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Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Alright - I'll leave you two (rip and gerz) to sorting out the ins and outs of the colonies for the nonce then. I'll poke again in about 24 to 48 hours to see if the ideas have simmered together well. Eye-wink

Re: the moon question - let's asusme for the sake of familarity, that they have one - and the shattered remains of a second one forming a ring around the planet. So - that gives them a sum total of signifigant astronomical entities: two suns, a moon, and a ring across the sky, probably just a few degrees off from the equatorial line.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Elderspinx: Mind if I copy and paste your college information into the thread for those who don't follow the LJ religiously?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

'kwint' wrote:
So, I've been playing around with the map and recentered it on Harmony's Glory (as a prime meridian) to give a different view of the world...I've included longitudinal and latitudinal hash marks on the edges to indicate every 15 degrees;
Looking nice....

How did you get the rotated view? If you're using photoshop let me know how so I can do some rotated map views for myself as well? Eye-wink

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
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Hey, Kwint. I love the little beholder compass rose. I hadn't noticed it the first time.

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
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'Clueless' wrote:
Looking nice....
Thanks, I'm kinda happy with it myself...

'Clueless' wrote:
How did you get the rotated view? If you're using photoshop let me know how so I can do some rotated map views for myself as well? Eye-wink
Nope, simple bitmap cut-and-paste...Don't have photoshop, just bitmap; I'm still livin' in the mid-90's... Kwint

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
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Np then, I'll just have to improvise on my end then Eye-wink

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

'ripvanwormer' wrote:
Red Terra: this world is similar to our Earth, except that the Harmonium appeared as technological advisors to Oliver Cromwell's government in England. In the century or so since then Harmonium England has conquered or economically dominated most of Europe, the Americas, Asia and the South Pacific. The Harmonium considers this world to be essentially pacified, and welcomes its citizens as Ortho's "little sister." For simplicity, this version of Earth is polytheistic (and primarily Roman), although some Hardheads from other worlds may be Muslim, Jewish, or Christian. Before the reign of Cromwell, Britain was dominated by the Celtic pantheon and the cults of the personification Brittania and her divine consort the current king, but Cromwell's ascension brought the Roman pantheon-worshipping Puritans into power. For a touch of the exotic, this planet's sun is large and red.
Sounds like a combination of John Ford's "The Dragon Waiting" and Bryan Talbot's "Heart of Empire" (one of the greatest comics of all time IMHO)... Kwint

ps-Thanks for the compliment on the beholder compass rose, I think it's kinda, um, cute (perhaps the only time ever the word cute will be used to describe an eye tyrant)...

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

'Clueless' wrote:
Iironda's prvincial government? How do you think that plays out? I don't see them playing the nobility card but I can defaintely see merchant houses maybe? Where your household holdings have to meet a certain value in land, or other assets, before you are considered to have enough of a stake in the area to vote on your Council reps? Any idea on how that would realistically play out?

Hearing no opposition:

The provincial government in Iironda is centered in Han, the old center of power in this region. Iironda's government is organized by Merchant Houses, akin in many ways to nobility as most members of a house are related by blood - but in truth, and in legal terms, membership in a house is determined by ownership of resources and land. As much merchant trade as this area has seen for thousands of years, the current Iirondian system developed from the political and economic alliances in the past.

A House holds power and votes based on its assets in both liquid and non liquid form reported to the current Master House. The Master House is often, but not always the one with the most resources available. At times a weaker house may be chosen by the other houses to increase their position later in the games of intrigue that Han is famous for.

Challenges to the position of Master House, or to the recorded House assets are resolved often through political maneuvering as houses form blocs and alliances with each other, but ultimately a House may petition to the Ortho Council specifically. In the past such issues would have lead to war, so this is certainly an improvement though resolution can take far too long for the patience of the houses involved.

(Working on revisions as I give this more thought...)

Oh - and new PDF created today: Here

eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
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'Clueless' wrote:
Elderspinx: Mind if I copy and paste your college information into the thread for those who don't follow the LJ religiously?
Absolutely not a problem. I probably should've done it myself already. Eye-wink

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

'kwint' wrote:
Sounds like a combination of John Ford's "The Dragon Waiting" and Bryan Talbot's "Heart of Empire" (one of the greatest comics of all time IMHO)...

I've read both of those now, but I hadn't read The Dragon Waiting yet at the time I wrote that.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
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'Clueless' wrote:
How did you get the rotated view? If you're using photoshop let me know how so I can do some rotated map views for myself as well? Eye-wink

Cut the map into segments, rearrange them, and then splice them back together in overlapping layers. Then blur the edges of your selections (the ones in front); it should blend together seemlessly.

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Here is my current draft for the figure that brought the Harmonium philosophy to the colony of Integral. I'd like to use this but I'd prefer to get eldersphinx's blessing on the story first .

