Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

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nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Hmm... I'm going to do a bit with #6 right now. We've got a nation full of werewolves, so why not a nation full of were-polar bears (who are LG, by the normal rules)? Also, it gives an interesting werebear vs. werewolf thing to the Schism.

Also, I'll point out that everything but Thaera is part of one (massive) landmass, joined at the North Pole.

The Federation of Bulgrak
In the northern reaches of Ortho, lies the cold land of Bulgrak. It is fairly harsh in temperatures, but the main threat are the numerous monsters that live within. Cryohydras, winter wolves, white dragons, frost worms, and remorhazes all call this place home, and the occasional elemental vortex lets through things from the Paraelemental Plane of Ice. There are rumors that the high concentration of monsters is the result of a divine curse. How this is said to have happened is unknown, but ancient ruins are sometimes found frozen under the snow and permafrost.

The People:
The people of Bulgrak are by neccessity are a close-nit bunch. Living in a hostile enviroment, they soon learned a vital lesson, and one that facilitated their union with the Harmonium: fight together, or die alone. Unfortunately, while teamwork enhanced the inhabitants' chances, they were still ultimately overwhelmed by the monstrous inhabitants, until a mage named Khartos the Bear stepped in, and used a long lost magical ritual of his own devising to transform the villagers, infusing them with the power of the bears that roamed the frozen wastes, and strengthening their communal instincts. Soon they began pushing back the unintellegent monsters, forging non-agression treaties with the less-powerful but intelligent denizens from positions of strength, and training some of the mighty frost worms and cryohydras as steeds.

When the Harmonium arrived, the werebears joined them readily, as their own beliefs almost matched those of the villagers. The werebears, while few in numbers, more than made up for it by skill and raw strength, with their 'tame' frost worms and bears inflicting heavy damage on their enemies. During the Schism, the werebears fought on the side of the supporters of the Hedbomad, mostly against the werewolves who live to the west of their land. During the War of Iron, the werebears are said to have performed almost as well as the beholders on a per capita basis, though in the end, they were still killed to the last man and beast of war.

Today, the inhabitants mostly live relatively peaceful lives, making a living fishing and hunting for meat and furs. Hundreds of years of Harmonium indoctrination have shifted the alignments of the native winter wolves to be mostly lawful, though their proclivity to evil remains unabashed, they sometimes aid hunters in exchange for suitable compensation, and generally refrain from attacking humanoids. The werebear population took heavy casualties in the assorted wars the Harmonium has waged, their numbers are climbing due to the willingness of Harmonium members to be infected, and said infected producing natural werebear children (even when the other parent is a human). All members of the community are expected to work for their participation in society. Those who commit crimes are exiled into the wastes, though though if they arrive at another villiage, they are taken in if they show genuine repentance for their crimes, as surviving on your own in the wilderness there is a punishment in itself, and the exiles are fair pickings for the winter wolves.

Another interesting feature of their society is their regular, competitive tests of skill in such feilds as fighting, hunting, and animal husbandry. The werebears take these contests fairly seriously, with the winners being accolladed (and very often, repeatedly laid), and the losers scorned. The particularly incompetent get snubbed by the community entirely, forcing them to set out into the wilderness for a time, as noone will sell them anything (including food), though survival for a month is seen as sufficiently difficult to negate the shame by their incompetent display. The yearly Telgorn Games take this even further, when the best competitors from each village seek honor for their village. Recently, emissaries from the Harmonium have been allowed to compete.

Bulgrak is governed by the Telgorn Counsil, whose members are selected from the villages and the Harmonium, with one member representing each village who attended the most recent Telgorn games, with extra seats allocated for winning the assorted events. This council decides on matters of legislation for the province, as well as acting as an appeals court, though those wishing an appeal must travel there on foot, though they are allowed to have others to come with them to aid in the journey, if they so wish. Each village is run by a Council of Elders, who make local laws and act as judges for the local courts. It is composed of the ten eldest people residing in the village at any one time, as any who survive that long will (in theory) be the wisest in the village, though any who are convicted of the murder of a previous councilor are banned from holding the position in any village.

The largest 'village' is Grashnok, due to its location at the southern tip of the place, enabling is use as the cheif port of the province. Also of note is Telgorn, which is located centrally in the province. Inland travel through the province in primarily accomplished by means of sleighs pulled by polar bears, or on special saddles atop frost worms.

Adventure hooks:
The Fated have sent teams to secretly try to convert the werebears to their faction. Some early successes have resulted in a few impromptu purges of traitors amongst the ranks of the werebears. Some Harmonium officers have been sent in to root out the members of the Fated, and prevent further killings. Who will the PCs help?

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

'nick012000' wrote:
Also, I'll point out that everything but Thaera is part of one (massive) landmass, joined at the North Pole.
Acutally, they don't as this post indicates...The original map did not include the top or bottom five or so degrees of latitude and the map above that post (and below in this one) shows the full, if distorted, map of Ortho...As to Province #6, I know Clueless has hinted throughout this thread what she was working on for it, including the Seaborn (see this thread's previous page)...How important her leanings are to her is 'tween the two of you, but I just thought I'd mention that there are ideas concerning Pr#6 out there and are mentioned in previous posts in this thread...This is not meant to discourage your participation, there's just a lot of info out there across the five or six (or is it seven) threads of the Ortho Project develpment...Also, check out the Ortho pdf for what's up to date (well, up to date three and a half weeks ago Eye-wink )... Kwint

Current Map of Ortho:

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

I was wondering if we should include a standard synopsis in addition to descriptions for the Provincial write-ups such as:

Proper Name:
Provincial Capital:
Major Cities & Towns:
Total # - Racial Makeup %'s
Alignment (Populace):
Alignment (Law):

Whatta ya think?...Anything to add, subtract or alter?...

