of the orcs, shieldwardens often serve as heralds, councillors, diplomats, and spymasters looking out for their lord in the feast hall and around the council fire, not just on the battlefield. Thanks to the skills required, only the smartest orcs became shieldwardens, adding to their reputation for cunning and wisdom.

Historically almost all shieldwardens were female, and the role was actually known as ‘shieldmaiden’ before the Pax Harmonium. Some shieldmaidens were female relatives of their lord, a duty they inherited from their mothers. Others were the lover of their chieftain, despite the post supposedly having a code of celibacy and the watchful eye of the goddess Alae upon their chasteness. Sometimes this relationship was secret (or an open secret), but at other times quite open; a kind of “respectable mistress” for the lord and someone the chief wife could rely on to look after their husband (sometimes, she even selected the maiden for the duty). Some of the greatest works of Motmurk literature are tales of romances between chieftain and shieldmaiden and of the quest for revenge when one or the other was killed. A skilled shieldmaiden was a prestigious part of a lord’s entourage and a powerful figure in orcish society. It remains an honour even in these stable times.

Under the Harmonium the role was renamed, opened (grudgingly) to men, and exported throughout Ortho. Shieldwardens are now attached to many legions as bodyguards serving wizards, clerics, high-ranking officers, or specialist non-combatants. Diplomats and ambassadors also sometimes request their services, and more than a few ‘retired’ shieldwardens make a good living with merchant cartels or as Free Folk.

Although training is available from most major campuses on Ortho, the schools of Motmurk are still considered pre-eminent in teaching the art, although the orcs of Heka also have a long tradition of shieldwarding. Both these schools have a lingering bias towards female shieldwardens, believing them to be innately more suited to the role than males. A less traditional school in Shoryko has attracted attention recently, partly because it has managed to find quite a few skilled shieldwardens among the ogre population, despite that races’ lack of natural aptitude for the job.

Most shieldwardens are Fighters, Paladins, or Clerics. Combat-orientated bards and rogues may also be attracted to the role.

Hit Dice: 1d8
Skill Points: 4 + INT
Class Skills: Intimidate, Knowledge (nobility & Royalty), Listen, Ride, Search, Sense Motive, Spot

Base Attack +3
Feats: Combat Expertise, Shield & Tower Shield Proficiency

1st - Attack +1 Fort +2 Ref +2 Will +0 Special: Sacred Bond, Shieldwarden's Stance, Ward's Trust
2nd - Attack +2 Fort +3 Ref +3 Will +0 Special: Deflect Arrows, Weapon Focus (shield)
3rd - Attack +3 Fort +3 Ref +3 Will +1 Special: The Final Duty
4th - Attack +4 Fort +4 Ref +4 Will +1 Special: Stunning Bash
5th - Attack +5 Fort +4 Ref +4 Will +1 Special: Mystic Shield

Special Abilities

Sacred Bond (ex) – The good shieldwarden is always focused on their lord. The character gets a +1 bonus per Shieldwarden level to any save against a non-damaging mental effect that would specifically distract him or her from their duty (Charm, Hypnotic Pattern, Sleep, Suggestion, etc).

Shieldwarden’s Stance (ex) - At the start of his turn while within 5ft of his ward, the shieldswarden may add the benefit of his Shield’s AC bonus to his Ward, including magical bonuses, as a free action. The Shieldsman does not get the bonus of his or her shield while using it in this way.

A shieldwarden may apply their Combat Expertise Feat when guarding a lord, but in this case the points subtracted are taken from BOTH the shieldwarden and his ward’s Attack Bonus, but add only to the ward’s AC.

Warden’s Trust (ex) – the shieldwarden learns to work closely with his lord. This has two benefits: Firstly, a shieldwarden and his or her ward develop a close understanding of one another that some believe borders on magical. It takes a week of accompanying a ward before the shieldwarden gets this bonus, and both ward and warden must be willing.

The shieldwarden gets a +1 bonus per Shieldwarden to rolls involving subtle communication with their lord. This includes Sense Motive checks on the ward, Bluff checks to pass a secret message, and other rolls at the DM’s discretion. When within 5ft of their Ward, a shieldwarden also gets a bonus of +1 to all Spot and Listen checks per Shieldwarden Level.

Deflect Arrows (ex) – The shieldwarden gains the Deflect Arrows Feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites. Unlike normally, the feat can only be used in conjunction with a shield - but it can also be used on behalf of another character within 5ft of the shieldwarden.

Weapon Focus (shield) – the character gets a +1 bonus to all attacks made with their shield.

Final Duty (ex) – The final duty of a shieldwarden is to avenge their fallen lord. The shieldwarden may make an immediate melee attack (as if they had readied an attack) against an enemy within reach who kills or incapacitates his Ward. The Shieldwarden also adds their ward’s CHS bonus (if any) to the attack and damage of ALL attacks for 1 round per Shieldwarden Level should this occur.

Stunning Bash (ex) – once per day, the Shieldwarden can launch a Stunning Bash with his shield. This must be declared before the attack roll is made. If the attack hits, the target must make a Fortitude Save versus the DC 10 + ½ character level + the attacker’s WIS bonus (in addition to dealing damage normally). A defender who fails this saving throw is stunned for 1 round (until just before your next action). A stunned character can’t act, loses any Dexterity bonus to AC, and takes a –2 penalty to AC. Constructs, oozes, plants, undead, incorporeal creatures, and creatures immune to critical hits cannot be stunned.

Mystic Shield (su) – once per day the shieldwarden can invoke the blessing of the Lords of Order upon their sacred duty. The character’s shield becomes temporarily empowered with one of the following Magical Shield Qualities: Arrow Catching, Bashing, or Light Fortification. The enchantment lasts for 1 round per Class Level of the character.

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