Enoril, The Orator
Male, Human - NG - Age: 149 years
Born Harmonium 50 - Last Seen: Harmonium 199

Enoril was born fifty years after the Harmonium was first established. He grew up in a small village on the edge of the Han, on the coast between the Flamedance mountains and the Elven Shaar to the west. His father was known to have a great amount of wealth and fortune shipping exotic spices and potions into the Greater Han. Officially, these shipments came from the near-bye islands which today have several spice plantations on them that are about three-hindered years old, and spice growing is known to have gone back further. However, many scholars have found evidence and have speculated that Enoril's father actually dealt with the elves to the east. These evidences and speculations have been systematically erased to form a more unified vision of the history of the Harmonium.

What is undeniable is that at a young age Enoril had contact with many cultures, including the elven as he was known to be able to speak their dialects, and traveled widely with his father, through Han and even farther. As a boy he was known for his clear voice and his ability to help people talk through confrontations. At the age of sixteen Enoril sought out and was accepted into the prestigious wizard's collage in Han's regional capitol but only stayed only through the first semester. He then traveled through the world for five years, eventually meeting and becoming a student of Landrien of Voll, and was one of the first class of student's eventually enrolled in Landrien's collage, helping both as student and founder to the new collage having already learned from Landrien for a couple of years.

After being one of the five first official graduates of the collage, Enoril went on to help teach and guide first-year students. His final project, a ballad called 'The Founding Harmony' is still taught and sung today in many collages across Otho, the epic song dedicated to his late mentor Landrien. From there Enoril spent his time working at first as an aid to older teachers, and then gaining a professorship in his own right.

Finally, after eight years spent at being a student in and helping to found the Collage of the Choir, Enoril gave into his wanderlust to explore the world leaving to seek out other bards and counter the wrongful use bardic magic. Unlike many of his counterparts in bard-hunting he recruited far more bards than he put down. He had an exceptional eye for talent, and a calm manor for quelling conflict that he at times was responsible for nearly a quarter of the enrollment in the collage.

Enoril returned to the collage on a regular basis to teach for a semester or two and then leave again for the next twenty years. At the end of these wandering years Enoril was slowly convinced to spend more and more time teaching, and less traveling. On his forty-fifth birthday he announced his acceptance of a full-time professorship at the collage, as well as a seat on the collage's director's board. Nine years later, he accepted the office of Dean of the Collage of the Choir; a seat he held for the next fifty-two years.

During the final forty years of his life, Enorril lectured and helping to tutor many students, but retired more and more into his own studies. Then one day before is one-hundred and fiftieth birthday Enoril disappeared from the campus, leaving all of his possessions behind.

He was known as a great force and teacher for Harmony, and even in his retirement had put forth great efforts to help others and keep the peace. Still his extremely long life, and rumors of research into history and rituals that were frowned upon officially by the Harmonium. Just as the first schism began this great force for Harmony and understanding disappeared from Ortho's soil.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Copied from LJ, (already added into the ongoing doc as it fits well).

'elderspinx' wrote:
Music and bardic magic are powerful forces everywhere in the multiverse, and the planet of Ortho is no exception. Unfortunately, the freewheeling and irreverent souls normally attracted to the bardic way of life fit in poorly with the rule of the Harmonium, and are likely to clash with authorities if not dealt with.

Rather than allow such a situation to occur, the Harmonium has acted to promote such traditions of art and performance that demonstrate strong characteristics of order - choral and symphonic music, oratory, and structured poetry. It's the Harmonium's hope that aspiring artists will adopt these forms rather than establishing themselves as lone bards, and so promote order rather than defying it. Schools and instructors to spread these disciplines have been endowed across all of Ortho, but the College of the Choir is the oldest and most renowned of all.


The College of the Choir was founded by Landrien of Voll, a wizard and sometime troubadour who lived through the first years of the Harmonium's rise. Some legends suggest that Landrien was a friend and follower of the great paladin Rommel of Voll, and founded the College of the Choir in emulation of that man's efforts. Other rumors suggest that Landrien was simply a pragmatic and foresighted individual who realized the inevitable conflict due to arise between the nascent Harmonium and the bardic orders of Ortho, and sought to create some alternate path for those devoted to art.

Whatever his motives, Landrien's deeds are unmistakeable and a matter of public record. He identified methods of performance and composition that demonstrated order, structure and cooperation, and relentlessly championed patrons of such art forms and creators of brilliant works. He convinced the leaders of the Harmonium to accept orderly art forms as necessary to an orderly society, and convinced many prominent bards and minstrels to join the Harmonium and accept its rules and protection, rather than make their way in an uncertain world.