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places


looking through the Ortho PDF, it doesn't look like anything I've said was contradicted.

Ogres vs. Were polar bears + monstrous steeds = lots of either dead or infected LG ogres. Those that survived (and integrated into the villages) would probably have been fairly quickly accepted into the villages, so natural lycanthrope half-ogres wouldn't be too surprising, either.

And there's nothing to stop them from having mixed ancestry.

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

I guess what I meant by referring to the Ortho.pdf was that it was up to date as of 25Jan06 and thus you might not have to read through so much here on the forums (assuming you haven't been reading it religiously over the last three months)...Much more of a reference to Ortho on the whole and that you only have to really read through the last three and a half weeks of posts, since the majority of what came before that is in the pdf...

The only reference to Pr#6 in the pdf IIRC is- "possibly a 'north Korean' element here – corrupt, and obsessively cultish obedience to the state and Harmony?" and Clueless had implied that she was gonna expand on that, but like I said, that's between you and her (she's the project co-ordinator after all), although she might just let you run with it if she hasn't done anything yet...She seems to be busy with many things, both Orthoran (the official adjective of Ortho) and other...

Hopefully she'll respond sometime in the near future to give her feelings on the matter...


nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Uh huh...

searching through the PDF for "6" rather than "#6" turns that up. I guess it's up to Clueless. *shrugs*

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

'nick012000' wrote:
Adventure hooks: The Fated have sent teams to secretly try to convert the werebears to their faction. Some early successes have resulted in a few impromptu purges of traitors amongst the ranks of the werebears. Some Harmonium officers have been sent in to root out the members of the Fated, and prevent further killings. Who will the PCs help?
I'm not sure this would work as, according the both 2nd ed. Ps and Ch 3 of PS3e, the Fated may be of any alignment save LG and Werebears are always LG...Perhaps the Mind's Eye might be a better choice... Kwint

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

It's the whole hard work=worthiness thing they both have going.

Also, it the PDF going to be edited to remove statements like 'I think that blah blah blah' from the final copy, outside of narrative text?

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

'nick012000' wrote:
It's the whole hard work=worthiness thing they both have going.
Well, that's a fine motivation, but in the end, the werebears won't join the Fated 'cause they'll whip out their copy of the PS3e and note that since they're all Lawful Good, they can't be members of the Fated, it's just too selfish a Faction Eye-wink ...

Also, it the PDF going to be edited to remove statements like 'I think that blah blah blah' from the final copy, outside of narrative text?
I'd guess so as Clueless is going for something equivalent to items for sale...I believe, as you so eloquently put it, the "blah, blah, blah" is there so Clueless didn't have to go through the threads every time she wanted to reference an idea...I'd guess that those entries will be distilled into standard gamebook entry format...


Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

I think what I'll do here is move the werebears into the same 'provincial' territory ast the were-wolves. The intention with the were-council was to actualyl have all weres represented there (and the Seaborn could use some support vs. ther were-wolves in their territory anyway). I don't see the Ortho government as a whole being too comfortable giving *two* provinces to the beasts.

Additionally, the bears just don't settle in well with the intentions I wanted to work with for #6 (serves me right for not having gotten the unpolished ideas I've been sitting on out). The intention for that province is to really show the dark-underbelly of the Harmonium ideals - the aspect where it can get very oppressive and dark. We don't have one of those yet. I don't see the were-bears putting up with that sort of crap from their leadership.

Re: the formating and notes etc in the PDF - it *is* a rough draft right now, it's in the process of being developed and hobbled together. So you'll notice down at the bottom theres notes on things along the lines of 'integrate this into XYZ section' and so forth. Getting those rough spots polished out to make all the pieces we've been throwing out has been my project for the last week in between putting together the Powers.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

'nick012000' wrote:
It's the whole hard work=worthiness thing they both have going.
Are you confusing the Fated with the Godsmen?

Fated = "If it ain't nailed down its Mine. And I only earned it if I pried it up in the first place." They're like the philsophies of Ann Rynd taken to a far extreme. The fated have a feeling along the lines of wanting to step on everyone to get ahead, and assumign that if you don't step on others in return that you weren't worthy of it in the first place.

Godsmen = "I will forge myself, and my surroundings into perfection." The godsmen are *much* closer to the hard work ethic that you're aiming for.

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

'Clueless' wrote:
'nick012000' wrote:
It's the whole hard work=worthiness thing they both have going.
Are you confusing the Fated with the Godsmen?

Fated = "If it ain't nailed down its Mine. And I only earned it if I pried it up in the first place." They're like the philsophies of Ann Rynd taken to a far extreme. The fated have a feeling along the lines of wanting to step on everyone to get ahead, and assumign that if you don't step on others in return that you weren't worthy of it in the first place.

Godsmen = "I will forge myself, and my surroundings into perfection." The godsmen are *much* closer to the hard work ethic that you're aiming for.

This was the root for my suggestion for the Mind's Eye* in lieu of the Fated, which brings up another question: How accessible is Ortho to other Factions and Sects?...Also, although Ortho is the Homeworld of the Harmonium, its still just a Prime World and of little importance...I could see the Rev League covertly trying something, but I'd think that most Factions with a central HQ on the planes would think twice about trying to mess with it unless they want a full retaliatory strike of possibly millions of Hardhead Troops...

