Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

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kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

So, here's the intro and early history I've got so far for Omospondia...I've been fighting a rather bad cold recently, so it may seem a bit scattered in focus...

OMOSPONDIA - Land of Heroes
This land, located on the western half of the Parsadian peninsula, has been ever known for its mythic heroes, agricultural production, traditionally strong navies and classical culture. Omospondia is an ancient name, originally describing those city-states along the western and southern coasts of Parsadia that unified under a confederation of equals to defeat the mercantile power of Dardonian League and its monopoly on eastern and southern trade. It disappeared and reappeared throughout history ultimately to be resurrected by the Harmonium to describe the entirety of western Parsadia. Located in the northwest corner of the continent of Keln, it was from here that the humans of much of Mot originated, a legacy that would come back to haunt the land during the Great War of Unification.

Ancient Omospondia and Parsadia
Many are the tales of the heroes of ancient times who helped shape the culture of this land- Iotar of Hiota, who slew the hundred hands tall Giagantos who had despoiled the Agiosopolis of Krotos and carried away Chrysemene, First Daughter of Epidonus; Myrgidar of Koma, who outwitted Pyroklaxion the Crimson Scourge, convincing her to devour her children that were harrying the Mines of Zomos; Pertalos of Nisiprasinos, who convinced the Sea Devils of the Lykos Straits to seek their true homeland in the Southern Oceans, securing the sea lanes for his people; Protokles, Archon of Phemis, who introduced the concepts of democracy and republican government; Phleoge of Xios who stopped a war and brought tears to the eyes of the gods with her sculture, The Lost. These are but a few of the heroes of Omospondia’s mythic past, but foremost of the heroes of ancient times was Iskandros.

Iskandros was the grandson of King Aotar, who had invaded the Land of Heroes from his principality of Kokinos (‘Rhendholm’ in Ulfar) in Ulfrheim and conquered the city-states of western Parsadia, including Krotos, Alaens and Bisos of Omospondia, and establishing the intercontinental Kingdom of Aotarium. Aotar’s son, King Hakos, solidified the new kingdom, but expanded it no further. Hako’s son, Iskandros, was not content to rule this new kingdom, for in his youth he had sought out the Seer of Iphika and knew his destiny was to expand the kingdom or die. And expand it he did. He took the combined martial and magical styles of his Ulfrheim heritage and Parsadian birth land, creating a new style army and conquering the remaining city-states of Old Omospondia, those of southeastern Parsadia, most of modern Karazam and the northern coast of modern Hazhkan, creating the largest Kelnic empire of ancient times. So great were his accomplishments and so adored was he by the people of the new Empire of Iskandria that he was elevated to divinity upon his ritual suicide at the temple complex in ancient Gurakat (modern Iskandral).

But not all was gyros, olives and wine. Those who spoke out for old freedoms and traditional independence were exiled to colonies west across the Iron Sea by the tens, possibly hundreds, of thousands throughout Iskandros’s reign. Others followed the exiles to the west voluntarily, silent in their opposition to the empire, yet seeking the same freedoms.

Although Rhendholm and the western colonies would rebel within a generation of Iskandros’s death, the rest of the empire would last for centuries under the conqueror’s dynasty, expanding and retracting ever so slightly. Ultimately, as happens to all dynasties, an emperor had no children and no siblings. Thus was the fate of Klontos the Sad, the last Iskandrian emperor. Upon his death, the empire broke down into its component parts, ruled by Klontos’s distant cousins, power happy generals or strong-willed city magistrates. Western Parsadia reached back to the days of yore and reestablished Omospondia to control trade between the inner seas and the Western Ocean. Omospondia also reestablished control over their colonies across the Iron Sea. The cities of central Parsadia fell back into ancient ways, warring amongst themselves for the various resources of the Central Peaks. Iskandral and the rest of the far eastern provinces of the empire accepted the new Kisto-Iskandrian dynasty that would ultimately establish the Karazam Empire. The Iskandrian lands along the northern Hazhkani coast elevated General Padipoodra to the Raj, only to have that kingdom splinter time and time again as various heirs outlived their royal parents.

This state of affairs lasted for a century or so until waves of Ogrish nomads from the east raided through eastern and central Parsadia weakening the city-states there and ultimately forcing them to join the new Karazam Empire that hounded after (some say paid) them through central Parsadia. Eventually, the Ogres were forced northward into [insert name of Province #6], but the damage had been done. The agricultural and mineral resources, as well as the ports, of the central peninsula was now the property of the eastern empire, while the Omospondian city-states and other independent kingdoms of the west were eventually relegated to a vassal-like status. This situation continued as such until the Great War broke out first in Iathra, then Pan Thaera and the Elven Shaar and ultimately coming to a conclusion on the Parsadian peninsula.

Omospondia During the Great War of Unification
The nations of the Parsadian peninsula were generally unfazed by the Great War when it broke out in Iathra, although a great deal of trade in grains and iron increased with the Pan Thaeran Confederation. When the Knights of Harmony turned against Pan Thaera, Omospondia continued trade with the island nation and many mercenaries from the city-states set sail for the islands. Few of them returned. Concern, and in some instances panic, emerged as news that the Knights had allied with the Tyrants of Motmurk and were giving their support to the colonists in Xaric. Trade with the nations of Mot ceased and its ports were blockaded by the Omospondian navy. While the war progressed from Pan Thaera to the Elven Shaar, the nations of the Lykos Straits and the Iron Sea began to boil.

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

On secrets in the Harmonium

While there is a widely held belief against the keeping of secrets on Ortho and throughout the harmonium because of the general idea that information that is needed should be shared to prevent disharmony especially when it should be shared to authorities, the need for secrecy in many areas, even everyday life is recognized by the harmonium and an official vocabulary has been formed to deal with these.

Individual’s Notes are the first most common type of official secret and always involve a single person, or family. An individual’s note is any information that should be kept from public and officials who have not obtained proper warrants. They include things like bank and accounting information, voting and political information (in those provinces and integrated colonies that have secret ballot laws), medical information (again where such laws have been passed for privacy), and information pertaining to security such as combinations to locks and such. Information that fall under an individual’s notes is not generally admissible in court without a short hearing and granted warrant if good reason for the information’s admission is found.

A particular type of individual’s notes are called “sealed notes” and are generally information about crimes committed in the individual’s past for which the person has both show penitence for and which have been ruled for what ever reason to no longer be something that would bear properly on the individual’s character in court considerations. Most of the time these are transgressions committed in youth before an individual has obtained legal age. An orphan caught stealing or any young child who commits most any crime (in some cases even murder) often will have their past crimes ruled “beyond the current tempo” and taken out of official public records when the person reaches maturity or even before.

Another class of informal secret is called a person’s “private notes” and are those things of personal taste, preference and generality that are not the public’s purview and should not be under officals’ consideration without just cause or suspicion.

Here is the start of some of my thoughts. Enjoy I have class now.

