Ortho: NPC - Kadhi Kibwe

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Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Ortho: NPC - Kadhi Kibwe

Last Edit: 03/12/07

I think I read somewhere that all colonies together count as 'one Province' get only representatives on the Council of Ortho, so I've assumed that Kibwe is one of them. Also that there is some means to force emergency legislation through, residing among the Octave (I’ve called it an “order of Harmony”). These are easily changed however.

Kadhi Kibwe
Councillor of Colonial States

The honourable Kadhi Kibwe is a new and volatile member of the Council of Ortho: Councillor for Colonial States no less - one of the three representatives who speak for all OCA colonies.

Kadhi Kibwe is a warrior and ethicist from the world of Meter. One of the hulking rhek of that world, he rose to prominence after the loss of Menausus, when the Harmonium called for massive migrations of his people to the Outer Planes, to help stabilise Arcadia. He did not oppose the exodus in principle in Meter’s council, but was stringent in his requirements that neither their new home nor their old suffered as a result of panic. “The Harmonium do not react impetuously, recklessly, or desperately,” Kadhi Kibwe said. “The tower of our glorious civilisation reaches even to the heavens – but we must not neglect the base of pillar out of fear for but one of its many summits.”

Partly through his efforts, the rhek exodus was delayed - some say by a harmful amount of time. Kadhi Kibwe’s skilled objections made enemies among those who were pushing for see swift and decisive action, but it made the rhek famous as a champion of the colonies. In the end, the Octave broke the deadlocked negotiations with an Order of Harmony - and Kadhi Kibwe immediately threw his support behind the order, gaining a reputation for loyalty and responsibility among the moderates. He emerged from the argument with more new friends than enemies, and considerably increased fame.

An Order of Harmony comes direct from the Octave, who must be unanimous in their support. An Order of Harmony is an edict or instruction to the whole of the Harmonium on Planes and Prime, issued only in cases of emergency. It overrides all local law and custom, and must be carried out immediately.

His newfound popularity paid off soon after. Already a member of the Colonial Advisory Council (a body that assists the colonial councillors), Kadhi Kibwe was reluctantly persuaded to stand in the next Council of Ortho elections. The Rhek was somewhat surprised to find himself elected as the Councillor of Colonial States. Although relatively new to the higher echelons of power, he has been a tireless supporter of colonial rights - both for Prime worlds and the huge Planar contigent. Despite high profile allies like Faith, Kadhi Kibwe’s quest is for a change in the fundamental organisation of the government; changing the established order is never easy – on Ortho, doubly so.

Name: Kadhi Kibwe
Race: Rhek
Age: 140
Position: Honourable Councillor of Colonial States
Alignment: Lawful Good
Political Affiliation: Colonial Alliance.
Class: Paladin 4
Province of Origin: Off-world Colony (Meter)

Description: Physically, Kadhi Kibwe is a typical rhek - a powerhouse of muscle covered by an armoured blue-grey hide, looking for all the world like a humanoid rhinoceros. Heavy bone protects his head, surmounted by a curving horn that’s been inlaid with strands of gold, symbol of his high social status. Now passing into middle age, Kadhi Kibwe’s waist is widening and his hide is beginning to wrinkle, but his limbs remain thickly muscled and inhumanly strong. The rhek’s stern face and massive frame may seem savage and intimidating, but his deep voice is courteous and eloquent. His speeches are slow but skilled, forthright and fed by deep passions. He has reputation for living up to his name, which means ‘the wise judge is blessed’ in the rumbling tongue of his people.

Like all rhek Kadhi Kibwe does not like change, but appointment to the Council of Ortho was a big one. To fail in his duties through naiveté or inexperience is the Councillor’s constant worry, but he still speaks his mind boldly in Council.

With the Councillor for Colonial States, what you see is what you get. Kadhi Kibwe is a force for good, and a direct one. He’s not unskilled as a politician, it’s simply that he pursues the most obviously good course in every circumstance and anyone who doesn’t is clearly in the wrong. Some of his fellows find him refreshing; others think him an unsophisticated oaf. He’s also a creature of ritual: A place for everything and everything in its place is almost a religion to him. Within the bounds of what is exactingly proper however, he is a truly benevolent creature who thinks little of his own wants. Kadhi Kibwe attends each local temple of the Lords of Order on major holy days and every Harmonium-sponsored event he can, as well as his many official duties and the numerous rituals of rhek life. When he has a spare moment or two left, he likes to maintain his physique at a local gymnasium.

Notes on Statistics: Saving Throw totals include Paladin Divine Grace. Skill totals include all synergies and a +4 racial bonus to Intimidate. Rhek are detailed in The Book of Exalted Deeds.