*I assume the setting's present is post-Faction War and that the Godsmen have merged with the Sign of One to form the Mind's Eye...

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Aye. It is post Faction War.

Re: outside influence - check the section in the PDF on portals and restricted spells. The Ortho government actively attempts to control planar interactions on Ortho, for the safety and security of the citizentry. They're still very wary of Abyssal intrusions (with good reason - Alzrius is probably a little cranky) and not too hot on other planar intrusions b/c of the potential for non-Orthorian (chaotic) influence. Considering the active regulation of the Lord of Watchfulness - it would take some skill to avoid detection.

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Perhaps Bulgrak could be a provincial district which includes Ulfrheim's
northeast peninsula, the northernmost island and the northern portions of the two major islands off the peninsula's coast...

PS-Clueless, have you come up with a name for Province #6?...

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

'Kwint' wrote:
Perhaps Bulgrak could be a provincial district which includes Ulfrheim's northeast peninsula, the northernmost island and the northern portions of the two major islands off the peninsula's coast...
Nick- Does this work for you? Kwint

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

That's fine, I guess...

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Sounds like you've got a better grasp on the number than I do. Have you any prestige classes in mind?

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Who are you talking to, there, Clueless?

I don't see anyone mentioning anything about PrCs.

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

'nick012000' wrote:
Who are you talking to, there, Clueless?

I don't see anyone mentioning anything about PrCs.

As to the 'number' statement, I'm clueless to what Clueless is saying...As far as PrC's, see the Ortho: Prestige Classes thread...

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

I've edited the map above to include Bulgrak as a provincial district of Ulfrheim, along with the villages of Grashnok and Telgorn...Does this seem okay to you, Nick?...


That's Measure One Kwint Pendick to you, bub!...

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

That's fine.

eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
History of Shoryko Province - Land of Pitiless Truth

This history doc is intended to follow up on Clueless's idea of Province #6 as an isolationist, repressive place ruled by autocrats who impoverish the common people - providing some history as to how a province could end up that way, and why the Harmonium might not openly attempt to reform it. This is intended to leave a whole lot of room open to define races, cities, current politics and government, prominent NPCs and similar - anyone who wants to add more information, feel free.


The nobles of the remote northern province of Shoryko Province claim that their homeland is the birthplace of humanity on Ortho, and consequently home to the purest bloodstock. Their claim is naturally disputed by many, and quite likely impossible to prove or disprove, but none of the historical or archaeological evidence gathered suggests to the contrary.

Myths about the prehistory of Shoryko vary widely, from great cities forged from solud gold and dweomercraft to unenlightened tribes scratching in the dirt with sticks, depending on where you go and who you ask. In many cases, a city's own legends are the same as those as the next city over, only with names changed and identities switched to place the city's own forefathers in the triumphant role and the local rival as the pitiful victim. Shoryko notables assert that a common truth exists in all the legends, and that only details have been lost to time. As the details are vital to proving eventual truth or falsehood, though, most outsiders treat Shoryko prehistory as fanciful legend.

The First Kingdoms

Civilization came to Shoryko with the domestication of rice, lentils and millet. Such crops both allowed and, in time, required humans to settle in villages and towns to tend the fields - even moreso to manage irrigation and dam works and get the best yields from each year's harvest. Proper tending of such elaborate agricultural works required a high degree of training and specialization in the people of Shoryko - laborers with the strength and endurance for long manual labor, engineers trained to manage the upkeep of the irrigation works, capable warriors to defend against marauding monsters, and so on. Those city-states that practiced careful and structured segregation of citizens into assigned roles nearly from the point of birth prospered. Those that did not entered the dustbin of history.

Though strife and struggle were by no means unknown in Shoryko's early days, serious conflict between the city-states was rare. This was due simply to the harshness of early life, and the inability of any single kingdom to spend time and resources on wars of conquest. Raids, challenges between single champions, and diplomatic exchanges and marriages of state were common in these early days, as a way to manage conflict without the waste inherent in all-out warfare.

Wars of Purity

Of course, such a state couldn't last. No one is yet sure whether the slow growth of civilization and stability in Shoryko inspired some nameless ruler to begin war for its own sake, or merely allowed armies to march in response to some unknown slight, but the Wars of Purity began nontheless. They began as all-out combats between neighbors, with no fixed alliances and no certain enemies, but soon evolved into a more formal, structured setup in which each faction had its own key members, preferred weapons and tactics, and reasons for battle.

The Wars of Purity lasted for years, perhaps decades, as each faction battled on with the intent of achieving primacy over all Shoryko. None of the alliances proved to be clearly superior to any of the others, or managed to achieve a lasting advantage in the Wars; any that did seem to have such an edge quickly found all the other states turning against it. Such it was that much of Shoryko was laid waste, and weakened against invasion from both without and within.

Before the states of Shoryko could destroy themselves, however, a hero-king emerged - Koryao the Great, he who would be known as First Among Kings. A figure out of legend, he realized the danger that Shoryko was in, and schemed his way to prominence in his home kingdom, then used alliances, carefully-managed dissent among enemies, cunning strategy, and raw military might to achieve dominance over all the warring states. Subjugated rivals were treated honorably, encouraged to join his coalition rather than be ground under; capable opponents were allowed to surrender with generous terms rather than suffer a painful, protracted war on their home soil. To unify all of Shoryko was the work of a lifetime - but before his death, Koryao the Great had assembled an empire to pass to his sons like none ever conceived of before.