Landrien's wisdom proved itself almost immediately, as bards and demagogues from other nations chose to resist the Harmonium's advance with deceit, hoaxes and other propaganda. The prodigals that Landrian had collected turned out to be some of the best weapons against such an attack, presenting the Harmonium's own position with the same power that the renegades had used to denounce them, and helping to keep new provinces content under the new order. Many within the Harmonium hailed Landrien's efforts, and backed his efforts to spread the 'orderly arts' across the face of Ortho. Thus was the College of the Choir born, and its sister schools in other provinces as well.

Landrien lived long enough to see the original College open, and the first classes of students enrolled, but not long after that point. He had not been a young man when the Knights of Harmony first began their great work, and the effort of singlehandedly building a new recognition of art and music across all of Ortho proved to age him beyond his years. He passed away peacefully one winter evening, surrounded by friends, colleagues and students and secure in the knowledge that he had helped to make the world a better place.

The College Today

The College of the Choir has continued to thrive over the last five centuries, its reputation and accomplishments growing with each new generation. Its current campus rises in the wooded hills of the southwestern corner of Iathra, close to the old border with Pan Thaera and accepting many students from those isles as well as other notables from across Ortho. A catastrophic fire that consumed the old campus some two hundred years ago offered an opportunity to rebuild the College in a more grand and modern style; as a result, the buildings and auditoriums of the College feature wide spaces and spectacular architecture.

As one might expect from so prestigious an institution, the College of the Choir is a sprawling place, almost the size of a small city in its own right and surrounded by supporting businesses that definitely qualify it for such a title. Close to ten thousand students, faculty and independent composers are in residence at any one time, along with servants, support staff, and a strong enough Harmonium guard presence to insure the safety of the place from just about any force imaginable. As one might expect from such a large population, members of almost every race and profession can be found - somewhere - at the College of the Choir.

Despite its name, the College of the Choir offers instruction in all forms of music, art and culture deemed acceptable by the Harmonium Council, and is well-respected in all fields. Other specialist schools outstrip the College in narrow fields, but the College still stands alone as the most prestigious institution for honing general artistic talent in all of Ortho. Even some planars have apparently applied to study here - though few indeed have been accepted, and none without careful scrutiny by Harmonium factors.

In spite of its official position as part of the province of Iathra, the College of the Choir often functions as a nigh-independent city-state. Its deans govern themselves, making sure to stay within the broad letter of the law handed down by provincial authorities but handling most matters of punishment themselves. Residents of the school traditionally are never offered government positions within the Council of Ortho or its subordinate bodies, though many alumni have gone on to such positions and some current students are related to sitting Council members. This autonomy allows the College to present itself as a neutral body, offering advice on proper management of art and culture without the appearance of taking sides, and is unlikely to change anytime in the forseeable future.


Individuals resident at the College of the Choir come in several broad types. The most obvious are the faculty and administration - uniformly excellent in their fields, outwardly devoted to the College and its mission of inspiring art and cooperation across Ortho, but each with their own quirks and secrets. Senna Arhonius is a symphonic master, training and conducting orchestras for the past twelve years; her batons are all magical wands of various types, quietly commissioned as weapons that she can hide in plain sight. Ramond Tallhollow is an elderly singer, with a surprisingly strong and vibrant baritone that has changed surprisingly little over the years; he is secretly at least one-quarter elven, twenty years older than he claims to be, and hides his ancestry due to fear of Harmonium censure. Lasic the Gray is a respected bard-hunter, known across Ortho for identifying and countering improper use of bardic magic; he lost all spellcasting of his own twelve years ago after a particularly powerful cleric of chaos cursed him, and has since carefully manipulated subordinates into doing all the hands-on work.

Students at the College are an equally varied lot - talented almost by definition, but often unseasoned and lacking confidence, and looking for the best way to express their art. Kalan is from the restive and often rebellious district of Aeviryn, in eastern Thaera; he's continually unsure whether he's at the College due to pure talent, as a pointed symbol to his countrymen, or as a hostage in case things flare up again in the near future. Ayrissa Maricos is both a gifted singer and a skilled dancer; the former is valued by the Harmonium, the latter isn't, and she's working to improve both skills as best as she's able, with the intent of teaching other dancers once she returns to her peaceful, isolated homeland. Jadic Ironfist is a dwarf with family connections in very high places; his gifts for chanting and oratory, while not insignificant, are distinctly marginal within the College, and he gets by more on his family name and spreading around his large living stipend than through actual talent. Pargunna Kolvic, a senior student in symphonic composition, seems to have been bitten with an odd Xaos bug and is pursuing something he calls 'discordant harmonization' and 'degenerate minors'; his advisors hope to straighten him out and get him graduated without calling in the heavy artillery.

Adventure Hooks

Adventures at the College of the Choir can involve many aspects of the place. Most obvious are the people at the school. Powerful mages, skilled instructors and experienced propagandists are all in residence here, and the PCs could need to seek aid or wisdom from any of them - or protect them from attack, or leverage connections with the Octave Council, or investigate claims of dissatisfaction against the Harmonium, or seek common cause against the authorities if the PCs are fugitives themselves. And of course, every prominent member of the College has a full roster of friends, rivals and enemies who the PCs will have to deal with as well, as best they can - intriguing at the College is never an easy thing.