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Attn: Rip Van Wormer

I am trying to outline Ortho Space. What celestial bodies are found inside the crystal sphere, if any are inhabited (my idea is no, with perhsaps some dragons).

I know Ortho has two moons, one whole the other shattered.

I recall that Ortho is arranged in the standard way with celestial spheres orbiting around a central star. I don't know if the star has been named yet, but am pretty sure that the planets have not been named. So from in-system to out here goes.

Nor-Ji's Chord - The closest planet to the sun, is a small volcanically active metal planet. It is named for Nor-Ji a mathematician and astronomer sage who published several great scientific treatises calling for greater order in scientific and academic thought and establishing the rules used in most Harmonium higher teaching institutions used today. The planet was discovered by ground based observations in the Harmony Year 223 about a centruy after his death. Currently, there has been only minor jammer exploration of the planet and contact has been made with the planet's only inhabitants a small clan of rust-dragons. Also there are reports of portals to Acherond and the elemental planes of fire and earth found on the planet's surface.

Jislana - A planet named in antiquity for a Lord of Chaos. There has been a constant simmering movement to have the planet officially renamed but little progress has been made over the past two hundred years. Most academics feel that tradition in this matter should outweigh mere pollitical considerations. It was so-named for the goddess of dance for the motions the planet makes across the sky a bright blue star seemingly moving in circles and dancing from ground based un-aided observations.

Physically the planet is small with three rings that lie each at slightly different planes. The movement's of the rings add to the appearance of the planet's dancing. Below the rings the planet is hot and heavy, unsuitable for habitation or even for landing. However the Harmonium does keep a barge orbiting the sphere to study and mine the rings that have been found to be rich in mithril crystalized into gems that have been found useful in constructing magical items by being able to absorb and release fairly large amounts of elemental energy. Some of the researchers and station workers have reported odd shapes moving through the clouds and it is theorized that the planet might be inhabited by an as yet unknown species.

Ortho is the third planet from the sun.

Lyorn's Tears - a thin asteroid belt with a large irregularly shaped planetoid once thought to be the tears shed by the goddess Lyorn(goddess of fey) as she whept for the loss of her children.

Silence's Voice - according to mythology when the Lord of Silence held an argument with Ghanalim, the lord of death, over the lives of the gods. Unable to refute Silence's reasoning Ghanalim stole Silences Voice and tried to hide it in the heavens, but it was not hidden in the blackness and instead shown bright every night.

Physically the sphere is a large air dominated(gas giant) planet with several moons orbiting it; two of it are currently serving as research stations while a third hosts a monastary built by clerics following the Lord of Silence.

Ghanalim's Voice - In the myths later after Ghanalim stole Silence's voice the god was caught by the lords of order and tried. His punishment, after it was determined that Silence's voice could not be recovered, was to have his voice and eyes thrown into the heavens further than he threw Silence's.

The planet is larger than Silence's Voice and has two large planets (called the eyes).

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
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I believe Ortho's system has two suns. In Rip's ideas it seemed that the suns represented Law and the moons Chaos and the shattering of one moon, tilted the balance.

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
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Fromthe Ortho.pdf:

Arariskein, The Wildspace of Ortho

Type I Spherical Fire (System Primary)
Type I Spherical Fire (System Primary)

Type E Spherical Earth (Fire Ring)
Distance from Primaries: 50 million miles

Type F Spherical Earth (4 Moons)
Distance from Primaries: 200 million miles

Type E Spherical Air
Distance from Primaries: 300 million miles

Type F Spherical Earth
Distance from Primaries: 500 million miles

Type J Irregular Earth (Vacuum)
Distance from Primaries: 750 million miles

The Arariskein system is comparatively small, only about 3,000 million miles in diameter. It is a binary system, with two massive red stars orbiting a central point at the heart of the sphere. From the surface of any of the planets, the two suns appear at certain times of the year to merge together and then separate. It is believed that this is why the two suns were named Arariskein, from a phrase in one of the ancient languages of Ortho, meaning “to join together.”

The closest world to the twin suns, Aufrec is an average sized world, about 5000 miles in diameter. It is a brutal world of scrub plains, deserts, and baked salt flats. Aufrec's proximity to Arariskein already makes life difficult; it is made worse by the existence of a halo of burning gas which stretches from within a few miles of the surface outwards some 3000 miles. From space it is a spectacular sight as the freely burning gases ripple above the surface.
As Aufrec rotates, every part of the globe passes under the halo twice per day, once as the passage from night to day is made, and again as day passes into night. Temperatures under the halo can rise anywhere from 50 to 200 degrees in moments. Brushfires and death are common, and subcontinent-sized firestorms are not unheard-of. Native life forms are either extremely heat resistant or dig deep into the surface. Many will do both. The only known intelligent native life is a breed of fire newts, who maintain a tribal society with a Neolithic technology.

From orbit Strec appears to be a perfectly normal, habitable world just like Ortho, Toril, Oerth, Krynn, and countless others. However, there appears to be no animal life at all. Explorers from Ortho have discovered ancient bones on this world. Many are fossilized, but some more recent and nearly fresh. They have also discovered ruins, indicating that there was intelligent animal life on the planet until recently. The Harmonium maintains a research colony on the planet, in an effort to learn what has happened; no other spelljammers are allowed to make planetfall or even enter the atmosphere without clearance from the Harmonium fleet commander responsible for Strec.
Three of Strec's four moons are uninhabited and uninhabitable since they have no atmosphere at all. The fourth has a thin but breathable atmosphere, and boasts more animal life than Strec itself, mostly rodent-like lizards and insects.

Corrigere is a smallish Air-world, resembling a malachite sphere from orbit. It has not been explored in any detail by spelljammers from Ortho, because only the outermost 100 miles of the planet are breathable by humans. Deeper, the atmosphere becomes foul-smelling and toxic.
Breathing the atmosphere within this world requires a Fort save vs. poison at a DC of 15 each turn of exposure. If the save is failed, the victim suffers a 1d6 of poison damage. For each 10 miles deeper a traveler moves into the poisonous zone, the save DC increases by 1.
It is not currently known if Corrigere is inhabited by any creatures. There have been sightings of strange flying animals by explorers, but nothing has been confirmed as yet.

Ortho is a standard life-bearing earth world. It has one moon which orbits on a roughly 30 day cycle. In addition, Ortho has an orbiting ring of debris from the destruction at some point in the past of a second smaller moon. This ring is a few degrees off from the equatorial line of the planet.
It is also the home of the only spelljamming civilization in the system. To those in the know it is also famous or infamous for being the homeworld of the Harmonium, a quasi-religious organization which seeks to enforce universal peace, brotherhood, and harmony by whatever means necessary. Ortho is entirely dominated by the Harmonium; their leaders are the rulers of the planet, their beliefs set the precedent for civil law, and their goals dictate foreign and domestic policy. The populace of Ortho does not so much join the Harmonium as they grow up without ever realizing that there is any other way to live.
Ortho has only begun spelljamming activities in the past hundred years. Before that, their only off world contacts were made through dimensional travel. As a result, they understand the nature of the Outer Planes far better than they know their own sphere. Nevertheless, they are learning quickly. They are aware that other spheres than their own exist, and that those spheres also need to learn the truth of the Harmonium philosophy.