The Golden Age

The heirs of Koryao built on the legacy of their great sire, to turn the many cities of Shoryko into a single nation. Trade in crafts and specialty goods was encouraged, along with the deepening of art, literature and culture. Binding oaths and carefully arranged intermarriage between prominent families was also used to deepen ties and block the resurgence of conflict. Gradually, a unified society began to emerge, with all the nobles of Shoryko's many cities all seeking a common good.

The effort to create a single nation in Shoryko did have one other lasting consequence - the creation of an explicit caste system out of the many different traditions of hereditary role inheritance. The need to determine proper precedence, propagate order across the land, and determine exactly who was best suited to be elevated into the ruling interests of the new nation lead to a web of social and legal strictures becoming formalized, and many different privileges, rules and taboos becoming propagated. The inflexible structure of the castes became the central motivating force in Shoryko culture, dictating their own internal politics as well as their response to the outside world.

Rise of the Harmonium

When the Harmonium first began its rise to power some five hundred years ago, Shoryko was already a unified, wealthy and powerful kingdom, and had been so for several generations. Its wealth, prominence and culture had caused it to become insular and isolationist, however, mostly uncaring of the outside world, and so chose not involve itself in the Wars of Unity against Alzrius, Thaera, and the elven nations. Only after the Harmonium had unified much of the rest of the planet did Shoryko enter into diplomatic negotiations, accepting membership in the Harmonium in exchange for local autonomy.

Thus, the entry of Shoryko into the Harmonium proved to have limited effects for both sides. Military advisors and recruiters entered into a few of the largest cities, as did trade factors seeking to encourage trade between Shoryko and other provinces. Neither met with much success, though, as the strict caste system of Shoryko and its immense concentration of wealth and power blocked most attempts at change or progress. Temple authorities met with more success, as Shoryko worshipped the same deities as the rest of Ortho, but their influence was still mainly limited to having their teachings co-opted into the established culture.

The elite of Shoryko did choose to participate in the larger government of Ortho, sending representatives to the Council of Provinces, but did so mainly in the interest of blocking any incursions by neighbors. With such matters being few and far between, the council members soon found ample opportunity to enrich themselves through use of their offices. Such behavior has continued through to the present day, and given Shoryko a poor reputation in the wider world; the notables of Shoryko itself care not, as long as the wealth that former Council members garner is used subtly and doesn't disrupt the rulership within the province itself.

Crisis of Faith

The last major upheaval within Shoryko occured some two centuries ago. Disagreement between the different temples of the Lords of Law had been steadily increasing for generations, as representatives of each deity disagreed on whose doctrine should be preeminent. The political maneuverings of the Shoryko elite only compounded this problem, with precepts of each faith promoted at different times to justify some social strategem, but the core problem was undeniably with the temples themselves. Priests of Didairdin insisted on a strengthening of the local caste system, with the top nobles always being correct by definition; those of Tyerusus disagreed, promoting an ironclad system of laws applied equally and without exception to everyone in Shoryko. Such a conflict might have come to nothing, had not the clergy of Saeduenical intervened, arguing for investigation and discovery of all acts, ever, regardless of criminal intent. The dispute that broke out between the three viewpoints was fierce, bitter and unquenchable, and soon escalated into open conflict.

The ensuing struggle lasted for decades, and was fought in nearly every form imaginable - from conflicting exhortations shouted in the temple square, to attempts to enshrine some key canon precept in secular law, to covert warfare and destruction of a rival's properties and treasures. The noble interests of Shoryko refused to involve themselves in the main, fearful of being seen as openly opposed to any single deity or finding themselves on the losing side, and blocked peacekeeping efforts proposed by the Harmonium government for much the same reason. The crisis ended mostly out of mutual exhaustion, with no real compromise ever presenting itself. To this day, the temples of Shoryko are weakened and mutually suspicious of one another.

The Present Day

Modern-day Shoryko is a land in which turmoil simmers below the surface. Though it appears peaceful and industrious, danger and strife could potentially erupt at any time, unconstrained by the peacekeeping efforts of outside forces. The present First King of Shoryko is an underaged figurehead, controlled by regents after his predecessor died in mysterious circumstances; the nobles that control him might seek a more pliable tool at any time. The different temples are still at one another's throats, each dominant in different cities and covertly struggling for overall prominence in Shoryko. The effect of the larger Harmonium hierarchy remains shaky and uncertain, but is slowly gaining faith among the lower castes and may become viewed as a threat. Exactly what the future holds, no one can say...

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Yes, finally, all the provinces have been named!...Added Shoryko to the map above...

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Doc updated for deities.
Currently working up updating it with the latest province data.

kwint's picture
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Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Hope you include the longer, near-complete Omospondia write-up that goes beyond its ancient history...

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

'kwint' wrote:
I was wondering if we should include a standard synopsis in addition to descriptions for the Provincial write-ups such as:

Proper Name:
Provincial Capital:
Major Cities & Towns:
Total # - Racial Makeup %'s
Alignment (Populace):
Alignment (Law):

Whatta ya think?...Anything to add, subtract or alter?...

I think I'm gonna rename "Ruler" to "Leaders" ( for those more democratic provinces). Otherwise I think that covers just about everything that is needed in a summary.

What exactly did you mean by coinage?