The history, lore, art and magic within the halls of the College is also a thing of value in itself. Nobody is quite sure, after hundreds of years of accumulated use, exactly what's in place anymore - even a cataloguing system can't track all cases of things being lost or misplaced or damaged or stolen. PCs seeking a certain scrap of legend or long-lost spell may find themselves stymied by this - or aided, if their task requires such subtlety that the residents of the College itself never realize what the PCs seek.

Finally, the College's past and purpose may inspire adventures. The institution would be a primary target for anyone seeking to hurt the Harmonium or spread chaos on Ortho, inspiring attacks on anything from a small scale to a grandiose magical conflagration. People that were once at the College or events that happened there may spark the interest of investigators or the curious. It's even possible that the great, departed Landrien himself still survives, through lichdom or some other method of binding the soul past death - an invaluable resource if kept secret, a terrible scandal if found out.

And the gods themselves may not operate with a unified purpose towards the College of the Choir - Baelae, Lord of Music sees it as a place without compare on Ortho, while Ina, Lord of Silence would quite possibly just as soon see it burn. Whether such a divine conflict will ever result in open action is uncertain, but even the most indirect clash could shake the College to its foundations.

eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

'Gerzel' wrote:
Here is my current draft for the figure that brought the Harmonium philosophy to the colony of Integral. I'd like to use this but I'd prefer to get eldersphinx's blessing on the story first .
Absolutely no problems, Gerzel. It's a very solid writeup, and the College of the Choir is fair game in any case. Ortho's a public playground, after all. Eye-wink

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

'eldersphinx' wrote:
'Gerzel' wrote:
Here is my current draft for the figure that brought the Harmonium philosophy to the colony of Integral. I'd like to use this but I'd prefer to get eldersphinx's blessing on the story first .
Absolutely no problems, Gerzel. It's a very solid writeup, and the College of the Choir is fair game in any case. Ortho's a public playground, after all. Eye-wink

Yeah. I'm currently in the process of statting this guy. I'm aiming at around level 30. He will show up again, as a undead of some kind (probably unique) and almost single handedly convert an entire world to the Harmonium's cause.

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

'Clueless' wrote:
Re: the moon question - let's asusme for the sake of familarity, that they have one - and the shattered remains of a second one forming a ring around the planet. So - that gives them a sum total of signifigant astronomical entities: two suns, a moon, and a ring across the sky, probably just a few degrees off from the equatorial line.
Perhaps we could name the moon Accord and the ring The Shards of Strife (formerly the moon Discord)...Perhaps there's a myth in there somewhere concerning how the two collided with Accord being so harmonious that it survived the collision intact while Discord shattered into millions of bits due to its discordant make-up, forming the Shards of Strife...Just an idea... Kwint

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

'ripvanwormer' wrote:
Do you think Shemmy would let us steal Karesh from the Methikus sar Telmuril story? 'Cause I think it actually fits really well recast slightly so that Karesh was in Thaera and Lord Marshal Aralar II, Duke of Verinshen was an ally of the Harmonium in the days of their conquest of the Thaeran Empire.
So did Shemmy give the go-ahead to use these place names? Kwint

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
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'kwint' wrote:
'ripvanwormer' wrote:
Do you think Shemmy would let us steal Karesh from the Methikus sar Telmuril story? 'Cause I think it actually fits really well recast slightly so that Karesh was in Thaera and Lord Marshal Aralar II, Duke of Verinshen was an ally of the Harmonium in the days of their conquest of the Thaeran Empire.
So did Shemmy give the go-ahead to use these place names? Kwint

Be my guest Smiling

It wasn't originally my intention to place Karesh on any specific world, but with the work you guys have done lately, the idea of having it in Thaera has grown on me *grin*

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

'ripvanwormer' wrote:
The one in the lower left should be the Ocean of Fogs, I think. We could go the alliterative route and have the other two be the Ocean of Foam (in the center) and the Ocean of Fevers (in the lower right).

I was trying to think of words that related to the idea of harmony, but I kept coming up with things like Passive and Tranquil and there's already a Pacific Ocean and a Sea of Tranquility.

I'd recommend that the area around The Fogs be the Sea of Fogs as opposed to the Ocean of Fogs as I think it better describes that part of that particular ocean Puzzled ...You know, something akin to the Sargosso Sea in the Atlantic...I agree, though, that the Oceans and Seas/Gulfs/Bays need to be named, at least those near lands that have been named...