Erta is a gigantic, potato-shaped world on the far edges of the system. Due to its peculiar orbit perpendicular to the orbital paths of the other worlds, it was almost overlooked. Its lack of an atmosphere made it seem even less desirable. However, orbital surveys have apparently discovered ruins on the surface of the planet, dating to a time when it was habitable, if what appear to be wind and water erosion patterns can be believed. Ortho is still experimenting with creating a ship that can safely land on a vacuum world, in order to explore this further.

And a system chart I whipped up:

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

I don't see why we can't use Gerzel's ideas instead. I linked to the Arariskein post on the planescape mailing list because it existed, and I like to make people aware of ideas that fans have already come up with for the sake of a shared multiverse.

Gerzel's ideas have the advantage of being tied into the mythology we've been created for this project, while Richard Gant's Arariskein isn't (I think the name "Aufrec" comes from a story by Michael Moorcock, for example). Also, more importantly, Richard Gant isn't here.

Note that I had been using "Rhiannon" as the name of the fey goddess; we can change it to Lyorn if you want.

I very much like the moons dedicated to the god of silence.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
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Gant's work seems to come from a spalljammers PoV, while Gerzel's is from a grounders view. So I'm likely to start eyeing them both to see where they can be merged together. I like having the mythological aspects to the celestial bodies myself.

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

I don't care one way or the other...I just passed on what was in the pdf and an image that showed it...I've already expressed my opinion concerning the moons/moon-and-ring:Accord-Discord/Accord-and-Shards-of-Strife...It would be nice know more about the deities before tying them to celestial bodies...Didairdin was a nice start...Kwint

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

'ripvanwormer' wrote:
(I think the name "Aufrec" comes from a story by Michael Moorcock, for example).
I think you may be confusing "Aufrec" with "Aubec," but then I haven't read all of Moorcock's works...I suppose that's neither here nor there... Kwint

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

'ripvanwormer' wrote:
I very much like the moons dedicated to the god of silence.
This may work for the metaplot, but I think it would be a Dark as I am under the impression that people don't necessarily know that Ina is a member of both pantheons (Law and Chaos that is)... Kwint

Edit: I guess I'm assuming my own hope that one of the moon's was chaos and the other law...Rip, why would you like the moons associated with the god of silence...

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

'kwint' wrote:
I think you may be confusing "Aufrec" with "Aubec,"

Oh yes, you're right. When I think of a suitable punishment for myself, I shall administer it post haste.

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

'ripvanwormer' wrote:
'kwint' wrote:
I think you may be confusing "Aufrec" with "Aubec,"

Oh yes, you're right. When I think of a suitable punishment for myself, I shall administer it post haste.

I recommend drinking down a big gulp cherry slurpee in one continuous slurp, not removing your lips from the straw nor the straw from the drink...Brrrrrrr...

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
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Then of course theres the punishment my fellow students came up with: http://www.krispykremechallenge.com/

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

A couple of thoughts on the humans of Ortho...

I take it that there are several "base races" of humans- tawny skinned, narrow-eyed folk of the Keln continent; light-skinned, round-eyed folk of the Athran continent; and possibly a third folk from the Thaeran continent and islands, perhaps darker skinned than the other two...Does this seem correct/feasible?...Of course, there are amalgamates (sp?) where two "base race" areas meet- Provinces #3 & #6 meet both Thaera and Athra and The Isles where Thaera meets Athra, for example...Thoughts?...

Also, I notice that Rip and I may have two different roots for the humans of the as yet unwritten-up Ulfrheim...Rip has them, along with the humans of eastern Xaric as originating from Omospondia, whereas I have the Ulfra, in my mind anyway, as originating from Voll/Heka via Province #3 and the north of Karazam...My view originated with Clueless's suggesting that the Lycanthropes of northern Ulfrheim share their land with a blond-haired, blue-eyed folk which I assumed meant that they had to originate from Athra (most likely Voll/Heka)...This assumption led me to have a small group of them then invading Omospondia (but after the Omospondians colonized Xaric which had not yet been colonized for some reason- monsters?, non-human inhabitants?, not sure yet) and setting up a dynasty that ruled much of northern Keln for several centuries and to a lesser effect creating another Athran/Kelnic racial amalgamation...Thoughts on a resolution?...


Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Some maps I worked on today complete with completely random place names.

Note: Of course since this is a nearly continent-sized chunk of land this map doesn't show everything. The cities are only major towns with a sizable humanoid population. Beholder warrens are not marked since there are way too many of them.

I moved Coldash because, as capitol of the behold nation, I feel it should be more centrally located and far more hidden.

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

'Primus, the One and Prime' wrote:
Some maps I worked on today complete with completely random place names.

Note: Of course since this is a nearly continent-sized chunk of land this map doesn't show everything. The cities are only major towns with a sizable humanoid population. Beholder warrens are not marked since there are way too many of them.

I moved Coldash because, as capitol of the behold nation, I feel it should be more centrally located and far more hidden.

Nice work...Our little eastern port finally got a name (Lorvita)...I'll update my maps asap...

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

'kwint' wrote:
I take it that there are several "base races" of humans- tawny skinned, narrow-eyed folk of the Keln continent; light-skinned, round-eyed folk of the Athran continent; and possibly a third folk from the Thaeran continent and islands, perhaps darker skinned than the other two...Does this seem correct/feasible?...Of course, there are amalgamates (sp?) where two "base race" areas meet- Provinces #3 & #6 meet both Thaera and Athra and The Isles where Thaera meets Athra, for example...Thoughts?...

I think the only illustration of an Orthoran is Sarin's in the Factol's Manifesto. Sarin is a dark-skinned man, essentially what we would call "black." I had decided he was from Athra, but his ancestors were from Thaera or the Isles.

I think Ortho is cosmopolitan enough and driven enough to integrate itself and force everyone to be equals whether they like it or not that there's going to be quite a lot of intermixing in all the continents for centuries now.

Also, I notice that Rip and I may have two different roots for the humans of the as yet unwritten-up Ulfrheim...Rip has them, along with the humans of eastern Xaric as originating from Omospondia, whereas I have the Ulfra, in my mind anyway, as originating from Voll/Heka via Province #3 and the north of Karazam...

Maybe both are true, or maybe the Omospondian humans were driven south by the werewolves.

Heka and Voll are quite a long ways from Ulfrheim, however. It seems likely they'd look similar to any humans that might be in provinces #6 and #3, but Ulfrheim is half a world away.

Plus, I was deliberately trying to subvert the assumption of Nordicness we get from the name.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
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I like the subversion of Nordicness. Just because the people of Keln have an Asiatic sort of culture, doesn't mean that they have to look like the Asian people of our worlds. Indeed, Keln is right smack dab on the equator.