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

'Clueless' wrote:
What exactly did you mean by coinage?
Assuming there's no federal currency (frex the euro), coinage is the name of the coins minted or used in the province (frex the British pound sterling, shilling and penny or the Guernsey pound)...I assume they don't have legal tender/paper money... Kwint

kwint's picture
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Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Clueless, did you decide not to use the Latter Four Icons?...I notice they're not in the latest pdf...

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Just forgot to add em in is all.

kwint's picture
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Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Moved here from another thread for relevance:

'Clueless' wrote:
Re: Ortho - I don't think that's it's dead kwint, so much as people are tired. The writers have gotten drained for a few months now, they'll get back into it once the ideas resurface.
There's a difference between creating new material meant for inclusion in the final product and being part of an ongoing discussion for the framework and general ideas of the project...

I've put forth various questions and thoughts concerning Ortho content and get the rare response, mostly from you (Clueless), on very rare occasions from Rip (even when they are directed at him) and that's it...Nothing from Gerzel, Eldersphinx, Primus, Nick or any of the other folk who were part of the project early on...

This is what leads me to think the project is 'dead,' and by dead I don't mean stopped, but dead in the same sense that the Rrakkma project or the Urban Planescape project is dead...That is, just languishing, with the framewok set-up and a few items detailed, but no constant input, such that it seems it will be years, if not decades, til the project reaches fruition, if it ever does...

It seems people get really excited at the beginning and then short attention spans or the nitty-gritty of getting something done leads them to other things ('cause there are so many other 'things') such that nothing ever gets completed...It is important that to avoid this, discussion happens on a very regular basis and that folks pipe in, even if it is only to say "good idea" or "I don't think so 'cause...", otherwise people fall out of the loop and find trying to reenter the discussion too daunting...

Now, I know that there are other things out there that draw people, from other projects and interests to real life, but I notice that there are folks that post an awful lot on other forums (and I don't begrudge them this) and I too have a real life, so I know that folks have the time to check to see what's happening on the Ortho projects and give one or two responses to what's posted...

I would challenge everyone who is or has been involved in this project to pipe in every day or so, either with new ideas or just to opine on what others write or I think this project will die (or Clueless will just finish it herself [which might not be so bad giving her excellent writing style])...The hardest part is in the finishing, not the starting...


nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Well, I tend to only post when I have something relevant to say.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Kel'Nin Sites -

The Eye -

A lighthouse on the tip of the Stalk of Amesh, the Eye was erected by Governer Mailk (Human Male) of Lorvita as a way to protect Rotlokis Bay and the dockyard of Lorvita from invaders as well as to guide ships through the treacherous cliffs of Amesh. Through the use of magical spyglasses, the watchmen of the Eye can see any ship enterring Rotlokis Bay across the "Line of Sight". This keeps the people of Lorvita fully appraised of any maritime dangers.

Durgret -

The isle of Durgret is ostensibly repreented by the beholder Prince Dulig. However, only a half dozen beholders dwell on the isle, the rest of its inhabitants being a handful of aboriginal dwarven people who fairly well ignore the beholders from within their barricaded hill barrows. In fact, Dulig's post is more of an exile, the beholder having a history of deluded ramblings and a paranoid fear of their grell servitors. The dwarves of Durgret speak of horrible monsters that dwell on the island, massive beasts that sleep in the deep forests and in the cones of the great volcanoes, but neither Dulig nor any other civilized Harmonium member has ever seen hide nor hair of such beast and write it off to superstition.

The Temple of the Great Mother -

Underneath the Flamedance Mountains lies the holiest site of the beholder nation. Every beholder is expected to make a journey once in their life to this great place, where the touch of the Beholder Progenitor is felt.

The Temple of the Great Mother is arranged in the shape of a great beholder "stalks" reaching out into specialized shrines, each one containing an idol of some great hero or aspect of the great mother. In the center, beneath the great Eye of the temple, lies the sacred chamber of the temple. WIthin lies the head priest, an old blind beholder whose name has long ago been forgotten. Within the chamber, the mad beast rages uncontrollably, a vicious fragment of the Great Mother's consciousness trapped in a single small form.

The priests of the temple care for this creature, feed it, protect it (and the rest of the world). Only the archobasil (what we would call the high priest, though the beholders refer to the aspect as such) is allowed to speak with the aspect and interpret and relate the messages it returns.

Each beholder sends some small token of its esteem to the temple each year, this tithe cementing their own strength spiritually and making the temple a wealthy and nearly political entity.

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Nice additions...I like that the humans of Keln'in/Kel'Nin/Kelmen finaly got some sort of ink...I take it The Eye is now an "easy" posting now that there's global peace and all...The TotGM definitely better expands Orthoran Beholder theology...Like I said, nice work (and thanks)...

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

There are always pirates. But yea, it is no longer a major posting. In fact, some rooms in the Eye have been rented out as wiards laboratories for those deing research in the oceanic regions.

Bafatai -

Sexidus Mellik (Mehluuc Wuna)-

Born in Bafatai but educated in Harmony’s Glory, Mellik acts as the Timekeeper of the Hhaunu people, a group of nomadic herders. For centuries and centuries, the Hhuanu have operated under a complex timetable, moving from area to are according to a specifically choreographed system. The role of the Timekeeper is to design this plan, using complex weather divination, calendrical, and astrological systems, The Timekeeper is the closest thing the Hhuana have to a leader. Mellik can punish groups who have acted improperly and reward others by issuing the best feeding grounds at the best times to certain groups. Mellik operates out of the city of Einih, a small village thatis depopulated for most of the year and only truly full when the tribes return to roost, in order to avoid the appearance of impropriety.