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
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For that beholder city on the edge of the province - the one that's actually less xenophobic than the others:


The beholders are still a xenophobic people, and the rough mountains help keep other peoples from penetrating too far within their traditional territories. On the southern edge of the province lies the main center of provincial trade in Keln’in, one of the few beholder cities with a high percentage of non-beholder residents. Perched on a carved shelf in a cliff lies a large gleaming city of humans, dwarves, and orcs has built itself up into the slope of the cliff. This city subsides mostly on trade though the port at the foot of the cliff and services that tend to the needs of the beholder city located within the cliff.

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
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'Clueless' wrote:
For that beholder city on the edge of the province - the one that's actually less xenophobic than the others:


The beholders are still a xenophobic people, and the rough mountains help keep other peoples from penetrating too far within their traditional territories. On the southern edge of the province lies the main center of provincial trade in Keln’in, one of the few beholder cities with a high percentage of non-beholder residents. Perched on a carved shelf in a cliff lies a large gleaming city of humans, dwarves, and orcs has built itself up into the slope of the cliff. This city subsides mostly on trade though the port at the foot of the cliff and services that tend to the needs of the beholder city located within the cliff.

Is this city on the coast, possibly in one of the three inlets to the west of the Harmony's Glory penninsula's northern isthmus?...

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
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'ripvanwormer' wrote:
Actually, we could combine my ideas with Gerzel's if that's okay.

Right I've been working a bit more on it and will try to give a blend. Now remember the eight jewels are not the only worlds the harmonium controls. They are only the eight most productive and stable. THe backbone of the harmonium if you will. They are also not the only integrated worlds but they are the oldest each at least a century old, with most closer to two. Integral itself is nearly 300 years old as a colony in the Harmonium, joining before the War of Iron.

I have considered that the eight jewels might be the eight worlds that joined the Harmonium before they invaded the abyss or as they were invading contributing troops and matirials to the effort. I dunno.

Intagril could be the world of intelligent plants (which could still be called Synthesiates). It might have other races too.

Sorry Rip, but I claim dibs on intagril. Actually I already have some plans in the works for Integril, and really would like to claim it as my baby for the time being. Though I still think there is plenty of room for your world.

Anoc could be the world of the spiky red lichen, or that could be Lucidia.

I would like the lichen to be on Lucidia. It just strikes me to fit better. Anoc on the other hand I would put as the world of intelligent plants.

"Iotia" could be Anara. I'd rather use Gerzel's name.

Hmm... Just not sure myself on the whole world of mimicy thing. Puzzled However if you want to handle the write up for Anara Rip I have no problems with it.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
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Re: Perch

I'd been looking at tucked into that pennisula up to the east of Harmony's Glory - but looking at the map again, yeah - I think tucked on the west side may be better. Better proximity to Han by road and boat.

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
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'Clueless' wrote:
Re: Perch I'd been looking at tucked into that pennisula up to the east of Harmony's Glory
Ya, that's where I put it on my map after my first (very quick) reading of your post...but then I re-read it and...

'Clueless' wrote:
- but looking at the map again, yeah - I think tucked on the west side may be better. Better proximity to Han by road and boat.
...noted that you said it was in the south, thus the question...I would think there would be a similar city in that eastern gulf for trade with the east, just as Perch is well placed for trade to the west... Kwint

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
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Aye, most likely. Smiling

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
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Here is some more info with DM Darks and stats on Enoril the bard written up earlier in this thread.

The Elves: Enoril visited the elven lands many times as a child with his father, and never lost touch with the elves. He did his best to argue against the war with the elves but at that time was almost a lone voice in a hurricane of others. Once the war started he took a personal oath of pacifism and refused to aid the armies by going to war with them, but did not forsake the cause of Harmony. As the final slaughter of the elves began he worked to help evacuate them to their hidden retreats saving thousands of lives.

He believed in Harmony but could never get over the destruction and abuse of the elves, and kept a meticulous secret record of the atrocities, one volume of which is still hidden in his secret study under his home near the campus of the Collage of the Chorus. He also took certain steps to make sure the Harmonium would never be able to forget the wrong they did. When he left the campus for the last time he left to meet the surviving elves now living in the realm of air in their hidden realms and retreats. There he began a ritual to transcend his mortal form.

Secret Libraries: Enoril not only kept records of the destruction of the elves. He also gathered tomes and information that was outlawed by the Harmonium and secreted them away to several secret libraries hidden throughout Ortho. The largest of these is deep underground accessed through a cave mouth opening near his birthplace, containing over ten thousand tomes of various sorts. Not all of the tomes are outlawed, and many of them are magical. A much smaller library is under his home mentioned before, near the campus of the Collage of the Choir, and is known of and used to this day by a small secret group of professors and trusted students. Each of the libraries are cloaked from scrying and most are also disguised to appear normal with no telltale dark spots on scrying and other divinations. Most of the libraries have a small cell of keepers working without knowledge of the location of the other libraries for the most part.