If the people of Klen originated in Keln, Bergman and Allens' rules would indicate that the people of Keln would probably be quite tall and lean, and with at least a dark skintone if not going so far as to be "black".

If they migrated from elsewhere, then they could look like anything! Indeed, this is a Fantasy universe! Bergman and Allens' rules don't always apply... evolution could be just screed started by bored logisticians. But it seems better not to fall into our old realworld physical and cultural classification systems if we can avoid it.

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
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Re: Three Races, One Race or a Single Amalgamated Race-
I find it hard to believe that all the races have merged over the past 400 and change years. I think it oversetimates the power of a government/philosophy to move people around a globe...Most people, by nature, feel most comfortable staying right where they are, where they were raised...Sure, there would be people that would move around for any variety reasons (trade, better employment, military service, exploration, etc.), but I would think only a minority would, and the vast majority would live where their ancestors had, especially in a world without war...

As far as tall and lean, I was under the assumption that this was not so dependent on distance from the equator as with the availibility of calcium, protein and vitamin D via locally raised (or imported) foodstuffs...

Re: the Ulfrheimers
The distance from Heka/Voll to Ulfrheim is not as far as one might think if you keep in mind that the world is a globe and not a flat surface, thus making distance at, say, the 60th paralel much shorter than it appears on the map and even if the distance seems great, manifest destiny and/or Divinely Inspired Migration can do many things for a people...I, for one, like the nordicness of the Ulfrheimers as I have no problem with analogs, which I think helps people new to a milieu and/or gaming to grok the milieu...As a alternative, it's also possible that the Ulfrheimers originated from neither Omospondia nor Voll/Heka but from an Alternative Prime World...


Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
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'kwint' wrote:
As far as tall and lean, I was under the assumption that this was not so dependent on distance from the equator as with the availibility of calcium, protein and vitamin D via locally raised (or imported) foodstuffs...
Not so much distance from the equator as localized adaptations to cold, and sunlight intensity. Nearer the equator = nearer the sun (literally) - and hence more intense sunlight. So. Higher pigmentation to compensate... Though in a binary system that sort of thing might get a little 'wonky' actually.

Re: Cold - smaller forms - more 'condensed' body types are more adapted to cold, easier to keep warm without loosing anything important like fingers and toes. Hence the build you see with north (and I mean like canada and north of there) american tribes.

Re: Food? Plentiful food supplies are a direct correlation to height, yes. But that's less a matter of minerals and vitamins, and more a matter of available calories in childhood development.

But that's letting our science mix with our fantasy so to speak. Eye-wink

Let me review the thread and I'll sound off on my opinion re: our human racial stock vs. cultures.

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
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'Clueless' wrote:
Though in a binary system that sort of thing might get a little 'wonky' actually.
Isn't even this in question now, the number of suns that is?... Kwint

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
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I'm pretty set on a binary system. I think that may even have been mentioned someplace in the canon works, and I rather like the idea of it.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
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Hrm, at first I wasn't even sure if a binary system could hold planets probably... but then I found this site. Makes it hard to map and understand, but its definitely neat!


Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
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Ope and here are external orbits!


Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
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Yeps - singular systems actually are fairly unusual really, binary as far as I know is far far more common. (Yes. I am a true geek. I know far to much surface material about too many things without any depth in any of them. Eye-wink )

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
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Well, I knew that binary was more common in terms of stars, but I wasn't sure whether or not those binary systems had planets or not.

The problem I find is that, in lots of these models, the second star is so far out that it would look like a tiny little bright star in the distance. Would they refer to such a large star as a sun? Shrug.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
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It would depend on a few things actually. If the suns are spinning around each other - then one would get larger as the other got smaller unless the planet's orbit Exactly matches the rate the suns whirl around each other. The planet should see Both of them large, but at different times of the year. I also saw a few stable configurations with the suns relatively close to each other. So perhaps at their furthest apart one is half the size of the other?

Also there's the question of what type of sun they are - that would radically change the view from the ground too if we're talking about a pair of red giants, or a red giant and a white dwarf or the like. Or yellow dwarfs like our own Sol is.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
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Out of curiosity - where did we get the phrase "Elven Shaar" from?

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
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'Clueless' wrote:
Out of curiosity - where did we get the phrase "Elven Shaar" from?
The first place I had seen it was OpheliaWhispers' post on page 2 of the "Ortho: The Beginnings" thread...Whether she coined it or got it from somewhere else I don't know... Kwint

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
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No problm - I was just curious.

kwint's picture
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Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

'Clueless' wrote:
No problm - I was just curious.
Actually, I notice that it's on Rip's Pre-Harmonium Ortho Map on page 1 of the "Ortho: The Beginnings" thread... Kwint

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

'Clueless' wrote:
Out of curiosity - where did we get the phrase "Elven Shaar" from?

I made it up on the spot early on in this project - the map I made was the first place it appeared. And yah, I know the Shaar is a place in the Forgotten Realms.

'kwint' wrote:
I find it hard to believe that all the races have merged over the past 400 and change years.

I don't think they've all merged, either, just that some intermixing has taken place in most areas. Someone in the civil service or military in Keln might get transferred to Athra, for instance.

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

I was just checking out the new and improved 116 page Ortho pdf and I noticed that you still have the original configuaration of the provinces and have listed province #10 from that set-up as Ulfrheim...Are we not going with the new config with Ulfrheim being province #7, the original #10 being done away with and the land split between Iathra and Motmurk, while Province #5 is split into two provinces, the eastern portion taking on the #10 moniker?... All this as indicated on the map, once again, lovingly presented below...Just wondering...

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
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Patience padawan, patience. Eye-wink

Aka - I've been sick earlier this week (I *really* hate this time of year) and just got a chance to sit down at school with a copy of photoshop in front of me. The map I have on hand is updated to the new stuff, I'll be getting all the new pictures generated shortly.

And yes - the final versions of pictures will get rotated to match what you've got, it's a much better angle to view the landmasses from.

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

'Clueless' wrote:
Patience padawan, patience. Eye-wink
No prob...

'Clueless' wrote:
Aka - I've been sick earlier this week (I *really* hate this time of year)...
Right there with ya...My ears are so plugged up, there's a chance all the folk around me may suffer hearing damage from how high I have to turn up the volume on the TV just to understand dialogue Smiling ... Kwint

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Clueless's picture
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Are all of those cities? I assume he larger the print, the larger the city?

ripvanwormer's picture
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Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places


Where the rivers Charesh, Millwright, and Blood merge into the unified Bloodflow, a dwarven village originally squatted. It was a small place, a minor waystop connecting the great dwarven communities of the north with the sea. The port of Xelhone at the Bloodflow's mouth was far more important, and even the town of Tenmill to the north had a bigger population and at least some local industry. Except to provide a place for weary transporters to rest, the dwarven village called Xel had little purpose. Its rough inhabitants were mostly outcasts from the major clans; a motley collection of dwarves and more exotic monstrous humanoids come down from the mountains for reasons of their own. Their homes were stone huts, sometimes connected to local caves, and while there were a few fine inns, some stores, some well-maintained docks, and some crafters who could build and repair ships, for the most part they had a rude, primitive life. There was not much there to offer dwarves.