The Hhuanu system of time and date keeping is extremely precise, factoring in the rotations of all of the suns, moons, and other celestial bodies. Many Harmonium offices have adopted Hhuanu system for agricultural record keeping even while relying on Harmonium Standard for the majority of their recordkeeping.

The Two Mounts of the Sky -

Harmonium geographers have identified two peaks of identical height as the tallest points in all of Ortho. Deep in the Bafatai section of the Flamedance peaks, these two mounts (Mount Sdklidus and Mount Queenshom) are the stuff of legendary adventure, man against the elements for the maddest of explorers. Only two groups have been recorded to have reached the top, one a Harmonium Geographical party who barely survived heavy losses and the other a private adventuring squad who claimed to have been helped by a group of white-furred mountain beasts (the ravings of elements maddened lunatics). The strangest thing about the two mountains is that, from certain observation points, those who spy the mounts can easily see a third peak standing between them, of height slightly greater than either. Harmonium scientists describe this as a mirage or induced hallucination, and state flatly that no third mountain exists. But some choose to follow their eyes rather than the word of bureaucrats and dozens of teams go searching for the third mount each year, and few ever return.

The Ice Coast -

Covered in a large, highly unnatural glacier, the ice coast is a treacherous region on the Bafatai coast facing the Yishwei Sea. The people of the Ice Coast developed a complex seafaring culture based upon canoeing hundreds of years ago, hunting the whales that dwelt under the ice and trading with nearby Shoryko, Heka, and Voll. In this modern day, steel-clad sailing ships topped with totemic mastheads push through the cracking ice in the summer months, whale and seal-hunting are common practices though the whales of the Yishwei Sea are thinning in population in recent years due to the creation of magical lures that draw them into the waiting range of the Bafatai hunting parties. Trade with Heka and Vol has increased, though some tension with the government of Shorkyo over seal pelt prices has led to an embargo on trade between the two nations.

The Eastern Coast -

The people of the Eastern Coast live in the small expanse of plains between the oceans and the foothills of the Flamedance Mountains. They gain the majority of their income from fishing the warm fertile coastal waters and have the most complex cities and technologies in the nation. The capital of Bafatai, Roglyn, sits in the Eastern Coastal plain, and is a quickly blossoming metropolis of modern technology.

Religion in Bafatai -

While the major cities in Bafatai contain standard temples to the Lords of Order, most common people perform worship not at temples but at hilltop or cave shrines far from civilization. The people of Bafatai routinely worship the Lords of Order under specific regional names. This probably represents some sort of syncretism from a pre-Lords of Order religious practice, but all mentions to said practice have been lost.

Monasteries in Bafatai -

Stemming from an ancient monastic tradition far older than the Harmonium monastic traditions, the monasteries of Bafatai are autonomous commune-like outposts built into hidden mountain valleys and other secluded regions. They raise their own food and only sometimes trade with passing Hhuanu nomads for llama fur and milk. The monks are said to practice martial arts and body purification rituals, and myths and legends speak of ancient immortals who dwell in hidden mountain monasteries and mythical elixirs of life that can prolong human existence beyond its natural limits/

The “Snow People” of Bafatai -

A common explorer’s myth describes a lost group of wanderer’s trapped in a blizzard in the middle of the Flamedance Mountains. As death loomed nigh, they were beset by a dozen “snow people” who carried them to a hidden verdant valley and nursed them back to health. Then, one day, the snow people came to them and when they awoke they were lying in the snow within sight of a human settlement. Of the snow people, there was no sign.

Most see these stories as fanciful myths, but there are many secrets in the vast expanse of the Flamedance Mountains. And when the blizzards come down from the North, a man might be prone to mistaking the shadows around him for figures and the howling of the wind for the songs of primordial beasts, or at least , that’s what people say as they huddle in the dark, waiting for the snows to pass.

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
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Where do you see the capital of Roglyn being located on the eastern coast?...Below/Above/On the large peninsula or in the great inland valley?...If you're unsure, do you mind if I place it somewhere and then post the updated map?...

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
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Hrm, I dunno...

I was thinking Below. The upper Eastern Plains are probably more closely tied to the Ice Coast culturally than the Eastern Plains - and I don't like it being on the Peninsula (The Finn Peninsula!) personally.

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Primus, how does this look?...I thought maybe placing Roglyn a little inland, yet still accessable by river to the ocean, might work (we need a few more inland capitals)...If not, just let me know where you'd like it in reference to where it is now and I'll change it...

Updated Map of Ortho

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
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Yea, thas fine, though this puts it probably on the edge of the mountainous terrain.

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Actually, I think its pretty much in the middle of an area where a rather large valley meets the southeastern coastal plain...It's kinda hard to tell on the Ortho Geography Map as it's right on the edges of the map, but its several hundred miles from the nearest mountains...

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
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I thought we were ignoring the pregenerated Ortho geography because it was too ugly and random... that was my interpretation anyways.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
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I've been going with it. It's pregenerated and random but it's not that far off from what a decent map would look like. It's what I'll be using to create some much more pretty looking maps for the final pdf. I'll be using a few filters on it in photoshop to soften up the rough edges and the like.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
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Well then, I suggest increasing the mountainousness of Bafatai, then. I describe it as way more mountainy and tall than it actually is.