Bard: 10
Virtuoso: 10
Epic Virtuoso: 10

Str: 6(-2), Dex: 8[14](+2), Con: 7[11](+0), Int: 20(+5), Wis: 18(+4), Cha: 33[41](+15)

Levels gained during each age category.
Young(1-18), Middle(19-24), Old(25-27), Venerable(28+)

Feats: Persuasive*, Trustworthy*, Alluring*, Lingering Song*, Obscure Lore*, Extra Music*, Green Ear*, Subsonics*, Epic Spellcasting, Ranged Inspiration, Lasting Inspiration, Ranged Inspiration, Music of the Gods, Inspire Excellence, Epic Inspiration

Spells Known
0th: Detect Magic, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Prestidigitation, Read Magic
1st: Ambient Song*, Expedious Retreat, Identify, Joyful Noise*, Message
2nd: Cure Moderate Wounds, Detect Thoughts, See Invisibility, Suggestion, Tongues
3rd: Blunt Weapon*, Clairaudiance/Clairvoyance, Healthful Slumber*, Hymn of Praise*, Scrying
4th: Break Enchantment, Cure Critical Wounds, Harmonic Chorus*, Legend Lore, Listening Coin*
5th: Contact Other Plane, Dream, False Vision, Greater Dispelling, Improvisation*
6th: Geas, Greater Scrying, Mass Suggestion, Plane Shift

*Song and Silence

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Just to let y'all know, I'm bringing all my thoughts on Province #17 (Gelidahl - The Last Province) into focus and trying to finish up some kind of write-up by the end of the coming week-end...Basically, it's a province that just jumped from Colony to Province status in the last fifty years, with an economy based on Whaling & Fishing and Mining (mostly gold) and contains underground gulags/re-education centers [The Love Camps] in the far south that mine starmetal (Adamantine and Mithril?) from a meteor (or portions of the Shards of Strife?) that plummetted to Ortho long ago...Something akin (boy do I love this word) to Alaska meets Rura Penthe...

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Returning to naming the oceans and seas of Ortho, I thought I'd take Rip's idea of where they are and apply it to a map...In the map below, I've identified the three oceans (large Numeral I through III) as per Rip, and then divided those into obvious oceanic seas (letters A through L)...Rip has suggested Ocean III be designated the Ocean of Fogs, but I disagree as I think that Fog describes but a small portion of that body of water...For further info concerning that interaction and suggestions, go here...Any suggestions?...

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

I'll admit as we come up with names for some of these things I'm likely to yank out my Latin book and offer 'Latinized' versions of some of these. We've got a fairly large number of description based names creeping up ('The something of something', or adjective style names.) And I don't want people to start getting the impression that the people of Ortho are obsessed with possessive nouns and adjectives.... Eye-wink

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

I think a larger region can be named after a smaller but memorable feature within it. The Pacific Ocean isn't very passive, for example, but it seemed so on the particular day that an explorer named it, and the name stuck. To give other examples, the Indian Ocean borders other lands beside India and the Atlantic Ocean borders continents other than Atlantis (in fact, the Atlantic Ocean is named after a land that only exists in legend).

A place called the Fire Bogs doesn't have to be entirely engulfed by flame all the time; if parts of it occasionally explode, that's enough to tag it with that name. A place called the Forest of Serpents could have large serpent-free areas; if it has a yuan-ti lair within it, that could be enough to get the whole forest associated with snakes.

Similarly, if one ocean has a large, perpetually misty area, and other oceans don't have areas like that, then calling that whole body of water the Sea of Fogs (or a Latin equivalent, like Mare Obscurium) isn't out of line.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

*headtilt* I'm not *against* those sort of names - did I say I was against them? *looks confused*

I just want to aim for a good mix - English based names (Like, Ocean of Peace), as well as names clearly from older languages, (Like, Pacific Ocean). Something to give variety on the tongue and in the ear, as well as imply a depth to the naming of things. Hence - the comment re: hauling out my Latin book. After all - these land and sea masses have been around far longer than the Harmonium.

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

'Clueless' wrote:
*headtilt* I'm not *against* those sort of names - did I say I was against them? *looks confused*

I just want to aim for a good mix - English based names (Like, Ocean of Peace), as well as names clearly from older languages, (Like, Pacific Ocean). Something to give variety on the tongue and in the ear, as well as imply a depth to the naming of things. Hence - the comment re: hauling out my Latin book. After all - these land and sea masses have been around far longer than the Harmonium.

I'm all for making some up randomly. After all "Why is this place called dragon bay if it has no dragons?" can be the start of a good adventure.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

'Clueless' wrote:
*headtilt* I'm not *against* those sort of names - did I say I was against them?

Did someone say you said you were against them? I didn't mean to imply that they had, or that you did, or that you said they said you said you did for that matter (and here I smile at my own linguistic obtuseness).