Humans, on the other hand, were another matter entirely.

The new Harmonium government, seeing the great division between the three major races of the continent of Mot, desired to create a common ground between them; the village of Xel, where rivers flowed from all three lands, was seen as ideal. The architect Malana Engrea of Equus colony was designated the city planner; the city itself would be part of no state or colony, but it was given a representative of its own to Ortho’s council. The dwarves and other beings who owned property in the village were allowed to keep it; their families would later become wealthy landowners in the heart of the growing city of Threerivers.

With the grand city buildings designed by Engrea, the convenient location on the banks of three major rivers, and the enthusiastic support of the Knights of Harmony, venture capital began pouring into the new city from all the pacified lands. Most notorious was Enric Blackhook, a former Thaeran pirate who had distinguished himself in the war with the elves; he soon became the wealthiest mill owner in the city, and he owned many frowned-upon businesses as well such as drinking, dancing, and gambling halls. The chitinous dwarf clans contributed many distinctive hive-like stone buildings; the orcs created the Cathedral of the Nine, with its soaring bat wings, and the new docks with their distinctive claw-like ramps for swift access to boats.

Much of this was destroyed when the human states rebelled during the Schism and before the War of Iron; the Cathedral of the Nine was torn down by rioters and was later replaced by a temple of Saeduenical, a courier service, and a stable. The sprawling yet stately mansion Malana Engrea designed for the governor was completely burnt (three times) and replaced by a more imposing, fortified building that would influence the renovation of Sigil’s City Barracks centuries later.

The city’s soul, with its freewheeling combination of many different races and ethnic groups, remained the same; even during the grim martial law imposed after the revolts, Three-Rivers’ dance halls and taverns found a way to remain open in spite of government disapproval. For the people of Xaric and even elsewhere, Threerivers is the true heart of Ortho, its living spirit that endures and empowers the Harmonium’s collective song.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

'Clueless' wrote:
Are all of those cities? I assume he larger the print, the larger the city?

No, Theron, Ethano, Drakon, Terapten, Veron, Anselm, Syphlo, and Equus were the Omospondian colonies; they probably have eponymous cities associated with them, though they're not the biggest towns on the continent. They're more states of Xaric.

Scorpion, Scarab, Mantis, Ten-Mill, Thorkhold, Aphid, and Locust were dwarven settlements. They're basically cities, although Thorkhold is molten ruins and hasn't been rebuilt.

Ironjaw is a prison colony established by the Harmonium. The Convent of the Rest is a colony for dangerous heroes of war, also established by the Harmonium.

The Monastery of the Seven-Fingered Palm is an orcish monastery. The Fortress of Nine Claws is an orcish city.

The biggest city on the continent is Threerivers; second biggest is the port city of Xelhone where the Bloodflow River meets the Iron Sea. Third biggest is the Fortress of Nine Claws, the capital of Motmurg.

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
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Nor-Ji's Chord - The closest planet to the sun, is a small volcanically active metal planet. It is named for Nor-Ji a mathematician and astronomer sage who published several great scientific treatises calling for greater order in scientific and academic thought and establishing the rules used in most Harmonium higher teaching institutions used today. The planet was discovered by ground based observations in the Harmony Year 223 about a century after his death. Currently, there has been only minor jammer exploration of the planet and contact has been made with the planet's only inhabitants a small clan of rust-dragons. Also there are reports of portals to Acherond and the elemental planes of fire and earth found on the planet's surface.

Jislana -
A planet named in antiquity for a Lord of Chaos. There has been a constant simmering movement to have the planet officially renamed but little progress has been made over the past two hundred years. Most academics feel that tradition in this matter should outweigh mere political considerations. It was so-named for the goddess of dance for the motions the planet makes across the sky a bright blue star seemingly moving in circles and dancing from ground based un-aided observations.

Physically the planet is small with three rings that lie each at slightly different planes. The movement's of the rings add to the appearance of the planet's dancing. Below the rings the planet is hot and heavy, unsuitable for habitation or even for landing. However the Harmonium does keep a barge orbiting the sphere to study and mine the rings that have been found to be rich in mithril crystallized into gems that have been found useful in constructing magical items by being able to absorb and release fairly large amounts of elemental energy. Some of the researchers and station workers have reported odd shapes moving through the clouds and it is theorized that the planet might be inhabited by an as yet unknown species.

Ortho is the third planet from the sun.

Lyorn's Tears -
a thin asteroid belt with a large irregularly shaped planetoid once thought to be the tears shed by the goddess Lyorn(goddess of fey) as she wept for the loss of her children.

The large planetoid and asteroid field are the remains of a planet that was once as large as Ortho itself, and massive charred ruins attest that it was once the home of a civilization. Most of the ruins are buried under a thick crust of ash hardened by heat and time. Exploration is dangerous as war machines, many of them automated and still active, are numerous and scattered throughout the major ruin sites; fortunately most of those machines are not adapted for space. What ever process caused the planet to crumble is still active and year by year the main bulk of the planet breaks apart piece by piece.

Silence's Voice -
according to mythology when the Lord of Silence held an argument with Ghanalim, the lord of death, over the lives of the gods. Unable to refute Silence's reasoning Ghanalim stole Silences Voice and tried to hide it in the heavens, but it was not hidden in the blackness and instead shown bright every night.

Physically the sphere is a large air dominated(gas giant) planet with several moons orbiting it; two are currently serving as research stations while a third hosts a monastery built by clerics following the Lord of Silence. Three more are currently uninhabited.

Ghanalim's Voice -
In the myths later after Ghanalim stole Silence's voice the god was caught by the lords of order and tried. His punishment, after it was determined that Silence's voice could not be recovered, was to have his voice and eyes thrown into the heavens further than he threw Silence's.

The planet is a gas giant(air dominated), larger than Silence's Voice, and has two large moons (called the eyes of Ghanalim). The larger of the two is made of water with a thick crust of ice on the surface, and currently hosts a small supply station and garrison. The smaller is a tiny world with a thin atmosphere of breathable air. The world has a small Harmonium research station, and is inhabited by a species of ooze that may be intelligent, but the creatures' minds are so alien that normal methods and spells are practically useless for communication.

A bit more, cleaned up and added to. Still not sure how or if the earlier write up on Ortho Space should be combined with this.

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

I filled in the following Gelidahl [?]'s for the Ortho doc as such...

From the Geography paragraph:

'kwint' wrote:
This warmth allows for some agriculture including potatoes, (?) and (?), although the majority of foodstuffs must be imported from Iironda and Thaera.