Anyways, what more do we need?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
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I'll make sure Bafatai gets mountained up. Eye-wink

We could definately use some Prestige Classes. For your province, stats on the two leaders you've defined?

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
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Blerg, I hate stats...

ALright, I've got:

Old Ghal: Beholder - Barbarian 4 ?
Illix: Not too sure
Sexidius Mellik: Not sure again... probably a ranger.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Dropped in because it sounds freaking *cool* and matches the character of the land. A common Han way to tell time: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incense_clock - at least among the rich merchant houses.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
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'Clueless' wrote:
Gant's work seems to come from a spalljammers PoV, while Gerzel's is from a grounders view. So I'm likely to start eyeing them both to see where they can be merged together. I like having the mythological aspects to the celestial bodies myself.

Ok, I've synched them up. Some of them weren't that hard actually to put together. There's one description from Gerzel's work that got moved to the other gas planet in the inner area of the system, and basic spelling changes, grammar checks, and efforts made to ease the transition from one to the other. All of the mythological and plot hook bits were preserved from both pieces we had.

Those outside and inside the system have mapped the sphere of Ortho. The Harmonium of Ortho found the following document in the captain’s chambers of a fallen spell jamming vessel from which they received many of the advanced spell jamming designs they currently employ. The vessel was a private ship, commissioned to map obscure prime systems by unknown employers. The crew was not found on board the ship, and it is assumed that the ship visited many of the other worlds documented in their records, which are now protectorate colonies of the Harmonium.

The Harmonium is offering a reward of up to 50, 000 standard Orthorian gold pieces for any information regarding the background of the following document.


Last Update, 3215, 12th cycle, 34th day - 74 days on current job. We've finished mapping this sphere, and thank the gods we don't ever have to come back to this godforsaken backwater world. I've never seen a place more stuck up, self destructive, arrogant and despicable. What little good these people have is buried underneath a bureaucracy and idealism that ought to be ripped out of their... I digress. The following is a rough map of the sphere, as well as notes regarding the information the dominant 'intelligent' life of this sorry sphere claims about the place. The names I give (the correct ones) are from the original records I found mentioning the sphere, the other information is provided from a small exploratory mission we did on the backwater of Ortho itself. Consider this a formal request for danger pay, I nearly lost my first mate after an arrest for a bar fight.

Arariskein, The Wildspace of Ortho

The Arariskein system is comparatively small, only about 3,000 million miles in diameter. It is a binary system, with two massive red stars orbiting a central point at the heart of the sphere. From the surface of any of the planets, the two suns appear at certain times of the year to merge together and then separate. It is believed that this is why the two suns were named Arariskein, from a phrase in one of the ancient languages of Ortho, meaning "to join together.


Type I Spherical Fire (System Primary)
Type I Spherical Fire (System Primary)

Nor-Ji's Chord (Aufrec)

Type E Spherical Earth (Fire Ring)
Distance from Primaries: 50 million miles

The closest world to the twin suns, Nor-Ji's Chord is an average sized world, about 5000 miles in diameter. It is a brutal world of scrub plains, deserts, and baked salt flats. It is volcanically active. Nor-Ji's proximity to Arariskein already makes life difficult; it is made worse by the existence of a halo of burning gas that stretches from within a few miles of the surface outwards some 3000 miles. From space it is a spectacular sight as the freely burning gases ripple above the surface.

As Nor-Ji's Chord rotates, every part of the globe passes under the halo twice per day, once as the passage from night to day is made, and again as day passes into night. Temperatures under the halo can rise anywhere from 50 to 200 degrees in moments. Brushfires and death are common, and subcontinent-sized firestorms are not unheard-of. Native life forms are either extremely heat resistant or dig deep into the surface. Many will do both. The only known intelligent native life is a breed of fire newts, who maintain a tribal society with a Neolithic technology.

It is named for Nor-Ji a mathematician and astronomer sage who published several great scientific treatises calling for greater order in scientific and academic thought and establishing the rules used in most Harmonium higher teaching institutions used today. The planet was discovered by ground-based observations in the Harmony Year 223 about a century after his death. Currently, there has been only minor jammer exploration of the planet due to difficulties in successfully landing on the planet. The Harmonium has made contact with the planet's only inhabitants, a small clan of fire newts. Portals to Acheron and the elemental planes of Fire and Earth have been found on the planet's surface, and are sealed by the Harmonium.

Jislana (Strec)

Type F Spherical Earth (Four Moons, Three Rings)
Distance from Primaries: 200 million miles

A planet named in antiquity for a Lord of Chaos. From orbit Jislana appears to be a perfectly normal, habitable world just like Ortho, Toril, Oerth, Krynn, and countless others. The planet is small with three rings that lie each at slightly different planes. However, there appears to be no animal life at all. Explorers from Ortho have discovered ancient bones on this world. Many are fossilized, but some more recent and nearly fresh. They have also discovered ruins, indicating that there was intelligent animal life on the planet until recently. The Harmonium maintains a research colony on the planet, in an effort to learn what has happened; no other spelljammers are allowed to make planet fall or even enter the atmosphere without clearance from the Harmonium fleet commander responsible for Jislana.

Three of Jislana four moons are uninhabited and uninhabitable since they have no atmosphere at all. The fourth has a thin but breathable atmosphere, and boasts more animal life than Jislana itself, mostly rodent-like lizards and insects.