I was actually arguing with Kwint.

'Kwint' wrote:
...Rip has suggested Ocean III be designated the Ocean of Fogs, but I disagree as I think that Fog describes but a small portion of that body of water.

Oh, how I argue!

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Clueless, I notice in the latest version of the pdf that you refer to Province #17 as Uninhabited Polar Land...Do you truly feel that it should be uninhabited, cause if you do, well, in the end, Ortho's your baby...I'd just question why an uninhabited land would hold provincial status...

Clueless's picture
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Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places


Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

I'd actually not expected it to have province status - I'd labeled it #17 just so anyone referring to it wanting to put things in that area (like the Goddess Stone) could have a convinient handle for it. But I'm liking the idea being kicked around of having that area be a cold as heck mining and gulag area - so province it is as far as I'm concerned and no one objects. Eye-wink

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

So then is Harmony's Glory one of the provinces, with three reps in the Council of Ortho?...I guess I was confused by it being labeled Area #0, with the 17 other numbered Areas being the provinces...Harmony's Glory as the District of Columbia so to speak, no direct representation yet ruled by the Federal Government...

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Remember - numbers do not imply province. Numbers were a good way to address sections of the world without names. That they all turned into provinces is lucky happenstance. Harmony's Glory is like DC. No reps.

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

'Clueless' wrote:
Remember - numbers do not imply province. Numbers were a good way to address sections of the world without names. That they all turned into provinces is lucky happenstance. Harmony's Glory is like DC. No reps.

The reason for my confusion is the following quote from the pdf:

The Council of Ortho
The Lower House of Ortho’s world government is referred to as the Council of Ortho. It is a representative council that passes laws and determines provincial governmental projects and budgets for the entire planet. The council consists of three representatives from each province, for a grand total of fifty one representatives.

If Harmony's Glory and #17 are not considered provinces with representation (as was considered prior to the Gulags and Mines Polar Region idea sprang up), then there would be 48 reps in the Council of Ortho and not the 51 the passage indicates...Thus, I figured there must have always been 17 provinces (plus an unrepresented H.G.), even though Area #17 was described as 'Uninhabited Polar Land'...It just seemed to be illogical given all the data in the pdf...That said, I now understand what is and what is not a province and the 'history' of how that came to be on the boards and in the pdf Puzzled ...

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
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Also thereby proving I can't do math in my head. Eye-wink

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Well it could be that the artic southern continent isn't a province but still a holding because of its low population. Then again it could be one and other integrated colonies might be getting pissy if they are denied being provinces due to concerns over population.


kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

'Gerzel' wrote:
Well it could be that the artic southern continent isn't a province but still a holding because of its low population. Then again it could be one and other integrated colonies might be getting pissy if they are denied being provinces due to concerns over population.
I'll be goin' with the latter... Kwint

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

I've been perusing your Book of the Harmonium page, which is quite informative, and was wondering where exactly you picture the cities of Delastra, Steelgate and Threerivers lying and if you have detailed them further?...

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Colony Est Year Population Exports
(Harmonium) (Millions) (Yearly Avg)
Intagril 268 1760
30% Human 24% Elven
11% Kuotoa 9% Planetouched
8% Dwarf 8% Locanth
4% Orc 2% Dragon
2% Sea Elf 1% Gnol
1% Other
Anoc 314 484

Arcadia 273 3810

Meter 331 678

Lucidia 326 232

Fjorge 289 4201

Anara 412 741

Fallia 387 1205

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

'kwint' wrote:
Rip- I've been perusing your Book of the Harmonium page, which is quite informative, and was wondering where exactly you picture the cities of Delastra, Steelgate and Threerivers lying and if you have detailed them further?... Kwint

No detail, no, but I tentatively placed them on the map I posted earlier:

Feel free to move them around if you want, of course.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

'Clueless' wrote:
Re: the moon question - let's asusme for the sake of familarity, that they have one - and the shattered remains of a second one forming a ring around the planet. So - that gives them a sum total of signifigant astronomical entities: two suns, a moon, and a ring across the sky, probably just a few degrees off from the equatorial line.

I like this idea. If the suns are Law and the moons are Chaos, the shattering of one of the moons would represent a disruption to the primal balance between the two forces, forcing Chaos to fight in order to survive.

'Kwint' wrote:
Perhaps we could name the moon Accord and the ring The Shards of Strife (formerly the moon Discord)...Perhaps there's a myth in there somewhere concerning how the two collided with Accord being so harmonious that it survived the collision intact while Discord shattered into millions of bits due to its discordant make-up, forming the Shards of Strife...Just an idea... Kwint

I like that, too. Even if, originally, both the moons represented the chaotic side, the Harmonium may well name the surviving moon Accord as a propaganda device - the moon is now purged of its chaotic nature, as everything on this world has been.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

The Lord of Chaos: Destruction - has a scythe, SkyTorn - and a legendary association with the shards in the sky.