This warmth allows for some agriculture including Ahltani potatoes, thick-rind guayar fruit and polar oats, although the majority of foodstuffs must be imported from Iironda and Thaera.

From the first paragraph of The Love Camps section:

'kwint' wrote:
However, one small group of dwarves from the far reaches of northern [?] were successful in finding not gold, but mithril deep in a crevice below an ice shelf on the slopes of Mt. Icespire.

However, one small group of dwarves from the far reaches of northern Xaric were successful in finding not gold, but mithril deep in a crevice below an ice shelf on the slopes of Mt. Icespire.

I'll try to finish-up the Gelidahl write-up and the Omospondia write-up this weekend now that I'm apparently feeling better...If I can, I'll also try to get the majority of Karazam written up...And, of course, I'll come up with lots of questions concerning any number of things Orthoran to pester y'all with Eye-wink ...

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Not sure if y'all have seen the following from Eldersphinx's LJ (24 Jan 06)...I know that it's been placed in the Ortho.pdf, but just in case anyone hasn't seen it yet, I thought I'd post it...It's pretty interestin'...

Ortho - The Elves of Lunefall The shattered remnants of the second moon of Ortho are a battered, ravaged wreck, a minor hazard to spelljamming navigation and seemingly devoid of any sort of life. The Harmonium pays little attention to this region, knowing it to be of little import and wary of the wild surges of magic that may still spark from one chunk of rock or another. In truth, though, these bits of moonstuff are still inhabited, by a race that is secretive in the extreme and bears the Harmonium no small amount of ill will. These are the elves of Lunefall.

Lunefall was first settled by refugees from the elven homelands of Ortho, fleeing from the imminent genocide of their race and seeking some hiding place. Skilled in magic, in particular the weaving of shadow-illusions and other forms of deception, the first families of Lunefall found a path to escape taking them into the skies of Ortho and beyond. Refuges were constructed in the dark craters of splintered lunar rock, sealed away and made self-sustaining through powerful incantations, and a slow trickle of elvenkind found themselves spirited to safety even as their kindred were destroyed in an unstoppable tide of steel and blood.

The initial devastation took nearly half a century to accomplish, and indelibly shaped the continued future of Lunefall. Refugees reacted in one of two ways - bone-deep, bitter anger, all the stronger for its futility, and a ceaseless resolve to find some way of making the humans pay properly and in full for their crime. The other response was guilt, despair and fear - seeing the Harmonium not as mortals, but some sort of malevolent force of nature that had eradicated the elven race on Ortho for unspeakable crimes. Elves of this type wish to remain in hiding forever on Lunefall, never drawing the notice of their tormentors and always looking for some other form of escape. Though the genocide of the Elven Shaar was five hundred years in the past, many of the elders of Lunefall were alive when it first happened, and they have educated the children born since then in its bloody memory. What the future holds is uncertain.

The heart of Lunefall today are the cities - great constructs of shadow-magic and rock-crystal, grown into the regolith of the lunar shards that the elves presently call home. All are self-sufficient, able to grow fruits, mushrooms and other foodstuffs in buildings specifically shaped for such purposes, and well shielded from the harsh vacuum and other dangers of the outside world. Still, though, life is precious and must be carefully managed in order to keep everything in balance; as a result, plants, pets and other things beloved to elven hearts are rare here, and never allowed to live freely. Though the cities of Lunefall are a vital refuge, lovingly shaped to be as organic-seeming and spontaneous as possible, they can never truly be an elvenhome.

Elven travel outside their city-redoubts is rare, but does sometimes happen. Young elves may have a sense of adventure; messengers or couriers may have a need to carry certain information or vital goods between cities; a first strike may be needed against the chaos effects that roil across the surface of the moonshards. Excursions are dangerous and frowned upon, but sometimes necessary.

Beyond the cities is a place harsh beyond belief. The air itself is thin and often poisonous, easily able to kill a traveler without proper magical protection, and gravity often varies enough to where one step will send a person bounding across the landscape while the next finds them almost pinned to the ground beneath their own weight. Chaos surges strike like riptides across the landscape, transforming any being they touch and often causing a quick and painful death; these must be carefully scried out with divination magics, and avoided. Beings of twisted elemental earth, as well as restless undead spirits, roam the land, attacking passerby as often as letting them pass unmolested. And finally are the alien Ydrarg, creatures of amorphous iron-grey metallic liquid whose touch is poison, who puddle in slumber across the lunar surface but sometimes rouse to taunt the elves or demand tribute from them. Though the Ydrarg are sometimes able to be reasoned with, their thoughts are difficult to comprehend and their motives impossible to predict. Treat with them at your peril.

Though the elves of Lunefall are few and their lives are difficult, the joy of shaping the arcane remains. Many of Lunefall's first elders are mages of great repute, and skilled juniors are absolutely encouraged to take up the art as well. Lunefall survives through the power and diligence of its wizards, a fact that no resident is allowed to forget.

A great deal of spellcraft, magical research and study is conducted in the process of simply keeping Lunefall intact and functioning. Much of what is done is straightforward repair or improvements on the structure of the existing cities, but some of it is always new. The winterlance, a weapon that draws forth cold from the very rock of the moonshards, is one creation that may help against the Ydrarg. Another recent creation is the shadowsail, great wings of blackness that allow a wearer to glide between moonshards at great speed (Spelljammer tactical SR2) and potentially even drift to the surface of Ortho. No such tests of this last feature have been made, for a shadowsail falling to earth would allow its wearer no way home. But it may yet be useful as a weapon to take the battle back to the humans of Ortho, after so much time.

Plots and Adventures
Plots in Lunefall center around its elders, and their desires - powerful wizards in many cases, and in all cases filled with ages of experience, intrigue and sorrow. Almost any scenario one can imagine - revenge, escape, defense, discovery - can come out of the efforts of one elder seeking assistance (openly or otherwise) in achieving a prized goal.

All the elves of Lunefall, vengeful or penitent, can agree on one thing, though. The Harmonium must never discover Lunefall's existence. If a sizeable elven refuge was discovered anywhere in Ortho space, no effort would be spared to destroy it utterly and completely, regardless of the consequences or cost. The primary effort of any Lunefall elder will be to silence any outsider who finds out that the elves exist - whether by imprisoning them forever in the cities, using powerful magics to confuse their memories, or the simple expedient of a knife through the heart...

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Let the Question-Pesterin' begin...

On the Orcs of Ortho-
So, one of the bib buggaboos of 3rd ed. is the change of alignment for orcs, from the (25 year) traditional LE of 2nd ed. and earlier to the CE of 3.x...Now PS was a solid 2nd ed. setting, so it's logical that the orcs of Ortho were generally LE and fit nicely into the Lawful races bein' on the side of, well, law...But with the change in editions, orcs are generally CE...So my question is, since this project is 3.5, what's the rationale for the orcs being lawful?...Were they originally chaotic, but converted by some messiah to law?...Were they just aborations?...Were they possibly a lost colony of scro?...Also, was this just a localized taint of law, only in Motmurk?...Were the other orcs of Ortho, if there were any, on the side of chaos in the Great War of Harmony?...