Kadhi Kibwe, CR 9
Medium Monstrous Humanoid
Hit Dice: 5d8+4d10+36 (96hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 30ft
Armour Class: 18 (+7 natural, +1 Armour), touch 10, flat-footed 18
Base Attack/Grapple: +9/+13
*Attack: Gore +14 (1d8+5)
*Full Attack: Mwk Halberd +17/+12 (1d10+7) and Gore +9 (1d8+2)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Powerful Charge 2d8+8, Smite Chaos
Special Qualities: Authority, Detect Chaos, Darkvision 60ft, Instant Stability, Paladin Class Abilities
Saves: Fort +19, Ref +8, Will +8
Abilities: Str 20, Dex 10, Con 19, Int 16, Wis 15, Cha 17
Skills: Diplomacy +14 Intimidate +11, Knowledge (Law & Ethics) +12, Listen +5, Sense Motive +9, Spot +4
Feats: Authority, Endurance, Negotiator, Unit Tactics

Possessions: Kadhi Kibwe carries little with him save his (noble quality) robes of state. He owns a highly ornate Masterwork halberd as a symbol of his rank (an ancient rhek custom) as well as his Councillor signet ring. Although he no longer wears armour regularly, he carries a Broach of Shielding and wears Bracer’s of Armour +1 for defence. In his chambers he has scrolls of various Paladin spells, usually to the value of 1,000gps.

Authority (sp): Greater Command 1/day as 8th level cleric (DC 18)

Detect Chaos (sp): Detect Chaos 3/day as a 9th level cleric

Instant Stability (ex): Due to redundant internal organs and swiftly-clotting blood, a rhek automatically stabilises when brought to between -1 and -9 hp.

Paladin Spells:

Paladin Abilities (4th level): Aura of Good, Aura of Courage, Cast Spells, Detect Evil, Divine Health, Smite Evil 1/day, Divine Grace, Lay on Hands, Turn Undead. See PHB, p43 for details. Kadhi Kibwe is entitled to a single 1st level spell per day, he normally chooses Resistance.

Powerful Charge (ex): Gore attack scores double damage on a charge (2d8+10)

Smite Chaos (su): 3/Day Kadhi Kibwe may make a normal melee attack with +3 to hit and +9 points of damage against a chaotic foe.

* Unit Tactics: 1 circumstance bonus to attack rolls and AC against a target for every character with this feat (including Kadhi Kibwe) threatening it.

Kamau & Kairu - Kadhi Kibwe’s constant companions are two elite rhek warriors, bodyguards who have sworn to give their lives to defend him: Kamau (whose name means ‘silent warrior’) is obsessed with honour and repute, both of which hinge upon Kadhi Kibwe’s safety. Kairu (‘black one’ after his particularly dark hide) is much more relaxed, verbose, and friendly – and has a reputation as a brawler and potential troublemaker, who frequents the Licensed Quarter. Kairu acts as Kadhi’s eyes and ears in the seamier end of the city.

Note to self: move the adventure seed into 101 ORTHO ADVENTURES and elaborate using the feedback

Radical Hardliners and Juhlienists decide to bring down Kadhi Kibwe “for the good of the state.” Unfortunately he’s a paladin and has no vices at all. The conspirators decide to eliminate him once and for all.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Ortho: NPC - Kadhi Kibwe

I like this NPC quite a bit; he seems like a useful character to add to the intrigue within the Harmonium and in Arcadia - someone the PCs could contact to combat Arcadian overzealousness, and interesting in his own right. I also love how you integrated the rhek of Meter to the role of that race in the stabilization of Arcadia after the loss of Nemausus.

As for the relationships between colonies and Ortho's government, the PDF says this:

Each of these colonies is a full member of the Ortho Empire. However integrated colonies are without representation on the Council of Ortho. Otherwise these colonies are almost entirely self-ruled, following the doctrines and codes of the Harmonium.

Their governments still answer to the Council of Ortho and the Octave but otherwise they are independent and for the most part equal in the written law of the Harmonium. Those born in these colonies are considered citizens of Ortho, but there is a social distinction between an 'Ortho' citizen and an 'Outer' citizen.

Based on this, I speculate that Kadhi Kibwe was a high-ranking member of Meter's local government, elevated to a position in an Orthoran ministry as a sop for the agitated citizens of his homeworld, essentially creating the "Order of Harmony" in order to delay Meter's application to full provincial status. Something of a compromise between a province and an integrated colony, which the people of Meter have temporarily decided to be satisfied with... at least as long as a popular figure like Kibwe is involved with it. If Kibwe decides to resign, or he is killed, there may be trouble.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Ortho: NPC - Kadhi Kibwe

I like what Rip is getting at. Given the current instability on the world, the assasination of a major figure like Kibwe could throw the whole of Meter into chaos or even open revolt.

Charles Phipps's picture
Joined: 2007-11-14
Ortho: NPC - Kadhi Kibwe

I like him a great deal. However, I'd also put in some of the man's policies and relationships in order to fully flesh him out. Some of these that definitely should be created.

* A possible alliance with Faith for bringing Planar Colonies into a full power bloc.

* A definite support for reclaiming Arcadia.

* Maybe something about how one of the Colonies has withdrawn.

* Also working for more representation amongst worlds that support the Cause of Harmony but don't necessarilly want to be part of Ortho's government.

(Basically, what do you do about Paladins from Cormyr who have no interest in merging Cormyr with Ortho?)

Maybe also a darker quality too, perhaps the idea it's not wrong to fight for these rights.

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