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Thought I'd pass this along to y'all...In my effort to figure out how big Province #17 is, I checked out a map at wikipedia of Antarctica, did some eyebal, pen and paper calculations and came up with some dimensions for the map below...First, the length (N-S) is roughly 2200 miles, the width at 60 degrees latitude is roughly 350 miles, at 70 degrees latitude is roughly 900 miles and at 80 degrees latitude is roughly 600 miles wide...This, of course, assumes that Ortho is the same size as the earth (is this the case?)...

note: the hash marks at the bottom of the map are 15 degrees of longitude each...

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Ortho: Nations, Provinces, People, Places

Just the start of a site

The Forest of J’hileos
A dark haunted place once revered by the elves, and now under a closely guarded quarantine.

The Forest of J’hileos is the site of an ancient Elvin temple complex built belowground and above of the living forest itself. Most of the forest has been clear-cut, cleansed and purified but the center temple complex and several outlying structures remain, despite the best efforts of the Harmonium.
The main site, the largest of the twelve quarantine areas lies on a hill with a depression at its northern end about eight miles from the limits of Ortho’s capitol city. The site is surrounded by a wall seventy feet high and at least as deep under ground made of solid granite blocks. The casing stones of the wall, on both sides, as well as below ground all have one of four protective runes carved into their outer surface and are polished. The wall has no gates or towers its crenellated top broken only by covered stone guard posts every eighth of a mile each with its own staircase down to the outside base. All freestanding structures permanent for more than a week within one half mile of the wall are required to be raised about one foot off the ground on a solid stone or fired-brick base. Most of the subsidized farmers in the area triple this requirement for their own homes.
I'll finish it later.

eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
The Burrowdogs

The Harmonium has controlled the entirety of the planet of Ortho for more than five hundred years. They write the histories, present tthe methods of law and proper culture, control all trade and travel, even dictate matters of religion to exclude all deities not acceptable to their creed. Their grip on authority is absolute.

Yet there are still rebels.

Some dissidents come from outside - Anarchists and other planars who seek to create unrest on the Harmonium's home ground. Others are native born, individuals who for whatever reason have chosen to oppose the Harmonium and its works. Against the combined forces of an entire world, these rebels are mere irritants, powerless - but still despised by the government for their actions. Among the most effective of these groups are the ones known as the Burrowdogs.

The Burrowdogs are not an organized group, but more of a diffuse movement - lone agents who have adopted similar tactics, methods and goals in their struggle against provincial and planetary authority. They seek to cause visible unrest and dissatisfaction, raising controversy and dealing out embarrasment as opposed to inflicting actual harm. The Burrowdogs know that their handful of agitators will never be able to affect a planetary government on their own - so they try to lampoon, humiliate and make laughingstocks out of the authorities and their messages. Success at this goal, they hope, will undermine the Harmonium and help to lead to a general uprising.

Burrowdogs are adept at stealth, at disguising themselves and spreading innuendo and subversive messages. Their methods are many and varied - some spread bawdy and vulgar rhymes that put down local rulers, others plant fake evidence of deeds that turn a region's potentates against one another, and yet others will prick the ego of the local police from hiding in order to create a widespread and heavy-handed retaliation against all the citizens of a district. Burrowdogs are generally not adept in the arts of combat or magic, and so are easy prey if discovered - but after all, if combat skills are required, a Burrowdogs has probably already failed at what she set out to do.

Burrowdogs can be found in most of Ortho's provinces, but are probably most common in the land of Motmurk, where harmony first arose from tyranny and is still closely linked to that form of rule. Humans, dwarves and members of other races living alongside the orcs are particularly susceptible to Burrowdog subversion, and the police forces of the province are poorly suited to deal with such agitation. Even determining that Burrowdog presence exists in a Motmurk city is difficult, usually requiring a broad and intrusive search - which is expensive and disruptive to daily business even if it works. This response alone is enough to guarantee the Burrowdogs at least a partial success in their work.

As a result, outside investigator specialists are sometimes called in when Burrowdog activity is suspected. Members from the Harmonium's planar branch have recently shown more success than others in such efforts, possibly due to their broader viewpoints - a result that has been noted, and led to even non-members recommended by Harmonium officials being hired for investigative work.

As a result, searching for Burrowdog presence in a city on Ortho can be very rewarding work, both in hard cash and in favors owed by high-ups. It can also be quite risky. Local authorities and police will resent outsiders' presence in their bailiwick, may attempt to hinder or pre-empt any investigation, and if the Burrowdogs are caught will almost certainly try to take the credit for themselves and dispose of the criminals in a most unpleasant and visible manner. And the Burrowdogs themselves are certainly not incompetent or easily caught. All in all, hunting Burrowdogs is an experience best left to the professionals.

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