On the Great War-
I know the war started with Voll/Heka and Pan Thaera vs. Iathra and then turned to Voll/Heka and Motmurk vs. Pan Thaera and then Law vs. Elven Shaar, but I'd like the whole war a little more settled, timeline or legend wise...Who fought who and when and in what order?...I know that many of these facts are coming to the fore with the write-ups of the Provinces, but as this is the "national epic," so to speak, I think it's important...I guess I'd just like to know how long it took to defeat Alzrius and Iathra, then Pan Thaera, then the Elven Shaar and then the rest of the world...I guess I'd like to at least know the order of events, how long each one lasted and who was involved...

Note: I notice in a lot of the varied write-ups people state that "for five hundred years" or for over five centureies" or some such to describe how long Law has been dominant, when the whole of the conquest took a century (according to the timeline), so perhaps this should be edited for consistency...

Well, I'm back to the hospital to look in on my bro who had a heart attack yesterday, which means I may be late on the write-ups I previously promised...On top of that, my ears won't deplug, so I'm half deaf as well...My head's not really in the game, but I need my escapes from reality as well...

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

'kwint' wrote:
.Were they originally chaotic, but converted by some messiah to law?

They were originally more or less chaotic in the Free League sense, but erinyes disguised as orcish valkyries converted them. See my prehistory of the Schism.

Since the Intervention the old gods had fallen into disfavor, and the orcs had not prayed to Gruumsh or Ilneval in many generations. Still, they had not responded to either the flirtations of Chaos or the entreaties of Law, seeing both as alien to their ancient culture and traditions. Thus it was that the erinyes were surprised when, in the guise of winged orcish maidens promising victory against rival tribes, the orcs dropped down to their knees and offered them worship.

'kwint' wrote:
.I guess I'd just like to know how long it took to defeat Alzrius and Iathra, then Pan Thaera, then the Elven Shaar and then the rest of the world...I guess I'd like to at least know the order of events, how long each one lasted and who was involved...

I'm not sure. Some of this is established in the history chapter.

Iathra was the first trouble to be dealt with. A temporary alliance with the Empire of Thaera, and the orcs of Mormurk brought an end to the ambitions of Alzrius in regards to Ortho. At first, the conquered Iathran lands were shared between the newly allied states of Motmurk and Voll. With peace established in the north and west, the newly created Harmonium order was able to concentrate on defeating the Empire of Pan Thaera to the south, which had never been especially unified anyway. They were weakened after holding their side of the battle with Iathra, and their worship of the Lords of Chaos was something the Harmonium could no longer allow to continue. There was worry that Alzrius or something of a similar nature would attempt to use that worship as a base to invade the weakened world. Pan Thaera crumpled under the dual military assault. The last truly disgraceful evil that Prince Romhel felt needed to be removed, to assure the peace his Knights sought were the elves southeast of the Flamedance Mountains. They had long been a thorn in the side of both Pan Thaera and Han the Gem-Studded, and were known for their acts of cruelty. An alliance was forged with the nearby, and lawful, beholder nations and the elves were soon pacified. This particular war lasted decades and anti-elven sentiment rose worldwide until the war expanded to include cordoning all elves into camps for reeducation. Even those with partial elven blood found themselves unwelcome at the height of the war. The other nations were assimilated more or less peacefully in the next few centuries, though individual ethnic areas occasionally rebelled.

So, the order is:

1. Alliance with Thaera and Motmurk.
2. Defeat of Alzrius.
3. Betrayal of and defeat of Thaera
4. Alliance with Iironda
5. Defeat of the elves
6. Everyone else.

Exactly what order the other nations were assimilated in, and how long each nation took, is not so far established. However, the elven war lasted decades and it took about a hundred years before the Harmonium was in control of the entire planet. Of course, there could have been other nations assimilated in between some of the others. At some point, the Harmonium allies with the colonies in Xaric against Omospondia.

So, I mean, feel free to make something up. We can argue about it.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
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Also, don't forget this bit from PS3e Chapter 3 (which is pretty much what's in the Factol's Manifesto)


It was hard work, and sometimes the Knights even found themselves fighting others that were good and lawful. They were saddened by these misunderstandings; how could two peoples, both essentially good and lawful, fight each other over what in the end were small details?

The Knights had become quite famous, legends in their own time, and so they began to exert their political power. As they vanquished evil after evil, the kings of Ortho swore allegiance to them. Wherever a king would not pledge himself, the Knights found a noble that would, and supported their claim to the throne.

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

'ripvanwormer' wrote:
'kwint' wrote:
.Were they originally chaotic, but converted by some messiah to law?

They were originally more or less chaotic in the Free League sense, but erinyes disguised as orcish valkyries converted them. See my prehistory of the Schism.

Since the Intervention the old gods had fallen into disfavor, and the orcs had not prayed to Gruumsh or Ilneval in many generations. Still, they had not responded to either the flirtations of Chaos or the entreaties of Law, seeing both as alien to their ancient culture and traditions. Thus it was that the erinyes were surprised when, in the guise of winged orcish maidens promising victory against rival tribes, the orcs dropped down to their knees and offered them worship.
Ya, so I guess I missed that somehow...Pretty good story...

'ripvanwormer' wrote:
4. Alliance with Iironda
Hadn't seen that before...Where do the Beholders of Keln'in come into the story...

'ripvanwormer' wrote:
At some point, the Harmonium allies with the colonies in Xaric against Omospondia.

So, I mean, feel free to make something up. We can argue about it.

I don't know about argue, but I don't mind discussing the issue...I prefer to colaborate than try to dominate...

ps-Anybody seen Clueless around lately?...

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
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I'm still around, following - just trying to get my contributions written up. Sunday is my Planescape game so there's little to no chance of my being online during at least half the weekend. Eye-wink

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

'kwint' wrote:
Hadn't seen that before...Where do the Beholders of Keln'in come into the story...

They became part of the alliance during the elvish war.

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Something I'm working on

Admiral Julius Halcain

This was once a beloved and heroic admiral of one of the great fleets that tamed Pan-Thera, but now through twisting magics and corruption of chaos he is no longer human. Now he prowls the seas using his cursed powers to sail in the broken and rotting hulks that he has put to the grave of the deep and resurrected into undeath.

Born into a noble family that prided itself as protectors of the seas Julius Halcain had his sea legs before he could walk and could read the waves and skys like an old seadog before he had a single hair on his chin. He distinguished himself first as a sailor and then ship's officer and as family tradition had it climbed through the ranks from the lowliest of deckhands to become one of the greatest admirals ever known. Indeed, even today the family has two actively serving Admirals in the Harmonium's navies. One patrolling the Thera seas and the other commanding the Second Spelljamming Fleet now exploring Ortho's crystal sphere.