There has been a constant simmering movement to have the planet officially renamed but little progress has been made over the past two hundred years. Most academics feel that tradition in this matter should outweigh mere political considerations. It was so-named for the goddess of dance for the motions the planet makes across the sky a bright blue star seemingly moving in circles and dancing from ground based un-aided observations. The movement's of the rings add to the appearance of the planet's dancing. Due to the traditional association with a Lord of Chaos, the Harmonium has sealed the planet for the 'safety of all citizens of Ortho' until it can be confirmed that the Lords of Chaos have abandoned the location.

Serth (Corrigere)

Type E Spherical Air (Earth Ring)
Distance from Primaries: 300 million miles

Serth is a smallish Air-world, resembling a malachite sphere from orbit. It has a thin set of rings that spin rapidly around this world. It has not been explored in any detail by spelljammers from Ortho, because only the outermost 100 miles of the planet are breathable by humans. Deeper, the atmosphere becomes foul smelling and toxic. This planet is unsuitable for habitation or even for landing.

Breathing the atmosphere within this world requires a Fort save vs. poison at a DC of 15 each turn of exposure. If the save is failed, the victim suffers a 1d6 of poison damage. For each 10 miles deeper a traveler moves into the poisonous zone, the save DC increases by 1.

It is not currently known if any creatures inhabit Serth. There have been sightings of strange flying animals by explorers, but nothing has been confirmed as yet.

However the Harmonium does keep a barge orbiting the sphere to study and mine the rings that have been found to be rich in crystallized mithril. These gems have been found useful in constructing magical items, as they are able to absorb and release fairly large amounts of elemental energy. Some of the researchers and station workers have reported odd shapes moving through the clouds and it is theorized that the planet might be inhabited by an as yet unknown species.


Type F Spherical Earth (One Moon, Earth Ring)
Distance from Primaries: 500 million miles

Ortho is a standard life-bearing earth world. It has one moon which orbits on a roughly 30-day cycle. In addition, Ortho has an orbiting ring of debris from the destruction at some point in the past of a second smaller moon. This ring is a few degrees off from the equatorial line of the planet.

It is also the home of the only spelljamming civilization in the system. To those in the know it is also famous or infamous for being the homeworld of the Harmonium, a quasi-religious organization that seeks to enforce universal peace, brotherhood, and harmony by whatever means necessary. Ortho is entirely dominated by the Harmonium; their leaders are the rulers of the planet, their beliefs set the precedent for civil law, and their goals dictate foreign and domestic policy. The populace of Ortho does not so much join the Harmonium as they grow up without ever realizing that there is any other way to live.

Ortho has only begun spelljamming activities in the past hundred years. Before that, their only off world contacts were made through dimensional travel. As a result, they understand the nature of the Outer Planes far better than they know their own sphere. Nevertheless, they are learning quickly. They are aware that other spheres than their own exist, and that those spheres also need to learn the truth of the Harmonium philosophy.

My first mate's review: "We rule this joint! No one fights in a bar in *our* town!"

(First Ring) Lyorn's Tears
Standard asteroid ring
Distance from Primaries: 600 million miles

A thin asteroid belt with a large irregularly shaped planetoid. Superstitions on Ortho hold that they are the tears shed by the goddess Lyorn (goddess of fey) as she wept for the loss of her children.

Silence's Voice (Erta)

Type I Irregular Earth (Vacuum, Five Moons)
Distance from Primaries: 750 million miles

Silence's Voice is a gigantic, potato-shaped world on the far edges of the system. Due to its peculiar orbit perpendicular to the orbital paths of the other worlds, it was almost overlooked. Its lack of an atmosphere made it seem even less desirable. However, orbital surveys have apparently discovered ruins on the surface of the planet, dating to a time when it was habitable, if what appear to be wind and water erosion patterns can be believed. Ortho is still experimenting with creating a ship that can safely land on a vacuum world, in order to explore this further. Two of the moons are currently serving as research stations while a third hosts a monastery built by clerics following the Lord of Silence.

According to mythology when the Lord of Silence held an argument with Ghanalim, the lord of death, over the lives of the gods. Unable to refute Silence's reasoning Ghanalim stole Silence's Voice and tried to hide it in the heavens, but it was not hidden in the blackness and instead shown bright every night.

Ghanalim's Voice (Mada)

Type J Spherical Air
Distance from Primaries: 1080 million miles

Ghanalim's Voice is an air giant, composed primarily of toxic gases and the occasional giant firestorm. The atmosphere is particularly caustic, and attempts to enter into it are akin to plunging face first into a vat of lye. Some of the gases found here are flammable, and there are on going firestorms within the surface of the planet that are visible from orbit. The pressure of gravity more than 70 miles within the atmosphere of this planet would break any vessel not specially reinforced in two.

The two large moons of this planet are low hanging and pocketed from close brushes with the atmosphere of the gas giant.

In the myths, after Ghanalim stole Silence's voice the god was caught by the Lords of Order and tried. After it was determined that Silence's voice could not be recovered, his punishment was to have his voice and eyes thrown into the heavens further than he threw Silence's.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

'Clueless' wrote:
Dropped in because it sounds freaking *cool* and matches the character of the land. A common Han way to tell time: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incense_clock - at least among the rich merchant houses.

Hee. That is cool.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
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'Clueless' wrote:
Ok, I've synched them up.

Splendid job. I can't even see the seams.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
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Thank you muchly. Smiling I'm hoping I held to both of them pretty faithfully.

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
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That spelljamming document seems off. It's supposedly from a pre-Harmonium-spelljamming period, but it talks about the modern Harmonium's efforts in spelljamming!

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