As a captain Halcain fought the pirates of Pan-Thera working to keep the vital trade routes clear. The greatest of his early victories was against the great Theran pirate, Ettian of the Shark's Maw. The plan was for Halcian's ship to be weighted down so she'd ride lower in the water and stripped of her main armament so she'd look like a merchant coarser trying to outrun the pirates while carrying a rich cargo. It worked and drew out Ettian's fleet and allowed the rest of the Harmonium fleet to trap that fleet between the shore and sea. Halcian's ship was supposed to retreat from battle but a shot went through her center mast. Calling upon the winds and waves Halcain unable to retreat as ordered brought his ship alongside Ettian's ship, the Red Wake, and rallied his crew to board. By the end of the battle Ettian's head was on a pike tied to the prow of his ship and the Red Wake was flying the colors of the Harmonium and firing upon the other pirates, shattering their formation. From that victory Captain Halcian became Admiral Halcian and from then on he kept the Wake as his flagship.

It is unknown how the good captain was transformed into the horror that prowls the seas today. The unfortunate event happened sometime while his fleet was guarding the waters to the west of the Elven Shaar blockading the Elf infested islands and the mainland as well as overseeing the cleansing of the islands themselves. The four largest isles where protected by an Elven god of death and the sea and the deep channel running between the islands said to be the god's lair. After the first island was taken by a massive naval bombardment and thousands of troops landed on shore a great earthquake shook the islands and great waves rippled out from between the four islands as the god itself, a great monster with the body of a dragon four heads with maws like that of sharks and the tentacles of a kracken, rose to the surface and brought its fury upon Halcain's fleet. Once more Halcian found his ship damaged without retreat and once again he came upon a new plan to charge into the breach. He first gave the order to abandon ship to his crew except for a few of the most steadfast and bravest of his comrades. Then just as with Ettian, he used his clerical powers to call upon the waves propelling his ship strait into the belly of the beast with all of its ammunition moved to the prow. Just as the ship would have struck a great maw opened in the beast's belly that had before remained under the waves and swallowed the ship whole. What happened after that is unknown but the beast fought on for nine days and nights more before just after sunset on the ninth day one by one the heads of the beast exploded with smoke like that of cannon charge.

The corpse of the beast then began to steam and rot away and in less than a day it had dissolved into a foul ichor that floated on the water. In another day all was gone except for the ravaged bodies of the men it had swallowed and the wounded hulk of Halcian's Wake still floating where the belly of the beast had been when it died. Niether Halcian's body nor any of bodies of the crew that stayed with him ever washed ashore and no sign of them was found on board the Wake.

The Wake was towed into harbor and searched from stem to stern after being brought up into a drydock for months afterward. Rumors started to fly when the searchers reported that the ship seemed to be larger on the inside than it was outside. Then one night about four months after it had been raised out of the water the ship was lowered, the drydock's lock flooded and the ship sailed into the night, fully repaired, with lights shining inside but not a soul to be seen on deck. Several fast ships chased after the Wake as it left, one even cutting its moorings to keep the Admiral's ship from being stolen by pirates but the Wake moved much faster than her pursuers-ships all that normally would have paced her easily.

It was a few months later, one year to the day of the seagod's death, that the Wake was spotted along with other wrecks brought to the surface attacking a merchant fleet and crewed by the corpses of dead sailors.

eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

The beholders of Keln'in guard their privacy jealously, but even they cannot live completely isolated from the outside world. One narrow road runs east from Coldash across the peaks of the Flamedance Mountains, providing a link to the port at Lorvita and the rest of Ortho. This road cuts its way along many ridges and crosses several passes, but never quite becomes completely impassable - save at the Chasm of the Eye, a knife-edged crevasse nearly fifty miles long and deeper than any surveying crew has ever dared to gauge. Still, the Road must be kept open, in order to preserve respect and harmony. And so was built the edifice that has since been named Rainbow Bridge.

Rainbow Bridge arches over one of the narrower parts of the Chasm of the Eye, a full hundred-foot span of pale-tinged basaltic stone. Superbly functional yet elegant in its simplicity, the bridge is close to twenty feet wide, thick and strong enough to handle any weight, and sturdy enough to stand for years even without the frequent repairs it receives. On a clear day, the sun's light reflects brilliantly from polished surfaces along the sides of the edifice, making it a landmark visible for miles and giving the bridge its name.

For the most part, the trail that Rainbow Bridge lies upon is only rarely used. Beholders themselves have little need for it - they can fly. And high-up dignitaries usually use teleportation or planeshifting magics to visit the beholder capital, rather than spending weeks clambering over mountains. Still, though, a small trickle of trade caravans pass back and forth along the trail, carrying trade goods valued by the beholders and bringing back those craft items too bulky to be carried out by the beholders themselves. It's a minor part of Ortho's prosperity, but a useful one.

Crossing Rainbow Bridge is not for the faint of heart, of course. Wild emberhawks and wyverns, who roam much of the Flamedance mountains but avoid angering the beholders, have learned that softer and more succulent prey often can be found at the bridge and may sometimes lie in wait for a meal. Merchants accosted by such beasts find themselves having to fight off these creatures on their own, without the help of any beholders who may be in the vicinity, and with their maneuverability severely restricted. Perhaps fortunately, long-standing caravan masters on the Coldash run know of this problem, and take preparations to guard themselves against any such attack.

There is one thing about Rainbow Bridge, though, that isn't widely known. It was originally designed and built by the beholders, who were willing to extend this token of peaceful contact to the outside world but not so fond of providing a strong invasion route to any potential enemies. They thus designed it to be easily demolished, in an emergency - a few quick shots of Disintegrate to key support structures, and the entire bridge comes down as soon as more than a few hundred pounds are placed on it. In the days of the Harmonium's glory, such precautions may seem antisocial, but the beholders keep their intentions to themselves. Who knows? It may be a useful trump card.

Adventure Hook: An iconoclast beholder by the name of Lx'aast has recently blockaded Rainbow Bridge, ordering human caravans to turn back so that 'Coldash may no longer be despoiled by the presence of outsiders'. The initial response of the Harmonium Council was to send a brigade in after the rebel, but such motions were quickly blocked by Keln'in representatives - who openly spoke of handling such an outburst in a manner more politic, and privately worried that Lx'aast might destroy Rainbow Bridge should no other option present itself. (The fact that Lx'aast hasn't yet destroyed the bridge altogether is a worrisome question - but none of its elders want to provide it with the chance to kill off a regiment of troops in the process of becoming a martyr.)

The presence of a reasonably discreet group of adventurers seems to be called for, in this situation - individuals who can make their way to Rainbow Bridge, deal with Lx'aast and its gang of grell servants, and do so quickly and efficiently enough to keep Lx'aast from bringing the Bridge down as a grandiose last gesture. Whether such a task is managed through diplomacy, magic or raw force is up to the party - but if they bungle the job, the Harmonium will not be happy, and even if they simply take too long they may find the army right on their heels...

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